If the shed's a rocking

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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This was a request from a top tier patron. Something a bit different, kinda sweet, big sweet guys reflecting on lives well lived and just learning to enjoy each other. I really liked writing it and I got to use species I haven't done much with.

Side note I am just about finished editing my new orc ebook, so will be looking to publish that soon.

April, a wonderful time of year, spring has sprung. The signs are everywhere that a growing world is not just waking it has woken. For Ernie, there was no sign of this greater than in his allotment. Unlocking the small padlock on the gate to his patch he could already see it. However, as the gate swung open his view was unobstructed. A path leading right to the other side of the small patch of land. Either side placed at regular intervals were his fruit trees. Cherry, plum, pear and apple. The cherry and plum were heavily laden with flowers, pink and white blossoms. His huge ears could hear the buzz of bees all busy working. It was a trade of sorts, he planted the trees they took the nectar and in return, Ernie got to feast on the delicious soft fruits.

The elephant considered himself a careful gardener. He rarely if ever used pesticides and never, no matter how bad the infestation, when his fruit trees were in bloom. It would be an absolute betrayal of this unspoken agreement with his insect partners. Besides, nature almost always provided her own solutions. You just had to know where to find them.

Stepping forward, the elephant lifted up his trunk to suck in the air. Sweet and full of floral fragrance. He gave a sigh of content and relief. There had been a late frost all week, and there had been threats of snow. Threats that had never been realised. While the ground had frozen, apparently it had not been severe enough to harm his precious trees. Reaching up a huge grey hand the old miner pulled a nearby branch closer, letting his trunk delicately inhale for a moment. Then he let it go satisfied, these blooms were alive and vibrant.

Checking on the plums next he came to the same satisfying conclusion. A one that spoke to a heavy summer harvest. If he could keep the birds at bay. Walking further he found the apple and pear trees were heavily budding. However, they tended to flower later and harvest even later still. Making for a long season of homegrown fruit from his trees. Those were just the start. He could see his blueberry, gooseberry, raspberry bushes were also starting to grow.

Walking on through the elephant picked up the pace making for the small shed at the far end of the allotment. It had a glass roof allowing it to double as a greenhouse, to some extent. It had cost a bit to install. However, the elephant figured that he had more than made up the cost for it with the money he saved from not needing to buy almost any fruit or vegetables for most of the year.

However, the allotment was far more to him than a source of food. It was his land, his own little acre of greenery in the middle of a concrete world. A small scrap of land rented alongside dozens of others. Some were messy, others were neat. Most grew plants and a few kept animals. Ernie got on well with everyone that rented land there. Sharing tips, tricks and often seeds and even produce. Trading his surplus for their surplus. No waste, no pesticides, and almost zero food miles.

That last part had not meant a thing to Ernie's father, or grandfather. They would scoff if they heard it. However, to Ernie, it had grown to mean something. The miner had worked on this plot since he first became a father. At the start, it had been for practical reasons. Elephant kids are not cheap to raise and there had been no surplus of food grown. His sons, Mason and Ronnie, as hungry growing pachyderms had devoured their way through his fruit and veg patch every year.

The retired elephant smiled to think of the summer harvests. Mason and Ronnie running around, their faces often stained with fruit juices. While his wife Betty would be laughing; her voice was musical, at least to Ernie. The trees were laden with fruits, plants full of vegetables and young kids full of both. For a moment Ernie paused at the entrance to his shed. His large ears seemed to hear the echoes of children's laughter. Happy times, before his sons had grown up and had lives of their own and before his beloved had been taken from him.

Inside the shed, the light was dimmed and the heavy dust danced in the sunbeams coming through the glass ceiling. He had set up a small solar panel a few years ago, a luxury his younger self would have loved. Electricity in his shed. Even if just enough to run a small light and tiny heater for a few hours after the sun went down, it was an indulgence. Switching on the small heater he chased away the tiny hint of chill left in the spring air. The elephant turned to his task. Picking up a watering can he filled it from a small water butt outside the shed. It was connected to a small gutter to collect rainwater. There was no plumbing either, so in the summer it was a vital source of water.

Trays of small seedlings sat in an array of propagators each one carefully named. Ernie had arranged them in the same order for over thirty years and could tell from their distinct leaf shapes and growth patterns what each one was. However, he still labelled them, in his surprisingly neat and precise handwriting. It was part of the ritual, one of many that he had.

Next week his annual delivery of horse manure would arrive, bought from local stables. The sweet smell of blossom would be replaced with something far more pungent, at least for a week or two. Fortunately, most of his neighbours in the allotment would be doing the same, so there would be no complaints for the fact things would smell a bit rural for a week or so. It would take a few days of heavy labour to dig the stinky mulch into the soil.

However, Ernie considered that his allotment helped keep him fit and able. A lot of his friends were really showing their age. Aside from his grey hair and the wrinkles around his eyes, he was looking pretty fit. He had a belly, but what elephant doesn't? His shoulders were still as broad as a barn and both his legs and arms were firm with muscles. Muscles built from decades of hard work. His hands were gentle but held the calluses and scars of providing for his wife and children all his adult life.

With the seedlings watered, Ernie was about to turn to his next task. The first weeding of his vegetable patch; when his ears heard his gate closing. It was not unusual for him to have visitors, he guessed it would be one of his allotment neighbours. Probably coming to see if he was up for a seed or seedling swap. Pushing the door of his shed open, his jaw dropped a little to see a familiar face and body wandering down his path.

Sid, a long time friend and one-time lover. The pig was his age and had also lost his wife several years ago. However, the similarities ended there. Sid had spent years working on the docks building ships. He had picked up a rather more forthright attitude than the quiet elephant. While Ernie was more or less in shape, Sid was quite more rotund and yet filled with so much energy and passion Ernie often felt like he was ten or twenty years younger than he seemed.

The pig had introduced him to some of the pleasures of having male friends with open minds and comfortably stretched rumps. "Ah! I thought I'd find you hiding out here!" Sid exclaimed with a cheeky grin, despite the accusatory words.

"I'm not hiding. It's spring, there's a lot to do. Fruit and veg don't just grow by magic," snorted the elephant in response. However, he did smile to see his friend again.

"Not magic, but it ain't exactly rocket science is it, you put the seed in the dirt, add water, and wait." Laughed the pig as he reached the shed door, his portly form framed against the sunlight behind him.

Ernie winced to hear such things. There was a tiny grain of truth to it, but only a tiny grain. "There's a lot more to it than that if you want healthy plants and good crops."

"Eh, that's what farms and supermarkets are for," the pig shrugged as he walked inside. Without a word of invitation, the porcine visitor sat down on one of two wooden chairs placed on either side of a small table in the darker side of the shed. "You know, if you moved these over to under the glass, we could sit in the sun and have a chat."

"Maybe, but my seedlings wouldn't grow very fast and later on I put my grow-bags there with my toms, aubergines and a few other bits and bobs that don't grow well outside," the elephant explained patiently. "It's an allotment shed, not a summer house. Plus the stuff they sell in those supermarkets are coated in chemicals, and most of them aren't even grown in this country."

"Well, I never was that patriotic and chemicals is good for you, we're all just made of chemicals," chuckled the pig. Ernie got the feeling his friend was just looking to tease him.

"My fruit and veg tastes better..."

"Oh I'm not going to argue with you there, I seem to recall your fruit and veg tasting mighty fine. They felt good too," the irascible pig cut in, his eyes drifting down to the elephant's crotch and then he gave a lascivious wink.

"That's not what I meant," the elephant muttered blushing deeply, and then he sighed. "You want a brew?" He asked, usually he didn't use the precious electricity for the kettle, but he knew how to be a host.

"I wouldn't say no," the pig replied with another cheery smile.

"Powdered milk I'm afraid. No fridge or anything here," the elephant muttered as he grabbed a large bottle of water he kept for just this purpose and used it to fill the small travel kettle he kept in the shed.

"I'll live. Four sugars please," Sid replied quickly. "I'm surprised you keep this place up, you must have so much fruit and veg going to waste."

"No waste!" Ernie cut in a little sharper than he intended. "No waste," he repeated softer. "Mason and Ronnie always want some and there's plenty of folks who appreciate homegrown stuff. It's all the rage with the young uns these days. Zero food miles and that."

"Ah, so you are saving the planet huh?" Sid asked a little defensively.

"Just... doing my bit, I suppose," mumbled the old elephant. "You know my last few years working in the old Malty mine I wasn't actually doing the mining. I was in charge of the restoration." The elephant noticed the slightly blank look on the pig's face. "I wasn't blowing coal out of the ground; I was planting trees and stuff in the hole we made." He explained patiently. "I liked it more than the actual mining. I mean yeah, there was always a thrill when you set the explosives and stuff. However, I liked having a chance to make things green again. It was good to be able to tell the grandkids that I didn't just spend my entire life digging up coal. I helped put some stuff back and..."

The elephant trailed off. It was hard to explain, the world was not the world it had been when he was young. Every day there was a news article, a new report or expose on climate change. As a quiet contemplative man who spent his entire life digging up coal, it was hard not to get ground down by the constant headlines saying what his generation had done to the world. A few years ago he'd taken his kids back to the site where the old mine had been. He had felt pride in showing them the forest grandpa had made.

"I hear you," Sid said, his voice serious for once. "It's not like I don't think of that myself. I mean it's not like we knew or anything. We took jobs, they was good jobs and we did them well. We raised up some good kids and did our best, that's all a man can do. Now, it's their turn and hopefully, they know more than we ever did and will make the right choices."

For a moment there was no sound but the soft hiss of the kettle starting to boil. Then a soft click as it turned off. The click seemed to break through the tension of the moment and Ernie sprung into action pulling two teabags out of an old coffee tin and putting them into a small teapot. "Just got to let it mast a little." He said as he settled in on the chair opposite the pig.

"Ain't nothing little about your mast," chuckled Sid, with another sly wink that reminded Ernie that he knew the exact size of his mast. The elephant blushed deeply again, the shy pachyderm was unable to respond. "I haven't seen you around much lately. You been taking my advice and getting yourself out there?"

"I... have tried a bit," the elephant replied hesitating slightly. "I downloaded an app for my phone."

There was a deep groan from the pig and a shaking his head, "oh no, how did that go?"

Ernie shrugged, "honestly it's been... uncomfortable."

"Let me guess, a few insults about your age and or waistline from random people and a few guys way too into your age and very forward about calling you grand-daddy. Along with a bunch of guys who think that hello is spelt with a picture of their penis as a full stop?" Sid asked with a chuckle.

"That... about covers the range, yes," Ernie replied, as he poured out the tea into two clean tin mugs and spooned in some powdered milk and sugar.

"Yeah, those apps are full of just horny guys with no social skills. Not saying they can't be fun, I mean I have had some fun with a few hook-ups on there," the pig admitted, although his tone was without the smallest hint of shame. "There was this thirty-year-old yoga instructor I met on there, damn that boy bent into some really fun positions."

Ernie chuckled at his friend, "sounds like fun was had."

"Fun was had, he was had, I was had many times," confirmed the pig with a snort. "Not so sure that's the sort of thing you are looking for though. I mean... if it is let me know I'll give him your number and tell him I highly recommend a ride on your lower trunk."

"Thanks... " Ernie stared at his mug of tea for a while before leaning forward and lowering his voice, as if they could be overheard. "Can I ask, does it...bother you the thought of doing it in your bed with someone other than your Paula?"

Sid gave a sharp intake of breath and then he nodded, "at first, a bit. I actually got a new bed and had the room redecorated, feels normal now. Paula told me she didn't want me sitting around moping alone after she's gone, and I know her, she'd be happy that I'm happy."

The elephant thought on that response for a moment, "I guess, I could use a new bed anyway. New mattress too." In his mind, he thought of where he could move the pictures of his late wife. If he was to have others sleeping there, well it felt wrong to have her image there watching. He could only assume it would put off most guys to have that image right there too.

The pig opposite drank his overly sweet tea and looked around. "So... shed in the middle of nowhere, all quiet and peaceful. You and Betty ever get frisky in here?"

Blushing Ernie shook his head, "naw, mostly this was my fortress of solitude, my place. Betty only came here to help with harvesting.

"Ah," the pig said and Ernie saw the grin on the pig's face broadening. "So it totally wouldn't feel weird for you, if you bent me over this table and gave me a good hard railing?"

"Sid! You are a subtle as a brick to the forehead," snorted the elephant, yet he could not help but admit he was feeling something tingling lower down. It had been a while since his last encounter with the pig and since then there had been nothing but his own grey hands and often blue balls.

"Subtly is for those young enough to have time to waste. I'm too old to go gently seducing guys or girls, or couples. I only got so many good lays left in me." Laughed the pig as he started to move the cups off the table and Ernie felt the tingle growing in his pants. "You ain't exactly got endless years left neither. Plus, ah ain't daft. I can see that bulge growing. Now you're a gardener, so it's time to prove your green fingers by ploughing me like a farmer's field and planting your seed good and deep."

Ernie winced at the awful lascivious use of metaphor. However, he had to admit the idea seemed enticing. It had been far too many decades since his wife had been frisky enough to do something as carefree. He also knew Sid was right, they both only had so many years left where they could throw caution to the wind. Sid's hand reached down to stroke the bulge in his pants and he found himself moaning softly. "I suppose, I can always do some weeding later," he admitted.

"Atta boy," chuckled the pig leaning in a little. Ernie's trunk lifted on instinct and their lips met. Ernie moaned softly as he reached out to gently caress the pig's rotund frame. There was something wonderfully reassuring about it, maybe because of his own species' natural tendencies to take up space. It was familiar and at the same time strange and exotic. Their tongues met and wrestled against one another, Sid's starting to press in dominantly. Only for the elephant to push back, taking control and invading his friend's mouth. His trunk curled around the pig's head, holding him in place as they kissed.

His grey fingers moved to the buttons on Sid's very crumpled jacket. Popping them one by one as their tongues continued to wrestle against each other. His heart beginning to race, Ernie's pants felt almost unbearably tight. A blessing and curse for those of his species. Able to stand proud before even equines, but at the same time popping wood was both embarrassing and painful if you had to keep it constrained.

Fortunately for Ernie, there was nothing constrained about Sid's desires. The porcine was as subtle in these tender moments as he was at all other times. A few caresses and then the pig's fingers were tugging at the elephant's flies. Popping the buttons slowly, but only due to the fact they were fiddly to undo at the best of times. Their kiss was broken, "damn it, mate. Haven't you heard of these new-fangled things called zips?" The pig grumbled as the elephant chuckled.

Laughing, Ernie pushed Sid back a step, the pig sat down on the table, which groaned under his weight. "I have, but I always preferred buttons." The elephant chuckled as he popped the buttons on his jeans. "I ain't like your normal hook-ups, mate. I'm a classy bloke, you got to earn it with me."

"You say as you whip it out on a single come-on and a quick snog," retorted Sid with a broad grin and a wink. "Besides, I am a classy bloke too, I mean it's all low class, but I got bags of it. Now, gardener man, show me your best cucumber." Ernie rolled his eyes and could not help but chuckle as the pig stressed the cum part of the word cucumber.

"You're incorrigible," he snorted, but he pulled his jeans down, his impressive length already poking through the flies on his large black boxers.

"And you need a lot of that in your life, mate," Sid replied with a wink and a smile. His mischievous eyes twinkled at the sight of his friend's large endowment. "Damn, you don't get many of them to the pound, now do you?" Once more the old joke made the elephant roll his eyes. However, he felt the heat of a blush on his cheeks and gave a soft moan as two eager hands reached between his thighs.

Rough fingertips, from decades of hard work on the docks. Nevertheless, Sid clearly knew how to touch another man. Years of practice no doubt. Possibly decades. Ernie knew that Sid and his wife had been known to enjoy the company of others. However, any thoughts of the past slipped from his mind as a rough thumb ran over his glans softly. The tip teasing around his coronal ridge. "There, you like that, don't ya, mate?" Sid's voice was much softer than usual. Soft and yet somehow far more intense than his normal acerbic good-humoured flirting. His Geordie accent coming through even stronger as the pig focussed on the meat before him.

Ernie gave a deep moan, and a gasp as Sid's other hand pushed inside his sweaty boxers and he felt his nuts being stroked and cradled, "don't get many of those fruits for the pound down the grocers either, mate." The elephant chuckled as he began to relax under his friend's expert touch.

"No ya, div not," agreed the pig as his fingers continued to caress the grey length. Both of them were whispering, even though they knew there was no chance of anyone overhearing. "Though my grocer has some nice plums and his cucumber ain't bad either," Sid added, with another wink. Ernie opened his mouth to reply only for Sid to shut him up with a liberal application of mouth and tongue.

The only sound that escaped Ernie's lips was a deep guttural moan of pleasure. As a thick and strong, well-experienced tongue lapped over his glans and then his cock slid into the wonderful warmth of a willing maw. As the pig pressed down and he felt inch after inch sinking into the wonderful warmth, Ernie groaned out, "fuck, now that feels proper grand." An exclamation that got a slight chuckle, muffled by the thick grey length.

Despite his protestations that he had no time for subtlety or seduction, the pig suddenly seemed to have all the time in the world. Ernie stood there panting as the pig's head moved at near glacial speeds, sliding agonizingly slowly up and down on his needy cock. Kissing the tip with each languid bob, as his mouth pulled off. Then taking it once more into his mouth, sliding down until at least half of it was in his mouth. Ernie could feel the tip pressing to the back of his friend's throat.

The urge to thrust grew by the second. Ernie was never sure what he should do in moments like this. His friend's length was far too distant for him to return the pleasure. Thrusting seemed impatient, or worse ungrateful. It was a rare thing to have someone taking such good care of his member and he certainly wanted to be clear he was grateful for it all. So he stood there, his eyes focussing on the seedlings on the other side of the shed. Reading their labels as he tried to hold back from getting close. He wanted the pleasure to last.

Slowly, the pig's movements increased in tempo. The suction increased and the porcine's tongue began to work his length more. He felt the telltale pressure of a mouth swallowing around his cock and groaned in delight to know his precum was being drunk. His grey fingers were suddenly in his friend's wiry hair. Ernie's hips were starting to thrust. Slow at first, then he heard the lustful moans from his lover and he felt his normal ironclad control starting to slip.

Wet slurping sounds echoed around the small shed. The elephant's motions were enough to make those seedlings shiver in their trays. Sid never wavered though, his lips remained resolutely sealed around his lover's cock. Ernie gasped and panted and then as he felt himself getting close he panted out, "Ah...am gonna cum." The elephant paused his hand twitching, expecting the mouth to vanish from around his cock. He was ready to finish himself off.

Only, Sid clearly had other plans. As Ernie paused, Sid came to life. His head thrusting forward and down rapidly, stuffing as much thick pachyderm cock into his mouth as he could fit. Increasing the suction, his hand on Ernie's fruits giving gentle encouraging tugs. Ernie was unable to hold back, he took a deep breath and felt himself passing the point of no return. He blew the breath out his trunk, trumpeting loudly in an embarrassingly feral sound that he hoped none of his allotment neighbours would hear.

His cock throbbed and his balls twitched. While Sid's hungry mouth squeezed down on his length. He gasped and looked down to watch as his friend sucked every last drop of his cum out, and the pig was swallowing it all with his face contorted in absolute bliss. He gave another animalistic blast through his trunk as he watched his glistening grey length slipping in and out of the pig's lips.

Eventually, he heard a soft wet pop as Sid pulled his mouth off the elephant cock. "There, now, we have formally christened your garden shed. Though, ah hope you've got another round in those big old fruits."

Feeling flushed, Ernie sat down heavily in his seat, the wooden furniture cold against his naked rump. "Aye, just give me a few minutes. I'm no spring chicken or thirty-year-old yoga instructor." He mumbled softly as he felt the warmth of the afterglow heating him up and keeping away any hints of the chill spring morning.

"Naw, you're better," the pig retorted with a smile. Though he did not follow up with any details as to how; Ernie did feel better to hear it. Somehow when he was with the pig, and his cock was dripping and happy, he felt half his age. Just hearing Sid's cheery voice and promise of more fun to follow was enough to give him a second wind that his younger self would have found surprising. His thick length rebounding back to hardness in a way it had not done since he was in his twenties. "Well, fuck, you got some stamina. Still, ah shouldn't be so surprised. You spent all yer life drilling things, so you are probably the best at it. Bet you could teach them young studs a thing or ten."

"Alright, no need to stroke my ego that much," Ernie muttered, once more feeling the blush on his grey cheeks.

"It wasn't your ego that I was just stroking," laughed Sid with a wink that managed to concentrate a dozen lewd thoughts into a single gesture. However, with a dip into his pocket, the pig produced something that said very succinctly what he was thinking. A packet of magic glide lube. A brand used by the larger furs, it was no surprise to the old elephant to see his friend had come fully prepared.

Taking the packet, Ernie paused for a moment. "How do you want to do this, face up or face down?"

"Oh, what a charmer, I am a delicate flower I'll have you know. You think my pants will come down that fast?" Snorted the pig with mock affront.

"Yes," Ernie replied simply and flatly and they both chuckled a little. "Sorry, mate, I'm still new at this. So just my delicate flower, stop bloomin taking the piss and ..."

"Start taking the dick?" Sid cut in with another smirk, as he stood up and his pants were pulled down. "I think, on my back, if this table will hold my weight."

"It will... probably," Ernie replied honestly unsure. He had made the table over twenty years ago. It was solid wood and well cared for. However, it was never intended to take the weight of an elderly, rotund porcine fellow.

"Good enough for me, like," snorted Sid as he sat his pink naked ass back down on the wood. His own erection no match for the elephant, although there was a certain thickness to the shaft, enough to make anyone squeal.

Ernie had to admit he liked this kind of position. Seeing the face of his lover as he slipped inside turned him on. Plus it felt more intimate, there was eye contact and that really helped him feel connected and wanted. He moaned softly as he spread the slick lube up and down his shaft. He could hardly believe he was about to fuck another man for the second time. Though the fact it was Sid helped. He was a friend, and not just some horny guy he had met online.

Two chunky legs spread wide and he stepped between them. Using his hand to guide himself in carefully. One grey hand reached out and gently pulling the porcine's chubby cheeks apart. His target was found quickly and ever an efficient man, Ernie slipped his meat between the pig's buttocks and right up to his entrance.

"Er... like I might not be a delicate flower, but go slow... at first," Sid cut in, and while Ernie could still hear the desire in his friend's voice, he noted the sudden slight serious tone. It was understandable, and Ernie knew that his gifted endowment should be bestowed slowly and at a pace his lover could accommodate. It was both good manners, and good sex. He nodded his understanding, not saying anything.

For a moment the elephant paused and closed his eyes, just feeling the heat around his cocktip. Hearing the soft panted breaths of his lover. His trunk filled with the scent of their lust. While his loins burned and begged him to sink deep into the warmth of his lover. His grey hands stroked gently up and down Sid's thighs enjoying the warmth and contact, just feeling the presence of another person. After so many days and nights alone feeling someone, there was a delight to be savoured.

However, Sid's patience was clearly no match for the elephant as he mumbled out, "you ain't fallen asleep have yer, mate? I said go slow, but I did say goOO!" The elephant put an end to his friend's complaints with a short sharp thrust of his hips. The pig's ring stretching easily around his thickness. Sid's rump was well trained and Ernie groaned at the feeling of heat, and tightness as the porcine's depths seemed to squeeze around him almost as if trying to pull him deeper.

Ernie gave his lover a second or two to adjust and then bucked his hips once more. Gasping at the tightness and warmth surrounding more of his shaft. Opening his eyes he looked down to see his friend's face twisted in pleasure. Mouth agape, tongue hanging limply. If only he could make Sid do that without having to fill him, Ernie mused with a smile. Before thrusting again, working almost half of his cock into his lover. "You need me to st..."

"Go... fucking go!" Sid cried out loudly, and Ernie felt the pig pushing forward with his hips forcing the elephant deeper. Taking the instruction he thrust again, this time not pausing before thrusting more. Working his cock deeper and deeper with short sharp thrusts, inch after thick inch was pressed inside his lover.

The two stopped speaking, their voices never stilled though. The shed echoed with the moans of passion and pleasure. Ernie felt himself slipping deeper into his lust, as he slid fully inside his friend. Feeling his heavy nuts resting against both his friend's ass and the cold wood of the table. The harsh contrast of soft warmth and cold hardness made the sensations somehow far more vivid.

Looking down he could see Sid's cock drooling precum where it bobbed with their every movement, unattended. Ernie's hands had a firm hold on the pig's thighs and he feared that if he moved them his friend might lose his balance. So he leant down a little and reached down further with his trunk. Hearing Sid swear in pleasure as the grey appendage curled around his length and gently stroked it. Smiling to himself the elephant knew this was an advantage only his species had.

Pulling back slowly, the elephant let his trunk play up and down his friend's thick length. As he felt every inch of his meat slipping free. The air of the stuffy shed feeling cold and crisp against the moist member. His hips trembled and his body quaked with the need to thrust back inside. He gave in to their demands. In one smooth motion, he thrust his entire length deep back inside his lover. His huge ears twitched as they drank up every moan, every sigh and every squeal of pleasure coming from his lover.

His nuts stung a little as they bashed on the table. However, his lusts were driving him and he knew that nothing would stop him until he emptied inside his lover. Ernie's trunk worked the pig's length with a dexterity most species were shocked by. Sid's musky scent dominated his every breath and clouded his mind. Thrusting again, and again he grunted loudly at the sensations running down his cock.

Ernie's balls slapped lewdly against his friend's ass. His grey hands lifting the pig's hips up just a little, to spare his nuts the sting of wood. He gasped as Sid clenched down around his invading length. Ernie could see the look on his friend's face and he recognised it, the face of a man utterly lost to lust and pleasure. Ernie knew that a similar look would be on his own face.

With each thrust, he felt himself drawing a step closer to the point of no return. Gritting his teeth he forced back the need. Letting his trunk redouble its efforts on Sid's cock. His friend might be far more experienced sexually. However, the elephant knew a trick or two and he was desperate to prove that he could last just as long as the pig. Sid's voice lifted up, a mixture of moans and curses as he swore like the docker he was. Ernie's ears picked up on the begging tone and he knew his lover was also drawing close.

Spreading his gait just a little and re-establishing his grip, the elderly elephant prepared his final assault. Summoning up every ounce of youthful vigour he could find he railed into his friend with utterly wild abandon. The table crashing hard into the shed wall, giving a loud thumping that echoed inside the shed and probably carried far out over the allotments. However, Ernie could not care a single fig for anyone who might hear them. At that moment the only thing that mattered was his and his lover's lusts and needs. Needs that he would meet.

With a deep squeal of pleasure Sid thrust up into his trunk and Ernie felt warm droplets raining down on his grey nose. While around his cock the pig's well-used ass was suddenly as tight as a silken vice. He trumpeted heavily lost to the moment. His body reacting to the challenge on pure instinct ramming his thickness in hard and fast, reaming out his friend's spasming depths. While he felt his thickness throb and ache as he painted his lover's insides with a liberal coating of elephant spunk.

With one last cry of pleasure, he stuffed every last inch inside Sid and then stood still, panting heavily. Feeling every drop draining inside the porcine's rump. Along with it seemed to go every ounce of energy he had left. Soon he felt his softening cock slip-free and he stepped back and sat down heavily on his chair, utterly spent.

"Damn... that was a proper fuck, mate," Sid moaned softly from his place on the table.

Ernie smiled tiredly, "that's what you came here for."

"Naw, I came to check on a mate I hadn't heard from in a while," the pig replied and the sudden seriousness in his tone caught Ernie off guard.

"Oh," the elephant replied, too shocked to say anything more. He sat in silence contemplating the last few months, while his cock drooled cum onto his shed chair. "I suppose I haven't been around much, winter's not easy."

Sid slipped off the table and back to his feet. He nodded and smiled with understanding. "I know what ya mean. There's night's when I'm alone and... I really feel it. Still got to keep getting out there. Life's for the living and if you ain't living it...well that's not good, mate. You know what I mean?"

"Well, I certainly think I lived it today," chuckled the elephant. "However, I take yer point, I'll be around a bit more. Of course, you are always welcome here, or at mine. If you ever feel the need."

Sid gave him a smile and nod of understanding, "aye, and it doesn't always have to be fucking." The pig spent a moment looking at the seedling before adding, "I mean just a good suck or trunk job would be fine." Ernie could not help but laugh out loud at that. Somehow his friend had given him what he did not even realise he needed. The pig picked up a tray of seedlings and held it out to him, "it's springtime after all. Time to plant anew for a fresh year and all that."

"Aye, lad," Ernie replied and then the gardener in him made him add. "However, those are sweetcorn seedlings, you plant them out before summer and they will be dead in a day or two."

Shrugging the pig put the seedling tray back down, "ok, you do the growing, I'll do the eating."

Ernie's eyes twinkled with mischief as he replied, "for you, I'm sure I will always have a good tasty cucumber." The pair burst out laughing, the sound echoing out across the allotment, while bees buzzed around the cherry and plum blossom.

I just published an Ebook of sexy orc story series, The books can be found at the links below.Thanks for reading

https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08L1XNTVS UK

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08L1XNTVS US

I have a patreon where I post all my stories at least 2 weeks prior to public posting, plus where I post a lot of WIP ebooks etc https://www.patreon.com/sisco

I've just published a new Novella available in both ebook and hardcopy (after a vote on twitter showed an overwhelming desire for a hardcopy to be available)

Amazon UK Ebook

Amazon UK Hard Copy

Amazon USA Ebook

Amazon USA hard copy

Smashwords version

My other novels and ebooks can also be found on Amazon and Smashwords

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