
Story by JakePichu on SoFurry

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My newest short story where my Kidfur sona (5 yr old dragon) plays MarioKart in real life with a friend!


By Jake Draggie.

One day, in the Draggie camper, Jake Draggie and his friend Justin (An Australian Shepherd) were playing MarioKart 64 on Jake's Nintendo 64 console. The thickly padded cubs were playing a 2-player Grand Prix, the Special Cup on Rainbow Road, 50cc. Jake playing as Toad, Justin playing as Mario. The two cubs had raced three out of the four courses, and were now down to the last course, the infamous Rainbow Road. Jake did not like that course because no matter who he played as, he kept getting eaten by the chain chomps that were in the middle of the course.

Jake was gaining on Justin this day, however, as he had been avoiding the chain chomps like the plague. The two cubs were just about to start the third and final lap of the race, when Jake's mother called out their names and they paused the game. Jake's mother soon came into the living area where the cubs were playing and said "Justin's mother is coming to pick him up soon, time to turn the game off."

"Aww!" the cubs replied "I was winning!" Justin cried. "I'm sorry to have messed up your game," said Jake's mother, "But it is time for Justin to get ready to go. Besides, you two can't play Mario all day!"

Jake and Justin just nodded and after switching the N64 and the television off, Justin got ready to go, and his mother picked him up.

"See you later, Jake!" Justin said "Bye, bye!" Jake replied. After Justin had left, Jake wanted to play more Mario Kart, this time by himself, but he knew that his mother would not let him, as he and Justin had been playing for an hour that Saturday. So, Jake began to think about how he and Justin could play Mario Kart without playing on TV.

All week long, whenever he had the chance to at school, either at lunch or recess, Jake began to think about how he and Justin could play Mario Kart. He first thought about racing some hot wheels cars down a hill, but he remembered that he did not live on a hill. He then thought about racing remote control cars, and he thought that he might have to do that, but the remote-control cars he had were cheap ones that one could find at the local dollar stores around the town of Kellyville, and if he wanted better cars, he either have to wait until Christmas, his birthday or be extra good for a week at school. Still, desperate times call for desperate measures. So, the next Monday, Jake began his quest to be extra good at school. He did not get mad and throw a tantrum, he kept his Toy Story pull-ups dry, he did not even play hide and seek in areas of the playground where the teachers told the cubs not to go. Three days had gone by, and after lunch one day when the cubs had returned to their classroom, the teacher, Mrs. Morris had gathered the cubs in her classroom together and told the cubs that they would be having extra recess time today, that they would be riding tricycles and big wheels around the track at the playground that day, and some of them would be using a toy gas pump to pretend to pump gas in the tricycles. Upon hearing this most of the cubs' eyes grew as wide as a few football fields, but Jake's grew the widest of all!

So, after spending the afternoon riding around the playground track at Pop Kelly Elementary with the rest of the kindergarten classes, Jake had finally come up with a way to play Mario Kart without playing on Television. He and Justin would race their tricycles around his yard!

After talking to his mother, and Justin's mother, they agreed that the two would race!

That Saturday, Justin showed up to Jake's camper lot with his tricycle in tow. Before he arrived, Jake, after having his diaper changed, had set up a race course of some kind around his front yard. A jump rope for the start and finish line, koopa troopa plushies for red and green shells, mud pies that he had made to throw at each other, and bouncy balls as well.

Lining up next to Justin at the jump rope, Jake's mother counted 3-2-1 and yelled "Go!", the two cubs took off, rounding around the edge of the yard, peddling fast and hard over the driveway and through the grass, Jake picked up a red koopa troopa plushie and threw it at Justin, only to miss him by a matter of inches. Meanwhile, Justin had picked up a piece of the mud pie, and slung it at Jake, hitting him in the stomach. "Hey!" he cried and picked up another red koopa troopa plushie, only this time he hit Justin in the back with it and he slowed down to look at Jake as he passed by him, blowing a raspberry with his tongue at him!

Two laps into the race, Jake in the lead. At this point a few pieces of mud had been slung, koopa troopa plushies had been thrown at each other, and a race had been fun, but they weren't done just yet.

The two cubs were racing around the yard, taking tight turns around and around the driveway. However, it was getting close to time to make a "Pit Stop" for the two, so they pulled over to the side of the yard, where they took a break for some juice and crackers. While they were having their snack, Jake asked Justin "Do you like this?" Justin just nodded his head. The brown-haired dragon grinned for ear to ear as he loved that he and that his Aussie Shepherd friend loved the activity a lot! Racing around the yard throwing plushies, slinging mud at each other, and just racing tricycles around the yard was great fun! Even if the race later turned out to be a tie between the two cubs. Jake knew that this wouldn't be the last time that he would play Mario Kart in real life! He had already made plans to invite more cubs over to play this special game!