By Moonlight I Miss You

Story by Tiyu on SoFurry

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#1 of By Moonlight

My first foray after a while in writing- it's been a while, but I'm still quite insecure about my writing,

but I'm giving this my best shot!

When the one who's always been there all your life is suddenly gone, far away from you,

the cold moonlight makes their absence all the stronger.

Sam's lover, Yu, has been away for 6 months in the alps of the rural Dawa region, their first long separation in a while.

Under the full moon's brightness, Sam misses him the most this night, but dark clouds forbore an even longer absence.

Unable to bear the loneliness any longer, the wolf decides to go for a night run, with memories of their love and sadness

chasing after him...

'You big dumbass', Yu hugged Sam fiercely, then wiped off the wolf's tears and kissed him on the cheek, clasping his giant paws in his smaller ones. It was the night before the rabbit's departure. The rabbit wasn't sobbing like Sam was, but Sam could catch the gleam of tears trailing down Yu's smiling face in the full moon's warm light. 'I'll only be gone for six months! We'll be together again before you know it, and..and then...' Yu lifted up his pendant, a half-moon etched with the rune for 'S', and clasped it to Sam's own, beholding a complete moon in the silvery light. Sam beamed, tail wagging. 'Dumbass yourself,'re crying too.' The wolf hugged the rabbit to his broad, warm chest, licked off Yu's tears and kissed him tenderly-

Sam's eyes slammed open. Moonlight stole into the room, harshly bright on the empty side of the bed. Sam sighed, tail curled tightly against himself as he caressed the sheets where Yu used to sleep. It was on nights like these Sam missed him the most, that small, warm frame, his plush fur, and especially the rabbit's gentle snoring. Ever since they were innocent kids, hugging the rabbit always calmed him down. Hell, minus those hellish 7 years after the accident, Sam didn't recall a day where his boyfriend was never there for him. Despite Yu being smaller and younger, the rabbit was always the one keeping him in check, without his love around to support AND kick his ass when he was being a dumbass , he wouldn't be here now-no, they wouldn't be a couple today.

The wolf grimaced, and turned the other way, clutching the half-moon pendant around his neck. There was no use pining, Yu would be back in 3 more days, after all, and then they'd, well, ..tie the knot, officially this time. His tail thumped gently against the bed at that thought. He glanced at the indifferent clock, crimson bars announcing silently that it was now 1:35 AM. Just... 55 more hours to go. He reached over for his phone, swiping the picture of him and Yu in graduation attire making ugly faces at the camera. _Best grad ever. _mused Sam. His blood froze at the screen that popped up.

'Your Newsfeed: Civil Unrest in remote Dawa region-'

That was where Yu was working right now, building schools for Dawa's remote mountain villages.

He frantically swiped the screen away, checking for voice messages, texts, anything from Yu...nothing. A stifled whimper escaped his lips, it had already been more than 4 days since the last text, and the rabbit was pretty damned good about keeping schedules. Maybe he's still travelling in the passes ...shit, what if he's caught up in the conflict?! Dark thoughts stormed his head, forcing Sam to curl up tighter and tighter, hugging his tail close and gripping his pendant even tighter-until he accidentally pricked himself on its deceptively sharp edge.

'Ah, fuck it'.

Sam snarled and threw the covers off, naked torso a flash of silver as he rolled out of bed. Screw sleep and work, he needed to be anywhere but here right now. He threw on some clothes haphazardly , grabbing the patched bomber jacket Yu had mended for him on the night they were reunited as he headed out into the darkness..


The moon had retired behind the clouds, not that Sam minded, the dim streetlamps were enough to go on by. Paws deep in pockets, the wolf set off at a brisk pace, happy to allow his feet take him wherever, far, far away from the painful fog clouding his mind. Please let him be safe. Please.

Barely anyone on the streets tonight. Wait...He slowed down as he passed an all too familiar alleyway. He recognized that blue side-door- and the memory came flooding back.


He was a dumbass then, fresh out of high school, drinking and partying with such abandon he was in danger of dropping out of college- he was impulsive, after all. One night he accidentally laid paws on the wrong girl, and her jealous boyfriend ambushed him in the alley with his pals. Sam was no stranger to street fights, but he'd been drinking heavily of course, just before. He held his own for a bit, even in the moonless night until one of them finally scored a clean hit across his jaw. The wolf crumpled against the dumpster, retching heavily as he felt a heavy boot strike him in the gut.


Sam could barely make out the short white rabbit who burst out from that blue door, who swore colourfully and swung away at the scumbags with a hockey stick, something about 'gone 3 am' and 'police'- Sam shook his head, he hardly remembered the details, the last thing he recalled was the iron stench of blood and a hint of strawberries as he finally blacked out.

When he came to later in that hospital room, he found his small saviour sprawled haphazardly beside him on a chair, comically blanketed by Sam's oversized bomber jacket. There was a big white patch sewn haphazardly on it where the shoulder had ripped. The rabbit stirred, and Sam held his breath; the last thing he remembered was her going berserk . 'Hrgnzhfl...' She wiped the drool off her face and stretched-'Oh, shit!' she hurriedly wiped off the saliva that had dripped on the blue blanket. That's when she locked eyes with Sam. Hold on, that face, that chipped ear...she's not a girl...HE's...


His long lost childhood friend smiled wearily, gently hugging him.

'Finally! Morning, dumbass.'


Sam barked in shock as the blue door slammed open once more.


A portly raccoon stepped out, swollen trashbags in each paw and gave Sam a nasty look. 'Me?! The hell you looking at? Can't even take out the trash in peace in this neighbourhood, SHEESH.'

Sam growled, waving away the raccoon and jogged away. The clouds had cleared somewhat, stars twinkling through, but the haze of pining and numbness within lingered on. Fuck.. gripping his pendant, he picked up the pace. 'Hurry back, Yu.'