Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Fifteen

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#16 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Fifteen



Furry Sith Lord

"You wanted to see me, Papa Bear." Sanic said as he entered Bear's office. If he wasn't still wearing his special black backpack it would be impossible to see him because his white color made him blend into the surroundings.

"Yes my son I had a few questions I hoped you could answer." Bear lowered his paw to the floor and Sanic climbed on it as Bear lifted him to the desktop. A little known fact was that hedgehogs could be held in bare pawed if they trusted you. You had to still be a little careful but as long as you were careful and gentle there was no danger of being stuck by their spikes.

Bear held Sanic and brought his thumb close to the hedgehog's belly.

"May I?" he asked and Sanic exposed his belly to him then Bear used his thumb to carefully pet it. Sanic closed his eyes in contentment! Hedgehogs, much like cats, loved belly rubs but unless they trusted you you'd never be able to get near it. With the look on Sanic's face if he was a cat he'd be urring right now. This was what Bear wanted because it would be easier to get information from him when he was like this.

"So you met with the white lion and his brother right?" Bear asked.

"Yes sir,"

"You said their father was with them?"

"Yes he was a deer but he was normal colored while they were both white colored." Sanic continued as he kept his eyes closed as he was enjoying the attention.

"Was there anything strange about the cubs? Did they act funny or unusual in any way?" Bear asked. Sanic opened his eyes and rubbed his head as he tried remembering the conversation. .

"No nothing unusual unless you count that they said their father was named Leggo and he was a grey wolf." Sanic replied.

"What brought that up?"

"They asked why I had a backpack on and I explained it was to hold Leggo's toy panda and they replied that their father had the same name. The deer said something about canines all having the name 'Leggo' after some hero of theirs from the Great War."

"Huh, I never knew that." Bear remarked as Sanic sat in his palm and looked at him wondering why he was suddenly interested in what happened at that meeting. He had already told him the story a while ago.

"Speaking of Leggo, have you heard from him yet?" Sanic asked.

"No, he and his brother have yet to call us back. I guess they don't like us." Bear replied and he saw Sanic's eyes fill with tears. His conscience pricked him as he realized how much the little guy had like the fox and was bothered that his comment had upset him.

"Maybe they lost our number, perhaps you could pay them a visit on your way to try and meet with the white cubs again." Sanic suddenly brightened his face. "Sam and Erik report that they hadn't seen the white tiger named Ben they were talking to. So I'm sending you out on reconnaissance to find the deer's two sons and the white tiger boyfriend of one of those cubs," which suddenly struck Bear as odd since the son in question was supposed to be a robot.

Could a real white tiger have been so convinced that the robot was real that it started to date it? If so then The Brotherhood of The Snake was going through great length to convince others their robots were real.

The boyfriend could be another robot and it would make sense that they were two white tiger males. Plus if they were both male no one would notice that they weren't giving birth to cubs of their own. The perfect cover to hide what they were doing!

"While you're at it, see if you can find Leggo the White Fox and see how he's doing and if he still wants to join us." Bear finished and Sanic hopped off Bear's palm onto the desk.

"I'd be happy to!" the excited white hedgehog exclaimed.

"Take some back up because I worry about you and I don't want any harm to come to you."

"Yes Papa Bear!."

"I swear to my paws if you don't shut up I'm gonna tie you up and stick those damn crayons in your nose." Will shouted at Lyon as they were in one of their bickering matches. Tyger and Ben were fast asleep, as they cuddled each other, and since he had no one to play with he decided to annoy Will. They were still in the van and waiting for Lou to contact him was driving everyone stir crazy.

"Ba-gga...Pffffff." Lyon said as he gave Will a raspberry by sticking out his tongue and using a finger of his paw to pull the skin near his eye as he made a face at him. It was a word he learned by watching animes with Dash that meant idiot or stupid.

Will snapped and grabbed a coil of rope he had been keeping in case he needed it. He grabbed Lyon and began to tie him up as the cub struggled in vain. Some time later Tyger awoke and looked at his brother as he was tied up.

Lyon was hogtied and he had a red crayon in one nostril and a green crayon in the other nostril of his nose. He silently lay there as he scowled and turned his gaze to see his brother looking at him in confusion.

"What in the tail?" Tyger exclaimed as Will turned around from the driver's seat to look at them.

"Go ahead, tell him." Will ordered.

"This is what happens when you're a little bitch." Lyon said half heartedly as he repeated the phrase Will made him memorize for when Tyger asked him that very same question.

"Really?" Tyger said to Will and he shrugged.

"I warned him and he wouldn't stop. Besides, he called me a beggar. " Will replied then turned back away as Tyger pulled the crayons out of his brother's nose and untied him.

"I said 'Bagga' not beggar." Lyon retorted.

"That anime lingo, he's just saying that your dumb." Tyger replied as Will ignored him.

"I've called him worse," Lyon whined as he cleaned his crayons. Tyger gave him a hug then sat in the passenger seat and frowned at Will.

"Don't look at me in that tone of voice!" Will replied as Tyger continued to stare. Will was flinching as Tyger made the silence uncomfortable. "Look he had it coming, I did warn him." Will continued but Tyger continued to stare making Will more uncomfortable. "Alright, alright. You win. Lyon, I'm sorry I tied you up," Tyger gave him a colder stare as he narrowed his eyes more. "And stuck those things up your nose. OK?!" Will asked and seeing Tyger look away told him the answer.

Lyon muttered something under his breath just as Ben was waking up and he rubbed his eyes and was surprised Tyger wasn't next to him. Since he agreed to all this, Tyger had been treating him better and it felt like they were dating again. He had tried to kiss him but that was something Tyger still wouldn't allow him to do. Although it bothered him that he was denied he could understand the hesitation to fully embrace him and he was going to be patient until Tyger was ready.

"Was this all you're doing? The B.O.T.S and our sons getting cubnaped?" Leggo asked Lou as they drove home. Lou grimaced before answering as he kept focussed on his driving.

"Not exactly, your son Tyger came up with all this. A clever plan I might add." Lou replied and Leggo

"So what's this 'plan' all about?" Leggo snapped as he asked the question. Lou looked at him and saw the frustration he had.

"While you were gone your little buddy, Sanic, tried to recruit our boys to go with him to The White Citadel. He backed away when he saw I was there questioning him about what he was up to.

Tyger and I teamed up and came up with this plan to not only protect them, but also throw more confusion at C.I.Z.A. and The White Citadel." Lou explained.

"And you never told me about this because?" he asked.

"We needed you to rage in there and confront Merrik so when we revealed them to C.I.Z.A. it would be that they're not our creation."

"So you guys are just using me again?!"

"Kind of, we need you to behave as you would in a real situation. We needed to throw a distraction in the way or either The White Citadel or C.I.Z.A. might try and steal our sons from school. There was no way we could possibly tell you until it was too late so we had to run with it.

"I can understand you wanting to try to destroy C.I.Z.A. and The White Citadel but I draw the line at using our boys in some weird game."

"You underestimate Tyger's potential. He has amazing intellect and using his plan I now know the location of The White Citadel." Leggo gasped and Lou continued. "I got Bear to go to the fake site Tyger suggested I create. I was able to track his locations as he explored it and triangulated where his IP address was then searched the area where he could have an entire city located. I got them!" Lou bragged.

"So we tell C.I.Z.A. and they charge in guns blazing and wipe each other out?" Leggo asked.

"That would potentially eliminate The White Citadel but not C.I.Z.A." Loun replied.

"So how do we get rid of C.I.Z.A?" Leggo asked.

"That's a problem I'm working on. I just can't destroy The White Citadel until I'm ready to destroy C.I.Z.A. If I did then C.I.Z.A. may cut all ties with me making it harder for me to take advantage of them."

"But I'll still be on the inside," Leggo responded.

"True but I doubt they'll trust you knowing you're associated with me." Lou explained.

"This is it folks, we need to see the best ideas you've come up with to put them into operation next week." Merrik ordered as he began his daily meeting. "I also want to welcome our newest agent Leggo Lupus- W to the team." Merrik continued and a few agents clapped politely. They could easily see the team was not pleased with their leader's decision to make Leggo a full fledged agent.

"I still need to know which components you want in the hearing aids." Lou remarked.

"I've been thinking about it and the two way communication needs to go. I want it to record audio but we'll be wearing special rings with cameras built inside to record what we see." Merrik responded.

"We should still keep trackers installed." Erold replied and several agents nodded to the boxer.

"Has anyone figured out what their indoctrination is going to entail?" Leggo wondered as he blurted out his question. An agent that was specially trained in dealing with cults replied. He was a grey and white colored fox and one of the few agents that was not a canine in some way.

"Typically cults when indoctrinating will entice their victims to give up their earthly desires in order to become more spiritually enlightened. Especially things on monetary value so they can sell them and keep the money for themselves.

Most try to convince their victims that they need to let go of their egos and give up the worldly things preventing them from becoming more spiritual.

Since the rings will be taken early it might be a good idea to put the trackers in them instead. Once taken we should know the exact time they arrive at The White Citadel. They will have a special ceremony where you guys do something like strip down to your fur then you are in some way washed clean of your former lives.

Then the brainwashing begins! There are various ways they try and turn you into their line of thinking but they will keep you separated from the group until they know you have become one of them. Sometimes they have you take classes where they teach their dogma. Sometimes they try to push the victim into stressful conditions and the only relief they experience is when the victim behaves as they want them to. Hypnosis is sometimes used as they make the victim watch movies with hidden messages that convert the victim to thinking the way they want. Unfortunately, every cult is different so it may be hard to tell until it's too late." Yilves informed the group.

"I can put trackers in both the hearing aids and the rings but if I do that I can't put cameras inside the rings unless you want them to be big and bulky." Lou replied.

"But I still don't know the scenario," Leggo whined and the group all looked at him.

"What are you talking about?" Merrik asked.

"Why are we going back? What cover are we gonna give Bear, should he ask?" Leggo replied and there were murmurs among the group.

"What's our cover B Team?" Merrik asked one of the groups. The lead agent of the group stood and explained the cover they created.

"For Leggo the scenario is that he wants to be with his buddy Sanic to keep his promise and Largo you are fascinated by the idea of running a restaurant with other rare whitye fur species like yourself." the agent explained.

"Are we going in together or separately?" Leggo asked.

"That's up to Bear because he instructed us to make separate calls." Merrik reminded his partner. Leggo still hated the fact he had to work with this slimeball but maybe Bear would try and keep them apart by not taking them together. It was a small hope but one he was hoping for.

"We have a prewritten dialog for both you and your partner to use when you place the phone calls. Based on the intel provided it should adequately reflect your personalities that were presented to them initially." Louis, who is a rusty colored pit bull terrier, said as he handed out two clear plastic folders with the scripts printed inside.

Lou snorted softly to himself because he always made his agents memorize the script in order that they could personalize it to reflect their own personalities. He had noticed from school that certain people had trouble reading and talking at the same time. By working with them he could eliminate that and make it seem more natural.

Leggo began to read through his script then he raised his hand and Lou smacked it.

"You're not at school," Lou told him.

"Question," he started. "This says I need to keep the fact that I'm calling a secret from my brother, Largo. Does this mean my call is the first one placed?" Leggo asked.

"It doesn't really matter, we figured it would roughly be around the same time and you were keeping it secret from each other." Louis replied.

"This could give us a chance to send one agent in to get a feel for the layout and report back any evidence." Erold interjected.

"Let's say you sneak an agent inside, what evidence do you have that would warrant their arrest?" Lou asked.

"If it is an actual cult as proposed then the agents inside need to find evidence of cubnaping or any mental angst that shows they are a threat. We also need to find out if they are building an army or any weapons that may pose a threat to national security." Louis explained.

"Bear mentioned he has an indoctrination program but the time frame of it is uncertain. The agent or agents sent inside need to get through it as swiftly as possible in order to be given access to their secure areas. Essentially you need to become 'yes furs' to appear to allow the indoctrination to take hold." Erold added.

"I should be first to go in since they believe I'll be easily susceptible to their brainwashing." Leggo stated. "That way if they actually brainwash me then when Merrik enters he'll notice the difference in me and can report it before they try the same thing to him."

"He did mention that not all candidates actually join them so the method isn't foolproof." Lou countered.

"Which brings up a good point," Merrik interrupted. "Can you put a panic button in the camera rings so if something happens we can call for help or send out an alert?" Merrik asked Lou.

"I can modify the cameras so that if they get broken they will send out an alert. With that if you feel you need help you simply break the ring's stone and the now damaged camera sends a silent signal to our monitoring teams that the agent needs help." Lou replied.

"Do the cameras have to be destroyed? because we won't be able to record anymore." Louis asked.

"Again, there is only so much you can put in them until they are too bulky and obvious." Lou retorted.

"How about multiple rings?" Erold asked.

"Actually, can you make a small size ring to fit a hedgehog? I can give it as a gift to Sanic so he can record the sensitive areas he goes into without him knowing." Leggo asked.

"That's actually a brilliant idea!" Merrik exclaimed. "Make the stones the same color so you can actually call them friendship rings." Lou began to furiously make notes because so much was being thrown out right now.

Lou parked his jeep and they got out and were making their way inside their mansion home. The ride back neither spoke to the other but Lou seemed focussed on his plans and Leggo didn't want to interrupt that.

"Excuse me," came a soft voice and Leggo looked around to see where it had come from. He knew instantly that it was Sanic but since he had not shaved off his fur to look like The White Fox he needed to pretend he was someone else.

"Oh my paws, aren't you just the cutest little dickens." Leggo said as he changed his voice and forced himself to speak with a lisp. When he was in school he remembered that the same sex couples used to talk like that identifing that they were in boy, boy, relationships. He never understood why they talked like that and he was always forever grateful that Lou hadn't started that when they began dating.

He looked down blankly at Sanic as the little hedgehog looked up at him wearing his special backpack. He saw the confusion in his eyes and felt guilty about lying to the little guy.

"Do you remember me, Leggo?" Sanic asked and Lou walked over to see what his husband was up to.

"Yes my name is Leggo but honestly I don't think I ever met you before. You are the cutest thing ever with your little backpack on. I think I would have remembered you, had we met before." Leggo continued to lie with his voice being a higher pitch and the lisp he was speaking with. Lou looked at him showing no reaction to the change in voice Leggo was speaking with then he looked down and saw Sanic there. His eyes narrowed as he instantly realized what was going on but he remained silent.

"Are you really a wolf?" Sanic asked.

"Yeeesss, why wouldn't I be?"

"Sorry I know someone named Leggo but he's a white fox. I've been looking for him to see how he's doing but I can't find him. I was just wondering if he was you because you have the same name." Sanic said as his voice showed the depression he was feeling.

"Sorry sweetie I'm not him, unless you mean I'm sexy like a fox they hells yeah I am." Leggo replied and gave a little laugh at the end.

"Can you excuse us?" Lou asked Leggo and his husband was quick to leave, leaving the two of them alone. "I know why you are here." Lou stated and Sanic looked at him with confusion on his face.

"What do you mean?" Sanic asked.

"My sons have been cubnapped and I'm guessing you're here to give me the demands." Lou stated angrily.

"What?! We never cubnapped your sons!" Sanic replied.

"Oh come on, I remember you trying to talk to my boys at school. You were asking about my husband then and now you're here again asking about him again. Funny you haven't mentioned them yet. So you must be working with the cubnappers! I want my boys back. Now give me the demands before I call the police on you."

"I'm not a cubnapper and I don't have your sons. I can't believe they were cubnapped!" Sanic replied.

"Like you didn't know?! You expect me to believe you had nothing to do with it?"

"I didn't even know they were missing."

"It's been all over the news!" Lou explained. "Just level with me all I want are my boys back so tell me what you want and I'll pay for their safe return." Lou lied hoping the hedgehog would believe he was being sincere.

"I can take you to someone that will help you."

"So that's the game, you cubnap me next?"

"No we would nev..."

"Give me back my sons!" Lou shouted, cutting off Sanic.

"We don't have them!" Sanic shouted back and Lou had to admit the little guy did have some balls to shout back at him like that even though Lou could use his hooves to squash him.

"Then why are you here?" Lou asked indignantly.

"Because my only friend Leggo is missing too!!!!" Sanic replied and the tears in his eyes moved Lou's heart. What have we gotten ourselves into, he thought to himself.

To Be Continued...