Dragons Lair pt 20

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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#20 of Dragons Lair

Not a very long one today, but i promise the next one will be longer. I'm having real fun writing this bit, because violence is what I wrote before porn. So I'm real at home with this bit. Enjoy Dragons Lair, part 20!


"No. We need to analyse it."

"For what?"

"Legend has it that at the original signing, there were Dragons present. That is why the US rebels won, Dragons were on their side. Then after the war, the Dragons were no longer wanted. We need to know, Earth history is a rather untouched territory."

"But still. You can't expect them to hand over one of the most important pieces of US history to 2 alien reptiles."

"I'm not. That's why 4 days ago I approved the modification of an Earth vehicle. This vehicle will do almost anything, since it is riddled with dragon technology. You will drive it Michael."

Michael nodded, "What will you do?"

"I will be your contact to the ship and we will discuss how to take it with minimal loss of life."

"Minimal? I want no death Saiu. I know I don't like the human race much but there is no need to kill innocent people."

"I understand Michael, but some people will try to stop us."

"Some? The whole damn country will stop us!"

"Michael. We are going to do this with or without you."

Michael sighed, "Ok. I'm in. What do we do?"

Saiu started explaining everything, the entrance, how they were going to take it, and the exit. He had worked out everything in detail and Michael saw the sheer skill and observation needed to formulate the plan. Saiu stood up and helped Michael up, "What car is it?"

Saiu smiled and led Michael down 3 levels to the fighter bays. In one of the engineering rooms, there was a car. Michael gasped and ran to it. He looked at Saiu, "Where did you get one of these?"

"We found it on the road, unattended."

"It was parked. Left hand drive I see."

"Yes. I thought you might like it."

"It's an Aston Martin DB9. How could I not like it? Astons are beautiful machines."

"We've ripped out everything and replaced everything, although you can still listen to music on it."

"Excellent. Good music while we steal the most important piece of US history."

"Don't worry Michael. If we get captured, we can beam out."

"Can't we just beam the declaration out?"

"No, because something interferes with our technology. We have looked at it and found a dead spot."

"Ok. How far?"

"5 miles, approximately."

"Fuck. Do you know the traffic levels in Washington DC?"

"Yes I do. This car can drive on water and is all terrain."

"Ooh. I so want one of these."

"I do too, but this is the only one."

Michael smirked and had a look inside. The windows could turn into screens but the computer in the dashboard wasn't installed yet. There was wiring all over the place and the seats were out. There was a place built for the declaration in the back seat, if the declaration had to be taken with its protective casing. Michael looked at Saiu, "Looks like its gonna be quick."

"The top speed will be over 300 mph."

"Why so quick?"

"We expect that humans will attack us on the escape with those hovering machines."


"Those. This will be awesome."

"You said it Saiu. When do we leave?"

"Within the day. I suggest you inform Myra."

Michael nodded and went back to the bridge, leaving Saiu to admire the car.

Myra was working on the bridge when Michael walked in, "Myra. Saiu has asked me to do something."

"Declaration of Independence. I know. I will be contacting you."

"Good. Love you."

Myra kissed Michael, "Love you too. You might want to get ready, you leave in 1 hour 14 minutes."

Michael licked Myra's cheek and kissed it, "I'll miss you Myra."

"I'll miss you too Michael."

They kissed again, their tongues curling around each other. Michael broke the kiss and ran a claw down Myra's cheek. He loved being with her. She made him feel like a person. Michael walked away, slightly sad that he wouldn't be around to defend his mate. Myra laid back in her chair, knowing Michael would have some fun back on his home world for a while.

An hour later Michael saw Saiu in human form and smirked, "You look weird in human form."

"I feel weird too. I can't feel my tail or my wings."

"That's because humans don't have any." Michael said as he turned off his armband. Saiu walked up to Michael and did something to the armband, which rendered it invisible. They nodded at each other and chose some clothes that were casual so they could blend in. Michael got in the car, Saiu got into the passengers seat. "Michael. There is a chance we may not make it back. I want one thing if I were to go to a higher plane."

"What?" Michael asked, keeping his reservations as to what Saiu wanted, but wasn't surprised when the human-Dragon leant over the central console and kissed Michael. Michael broke the kiss quickly, "Sorry. I don't like kissing humans."

Saiu nodded and felt something rub against his skin. He looked in his pants and saw his throbbing hard on. He stuck his hands down his pants and fiddled with himself, feeling his new external testicles. Michael pulled Saiu's hand out, "Don't do that when we're down there."

Saiu rubbed his body, adjusting and feeling the new form. He looked at Michael, who snorted and laughed. Saiu huffed and set the information in the touch screen computer embedded in the central console. The car came to life and the windscreen on Saiu's side turned to a screen, leaving Michael able to see out. They teleported into an alley with the car and Saiu tapped on the central consoles screen. The computer mapped out a course for them to get there. There was a metal tube in the back seat, sealed with a fingerprint. Michael hadn't noticed it until now, "Saiu. What's the tube for?"

"That is our part of the document. Part 2 of the Declaration of Independence."

Michael nodded and started driving, blending in with the traffic. There was a traffic jam, quite usual. After navigating the streets they parked in a car park. Saiu delicately battered the parking meter until it gave him what he wanted, an hour.