Greeny Blue

Story by nalldook on SoFurry

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I wrote this for Schmen / Nadra in Aug 2019: have some mutual TF-TG otterdragon twinning fun! Because sometimes you have to be otterdragons. (Or always. ^^)

The evening was drawing to a close. A hot and very sunny day, but a fun day out nonetheless, and Schmen continued to chat with Nall back and forth by phone after they'd headed their separate ways. Always fun to meet up when they could, and it added a nice touch to his holiday.

This carried on among other things until the sun was down and thoughts turned to sleep. Before that, Schmen was feeling the warmth of sunburn, and he spent time in the bathroom running cold water over legs and feet, giving them a rinse and a rub. Perhaps a bit late in the day, but it did feel good. A quick wash of face and hands, and then back to light chat before bed.

It'd only been a few minutes, but Nall had started chatting up a storm, there were pictures in there too, and Schmen had a look to see what this was about.

"Everything okay over there?

"Holy shit you have to see this"

Some sort of blurred photo of socks.

"okay no hold on"

Some line with typos and a couple of stickers that didn't seem relevant. Sometimes Nall got a bit silly, but there was usually a point behind it, and he couldn't quite follow it this time.

Two better photos turned up. One showed legs, except below the knee the skin seemed to shift into an iridescent greeny blue hide. Slim, long, they ought to have been stockings but the legs got thinner in a way that didn't seem to make sense. Feet too, long and broad with webbed toes and shiny black claws.

The second, well it was definitely Nall with his hair and colours, but the same colourful hide had taken over his face, cheeks and ears. Looked like a broad muzzle, small black nose. Otterlike, but a bit longer, sharper teeth, brighter eyes, the start of fins where ears might have been.

"My hands too, hey is it just me? Like it just happened now"

"Aaaaaaaa this is really a thing"

"Eee I think it's stopped though?"

"you still about?"

Once he'd caught up with the conversation, Schmen got back to him. They both enjoyed playing at turning into different creatures, but this seemed really elaborate and sudden, and he didn't imagine Nall would present manipulated photos like that without mentioning up front. Still, he had to ask:

"Is that for real??"

"honest I wouldn't make this up like this, unless someone's pranked me good somehow-

"I don't even know what happened we were just chatting and then my legs started being itchy-

"plus my face it's like I just got splashed with otter although it's not fuzz, not sure what it is-"

From that, Schmen had a weird idea as to what was going on. He went back into the bathroom, and turned on the shower, giving the back of his head a good splash. Within moments, Nall was updating:

"oh oh it's still going, my hair, my back, it's all kinda velvety and hard back there, hold on let me get a photo"

"Hold on, I think I've worked it out," replied Schmen, with a little grin. "I was washing my burns and my face and just now I got the back of my head. You're changing, right where I'm getting wet."

A pause.

"What, really? That's crazy!"

"I mean, it makes sense, well it doesn't, but you're turning into some kind of green alien otter so I think it's allowed to be-"

Schmen wasn't able to finish before his hands started to tingle, and he nearly dropped his phone in surprise. While he watched, green and blue covered his fingers, slightly shorter as webbing formed between digits. His palms were quite tough and fuzzy, and the backs of his hands sparkled as shiny black claws replaced fingernails.

"So, um, what about you? Anything unusual just happen?" asked Nall, not entirely sounding innocent. Schmen responded with a photo of his new otter paws, and Nall had some stickers of surprise and snuggles to come back with.

"So wait, we're turning into this when each other gets wet? What do we do?" he asked, but Nall was already in the middle of a reply.

"I think that leaves only one thing to do. Turn on your shower, pick a time, we both jump in at the same time. Get us wet all over. Gonna do this together. Sound good?"

It sounded ideal, and really exciting. Wow, what had caused this? He wasn't going to worry so much about that at the moment- it was a dream come true, he really wanted to see what was going to happen!

The shower was running, the bathroom was lovely and warm, and Schmen had a few minutes to wait until nine o'clock, which was the time he'd agreed with Nall. In the meantime he'd been trying to work out what they were becoming, from Nall's photos and his own paws. Otter, sure, but he couldn't quite work out the claws or the colours. Still, as his alarm sounded, there'd be plenty of time to work it out once they were both fully changed.

At nine, he stepped under the stream, and by the warm feeling down his head and back, so too must have Nall. Green and blue iridescence took over from hair and skin, clinging to his head and changing his ears. Soft fuzz, but firm under his hands, which made him think of scales; maybe that was it. An otterdragon? All over him there was change, his nose stretching and broadening, shiny otter muzzle with fins where ears were, short ears now higher up his head, firm darker scales down his forehead towards his nose. Smooth with a hint of velvet, ottery and dragony indeed.

Water ran down, continuing that blanket of felt scales, little ridges down his spine which became the growth of a tail; a squeak, a soft pull which became more urgent, a wide rudder mostly of the subtle greeny blue velvet, but with plate scales on top. Feeling his face, looking in the mirror, brushing down his new tail. Pretty amazing. Heart beating fast, a little blush somewhere too. Looked very cute. Arms long but thinner, nimble webbed digits and rugged pads with those claws that now made more sense. Similar happening to his feet, but larger; plantigrade, longer and wider paws, still webbed. The green and blue seemed to shift so it was like being the sea, arms out under the wet stream, as he turned and made sure to brush and clean and get everywhere wet, as elsewhere in the city Nall was hopefully having a very similar time.

As most of him was now an otterdragon, other changes started to creep in. He was getting smaller! At least a foot or so, looking at the shower taps, suddenly everything that much bigger. Not only that, but the shape of his body, the swell to his chest and hips, and when cleaning more intimate areas she found she was a girl dragon. Must be getting into her mind as well, it felt so right. Short, sleek, happy otterdragon girl. No change to the greeny blue shine down her belly, and her paws spending the extra time to get herself all wet so Nall would also be as complete as she. Extra time for fins and webbing, and her new tail, so nice to feel in place.

She stepped back out of the shower and onto the mat. Strangely, this wasn't her bathroom; it was nice, tile and metal and a little sea decoration, but it wasn't hers. Was it? Her head felt fuzzy for a moment, but then no, she realised this was her bathroom. The one she shared with her sister. Wait, that wasn't right-

The shower next to hers opened up, and out came a very similar otterdragon, stretching and rubbing her eyes, looking for one of the towels. Their eyes met. Realisation.

Her twin sister called out, "Nadra? What- how'd you get here?" As soon as she heard her name, that was settled; of course she was Nadra. Reality shifting around her, so strange. Now she knew her sister's name before their change, and so that's what she tried to use, but what actually came out of her mouth was:

"Naomi? I mean- this is really awesome but I think everything changed around us so now we're here."

"We live here. With our-"

"Our parents? At least until we can get a place of our own."

"Or if one of us meets someone sweet," teased Naomi, with a smile.

"It's like it's all fresh memories. Which I guess it is, if that's our life..." Nadra trailed off as she ended up with a big hug, her twin's tail wiggling as Naomi's head rested on her shoulder.

"Hey, I know our bodies and minds won't think it's anything special, and it's - oh, it's midnight now - and our folks will be unhappy if we do," began Naomi. "But can we go swimming? Secretly we know we've just changed into otterdragons and I want to try it out. Besides, it's an excuse to get us in swimsuits."

"Ah! Well, when you put it like that..." grinned Nadra, realising they have a few to choose from. "Can't resist you. Some good exercise before bed, though."

"Mmhmm. First dress-up, then some relaxing swim time."

Naomi held her hand, and led Nadra out of the steamy bathroom, off into a changed world that wasn't at all surprised by a pair of twin otterdragon girls. Here, they'd never been anything else...
