Claude's Lion Daddy 4

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#114 of Claude gay stories

Claude and Jim experiment sexually and they meet a Russian couple who move in

After I've cleaned up from dinner. Dad's calling me from the patio. So I go out and I sit in his lap. He kisses me and he's nuzzling my neck. Sam and Oscar are in the pool and kissing. Rory and Beau are in the hot tub chatting. And Harry and Nigel are inside in the living room watching TV.

It's a beautiful night. Just a bit cool, but the stars are out, and I sit in my Daddy's lap and just enjoy it all. Seeing the stars, feeling the cool breeze, smelling my Dad's musky Leonine scent. And listening to Sam and Oscar chat lovingly in Spanish. "Claude, slow your tail down a bit" Dad says laughing. I look back and it's thrashing a lot. "Sitting in my Daddy's lap makes me hot" I say smiling. "I'll be happy if that never stops, Boy" Dad says kissing me.

We spend a while nuzzling one another and kissing. Sam comes and sits by us. "Are you guys ready to start our night together?" he says smiling. "He's blunt and honest, Dad" I say kissing him. "I want our Lion" Sam says gruffly. "Oscar is hot to get your Dad in him" Sam adds. "Son, I love your ass, but I think Oscar's got the most beautiful ass I've ever seen" Dad says. Sam's ears twitch. "My baby Bull is beautiful" Sam says very gently. "Forgive me if I think you're more beautiful and sexier, Sam" I say smiling. Sam's ears twitch even more. Sam leans forward and kisses me.

Dad laughs. "OK, if you are ready to get started" Dad says, and he waves Oscar over to him. Oscar sits by Dad and they kiss. Sam's got me in his lap. And his big Bull dick is poking me. "I love being able to be naked when I want" Sam says nuzzling me. And his big dick is sticking up between my legs. I so want to lean up and sit on him. But I'll wait "Claude, I want you badly now" Sam whispers in my ear. "Either we go now, or I'll take you right here" he moans licking my ear. "Dad, have mercy on our horny Bull and lets go" I say laughing. He and Oscar are so into each other and kissing so deeply he doesn't hear me.

"Sam, lets go, they'll be in soon enough" I say softly. And Sam slings me over his shoulder and we go to our bedroom. He lays me gently on the bed. And he stands and looks at me. "You are so beautiful, Claude" Sam says. "I think you are so hot and sexy, and gorgeous" I say softly. "You do" he says shyly. "I do, Sam you are so sexy and masculine, and hot" I say smiling. "You've been so into me since we met" Sam says smiling. "I am" I say grinning. "I'm more than ready for my Big Bull to take me" I say growling softly. Sam drops on top of me, and we lay kissing and making out. Sam makes me as hot as my Daddy does, but then again they are so much alike.

"Claude, please let me just go for it the first time, I'll cum quickly and cool off for later on if you'll let me just pop in you" Sam says softly. I put my legs up. "You're the Boss here" I say laughing. Sam's big Bull dick twitches and gets harder. "Am I ?" he asks. "Yeah, you are, I'll put my ass in the hands of my much beloved Big Bull, and let him be in charge" I say laughing. "Then get up on your knees and hold still" he growls. I do, and he pushes all of the way up me to his big balls. "So fucking tight" Sam grunts. And he starts moving quickly inside of me. He's speeding up in me and soon he's pulling all of the way out of me, and pushing back in. I growl loudly, and I keep still as he told me to. "Good obedient little Lion" Sam growls into my ear. Sam throws his head back and bellows and I feel him gushing his cum inside of me. He lays on my back panting. "I love feeling you on me like this" I say happily. "I'm not too heavy for you?" he asks. "No babe, not at all" I say grinning.

Dad and Oscar come in. "You started without us?" Dad asks. "Yeah we did, Sam wanted to cool off by popping in me quickly" I say softly. "Oh, you fell for that one too" Oscar says laughing. Sam looks at Oscar, and he breaks out laughing. Sam rolls off of me onto his side, and he's still lodged in me and moves me with him and pulls me against him. Sam's nuzzling the back of my neck gently.

Oscar lays on his back on the bed, and Dad mounts him. And Oscar is moaning softly. Dad speeds up, and Sam is moving in me slowly now. "I wasn't kidding, I'm calm enough to last now" Sam says gently. "I know babe, you're like me, you don't lie" I say leaning back to kiss him. "Besides, I'll let you fuck me when you want, and as many times as you want, Babe" I say happily.

He's being slow and gentle now. And I feel my blood boiling for my Cuban Bull. "Claude, I'm gonna take you gentle this time, and then once you're as relaxed as you can be, we're gonna try a bit of dominance sex." Sam says. "I am relaxed, I trust my Big Bull completely" I say quietly. "I see, mi amo" he whispers. "You would put yourself totally in your Bull's hands" he says nuzzling me. "And your Dad's as well, he's wanting to learn to do this with you once in a while, mijo" Sam whispers. "I am hoping if Oscar sees you do it he might decide to try it too" Sam whispers hopefully. I smile.

"You want to start now?" he asks. "Does my Daddy Bull want me to?" I ask. "Damn, you're gonna be good at this, mi amo" Sam grunts. He pulls out of me. "I adore you, mi amo" he whispers to me. "Know that, so you can give me your all being obedient to me" he says nuzzling me. "Sam, I know you'd never hurt me intentionally" I say quietly. "I won't, mi amo" he says smiling. And his ears twitch.

"On your knees on the floor, bitch" Sam snaps. I get on my knees facing him. "Good boy" he says stroking my mane. Dad's watching with rapt attention. Sam puts one of his thick fingers in my mouth. "Suck on it" he growls. I do. After a bit he pulls it out of my mouth and shoves it roughly up my ass. I stay stock still. "Good Lion" he grunts. He's working it around in my ass. He abruptly pulls his finger out of my ass, and it's dripping with his own cum. And he pushes his cum soaked finger in my mouth. "Suck it clean, Boy" he says gruffly. "Damn" Dad moans. And he's moving a bit faster in Oscar. Oscar's head is rolled back and his eyes are glazed. And he's grunting incoherently.

Sam sticks his finger back into my ass several times and he's feeding me his cum from my ass. Good thing I love the salty and savory, yet slightly bitter flavor of Sam's Bull semen. "Good Lion" he says, and he roughly pulls my face to his and kisses me roughly and he bites my lip. "Hot Lion" he moans. Sam bends down and sits his ass on my face. "Lick my ass, Boy" he roars at me. I do and he moves up to where I can barely reach it with my rough Feline tongue, and I strain to keep tonguing him. "Yeah, tongue me boy" Sam grunts. And I love the taste of his sweaty ass. Sam's growling hard. "Stop" he snarls. I stop immediately. "Good Lion, Good Claude" he says roughly stroking my face. And he bends back and takes something I can't see out of a leather pouch. He pulls my paws around behind me. And I hear a metallic snapping noise. Handcuffs? But I do trust my Big Bull. So I hold perfectly still. "Mi amo" he whispers in my ear. He pulls me onto the bed by the cuffs. Dad's moving faster in Oscar, and he roars and he's filling Oscar's ass. Oscar is laying still moaning softly, his eyes rolled back into his head.

Sam blindfolds me. And I find it hot somehow. "You ain't gonna see it coming, boy" he snaps. "Gonna use this, Sam?" I hear Dad asking. "No, I don't want his mouth out of play, stick your dick in his mouth and let him clean off your cum and Oscar's ass juices" Sam says. Dad laughs. And he pushes his dick in my mouth. I love this, I love the taste of Dad's cum mixed with Oscar's ass. And I work Dad's dick with my mouth. I can hear some more metallic sounds now. "Help me with him, Jim." Sam says. Dad pulls out of my mouth. And I feel them cuffing my foot paws. I feel a collar clamped around my neck too, but I can't tell if it's leather or metal.

And they pick me up and I'm being carried somewhere. "On your knees and stay there" Sam snarls. I nod. "Good Boy" he says softly. "Stay still, Boy" he barks. I feel tile under my knees and I feel wet now. And I know he's pissing on me, or Dad is, but I don't know which. And I feel a stream from the back of me soaking my ass and my legs. I'm being pissed on from both sides. I am embarrassed. But I stay still, I promised my Bull I'd put myself in his hands. "Hold your breath a minute, Boy" Sam snaps. And when I do, I feel wetness streaming down on me from up high and it's a heavy stream.. And it soaks my whole body. I must be in the shower. They're rinsing me off now, the water is cooler now and they're washing me, soaping me up good now. I am roughly pulled to my feet and they rinse me off. It's hard to keep my balance with my foot paws cuffed together.

I feel a dick in my mouth but I don't know who's. "Suck it" I hear Sam order me. So I do. "He's good" I hear. A strange, deep and accented voice? I work on this dick curious as hell as to who it is. Big but not huge, and one I'm not familiar with. "How's his ass?" I hear the strange voice asking. "Tight, and hot" Sam growls. "You want in it" I hear. "Da" I hear a different deeper voice say. I'm dealing with a Russian or Russians I know now. "You want him to see it coming or not?" Sam asks. "No" he says. I am being led somewhere. And I feel a hand on my upper back and I'm being pushed forward and bent over. There is a hard surface in front of me and I put my shoulders on it and try to brace on it.

Something cold and slick is applied to my asshole. And I feel a fat dick pressing against it. It has a wide, flared head that really spreads my asshole wide. But it's not the dick that was in my mouth nor is it Sam or Dad or anyone I know. And it's really huge. It gets pushed unceremoniously up my ass. I moan loudly as it pushes up me, hilting itself firmly. And it's bigger than even Beau, and I moan in shock at it's sheer size.. I arch my back in pleasure and more of it slips in. It's gotta be at least 24 or 25 inches long. And I can tell it's a Horse Cock by the shape of it.. I think I'm being plowed by a Russian Horse.

I hear a sexy deep voice in Russian asking me gently if I am hurting. I answer him also in Russian to tell him I was surprised for a minute by his size, but I'm fine now. "Take me please" the voice begs in Russian, the voice is deep and very sexy too.. I lean forward and brace myself on the surface in front of me and I spread my legs apart a bit more, and relax my asshole." Go for it" I tell him in Russian. "You speak Russian, Boy" Sam asks surprised. "Our boy has a gift for languages, Sam, Claude speaks Japanese, Russian, German, English, and Spanish " I hear Dad say. Sam talks to me quickly in Spanish, and I answer him back in Spanish. "Mi amo" Sam says stroking my mane.

The Horse has begun to slowly deep fuck me and it feels wonderful. I hear him moaning and he leans forward and whispers to me of how hot and tight I am. And then I can see, he's pulled off my blindfold. And I am in the bathroom leaning on the sink. And in the mirror behind me is a big, and beautiful Clydesdale Horse. He's as big and as massively built as Sam is. He's Chestnut brown with White splotches in his coat, and his tail, mane and hoof tufts are a Dark Chestnut Brown.. His eyes are shining and are a beautiful Hazel color. He's gorgeous. And his eyes are shining with lust for me.

Next to him is a short, stocky Black Bear. Well muscled and handsome. With beautiful Crystal Blue eyes and a fat 9" dick. And he's looking at the Horse with love in his eyes.

"Claude, the Horse is Mikhail Petrovitch, and the Bear is his mate, Vassily Pushkin." Sam says. Sam unlocks the handcuffs. And I brace myself with my paws on the counter. I tell Mikhail to speed up if he wants, that I can take him, in Russian. He looks so grateful. And he speeds up. "I can't believe Claude is taking that monster cock" Dad says laughing. "Don't ruin him for me, beautiful Horse" Dad says. "Da" Mikhail says softly. And he's moving quickly in me now. "Hang on to the sink, he's about to cum" Vassily says stroking my mane. I grab onto it tightly. Mikhail cusses in Russian and I feel him literally flood my ass with his cum. I feel like someone shoved a garden hose up my ass now. And I'm pushed forward a bit by the force of his Horse spooge shooting up me. And it's hot.

Mikhail drops onto my back panting hard. And he pulls me back to him and kisses me deeply and hard. He's gorgeous and sweaty and he's so grateful. "Few can take me" he pants in Russian. "I too big for them" he says softly "I can't learn English" he says sadly in Russian. "Mikhail understand English, but he had brain damage from a car wreck and he cannot speak English now" Vassily says softly. I kiss him again. "I can speak Russian" I tell him in Russian. And he's happy, and he keeps kissing me.

He pulls out of me, and I turn and kiss him. He is 25" and easily 6" in circumference. He holds me to him tightly. "Thank Lion for taking me, thank Daddy Lion for letting me have his little Lion?" he asks. I tell Dad Mikhail wants to thank him for letting him have me. Dad grins. "Something to see, how easily you took that huge Horse cock" Dad says. "Mikhail love fuck, no find guys to take him" Vassily says "I no take him, I top" he says. "I'll bet if I can, Nigel and Harry can too" I tell Dad. Mikhail looks hopefully at me. I kiss him. "Be right back" I say softly. I go grab Nigel and I explain. "Even if I can't I gotta see this, and at least try" he says and we go back to my room.

"Claude, he's gorgeous" Nigel says. "Who he?" Mikhail asks. "Mikhail, meet my best friend Nigel, he can take you if I can" I tell him in Russian. Mikhail gets on his knees. And looks pleadingly at Nigel. "Ask pretty Badger, beg him try for Mikhail, beautiful Lion" he begs me. "Nigel, this gorgeous Horse wants you, he wants to see if you can take him. he loves to fuck, but no one will take him as he's too big." I say smiling. "DA" Mikhail says firmly. "He understands English but can't speak it" I tell Nige. "I gotta try this" Nigel says. "But I want him on his back and I'll ride him" Nigel says softly. "DA" Mikhail says happily. And we go back into my bedroom. "Claude, you took him?" Nigel asks me. "I did' I say. "Then I can too" he says. "Or die trying" he adds. "No kill pretty Badger, want love him" Mikhail says to me in Russian. "He's swearing he won't hurt you, Nige" I say "Da" Mikhail adds.

Nigel kisses Mikhail and Mikhail lays on his back. And Nigel gets on top of that huge Horse cock, and he's down to the base right away. And he's groaning, but it's not pain, it's the intensity of that huge Horse cock.

It's odd to me, now Dad and Sam are gone from the room, and it's just me and Nige, and Mikhail and Vassily. "Take Bear, please?" Vassily asks me. I nod. "On back please" he asks. I roll on my back. And he leans down and kisses me. "Beautiful Lion" he says softly. And he slips in me, and he's gentle at first, once he's in good he speeds up, and lengthens his strokes. And I notice how Mikhail is looking at us. He loves his Bear and he's fond of me too apparently. I'm kind of embarrassed at the sloshing noises coming from inside of my ass. "No worry, Mikhail cum gallons" Vassily says kissing me.

Nigel is cussing and moaning and riding Mikhail hard. Mikhail looks so happy. "Badger good fuck, like Lion" he says in Russian. He's got his hands behind his head and he's watching Nigel bouncing up and down on his huge Horse cock. Vassily's watching closely as well, and he's getting hotter. He's deep kissing me, and he nuzzles and gently bites my neck, I shoot on his belly and he roars and fills my ass. He lays panting on top of me.

I get up when Vassily rolls off of me. Sam's in the doorway motioning to me. I go to him and he pulls me into the kitchen. Dad and Oscar and Beau and Rory and Harry are sitting at the kitchen table talking.

"Claude, I want to talk to you a bit and then would you cook something for us, we're hungry" Sam says. I nod. I kiss Sam. "You had sex so of course you're hungry" I say smiling.

"Claude, I apologize for that, I wanted to start training you but I had to get you to help me" Sam says. I nod again. "Vassily and Mikhail are good guys, and they desperately need a safe place to live, and a bit of help" he says softly. "How can I help them, Big Bull?" I ask. "I didn't know you spoke Russian and that's a big help already." Sam says. "They need help, they were fleeced by a con man who promised to get them permanent visas, and they're broke, losing their apartment, and they're now at risk for deportation from not being able to support themselves" Sam says. "And Vassily's brother is in the Russian Mafia and somehow the FBI thinks they're involved too" Sam says softly. "Are they?" I ask. "No, they are not" Sam says. I make a mental note to ask Vassily when I can.

Dad and I look at each other. "I'll call Joe" Dad says. "Ask him about a Security bond for them like the one I got for Nigel" I say softly. Dad nods. "Security bond?" Sam asks. "I put up a $50,000 security bond and got Nigel a Resident Alien visa right away, he can't be deported for any reason now" I say softly. "Would you do that for them, you don't even know them?" Oscar asks. "I don't think Sam would have brought them here or asked me to help if they weren't good guys" I say softly. "You trust me a lot, mi amo" Sam says softly. "I do, I trust you and Oscar implicitly." I say gently. Their ears twitch. I know what that means. I made them both very happy.

"You could have just asked me though, why bring them here like this?" I ask. "And why do things the way we did?" I ask. "Vassily is a great Dom top, Mikhail is a top who can't find guys to fuck him, and I knew you and Nigel could take him" Sam says softly. "I wanted to break you in, and when you were responding so well, I decided to call them, and it was Vassily working you once the blindfold went on." Sam says softly. "He's wanting to teach Jim and I, and get to play with you too" Sam says. "We'll finish our night together later tonight" Sam says softly. I sit and think a minute. "I'll put them next to you, and Oscar" I say gently. "They don't have much, most of what they own is in their truck now" Sam says.

Mikhail walks out. And he smiles at me. "Where are Vassily and Nigel?" I ask him in Russian. "Fucking" he says in Russian. I laugh. He smiles warmly at me. "Mikhail, we would love it if you and Vassily would live with us, we have plenty of room" I tell him in Russian. "We have no money" he says sadly in Russian. "I'm not asking you for any" I answer in Russian. "I told them what's going on, and they want to help, Mikhail" Sam says. Mikhail tears up and nods. "Dad is talking to our lawyer to see how we can help in that other matter" I tell him in Russian. Mikhail hugs me hard.

"Sam say you and your family good animals" he says softly. "Beautiful Horse, we'll happily help you, you can live with us,and not have to worry over money or food, we'll take care of it, since I feed us all anyway" I say laughing. "We no eat much lately" he says fighting off tears. "No worries, I'm going to cook, since all of the sex going on made everyone hungry, so you guys can eat with us"I say kissing him. "Lion good to us, he no know us" Mikhail says. "I know enough, I know and I trust Sam, and he wanted me to help you, and you're a sweet guy and a great fuck" I tease him in Russian. "Claude good fuck, took my big dick easily so did his Badger" he says in Russian. He's so happy now.

"Joe's coming out tomorrow for good, Claude" Dad says. "He's got his California license and he's gonna take the position I offered him and be our personal lawyer as well, and he'll take care of all of this day after" Dad says. I tell Mikhail everything Dad just said. He hugs me tightly and weeps. Vassily comes out with Nigel. "Why you make my Horse cry?" He asks me. Mikhail explains it all to him in rapid fire Russian. "You'll help us?" he asks. "I couldn't not help you guys" I say softly. Vassily grabs me and hugs me tightly.

"Rory, would you mind helping me cook for everybody?" I ask. "No problem, Bro" he says. I take a minute to introduce Vassily and Mikhail to everyone and I explain our various relationships to them. Harry's kind of staring at the bulge in Mikhail's shorts.

I kiss Sam. "I love you, my big hearted Bull" I whisper to him. "Could you guys help them bring their stuff into the bedroom next to you?" I ask Sam and Oscar. "We'll all help" Beau says. And they get up and all go out.

Rory and I get busy, we'll have to cook a lot for this many guys. We decide to just do steaks and fried potatoes and salad and I whip up a couple of cakes. And I check and we have more than enough ice cream. We start cooking. Rory's as good at cooking as I am, but he prefers to let me do it when he can, but he's happy to help me if I need him. I make a mental note to go back to the grocery store tomorrow.

Nigel comes back in and sits at the table. Dad's right behind him. "They've got those Russians moved in" Dad says. "He's something else, Claude" Nigel says "I assume you mean Mikhail?" I ask. "Yeah, he's huge and so gentle" Nigel says. "Big Horse dick?" Rory asks. 25"x6" I say gently. "No shit?" Rory asks. "Sounds about right" Nigel says. "No one would take him, but Nige and I did" I say laughing. "He was so grateful" Dad says laughing.

And he walks behind me as I'm at the stove cooking. He puts his finger up my ass. "He didn't wreck you, you're still damned tight" Dad says kissing me. "Claude, how did you feel when Vassily was working you?" Dad asks. "I wasn't bothered, and it was kind of exciting" I say smiling. "When he and Sam and Mikhail were pissing on you I wasn't thrilled" Dad says. Rory looks shocked, as does Nigel. "And that wasn't a shower the first time, that was Mikhail" Dad says laughing. "He didn't know" Rory asks surprised. "Claude was blindfolded" Dad says laughing. "Sam and I are going to work him up as a sub bottom" Dad says laughing. "Damn, Jim, teach him and Nigel too, and let me learn to top them" Beau says laughing hard. "Claude's so damned obedient anyway" Beau says grinning. "You ain't pissing on me" Nigel snaps. "No I ain't, don't wanna, but if I told you to let me, you would, ya know ya would, Badger boy" Beau says. Nigel blushes. I laugh. "I'll do anything for our Beau, but you know that" I tease Beau. He pulls me to him."Ya a good one, Claude" he says grinning.

"Dad, what made you decide to do this with Claude?" Rory asks. "Talking to Sam, and knowing how much Claude loves pleasing us and being obedient" Dad says. "We started to work him up a bit earlier, the pissing on thing was Vassily's idea, and it all depends on how Claude feels about it as to whether we do it" Dad says. "Sam and I didn't find it exciting, and Vassily said it was mostly enforcing your dominance over your sub, and Claude's already so submissive" Dad says.

Dad nuzzles my neck from behind. "It's gonna be a sometimes thing anyway, just a bit of a change now and then, Claude" he says licking my ear. Dad pushes my legs apart a little bit, and he slips his dick up my ass. And he's humping me rather forcefully. "I just wanna cum in my cub and take him back, we'll finish our night with Sam and Oscar later" Dad says fucking me aggressively

Harry comes in and laughs. He slides between Rory and the kitchen counter, and he slips Rory's big dick up him and he's humping Rory while he's making salad. "A damn good idea, boys" Beau says laughing as he walks back into the kitchen. He's apparently been talking to Sam about the Dom stuff.

And he picks up Nigel and lays him on the kitchen table and fucks him hard. "Nigel, I saw how big that Horse dick is when Mikhail changed clothes, you took that thing" Beau says. Nigel nods. "Claude did too, bent over against the sink and spread wide" Nigel moans. "Damn, can't hold it now, that's a hot image" Beau growls. And he roars and I know he's cumming. It's enough to set Dad off and Rory a second or so later.

Sam walks out. "Claude, we've got to get them some decent clothes" he says showing me some of the Russian's clothing. Threadbare, worn and pathetic. "They were close to broke as it was and that asshole took them for what little they had" Sam says angrily. "We'll take care of it tomorrow, you can take them shopping with the cards I have for you" I tell him. "I'll get them" Nigel says slipping out from under Beau.

He comes back and hands Sam two cards, one in his name and one in Oscar's. "What is this?" Sam asks. "Bank cards on my account, for you guys to use when you need them, for whatever you need for yourselves" I say. "I'll get ones for Vassily and Mikhail too" I say smiling. "Claude, thanks for helping them." Sam says. "We're gonna put them to work at the gym helping us, Vassily speaks perfect English and we'll put him at the desk, and we have enough Russian builders that Mikhail can help us with them" Sam says softly. "They are nice guys" Dad says softly.

"Claude, was it hard to learn Russian?" Nigel asks. "Not really, I took an on line course, and I had already learned a bit of it, so I picked it up in about three weeks" I say softly. "I still have it, you can use it if you want" I say. "I'd kind of like to, I feel bad for poor Mikhail, it's not his fault he can't speak English" Nigel says. "It'd be nice for him to be able to talk to someone other than Claude, and Vassily and the other Russian builders"Sam says softly.

I keep cooking despite the large amount of semen from Dad, and Vassily and Mikhail and Sam running down my leg now. "Claude?" Dad fusses, and he grabs a roll of paper towels and wipes it up off the floor and the back of my legs. "I can't stop right now Dad, I don't want the gravy to burn" I say softly. "How much did that Horse shoot in you, Boy, you've never drooled cum out of your ass before" Dad says laughing. "I had a bunch come out too" Nigel says.

Mikhail is standing in the door. "I cum a lot, I always do" he says to me in Russian."I'm not complaining, I just couldn't stop it nor clean it up because I'm cooking" I say in Russian. "Claude like Mikhail?" he asks. "I do" I answer. "I know you have you father as your love, but I care for you, you are a good one, very kind to me and my Bear" he says softly. "I don't know what he said, but he said it very lovingly and sweetly" Dad says smiling. "He's lucky" Mikhail says softly. "He is your proud father and you love him so" Mikhail tells me. "I do sweet Horse, very much" I say softly in Russian. "You don't mind he is your father, and you are his mate?" Mikhail asks. "No, I have loved him for so long, and we just admitted to our love for each other and bonded" I tell him gently. Mikhail leans down and kisses Dad. "He beautiful Lion top" he says. I translate for Dad. He grins. And he deep kisses Mikhail.

"Sam say you buy us clothes too" he says weeping a bit. "I will, you have had it rough, but not anymore, we'll get you two fixed up" I say softly in Russian. "Sam and Oscar put us to work, we make a bit of money now" he says. "I'm rich, I have a lot of money as does Dad" I say kissing Mikhail. "Mikhail not know how to thank Claude" he says softly. "Be happy, and live with us, that'll be enough, big Horse" I say grinning. Rory and I finish cooking and put it out on the sideboard. I finish icing the cakes. And put them in the fridge to firm up the icing. Nigel goes and gets the others.

I tear up watching Mikhail and Vassily eat, they haven't had much of late, and they are trying to hold off but they are almost starving. "Eat up guys, I made plenty and there will be cake and ice cream for dessert" I tell them in Russian. Mikhail and Vassily get up and kiss me, and they kiss Dad and Sam. And they're tearing up too. And they resume eating happily.

I'm kind of sad for them. But happy I can help them. They are nice guys. Vassily's going to teach Dad and Sam, and apparently Beau as well, to be Dom tops, and Mikhail's huge Horse Cock should liven things up around here. Dad's smiling at me. "Son, we have to set a room up for Joe tomorrow, he's coming out on one of our jets and he'll be here by tomorrow afternoon" Dad says. "I'll put him upstairs down from Rory and Harry." I say smiling. "I'll tend to the room tonight so it's done" I say happily. "You got me and your Dad to finish tonight, Boy" Sam says grinning. "I can do that" I say smiling. "Mikhail want take Claude again, and maybe Badger too" he says shyly. "Want Lion again first" he says. I whisper to Dad.. "Oh Hell yes," Dad says. "I want to see him fuck you again" Dad says. "So do I " Sam says smiling. Harry is talking intently to Vassily. And I can see he's very interested in our Russian Bear.

Beau seems a bit quiet now. I get up and I hug him. Beau leans back and kisses me. "Ya gonna still fuck me even though I ain't got the biggest dick here no more?" he asks. "I'll always want to fuck you, Beau, you're my big old Redneck Saber Tooth" I say kissing him. "Nigel looked pretty happy after Mikhail took him" Beau says sadly. "Beau, he loves you, not just for that big Saber Tooth dick, and he knows he belongs to you" I say smiling. "He likes Mikhail as I do, Mikhail and Vassily got worked over by a real asshole, and they're sweet guys, but we know who we belong to" I say softly. "We'll fuck them when they want to, but Nigel knows he loves you, as I love my Dad" I say smiling. "Besides Harry's not had his shot at Mikhail yet, and between the three of us we can keep that Horse happy without taking away from the ones we love" I say kissing Beau. "Jim wouldn't let you, anymore than I'd let Nigel" Beau says softly.

Mikhail looks lovingly at his Vassily. And they're happy now. They've both eaten a lot. And when I bring the cake and ice cream out they both dig in heartily.

We've all finished eating. And I start cleaning up. Rory gathers the dishes and puts them in the sink for me. And I load the dishwashers, and start them. I kiss him, and we hug tightly. "Claude, I like those guys, and I'm glad we can help them" Rory says softly. "I am too, but I love my Big Brother so much" I say hugging him. "I'm not going to stop fucking you because Mikhail and Vassily are here now" I say kissing him. "I know, Claude, I have faith in your love for me, as does Dad" he says nuzzling me. "I'm glad, Beau was a bit worried, that Nige and I would stop fucking him" I say softly. "Harry wants them both badly, and he's gonna try to get them both as soon as he can, but I know my Tiger, he'll never leave me or stop fucking me" Rory says. "I hope Dad is as secure as you are" I say sadly. "Claude, he is, we've talked, Dad knows he just got you, but he knows how deeply you love him." Rory says smiling at me. "He got hot watching you take that huge Horse dick, plus the idea of you being a sub bottom for him makes him hot, and he wants Vassily to train you completely so it can be when he wants you after that" Rory says.

I kiss him. "I can finish this, Bro, go find your Tiger" I say smiling. Rory kisses me. "Thanks, Claude" he says.

I get busy putting food away and cleaning up the kitchen. Sam comes out and sits at the kitchen table. "Where's Oscar?"I ask. "He's in with Jim now"Sam says. "They are into each other just like you and I are" Sam says grinning. "I love that he cares for Jim as much as I care for you" Sam says hugging me from behind. He nuzzles my neck. "Hurry and finish mi amo" he says softly. "Anxious for me?" I ask. Sam nods.

"I am glad we started you on your first steps to being a sub bottom, but Jim and I worry we pushed you too far with the piss thing, and setting you up to fuck Mikhail" Sam says. "The piss thing, well, if you guys like it, I can deal"I say softly. "I loved getting fucked by Mikhail, and I'm glad you set me up with him" I say happily. "He's a great Horse, and Vassily is a good Bear" I say softly. "We're not gonna do any more sub stuff tonight." Sam says. "We've talked to Vassily, and he's gonna take you on his own in a day or so, and work you and then teach us." Sam says. "He can figure out where we can go with you, and the things we'll all enjoy better if he's taken you to your limits alone" Sam says. "Do you trust him?" Sam asks. "I do, not as much as you or Dad, but yeah I do trust him" I say.

"Mikhail told Vassily he wants you as often as you'll take him, he kind of likes you, Claude" Sam says grinning. "I can understand that, I am fond of you too" Sam says happily. "He's as special as my Cuban Bull, but Hell, I got you and I got Dad, and Beau,and now Mikhail and Vassily, so what else would I need" I say kissing him. "Sam, I love you, and I know if we were together, we'd be a very happy and loving couple, but I feel that way about you anyway, you love me, and Dad loves Oscar, and things are working out perfect". I say kissing him. "Please hurry, I want you," he says putting my hand on his hard dick. I have to tell Mikhail and Vassily about being able to go naked if and when we want.

Harry comes out and he gets a beer. Mikhail comes out and hugs me. Vassily kisses me from behind. I tell them in Russian that we do go naked when we want, and if they want to they can unless we have company that prefers clothes. Vassily yanks off his shorts. Mikhail kisses me again. "Want Claude" he says softly. "I can't now I have to finish" I say gently. "Do you want Harry?" I ask. "Tiger pretty, want Mikhail, can he take Mikhail?" he asks. "Harry, our sweet and gorgeous Horse and his Bear want you, could you try to take his huge Horse Cock?" I ask. "Harry taught me all I know about Sex, so if I can he ought to be able to" I tell Mikhail and Vassily in Russian. Mikhail smiles at Harry. "Beg him for me" he tells me in Russian. "Harry, he wants you bad" I say softly. "I'm thinking of it" Harry says. Mikhail gets on his knees and looks pleadingly into Harry's eyes. "Please" he begs him in Russian. "He said Please" I tell Harry. "He's begging you, he wants you that badly, Harry" I tell him. "Claude, I love being wanted, but will he hurt me" Harry says. Mikhail is looking sad now. "Harry, I can only tell you he didn't hurt me or Nigel, and he took me unawares, I was handcuffed and bent over and he pushed into me, and I was shocked by his size but not hurt, he's so gentle and loving," I say softly. "Mikhail no hurt pretty Tiger, he swear" Mikhail says. "He swears he won't hurt you, Harry" I tell him.

I reach over and pull off Mikhail's shorts. And his Horse dick bobs up. "He's huge, Claude" Harry says. "Touch it, Harry" I ask him . He puts his paw out and strokes it. Mikhail moans. "I won't hurt you pretty Tiger" Mikhail groans. "He's begging you, he swears he won't hurt you" I say smiling. Harry's thinking, and his tail is really thrashing now. Harry kisses Mikhail And he lays on his back on the kitchen table. "Please, I want it, and I can't wait for it." Harry begs him. Mikhail grins. "You take me when he done?" Vassily begs. Harry nods reaching down to play with Vassily's dick.

Mikhail lines his huge dick up with Harry's asshole, and he pushes in gently. Harry's moaning. "He didn't hurt" Harry moans. "I know, he's good" I say smiling Mikhail is moving slowly and he's halfway in now.

"Bend over, Claude" Sam says gruffly. And he pushes me onto the kitchen table. And he's inside me in seconds. And he's biting my neck and he's leaning his weight on me holding me to the table with his big body. "Bull fuck hot, Claude take him as good as he take his Horse" Mikhail says moving faster in Harry. Sam's pretty hot now. Vassily moves around and slips his dick in my mouth, and I suck him while Sam fucks me hard. "Claude good bottom" Vassily grunts. "Suck good" he moans. Sam bellows and he's cumming hard. Mikhail whinnies and he's cumming into Harry, and Harry moves a bit forward on the table, and Mikhail grabs him so he doesn't get pushed off.

"Mikhail happy now, three who can take him here, good food, nice home, much love for us" He says. "You're family now" I tell Mikhail in Russian. Vassily tears up. "We belong somewhere now" he says softly in Russian. "You do"I say gently. "You belong with us, guys" I say smiling. "Nigel's going to learn Russian too, so he can help you" I tell Mikhail. Sam's laying on my back panting hard still. Harry's eyes are glazed still. "He's amazing" Harry pants. "Mikhail want Claude if Bull let him" Mikhail says in Russian. "Sam, he wants me again" I say smiling. "Damn, I wanna see this" Sam says pulling out of me. "Claude, stay on belly on table, Mikhail fuck better from behind, hurt you less" he says gently. "You were wonderful and you didn't hurt any of us" I say happily.

Mikhail gets behind me, and he leans over me. And as he slowly pushes the length of that Horse Cock in me, he whispers in my ear that he loves me. Vassily smiles as he takes Harry. "Bear love you too, good, good Lion" he says in Russian. "I love my sweet Russians" I say grinning. Mikhail is moving gently in and out of me. I move my legs a bit farther apart. "Mikhail speed up?" he asks me. I nod. Mikhail smiles. "Tight Lion feel good" he says moving quicker in my ass now. He's really deep dicking me with that huge Horse Cock. I kick and grunt on it, and I shoot on the kitchen table. He whinnies and I feel his literal flood of cum in me.

"It's amazing to see you take that huge Horse Cock, Boy" Dad says smiling. "Sam, Oscar wants you, he wants to finish your first night here together, we can do this another night" Dad says kissing Sam. "My Baby Bull wants his Bull Daddy" Sam says. And he runs off.

"Come to Daddy, Boy" Dad says happily. I go hug him. "Tell the Russians to go relax and go to sleep if they can" Dad says softly. I tell them to rest. And I show them the fridge and tell them to help themselves if they get hungry, and I tell them them can watch TV in their rooms if they want. Mikhail and Vassily kiss me. Mikhail gets a soda and Vassily gets a beer and they kiss me and go off to bed happily.

Dad sits at the kitchen table, and he pulls me into his lap. "Baby, you're gonna have to look after them, like they were our kids, they're good souls, but Vassily is not the smartest Bear, and Mikhail is very naive, and at a disadvantage because he can't speak English" Dad says softly. "I kind of figured that out" I say softly. I take a deep breath and hope I can explain to Dad what I think we should do. And I hope he'll agree with me.

"Dad, I want to adopt them" I say softly. "We can't have cubs no matter how much I want to give them to you, but they need us" I say softly. "My boy" Dad says softly. "I'll have Joe do it when he comes" Dad says. "We'll joint adopt them, Claude, just explain it to them" he says. "We can look after them and give them good lives now, and I want to have a good Neurologist look at Mikhail, maybe he can have the damage reversed" Dad says kissing me. "I think I know now what I want to do with my life, Dad" I say smiling. "Gonna stay home, be my wife, and look after our family, our Russian sons, your brother, and Beau and Harry and Sam and Oscar and Nigel" Dad says kissing me. "How did you know?" I ask. "Claude, Martha had the same look in her eyes when we talked about adopting Rory" Dad says.

"I love that you want to make tending your Lion Daddy and his family your career, Boy" he says kissing me. "Dad, I have felt something since we bonded, but I couldn't figure out what it was til now" I say gently. Dad looks at me. "I know I'm where I belong, both at my Daddy's side and running his home, the way he wants it run, I know Alfred will be here soon but I wanna be here when my Daddy comes home, to welcome him, and to spoil him rotten" I say softly. Dad laughs. "Your Mom gave me a similar speech when she told me why she was quitting her job to stay home." Dad says softly.

I am silent for a bit of time. Dad looks at me oddly. But he knows I'm thinking. I turn to him. "Dad, I am not Mom, I am proud that so much of her lives on in me, but I hope you don't see me as if I was her" I say earnestly. "Claude, I know you're not Martha, you are like her in some ways, but you're me in so many other ways" Dad says ruffling my mane. "I know who you are, you're Claude Marcus Kitman II, my eldest Lion son, my good son who has loved me so much since the day he came into the world." Dad says wistfully. "You are a Hell of a Lion, and I not only love you, I'm proud of you, and proud to have your love, Claude" Dad says. "More than me, you can see me as your Daddy, and also see me as the Lion male you love and want to spend your life with" Dad says kissing me gently. "Martha would be going crazy, you'd start fussing and I'd come home and take you in my arms, and you'd become a little sweetheart for your loving Daddy" he says tearing up. "You were such a beautiful little cub, bright eyed and fascinated by the world around you" Dad says softly. I blush.

"We never told you about how bad Rory's life was at home when we adopted him, but from the moment we brought him home, you were so loving to him, no one would believe you two weren't raised since birth together, and he adored you" Dad says gently. "You and Rory were my good boys, never a moments trouble out of you, and Jeb was such a handful, he wore your Momma out, she got sick and he got worse, more willful and withdrawn" Dad says. I shake my mane. "Dad, he never...he couldn't...Oh Damn" I Moan loudly.

"Claude?" Dad asks. "He loved Momma, he must have known somehow, when she started getting sick, he started acting out, and he got way worse when she died." I say sadly. "Dad, he couldn't handle Mom being sick and he couldn't express it so he acted it out, and he lost it when she died, Rory and I tried to help but we didn't see it, and it must have hurt him so much" I say breaking into tears. "Baby, that is so you" Dad says stroking my mane.

"I have to call him, Dad, even if he hates me, I have to apologize" I say softly. "Claude, I forbid it, he made his bed, and let him lie in it now" Dad says. "Forbid me, that's sure never worked in the past, why'd you think it would now" I snort. "Because you love me, and you swore you'd obey me" Dad says softly. "I do, Dad, I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone, but I have to do this, I don't want to fight you over this, but I am both your mate and your son, you can't treat me only as your son" I say softly. "Claude, you're right, I don't think it's a good thing that you want to do, but I have to separate the part of you that is my son, from the lover and mate you also are" Dad says kissing me.

"Claude, you hated him, but I have to tell you, sometimes I see a bit of my Dad in you, the courage that drove him to build up CMK into what it became, the willingness to do what he felt was right no matter what it cost him." Dad says softly. "You didn't know him before he became bitter and nasty, but he was something in his younger days, I know I won't become him, because of Martha, and you" Dad says. "Your mom showed me how to laugh and what love is all about, and you show me how to keep moving forwards and make life as close to what you want it to be as you can, it's why I could come to you, and finally find the strength to beg you to be my mate" Dad says kissing me on top of my head. I take his paw. "I'm sorry to be so disobedient to you, Jim" I say softly. Dad smiles. "Jim, and not Daddy?" he asks. "Daddy didn't seem right in this situation" I say softly.

Dad laughs. "You can disobey Jim, but it hurt too much to know you disobeyed your Daddy" he says smiling. I nod. "Boy, I love you so much, and I know we'll be happy for the rest of our lives together" Dad says kissing me. "Now, call your brother, I hope for your sake you can reach him" Dad says. And he gets up and leaves.

I go into the living room and I sit and think. And I know what I have to say. Nigel comes down and he sits by me, and he takes my paw. "You look troubled, Claude" he says. I explain what I figured out and I tell him what I have to do. "You know it's the right thing to do, Claude, I'll be right here" he says squeezing my paw. "I love you, Nige, no wonder you're my best friend." I say kissing him.

I call Jeb. "What the Hell do you want, and why shouldn't I just hang up on your ass, haven't you don't enough to me?" he roars at me. "Jeb, I understand why you're so mad, but I have something to say, and after you've heard me out, if you tell me not to, I won't ever bother you again" I say gently. "This sounds too good not to listen to" he says gloating a bit. "So give" he says. "Jeb, I'm so sorry, I've failed you as your older brother" I say sadly. "I'm intrigued, go on" Jeb says. "Rory has too, but we didn't see what was going on with you nor how bad you were hurting." I say quietly. Jeb's silent now.

"I see now how you hurt, you were probably the first to figure out how sick Mom was, and you couldn't cope, and when Rory and I tried to help it made you feel worse, and then when you weren't "better" we kind of gave up and only made token efforts to help you, and we didn't bother to try to find out how we might be more helpful" I say fighting off tears. "Mom died, and you got worse, angrier and more rebellious, you must have figured the only one who loved you and could help was gone and we didn't care, and you didn't care about us or anything anymore" I say breaking down.

Jeb's crying, "You and Rory were so close, and I know you guys tried to include me, but you were so tight, and I didn't think you guys wanted me around" Jeb says weeping. "Jeb, I'm so sorry, I hope one day to find a way to make it up to you" I say quietly. "I'd of been completely lost without Jesse, Claude, I'm happy now, his family is close, and they've taken to me" Jeb says. "I know you got Dad to let me go, I heard you talk to him when he was on the phone with Jesse's Dad" Jeb says. "I feel like I"m where I belong, like you probably do now" Jeb says brightening up "Jeb, I will hope you can forgive at least Rory and I one day" I say softly. "Dad was so hurt when mom died, and I know he couldn't see the pain of any of us" Jeb says. "Jeb are you happy now?" I ask. "I am, and Claude, I know you and Rory tried, you're just so different from me" Jeb says sadly.

"Do you think you can forgive your crazy older brother one day?" I ask him sadly. "Claude, you are different from me, Mr Montgomery insisted I go to therapy and it's helping me a lot" Jeb says. "I can work through this stuff and I'd like to talk again then, maybe come out and we can build some kind of a relationship then" Jeb says. "I'd love it, but I'll leave it to you, when you feel you want to talk, call me, I do love you, and now I see how my poor little brother felt so hurt and all alone" I say softly. "Tell Rory, and let him know I want to try to build something with him too one day" Jeb says. "What about Dad?" I ask. "I don't know, I have a hard time, he always loved you more than me, and it hurts so much, and now he's bonded you, seems like he's made his life so that there's no room in it for me" Jeb says sadly. "No, I don't see that bro, he loved me differently, he saw so much of Mom in me and now he knows I'm not Mom, but he fell for me" I say. "Dad's worst crime to you, was being too involved in CMK to pay much attention to his youngest son" I say softly. "And we kind of took over, and Rory and I didn't see what you needed from us" I say softly. "Claude, you always did this, stop taking all of the blame" Jeb says. "Dad was at fault, you and Rory at least tried, even if you were clueless, you tried and that does mean something to me" Jeb says softly.

"Jeb, when you want to talk again call me, I'll leave it to you to decide, but I love you, and I want to be your brother again" I say. "I see Dad's point, you are so much like Mom" Jeb says. "Claude, I swear, I'll call you when I'm recovered enough that we can make peace" Jeb says crying again. "I can't tell you how much it means to me that you sorted things out and wanted to apologize" he says. "I do love you, and I am sorry" I say humbly. "I know, and for what it's worth, I love you, and I am sorry at how things are now" Jeb says softly. "I hope you are happy, Jeb, and can find your way" I say softly. "I am happy, and I have love and support now" Jeb says. "Claude, I have to go now, I have school in the morning" Jeb says. "Goodbye, Jeb" I say. "Not Goodbye for good, Claude, just for a while" Jeb says gently. "Thanks, Bro," I say breaking into tears. He hangs up. Nigel's still squeezing my paw.

"Claude, are you OK?" I hear Dad say from behind me. He puts his paw on my shoulder. "I listened, boy, I had to" Dad says. I pull him down in my lap. And I hug him tightly. "He hates me doesn't he?" Dad says. Nigel starts to get up. I grab his paw. "We still need you" I say pulling him back down. He smiles. "Dad, he blames you, though it was Rory and I who didn't see what he needed, we left him alone when he didn't respond to us, and he became more and more hurt and he acted out more and more, Dad" I say softly. "He's still in too much pain, Dad, and he's going to therapy, Jesse's Dad made him" I say softly. "Jesse apparently did figure things out and he helped Jeb where Rory and I didn't, he's happy now Dad, they love and accept him, and he's pulling out of his tail spin" I say hugging Dad. "He wants some time and then he wants to try to see if he and me and Rory can rebuild our relationships" I say softly . "What about me?" Dad asks. "He hurts too bad now, he couldn't even process it, but he will, Dad, he thinks you're building your life to exclude him, and he needs time to see that's not true" I say gently. "He'll come out to see us, and he'll forgive you too, he can't help himself, he loves his Daddy too" I say stroking Dad's mane.

"Claude, do you think he can forgive me, I know you were right, you and Rory always came to me, he didn't and I did ignore his needs" Dad says softly. "I'll have to work on forgiving myself, Claude, we all let him down" Dad says softly. "Dad, it's not too late, we do have to give him some time, but he's going to therapy and he told me it helped him a lot, and he'll work his way through it" I say softly. "You think so, baby?" Dad asks. "I do, babe" I say kissing him.

"Papa, he probably knows he had a part in it too, he couldn't go to Claude or Rory even though he knew they were trying to reach out to him, so he'll deal with that, and if he can forgive himself , than he'll forgive you too" Nigel says. Dad turns and hugs Nigel. "Now I know why you love this Badger so much, Boy" Dad says smiling. "Where's Beau?" I ask Nigel. "Sleeping" Nigel says. "Already" I say softly. "Claude, it's 1 AM " Dad says. "Dad, one more phone call and then lets go curl up" I say softly. "Who you intending on calling?" Dad asks. "I want to see how Takeru and Yoshi are doing" I say softly.