Commission 02

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry


#2 of Commissions

Commission for Leotoefinger

Side Effects


Furry Sith Lord

Natasha felt briefly lightheaded and confused about where she was and what was going on but a second later everything came into focus and she knew everything was perfectly normal.

She saw herself with Samantha and was drawn to find out what was going on. She saw something that looked like her had gripped Samantha by her over plump buttocks and was whipping it with such ferocity that Samantha was crying out in pain as her tender bottom was showing the reddening flesh in the area that had been plucked of it's plumage.

Natasha ran up and tried to grab the version of herself that was whipping Samantha to stop her but her paws passed through her as her body was translucent. She tried swiping a couple more times but found the effects to be the same. It was as if she were a ghost and could not stop the version hurting Samantha. She screamed in agony hoping the other version would stop but it did not and continued its assault on her poor lover.

Natasha woke startled and her heart was beating rapidly then she took a breath and calmed herself as she climbed out of her 'den.' She vividly recalled the incident when she had spanked her lover and felt immense guilt over it.

She walked around to Samantha's backside and examined the cheeks. Each individual one was larger than Natasha's body. They were resting against the baseboard of the bed and Natasha was relieved to see that the plumage had completely grown back from where she had plucked it out.

Natasha begins to massage the area and she felt the guilt lessening as she was trying to take away the pain she caused. Even though they had made up, she still felt guilty for what she did. She had been so upset that she took it a step farther than she had wanted to but her anger had pushed her to cross the line and now she regretted her actions.

Samantha was tweeting happily in her sleep and she woke up feeling a little groggy as she wondered what time it was. She reached for her Ipad and saw 0300 was displayed on the clock. She smiled to herself as she thought about the events before she fell asleep early yesterday.

She had gone to sleep early, passing out from extortion after feeding her dog when Natasha had been trying to please her. She couldn't help feeling spoiled because Natasha makes her climax multiple times a day. They had been dating for four years now and their love had never gone stale each time it was as vibrant as the previous time they made love.

The more she thought about Natasha it suddenly occurred to her that she was not in her den. This was shocking because she was able to conscientiously know when Natasha left her den. Every time she left Samantha would have a feeling of dread that her lover was no longer inside her anymore. The odd thing was that her body still reacted like Natasha was inside her even though she could feel that the coyote wasn't.

She took a few deep breaths as she felt the edge of panic creeping upon her and she closed her eyes to focus. It was something she had learned to help her relax and once she started her breathing, she would focus on her individual body parts to prevent and release any anxiety and stress. She would start with her toes, giving them a little wiggle, then move upward to her legs then keep moving upwards.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she felt a caressing touch on her butt. Her left cheek in particular was receiving the attention and she blushed as she realized it was Natasha. It was so soothing and relaxing she was surprised she had not known it sooner but her touching that particular area was awakening a dark desire within her.

Natasha had punished her by plucking out her feathers and then spanking her derriere in order to teach her a lesson. Natasha had blamed her for recklessly running out into danger while the coyote was busy fighting some demonic creatures or form of evil. Samantha wasn't too interested in what it was exactly, only that she felt she needed to be by her lover's side to lend her support. She loved watching Natasha kill the bad guys and her competitive nature felt like it was a win for both of them.

The spanking had been terrible and she screamed in pain when Natasha had administered it. The odd thing was that in a way she had on some level enjoyed it because she was having strong urges to be spanked again. Even being touched there was strangely erotic and she had been making excuses to have her rear touched more by Natasha. She could feel herself getting flustered with the strong muscular hands caressing her and she was softly cooing at the touch.

Samantha had been daydreaming different scenarios in which they would role play scenes that involved her getting spanked at the end. She had envisioned that Natasha was a nurse and she was a stubborn patient that would refuse to do things like finish eating so 'nurse' Natasha would either spank her or whip her ass for being bad.

"Natasha," Samantha purred her lover's name but her thoughts changed to confusion as no answer came. Why is she being so quiet? Samantha thought to herself.

"Can you scratch a little bit higher than where your paws are now?" Samantha asked and again no reply came however she did feel the coyote's paws move higher and scratched her gently enough that it felt good and so she knew Natasha was listening to her and even obeyed.

The silence was deafening and the fear and panic was creeping back as she wondered why her lover wasn't speaking. She called for Natasha to come and stand in front of her.

"I'm sorry," Natasha said as she moved in view and Samantha saw her looking despairingly downtrodden.

"Babe, I forgive you." Samantha explains forcefully enough to drive the point home.

"I promise I'll spank or whip you again." Natasha continues.

"Well, we don 't need to go that far." Samantha replied and Natasha looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"I wouldn't mind a little light spanking every now and then." Samantha continues. Natasha smiles and wipes the tears from her eyes. The guilt vanishes as she stops thinking about it and she feels the enduring love Samantha has for her. Her lover forgives her and the joy she feels causes Natasha to crawl up the huge stomach and hugs Samantha with her whole body stretched out against the raven's fat gut.

"Maybe later my big fat naughty raven." Natasha said knowingly as she slid down from her titanic belly and began to lift it as she crawled back into her den.