Assignment: Slippery Situation

Story by cellidor on SoFurry

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#3 of Mount Fellegarro Island (MFI)

For our second venture onto MFI, we take a look a little further ahead. By now, people have gotten used to life on the island, and their new research and creations have begun to bore fruit. We'll get a chance now to see what an 'easier' assignment may look like for the average hunter on the island. MFI is full of surprises.

Inspired in no small part by this lovely drawing here by the fabulous LuccaToasty:

Assignment: Slippery Situation

By: Cellidor

Always be ready for assignments to present unexpected challenges

MFI has a myriad of unique ecosystems, but what is perhaps even more interesting is the unusual food chain consistent across each one. What happens when you have any ecosystem full to the brim with powerful, territorial monsters that thrive on hunting and combat, while at the same time none of them desire lasting harm on any other?

As one might expect, this lack of casualties would mean that the same monsters (and of course, the same hunters) will inevitably end up meeting one another in combat repeatedly time and time again across all manner of hunts. At times this can develop deep and complex rivalries, while at others it can result in curious symbiotic relationships. These relationships can even extend between hunters and monsters, something rare if not unheard of on many other lands.

The following story is an excerpt of just one such situation, taking place decades after the original colonists had adapted themselves to the island's unique way of life.

There was something so calming about life in the village.

The sounds of the ocean waves lapping at the shores, the muffled sound of activity outside as people milled about, the smell of the sea and the bright vibrant colours of the plant life that grew all around. It was a slice of paradise, really. Well, it usually was at least, some of the village inhabitants had their own particular ways of enjoying their time at home.


One of the huts near the edge of the cozy village shook with thunderous sound, a tile or two sliding right off of the roof as smoke plumed up from the chimney.

Nora shook her head. With all of the new branches of science opened up thanks to this island, of course people were going to get experimental. Why was it that -he- couldn't be as quiet about it as the rest?

She crossed her arms under her -very- sizable chest (having been one of many who indulged in the island's fruits in their purest), tsking at the hut as she made her ways towards it, shaking her head.

"** Not today's my day off and I am -not- spending it listening to your house catch fire. Again."**

The female hunter climbed the steps up towards the front door of the hut. Like most hunters on MFI, she wore armour that many non-locals would hardly call 'protective', most of her fair skin visible for all to see. What she had on looked to consist of a variety of jewelry being worn around the neck, waist, wrists and ankles. Aside from that she had on what looked to be a bikini, the top of which was doing its damnest to hold back her bust. This was what passed for 'light armor' on an island where speed and agility were generally far more valuable than being able to take a blow. Each piece of jewelry held a unique gemstone in it, glowing with a faint power.

She didn't bother to knock. Rather, she took a step back before outright kicking at Art's door, causing it to swing open as billowing smoke flowed outside.

Within the hut, one would have assumed the explosion had destroyed everything there. Those who knew Art knew that his hut basically always looked like this, explosion or otherwise. Art was still coughing and waving away some of the smoke from this last backfire, his otherwise olive toned skin charred black in several places from soot. The experimenter turned and looked over at the hunter, grinning with a smile that showcased a single long-since missing tooth.

"** Heeeey, Nora! -cough- What brings you around here?"**

"** Shape up, you're heading out on an assignment."**

"** An assignment? I don't remember signing up for any today..."**

"** You didn't. -I- did it for you. Just now."**

The fellow looked taken aback at that, gesturing around his shoddy looking room.

"** Don't be ridiculous! I've got new tests to run, I've don't have time for running errands right now!"**

Nora crossed her arms under her chest. No, today she wanted peace and quiet, she wasn't going to let him wriggle out of this one.

"** Either you take this mission or I let the commander know what happened to the spare spark crystals she was looking for two weeks ago."**

Art's face paled some under the thick soot. He could tell by Nora's expression that it was not an idle threat, the commander would have his ass if she knew...Nora didn't jump right to blackmail unless she was serious. What had gotten so under her skin? Truly, truly she was a mystery to him! None the less, he stood himself off and brushed his apron off, trying to look like a man who didn't currently have his nuts clenched tight in a metaphorically vice.

"** Alright, alright, fine. I suppose I could... find the time for an assignment...what exactly is it?"**

The actual assignment didn't matter to Nora, and Art knew this. For whatever strange reason clearly not having to do with him, all she wanted was to have him out of here, ideally for as long as possible. Not that it made much difference, he knew not to test her when she was like this one way or another. He could see her expression change as she thought of some kind of task for him off the top of her head. After a moment, her gaze fell on him once more.

"** The alchemists tent is usually running low on Purity, why don't you go and get a few vials? You seem to have a knack for that, if nothing else."**

At this, Art perked up. While he'd of preferred to stick around and run more tests, he certainly wasn't against an easy assignment like that. Nora could see the change in his demeanor, snatching onto it the second she did. She reached in, grabbing the door handle before Art had a chance to have second thoughts.

"** That's just the kind of look I expected to see. You have ten minutes, gear up and get -out- of here, understand?"**

"** I-"**

"** Good. Assignment accepted. Get to it." As with that, Nora slammed his hut's door again, before turning to leave.**

Art stood in silence in his hut for a moment.

A beaker clattered off his bench.

He coughed, and adjusted his specs.

"** -Well- now, I don't think there was a need to be quite so dramatic. I wonder what's got her so worked up today?"**

Oh well. Nothing to be done about it at this point, he figured. Still, he did feel at least a -little- bad, he wasn't one to get his companions all riled up like that. Perhaps he'd find something to forage out on the mission to make it up to her? He considered it while gathering together his gear. Plus, it wasn't all bad, among other things he'd get a chance for some fresh air. Exercising the body was as important as exercising the mind, after all!

Despite his somewhat lithe appearance, Art was a gunlance user. It was one of the benefits of having lighter weapon and armor requirements on the island, opening the doors to new ventures for all sorts of hunters and body types. His set-up was along the lines of what one might call the 'heavy armour' of MFI. It consisted of a kind of thin scale-mail of sorts made from the shed scales of, in Art's case, an Anjanath. Each scale hung from a single connecting point, highly breathable and, more importantly, easy to remove sections if need be. The same went for his shield, long enough to cover the length of his body but lightweight enough to move around almost as easily as a buckler in other lands. It wasn't a shield that'd ever stand up to a monster with killing intent, but those didn't exist around these parts. What mattered is that it could deflect, and more importantly, was hydrophobic to the -many- various liquids your average hunter had to deal with in combat.

Thankfully, packing up was an easy task. All of his gear was already ready to go...or, more accurately, he'd never bothered to unpack it since the last time he went out. He'd just have to do some field maintenance while he was traveling. At the very least, he cleaned up his hut just enough to make sure no fires would start while he was gone, but with that taken care of he was on the road in record time, by his standards at any rate.

As it were, Art usually had rather uneventful trips when he went out in the field. Something about the various odors clinging to him and the layers of industrial soot caking his body tended to make most critters look the other way. Well, that or they couldn't even tell he was a hunter underneath it all. He enjoyed these trips through Faloren. The warm breeze, the rustle of the grass and passing clouds overheard made it an almost therapeutic hike. He'd considered setting up a research tent out here before, but the guild hall had made it -very- clear that would never happen (more for the wildlife's sake than his own).

He knew he was getting close to his destination when he caught the faint glitter of refracted light up above, like a glimmering mirage of sorts. Passing over the next small hill, he finally saw it.

Ahead of Art spread a broad, yet very shallow collection of ponds. The deepest parts only came up to the lower calves, and the thick grass kept such a tight hold on the soil beneath that the water itself looks crisp and clean. Atop that water and fitting the overall look quite nicely, were countless delicate bubbles. Some clustered together while some floated alone, others still drifting in the air, suspended by nothing more than the warmth radiating from the water below.

It was an exceptionally refreshing scent that met the senses, something floral mingled with some faint chemical tinge that made Art's inventor mind delight, as it always did.

Looking below himself, Art could already see his boots starting to gleam under the shallow water. Dust, dirt, soot and residue slid off so easily thanks to the unique organic chemicals mingled with the water, falling to the bottom of the shallow pond to be greedily caught up in the watery grass roots as yet more nutrients. One would actually be quite hard-pressed to find any location on MFI as spotless as this one, which made the inventor stand out all the more.

He wasn't alone here, of course. Art already saw his target, laying comfortably on their back and basking in the warmth of the midday sun. A Mizutsune, stretched out long as could be. Those pink scales caught the light even better than the bubbles around did, the 'petals' around its head spread wide to soak up as much heat as they could as its massive, furry tail shifted ever so slightly in the shallow waters around.

Of course, on its back Art could -also- see its frankly absurd nutsack! Just two... utterly -massive- black skinned spheres, so dense and weighty that they kept the base of the Mizutstune's tail from moving as much as the rest of it. Nothing out of the ordinary here, then! Art's feet squished somewhat as he stepped forward, boots pushing water about as he spoke aloud.

"** Hey-o! I'm back!"**

At first, the monster lifted its head up at the familiar face. It seemed almost pleased at first at the tone...until it actually caught sight of Art. The hunter was staring up at the moment, watching some of the bubbles floating about.

"** Nice day today isn't it? Real warm, it's almost too hot really with all of..uh?"**

Art could hear the sound of splashing water, and it was approaching -very- fast. Looking down, he saw the muzzle of a very displeased looking Mizu bearing down on him with wild speed!

"** Wait now hang on jus-gah!"**

With a loud SPLASH, the hunter was knocked back as tonnes of monster body came barreling into him, knocking him clean off of his feet and onto his back. He hardly had a moment to think before those claws were on his front, the weight of the monster pushing him down as Art just barely caught a breath before being pushed under the shallow water.

It would be an understatement to say that Art tended to be a bit of an airhead. Despite his technological prowess and the creations he's made, he could be a bit...oblivious, at times. In this particular instance, he'd forgotten, -once again-, that Mizu really didn't like seeing people so utterly covered in filth and dirt, which made up almost all of Art's outer body at the moment.

For an outsider looking on, they might well have assumed that great violence was going on. The speed and downright fury the Mizu put forth with its claws and tail wailing on the hunter looked like they could have been lethal. Mizu was a -very- enthusiastic cleaner, to put it gently.

Dirt, grime, soot, all were being rapidly washed away, as Art felt his head getting knocked into a daze from the endless assault. He was liable to forget what -day- it was at this rate. When Mizu did finally back off, he looked down with a growl at the hunter who almost comically floated back up to the surface of the water, coughing out a breath. His armor now sparkled with cleanliness, face crisp and clear, even his -underwear- felt clean somehow, if utterly soaked though.

"** Was-keff, kaff....was that...really necessary?...Gah..."**

Art shakily pushed himself up, looking up at the Mizu. The response he got was a hot breathed huff in his face, the Mizu turning and whacking the hunter's head with one of its fins as it waltzed back to where it had been sitting. As it went, Art was treated to the sight of a broad flank resulting from plenty of lazing about, and the sight of those massive Mizu nuts sloshing and swaying back and forth ponderously. Art could honestly never rightly tell if Mizu just never 'got off' or if they were always that huge.

"Intense as always..." Art stood himself back up, water cascading off of him and back into the drink. Wiping his (for once) clean brow, he'd trudge and walk his way closer to the Mizu's resting spot, where the monster now lay once again. He was poised like some pampered feline, lazily watching the hunter get closer and closer still, until Art was standing just in front of him, hands on his hips.

"Alright, -cleaning- aside, can I get your help? We're low on the stuff back home, and Nora kicked me out to go and get some."

Art looked up hopefully at the Mizu, reaching up to pat on his muzzle. The Mizu tilted its head slightly, an almost wry grin on its face. All the same he lowered his comparatively huge head, and growled in a low and deep tone, maw opening up slightly with its banana yellow tongue every so slightly poked out. Art gave a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for that, you're a life saver as ever."

Art reached behind him and into his pack, taking out a small glass canteen of sorts. He moved the canteen underneath the Mizu's tongue, his other hand on the monster's lower jaw to keep steady.

It was a well known fact all across the globe that monsters were durable critters, ones with considerable healing capabilities. Each monster had a variety of ways they kept fit and healthy in the usually violent, turbulent worlds they lived in, and Mizutsune in particular did so with self grooming.

As Art stood there, he could see the subtle changes in the Mizutsune's expression as it seemed to get itself into a 'grooming' mood. In doing so, Art could see as that big, soft Mizu tongue began to create and drip down a faintly glittering, blueish-white fluid. This here was Purity, a curative and catalyst with alchemical uses too numerous for Art to bother remembering. Art seemed to recall vaguely talks about why it was so hard to come across on other islands, but he was so often lost in his own thoughts he couldn't recall specifics. It was pretty to look at, that much he could say!

Drip by drip, that curative flowed down into the canteen, glimmering as it filled it steadily up to the top. When it finally reached the peak, he capped off the canteen, hooking it onto his pack again. With that he gave the Mizu a smile, stepping back.

"Thanks for that, it's appreciated friend! They'll be glad to have some more back home, I'm sure."

Another quest done, quick and easy. He even got a cleaning out of it too, hard to argue with that, right? At this pace he'd have plenty of time to forage for something to give to Nora and be back to his experiments. As Art turned and began to leave, however, he was stopped as he felt the long, curved claw on one of Mizu's paws hook down on his shoulder. He blinked, looking back at the Mizu, who had that grin on its face once again. Art knew what that looked meant.

"You...want payment? Aww come on, I can't afford to play right-...hmm." Blinking, Art took a moment to actually use his head for something other than experiments. Nora... -had- wanted him out for some unfathomable reason so she'd probably be happier if he wasn't back -too- soon. That and...hadn't he himself been thinking about how important it was to exercise both mind -and- body? What could a little tussle hurt?

He perked up further as another thought crossed his mind, speaking quietly to himself.

"I can test out one of my newest creations, too! Wonderful!"

With far more excitement now, Art turned around as he stepped back further from the Mizu. He could see the eagerness in the monster's face as he took out his large shield and specialized gunlance. It'd changed since the last time Mizu had seen it, and the monster's curiosity was peaked. Speaking of peaking, even this much has caused the pink tip of the Mizu's shaft to just poke out of its sheathe, something that didn't miss Art's attention.

"You better keep your focus if you don't wanna lose!"

It was as good a 'start' as any! Taking the initiative, Mizu lunged forward full force, aiming to pin Art as it'd done before. This time however, Art was on his guard. He brought his shield up re-directing the blow downwards as the hunter leapt up, jumping on top of Mizu's head with one foot and followed through to run across its back.

Responding in kind, Mizu jerked to the side, rolling over onto its back. Art had to practically skip to keep from being knocked off, like some kind of log-rolling exercise. He could practically feel the breath at his back, quick to turn himself around just as Mizu had been curling its head in with a lunging bite. Instead of getting hunter, Mizu was instead met with the long end of Art's lance! The smooth, blunt tip of it slipped right past Mizu's muzzle and tongue, diving down into the monster's throat.

Art could see Mizu's cheeks flush, but he followed through and kept his hold, driving in his lance to the hilt as he used his other hand to grab hold of one of Mizu's petals.

"Careful where you're biting now, friend~!" As Art took this moment to attack again and again, holding Mizu by the petal as he'd draw his lance backwards, only to ram it back in again! He could hear the wet, slippery glurching of his lance diving down that throat repeatedly, knowing full well how much Mizu got off on...well, okay, to be fair it was hard for Art to think of something Mizu -didn't- get off on. The flushed cheeks and pleasured growls from the monster spoke volumes.

Unfortunately for him, he spent a little too long on that hold, forgetting about the -rapidly- growing troubles behind him! He'd feel something warm and wet jab against his back, as a -jet- of hot monster precum slammed into him from behind, knocking him off balance! Mizu took advantage of this quickly, biting down on the middle of that lance and tossing its head forward, sending Art head-over-heels into the air...and face-down -right- in between Mizu's hind legs. In a moment Mizu clenched their hind legs closed, smothering the hunter between the monster's massive and -very- heavy nuts!

Art tried not to breathe in, but even so the scent of them managed to sneak in, potent as all get-out. The kind of scent that made a person weak to their knees, forget where they were...but Art wasn't going to lose so easily, they'd just started! He'd carefully plant one foot on the Mizu's taint, bracing himself against his slickened shield as he'd kick off, pushing himself out as he shot from between the Mizu's hind legs like an errant bar of soap, landing in the water a bit away.

Mizu growled at him, rolling back over onto all fours. By now the monster had -fully- dropped, and to say he was well equipped understatement. That shaft hanging down was as thick as Art's middle, frills behind the tip and ribbed all the way down. While he couldn't see it yet, Art also knew the monster was sporting a -beefy- knot, as if the rest of the cock wasn't enough!

"Hah...that all you've got?~"

From there the battle returned to a more 'traditional' form of hunter combat, so to speak. It was all about wearing one or the other down, Art using his shield to deflect or carefully placed jabs of his gunlance to put Mizu off balance, while Mizu in kind both tried to tire out the hunter, along with water jets to try and knock him off his feet. It was a careful dance, and as the minutes passed both he and Mizu were starting to pant from the exertion, Mizu's monster cock spurting out infrequent jets of precum from the adrenaline of it all. One of them would have to give in eventually, but Art had something up his sleeve. He knew his weakness, he knew getting pinned was always a problem...and that's where his new gear came in handy. The very reason he hadn't yet fired off his gunlance.

As if on cue, Mizu ran past Art, using its large, bushy tail to thwack his body and unsteady him. Taking advantage of this, Mizu then turned its head around and fired a harsh jet of water that slammed into Art's shield from the wrong side. Like an umbrella caught in the wind, Art felt his shield get ripped from his arm, sailing away and landing in the water a way off, floating along like a little boat. Even being temporarily shieldless was enough for the Mizu to take advantage, the monster sweeping its tail low to knock Art onto his back with a splash!

Art squinted, seeing movement overtop of him. He knew what was coming next, and he was -ready- for it. He moved his arm into position just in time as Mizu slammed its hips down, -smothering- the hunter underneath its heavy, churning nuts. Over and over Mizu brought those hips down, coating and covering the tired hunter, making him listen to the slap of those nuts hitting him and the water, churning with cum and forcing him to breathe in that wild, feral scent.

Before he lost himself to his arousal, Art tensed himself up, waiting for Mizu to lift those hips up again. Once it did, he'd angle his gunlance sharply, pointing it up! One Mizu's next downward slam, he watched as the blunt tip stretched the monster's tailhole, spreading it wide as the lance pushed in deeper. Mizu let out a sharp draconic yip as it felt this, but Art wouldn't give him the chance to pull away. Grip tight, he'd plunge the gunlance even -deeper- still, until the hilt had pressed right close to that tight, stretched monster's ring!

With a wild grin, face half-pressed to one of Mizu's nuts, Art hit the trigger and set his gunlance off. The explosive powder went off, and released gas into a flexible sphere near the base of the lance, causing it to swell rapidly and 'tie' the weapon inside of the Mizu's backside like a knot. The force of the shock caused the whole thing to vibrate, but more importantly all of that explosive force was channeled through the inner workings of the gunlance, causing the entire upper end of the weapon to spin -rapidly- inside of the Mizu's backside as it thrummed!

Art watched as Mizu's legs quivered, managing to pull himself out of the way before he tilted over and fell onto his side, taken completely by surprise as the spinning, vibrating thing deep in its ass. It proved to be too much for the already worn monster, seemingly unable to get its legs right or stop its wild quivering. With Mizu down, Art took full charge as he'd mount the monster from behind, planting one foot in the damp ground and the other on one of Mizu's doughy flanks.

"So? Whatcha think? A winner? I worked hard on this one!"

Even as he said this, Art pulled back, making Mizu growl in bliss as his tailhole was spread wider from that still inflated bulb, stretching more and more until with a 'shlop!' it came out. However, one test wasn't enough...and Art was a -very- thorough experimenter! Mizu was still quivering, cock jerking and smacking heavily against its belly as a 'click' sounded from Art reloading the gunlance, only to plunge it back inside bulb and all, firing once more!

Shot after shot, plunging and driving that gunlance like a piston into his backside, the brunt of the force hitting the Mizu's prostate and causing the monster to drool with bliss. Every time the gunlance spun inside, grinding against and stimulating whole feet of delicate, sensitive skin. Only six shots in and the poor thing couldn't take any more, his tail slapping against the water as that monstrous cock -surged-, the urethra swelling as those monstrous nuts pulled taunt, cum surging through that shaft and erupting like a fountain out the tip! Obscene amounts of monster fluid shot out and across the ponds, splattering down and mingling with the previously clean water.

Art watched with a grin, noting just how hard the orgasm was, keeping a note on the volume, the distance, how hard that anal ring held onto his lance, everything he could to improve his work. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying it a little for unscientific reasons too, but that was neither here nor there~

Frankly, Art was rather stunned at how effective the attack wound up being. Mizu seemed to be pumping out whole -ponds- of monster goo, that sticky seed saturating the air with the musk of a good long fuck. Heck, if Art had thought it'd be -this- effective he would have brought a barrel or two with him to bring back something extra!

Minutes passed by, as Art ran out of ammo for his lance, his arms shaking from the effort of thrusting so hard for so long. Mizu's tight ring had grown plush and large from the beating, a pretty pink tinting the otherwise darker skin of that ring. His heavy nuts were still massive, but looked noticeably smaller from the small -lake- the monster had managed to create. Too tired to pull out his weapon, Art simply fell back, landing on the Mizu's fluffy, damp tailbase to rest, the both of them panting heavily after their intense fight.

"We'll call that a...hah...good first test run...the spinning works I'll have to see about additions...maybe nubs, curved rings...could talk to Moren about getting some flexible spines maybe, hah...or I"

Art was interrupted as he felt the tail shifting underneath him, the Mizu curling up somewhat into an almost sitting position to look at the hunter on its tail. Its cock loomed above tall and intimidating, the serpentine head looking down at the hunter, still dripping saliva from how much it had been drooling and panting. Art knew the look on its face well enough, lifting up a finger.

"Hah...hey now, I already won, don't go thinking you can...ah..." With a blink, Art felt wet warm squish against his hand. Mizu had responded to him lifting that finger by leaning in, pressing its long, squishy monster tongue against the whole of Art's hand. The hunter shuddered at the sensation, saliva drenching his digits and more as the Mizu took a slow, laboriously long lick up from that hand to his wrist. The stroke of that tongue continued up along Art's forearm, up over his bicep and shoulder...ending at his chin.

Face to face now, Art couldn't put enough of an effort to stop the Mizu as it pressed in closer, that fat yellow tongue squelching as it pressed against his face, pushing into his mouth. It was far too large to be considered a kiss, but it felt right all the same~ Art found it hard to say no to the feeling, the sound of the Mizu growling gently, that thick tongue filling his mouth utterly and causing saliva to drizzle down his front, even as he cupped under the monster's large chin.

The tongue was so big, so squishy. Any movements Art made with his lips or tongue compressed the writhing thing, at once both muscular and soft depending on how the Mizu moved it around inside such a small, little place like the hunter's mouth.

The Mizu knew Art had won, but winning against a monster like it didn't necessarily mean that they had to stop moving, right? Art swallowed nervously, something the Mizu took advantage of by pushing that tongue in all the deeper. Art's eyes squinted shut as he felt his throat taken, bulging out from how thick that monster tongue was, just idly and lazily twisting so deep inside of him like that~

Being this close and curled in this way meant that Art was partially pressed against the monster's cock as well, feeling the deep, twitching throbs, feeling the thick, sticky monster cum dripping down in excess on the back of his head and his back, too. When Mizu -did- pull back, it was far from done. Art watched as the growling monster lowered its head down further, using one of its clawed talon hooks to pull open Art's armor enough to free his cock.

It sprang out at the ready, already rigid and twitching angrily from such an erotic monster fight, paffing the Mizu right in the snoot.

"Never as simple as..a fight with y...hooo...hokay~"

Art's eyes shut, his head tilting back as Mizu put his muzzle down and took every inch of Art's cock at once. To say that the inside of Mizu's mouth felt good was putting it very, very lightly. It was pure silk in there; squishy, wet, steamy hot silk. The cheeks, the maw, the fleshy tongue, never mind that hot breath rolling around any part of him not already being ground against hot flesh. Art's cock twitched, aching as he gently took hold of the Mizu's head, moving his hips to stir around his cock, feeling his length get lavished by lick after sloppy, slobbering lick.

Art could feel as precum pulsed out of his cock, painting the inside of the Mizu's mouth only to slop back out past its muzzle and further make a mess of his crotch. He mused, between painfully blissful strokes, at how Mizu only ever seemed to mind messes that he -himself- didn't make, the ridiculous beast~

Using its front talons, Mizu hooked around Art, pulling him off of its tail and over to a slightly more stable section of grass, laying him on his back all the while never letting that cock leave its muzzle. Resting as he was, Art felt that muzzle and tongue twist as the Mizu itself turned around on all fours above him, hunching up some...and hovering those large, musky nuts over-top of the hunter's head.

Art had nothing to worry about though. He could tell the Mizu had submitted...what came next was for -his- benefit, not just the Mizu's! The monster lowered its hips, once more pressing those balls down close, but it was done slow and gentle. Art was free to move his arms, roaming his hands over the Mizu's heavy nuts, feeling how sleek and smooth they were to the touch. He'd push in places, his hands vanishing in the heavy nut flesh, getting covered in slick monster sweat and radiating their warmth down towards him. Gods but they felt dense and heavy, even after such a powerful load before. Just how productive did a monster need to -be-?

When Mizu wasn't trying to overwhelm him, it was darn near therapeutic, honestly. He could tug on the balls gently or push to make Mizu raise those hips higher or lower them, getting -exactly- as much of his face into those nuts as he wanted. He'd drag his tongue over the skin, tasting that powerful, delicious monster skin and hearing the Mizu growl gently in appreciation, sucking and slobbering over his cock all the more~

Damn horny Mizu was getting off on even -this-, too. Art could tell, if not from the smacking sound of that heavy cock twitching up to the Mizu's belly, than from the leftover cum oozing over his belly being replaced with fresh precum. He was glad to feel he was getting close, he knew how risky it could be to let this Mizu get too worked up after a fight~

As he grew closer, he'd pull on Mizu's nuts, getting the monster to sit down fully and properly smother his head. As he lay buried, he'd plant his feet down into the grass and began lazily thrusting up, feeling his damp crotch splatting as it bumped repeatedly into the Mizu's muzzle, grinding hard against that steamy hot tongue.

He'd open his mouth, taking some of Mizu's hot ball flesh into his mouth and sucking on it. The taste was absolutely incredible, with a rich and meaty texture that his tongue could glide right over. Savoring this flavour, he pressed his hips upwards, holding them tight to Mizu's muzzle. He felt as pleasure washed over him like a warm wave, pulling him ahead into a gentle but -very- powerful orgasm~

His balls pulled up, tightening as his -own- cock surged now, pumping out jets of fresh cum right into the Mizu's muzzle. The growling only intensified, practically vibrating along his shaft as he'd feel the Mizu push its tongue down past his cock and curl around his balls, slathering them even as they unloaded into the horny monster's muzzle. Art had to give it that much, Mizu really knew how to treat a victor!

It felt so good to finally unload too, refresh his mind after that fight by just -dumping- his load into that muzzle, his cum oozing back down over his crotch. He'd give Mizu's cheek a paff with his knee, the monster taking note and closing its muzzle tighter, actually -sucking- for once and steadily swallowing down Art's load. As a good monster should, he felt! Dang did it feel -fantastic- though~

As Art's climax slowed down to a steady dribble, he'd push upwards and breath in as the Mizu lifted its hips back up, freeing him from being trapped under that sweltering sack. Art was about to get himself up, but..Mizu hadn't let go of his cock yet. Art's worries were confirmed as the Mizu stepped its hind legs back further...and now held that massive monster cock swaying above him. Art sighed a bit, trying to shift his hips some.

"Alright come on, you can let me up now, I-urf!" Interrupted, as it were, by the Mizu lowered its hips down and laying that huge, monster cock down across Art's front! The hunter sighed lightly, reaching up and patting the side of the twitching member.

"A-alright, fine, more then, that's it though!"

The Mizu just grinned. Art should know better...-never- give into a Mizu. While gentler than most, if you gave the horny buggers an inch they'd take 30 more, so to speak.

Almost right away, Art felt that massive cock grinding back and forth over-top of his body. All this while it kept that vice grip on the hunter's throbbing shaft, already assaulting it all over again with yet more eager laps and drags of its big, heavy tongue. Art could practically -feel- the scent of the Mizu being ground into his skin, tainting it even as he reached up and around to try and help give the big horny bugger the hugjob it wanted.

He felt his arms 'shunt' as they passed by each of those thick bulging ridges along the top of that cock, gliding otherwise over a cock that was surprisingly sleek given it wasn't drenched in precum! Art could feel fresh precum shoot out in force, just -drenching- his belly and crotch, and no doubt the Mizu's chin as well. The Mizu didn't slow down in the slightest, horny bugger that it was. In almost no time the Mizu was full-on humping, his massive nuts swinging and either smacking or outright smothering Art's head, over and over again. They were swelling up, he could tell...get a Mizu worked up and their nuts worked overtime to compensate!

Honestly, it seemed like the Mizu was so into body-frotting him that he hardly had to focus on trying to get it off. This turned out to be a boon given Art could barely keep his head on straight between the -intense- monster blowjob slathering his cock and those musky nuts overtaking his head!

Horny as it was, Mizu was paying -very- close attention to both itself and the hunter trapped under it. Every stroke of its tongue, and every grind of its throbbing cock. It wanted them both to cum at the same time...timing its own thrusts, fighting back its own natural urges and going to -town- on the hunter's cock, the tongue squeezing his nuts, grinding up the front, down the back, punishing the glans when it could with every flesh slathering. The Mizu rather enjoyed the feel of the foreskin too, like a small sheathe to play with, using its tongue to shlup it back and forth over the sensitive tip~

Art's arms couldn't even keep holding onto that cock after a time. Instead they wound up by his sides, grasping at the damp grass as his front was soaked from the endless grind, watching feet of monster cock passing by his vision repeatedly as he got the blowjob of his life. His eyes were steadily rolling up, tensing up as he felt his balls ready to unleash another load. When they finally did, holy hell did he -shoot-! His cock burst like a rocket, jets of cum -launching- from his tip so hard that they even hit the back of the Mizu's throat!

He wouldn't be cumming alone however, not this time. With a deep growl, Art watched as the Mizu stopped thrusting, his junk inches from the hunter's face and pressed hard to his chest and belly, practically making him sink into the soft ground. He could -hear- those balls churn and slosh as they pulled up, watched as the urethra swelled up big right in front of him as the Mizu lifted its head up and let out a deep, lusty growl.

This, of course...meant that Art's cock was no longer inside of that hot mouth. Where it -was-, in fact, was right in line with the -tip- of the Mizu's cock! All at once that cum -surged- out, a veritably hydrant of fresh, steamy hot, sticky monster cum rushing around the hunter's cock and bathing his legs and feet in its goo. The sensation was so unreal, but it still felt -good-, too? Like his cock was suddenly put underneath a steamy hot waterfall, surging around his twitching flesh and delighting the senses. Good enough to have Art moaning all the louder as he kept on cumming, his own seed lost in the torrential flood coming out of the Mizu's tip~

But Mizu was a tricky monster. Tricky insofar as it would do anything that came to its horny, lust-addled mind. So it was that Art felt that cock grinding back along his front steadily, smacking and whapping it with those loads shooting out, painting him more and more...until with a jerk, the Mizu pulled the cock so it was aimed with at the hunter's face!

Art hardly had time to gasp before his mouth was -filled- with cum. One burst alone was enough to puff out his cheeks, and the Mizu wasn't going to leave it at just that. He felt that strong monster claw plant onto his chest, holding him steady as the monster ground that cocktip right against poor Art's face! Now each of those surging gallons of cum were pulsing right past his lips, hitting the back of his throat so hard it actually caused his throat to -bulge- outwards with the force of it all, dumping copious amounts of thick cum straight into his stomach without him able to stop it!

The Mizu seemed right pleased with itself, too. It could feel Art's belly swelling under its paw, growing with the surging cum rushing into the hunter's body repeatedly. When the belly grew large enough, the Mizu pushed down on it, causing that fresh, thick cum to not only surge back up into Art's filled mouth but -down- as well, surging through his body to the point the hunter felt warm slick goo reach the other end!

That said, the Mizu -had- to remember that Art -had- won...and so, it decided to 'only' flood and press on his belly three more times before it relented, lifting its paw and while angling those hips back to simply unloading the rest of its absurdly huge climax over top of Art's poor body for the minute or so that it lasted, leaving the hunter no longer on a firm part of grass but rather, floating in a thick, musky pool of monster fluid~

When it finally stopped, and Mizu's cock had returned to a sinful cum drooling state, Art coughed as he tried and failed to clear his mouth out, the taste of monster seed guaranteed to stain it for a long time after. He didn't complain as he shakily sat up, either. It's not that he feared arguing with the, no he knew Mizu well enough to know it -had- gone easy on him, all things considered!

He coughed a few times more as the Mizu walked forward, whumping his head with its fat nuts as it passed by. He looked down at his body. Couldn't even tell what colour his armor was anymore underneath all of that thick, viscous cum. He could feel his belly was still somewhat distended to, from the heavy, thick sloshing sensation inside of him. Couldn't expect Mizu to help with clean up either...this was -it's- mess, something -it- took pride in! He'd sigh a bit, wiping some off of his chest and rosy cheeks, feeling seed drop down the back of his head and down his back.

"There..hah...gave you...the one you can..hah-...wait..."

Art blinked. He looked down to his hip and back. He reached around, patting at his gear...that's when he felt it. With a tug he brought it forward, and sighed. It was the canteen...somehow, either during the fight or the aftermath, it had come undone, its precious cargo spilled out and mingled with the rest of the water around here. He'd look back up at the Mizu, holding up the canteen with a sigh.

"H-hey..uhm...don't suppose you can help me out? It looks like the stupid thing couldn't...uh..."

The Mizu poked its tongue out with a grin. It would certainly help to refill it...but Art knew full well by its expression that he'd have to fight for it again, just like the first time. Of course, only... wait a second. As Art took a closer look at his Canteen...was it his imagination or was there a claw mark where the strap had held the lid on?

Squinting, Art then looked up at the Mizu. The horny thing was flaunting its ass. More importantly, it was flaunting the handle of his gunlance, as the bulk of the thing was still lodged right up the monster's backside. Art watched as the Mizu tensed and tightened its rear, 'swallowing' the handle of the gunlance as well into its depths. He swore he saw it grin even more.

No shield.

No ammo.

No -gunlance-.

No chance of reasoning with a horned up Mizu like this.

Art stood shakily to his feet, watching as the Mizu confidently walked back over to where it had been laying when he arrived, waiting for him. He sighed.

As Art walked forward, he mused that he even though he hadn't brought any storage...he had a feeling he'd be coming home carrying a barrels-worth of monster fluid all the same.

So much for going 'easy' on him!


On MFI, armour is classified as either 'light' or 'heavy', and revolves around the use of gemstones. These faintly glowing gems are collected from monsters, plants, and minerals alike. When in direct contact with a hunter's skin for around a day's time, gems imbue the hunters with certain powers and capabilities they otherwise wouldn't have. However, the energies from these gems are absorbed more readily into non-living materials than living ones. As such, while hunters wearing armor composed of minerals or scales or similar will be able to take more blows and more easily keep fluids from monster attacks off of their skin, they do so at the sacrifice of the full potency of their worn gemstones.

That being said, even the heaviest armours on MFI would hardly classify as 'light armour' on the mainlands. Most traditional blacksmiths would balk at the very notion of armour containing so many built-in break points and quick-release clasps. These additions are necessary on MFI however, as any hunter worth their salt will tell you that no amount of protection is worth being slower than the monster trying to pin and breed you. 'If need be, always be ready to brawl in the nude'.


Mizutsune, along with being fairly passive creatures, tend to be fairly picky about keeping things clean (in most regards). As such, they're more often likely to wash a monster or hunter that wanders into their territory rather than try to fight them. Monsters on MFI have been recorded using this to their advantage many times, detouring into the territory of a Mizutsune to wash off, both to hide their trail from larger predators or to conceal themselves from prey. They have an almost symbiotic relationship with them in this way, and hunters frequently visit these places to relax after a day's hike. They're incredibly friendly, happy to be approached and bathed with and even pet.

That said, any contact should remain above the metaphorical belt, and one should not overstay their welcome. These rules apply unspoken for both hunters and monsters alike. The reason is that doing so has a tendency to quickly send the Mizutsune into a sort of combative rut. While they're not the strongest fighters, they have an unparalleled sexual stamina that can outpace a vast number of other monsters, even those larger in size that makes it unfeasible for them to try and take over the Mizutsune's territory. What's more, even after losing a fight Mizutsune will find ways to tire out the victor until they can eventually turn the tables on them. Researchers seem to think this isn't done out of a need to be dominant, but simply due to the fact that they're, as it's been put, 'So unbelievably, unflappably, unreasonably horny'.

NOTE: For one's own sake, Do -NOT-, under ANY circumstances, enter a Mizutsune's territory during mating season.

Nora went on to enjoy a blissful two days of peace and quiet back at the camp.