Daddy's Little Dropout: Chapter 7

Story by DirtCoyote on SoFurry

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#7 of Daddy's Little Dropout

Everett is Billy's best friend and secret crush. It was only right for him to find out what Mr. Flacks had done with him. Now that he knows though, can he bare his portion of responsibilities?

First thing I wanna say is a shoutout to my guy FA: Rocko . Definitely helped encourage me to finish this project. I also wanna thank my friends and partner for keeping me going. This series isn't over just yet, but where the go in the future is a little mystery. I could host the full novella Smashwords and include the epilogue of this part of the series. This isn't going to it for Carl, Everett, Billy, and the rest of the gang, but I'm gonna need to take a break to finish very important projects. Lastly, I wanna thank all of you for sticking around. Your votes, favorites, and views mean a lot to me, and especially your kind words. You won't see any Dropout next week, but I've got a few other stories lined up for the rest of the month to stave some of you. I hope you're all as excited as I am.

Thank you.


By DirtCoyote

Billy only made it to the end of the driveway before he threw his board out into the woods. Fuming, he kicked up rocks and leaves, thinking of Mr. Flacks the entire time. Cars flew down the highway at dangerous speeds, the wind kicking up his pizza uniform every time. He wasn't sure if he wanted to wave one of them down and call for help, or just jump in front of one to end his predicament.

Forcing enough sense into his head, he pouted back into the brush where his longboard had landed. He planted himself right onto a nearby boulder and tried to straighten his thoughts. Everything still felt a little hazy after the fight. He remembered Everett standing out in the back of the house naked. Though he wasn't very familiar with the concepts, he understood that all of the things Everett was wearing came from Mr. Flack's dungeon basement.

That made him think of the perverse older maned wolf standing out on the patio watching him. Seeing him with that whip unraveled out into the yard like he had been striking Everett with it made his blood boil. Then he had the fucking nerve to tackle and punch him when he tried to run away. Just as he thought about it, the back of his head began to throb and he dragged his fingers through the fur. No blood, but it still hurt like a mother.

Trying to let out some steam, Billy grabbed rocks off the ground and threw them at a tree. Too angry to concentrate, his shots went wide into the bushes. Furious, he got closer and tossed a large pebble right at the trunk. It connected and immediately ricocheted right back at him, catching him directly between the ears. The fox went down into the foliage, tossing back and forth in pain.

A stream of fucks and shits raced out of his mouth as he rolled around on the ground. Both paws put pressure right to the spot where the rock hit him. Leaves, twigs, and dirt flung into the air all around him as he kicked about recklessly. Billy's tantrum lasted a full minute before the cool air and soft dirt calmed him down enough to relax. After all, there was nothing he could do about anything anyways.

Billy's lips quivered at that thought, but he managed to keep himself from crying. Everett had been his best friend for almost his entire life. The well off maned wolf and short homegrown fox seemed to be an odd pair, but back when they were in the city they were inseparable. It broke his heart when he got accepted into that school down south. When Everett told him he was coming back before finishing his first year, he wanted to sing.

Still, all this time back and he'd only managed to get drunk and smoke pot with him. Up until Mr. Flacks' sex dungeon killed the party, Billy had even planned to confess everything that night. Every time that he thought he could tell him his true feelings, he'd clam up. His shy and bashful nature got the better of him and he would just take another hit to mellow himself out. Now, it was Mr. Flacks that had Everett and all he was supposed to do was go home.

Just go home?

How the fuck was he supposed to just go home? If Mr. Flacks was doing some fucked up BDSM shit on him, would he really just let Everett talk to the fox? Maybe he really should call the cops or something to see if he could get him out of that situation. Maybe, but he had to remind himself that it was Everett that told him to go home. He didn't seem like he was in pain or anything and maybe he was into it himself.

Everett could have used the discipline, but it still didn't feel right what they were doing. Pulling himself up, he found his board lying on the ground and picked it up. Upon closer inspection, he could see that one of the axles was loose and just dropped it back onto the ground. Good as useless now, but what was one more thing to deal with anyways? Slouching, he worked his way back up the driveway.

Standing right in front of the door made him feel tall, much taller than the foot and a half Mr. Flacks had on him. Throbbing at the back of his head reminded him that he wasn't. Aches across the rest of his body made him feel even smaller than that. Mr. Flacks yelling at him, telling him he wasn't welcome back wrapped weights around his arms and chest. Everett's voice telling him just to go home, like he was too weak to do anything to help him, brought him down to the ground.

Back against the door, he sat on the front porch thinking and rethinking all of the things he wanted to do. Caught in indecision, he held his knees to his chest with muzzle tucked in between. Billy wasn't sure how long he had spent just sitting there, only lifting his muzzle when he heard the sound of his phone ring and felt its familiar vibration. He pulled it out of his pocket and flipped it open.

Hey Billy.

Clouds over his head darkened the world enough to give an eerie glow to the text. Scenarios flashed about his eyes, particularly trying to make sense of the casualness of the words. Thoughts of Mr. Flacks standing over Everett's shoulder, telling him exactly what to write creeped into mind. Billy searched his mind for something that he could say: something like a secret code that would let him know that he was being manipulated.

Before he could think of what that would be, his phone vibrated again and the previous message was replaced with a new one. It flashed on the screen so fast that he didn't have time to avoid it. He only needed to reread it once to know that he wished he'd never read it at all. Closing his phone, he put it back in his pocket and tucked his head back between his legs. This day couldn't get any worse.

Ready to do the thing that Everett told him he needed to do, he lifted his muzzle and took a sharp breath. Starting at the pair of barefoot black socks, he trailed his way up to the two dirty amber hulking tree trunks. From there, he worked up to the unbuttoned jorts and kept moving up past the sun faded pink tank top. There, that's where he met Mr. Flack's black paw touching one finger to his lips and an icy stare piercing down at him.


Mr. Flacks didn't move but Billy told himself that if he got an inch closer to him, he would start screaming. Screaming, kicking, biting, cursing, crying, yelling, clawing, punching, and all the other things he'd unleash if that fucker touched him. Heart racing, he trembled waiting to see if he was going to take a step to him. Whatever he was preparing for though never came.

Instead, the two just stared at each other, the maned wolf thinking over his choices himself. Several times, Mr. Flacks' hackles would rise, but he controlled himself enough to bring them back down every time. Billy wasn't feeling much different, the scrapes on his arms and legs, the lumps both in the back and front of his skull all flashed with heat. When both let the cool air subside their emotions, Mr. Flacks was the first to make a move.

Slow, not to alarm the fox, he took careful deliberate steps on the balls of his feet. Every step closer was closing any chance for escape, and before he realized it, Mr. Flacks was on top of him. Billy's ears folded, realizing only too late that he was completely towered by the maned wolf. If he wanted to capture him now, he could do very very very little to stop him. Imagining the collar around Everett's neck made his own feel naked.

"Truce?" Mr. Flacks said, sitting down with his back propped against the door.

"W-Wha-what?" Billy replied, his muzzle cocked as he looked back at him.

The maned wolf scoffed, "Please tell me you know what that word means."

"I know what it means," he shot back quickly.

"So we're even?" Mr. Flacks said with his paw reached up, waiting for him to clasp it.

Billy didn't take the paw right away, instead opting to get a jibe in. "I 'unno. Ya arm screamin' as much as mah head?"

He flexed his arm, a grunt and some red bleeding through the bandages let him know that it was. "At least I didn't damage anything important."

That dig hurt him, but Billy didn't come all this way back to get berated by the maned wolf and clasped his paw. Mr. Flack's grip encased his paw, a twinge of pain shot through his knuckles. Billy didn't back down though, keeping the grip and holding his own against the much larger paw. The clasp remained until the maned wolf gave up trying to intimidate him through his strength.

"Why'd you come back, Billy?" he asked with a bit of growl behind his words.

That just got a snort from the fox and he scratched the back of his head. "Truth is, didn't make it outta the driveway."

Mr. Flacks turned his attention to the driveway, staring at it silently and so did Billy. They only just got through their fight, and yet it felt like they were already getting distance from it. It wasn't as clear in his mind about who hit who first or what the exact phrasing of the things they said to each other. Tensions were relieving, but not everything was resolved quite yet.

"Evee says I aint allowed back here no more," Billy stated and paused for an answer.

That got a begrudged laugh out of Mr. Flacks. "Billy, I've been telling you that for years."

He didn't appreciate the laughter and piped up, "You don't like me, but Evee does an' I like him."

"Yeah, well," the maned wolf began in a dismissive tone. "Things are different now and he listens to me."

Holding a paw up to stop him, a swarm of courage surged within him. "I didn't come back here to argue with you."

"Oh, is that so?" Mr. Flacks asked with a snarl.

Taking a deep breath, Billy readied himself before answering. "This thing that you're doing with Everett--"

"Is none of your busi--"

"I want a part of it," Billy interrupted to finish his thought.

Mr. Flacks was always perfectly confident, radiating a sureness in almost everything he did. For the first time ever, he watched it falter as his brow flipped between curiosity and furiousness. Half of his long canid muzzle pulled back to reveal fang and lust, caught somewhere between a challenge and an insult. Mr. Flacks studied the smaller fox up and down, unsure what to make of all of this and when he couldn't find an immediate answer, he just laughed at him.

Billy balled up his fists and pounded them on the cement. "I'm bein' serious."

"I know," Mr. Flacks said, giving him a classic mile long canid grin. "That's what's funny." Shaking his head, he caught his breath and snirked. "Not a chance in hell, Billy. I'm sure you can find some leather daddy that'll love to shut you up more than me."

"It ain't all Everett's fault. It was partly my idea! I was the one that called up my buddy who brought the high schoo--" Billy's sentence sharply ended, but not sharp enough.

"You," Mr. Flacks began, stopping only to grab the tip of one of Billy's large black ears and twist as he rose. "You let HIGH SCHOOLERS into MY HOUSE to DRINK!?"

Billy squeaked, one paw holding the maned wolf's wrist while his other helped himself up off the ground before he could be hoisted into the air by his ear alone. Mr. Flacks was tall and fast, yanking on the fox hard and tugging him upward to meet his stare when the fox tried to duck his muzzle. A sudden feeling of regret washed over Billy. Any chance of running off now though was long gone.

"Did you even think how much trouble you could get in purchasing alcohol for minors?" he asked, shouting down at the twitchy vulpine.

Billy whimpered, feeling powerless underneath the much taller man. Guilty and not quite sure how to come clean, he kept his lips pursed and turned his gaze. A growl and a pinch of the fox's ear tip made him yelp and forced his attention back to him. Mr. Flack's nose was right up to the bridge of his muzzle with eyes w piercing deep inside of him. Under the pressure, he squirmed his legs underneath him and confessed.

"Um, technically, I didn't buy the booze..."

Billy went sailing through the foyer, taking long steps to keep himself from stumbling. Standing in shock across the hallway was Everett, following the commotion. Unable to slow himself down, the fox went crashing into the maned wolf, both of them falling hard onto the tiled floor. Both cried out, but Billy's landing was softened by the maned wolf's chest and stomach.

They remained on the floor, too shocked and stunned to pick themselves up. Naked with the wind knocked out of him, Everett opted to stay unmoving with his arms embracing the fox. Billy left his nose tucked into the maned wolf's white chest fur, just glad to be close to him again. His head rose cautiously, worried that he might have hurt his friend, but softened when he caught his relieved expression. Everett's soft hazel eyes bore deep into his yellow, and in their stare, they read their concern, their desire, and their yearning for one another. Billy leaned forward and their lips touched.

Without hesitation, he reciprocated the short kiss, and they followed into a plethora of pecks and licks. Brushing whiskers and nosing gently at the bristles of each other's cheek scruff, they whispered a hundred apologies and honesties into their fur. Before either of them could really get the waterworks going, a cough from the front door caught their attention.

Tail swaying against his side, Mr. Flacks stood with his paws on his hips. "Cut the lovey dovey bullshit," he snarled and stepped to them. "Get up on your feet. Both of you."

The slamming of the door behind him hopped both of them off the floor. Everett's stance was much straighter than Billy's, despite the fact that he was naked. Billy flinched and a sense of fight or flight was starting to kick up, but he had to will it all away. This is what he agreed to, and if it was the only way that he could be with Everett, then he wouldn't regret anything. That last part wavered just as Mr. Flacks' tight grip sank on both of their napes.

"You two are out of fucking control," he shouted as he shook both of them hard and pushed them in front of him. They griped as he led them to the basement, taking them down the stairs dangerously quick.

At the base of the stairs, Mr. Flacks jerked Billy hard through the doorway just before he would go smacking right into the concrete wall. Being manhandled by the maned wolf was scary, but he endured with a paw wrapped around Everett's. They skidded out into the center of the dungeon before he was let go and a palm cupped the bottom of his chin. "You. Undress," he demanded before pointing towards his son, "and you. Help me with this."

Mr. Flacks kept his paw underneath the fox's chin for a second longer, rubbing in the fuzz on his chin. There was roughness to the act that sapped away any illusion of affectionate massaging. Instead, the touch was corrupted by the sinking feeling of being inspected like contrabanned goods. He let go and walked to the side, taking Everett's hand-holding with him.

Standing alone now, he realized that he was given his first order and was expected to finish it without complaint. Some sliver of an idea of things being taken slow had been snuffed out of his mind. He turned his attention to the door as his feet grew cold. Mr. Flacks meant business and he'd be getting the same treatment Everett had received all week. Panic raced through his body and began to feel his muscles tighten and his throat clasp tight.

Rattling from chains had muted most of the conversation between the two maned wolves. It wasn't even until paws behind him wrapped around his waist and neck that he realized they weren't standing next to each other anymore. Billy gasped and closed his eyes tightly, leaning his body backward into Everett's with reinvigorated resolve. His entire body trembled as the paws slipped below and guided his work polo up and off his body.

Along the way, the paws felt through his sides and chest, lingering a second on his nipples to squeeze and tease them. Hot humid breath soaked into his neck and cheek, a muzzle buried deep into his fur to give him a couple kisses. Teeth parted his fur as rough nibbles grazed Billy's neck and sent waves of dopamine and serotonin to dance in his brain. A moan let out into the stale dungeon air, giving warmth to all the cold dangerous devices surrounding him.

The shirt was cast out onto the floor carelessly away from him. With renewed intensity, the paws came back to his stomach and waist, groping his body wherever they trailed. Fingers grabbed hold of the button and zipper of his shorts roughly, tugging at them until he could get them free. When Billy lowered his head to help pull down his own shorts, he caught the bandage wrapped around one of the maned wolf's arms.

"Not gonna lie, pet," Mr. Flacks whispered into his ear as he cradled Billy in his arms. The maned wolf fondled him, one paw wrapped around the boxer's bulge of his rock hard shaft, the other hoisting each leg up out of his shorts until he could kick them away as well. Even knowing it was the older male straddling him, his dick continued to add to the large puddle of pre seeped into his boxers. "You're bigger than I thought."

Billy's tail curled around his waist, but Mr. Flacks was not interested in anything getting in his way. He brushed it aside and slipped his fingers underneath the boxer's elastic band. The fox grabbed hold of both of his paws, trying to fight to keep him still. Something akin to the roaring fires inside of a forge rumbles in his mind as the maned wolf dives his muzzle against Billy's ears. His low fangy growl shredded up any resistance the fox could build up.

"Mr. Fla--"

"Sir," he interrupted right into his ear. "Sir or Master."

His boxers dropped straight to the floor without any further protest or even acknowledging what'd he'd just been told. Billy stepped out of them without any help and let himself be turned to face Everett, still doing what his father had told him to. Arms outreached over him, he was busy looping a pair of chains to a ceiling hook. Everett tested both the chains, making sure that they couldn't become unlatched on their own. At the ends of each were leather straps with thick silvery metal buckles.

Everett turned his attention just in time to see the two of them, particularly his father's arm draped over Billy's shoulder. Jealousy and guiltiness flattened their ears, and Mr. Fl--Sir picked it up immediately. He teased the base of the fox's knot, squeezing it in front of his son just hard enough to make it drool for him. His seven inch cock was more than willing to betray him for Master's dominant touch, throbbing and leaping for more. With the shake of his head, he ushers them closer.

"Oh, don't be like that," he starts, passing Billy over into Everett and walking off. "Both of you belong to me first."

Billy turned hot hearing that, making his neck feel itchy and naked again. With the older man controlling him so easily, directing him where to go and what to do, he felt more at ease with the part. Seeing Everett's bright blue nylon collar made him wonder what sort of collar he would get. He didn't have to wonder about it too long before Master came back behind him. Something stiff made of leather slid around his neck and was closed shut but his large paws.

"This'll do for now," Sir said with a pinch of annoyance. Billy rose his paw to feel it, the smooth leather around his neck. It felt a little loose, but at least it was something to wear. He fingered at the little metal loop just underneath his chin and enjoyed the playful ring of it against his claw. "Don't get used to it," Master snapped abruptly. "Pff, everyone's worn my collar but me now. You'll get your own soon enough."

That remark got a smile from Everett, but was quickly shut down by a look exchanged between the two of them. The older maned wolf began to move at this point, grabbing hold of the fox's arms and raising them above his head. He wasn't too gentle as he hoisted him up to lock his wrists into leather cuffs of the chains overhead. Billy wasn't tall enough to comfortably stand and had to get on his toes to keep from dangling.

With the restraints on him, his heart really began to race. Even Everett, his only lifeline at this point, was allowing himself to be locked up in the other set of cuffs hanging from the ceiling. Sir admired his work for a second, smirking with satisfaction before leaving them alone. The two were pressed against one another. The lanky maned wolf didn't have to stand at the tips of his toes, but he also didn't have enough reach to free himself once bound. They stood together only a half foot apart, forced to face one another through their next trial.

Forced, but in it there was at least some sense of comfort. Billy had said that he was partly responsible for everything. It was hard to confess to Master, especially after everything that had happened in the day. Now that it was all out on the open, they would bear the responsibilities at each other's sides. And in this position, it felt more so that they were going to be doing it together. With that thought, he closed the distance to give another kiss to Everett's cheek.

Before Everett could reciprocate the motion, the older maned wolf came back from collecting things about the room. In a single swift movement, something leather had been wrapped around Billy's muzzle. Several strands of smooth hide hung loosely over his head, not tight enough to trap the surprised yelp he let out. He could tell by the design that it was a muzzle like the ones feisty ferals have to wear to keep them from biting.

"I should tell you the truth, pet." There was a fierceness in his words that made Billy shudder. Sir cupped the fox's chin roughly, holding his maw open with one paw before spinning him around to make eye contact. He had no time to prepare for the maned wolf to snort and hock spit and snot directly into his muzzle before holding his mouth close to swallow it. "I told you there'd be another master that'll want to shut you up more than me" --while he spoke, he tightened each of the straps enough to dig into his skin-- "but no one could ever want that as much as I have."

Billy wanted to cry out, even tried to, but the restraints kept him from making too much noise. Every time he tried to even pull his muzzle back in a snarl, the leather would dig harshly into him. Even wincing wouldn't feel too comfortable, so he had to try his best just to remain calm. As he looked up to Everett, he could see that he was getting his own muzzle on. No, it was a ball gag, one of the larger ones that would force his jaw to stretch with it clasped around him.

Everett could be much more vocal on his own, whining like a little pup. He even started to squirm like one, and with them so close to each other, he began to brush himself up and down against Billy's cock. Despite all of this, it had only made his cock ache more for release. Now with Everett's soft crotchfur running up and down against his shaft, he was beginning to enjoy the treatment.

Master disappeared again, walking behind them, but he didn't let his presence fade. "I'm serious about what I said earlier. You two are out of fucking control! You need someone to put you in your place." The berating made both of their ears duck behind their heads, and they looked into each other's eyes guiltily. With his arms above his head, Billy couldn't turn enough to make out the sounds of things being tossed around and other things being hooked and tied together.

He tried to crane his neck back, but it hurt and when he twisted his body to look for Master, he'd just get caught on Everett's arms around his. Being on the tips of his toes didn't help either, forcing him to be cautious with his steps as the leather restraints on his wrists began to tug against his weight. Sounds bouncing against the walls made it feel like the maned wolf was all around him, inescapable, and looming over his fragile exposed body.


Mother Fucker! All at once, the upper half of Billy's back lit up in scorching red pain. He jerked about violently, struggling against the restraints on his wrists as he danced about. Leather straps around his maw cut into his fur and skin as he tried to cry out as loud as he could. His lips only parted enough to grit his teeth and release a gurgled wail of pain. Tears built along the edge of his eyes, but he refused to lay tracks down his face.

Footsteps encroached on his side like a wild predator examining its wounded prey. The fox's pointed ears cupped to follow Master, but he was too enraged to look at him just yet. He wasn't sure what he would do or what he would try to say if his voice wasn't being suppressed. Part of him felt like he wanted to kick at the maned wolf, but he knew that would only lead to things becoming significantly worse for him.

Everett dipped his head in, brushing whiskers since neither could give soothing licks or kisses. Billy returned the affection, trying to get as much warmth from the maned wolf as he could. As the pain in his back slowly subsided, he dissected what had happened. Master had taken something like a whip to his back, but it was more spread out than that. Most of the pain was quick to vanish and he realized the sound scared him more than it actually hurt. Still, a dull soreness stuck to his back, reminding him he'd just been hit.


Though he heard the crack and expected the pain, it was Everett this time that was squirming and crying out into the gag. The maned wolf jerked about more than he did, tears running down his muzzle already as he began a quiet sob. Billy felt bad for him and tried to lean in to comfort him, but also to settle himself down. Maybe Master hit his son harder than himself, but it didn't sound that much louder.

"That was having the party in the first place! Both of you knew you weren't supposed to have any guests over," Sir says before digging in. "That included you, by the way, Billy."

The tone shift from calling him pet to Billy again reminded him that Mr. Flacks was still mostly Everett's father. This wasn't just some kinky BDSM play, but actual scolding that he'd earned for breaking rules. Even though he should feel bad about all of this happening, there was some reality grounding it all that made him feel better. And to some degree, even Mr. Flacks scolding him is acknowledging Billy as some definite part of Everett's relationships.


Billy's toes curled and he cried out into the muzzle again, but kept it short to avoid the pain from the leather muzzle. He didn't fidget quite as much and relaxed his arms quicker so the leather cuffs didn't dig at his wrists. Again, the pain was like thunder and lightning: quick, loud, destructive, but gone in a flash. Only the sizzling glow of warmth remained on his back, though, it was feeling warmer than he remembered it.

The sound of Master pulling his arm back made Everett flinch. He cried out in pain before the flog even landed on his back, and that sent the older maned wolf into a rage. Three lashes were struck against his rear in quick succession. Everett was whimpering something that sounded like "I'm sorry" with the gag between his lips. The smaller maned wolf ducked his head shamefully, but Sir didn't seem to have much sympathy. He paused to grab a blindfold off one of the racks before forcing it over his son's eyes.

"Don't fucking flinch or cry until I give you something to flinch or cry about," he growled. And then promptly gave it to him in a crack louder than he'd heard all night.

Everett flailed about, and Billy did his best to calm him. The boy was openly crying now, though, he did lean into the fox's nuzzles and strokes of endearment. "That was for buying alcohol for minors. Never fucking again, got it? I don't know why I'd need to tell you that." There was a pause and when Master snapped his flog again, both nodded up and down sharply. "Good."

Another round of cracks between the two of them and now the heat in his back was scorching. It irritated him and he couldn't escape from its burning. Like a bonfire lit too close to his skin, he felt blistered and sticky from more than just sweat. He began to truly regret some of the things he did and now this felt like the real lesson he was supposed to be learning. Being thoughtful was hard though while tied up and beaten by your maybe boyfriend's father.

"That was for leaving me the fucking mess from the party. Also," he started, not even giving them their own whips as he thrashed them both in a single swipe to their sides. The surprise shocked both of them, getting equal shifts away from his strike. Both winced and tried to hold themselves but unable to aleve the ache in their waists. "Someone touched my scotch and everyone's in trouble for that."

Both shared a look between one another, knowing exactly what scotch he was talking about. When the last beer can had been cracked open and the remaining boxed wine accidently spilled from a faulty nozzle, Everett stole one of his father's bottles. Billy remembered clinking the glass together before they both sipped and then spat the scotch back into the glass. They then filled the glass with Sprite until dulled the alcohol enough to finish it. Neither remembered they were supposed to fill the portion they'd taken with water.


The buzzing in his back stung like stings from a dozen angry bees. Now he couldn't keep back the tears and Everett's own soaked into the fur in his cheeks. When he got his, they both jumped and sulked together. It was getting hard standing on his toes now, and he didn't mind letting his wrists take most of the weight. He hung against Everett and the two leaned together against each other.

Master stepped to the side of both and waited for them to catch their breath before speaking, "That one was for the years of shit you've both given me. Both of you, just absolute monsters. I don't know how I didn't snap earlier!"

With that, he hurled the flogger. It spun in the air before crashing hard into a wall. Both jumped, whimpering and whining as they shuddered where they stood. Master crossed them back and forth, circling them like he was a shark and blood was in the water. They cowered like the unruly cubs they were, thoroughly punished for their crimes.

When he moved again, it was graceful. All the anger he had melted as he ran fingers through his own mane. It dropped in beads of sweat that shook off onto the floor. They slapped wetly onto the cold concrete. He looked up at him with a twisted smile on his face.

"Now that you two took your punishment so well, it's time for my reward."

A gulp echoed through the basement, but Billy wasn't sure if he or Everett made it. All he could feel was the sore buzzing of his back. He wanted cold water poured on his body badly, but he didn't think that was the reward being promised. Under his master's gaze, he could sense the primal lust being aimed at him.

Master moved and Billy flinched in response. He didn't make towards him and instead to a space out of his view. Everett was still whimpering, and all the fox could think to do was rub his nose under his chin. Snot stickied his neck, but that was by far the least of their worries.

When Master came back into view, he was walking to Everett. Billy couldn't make out what was in his paw at first, but the older maned wolf was eager to share. He put a finger up to his muzzle teasingly, teasing him to be quiet even with the straps. He raised up a buttplug.

It was a black bulbous thing, thicker than Billy's knot with a pointed tip stretched longer than any plug he'd seen before. Lube drizzled down it's glossy silicone tip, dripping towards its thin stem. The base was thick and heavy, looking to be more than just a stopper.

"Spread," he ordered.

Everett's whines cut knowing the order was for him, and despite the awful beating he'd just taken (or maybe because), he did. It was fluid, unhesitant, and sharp. Both legs spread out to either side, and his head snapped forward at attention. Billy heard the flutter of his tail arching.

"Good," Master said and ruffled the boy's mane. He leaned into his father's paw lovingly.

It was short-lived, snipped by him cupping his chin and growling, "Hike that tail!"

Master squeezed his chin hard, straddling it in his palm. A yipe squealed out of Everett, and he did as he was told. At least, Billy knew he would if it were him. Without grace, he let go of his muzzle and whirled around behind. The plug lowered until it was out of Billy's sight behind Everett.

"Keep it raised," Master ordered as he fiddled around behind him.

There was a sharp gasp and Billy could tell the tip was against his sphincter. Cries worked their way out the sides of Everett's ballgag. He struggled with his legs spread, squirming his hips into Billy's crotch. The cold steel cock cage brushed against his own hard shaft.

"There we go," Master said, leaning over Everett's shoulder. His eyes fixed to the fox's, watching his expression while he pressed the toy in further. Something sick in Billy's stomach turned, a pleasure he could see in the older man's eyes. He was enjoying the fox watch as his 'boyfriend' was violated. "Just let it happen."

Billy wasn't sure if that was for him or Everett.

The fox thrashed in his chains, trying to cry out but muffled by the straps. He wanted to kick out to make him stop, but couldn't catch his footing. Master just chuckled at his futile attempts, chains rattling against the hook. Just over the sound though, he began to make out Everett's cries.

But they weren't cries. A thrust into his gut hit him hard and the fox bellowed in his cuffs. It was enough to stop him, clarity coming slow as he listened to the sounds. Everett wasn't crying, but moaning around his gag. Not just moaning, but pleading into the air.

"More, more, more," he repeated around the red ball.

Billy watched the older wolf strain to give his son what he needed. He watched him force inch after inch into him, Everett's knees buckling. The plug was massive, but he could see that Master was fitting it in steadily. Just when he worried that the struggling maned wolf might break, there was an audible pop. Everett's legs gave way and he collapsed in his shackles.

"God damn," Master heaved as he pulled back with a step. "I dunno how I'm gonna get that thing out." With a wink, he composed himself before returning his attention to Billy, "I'll teach you to do that trick too."

Billy's heart sank and he pulled at his chain. It wouldn't be possible for him to take something that big, he knew that for sure. At least, he didn't want to find out. Master gave a seat to Everett's behind and he laughed, "Don't be so scared. We'll work our way to it eventually."

He fiddled around under his son's tail until there was a click of a switch. A low him buzzed in the room. Billy couldn't make out where it was coming from, his ears swiveling to make it out. Only until Everett wormed again did he realize that the sound was coming from inside him.

He bucked into him again, the steel cage hilting against the fox's bare stomach. Out of its warm tip oozed pre from his aching cock. The swollen sheath spilled out underneath the metal cap and his balls strained wrapped in the base's ring.

Everett was indeed enjoying this, even if it was just instinctively. When he was ramming into Billy's gut, he was bucking into the air for release. He'd never seen him so desperate before. That spoiled young maned wolf he'd grown with was now a begging husk willing to do anything to get off.

"See, he likes it," Master said dangerously, wrapping around his son with a paw trailing his side. He stepped to Billy, letting his graze linger on Everett until he exchanged it over to him. His paw felt warm, gentler than it had been all day. When he spoke, his words were honey and sugar, "You'll learn to like it too."

Billy whimpered at that, but he couldn't stop himself from leaning into his touch. It felt so good to give someone else the reins. He wanted Master to be just that: his master in control of his decisions. No longer the wild fox teen, but a timid pet to be played with like a toy.

His cock had mostly retreated in the flogging, but was stirring once again. He longer to be handled like earlier, and it came out in whimpers. Master took note, but didn't touch him. Instead, he looked down at his growing shaft and nodded before stepping away.

Billy thought to plead like Everett. His strapped muzzle wouldn't make him as easy to understand, but he could try. It felt needy to be so weak, but every second that he felt alone had ached something fierce in him. He was about ready to beg when he felt something cold touch his tailhole.

He yiped in surprise, crashing forward into Everett. His thick vulpine cock crammed up into the other boy's sack and he bellowed at it. Billy wanted to apologize, but it barely seemed to affect him. With footclaws scraping against the concrete, he managed to get back into position and continue his fruitless humps.

"Hold still," Master said as he drew him back.

A leg swept against his own and the massive trunk forced him to spread. Billy felt exposed and vulnerable, and his tail naturally covered his rear. In a second, it was pulled up hard, aching his lower back. "Leave it up," Master commanded.

It was hard to obey with the fear sinking in. Instincts told him to put it back down but he fought against those feelings. He trembled and whimpered, gripping hard on the chains above. Warm air blew against the back of his neck before a nose touched into it.

"Just relax."

Something slick touched his hole again. It rubbed soothing circles into him. A long exhale escaped out his nostrils and he unclenched. Second after second more pressure was applied and more lube leaked into his sensitive skin. He felt himself open up to allow more inside.

"If I knew you'd be this obedient, I'd have tamed you years ago," his master chuckled.

Everett let out a few gasps and he knew full well that he was listening in. Just his words made him moan and ache and buck and twist. His fur bristled out in a shudder and before Billy realized it, his chest was covered in his friend's hot spunk. He bucked his hips forward, shooting rope after rope through the opening of the cage.

"Good, Slave. Good," Master said as he pushed more of his fingers inside of him.

It was astonishing to see how quickly Everett had came from just the plug. He was writhing around, milking his own orgasm as best he could. Cum dribbled out the corners of the cage. Thick globs of it drooled from the tip and smeared into Billy's chest, stomach, cock, sheath and balls as he continued to thrust around like an animal.

Billy was so captured by the scene that he missed just how much he was being stretched until he felt a pinch. With a whine, he snapped out of it and tried to look back. Master bit onto his neck and kept him steady before slowly releasing. "Relax. It's only three fingers. I know you're capable of so much more."

And he was. Master made sure of it. Another quick jab and he knew there were four fingers in him. He felt the maned wolf grip at his insides. Each digit wriggled around in him as if to prove his words. Billy wondered if a fifth was coming, but instead all pulled out at once.

Immediately there was an absence, and he wanted it to be filled. His tail arched higher than he thought it could and he pushed backwards. Wild and guttural moans and whimpers slipped through the leather straps. He felt like he was going feral.

"You want me?"

Master lined up something hot and stuff between his cheeks.

"Yesssssss," Billy hissed through his restraints.

"You need me?"

Again, louder he cried, "Yes!"

"You submit to me."

Everett cried out as he started to shake and thrust again, but Billy drowned it in his own, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

And then that hole was filled. It was fast. Quick. Almost too much at once. His inside felt punched, but the pain was negligible. All he wanted was to be filled, claimed, and used and his Master was doing just that.

All of the massive red maned wolf cock was in him right up to his knott. His ring was wrapped around the large bulb, kissing it tightly. The veiny shaft pulsated and flexed in his rectum. Gorgeous amounts of pre filled his insides like his cock was a faucet. Billy couldn't get enough.

This world that he'd only been introduced today had now clouded his vision. It was as if it was all he ever wanted. Like Master had been training him for eons and was finally now giving him what he craved.

Master tugged his cock back and thrust again. The point head prodded hard into his prostate, pleasure vibrating across his entire body. Billy rock his hips forward, this time running up Everett's inner thigh. The fur was soft against his hard shaft.

Claws dug into his hips, holding him steady as best they could. The sharp tips dragged through his fur and into his hide. It hurt, but wasn't enough to draw blood. He let them glide along as he bucked into Everett's crotch.

Master's thrusts grew quicker as did his own. That knot continued to rap against his door with every hilt. It was bigger than the fingers, bigger than anything he'd ever put in himself before, but he wanted it. Every time it pressed into him, he forced himself to stretch. Each time he opened and opened and opened until his hole finally gave way.

A loud grunt, and it was stuck. Even Master was now reduced to whimpers and whines as he pushed and pulled to no avail. Billy gasped like he was at the top of a rollercoaster. They stood suspended for a second before Master let out a loud roarbark to force his knot inside of him.

It sunk with a familiar pop. Billy cooed out long, his aching hole sore. A wonderful feeling of fullness set inside him, but was short-lived as Master tugged again. He tugged and tugged, stretching him back open again until his ring was wrapped around the knot once more. And then he thrust in again.

Hot breath snorted at the back of his neck dangerously. Drool rolled down his back and shoulders. A tongue lapped at him both lovingly and hungrily. He anticipated what would happen before it even did. Master pulled back on last time, huffed and then rammed his hips into Billy's bare ass.

Teeth clenched tight into his nape. Fangs sank deep, deep, deep enough to draw blood and a scream. Billy barely recognized it as his own behind the straps. The piercing bite hurt, but also sent waves and waves of pleasure through his spine. With his cock and knot inside him, he thrusted once, twice, and then they came simultaneously at the third.

If the pre flowing into him was a fountain, this was a gushing river. Cum filled him to his brink and beyond. Hot trails slapped out onto the ground in thick splatters. It felt like it was passing through him, jetting into his prostate and coming out his front.

Rope after rope flung from his own large cock, wrapping around Everett's chin and neck. Billy moaned as loud as he could, feeling the belt dig and dig until it snapped right off his muzzle. He howled along with the maned wolves he was sandwiched between like pack. Everett's muffled moans mingled into their call as he too came with them.

Slowly, they began to come down from their orgasms. Sir was kissing and licking him between hot pants. Everett was nuzzling against his face, brushing whiskers as he squirmed. Despite being through his second orgasm, the toy was still vibrating inside of him. With the way his legs quivered underneath, there was no doubt that he might be heading towards a third.

Mr. Flacks waited a good five minutes silently before he started to tug on Billy's backside. The fox whimpered as he felt the knot tugging at his still sore ring. His hole remained clenched, not quite ready to be stretched again so quickly, "Ah, don't think" --Billy tried stretching his legs, panting hard-- "I don't think you can--"

A paw went up, snatching his muzzle shut. "You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do," Master growled, asserting his dominance even post orgasm.

The fox was folded into submission, too afraid to speak out again. Sir just kicked his legs open again, starting to pull once more. His fingers remained clenched over his maw, keeping him silent. With his hips, he rocked back and forth behind him. It forced Billy to run into Everett, the smaller maned wolf bucking into him as well.

He felt cum leak out of his ass, coming down in thick flops. His own shaft had retreated back inside of his own sheath, but still dribbles of his seed worked out the tip. Everett was a leaky faucet once more. All three grunted and whimpered as they tugged on one another.

A minute later, his ring gave way for the massive knot inside of him. He had to stretch his legs out as far as he could, even lifting himself by the shackles on his wrists. His claws scraped against the concrete as he splayed his toes. Billy wanted to cry out, but was kept to teeth grit growls as the bulb stretched him to his widest point.

And then all at once, Master's full length slipped out from beneath him. The loud slaps of jizz echoed in the basement as he emptied himself right on the floor. The hot humid smell of intense sex flooded the room. His muzzle was released, and all Billy could do was drop weakly to the ground.

With only his arms holding himself up, the fox dangled limp in his chains. Everett wasn't done yet, but he sure was. Billy could only let his head hang in exhaustion while Master stepped away from him. He didn't bother trying to see what he was doing. At this point, he just wanted to be unshackled and pass out in a bed.

All at once, the room went dark. Billy lifted his head weakly, thinking the lights went out. It was then he felt the weight of something over his eyes. At first, he thought it was the same blindfold Master put on Everett. It was too heavy though, and the straps holding it in place felt tight against his head.

There was a soft hum of electricity and green text appeared right before him. Initiating Seethersoft Virtualwear. Welcome.