Toby and Rex, 3rd draft extract

Story by Taradino Cassat on SoFurry

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( Just in case you need the background)

Dance, Dance, Dance... Grind, Grind, Grind... Toby could only watch with quiet jealousy. Those free-flowing expressions of sexuality as hips collided on the dance floor were beyond him. His eyes glanced up to the source of the lights that * seemingly mesmerized everyone under them. He had heard what people had to say about clubs like this, was familiar with the stereotype... but he had no idea that it would be this bad. Out of the hundred times he had imagined this scene from pictures on the club's web page he had never imagined it would be this intensely focused on sex; for the first time, he was self conscious about being a virgin. Well, it could be worse, he thought. I could be freezing my butt off outside.

"There's something about you!" A loud voice declared, echoing. That familiar beat and bass that caused his head to bob lightly and his foot to tap. He was no longer stationary; he was still in his seat watching, but this time with enthusiasm. It was the kind of song he was too nervous to put on his I-pod, the kind of song that would receive the queer eye. His friends never knew he liked this kind of song, but they weren't here, he was alone, anonymous... that was appealing. To stamp out the baseline of one of his favourite songs with the hundreds of people doing the same. Maybe he could see the merit in just dancing, after all the odds that every single guy in the club was dancing just to pick up were pretty slim in Toby's eyes.

Fuck it... Even if he was the only one dancing for fun, he wasn't going to miss the song. He headed out to the floor.


"You're gonna owe me one," He said with a smile that was returned by his colleague backstage.

His name was Rex Ramsay, 21 years old, with a body that killed, the kind all dancers strive for. His toned frame was clad in what were probably the shortest, tightest denim shorts possible without being illegal. His cropped shirt left the majority of his midriff and torso exposed; the finely sculpted body had been made and maintained for the sole purpose of entertaining and drawing a crowd, which he never failed to do. The final additions were his leather fingerless gloves. No outfit was complete without leather. Zack had to leave the stage early, Rex had agreed to perform his last song for him. The only reason Rex had agreed to do it was because it was one of his favourite songs to dance to... And of course, their casual relationship. There was nothing quite like a guy who understood when he said he wanted no strings attached, and Rex was prepared to do a favour or two to keep the arrangement going.

"There's something about you!"

With that cue he was on his way, along the catwalk towards that chrome pole that he practiced with so often. He could do this routine blindfolded, and knowing the number of people on the floor on any given day, someone would be into it. He was practically blinded by the colored spotlights but he didn't show it: the only expression on his face was a seductive smirk. He mouthed the lyrics as his hand grasped the cool metal, swinging around, showing every angle of his form in a single movement. The lights prevented him from getting a good look at the audience but he knew he was being noticed.

He could feel the eyes shifting from the floor to the stage at his impromptu encore. The bass kicked in but he kept his movements slow, denying the music that was begging him to move faster. Battling that powerful beat, his knees bent, he showed off his flexibility and control, his muscles perfectly taut. He had the body of a world-class gymnast and he knew how to use it. All eyes were on him. The guys on the floor kept pretending to dance, but he could feel the jealousy that permeated the air as his perfect figure tangled around the pole. If he had his way he would remain the center of attention forever.

As the music died down briefly, Rex ground his hips against the now heated metal a few more times before he moved to the edge of the stage. He stared down at the crowd before he dived into the mass of writhing bodies, joining them. The bass recommenced as the boys went wild. Hips collided with his, bold hands groped. Rex flashed everyone a flawless grin as he made his way to around the dance floor, making sure he was seen and felt as much as possible. It was his favourite part, moving around, accepting all the non-verbal praise of his body and abilities - but there was one that didn't even see him coming. Obviously a newbie, dressed too casually, dancing too erratically. Rex smirked as he passed the boy, his hand trailing a path across the youth's back from shoulder to shoulder. Rex kept moving, a brief glance over his behind him revealed the boy's now static form and anxious expression.

Hook line and sinker, Rex thought to himself.

Knowing the song was close to its conclusion, Rex headed towards the bar * he had been sitting at before Zack had asked that favour of him. Now the set had ended he was beginning to feel pleased that Zack wasn't able to stay for it. He didn't mind giving his fans a little extra show, to be in the spotlight again even if it was just for a single song. The song Rex has performed to was quickly transitioned out and replaced by something less energetic, more subtle, easier to talk over, to give the boys a break. He took his usual stool and smiled at the bartender, Marcus was older than Rex by at least ten years but Rex still got along with him fine, like he did with all his colleagues.

"Great show Rex, you had the whole club watching you," Marcus said

"As always," Rex drawled.

"You, my friend, have talent, you could go anywhere you want!"

"Where else would I want to be?" Rex asked with a slight frown.

"I dunno mate, a modeling agency? Las Vegas? Hollywood? Amsteda-" Rex waved a hand to stop him

"I know you just want to look out for me but seriously..." Rex paused, taking a long swig of his drink, before looking cheekily at Marcus. "Do you honestly think models and actors can get away with some of the things I do here?"

"Haha, you got a point there..." Marcus glanced past Rex "and a new fan it seems!"

"Hmm?" Rex glanced over the shoulder. It was the newbie, right on cue.

"H-hi" the boy stuttered. Rex raised an eyebrow and turned to face him. "Can I buy you a drink?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth the kid looked down at his shoes. Rex almost felt sorry for him.

"Certainly. Marcus, I'll just have my usual again," Rex said, before turning to the boy and flashing him a luminous grin. The boy responded with a shy smile.

"Coming right up," Marcus nodded.

"Make that two," the boy added quickly.

"Hah, you got it kid."

The bartender and Rex made eye contact briefly as the boy seized a stool. Both of them had seen this scene before. The kid seemed to think he had a chance. Clearly he had no idea who he was talking to, but Rex was feeling generous enough to humour him. Rex and Marcus exchanged a smile that the boy was oblivious to.

"I'm Tobias, Tobias Morreti. My friends call me Toby." Toby raised his hand for a handshake, but in a moment of boldness he leaned in and kissed Rex's cheek.

"Normally this is when I say "Hmm," " Rex began, glancing at Marcus once more before they spoke in unison.

"Your introduction needs a bit of work."

"Better luck next time," Marcus said, turning to Rex, only to find that he was still staring at the boy, an amused smirk on his face.

"My names Rex Ramsey, nice to meet you Toby," Rex said, cutting Marcus out.

"Hey Kid," Marcus said, looking from a smiling Toby to a smiling Rex. "That's the first time in a while Rex has told his name to someone. You should count yourself lucky."

"What can I say? I like him." Rex chuckled. Tony grinned sheepishly, in awe of his new friend.


"Do you want to dance?" Rex asked.

They had already had a few drinks and he was feeling a little tipsy. They had chatted about all kinds of things, like Toby's background and his memories of a straight-acting gay-boy in his religious high school. Some of his stories made Rex laugh, others fell a little flat. He was filled with nervous excitement. After all, the bartender said this guy, Rex, was a big deal at this club. Toby was glad to hear Rex ask him to dance as he was quickly running out of things to talk about and squirming a little in on his stool. He nodded and grinned, hoping Rex hadn't noticed how awkward he was feeling.

Toby let himself be lead out onto the floor and was glad * to have the lights hide his flushed cheeks. He didn't recognise the song but he had already heard "suck me" and "whore" in the lyrics, the sort of words he wasn't used to hearing. He took a deep breath and started to jump around like he had before, but he was felt far more self conscious with Rex's eyes watching him closely. Toby glanced at Rex, and was surprised to see him mimicking his dancing as best he could, wearing that wide smile of his. Toby laughed and moved his hips in time with the music, holding his hands high as they bathed in the wave of coloured lights. They danced together for dozens of tracks; with each new set of beats, Toby became more free in his movements, carried away by the music. The shackles of his experiences at high school melted in the lights and were blown away by the loud sound of the speakers, leaving Toby feeling more and more confident.

His face was still flushed, but not from embarrassment, and Toby's dancing slowed, Rex's slowed too. Rex wrapped his arms around Toby and whispered something in his ear. Toby made a face, he couldn't hear Rex's voice over the music. Rex laughed and led him towards the exit. * He barely felt the chill outside anymore; * his ears were still ringing from the throb of the giant speakers. Rex had his phone out * and was calling a taxi. Toby was looked around nervously and caught the door man's eye.

"Know your limits, try not to get in too deep," The doorman murmured out of Rex's earshot.

Toby flashed him a grin. He was feeling good about himself. Clearly the doorman had under-estimated him, after all, he was leaving with one of the hottest guys in the club. That has to count for something. He wore that grin as he looked back to Rex, staring blissfully at him for a moment * before moving in close, sharing his warmth. Rex ran a hand through Toby's copper locks and smiled at the boy's puppy-like affection.

"Taxi will be here any minute."

The two made eye contact as Toby looked up from his position on Rex's arm. He felt his heart beat quicker. Rex was almost too attractive, and out of the thousands of people on the floor Toby was the one he was leaving with. That smile on Rex's face made Toby tingle with giddy excitement and nervous energy. To be this close to such a handsome man, to embrace him, was a thrill that he had been craving for so long.

"B-back to your place?" He stammered, his body trembled lightly.

"If you're not too nervous," Rex stated matter of factly

"No I'm not. it's just... cold" He smiled weakly

"You're not the one in shorts," Rex chuckled. Toby's smile became a little more coy.

The taxi didn't take too long to arrive and Toby couldn't help but feel weak at the knees when Rex opened the door for him. Rex gave the driver the address and Toby began to repeat it in his mind, memorizing it as best he could. As the drive began he snuggled in close to Rex. All the angst and sadness he was feeling had been left on the thin padded seat in the club. Rex had pulled him away from that life of confusion when he had pulled him onto the floor, and now he was leading him to something better. Judging by the smile on Rex's face he was also perfectly happy to be Toby's saviour.

The drive seemed to take hours but Toby was happy to let the moment linger, his attention entirely focused on Rex. Unwittingly, thoughts of what would happen when they arrived crept into his mind. The anxiety began to flow back into him. He had never expected to be swept off his feet like this and taken home, no dating and no hesitation or anything he would have expected. The anticipation threatened to boil over as a wayward glance caught a street name, the one he had now memorized.

End Extract One


Extract Two

Toby thought it couldn't get any worse. That look on Rex's face had shown his true colours. Toby was just meat to be devoured. There was nothing spontaneous or romantic about their encounter, Rex had it all planned, he had lubricant, condoms, everything he needed. A beast like that had nearly claimed his virginity. Toby bit his lip as he waited for the taxi to take him home. A cold feeling tingled up his pants as he felt them becoming damp. It was the lubricant, his jeans darkening around the cool substance. He had been wrong: it was worse.

Toby glanced back at the apartment, the beast's den, and shivered. Rex had been the best he could do, the bartender had said so, it was as if the only thing left for him to do was go back and suffer his initiation into the tribe. The taxi arriving made his decision for him, Rex had his number, if he really wanted to he could call. With a sigh over his damp jeans and a silent prayer that the driver wouldn't ask any questions he got in the front seat, his legs crossed, hoping to conceal that mark. He told the driver his address as calmly as possible. The driver merely nodded and started the meter running.

For a few moments there was nothing but silence in the car, but then the driver began to talk. "Aren't you a little old to be wetting yourself?" The driver sneered, his tone jeering. Toby froze, he couldn't know could he?

"He couldn't keep it up?" the driver asked.

"E-excuse me?" Toby stammered.

"His dick mate, he couldn't keep an eh-rec-ti-ohn?" He emphasized that word as if it made him sound sophisticated. Toby was speechless, the driver continued as if he had hit a bullseye.

"Bet you're just dying for a root!" He smirked, his eyes grazing over Toby's body obscenely. It was that same triumphant expression that Rex had been wearing not 10 minutes ago. Toby clenched his fists. Rex had been different, he had been no malice in his charm, or maybe he was just better at hiding it. It was as if the Driver was subjecting him to his own sick style of romance, his own brand of flirting. Had Rex been the same? Both men wanted the same thing, it seemed like both of them had their own ideas on how to get it, and Rex still had his number.

"S-stop the car and let me out" Toby stammered, but the taxi kept moving. Toby flashed a look to the door handle. Without looking at him the driver hit the central locking.

"Last kid who thought he was clever didn't get up after he hit the road, just another hit and run for the highway. This ain't a movie."Toby brushed his eyes, the way the driver enjoyed telling that to him made it seem sickeningly plausible

"I made sure I kept an eye on the news, the picture they used made him look so pretty... I came to it" The driver laughed. Toby tasted bile; a cold fear was clenching at his lungs, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"You're sick!" He choked.

"That's rich mate, coming from you, the one with lube up your asshole, we're all a little sick it seems," The driver said with a casual shrug.

"You're wrong!" Toby tried to yell, but his voice faltered, and it came out as barely a whisper.

"I know this area well, I know the filthy clubs you fags go to. I even know whose apartment I picked you up from. Try telling me I'm wrong now."

"You're wro-"

Toby was silenced by a firm blow to the face.

"You really don't get it huh? I guess I'll have to just pound some sense into you."

They drove on, leaving those words hanging in the air, Toby wished he was naïve enough not to understand, but even then that would only make the realization more painful. He held his breath as they turned onto a main road, heading towards a set of traffic lights. Toby held his breath as the lights went amber, willing them to change to red and command the driver to stop. He glanced to the driver and kept his gaze forward, ready to make good his escape. The lights turned red, he had to stop - but no breaks were applied. Toby trembled and gasped as they entered the intersection, every muscle in his body tensed, but there was no horn, no crash, no damage and no escape. The driver laughed.

"Sorry babe, barely any traffic around here at this hour, so hang tight, won't have to wait much longer."The car turned down an alleyway and slowed to a crawl. Toby focused, as soon as the car stopped he would have his only chance. A glance forward and backward, a barbed wire fence blocking forward and a few hundred meters of alley behind them, he had to try something. The driver's voice cut through his plans.

"If you behave I'll let you have the comfort of the back seat."

"Fuck you!" Toby swung a clenched fist, punching the driver as hard as he could. He fumbled with the door lock and the handle before his wrist was seized

"Feisty..." He chuckled. Toby turned pale. "You'd rather do it outside then, with the rest of the garbage? I suppose all you fags are filthy cum dumpsters, fine by me!"

"No!" Toby yelped as he was pressed against the wall and kissed roughly, the driver's tongue invading his throat. The driver pulled back, a look of disgust on his face.

"Well? I kissed you, gonna cooperate now?" The driver asked, as if the kiss would actually convince him.

"You gotta be kidding... I'm not like that!" Toby protested, tears springing to his eyes.

"Actually, this is the part where most fags say "Eh, a cock is a cock" and suck away... Speaking of which" The driver started to undo his belt."You can su-"

"I'm not like that!" Toby cried out swinging again, the driver merely caught the blow and waved a finger.

"Tsk tsk tsk... The first time? It was kind of cute, second time? Now I'm pissed... be glad your fuck buddy lubed you, might make you enjoy this."

And then, with his face pressed against the cold cement wall, Toby was raped. The lube that Rex had applied to him made it easy for the driver and Toby gasped, the physical overcoming the mental briefly. He felt so ashamed as he felt twinges of physical pleasure, it was as if the driver's words were all true.

"You were into it for a second there! Christ, swallow your pride already and give us a moan! Fags are supposed to love this shit."

It went on for too long, Toby had to fight, I can't take this! The driver toyed with him and leant back as if Toby actually had the power to fend him off. He laughed and slammed him back into the wall. Eventually the driver pulled out and came, all over Toby's favourite hoody, jeans and even his shoes, marking him like an animal with that pungent scent. Toby would never wear these clothes again.

"You're hard to please..." the Driver shrugged. "Oh well... suppose I better drop your sorry ass off." Toby shook his head, not going anywhere near that yellow vehicle.

"Better yet, maybe I'll just stab you and leave you here? Maybe the garbo will find you before a stray cat does!" The driver snickered. Toby's heart seemed to be getting as many beats in as it could in case the driver made good on his threat.

"Just kidding, murder is a LOT harder to get away with than rape." the word rolled of his tongue, as if it had been more pleasurable for him because of Toby's resistance "this I know... If you talk to anyone, like the cops, I will kill you though.... You've given me your address, you'll be easy to find, we clear?" It was as if it was a well rehearsed performance. Toby nodded right on cue. The driver got in the car and wound down the window.

"Enjoy the walk home then, slut." Then he was gone.


"No! Don't go in there!" He murmured at the flickering television, which screamed shortly after.

"I told you so..." He groaned. "Guess this is the best TV I can expect at this hour."

He perked up us he heard the key unlocking the door to the apartment. His eyes stayed fixed on the TV as he spoke to the figure coming through the door.

"Mr. Tobias Moretti, the sun will be up soon. You've been bad" He teased. "What would your mother think?"

"Shut the fuck up Barry!" Toby shouted.

"What?" Barry frowned and turned to look at the doorway where Toby was standing.

"Jesus... What happened?" Barry got up from the couch. Toby headed straight for the bathroom but Barry put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"What the hell happened to you Toby?"

Barry was stunned as Toby turned, shrugging his arm off his shoulder and raising a fist as if ready to strike. Neither of them moved for a tense moment before Toby finally lowered his fist.

"Just leave me alone" he whimpered.


"I said fuck off!" Toby growled.

Barry watched as his friend disappeared into the bathroom, the door was swiftly locked. The only thing that broke the silence was Toby's gentle sobbing, which Barry could hear through the door. It had to be something that had happened at that club. Barry had told Toby it was a bad idea, repeatedly, but Toby being Toby had proceeded forward with his own brand of blind optimism.

"I'll actually be out of the closet, this way I might even get my first kiss! It's my destiny!" Toby had said.

"Have a good time," was all Barry could think to say.

"Count on it!"

Hours later and Toby was back, with a massive black eye and a stumbling gait. The words he had said were what shocked Barry the most. He had known Toby for most of his life. He was the first person Toby really came out to, and he remembered the look on Toby's face, the relief when Barry said he didn't mind. Moving out together after high school had been Barry's idea, Toby always called him the brains of the operation.

"We'll move out, I'll get my study space and you will finally get a job and become a productive member of society. It's win win" Barry had declared.

"Hey I'm productive I uh... do stuff" Toby trailed off.

"Then it's settled!"

Barry had reflected like this earlier right after Toby had left, as a form of celebration for Toby's progress. It was obviously a big deal for Toby. Now, as he leaned his back against the wall next to the bathroom door, the sound of a shower being run on the other side, it was like a eulogy. It was like the person who walked in the door hadn't been Toby at all, he wished he knew why. All he knew was Toby needed help. Barry picked up the phone and dialed triple zero.

"I need an ambulance." He spoke calmly.

"And the nature of the injury?"

"My friend, has a black eye and a limp" Barry said "uh a BIG black eye"

"And how were these injuries sustained?"

"I don't know he won't say." Barry bit his lip and he thought he heard the operator sigh

"These injuries sound minor, I'm afraid this service is for emergencies only, if you have an ice pack you can apply it to his face and any other strained areas."


"It's Sunday morning, and if we responded to every minor drunken injury that occurred last night we would never hear the end of it. If you're genuinely concerned it sounds like you can take him to the hospital."

"Alright," Barry sighed as he hung up the phone.

"Who were you calling?" Toby asked, standing in that door frame of his bedroom, wearing a towel.

"An ambulance," Barry replied with a shrug, Toby's eyes narrowed

"Don't tell anyone about this, okay? Not the hospital, not the police, not the Fire Department, nobody."

"At least tell me what-"

"It's... it's a gay thing alright? I'm going to bed, just... don't ask, it's better you don't know."

End Extract 2