TITZ 'N' AZZ Prelude

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#1 of TITZ 'N' AZZ




Voxanna Claps.




The restaurant was amongst the busiest part of Amistad, it catered for the well to do and the middle class denizens of the fur planet. Those who could afford to eat there daily, or for those who would like to eat there on special occasions, provided that they booked in advanced, and saved enough for the meals. The entertainment varied from bands to comedy acts to opera and celebrity actors.

The manager was a middle aged wolf morph, dressed in a business suit, tie and jacket with a white rose in the pocket. He had recently posted a wanted ad for dancers, and now he had the job of reviewing the applicants.

Looking over the group of female and male furs and a few human females, he knew that the job was not going to be easy, for he was looking for a particular kind of dancer.

Just then, the door opened too allow another applicant to enter the premises, a fox morph, female, and she had the most astonishing set of green eyes, almost emerald in colour, and her hair was thick and had a shine to it, which showed that she took great care with it. And... wow... surely they're not real. He thought, as his eyes stayed on the largest set of breast he had ever seen. They didn't sag, nor did they look fake.

It seemed like she was gifted with breasts from the makers themselves. And that tail, so bushy, so thick. Attached to a firm rounded rump. She wore denim jeans, a yellow top and a leather jacket. She wore no shoes, and her smile was so sweet when she glanced at him, that there was tightness within his pants.

As she approached, he stood there, watching how her hips swayed and moved, so sexy, so sultry. Oh yes, she will do well on stage. But he couldn't show any favouritism, she will have to fill out the form like everyone else, and sit through the interview and then the audition. But, he was sure that she will soon be working here, she had the look and the moves.

Stopping in front of him, she smiled, in an innocence kind of way and extended her hand in a formal greeting.

"Good morning." She said.

"Morning." He replied, taking her hand and moving it to his lips where he gave it a kiss on the top, like any gentleman would do to a lady.

She giggled and there was defiantly a blush of embarrassment in her ears, just like a schoolgirl crush when the object of her desire said hello or gave her some attention.

"I'm here for the job." She said, reluctantly letting go of his hand.

Tyler relished in the feel of her small delicate hand, the scent of her femininity as well as the warmth of her touch. Ohh what she would be like in the sack? He thought, as his erection throbbed.

"Ok, just fill these forms out, then hand it to my receptionist and wait with the other applicants." He said, smiling and wagging his tail.

The vixen took the pages and the pen he also handed to her, as she did so, he let his finger stay on hers for awhile before she pulled away. He was smiling and she was smiling.

15 minutes later, Voxanna had finished filling out the forms and handed them to the mouse morph receptionist and waited with the other applicants. Sitting there, shi struck up a conversation with a pretty cat morph, also a hermaphrodite.

One by one, the other applicants were called into the office, some where in there for 2 minutes, and from the looks on their faces, Voxanna knew that they didn't get the job. While others were in the room for 20 -45 minutes, and when they came out, they had the look of a cat that got away with eating the cannery.

Finally, Voxanna and 2 others were left and the day was drawing short, then a large bear in tight t-shirt and jeans told them to go home, they will receive a phone call about the position.

Disheartening, Voxanna, Hennie and a rabbit morph named Tinkles left the restaurant and bid each other farewell.

The trip home was quiet as the vixen herm thought about why shi hadn't been called into the office, and for that matter, why the other 2 with hir wasn't called in as well. If they didn't get the job, then they could just tell them, face to face. It would take 2 minutes max to inform hir that shi didn't get the job.

As shi walked in the front door, Sunrise could tell that shi didn't get the job. Being a chakat, with empathy powers, shi could sense others feelings, weather it was happiness, sadness, anger or fear. What shi sensed from Voxy was confusion and doubt and a tinge of uncertainty. Plus, the phone call informing Voxanna that shi didn't get the job was a no brainer.

"Oh hun, I'm sorry you didn't get the job." Shi replied, hugging the confused vixen.

"But how... oh... right... I forgot about your empathic ability." Shi said, returning the hug to the light blue furred chakat with orange and red streaks through hir fur and red ears.

"Don't need to be empathic hun; there was message for you from the restaurant."

"What? When? What time?" Voxanna asked.

"About 4:58pm." Sunrise answered, nuzzling Voxy's cheek.

"But...that was 2 minutes after we left the restaurant, why didn't they...." Then shi stopped as the thought crossed hir mind. No, it couldn't be... not that.

"What dear?" Sunrise asked.

Voxanna didn't reply, instead, shi shook hir head with anger and sadness and went to hir room, where hir only source of happiness was waiting.

As shi entered the room, the tiny bundle of fur in the cot stirred and meeped for attention. Voxanna picked hir child Crysteen up from the cot and started nursing the kit, enjoying the closeness and love from hir only flesh and blood.

As shi sat there and held hir herm daughter, shi thought about the reason for not getting the job, and just shook hir head in disbelief.

Humans hating furs because of what they were and where they come from is one thing, but furs discriminating against other furs for their sexuality is something unheard of, and unbelievable.

Looking at hir daughter as shi suckled on hir teat, Voxanna made a promise to hirself and to hir daughter.

I'm going to get a job, regardless of my gender or species, and makers help anyone who gets in my way for providing for my kit and myself a happy home and security.

As soon as Crysteen had finished, Voxanna lifted hir up and patted hir back until shi burped, then smelling the rank odour, knew it was time to change the diaper.

To be continued...