
Story by firefox_b on SoFurry

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We all harbor secrets, and they're kept that way usually for a reason. Eventually, however, the beast within will come out, and that can be a good thing...

Jim had taken Elaine for a walk in the deep forest. It was one of their favorite cheap dates, plus as their relationship deepened, he felt compelled to tell her something before they went any further. It was something that Jim felt she needed and was entitled to know about.

As they trudged through fallen leaves on that golden October day, Jim broached the subject awkwardly. "Elaine, there's something that you should know about me," he began. "I'm not like other guys."

"Well, aren't you the mysterious one?," responded Elaine. "Who are you, Michael Jackson in 'Thriller?' "

"Actually, that's not far from the truth," admitted Jim. His next sentence didn't exit his mouth, however, for he was interrupted by a throaty roar.

A few dozen yards ahead of them, something came into view that was about eight feet tall, covered with hair, and smelled terrible...a Bigfoot! It raised its massive arms in a menacing fashion, and roared its displeasure that the couple had ventured into its territory.

Elaine grabbed a large fallen tree branch and brandished it towards the hulking figure. Jim began coughing, that cough becoming deeper and then crossing over into a growl. The unexpected threat had forced the change upon him, and he was powerless to control his own defensive reaction.

When the Bigfoot advanced further upon Elaine and splintered the branch in her grasp, Jim in his werewolf form sprang upon it. His claws found purchase in the thick fur of the Bigfoot as his jaws tried to close upon its neck. The fur of the creature was dense and thick, however, and his teeth could not readily penetrate it.

Although faster and more agile than the Bigfoot, his adversary was larger and more powerful, latching onto the werewolf with its massive arms and hurling him off, his back impacting painfully with an unyielding tree. Jim's visioned clouded briefly, and he shook his head to clear it as the enraged Bigfoot advanced upon him. Before the larger animal could reach him, however, something vaulted onto the rampaging Bigfoot's back, catching him unaware...a Wampus cat!

With six limbs, the mountain lion-like creature worked its way onto the Bigfoot's upper back and shoulders, clawing and biting at the neck and ears of the hairy ape-thing. With the Bigfoot's attention diverted, the werewolf attacked again, coordinating its assault with that of the wampus cat so as to keep the Bigfoot fully occupied and beleaguered and unable to focus completely on either one of its attackers.

The battle raged for several minutes, the forest quiet pierced with a cacophony of howls, growls, and hisses in a battle of attrition. Cruel claws and teeth had begun to penetrate the Bigfoot's dense fur. Bloodied and outnumbered, the Bigfoot howled in anger, pain, and frustration, and began to beat a retreat into the forest, the werewolf and wampus cat vaulting athletically to the forest floor where they regarded their vanishing foe for several moments, ready to resume their attack if necessary.

The great cat and wolf then looked to one another. The werewolf's fierce gaze softened as he regarded the big feline. "Elaine?," he asked as his muzzle began to recede into the flatter contours of a human face.

The wampus cat nodded in acknowledgment as her own features shifted, morphing into human form. "I never suspected that you were a shifter," she said, "but as you see, I've got a hidden side myself."

"I'm cool with that," smiled Jim. "Are you hurt?," he asked, picking hair from between his teeth.

"Just a bit sore," replied Elaine. "And the bastard ruined my makeup! But I needed a good workout. Why don't we walk it off?"

"Sounds like a plan to me!," agreed Jim as they walked off hand in hand, confident that there was nothing further in the forest that they couldn't handle together...