Project Phantasm chapter 1

Story by Satosuke on SoFurry

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Alrighty, my first story posted here. Yay.

_Project Phantasm. Everyone on Gadelica knows of it. An ancient amalgamation of laboratory notes, observations, and experimental data chronicling a fabled attempt to create the ultimate weapon. Some say it was merely the fabrication of a quack, obsessed with old mythology. Others say its a collection of terrible spells and incantations once used by demonic cults. Still others claim the Project is alive and well, a clandestine operation collaborated on by the many provinces of the continent. Who really knows what the truth is? All i know is that all my life, I my love Karen, and my best friend, Drayk, have sought out those who would threaten the peace that our governing bodies have worked so hard to maintain. Many times have we raided facilities of illegal endeavors to find that the realization of that damned experiment was their goal. I feel we are close now, to quelling the insurgency spearheaded by the rouge vampire nation, and figuring out the facts behind that book; that book that has mystified our people for so long...

However, i mustn't over-emphasize our efforts alone. This is not our story exclusively. There have been several other Guardians, generals of the Gadelican military, and loyal hands of the elders that have come before us. Some have survived and now enjoy their time away from battle, some continue to fight alongside us; others were not so lucky. The journeys of Drayk, Karen and I mean nothing without knowing the trials and tribulations of those in whose footsteps we follow, as well as the origins of the war that now reaches to every corner of our land._

-Satosuke, Grand Guardian Arma, Journal entry, date unknown

Chapter 1

The hot, muggy fog of the Orlane marshland cast a stifling pall over a curious concrete structure nestled firmly in the damp, rank mud and soil. What windows the imposing stone hovel had were obscured with muck and condensation, giving the area a barren, inhospitable feel. Even more curious then, as four figures wandered just outside the rusty metal doors leading within. They were encased in faded fatigues, dull black boots, Uzi's, walkie-talkies, and all manner of other military accouterments. Little did they know that five others, an angelic, a fox, a dragon, an elf, and another human, were close; silent, unnoticed harbingers of their inevitable demise.

"Okay, team." a human voice projected to the other four around him, "Ark will secure the perimeter. After that, he and Jana will go the central control room, shut down the security system for the marines. Eric, Rin, you two go for Mortinson and the gun cores. Be careful though; our insider, just before we lost contact, said that Valdama himself might be here to oversee the transaction."

"Are you serious?" Eric, replied, nervously scratching his shiny white goatee.

"Did he say anything about the Engine?" Rin, the golden-furred vulpine interjected, twirling a cloudy, mist-formed knife in her paw.

"No. I doubt the Taurus even know about him. Even so, if Valdama is here, be ready for anything. That, and I'd suggest stealth for as long as possible; that means suppressors on all compatible weapons, and minimize use of explosives."

Eric, Rin, Ark, and Jana all nodded silently, and turned to the gray stronghold to begin their mission.

"Stealth? Easy Money." Ark mused as his orange, scaly body and black outfit began to sink into a blur on the ground below him. When his form was completely subsumed into the distortion, it quietly floated on the ground toward the building. None of the blank figures noticed the wavy pattern as it sidled up the wall, well above the guards' heads.

And out of the blur, the dragon's head began to emerge from the concrete, followed by a shoulder and right arm, holding five silvery needles in his claw. With a swift flick, the needles landed in the guards' necks, and in the power cable to a lone security camera that monitored the front. And the guards fell. The other three now approached closer as Ark gracefully tumbled out of the wall and rolled on the ground.

The eye to the outside was now blind to the four harbingers descending upon the complex.

* * *

The sounds of electric gunfire resounded through the small gray room where only two beings existed, far beneath the surface of the swamp complex. Bullet sized bluish-white streaks flashed out of the barrel of a .45 handgun, and hit the adjacent wall, carving sharp, jagged holes in its dull stone surface. The short, stocky dragon in black trenchcoat and boots that held the firearm grinned maniacally as he continued to tear into the wall, firing the gun past its normal 7-shot capacity. Putting down his weapon, he pushed his spectacles back in place on his round, yellow-green snout, and turned to face the red-robed humanoid behind him.

"These gun cores, as you call them...They're perfect." The dragon said, laying his claw on a silver case lying on an old wood table. "I didn't know the vampires has access to these."

"Except for a slight decrease in stopping power, and some needed modifications to the target weapon," The red-robed pale figure started, pushing his ruby hair out of his eyes, "the gun cores increase ammunition capacity and decrease recoil. A .45 with a gun core has averaged about 100 shots before reloading becomes necessary, and at about 5 shots per second."

"Amazing. But, how does a carved crystal become such a powerful tool?"

"The crystalline material occurs naturally in a manner similar to quartz. But in the presence of a high enough concentration of ether essence, the crystals become infused with a strong, but very sensitive energy, that is best released with localized force and a guiding mechanism. On guns, the hammer and barrel suit these functions quite well. It's largely a case of fabricating the bulk crystal so that the hammer releases a projectile of about the size and shape of a normal bullet."

"Yes, yes, i know all about the fabrication of weapon crystals. I've been smuggling etherma for long enough to know a thing or two about these energy sources. But this's so much more powerful than the individual crystal bullets we've been making. Anyway, considering such a generous offer by the Brotherhood, I accept."

"Splendid." The Vampire said, "In exchange for the services of Crimson Taurus, the brotherhood will hand Katamor over after the-"

An explosion higher up sent shockwaves down to the little room, as a walkie-talkie on the dragons hip buzzed to life.

"Master Mortinson!-zzzzzz-attack-zzzzzz-control room-zzzzzz-Guardians-zzzzzz-" And the fuzzy voice on the other side faded into static.

"Damn! Not now!" The dragon growled, picking up his .45 and cocking it into ready position. "How did they find us!?"

"Do not worry, Mortinson." the vampire said coolly, drawing a short, silver blade from a sheath at his waist, "The Guardians are no match for me. We wait here; your guards are already doomed."

* * *

Another soldier in ragged garb slumped to the floor, blood pooling beneath him, as Eric and Rin continued their descent down the main stairwell leading to the deepest sanctum of the curious structure.

"No wonder they decided to meet here." Eric whispered, Checking the cartridge on his assault rifle, "This way-point hasn't been used in ages, probably even before the first Elder council."

"Good thing we have our inside man." Rin replied

"You mean Drayk?"

"Yeah, I just hope he's still alive. He hasn't communicated anything to us in weeks. He's normally good about keeping us informed."

The pair soon reached the bottom of the staircase, and were faced with one more L-shaped hallway.

Eric's face turned sour as the two crept closer to the corner. "I sense...something terrible ahead. It's a dark aura...Vampiric."

"We must be close to the meeting room then. Stay sharp."

Eric nodded as they pressed against the wall, Rin peering slightly around the corner. Surprisingly, the plain, dimly lit corridor was empty; devoid of guards or security cameras, only a rusty metal door. Turning to each other, they rounded the corner.

Eric had no time to react to the sudden force that knocked him back into the wall with a crushing thud. The force then spun Rin around, an odd mist encircling her. In the same split second, the mist solidified into the vampire, quickly holding his silver blade at Rin's neck. She froze and remained silent as Eric got back to his feet and readied his rifle.

"Valdama!" Eric exclaimed, trying desperately to pinpoint the vampire's body for a shot, Rin how held as a living shield.

Rin quickly broke her silence. "I wouldn't try firing. You don't have a clear shot."

"Oh come on!" Eric yelled back, instantly losing the fear in his expression. "You don't trust me?"

"Quiet, the both of you!" Valdama commanded, tightening his free hand around Rin's torso. "I'm in the middle of a very important business transaction, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't interfere, Guardians."

"Too late for that, bloodsucker." Rin snapped, remaining defiant.

"You two are testing my patience. Not very wise of you. Let's see how headstrong you are when I've had my fun."

Valdama grinned devilishly, and thrust his fangs into Rin's neck. She yelped in distress as crimson lazily flowed out, Valdama sucking it up hungrily. He subsumed himself so heavily into his feeding that he barely realized that neither Eric nor Rin reacted as strongly as he had come to expect. Only when Eric finally laughed and said, "Big mistake," did he realize foul play, but it was already too late. Valdama choked and heaved as the poison he ingested coursed through his veins, the form of the fox dissolving into non-existence.

"" was all he could sputter out as he finally made contact with the floor, signaling his loss of consciousness.

Eric stood a good distance away from the downed vampire, gazing at it with suspicion, as the true Rin appeared from around the corner, a cross look on her face.

"Why didn't you react?" She growled, "You not selling the illusions could have ruined it."

"That's beside the point right now." He replied, "I don't trust this. It was too easy."

By now, Rin was squatting on the floor, poking Valdama forcefully, "Looks and feels real to me."

"Fine, bind him up and let's continue. Don't forget, our true target is-"

Eric's words were cut short as a small blue mote of energy whizzed past he and Rin and crackled on the wall behind them.

"Don't fucking move!" Mortinson shouted, his .45 erratic in his trembling claw.

Eric smiled a sarcastic grin "Ah, Ernesto Mortinson! Leader of the falzil nationalist group, Crimson Taurus. We had a feeling you were in the neighborhood."

"Put a lid on it, Angel face, or I'll blast that shit-eating grin right off your skull!"

"This one's getting on my nerves. I don't think i want to bring him back alive anymore." Rin spat. Undaunted by the boisterous dragon, she slowly sauntered toward the dragon.

"Dammit, you asked for it!" And Mortinson pounded on the trigger. But the little streaks of energy were of no use, as Rin stretched out her paw, now glowing a faint white, and swatted the projectiles effortlessly, jagged bolts of azure peppering the walls and ceiling. Before Mortinson could fire another shot, Rin grabbed his arm and wrenched his wrist. He growled in surprise and then in pain as his twisted hand was forced to relinquish the pistol. A swift fist to the face soon quashed his resisting.

"They really must have thought this place to be secure," Eric said from behind, hoisting Valdama over his shoulder, "or else this wouldn't have been so easy."

Rin snorted in disappointment, "Or maybe we're just getting really good at this."

* * *

The room was dark, save for a lone computer screen emitting its soft, white glow in front of a pale skinned, crimson-haired being.

The real Valdama.

"Ah, the guardians have found the Crimson Taurus. This should provide good cover for our next step. Soon, very soon, the engine will be mine again."

With a click, the flat screen went dark.