Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.7 - The Atlantean

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#7 of Kaiju ga Gotoku, Act 2 - Golden Scales With Silver Tongues

With a potential lead on the Host, as well as a bigger organisation, Gaho Murata picks up the thread from one Jin Gerumba, a low-ranking member of the Daiei Alliance who offers a vital piece of information that will hopefully close the case.

I always find Murata chapters odd to do, but this one was actually really fun to do with a different kind of person needing help, as well as showing some difference to how Sauressy and Murata are with certain attitudes. The end part is definitely my fave, as you all can guess.

And that is the end of Part 2! Stay tuned in two weeks for the start of Part 3 where we shall meet a new character!

Godzilla and co. copyrighted to TOHO Co. Ltd, Gamera to Daiei Film Co. Ltd, and Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku to SEGA

After first meeting with Jin Gerumba, Sgt. Detective Murata kept a detail on her to keep safe until he could arrange a meeting with her at the station. Reserving an interrogation room, he sat in front of the bronze blunt-horned triceratops across the table, a tape recorder between them as Jin wrapped herself in a blue jacket.

"Sgt. Detective Murata, badge number one-eight-three-two, September 15th, 11:24am, 2014. Please state your name, occupation and place of work."

"My name is Jin Gerumba," she bowed, "and I...I'm a sex worker for Eye Behold You, on Pink Street."

"Do you understand your rights?"

"I do, yes."

"You understand you have the right to remain silent, even as a witness, and not need to answer questions if you so choose?"

"I do."

"Alright." Murata smiled clasping his hands. "Do you know Gyao Shin Kaneyama, and if so in what capacity?"

"I know her yes," the trike nodded, "she works for those who own the club, the Daiei Alliance."

"And what did they order you to do, on the date of September 10th?"

"They ordered me to drug you," she clenched in her seat, "if I did, then I wouldn't have to pay rent for three months."

"And if you refused?"

"They...th-they said...I wouldn't see my son again."

The witness bowed her head as Murata nodded solemnly.

"How did you come to be part of the Daiei Alliance?" he asked.

"My family were part of them," said Jin a with a heavy sigh, "they own a restaurant back in Osaka and...they couldn't pay, so the Daiei Alliance made them...s-sell me."

"You were...sold?" the detective gasped. "I'm...I'm sorry to hear that. What about your son?"

"They took him away, so I would do everything they said. When I do good, they let me see him...over video."

"That's...I see."

She started to break down, burying her face into her sleeve with a quiet sob as the turtle pressed his hands together.

"Do you want to stop for now?"

"N-no." Gerumba shook her head. "I-i just...give me a moment."

He handed her a packet of tissues from his shirt pocket. He always had some for such needs as the triceratops wiped her nasal horns with a deep sniff.

"Th-thank you."

"If you do want to stop, please let me know," Murata nodded, "so your son is being held captive by Kaneyama?"

"No, her boss is holding him."

"And who is her boss?"

"They call her...Iris." Gerumba stiffened her neck. "Lady Iris. I've never met her, personally, but I hear her on the video calls. My son Junpei looks well, he's never hurt and he's always happy to see me but...she has told me if I ever disobey her-"

"I understand you are taking a great risk," said Murata, "and I thank you for your courage, Gerumba-san. Once I have found Kaneyama, I will put all my resources into rescuing your son."

"You mean it?" she gulped with a hopeful smile. "Can you...c-can you save my son?!"

"I will do my best, strictly speaking it's out of my jurisdiction but I will do everything I can to free both him and you."

"Thank you...Murata-san."

"You can keep the tissues by the way," he smiled, "in case you need them."

"Oh...a-alright, thanks."

She took another tissue to wipe her face before the detective continued his questions, reconfirming everything she had told him on their first meet before the interrogation was over and the recording was processed. Back at his desk in the homicide department, he sat alongside Reed O'Sauressy who scowled at him slightly.

"I know, I know," Murata said, "I'm sorry."

"Going to a good-time club without me, shameful."

"I said I was sorry."

"Without ANY backup, could've been a lot worse!"

"And I handled it," the tortoise waved his hand, "I should have waited, and I didn't, I apologise for not keeping you in the loop."

"I don't care about the loop," Sauressy shook his head, "I care about you not getting killed, a lone cop is easy prey."

"I wasn't. But I accept I was in the wrong, Sauressy."

The long-necked reptile nodded with acceptance as they finished compiling their report. Once they were ready, they went to their chief in his office, the horn-nosed reptile speaking on an old mobile phone as he faced the window.

"-set when she comes in, yeah...yes I remember, just let him do his thing, he'll talk to me once he's done and she'll head straight back to-uh!"

He turned to see Murata in the door as Gondo tightened his face.

"I have to go, sorry, case is just coming in. See you when I get home honey, love you."

"Sorry for interrupting sir," Gaho bowed, "I just finished the report on Gerumba."

"Ahh excellent," the chief put his phone away inside the desk.

"That's a real old model you got there sir," said Reed sitting down.

"My regular phone's having some issues, this is a backup so I keep in touch with family."

"Aaah, smart thinking."

"So!" Baruti sat himself down. "What's the latest?"

"Jin Gerumba was forced into slavery by the Daiei Alliance," Murata offered his report, "they have her son hostage in return for her continued work, as well as other tasks such as attempting to drug me."

"I see," the long-horned chief scanned over the papers, "is she cooperating?"

"Perfectly, she's been very brave and I want to request we have police detail at all times for her, just in case."

"What about her work?" Reed looked to him. "If she doesn't come in they'll suspect something-"

"Well she'll have to be released," Baruti shrugged, "we can have police at her house, but at her work we can't do much."

"It'll have to do," the turtle sighed, "I don't want them to think she's become an informant or else her son could be harmed."

"We'll advise her upon release, for now tell me more about what she told you."

"Gyao Shin Kaneyama has an old haunt of hers, a bar called Atlantea on the outside of town. I don't know yet where it is, I'm still looking through old records."

"Alright then." Gondo finished reading the report and gave it back. "We're getting close, I can feel it, you're doing good work you two."

"Thank you sir," Sauressy bowed, "we'll put out some feelers for this Atlantea and hopefully catch her."

"Get on that then, you're dismissed."

The detectives took their leave and went back to their desk, checking for any last reports to clear before they went to have lunch. In the break room they were served takoyaki, savouring the thick stewy balls of tempura, ginger and green onion they chomped down easily before they cleared their heads with a few rounds of ping-pong. A few other officers were watching the soccer, a walrus janitor fixing a vending machine that had broken down again.

"So what's the plan?" asked Reed mid-flick.

"Do the patrol, wait for the call," said Murata whacking back, "I'll head to Atlantea when we find it on the map, and yes you're coming."

"Good," Sauressy batted the ball, "what do we do when we get there?"

"Lighthouse call," said Gaho slapping it back, "you good with that?"

"Sure am, aw shit."

The ball went a little too fast and swerved just past the serpent's hand.

"You win again," he shrugged and put down his paddle, "how do you do it?"

"It's all in the wrist," the turtle grinned, "besides I didn't win, we're just passing the time aren't we?"

"Yeaaah sure. You ready to go Murata?"

"Sure." Gaho put down his bat. "Let me grab a drink first."

"I'll be out front."

As Sauressy headed out of the break room, Gaho went over to the vending machines to tap in some yen and grab himself a can of coffee.

"Pardon me sir."

He looked to the walrus still fixing the other machine.

"I could not help noticing your exceptional fortitude in the realm of miniature table athletics."

"Huh?" Murata blinked.

"Your magnanimous skill, your belying dexterity, your mastery of control over the field!"

"I...sorry, do you need something?"

"OH, yes, where are my manners just give me a tick."

With one last twist of her hands she stood up and walked to the back of the machine, clicking it on as it blinked back to life before she turned towards Murata. The walrus had smooth brown skin with not a single hair on her body, long pale tusks and eyes of green beneath her janitor's cap.

"My name is Magumi Majuma, I am the second-class vending machine technician of this precinct."

"I see," Murata shook her hand, "Gaho Murata, Sgt. Detective."

"A pleasure to meet you Murata-san, Sgt. Detective and perhaps a future star in the ping-pong circuit from how you controlled the court!"

"Hah, thank you, but it's just a pastime for me."

"Truly?!" the walrus gasped clutching her chest. "You would consider that battlefield you dominated but a game?!"

"I mean, yes."

"INCREDIBLE! Such apathetic focus, such ambient skill!"

"Okay, ma'am, I don't know what you're offering but I do need to go on my duties so-"

"W-WAIT, wait!" Majuma took a deep breath and rubbed her tusks. "Far be it from me to dictate a champion's potential, but I personally consider that you have a future in your refractory period as a ping-pong professional."

"Professional?" Gaho snorted with a laugh. "You think I'm that good?"

"I know so! In fact, BEHOLD!"

She handed her card over to the detective, stating she was a member of the " Go-Wraths" in a striking font of sharp graffiti tones.

"I am the captain of our local team, demonstrating in the Tokyo-Ping Pong championships, the highest and most esteemed of ping-poing championships in all East Asia!"

"Is that so," Murata thumbed at the card, "that's a heck of a name for your team but-"

"I would like to beseech you, Murata-san," the walrus bowed profuse, "would you do me the honour of bringing your proficiency, to the parliament of ping-pong prognistication?"


"PLEASE good sir, do not tarry my heart any longer, I wish to know if you will join our echelons of enigmatic athletes!"

"You...oh! You want me to be part of your team?"

"Precisely!" Majuma nodded.

"Hmmm." The turtle rubbed his chin. "I've never been in a sports team before, last time I did anything close was gymnastics back in high school."

"But of course, no wonder your stultifying physique hides such impenetrable facility!"

"Iiii...thanks," Gaho started to walk back, "well it's been good talking with you Majuma-san but I-"

"WAIT, WAIT, I beg of you!" the walrus clasped her flippers. "Upon my hands and knees I beg of you, your skills are exceptional! The twist of your backhand, the speed of your block, the unerring control of your cross-courting chops!"

"You really think I'm that good?"

"I would not dare insult your dexterity with such downplay, when you could demonstrate it in the SPORT OF KINGS!"

"Haha...well..." Murata stared at the table with a growing grin, "this wouldn't interfere with my work would it?"

"Not at all, we operate at night times Murata-san, you are free to come as you please when off-duty."

"Hmmm...alright, I'll check this out, when I have time."

"YES!" the walrus shook his hands. "THANK you sir, the address of our abode is on the card, do come in your spare time where I shall introduce you to our fair circle, toodle-pip!"

With a courteous smile, Murata bowed and headed out of the station leaving the giddy Majuma to herself, straightening his shirt before meeting up with Sauressy on the streets of Kaijurocho. At the end of summer, the city became quieter with schoolkids back to class and the third financial quarter pulling workers back to the office. Starting their beat from East Shachifuku, Murata and Sauressy took the long walk down to the far west to find nothing of interest.

The restaurants were steaming with delicious foods, the rattling of balls against bats echoed from the Yoshida batting centre, and sirens rang out with a screeching peal when ambulances went fast down the motorway. Theater Square was even quieter, despite the technologic beeps and vrooms from the Stega arcade, or the clattering sounds of the bowling alley as the two officers headed southeast along Taihei Boulevard.

"Hope you're not bored," said Reed nudging Gaho.

"After that kidnapping over there?" Murata pointed to the temple. "I appreciate a little quiet, can't believe someone would kidnap a priestess in broad daylight."

"Is she alright?"

"Yeah, we got their details yesterday, and of course, Kiryu was there thinking he does our job for us."

"Hahah, awww your best friend's just helping out-"

"He is not my friend."

The turtle scowled with a venomous look that silenced Reed sharply, as they walked past the temple and headed down Pink Street.

"Anyways," said Murata, "we arrested a kidnapper from some other yakuza gang, called Jinuchu."

"Never heard of them," Sauressy scritched his neck, "they part of Toho too?"

"No, they're a rival clan, but he's being processed right now and Shoji-sama from the temple confirmed what happened."


A voice cried out from Zennyo Avenue one street over, the two officers taking a short walk towards a small clothing store where a flustering panic could be heard within.




Heading closer, Murata and Sauressy peered inside the clothes shop that was wall-to-wall with old shirts and jackets. They found a ragged-looking teenage monkey in yellow clothes too baggy for him, throwing his body against a full-length mirror whilst an orchid mantis struggled to hold him back.



"M-my name's not Rakshasi, what?!"


"HEY, what's going on?!" Gaho shouted.

"AH, officer!" the pink-and-white mantis cried. "Th-this, he just ran into my shop and keeps trying to break my mirror!"


"Alright, hold it." Sauressy put up his hand. "What the fuck are you talking about?"


Grabbing an ornamental fan off the wall, he wrapped an arm round the shopkeeper's neck and put the fan to her throat like a knife causing her to shriek. Sauressy reached for his radio but Gaho stopped him and stepped forwards.

"Sir, put down the fan."

"O-OH GODS HELP ME!" the mantis screamed.

"There's no need for this, what happened?"

"What happened?!" the simian cried. "YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, YOU'RE ONE OF QING FISH'S CROOKS, AREN'T YOU?!"

"...yes. I am."

Murata put a hand up towards Reed before he could protest.

"You're Sun Wukong, yes? The legendary hero who made his Journey to the West?"

"HAH, you know my reputation huh?!" said the young ape pressing the fan to his hostage. "Where's your master, why has he trapped me here?!"

"I do not know," the officer said, "I'm just a minion, he sent me here to find you, and bring you to him."

"You'll take me when I'm dead, and when I die the dream will end!"

"Only for you, Sun Wukong. You'll just...fall out of the dream, the Qing Fish will still rule us. Do you think this is only your dream?"


"Sir, wh-what are you doing?!" the mantis cried tearing up.

"She's not your enemy," said Murata stepping back, "she's another victim in the dream."

"She had a MIRROR!" Sun Wukong shouted. "Every one of you with mirrors, MIRRORS YOU'RE TRYING TO HIDE!"

"I know a better place with mirrors," the officer wagged his finger, "if you need them, I can find them for you."

"Why should I listen to one of Qing Fish's thugs?!"

"Because I'm deserting him!"

A brief silence filled the shop as Reed and the shopkeeper looked to each other perplexed. Sun Wukong also looked startled by such an admission.

"Wha-...you, you're a traitor to his cause?"

"I'm risking my life to help you, so please...release this maiden, and come with me."

"...is this one of your master's tricks?"

"I've already damned myself with that bloated bastard, you think he would ever let us call him that?"

"N-no. He's too proud for that."

The teenager released the mantis from his grip, as she hurried behind her desk watching the ape leave with the two detectives following.

"I'm keeping this," Sun snarled swishing his fan.

"Whatever, take it," the shopkeeper waved her splendid arms, "just, please, never come back again!"

"Hm, I promise, on my life!"

With a flashing grin and a wink he headed up the street, the officers trying to keep him between them as Sauressy gave a nod to Murata.

"Now what exactly are you up to uh...Wukong-kun?"

"It's Wukong-SAN!" the monkey thrust his fan towards him. "I've lived longer than you ever have, and your master trapped me in this realm, because I'm the only one who can stop him from eating the Tang Sanzang!"


"You'll have to forgive him," said Murata pointing to Reed, "he's new, he hasn't learned all the details."

"Why do you wanna betray Qing Fish?!" Wukong shook his head.

"Because I know you are a great hero," the turtle nodded, "and I can't abide him trapping you here."

"Ah! Hahah, so it IS my reputation!"

The monkey leapt back with a prominent bow and a giddy little dance with the fan slipping across his chin.

"There is none in all of this land who haven't heard of me, to think my name would make even demons turn good!"

"Your legends are many, Sun Wukong," said Murata bowing, "much as I respect my master, I respect you more."

"So, you'll help me battle him?!"

"Are we?" Reed looked to his partner. Why the hell's he trying to jump in mirrors!?"

"Are you dense?!" Wukong slapped the air with his fan. "Mirrors are the weakness in your master's realm, they reflect what's true against the false of his dream, I'm trying to find the mirror that'll bring me back to my time!"

"Aaaah, of course." The serpent rolled his eyes. "How stupid of me."

"I don't know which mirror you seek." Murata rubbed his tusk in pondering. "But it's not safe for you out here in the open, I can't protect you from all of Qing Fish's higher minions."

"I fear none of your master's tricks," the monkey twirled his fan, "I will fight him to the end!"

"That's what he wants though. Think about it, the longer you fight his minions, the longer you're trapped in the dream, and the closer he gets to the Tang Sanzang."

"Ah...that...that does make sense, what should we do?"

"Do you have a safe place, a home perhaps?"

"No." His eyes suddenly darted to the pavement. "I don't...I don't have a home."

"What about family, do you know where they-"

"NO! But...b-but he does."


Sun Wukong turned silent, mouthing words to himself as he closed his eyes shut and bared his teeth with a sudden pain in his skull.

"I-i...I don't remember."

"Alright." Murata pointed down the way. "I know a safe place, it's a hospital, the Qing Fish can't reach there because they practice special medicine."

"Really?" the boy gasped. "Alright. Take me there."

They did not take his hand, the monkey following them carefully towards the far west end of Kaijurocho. Somewhere along Suppon Street, northwest of Tenkaiju, was a prominent white building with a green cross known as the Kumoto Medical Clinic. Gaho made a call to inside the building to prepare for their new arrival, muttering details about his excitement around mirrors and his special quest before they reached it.

"Is this really safe from the Qing Fish?" murmured Wukong.

"Sure as can be," said Reed nodding, "the boss hates medicine, it makes him sick wouldya believe?"

"Yeah, makes you sick as well, doesn't it demon?"

"Why you have to be like this to me and not Murata?"

"Because you're dense, snakehead."

"//Fucking brat,//" Sauressy shook his head cursing in English, "//if you weren't such a headcase I'd give you the back of my hand.//"

"Hello there!"

A polar bear dressed in a long white coat stepped from the clinic with a bow.

"I hear we have the legendary Sun Wukong with us yes?"

"The one and only!" said the chimp strutting forth. "You'll help me fight the Qing Fish?!"

"Absolutely, please, come with this way my good sir."

The teenager walked in to meet two nurses that took him through, the doctor stepping back to turn to the officers with a deep sigh.

"Quite a case you've picked up this time Murata-san."

"I did my best," Gaho bowed, "thanks to the course you gave our precinct these sort of cases are much easier to handle."

"Thank you. What happened exactly?"

"Kid was trying to run into a damn mirror," said Sauressy tapping his foot, "held up a lady with a fan and called me an idiot for not knowing his crazy shit-"

"Hey." Gaho glowered at his colleague. "Don't call him that, he's suffering from a problem-"

"I'm not here to babysit brats that are too stupid to figure out what's real and what isn't-"


Murata jabbed at him to keep quiet before he turned back to the doctor.

"Will you let me know if anything happens with him Kumoto-san? He might have a family, he said he didn't but that someone else did."

"Of course Murata-san," said the bear bowing again, "thank you for bringing him to us, take care."

Heading back inside the clinic Kumoto bade them farewell as the two officers went back to the main street.

"You know that language is not acceptable," Murata said to his partner.

"I don't have time for brats," Reed snorted, "they piss me off, no respect to their elders did you hear the shit he was saying to me?!"

"He was clearly unwell."

"I had problems when I was a kid too but I didn't need therapy for it."

"So you're jealous, is that it?"

"What, no!" the serpent thrust his neck above him. "I'm just saying kids these days don't need that shit, let them tough it out."

"You're wrong and I'm ending this discussion," Murata snarled looking up at him, "children need help more than any of us, they're learning still, and I want to help them learn the right ways to become model citizens to better their community."

"I get that, but kids need life experience Murata."

"They need care and understanding, and just because you didn't get therapy and turned out fine, doesn't mean others shouldn't because not everyone is as strong as you."

"Ugh." Sauressy rolled his eyes and started walking. "I thought after your talk about the Toho Clan you'd not be such a pansy-ass."

"Criminals are criminals, but children are the future. I thought you were the one that said the world's not so black and white."

"I did, but that's when folks know the choices they make, not dumb kids who think they know better."

"Exactly. I can't help adults who consciously made their choice to be a danger to society. But I can help the children, and stop them from becoming that. That's what we call prevention, Sauressy."

They said nothing more as they kept on walking, checking along the alleys and byways for any potential trouble brewing as the day rolled on into the afternoon. As they returned to the temple, looking down Nagamichi Alley and almost disappointed by the lack of action, a fleeting thought would turn true as a male scream came from the east, causing them to run straight towards the scene and find a wolf on the ground somewhat shaken.


"Sir, are you alright?!" Reed took his arm and pulled him up.

"S-some bastard just stole my shoe, just the one!"

"Wait...your shoe? Was he a kappa?"

"Y-yes, in a brown coat, how did you know?!"

"I've met him before." Sauressy sneered. "Which way did he go?"

"That way!" he pointed east hopping on one foot. "Just, get that bastard!"

"On it, c'mon Murata!"

"Central this is one-eight-three-two," said Gaho grabbing his radio, "signal thirty-eight, Pink Street at North Zennyo, over!"

"Ten-four, description?"

"Kappa, brown coat, black beak, over and out!"

Taking the north street they saw a brown shadow dodge into Champion District as Murata nodded to Sauressy with a few hand gestures as the tortoise took his first steps into the labyrinth of beer and neon signs. A few regulars stumbled aside, Gaho shushing them quiet as he scanned the tiny streets for the shoe thief. The sounds of a deep snuffling could be heard from the corner as Murata sneaked as quiet as he could, black shoes sliding across the gravel before he peered round the wall to find the hunched brown kappa giggling to himself, a shoebox wedged on his head keeping the water in somehow.


"Don't move," Murata warned, "just come quietly."

"Why, have I done something wrong?!"

"Assault, including that on a police officer."

"You call THIS assault?!"

The hairy goblin stood up with a shoe in one hand, taking a deep whiff from inside and shuddering with a gasp of sexual tryst.

"I am simply partaking in the richest of fruits from all creatures."

"Put down the shoe, and put your hands behind your head."

"What crime have I committed?! I have not taken any body for myself, nor denigrated myself with public displays of nudity!"

"Put, DOWN the shoe and put your HANDS, behind your HEAD!"

"A shoe is simply left untended to!" cried the kappa waving it above. "In every house of the country, waiting forlorn for its master or mistress to slip their luscious claws back inside and reform its wondrous odour. But I give them the love they deserve, for their sculpt, their caressing leather, their..."

He sniffed deep once again, shivering harder with euphoric gasp as Murata stepped closer with hands at the ready. The moment he jumped forwards the kappa leapt back, bouncing off the side of the wall to jumpkick fast between gaudy bars as the cop chased after him. With cackling glee the little runt made a hop and a skip as he grabbed signposts and drainpipes with exceptional agility.

Gaho kept just far enough behind to let the kappa race on to the south exit, whooping with victory before he saw the shadow of Reed step out in front of him. He jumped too late to avoid the serpent who grabbed his foot mid-leap, and slammed him hard to the floor, causing the thief to scrabble towards the side alley and into the empty lot, surrounded by old air-con units and towering apartment walls.

"NOWHERE TO RUN!" shouted Sauressy marching in. "You, are under arrest for assault, and I swear if you take my shoe again I WILL put my foot up your ass!"

"AH, typical!" the kappa snorted. "You merely reject my vice because it's strange and disturbing, when I have done NOTHING to harm another but simply take a piece of their clothing!"

"That's still assault," said Murata blocking the exit, "I don't care how you justify it, we gave you a chance to come quietly."

"You think I'm afraid of you!?"

He took another whiff of the shoe and shuddered with a clench in his pants.

"At least after I've dealt with both of you, I'll have TWO fresh savoury pairs of luscious pedicure to ease the quelling storms in my heart, the RICH hunger that my nostrils, nay, my SOUL demands for other soles to commune with!"

"Alright that's it." The monster cracked his fists. "The only way you're getting out of this, is me dragging your ass out of here."

"OHOHOHH, I'll knock you down!" squeaked the pervert hopping on his feet. "The moment you fall both your soles are MINE, to suckle like mother's MILK!"

With a shrieking lunge the kappa went for Sauressy's head as the monster went into a boxing stance, suddenly turning left with a hard weave to crack his fist across the kappa's head and knock him backwards. The shoebox wobbled on his head when he rolled on the ground and dove for Reed's leg, the serpent jumping back with a wild hammerfist down into the fiend's back that crunched him into the dirt.

In a daring jump, the kappa launched his head forwards with a slam into Reed's stomach, the wet shoebox-helm surprisingly hard enough to make the detective stagger, giving enough time for the fugitive to try and leap past towards Murata. But the turtle surprised the thief when he jumpkicked off the side of the corridor exit, slamming his foot straight in the kappa's beak to send him flying back.

Sauressy marched forth as the kappa rolled towards the wall, the suspect jumping up to one of the aircon units and quickly getting out of reach. Then he saw the two cops share a look as Reed went to guard the exit, whilst Murata grabbed the corner of the lot and vaulted himself upwards. His squat rounded body belied a hidden agility as he kicked off a unit, grabbed a drainpipe, and climbed hastily towards the kappa who was stumbling up on the ledge.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" he shrieked. "Why do you hound me, a simple peasant of podiatry who appreciates the humble scents, of one's HISTORY within a shoe, a slipper, or that most seductive of sandals?!"

"You can't just TAKE shoes off of people without consent!" snapped Gaho still climbing. "You want to engage in that sort of thing, you find a partner who is willing, or find a club that you can pay for that sort of thing!"

"But no one else cares for their SHOES, what liberty do I rob them of by this freely-accessible footwear, that they leave their wondrous musk within so deeply unappreciated day after day?!"

"It's still THEFT, without CONSENT!"

With a mighty kick off the wall, Murata lunged for the kappa and wrapped his arm round the impish body, the two falling downwards with a screech from the brigand before Gaho grabbed another drainpipe and swung downwards in a half-spiral, with claws scraping the steel until they landed on solid earth. The tortoise pulled out his cuffs and restrained the kappa, the shoe-stealer kicking with desperation as Sauressy walked up to them.

"You're under arrest for assault, theft, and assault of a police officer. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say however can be used against you in court-"

"I WILL NOT!" shrieked the kappa.

"You may have the right to appoint a defence counsel, and you are not required to make a statement against your will during interrogation."

"You deny me the fruits of your feet, out of some SOCIAL STANDARD!?"

"I don't care about your fetish!" snapped Reed. "I care about the fact you STOLE MY SHOE YOU IDIOT! Ugh."

He called for a police car on the radio as they took the kappa back to the street, a very rectangular vehicle driving up on East Taihei to take the suspect and both detectives back. Sauressy could not hide his grin of vindication, the car rumbling towards the precinct as they pulled the kappa to the desk, a blue-faced oni in a simple police uniform who read him his rights again and put him in a cell to be processed.

"Today sounded pretty crazy," said the receptionist.

"When is it not in this city?" said Reed rolling his eyes.

"Any messages for us?" Murata asked.

"Oh, yeah actually!" The oni grabbed a paper slip to hand to him. "That Atlantea place you wanted, search came up for an old bar in Meguryo, here's the address."

"That's the only place? Huh, I thought there'd be more."

"Spelt that way, yep, it was."

"Alright then," Reed snapped his fingers, "time to take a trip in the ol' Pike at last."

"Ohh, great," Murata sighed.

The Pike, as Reed called it, was an old car with a stretched-out roof steeped in butter yellow that had long since chipped from its paint. In the parking garage of the police station it stuck out like a pig amongst sheep, bald and ragged beside the sleek modern vehicles with its American licence plate and its steering wheel on the right-hand side, opposite of the Japanese cars with their left-hand steering.

Sitting himself inside with his tail through a hole in the seat, Sauressy started up the machine as it choked on its engine, rumbling to life when Murata sat beside him as they drove out onto the street and followed the signs towards Meguryo.

"You really won't buy a new car?" Murata looked to him.

"The Pike was my second," Sauressy patted the wheel, "and it'll be my last, cuz I don't need anything else."

"Even when you're on the right-hand side, because this is really confusing."

"Not to me," he pulled onto the motorway, "if you want to lecture me, you get your own."

"Nobody owns a car in Tokyo," Murata sneered sitting back, "we have the train and we have the bus."

"Well I have a car and I'm damn well using it."

"...do you actually like working here?" The turtle stared at the rickshaws and taxis drifting past. "How long you been living here, ten, twelve years?"

"Fifteen," Reed kept his eyes fixed ahead, "I did detective work back home but...didn't turn out right. Nothing did."

"What happened?"

"Just stuff. All you need to know is I have nothing left back home, so I came to Japan, to start things anew."

"But why become a detective again?" Murata squinted back to him. "If it didn't work out last time, why would you go back into a harder job, in another country?"

"Because it's all I know." The monster gripped the wheel tighter. "Maybe I just can't stay out of trouble...or maybe I need to be in the centre of chaos where creatures roam so I forget about myself, I don't know."

"Alright," said Gaho nodding, "I haven't said this much, but I do appreciate having you as my partner, Sauressy."

"Aaaugh don't do that," Reed snorted, "I know you do, you don't have to say it."

"Sometimes it's good to say it, even if we both know it."

"Yeaaah I guess...you're a good partner too, Murata."

The rest of the drive was a pleasant stretch down the motorway, the skyscrapers fading away as they found themselves in a sleepy neighbourhood some thirty minutes later. With half-rise apartments and cozy streets, Meguryo was known for its medium-sized malls and little restaurants that kept a traditional flavour in pokey stalls on the riverside. The smell of cooked fish filled the air from open grills, as they stared down the winding road between houses in a vaguely metropolitan district, that felt more like a central market town than a city.

But what took their breath away upon entering Meguryo was the perfect view of Mt. Fuji. A clear shot from the peak of the hills where the streets dipped downwards, gave the fullest of that indomitable peak in all its splendour, capped with white snow that shone in the sun. In the soft haze of the afternoon, the rising mountain stood above the quiet roofs with the sounds and sights of furry workers and reptilian accountants heading along the pavements.

"Wow," Murata gasped, "you ever seen something that beautiful?"

"I come from New Jersey," Reed snorted, "what do you think?"

"No idea, I've never been."

"Good. Be glad you haven't."

They found the address on the outskirts of the district, Sauressy parking his car a few miles away and letting his partner out.

"Be careful," said Reed.

"I will," Murata nodded. "Lighthouse."


The turtle walked through the emptying streets, slipping to the back area of an old dusty road behind a set of apartments where he found an old broken down tavern of rusted steel titled " ATLANTEA". The prices were from last decade as were its products, a bar that had been forgotten by its creatures and left to rot in its own little lot with a single door, several windows, and a rusted overhang that made it look like it came off of Route 66.

A motorbike was parked out front, deep black with sharp angled rear and a thin svelte body of dark jagged steel for peak aerodynamic strength. Gaho walked inside with his hand on his pistol, a long bar counter in front of him with several stools and worn wooden tables. There was surprisingly little dust, the bottles at the back looking more recent as Murata scanned around the room.

"You know we're closed, right?"

He pointed his gun at the back door.

"I don't give discounts to cops, no matter how out of date we might be."

"I'd rather take you in, Kaneyama."

"Heheh...now, that's a big order."

A shadow stepped out from the rear as she walked into the light. With a blunt-top skull resembling an arrowhead, Gyao Shin Kaneyama spread her crimson wings where the light dappled like curtains of blood through the membrane, long clawed fingers at the end of each limb. He saw her left wing was artificial, pleather covering steel joints from the different shading compared to her right. With brown leather jacket and loose pants, she cut a sharp figure despite her punkish appearance, a smile spread cruelly across her face.

"Nice to see ya Murata-san!" she walked behind the bar. "Siddown, pull up a chair, what's yer poison?"

"Gyao Shin Kaneyama," he kept his gun on her, "you are under arrest for the murder of Naomi Tsuchimura, as well as the assault of two police officers."

"I got vodkaaa, some soju," she tapped along the bottles, "I think this is some kinda whisky, got some o' that Korean rice shit that's sorta like soju-"

"Put your wings behind your back, and get down on the floor."

"Soju's your favourite right? Yeaaah I know it is, lemme pop one open for ya."

Grabbing a green bottle she pulled up a glass and poured him a drink. Murata did not move, his gun still trained on her head.

"What?" Gyao Shin shrugged. "The fuck you think I'm gonna do from behind this bar?"

"You're a felon," he replied, "you tell me."

"Heh...gotta say, I didn't expect ya to find me so quick, you're real sharp Murata-kun."

"You have the right to remain silent, you have-"

"Yeyeyeah I know my rights fuck off cop-boy, gods do you ever shut off from your job?"

"No." He primed the trigger. "Put your wings...behind your head, and get on the floor, NOW."

"Or what you gonna shoot me?" she planted her hands on the counter. "You're not gonna shoot me, you're a fuckin' bitch-"


His gun went off in the air punching a hole through the roof, sprinkling dust and iron shavings on his head.


"And if I don't?" the killer stepped back spreading her wings.

"Then I'll personally restrain you, and if you fight, I WILL use force."

"Hmm. Alright." She grabbed the bottle of soju. "Yanno I hate just being civil, I woulda kicked your ass by now but the boss said I had to be 'courteous'. SO!"

She threw the bottle and forced him to dodge as he fired for her head, Gyao Shin swerving to jump over the bar and launch herself forwards with a diving headbutt that he blocked with a pistol whip to her face. Landing on her side, she rolled back up and slashed at Murata's face, the cop parrying with his gun to strike her wrist before she grabbed his arm with her other hand and slammed her head into his beak.

"You know, guns are soooo fucking BORING!"

She grabbed the pistol and tossed it out the window with a shattering pane.

"You wanna bring me in, you do it LEGIT!"

"Fine by me," Murata cracked his fists, "take your best shot."


Rushing forwards with a vicious combo, Gyao Shin punched his stomach thrice before an uppercut through his jaw then flapping upwards with a rising knee, crunching his head to whip back further in a hard stumble. Grabbing a stool from the bar, he blocked the sound of a piercing scream when Kaneyama shot a beam of lancing gold that burned through the stool's seat.

The killer ran forth and slammed a brutal punch into his side, the cop clenching his abdomen and whacking her head with the stool to knock her down. Landing on the floor, she slammed both her feet in his gut to launch him back against the bar, then cried a sonic beam towards his head as Murata dodged the spearing shot when it burned through the wall and exploding several bottles across the range.

Waiting for Gyao Shin to jump back up and swing at him, Murata grabbed the shot glass of soju still on the bar and smashed it into her eye, causing her to shriek and clutch her face. The cop grabbed her shoulder and punched her other eye to send her staggering back against the window, the killer grabbing one of the shards from the broken pane as she slashed Murata's chest, cutting his shirt with a thin sliver.

He knew the glass wouldn't harm his shell, which is why she went for his head as she flapped on top of a table then jumped with a scissor-kick to his face. Flying higher she slammed her knees on top of his shoulders, plunging the shard of glass towards his eye that he blocked with both hands crossing over his wrists, the dagger shining in the pale sun gleaming from the windows.


"WHAT'S WRONG?!" Kaneyama shrieked. "Mister big fancy gun, you scared of a little GLASS IN YOUR EYE?!"


The shard came down closer as his eye began to twitch, feeling the air shift above his pupil from the shivering of Kaneyama's fist before he forced her back with all his might, and slammed her against the counter which she fell behind. When Murata came round to grab her, she found a bottle that had rolled off the shelf and turned with a cracking blow, smashing vodka over his face before stabbing his chest with the broken bottle.

While a kaiju's skin was hard enough to resist the glass, the soft underbelly of Murata still felt a wounding punch akin to being stabbed by a blunt pencil, before he slammed his fist in her jaw twice to try and stun her when she screeched a low-power sonic boom to briefly stun the cop. His eyes blurred with a shudder and a deep ringing burned hard in his mind before Gyao Shin kicked him back.

"KHHHAHAHAHA, I'm so glad my boss told me to come here!" She leapt up pulling a wicked blade from the seat of her pants. "You got no idea, how fucking lame the last creatures I killed were, always kicking and screaming and BEGGING like little bitches, didn't even try to fight back!"

"I'll be your last fight." Murata slitted his eyes through the sonic haze. "You're not getting away, not this time Kaneyama."

"Uuuugh SHUUUT UP!"

She lunged forwards with her blade, slicing one of his arms with the blood running down his sleeve.

"I don't get a chance to fight a tough boy who can take what I dish, so could you at least TRY to be a little less FUCKING LAME!?"

The knife she kept switching between her hands, passing back and forth before she thrust for his head as Gaho dodged left, swinging a punch for her head that she dodged in turn before knocking him down with a sweeping kick to his legs. Jumping on top of him, Kaneyama came down with her vile blade as Murata pulled left, the knife plunging through the floor beside his cheek as the killer pulled back, and stabbed for him again when he veered his head right.

With a cry of fury she raised her knife high in both hands for the killing blow to his heart, but the turtle punched straight for her head and caught the blade deep in his fist, carving through his palm and tearing between his fingers as he roared with anguish. Clenching hard through the piercing agony, he grabbed Kaneyama with his other hand and wrenched her to the floor, pulling his fist off her blade with a hot spray of blood across her face when he came down with a hammering blow, crushing her head with brutal agonising punch that harmed him as much as her.

Gyao Shin took the hit and slammed her knees in his stomach, swinging one of her legs to his side and kicking him hard enough to roll him back across the floor as he crunched against one of the tables. Pushing himself up with crippled hand twitching at his side running thick with scarlet fingers, Murata waited for Kaneyama to come charging with wicked blade, tightening his legs to suddenly jump back onto the table before backflipping in the air to avoid the sweeping cut of her blade.

The second he landed on the table again, he stomped her hand and suddenly kicked her face. Gyao Shin refused to release her weapon, tearing it free from under the cop's boot before grabbing his leg and pulling hard to throw him onto his back. The tortoise gripped the sides of the table to spin himself hard on the wood, using his curved shell to swing both his feet into Kaneyama's jaw and send her back farther away. Gaho launched himself forwards and came barrelling towards Kaneyama, punching her face immediately with savage raining blows.


"ONE WAY, OR, ANOTHER!" he slammed his fist into her eye. "YOU, ARE COMING, WITH ME!"



She opened her mouth and crunched his hand in her beak, rending his knuckles with cruel fangs before he wrenched his fist out to slam his knee in her gut. He tried to reach for his cuffs, but the moment his hand pulled back she slammed her head into his chest and with a flap of her wings kicked his chest with an aerial flip. Staggering back against the door, Murata saw Gyao Shin grab a cloak of black velvet from behind the bar and wrap it round herself, her wings spreading like a vampire as she charged through the air and slammed him like cannonball.

The door cracked in half when his shell went straight through, Gyao Shin on top of him as she launched off his body in a rolling tackle to race for her bike with the sun gleaming off her cloak. Then she felt her leg being grabbed by Murata, the cop snarling heavily as he swung her like a hammer.


She crashed through the window and back into the tavern, fragments of glass spilling past her cheek as she crunched into the table with a cloud of dust from inside. Gaho took a hard breath and stretched his knees, patting himself down with his better hand as he took a few moments to recover with a heave, then walked struggling back towards the bar.

"You have...the right, to remain silen-"

The second window shattered when Kaneyama went straight for him, shards glimmering across her face as she screamed with a piercing cry when her golden sonic beam came straight for him. He dodged in time with a heavy roll, but fell on his wounded hand, groaning as he clutched himself and stumbled too late on his feet when Gyao Shin fled for her bike.


She leapt on the seat and pumped thes engine, revving hard before she turned the bike sharp for the road as Murata grabbed his radio.



With a vile screech of the wheels she went racing off, giving Gaho the finger as her black motorcycle tore for the main street between the apartment buildings. She did not see the American car roll up casually and park straight in front, until she slammed against its side and went flying over the roof to crumple on the road. The bike flipped almost vertical before crunching down on the street in turn, the car shaking briefly from the impact as Kaneyama felt shards falling off her beak. Then she felt a pair of cuffs wrap round her wrists.

"Just to be fair," said Reed above her, "I won't add that crash to your record ma'am."


"Sgt. Detective Sauressy, and you, as my partner has said, are under arrest."

"F-fucking PRICK!" she shouted kicking her feet. "YOU FUCKING WRECKED MY BIKE!"

"Oh don't worry, we'll make sure it's fixed and impounded, oh by the way."


She felt another cuff wrap round her head and close her beak tight as Sauressy pulled her up.

"Don't think I don't remember your sonic tricks. Murata, you alright?!"

"Yeah," the turtle waved stumbling on the street, "my hand's fucked up, real glad I'm not driving."

"I got a first-aid kit in the back, let's get her in first."

"Sure, let me just grab my gun."

Picking up his pistol from the area outside the tavern, he helped his partner restrain Kaneyama who kicked and shrieked in the back of the car, another pair of cuffs binding her to the seat as Sauressy called for a pickup truck to deliver the bike to the Kaijuro police station, slapping an official notice and a lock on its wheels to keep locals away. With emergency first-aid he helped Murata bandage his hand, gauzing the wound and dabbing some iodine between his fingers that stung everytime he clenched.

"See that?" Reed pointed to the dent in his car door. "THIS is why it's my second car, it may not look much, but it takes a hell of a beating."

"I'll give it that," said Murata chuckling, "it's not easy to take a motorbike head-on."

"I heard the fight from way out here," said Reed getting in the car, "the locals were awful worried, I had to shoo them off."

"Right." The turtle joined him then looked back at his suspect in the rearview mirror. "You've got no one to blame but yourself Kaneyama, be glad we're the ones who found you and not the Toho Clan."

"You think Meguryo police'll be mad?" said the serpent starting the engine.

"They can file a complaint, let's just settle this Host business for good."

As they drove off back to Kaijurocho, the locals in their apartments settled down with peace returning to their street, a crumpled bike laying on its side waiting to be picked up at a later date. Unbeknownst to them, including the police officers, Gyao Shin Kaneyama smiled from her seat.