A Colorful Month 6

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#6 of A Colorful Month

Nor, rather stressed out from what happened with Deception, has a mini-breakdown. He goes looking for someone that can help him not think for a while.

Commissioned by Taiko

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A Colorful Month

Part 6

For Taiko

By Draconicon

Nor was all too happy to get back to the shared apartment that night. He liked to go between his apartment and Choin's, as a general rule, mostly because they weren't together on paper just yet, and he didn't want anyone to start getting ideas that he was too attached. That ship had probably sailed some time ago, but then again, most of the city considered him a slut that was there for the villains to nut in rather than someone that had the capacity to be with someone else. Nevertheless, he preferred to maintain the illusion of his own place and his own home, and would normally go back and forth between his place and Choin's.

That night, however, after everything that Deception had done, after the super-power blackout that Novus Ager had suffered, after everything that he had gone through, he rather needed to be with someone. During the day, while Choin was busy, he probably would have gone to Shore Guardian. Tonight, he needed his boyfriend.

The city was moving, changing, altering again, and the very fact that the annoying fluidity of Novus Ager had been restored was a balm to him. He felt more at home again, didn't feel like the city had been killed anymore. Someone had definitely stopped its heart for a moment, but then it had come back again.

That...that was too close...

Nor had known that the Council members were powerful, but Deception had ratcheted it up to a whole new level. He had thought that Murder would have been the worst that he could have encountered, but the fact that there was someone that could just lie and turn it into a truth? It meant that there were far worse things that she could have done. Or better.

Nor, you were never a hero, were you?

She could have turned him into a villain with that simple question, or tried to. That would have been horrifying, and it would have left him with so much guilt that he doubted he would have gotten over it anytime soon.

Choin, you were never in a relationship, were you?

Losing his panda, losing the connection that they had. This willful re-write of history and reality, the way that she could do it so casually, with just a phrase, was something that took her past even the most powerful super that Nor knew. She could just...twist things, and all she had to do was ask that little question to make it happen. It felt like it was impossible to fight, too.

He hoped she never came back. He hoped that she would fuck right off into the sun, quite honestly, but after seeing her, he could just imagine that she would say that the sun had never shone, and leave them in the dark. Or dead, from lack of light and heat.

Trembling as he got off the train home, he walked down the streets with every expectation to be met with either the Man in Red or one of the other Council members. Battery had been there for the Pride parade, and he had been around other times, too, the boar at the edge of vision as if he was keeping an eye out for something. He swore that he had seen Murder's moths some nights, though that might have been his paranoia.

But what else could happen? What else would the Council want?

I'm not that special. I'm not worth all this.

Except to someone petty enough to believe that all this was a worthwhile revenge. He remembered the Lord in Lavender, and he could just about imagine the Great Dane forcing this sort of behavior, manipulating it to ensure that Nor got some sort of punishment for interfering with his plans before. The other crime lord had been the sort that would take it far more personally than others would have.

And now that he thought about it, it wouldn't take any sort of malice on the part of most of the Council members to start throwing his life into disarray. Battery had come in with a casual disregard for the structure of reality, and had started their fight by accident at first. He'd even stepped in during the battle royale to keep it from getting worse. Murder hadn't used her powers, save to 'kill' an innocence and misunderstanding of his. Deception hadn't even done anything that horrible with her powers, all things considered, particularly with the broad swathe that she could have used them for.

All of this upending of his life had been purely incidental by the presence that they brought along with them. In some ways, it made them all the more terrifying.

Nor hesitated as he walked up the steps of the apartment building, his fingers gripping the railing tighter than usual. He almost didn't want to go upstairs. He had a sudden fear that he would get there and Choin wouldn't remember what had just happened. The whole city had gone through some kind of reset on the way home, with people remembering superheroes again, remembering him again. What if he went into the apartment and Choin forgot everything that they had just gone through?

What if he thinks that I'm losing it?

The mule groaned, slowly sitting down, holding his head as he stared back down the flights of stairs. The Council was making him question his own hold on reality. He was seeing more and more, feeling like he was on the cusp of something, but was he? Or was he just second-guessing everything after Murder had told him how everything that he remembered was filtered to keep trauma and character-change away from him?

Would Choin understand that? Was Murder just messing with him? Or was this whole city just...just constantly getting reset, so nobody got hurt?

Would anyone remember that they had forgotten heroes for over an hour, after this? Would anyone remember that they had a night where the city hadn't moved, where the world had been as mundane as possible?

Would he be the only one that remembered it? Would he remember it at all, if he didn't make the memory stick, considering how horrifying it was?

The mule pressed his hands to the side of his head. For the first time in a very, very long time, he was paralyzed with indecision, and that indecision...was caused by terror. Actual terror, not just caution, or learned trepidation. This was real, actual fear. It had been so long since he'd felt something like it that he didn't actually know how to handle it, and he just stared straight ahead, trying to sort himself out.

It was impossible. If he went upstairs, he could end up being with someone that thought he was nuts, that couldn't remember what had just happened. If he left, he could lose his chance of comfort and just wander the streets in a haze. Hell, that actually sounded better than facing the possibility upstairs. At least with that, he wouldn't be in charge, he wouldn't have to think. Even being caught, zonked, and used would be better than what he was going through right now.

Nnngh...since when did that sound appealing?

But at that moment, it almost did. He felt like he needed someone else to be in charge, someone else to take care of him, someone else to give him something to do. He was trying to push through, trying to be better than the fears that were creeping through his skull, but he was new to this, he realized. He was way, way too new to this to get it right the first time.


No, he needed a distraction. Choin...Choin could wait for a night, if he really needed to. Nor stood up and walked back down the stairs. Making his way back to the streets, he looked for a nearby building that was scalable. There was one just across the street, and the mule threw himself into a jog, then a run, leaping up the back of a car and then onto a flag-pole that jutted out from the building. He swung himself up and over, into the air and onto the top of the building proper.

From there, he was able to start running from rooftop to rooftop, as usual, and the city, as ever, soared around him to keep him moving. He had never been so relieved for the city to be so helpful.

Nor ended up having some good luck when it came to prowling the city. He stumbled across a familiar naga, one that had been of good help in the past. Another hero, though a more mercenary one, Treble had been...an acquaintance that he had made after a fight some time ago, and they had maintained contact. Though, if he was completely honest with himself, he wasn't entirely certain what had happened that night. Probably something that his memory had blotted out, annoyingly enough.

Regardless, the snake - coiled as he was around one of the statues in the central square of one of Novus Ager's many plazas - looked down at him as he approached. The cobra-naga smiled slightly, hissing his forked tongue past his lips before giving a nod of greeting.

"Nor. It has been a while."

Treble's s's had always been more muted than most nagas, something that made him far easier to understand. Nor nodded at him, the snake slithering down, black and blue costume making him move like a shadow down the large statue of an old, half-forgotten hero. He waited for the naga to join him on the ground before answering.

"Yeah, well...been busy."

"Busy with work, or busy with 'work'?"

"I'm not that kind of hero."

"No? I heard that there was an event not that long ago. In a strip club?"

"That...that was a one-off."

"Was it? A pity. I would have liked to come by and pay for a special show."

Nor's cheeks burned, but at least this was a more familiar sort of embarrassment and feeling. He remembered Treble being a flirt before, though not much more than that. He rubbed the back of his head as the naga started to slowly circle around him, getting closer and closer to him.

"So, what brings you back to me now, hmm? Was there something that you needed help with? Or did you just miss my handsome self?" the cobra asked with a hissing chuckle, blue scales that were so dark as to be almost black twinkling from the distant streetlights.

"I...wanted to stop thinking for a bit."

"Oh, my, my, my. A hero, asking a naga to help him stop thinking? What would the city think?"

"Are you going to listen to me or not?"

"Oh, do talk. I apologize."

He doubted that Treble was sincere about that, but he took the apology regardless. He needed something, and that was as close as he was going to get. Shaking his head, he stepped out of the slowly-forming coils. If those wrapped around him, Nor knew from experience that he was going to have a very had time getting out.

Hero or not, he's still a snake...

"Trust me not, hmm?" the cobra asked with a chuckle. "I understand."

"Can I just...talk?"

"Please, Nor."

"Do you...remember what happened today?"

"Should I?"

"Then that's a no. I do."

The cobra cocked his head to the side, leaning on his hands as his coils twisted and turned beneath him. It was clear that Treble was amused, but equally obvious that the snake was attending to him as best he could, giving as much attention as he could offer. That was better than he might have gotten elsewhere, at least. Nor took a deep breath, nodding to himself and making himself continue.

"Bad things happened. Things...I don't want to forget them, but I want to stop thinking about them for a while. I want someone else to just...knock it out of my head, make it so I can't think about them until I can deal with it better."

"Ah...you want someone else in control."


"That's quite something, Nor...quite something, indeed."

"Hmmph. I thought you'd want something like that, you horny snake."

"Oh, very much...but I think that there's someone else that would like it even more."

"Well, you're the one here, and I know that you're not a complete ass."

"An ass is what you are...and have."


"All joking aside, Nor." The cobra gently swept his tail around the mule's legs, and this time, Nor allowed it. "Are you certain about this? This is the first time that someone has directly asked me to do something with my powers. Do you really want to be controlled right now? Do you really want to forget for a while?"

"Not forget. Just...not think."

"Ahhhh...you want to be a happy, dumb mule for a little while, hmm?"

"...Just for a little while."

"Your wish, Nor, is my command."

The snake moved to coil around him again, and this time, Nor allowed it. He didn't step out of the way, didn't move to avoid it, just allowed the coils to slide further and further up around his legs. In short order, his lower body was completely pinned, and considering that he was already looking forward to this for all sorts of reasons, so were other things. A certain piece of his anatomy was already rising in his crotch, and he groaned as he tried to forget about that.

He knew that Treble used sound for hypnosis, but he couldn't remember if it was just the hissing of his voice, or if it was a slow mantra, or something else. All he knew was that he didn't need his eyes. He closed them, relaxing as much as he could as he left his arms loose and limp at his sides.

"_Hush, relax, slip into the dream

For things are not always as they seem

Hush, relax, slip into the dream

Allow me to fold the seams_


Treble's voice was surprisingly gentle, something that reached out and hissed in elegant, not quite piping notes in the back of his head. He tilted his head back, listening the way that he might have done to something that fascinated him from afar. The words continued, gently slithering down his ears.

"_Hush, now, quiet, now, rest now,

It's time to stop, it's time to bow

And let another take the wheel

Your time, your mind to steal

Hush, now, quiet, now, little mule

Lean back, soft now, don't drool

Time is passing, thoughts are drifting

And your body now is shifting._


The words were soft, kind of weird, not quite fitting, but there was something to just listening to them that made him feel...better. He felt like he was slipping away, like all that pressure in his skull was fading away. He felt like there was something different now, something that made it so much easier to stick to what the snake was saying, to pay attention to that rather than the rest of the world.

And it was so much better than being filled with dread. He threw himself into the hypnotic words, drifting further down with each syllable.

He sighed as the coils of the snake reached between his legs, gently pressing his shaft forward, freeing it from the restraints of his clothes. The fact that he was in public didn't matter. What mattered was that it was a distraction. A glorious, happy distraction.

He was empty-headed, not thinking, not forgetting, just being there as someone else's thing. That was...that was so much easier, right then, and it felt better.

He sighed into the snake's embrace, feeling Treble's hands stroking his cheeks. The whispering hisses continued.

"_Shifting, sliding, growing so fine

An ass is an ass, and yours is mine

Grow it out, little mule, grow it out

Make it bounce, make it clap, make it shout_


The mule stared straight ahead as he felt his body doing just that. His rump started to push back, growing out, getting wider, thicker, more bottom-heavy than he had been. He swayed slowly, his ass cheeks filling out the outer uniform of his costume, making it bulge and almost rip in places. The feeling was nice, particularly as the naga's tail tip found the curve of his rump and rubbed up between the cheeks.

Nor felt himself sliding further and further down in the naga's control, and as the world started to fade around him, as his body was customized, he let it happen. He closed his eyes, drifting on the soft, sung words. Treble would...would take care of him...and take charge...for a while...

_Nor almost felt like he was in a dream-like state as he 'danced' for the snake. They were...somewhere different. Not the square, but not a private place, either. Something like an alley, somewhere that was a little bit open to others but not quite in Novus Ager streets. He groaned as he danced, swinging his hips from side to side, feeling his cock swinging back and forth across his thighs as he moved.

He was bigger, thicker, rounder in the thighs and hips and ass than he had been before. His cock had grown, too, hanging down to his knees, big enough that it would be huge to look at. There were limits, of course, but that was big, and as big as it could get for the moment. Not even Nor, really, but Denith, a brown-furred mule that most people didn't know._

He had an audience, too. Not just Treble, though the naga served as both the bouncer and the biggest part of the audience, he somehow knew. There were others, random people, men that had come off the street and looked down the alley and liked what they'd seen. They came forward, touching him, stroking a finger along his cock as he swayed from side, dancing on a stage that only he could feel.

He was a dancer.

He was a hot dancer.

He was a horny dancer.

Nor moaned as he swayed forward, stepped back, and swayed forward again. He heard the whistle and whisper of Treble's voice, and his shaft started to rise. Not lengthening, for it had already grown too much for that, but rising, moving from resting on his thighs to lifting up and pointing towards the heavens. It felt so tight and hard, so heavy and eager to be touched, that he submitted happily as the other members of the audience rushed forward and fawned over him.

This was nice. This was good. This was being wanted and being...being happy to show off...and not thinking about -

Another verse of music and his mind dropped, his eyes hazed, his mouth tilting up in a happy smile. He reached back for a pole that wasn't there, but in his dazed state, he still grabbed at it and held it. He lifted one leg, his balls dropping, showing off his big sac to the crowd as he tilted to the side. Nor turned, swaying his ass.

The crowd cheered, and their words came to him.

"Smack that ass."

"Fat-booty like that needs to be fuuuuuucked."

"Come on, dance it over here."

"Back that ass up, booty-boi."

It was...nice. It was good, and horny, and nice to show off like this. He liked being the center of attention, being the person that everyone wanted, getting the chance to just forget about his responsibilities and just slut it up a bit. He...

He wanted...

He didn't...

There was some confusion left, something that was holding him back. He didn't know what it was, but he looked back at the naga, waiting for direction. Treble nodded, and the mule slowly backed his ass up.

Hands all over him, hands on his cheeks, pulling them apart. He felt hot breath against his hole, and then against his balls. Hands pulled on his sac, not quite hurting it, but definitely stretching it, making him feel just how far his balls could drop in that moment. Nor groaned under his breath, only to moan as other hands found his cock, pulling it down and pumping it, milking it with firm, fast strokes.

Elsewhere, eyes and puffing breath turned to tongues, tongues right over his pucker. The mule arched his back, his cock pulsing and spitting pre-cum on the ground. Yes, yes, this was good. This was very, very good.


Something else, someone else. The mule vaguely knew that voice, but it was off in the distance. Something else, something familiar. Orca? He had an image of an orca in his mind, something -

Then the world shifted, and he...he lost where he was...

Nor woke up on a plush couch, somewhere. He groaned, the light in the room making it a little difficult to see at the moment. It was just dim enough to make it hard for him to make out details, but not so dark that he felt that he was blindfolded or otherwise impaired. The mule sat up, shaking his head.

"You okay, kid?"

Shore Guardian. He looked at the other man, rubbing his eyes as the muscular orca looked down at him with concern. The other man was still in his super-suit, so he'd probably been on patrol somewhere.

Or something.

Nor rubbed his forehead. He still felt like he was kind of waking up, like the memories of what he had been doing were still coming to him.

"I'm okay. Where are we?"

"Well, somewhere better suited to what you were doing than an alley, if that's how you wanted to spend your night."

"What are you talking about?"

"You remember going to a naga?"

Nor froze. That brought a memory back. Going to Treble in the city square, talking to him about being hypnotized, wanting to be made a bit dumb and forgetful for a while, but not actually forgetting what he was doing. He remembered that he'd been coiled up, remembered getting stripped -

Stripped. He looked down at himself, then covered his face. He was completely naked, alright, and his dick was still half-hard. The bottom-heavy proportions that he'd had in the alley weren't there anymore, thank fuck, but he was still half-hard and showing off all kinds of stuff right at that moment.

"You found me there?"

"Yeah. Snake-boy told me that you asked him to do it. All things considered, sounded pretty believable."

"...I needed to not think about...her...for a bit."

"Yeah...I get that. She messed with the world pretty bad."

"...How are you doing?" Nor asked, realizing that they hadn't actually talked since they split up at Solstice Stocks. "How are you remembering all this?"

"I've always been good at remembering stuff. Comes from all the swimming, you know? And, heh, the other stuff, too."

"Other stuff?"

"Hey, kid, you want me to say it? You're the one that recognized me from the old movies, remember?"

"The old - oh, god."

Nor covered his face again, all but melting into his chair as he remembered that conversation. He had thought that the orca looked like someone from some old porn films, and now it was confirmed. The big guy had done some porn in his past before becoming a super-hero. He rubbed his face, trying to see if there was a way to friction-wash a blush off his cheeks while Shore Guardian laughed his ass off.

"Ha ha ha! Kid, you really don't have to be that embarrassed. Think I'd have made those movies if I didn't like showing off?"

"I just...I don't get how you can have that kind of confidence. Aren't you, well, a little worried if someone finds out?"

"Finds out what? That I did porn?"

"Well...that you got fucked..."

"Kid, I got fucked, I did fucking, I did so many things on camera. That doesn't mean anything, 'cause I chose to do it. I chose to have fun, and I chose to let everyone else see me have fun. So what?"


"Kid, you get fucked on the regular, right?"


"So, what's the issue if someone sees you doing it?"

"Well, usually, someone else is making it happen. It's...it's hard to think of just...doing it, you know?"

"Heh, I get it. You just need it to have that little step back, right? To have that little thing where it's not your fault. It just happened."

Nor nodded before he could stop himself. That had always been the case. Well, almost always. There were some very rare occasions where he willingly bottomed for someone else without getting mind-controlled first. But there was something better about having that choice - but not the safeguards of his Hard Memory - taken from him. He could...he could just enjoy himself, have the worries about being caught or judged removed, and he could just have someone else use him without worry. He didn't have to be concerned with whether he was being a good bottom or something like that. He just had to let someone else tell him what to do, and he could do it.

He looked down at the floor, realizing just how silly that was. Or at least, how silly it felt. He tapped his fingers together nervously. Things had never progressed to this point before. No villain, no hero had ever been directly asked to zonk him out like that before.

What's going on with me?

Shore Guardian slid across the rounded couch, putting an arm around Nor's shoulder. The orca pulled him close.

"Hey. Hey, kid, look at me, hmm? Look at me." Nor did, and the orca leaned in with a gentle, affectionate headbutt. "No shame, okay? We all like what we like. Sometimes, we just need that extra spice to it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, maybe you aren't a slut, right? But then again, maybe, under the right circumstances, you are."

"I'm not."

"Ugh, how to...Alright, think of it this way. Say that you almost always hate tofu."

Nor blinked, but slowly nodded. Shore Guardian nodded back.

"Say that you hate it, say that you never want to eat it. That you'd never actually want to do anything with tofu in cooking. But then imagine one day you find that perfect sauce to go with it, and suddenly, it's better than the meats you've been eating. I mean, if you eat it. Do you?"

"I...yeah? What's this got to do with anything?"

"Imagine tofu is slutting it up, and the sauce is mind control and hypnosis. You don't really want either of 'em on their own, but bring 'em together, and suddenly, it works. Not all the time - you want to eat other things - but when it's the right mood, suddenly it's on the menu."

"...Would you mind actually saying that in a way that makes sense?"

"There's nothing wrong with needing that extra bit of help to 'enjoy' something. Some people like it plain and simple, whether that's vanilla in the bedroom or domination and submission in the clubs. And for them, that's fine. A lot of us? We need those extra little bits to make it good. Some people like poppers, some like latex, some like to take a little hypnosis to find that extra edge that they need. Whatever makes them comfortable with it and enjoy it, so long as they're wanting it? That's all that matters."

It was the first time that someone had been willing to talk to Nor about it like that, and he had to admit that it was very weird to think about it that way. He knew that he had been fighting just how much he enjoyed it when villains used him in the past, even though he didn't really want to consider himself a slut. Particularly since it wasn't always wanted. However, there was...some truth to what the orca said.

Maybe...it wouldn't be bad to cut loose every now and then...just let it go...enjoy someone else's control...

After all, he had felt more relaxed when he was doing what Treble said, and he knew that it had done no end of good for him to have just slipped down to that point for a little while. He actually felt less stressed, particularly now that he knew that another hero wasn't judging him for kinking up just a little bit. He smiled, blushing as he rubbed the back of his head.

"So, uh...was I sexy?" he managed to ask, hardly believing he was saying that.

"Let me put it this way. If I hadn't been on-duty, I'd have thrown that snake money to get you to dance that ass on my lap."

"I'm told I'm good at that."

"You're getting stiff again."

"I know, I know. I'm just...I'm not used to doing this without someone telling me what to do."

"You need someone to tell you what to do?"

Nor looked at the orca, feeling almost like he really did...and more to the point, that he'd really like it if Shore Guardian did do that. He remembered what the Man in Red had said, to keep his eyes out for anyone that might have been a minion of one of the other members of the Council, but at that point, he doubted that there was anything to worry about. They were close, now, and he'd been rescued, and...

And he felt safe. He felt better.

"Right now? Yes."

"Then come here. Maybe after I finish with you, you and I can go back to the club. If you're up for it," the orca said, holding up one hand before Nor could protest. "If you're up for it, we can do that. If not, then we can just have it here. But either way...I'll make sure you know what to do."

"You know how to, um..."

"Nah, never been that good at the mental stuff," Shore Guardian said. "But I know how to use my body...and I know how to make that work almost as good."


"Yeah," the other man said, leaning over, his arm going further and further down until he had Nor's ass gripped tight. "I do."

The End

Summary: Nor, rather stressed out from what happened with Deception, has a mini-breakdown. He goes looking for someone that can help him not think for a while.

Tags: M/M, Snake, Naga, Cobra, Mule, Orca, Various Species, Groping, Mind Control, Coils, Rescue, Series, Nor, Novus Ager, Supers, Super-Powers, Rimming, Masturbation,