Augmented Possibilities

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Undyne is captured by Alphys and turned into a mind-warped cyborg slave.

Commissioned by eldomtom

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Augmented Possibilities

For eldomtom

By Draconicon

The Underground had been a world of possibilities for the monsters that had reason to push for them. The work that Metaton had done for his resort in Hotland and the rise of the returned Toriel to the position of queen had done quite a bit to prove that. There were those that believed that it disturbed the established order of things, but Undyne was not one of them. For her, the fact that someone was finally shaking things up was a good thing, and it meant that there was a chance for...other things to happen.

The piranha woman walked down the paths that led from the resort to the great lab that her friend, Alphys, kept on the borders of Hotland. The trek was as nasty as it always was, and she undid yet another container of ice to toss inside her clothes to keep herself from burning up. All the water that she'd had meant that she was probably full to bursting with liquid, but that was fine. She'd just handle that later.

For now, she just wanted to get to the lab. She could see it in the distance, but it was still far enough away that she'd have at least an hour before she got there due to the insane elevator functions that turned even a short walk into a long trek. The piranha growled under her breath, shaking her head.

Really wish you'd move to the damn palace, girl, she thought. That would make this so much easier.

Then again, that would mean that they'd be under surveillance, watched by the guards. It didn't matter that she was the one in charge; they still kept following her, watching her if she took her eyes off them for a second. Not the most private of areas, and considering what she and Alphys liked, they both wanted a private place.

She sighed, taking another ice cube and stuffing it down the back of her shirt before stepping into an elevator. Halfway there.

She'd been out of ice for nearly twenty minutes by the time she reached the lab, and her clothes were soaked to the skin with sweat and water. Her hair flagged down over the back of her head, and she was grumbling when she finally raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" Alphys called from inside.



"Me! Undyne! Let me in!"

"No need to shout, you know."

"It's burning up out here, and I want to get somewhere that's not cooking me. Let me in."

"Alright, alright, one second."

It took longer than that, of course, but shortly after, she was inside. The wonderful cool air inside the building was a blessing and a half, and she sighed in contentment as she stepped through and the door shut behind her. All the heat was on the right side, away from her.

She didn't have long to focus on that comfort. No sooner had she stepped inside than the room went dark, only for a spotlight to come on over the second floor. She cocked her head to the side, staring up for a moment until -

A figure that had the same coloration as Alphys, but not the same shape, poked her head over the railing. The dinosaur stood a little taller than usual, too, no longer just about waist-height for Undyne, but a little taller. She wore her lab-coat open, too, showing off everything from her neck down. Everything, which happened to be rather...enhanced.

Undyne stared, her mouth hanging open and her fangs on display for a second or two before she slapped herself.

"What the hell is that?"

"You like?" Alphys asked, turning in place, her tail going up - yep, her ass was bigger, curvier, just like the rest of her. "I put a lot of effort into this."

"It's a lot of something. What the hell?"

"Oh, you don't like it?"

Undyne started to apologize, something that she'd learned to do around the oversensitive, shy scientist, but then stopped herself. There was almost a crazed look in Alphys's eyes, like something had been offended rather than upset. She paused, starting to reach -



Before she could clear enough space to summon one of her spears, two automated arms pushed out of the wall, weapon barrels pointed at her. She froze in place, staring up at them. They were new, very new, with shiny tips to the barrels and a gleam of something metallic deep down inside. The piranha looked past them, staring at her friend.

"Alphys...what's going on?"

"I changed myself a bit for someone. Someone very important to me."

"Can't be more important than me."

"Oh, only a little bit. But enough. Enough to love this new me," the scientist said, running her hands down her scaly sides, then back up under her breasts. "Mmm, you have no idea how much I love this."

"I can guess..."

"Oh. You probably can." The dinosaur woman chuckled. "But that's not important. What's important is that you're here now, and you can join in."

"Pass. Alphys, what's the matter with you? This isn't you."

"It wasn't the old me. It is the new me, though." She smiled. "And soon, we'll have a new you, too."

"Oh, hell no."

As head of the guards, she'd had a chance, but she'd spent too long talking. She tried to bring up her spear and was halfway through summoning it when the first weapon fired. It hit her in the leg, a tranquilizer dart taking effect almost immediately. By the time that the spear appeared, she was falling, and it disappeared again as she fell unconscious.

Undyne woke up with metal and leather straps running along her body. Worse, she was naked, completely naked, and that...well, that was more than slightly terrifying.


For all that she had suplexed boulders before, the restraints had her at a disadvantage. She couldn't get the leverage that she needed to really push through, and Alphys must have made this special for her, because she couldn't break them with a sudden pull. Her ability to summon spears didn't work, either; her head was too fuzzy to really focus on it, and the few times it developed more than a simple concept in her head turned out to be more of a nightlight than an actual threatening weapon.

She was just starting to try throwing herself from side to side when Alphys showed up at her side. The yellow-white-scaled woman looked down at her with a smile.

"Well, glad that you're finally awake. I couldn't start with you asleep."


"Don't worry. It's not going to hurt. In fact, I think you're going to loooove it."

Her girlfriend leaned down, giving her cheek a gentle kiss and lick. Undyne wanted to like it, but the whole thing was wrong. So wrong. So very, very wrong.

"I hope you don't mind, but I dosed you with something that'll keep you from summoning the spears. Nothing bad, just a little drug that'll keep your mind all foggy. It'll be gone in a few hours."


"Oh, Undyne. Don't worry. I'm going to make sure that I can take care of you forever. Just like you'll take care of me. First, though, we have to replace this..."

Alphys reached for her eye-patch. Undyne's remaining eye went wide, and she shook her head, trying to avoid it. She managed to lean back and twist to the side a few times before Alphys activated another set of restraints, one that kept her head pinned in place. She was forced to stare straight up as the patch was taken away.

She didn't know what it looked like anymore, but the face Alphys made convinced her that it was still an ugly hole in her head. She closed her other eye, wishing that enough had remained so that she could close that hole.

"Nnn...put...put it...back," the piranha struggled to say.

"Oh, no. I need to replace it, remember? I put something together special for this. Don't worry. As soon as I give it to you, things will get better."


"No, no, I got this."

And apparently, the other woman did. Undyne stared up at a gray-framed, blue-lensed device that looked more like some sort of heads-up display that were in some of Alphys's animes that she watched. It didn't look like it would be enough to fix her face, though, not nearly enough to fix her eye.

She wanted her patch back. She wanted to look like the bad-ass that she had been for the last few years, ever since she'd taken over as head of the royal guard. This wasn't her. This wasn't her!

The new piece of equipment was laid against the side of her head, the lens folded over and pressed against the edge of her eye-socket. She expected it to be nothing but a covering, but then -

Spark. Zap.

Something suddenly flared with discomfort inside her skull, but then she could see. She could see out of a hole that had no eye in it. Undyne gasped as a blue-tinted world opened up before her, slowly shifting from the blue color to various other shades. For the first time in years, she could see through that empty socket, and -


Another shock, this time going a little deeper, a little further along that line. That must have been what her eye had been connected to before, but this time, the shock didn't bring more sight with it. Instead, it started...

A spiral started spinning over her new vision, a spiral that spread over her other eye, somehow. It was a deep pink-purple in color, one that spun slowly and spread to cover everything. The world turned pink to her eyes, and little words started appearing in the color, like little messages, little whispers.

She tried to close her eyes, but the messages kept coming, refusing to stop, refusing to leave her alone.

"Alphys! Stop it!"

"Sorry, Undyne, but I can't. I need to do this. I need to make you mine."

"I already am!"

"No, you kind of are. You're too shy. Too scared."

The sparks continued, but they were no longer painful. They were in the background, zapping at her brain, doing something to her. She felt the words spinning through the spirals, feeling like they were being laid down on her thoughts, forcing her to think of them rather than anything else.




Slave to Alphys._

Slave? She had never been a slave. She never would be. What the hell had happened to her girlfriend to make her like -


The spirals were getting stronger, dragging her deeper. Undyne fought as hard as she could against the words, the commands, but they were starting to set in. It was made all the harder as Alphys walked around the table, running her fingers over the piranha's naked body, touching her flat breasts, her hips, even running a hand close to her sex.

"You've always been so hard. Let's make you a bit softer. A good girlfriend, a good...good...oh, Undyne, I didn't know I wanted this until now, but I do. I can't wait for you to be my slave."


Slave to Alphys.




Slave to Alphys._

The mantra continued pulsing through her head, dragging her further and further down, making it harder and harder for her to ever imagine crawling back out of that emptiness. Undyne tried to fight against it, but the new patch was hooked right into her head, and bit by bit, it started breaking her down.

She was already obedient, wasn't she? Already such a good girl, doing what the queen told her, allowing the new goat queen to command her actions? That was what a soldier did, after all. They did what they were told. They protected people. They did the right things when the right owner had them.


That small part of Undyne tried to fight back, but that was what she was, wasn't she? Owned by the queen. The royal guard was what it was because they were owned and commanded by the queen, by the throne. Why was it so hard to think about being owned by someone else? She would be given a better purpose, a better role, so much more in fitting with her nature. Undyne tried to argue with herself, but still the spirals spun, and still they dragged her ever deeper.

Subservience. That was the next word, and it played through her mind, reminding her of all the times that she had submitted to the judgment of the throne, how she had gone with the judgment of others. It was in her nature, wasn't it? Better to submit, to give in, to serve.

Undyne found herself nodding along to the hypnosis, sinking deeper and deeper as Alphys stood at her side. Various needles were coming free, gently brushing against her chest. She could feel the little pricks nudging at her, almost sinking too deep for comfort, and she groaned as she felt something...

Something sliding into her...

Something filling her...

The new patch kept dragging her down, and she found herself sliding into the darkness. She was falling down, riding the spiral like a slide into unconsciousness. She willingly went with it, too tired to hold back any longer.

Undyne woke, not with a start, but with purpose. The world was no longer filled with a spiral, but she was different. She could feel that difference.

She ripped her arm upward, and it broke the restraint without even trying. She did the same with the other arm and her legs, and she sat up. Sliding her legs off to the side of the table, she turned, looking at the wall, finding a clean enough panel to serve as a mirror.

Her remaining eye was pink, her pupil blue. It looked strange, but right at the same time. Her arms...

From the elbows down, they were metal. Not gloves, but actual metal. They'd been replaced, and somehow, she was okay with that. There was nothing wrong with being more efficient, after all, and nothing at all wrong with having the limbs that her mistress would want her to have.


Mistress Alphys, she realized, and that made the word feel all the better. She nodded to herself, standing up straight. Her legs had gotten a similar treatment as her arms, replaced with cybernetic versions of themselves below the knee. As for her attire...

Well, the obvious thing had to be pointed out. Her chest was bigger than it had been, much bigger as a matter of fact. Her breasts were larger than the queen's, and that was saying something. They were barely supported by a slender ring of metal that wrapped around her middle, with two disks that didn't quite cover her nipples providing the last bit of her clothing on her torso. Her breasts were obviously shoved forward, put on display, hardly something useful for fighting.

Mistress Alphys has other needs for you than fighting, a new thought said, and Undyne accepted that. A good thing to remember.

Further down, her sex was covered by another plate, something that would keep her from touching herself -

Unless Mistress Alphys allows, the thought came into her head. Somehow, that was...rather appealing.

She kept staring at herself in the mirror, rather at a loss of what to do next. She had been completely, utterly transformed from what she had been. More than just being changed from a piranha to a cyborg, and a curvier, more endowed one at that, she had been changed from her warrior self to something...obedient. Something servile.

Something slavish.

Is that bad?

For the first time, the thought was one of hers rather than coming from whatever the other thoughts had come from. She didn't know. She didn't know what she would have wanted with her life if this hadn't happened. It wasn't bad, after all. She was still herself, mostly. She still understood what had happened to her, could still think.

She just didn't want to do anything that she hadn't been told to do.


That was the mistress. She turned her head, both her tranced eye and her mechanical one tracing the source of it. Alphys stood twenty-two feet to the left, naked, slightly aroused and with a fast-beating heart-rate. Undyne marched over.

"Yes, Mistress."

"Oh...oh, it worked."

"I'm ready to serve, Mistress."

"Oh, yes...oh, yes...."

The End

Summary: Undyne is captured by Alphys and turned into a mind-warped cyborg slave.

Tags: F/F, F/solo, science, mind control, reprogramming, Undyne, Alphys, nudity, breast growth, exposure, arousal, slavery, femdom, bondage, Undertale, rule 34,