An Island Called Home - Chapter One

Story by lsartin93 on SoFurry

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An Island Called Home

Chapter One - Land Ahead

"Captain!" the otter shouted as he knocked on the door.

"Enter!" the captain shouted from inside his cabin.

McPhillips turned the brass knob and opened the door. "Captain, the lookouts have spotted land off our bow!"

"Are you sure?" the Captain asked as he sat up in his chair.

"Quite, sir. I made sure of it before I came to tell you. It looks like an island. We can't be more than a few nautical miles away." the otter assured as he walked over to the mapping table and traced his finger along the course the vessel had been traveling. "We have reason to believe that there may be enemy artillery inland."

"I'll go see for myself." the Captain said as he got up and walked towards the door with the otter on his tail. "How big is it?" the beaver asked as he ducked through a hatch and mde his way towards the wheehouse.

"I'm not sure, Captain. It is still hard to tell at this point." the otter repied as he followed the Captain out onto the bridge.

The Captain grabbed a pair of binoculars and peered into the distance. "It looks rather small but there is a cove that may be big enough for us to drop anchor in. Set course for that cove, McPhillips."

"Yes, sir." McPhillips replied as he left the Captain's side and walked towards the engine room telegraph. "Setting course for the cove, five degrees to port. Increasing speed to ten nautical miles."

"Good," the Captain Replied. "Johnson!"

"Yes, sir? a small dolphin replied as he saluted the tall beaver.

"Round up a party of men to send on land when we drop anchor. You can be in charge."

"Yes, sir." Johnson replied as he entered the wheelhouse and disappeared below decks.

"McPhillips!" the Captain ordered, "Go to your cabin and get some rest. I will notify you when we reach the cove.

"Yes, sir." he saluted as he walked through the wheelhouse and down a set of stairs. When he reached his cabin he took off his coat and sat down in the chair in the corner of the small room. He reached over and dug in the small cabinet next to his berth and pulled out a pornographic magazine that he managed to smuggle on board at the beginning of the voyage. He turned on a small wall light and began flipping through the pages.