Reptilian Trinity Chapter 8

Story by Dusk_Winterfang96 on SoFurry

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#9 of Reptilian Trinity

The group maps out their plan for the day and carries it out.

Morning soon came and with it was most of the group, eating breakfast and preparing themselves for the day. Kasey and Hera were having a discussion with each other on how to handle King Winterfang, Coby was eating while also casting flirty looks at nearby men in the inn, Crystal was struggling to wake up as Kasey himself had woken her up bright and early like he usually did, and Vergence and Genesis were talking with one another about yesterday and what needed to be done today. Dusk was still asleep in his room and after the day he had yesterday, the two raptors had figured he deserved to sleep in a bit.

"Gen help Crystal and them out as much as you can today, I know it won't be easy but-." "I know Verge. Not sure what we can accomplish but we'll figure it out. You and Dusk be careful when you go out recruiting though. The streets probably aren't any safer than anywhere else." "I know, though with what happened yesterday I'd just love to see some punk pick a fight with Dusk. Either way, here's hoping that we don't have too much trouble." "Yeah. Be careful Vergence." "You too Genesis and just because you're fighting a different battle in the palace, doesn't mean it's any less dangerous." "I know Verge, and thanks." The two shared a quick hug before Genesis then left to go join Crystal, while Vergence found a table to sit at until Dusk woke up. About ten minutes later the dragon soon woke up, headed downstairs from his room, and sat down with Vergence. "You holding up?" "I don't know Vergence. Had way too much on my mind yesterday and as far as you guys learning about me being a blue blood, the way it happened was not how I wanted it to happen." "I imagine. Bet it's only a matter of time until you have to actually face it though." "I know, but I don't want the crown. I don't want to be the next king." "Sure but it'd make Crystal's job a lot easier if you were. I agree though that you'd be pretty unfit for it." "Yeah." Dusk managed to flag down a waitress to take his order and after its arrival didn't waste time in eating it. As the duo left the inn, it was now a matter of finding out where to look. "Any chance your buddy Milo could lend a hand?" "He is. Ended up talking to him last night and asked that he help find some people for us." "How come the rest of us haven't met him yet?" "He currently feels it's better to keep his distance for the time being." "Why?" Vergence asked as they started walking. "Because of someone traveling with us. Someone who is actually-." Milo ended up meeting up with them, quickly cutting Dusk off. "That is no one else's business Dusk." "Milo, how nice of you to join us." "Dusk I thought I was clear about how my situation was to stay between us." "I'm telling Vergence cause I know I can trust him with it. Besides, you don't think he'll figure it out himself?" Vergence studied the tan and brown scaled wingless dragon. The displeased look he was giving Dusk, seemed oddly familiar. As well as his golden eyes and brownish red hair, he racked his brain trying to figure out who Milo reminded him of. It ended up hitting him like a lightning bolt. "Are you in any way related to Kane Kaibier?" He inquired. Milo's head whipped around to face him, somewhat panicked. "What?! How do-?" "That look of annoyed displeasement, I've become familiar with. You also bear quite a bit of resemblance to him and his wife." "Stupid observant raptor." Milo muttered before sighing and replying. "I'm his son. Essentially disowned now though." "Why's that?" "Pissed off a visiting Noble from eastern Kalmarsh and ended up leaving before he could make things harder for mom and dad." "Why haven't you chosen to see us then?" "Because I don't need the problems associated with past deeds and my family to interfere. I knew through Dusk about you and that you were from Coastal City, meaning you'd be familiar with my parents, same thing with Genesis." "With the added reason being that she's your sister." Dusk added. "I'm also aware that Princess Crystal and her royal escorts would recognize my relation as well." "You're seriously worried about Genesis recognizing you?" Vergence asked. "Somewhat, though it's also possible that she doesn't remember me as she was rather young when I left." "Shouldn't you actually talk to her though?" "That's what I've been trying to convince him of." "*Sigh* I get that the two of you think it'd be best for me to see her, but-." "But nothing Milo." Dusk interjected. "Me and Vergence both grew up alongside her and know how lonely she's felt over the years. She's come to see me and Vergence as brothers and yet it was still not enough. For any of us." The last bit was in a quiet, sorrowful tone and while Milo was left wondering why he added that bit at the end, Vergence knew. He knew that despite him, Dusk and Genesis having the support of each other, it was still a pretty lonely childhood for them. Vergence was left with so many questions about his birth parents that may never be answered alongside the struggle of being a raptor commoner in the noble run Coastal City, Genesis was left as the supposed only child of the Kaiber family who would succeed her parents and having practically everyone around her play nice solely because of her family and never took the time to actually get to know her. Dusk had struggled with being a target for the more prejudiced kids as well as being stuck with a step-father that constantly pushed him to be someone he wasn't or couldn't be and deal with Coby actively pushing him away to the point Dusk couldn't stand to be around the avian without feeling venomous contempt. It had been tough for them and it had left some deep scars, yet it hadn't completely crushed them. "In any case, Milo you go see who'll help us and we'll meet back up at the town center an hour before sunset." "Dusk I-." "Good luck Milo and be careful." Milo watched as the younger dragon headed off down a side street, with Vergence following close behind. 'Maybe, I should actually consider talking with her. Let her know she has an older brother.'

Meanwhile, back at the palace Genesis stood outside in the courtyard getting some fresh air and taking a break from King Winterfang. "You doing alright Genesis?" She turned to see Hera walking her way. "I'm doing alright. Just needed some fresh air." The female catfish came to stand next to her. "I imagine everything involving Dusk is still on your mind." Genesis remarked. "It is. Just kinda surprised that he of all people turned out to be royalty. Nothing against him but, he really doesn't give off the feeling of someone who's royalty or even nobility. He just comes across as so cold and distant." "I know but it's mostly due to what he's been through that's closed himself off to everyone but me and Vergence. Though it's not impossible for him to warm up to someone, as you've no doubt noticed with Crystal." "Yeah. Honestly in a weird way, yesterday reminded me of something I myself struggled with in the past." "Really?" "Yeah. How he discarded his old life, his old self and was insistent on the person he was now, reminded me of a somewhat similar struggle I had with my own parents." "What might that have been, if you don't mind me asking?" "There ended up being a time in my life when I ended up dissatisfied with who I was and after some time spent to myself I soon realized why." Genesis remained quiet for the time being, allowing Hera to talk. "I realized that my dissatisfaction with myself came from feeling like I was born in the wrong body. That I was a woman, trapped in a man's body. I had a friend in the academy in Scarlet City that directed me to some individuals who could help me out and now." "Now you're comfortable with yourself." "Yeah. It was a bit of an adjustment for me to adjust to my new name, though my friend was able to do so fairly flawlessly, my brother Keris took a bit longer to adjust but made it clear to me that he supported my decision and was trying his best to adjust. My parents on the other hand, were pretty upset with me and called me by my old name without even trying to take my feelings into consideration. By this point I've pretty much cut all contact with them instead of subjecting myself to their hurtful words. I know Dusk's situation isn't the same but it's similar enough that it got me thinking about what I went through." "Yeah, thanks Hera for sharing that with me. I imagine it's not always easy but I appreciate it." "Of course. Just know that regardless of how things go here, I'm still with you, Vergence and Dusk. After all, I have a feeling the two of you have already made it clear to him that you're with him all the way." "Yeah. Who he was before he ended up in Coastal City isn't important. What matters is who he is now." A brief silence fell over the two before Genesis chose to speak. "When was the last time you saw your brother?" "About three months before the invasion. I honestly hope he managed to survive, though he was in Topaz Village when Uvaris invaded so hopefully he's still doing alright." "Yeah. Despite everything that happened between us, I hope my parents are okay." "Why'd you and Vergence leave to begin with?" "Part of it was to find Dusk and the other part of it was it was starting to get too stifling at home under my dad. He didn't really like Dusk and Verge all that much growing up and when he learned me and Vergence were together, it only made him more upset. Though the way he found out didn't help matters either." "If I remember correctly from what Dusk said after we escaped from Scarlet City, he walked in on the two of you having sex, right?" "Yeah..." Genesis sighed. "It ended up being something that Dusk didn't hesitate to remind us of and of the times it's happened with other people besides him." "So he's walked in on the raptor wrestling as well?" "Yeah. He's also the one who has done so the most. Anyway, dad ended up forbidding me and Vergence from seeing each other at all. After he threw Vergence out of the house that is." "Are we speaking figuratively or literally, cause I've seen what your father looks like on the few occasions he's been to Scarlet City and he looks like he'd be able to pick Vergence up and toss him out." "Dad literally threw him out. Anyway, Dusk helped us meetup in secret until someone caught on and ended up outing us out to my dad. After almost a year of dealing with all of it and doing so without Dusk, we eventually decided to leave and see the rest of Kalmarsh as well as catch up with him." "I imagine the two of you have had your fair share of adventures between leaving Coastal City and arriving in Scarlet City." "Yeah the two years in between have been pretty interesting, though I imagine Dusk has several more." "I have a feeling though that there are many that he simply doesn't want to talk about for one reason or another." "Right. It's up to him if he wants to talk about it or not." A moment of silence fell over the two for a moment before Hera spoke up. "Out of curiosity, has Dusk had any kind of intimacy with someone?" "Not really. Why do you want to know though?" "Like I said, just curious." "To be honest me and Verge have tried to hook him up with someone, even if it was just for a one-night stand but he was pretty against it. Not really sure why though. Even if it was to hook him up with someone for a more serious relationship, he wasn't interested." Hera had a hunch about why but figured she'd try and get something from Dusk himself to support it. "Who knows, maybe he already has his heart set on someone and doesn't want to compromise unless he absolutely has to." "But if that is the case, then why not say something about it to me or Vergence? We'd be more than willing to back him up." 'Maybe he's unsure about telling you guys who it is he really likes.' "Don't know. Ask him and find out." Hera suggested. "I mean I could but what if it's something that he feels like he can't tell us, like him being royalty." "You just gotta take that chance. Keep pushing and urging him to share, but also know when to back off." The duo's conversation ended there as one of the Kalmarsh soldiers approached them. "Miss Hera, Lady Genesis, the king has a proposition for us." "Thanks. Let's go Genesis and see what exactly he has in mind for us."

With the group having reconvened in the throne room, King Winterfang soon addressed them. "I am willing to consider helping on two conditions." "Oh boy, here we go." Genesis muttered to herself. "First of all, you are to handle a task that I will be giving you the details about later on." "Very well. And the second one?" Crystal asked. "That you that stubborn son of mine to be properly crowned as a prince of Dragis." "Saw that coming." Kasey threw a light glare at the raptor while Crystal gave a reply. "I'll do everything I can to convince him." "Good. You all are dismissed." Once the group was outside of the palace, Genesis ended up speaking up to Crystal. "Crystal, you know there's a better chance of hell freezing over than getting Dusk to agree to be crowned." "I know but we have to do something and maybe he'd do it to use the influence to help us? I mean it could work." "Hope you have an idea to sell him on this crazy idea." "I might, though I wanted your help to do so." "Seriously?" "Hey, you know him better than I do so you probably know some tricks to sway him over." Genesis ended up letting out a somewhat frustrated sigh. She did know a few but she was reluctant to use them to convince him to agree to this when it was adamantly clear that he was completely against doing so. "I can't." "Lady Genesis there is no need to be stubborn about this." one of the guards remarked. "I'm not going to manipulate the closest thing I have to a brother to do something he's so adamant against doing." "We have little luxury for such things. If we want King Winterfang's support then Lord Logan needs to do this." The guard retorted. "If you want to convince him so badly then do it yourself and leave me out of it." Genesis then stepped toward the guard, a male wolf, and looked him directly in the eye while speaking in a somewhat menacing tone. "And if I ever hear you address Dusk as such again, I will make your life a living hell." The guard was shaking in obvious fear, prompting Kasey to intervene. "Enough Genesis. No need to make him soil his britches." The raptor backed off, though she continued to glare at the wolf. "I'm serious though, show Dusk some respect. I may be able to sway him toward something but I won't do it in regards to this." "I understand what you're saying Genesis but it may end up being necessary to do so." Kasey replied. The group returned to the inn shortly after to meet with the others and pass along King Winterfang's conditions for support. As anticipated Dusk wasn't too pleased that one of the conditions involved him being properly crowned as prince and he also held a great deal of suspicion in regards to the task the king wanted them to do. "Dusk, is there any way you could-?" "No Crystal there isn't. I was pretty clear about that yesterday and it annoys me that you thought my stance on it would have changed." "Dusk we need his support to take back Kalmarsh and-." "We don't need to have his support Crystal. Our ranks have grown since we first arrived and combine them with resistance groups fighting in Kalmarsh we'll have the manpower to do so." "Why can't you just stop being stubborn about this and just fucking do it?" Coby questioned. Dusk coldly glared back at the avian and before any venomous remarks could be exchanged, Genesis stepped in. "What we should be focusing on more right now is the task the king has in mind for us and not crowns." Coby huffed in irritation while Dusk cast her a glance that was thankful for the change of topic. "Any ideas on what it could be Dusk? Since you've been to Dragis before now." Kasey inquired. "Possibly. King Damion's rule has been filled with doubt and strife. There have been various uprisings across the country and at one point there was even one here in the capital intent on dethroning him." "Really? Kinda obvious that they failed but how close were they?" Vergence asked. "They were close. They had nearly taken him down but it was the death of their leader, Grace Winterfang, that caused them to crumble and very few escaped execution." "Winterfang? You mean his wife rebelled against him?" Crystal asked, surprised that it'd get to that point. "Yeah. I managed to meet with one of the survivors and..." Silence started to ease in and it was obvious that the topic was hard for him. "And that they had been so sure of their victory, so sure that that finally cast Damion down and put a real Winterfang on the throne and yet, they failed and now she's gone." "Your mother sounds like she was a brave and determined individual." Genesis remarked. "She was. I still remember her from what time I spent here with her and Lyra and she.... loved us and was willing to do whatever was necessary to ensure the best for us." "You think that's why she had arranged for you and your sister to stay with a trusted friend of hers instead of leaving you in the capital or wherever the king chose to send you?" Hera inquired. "I think so. I found several letters that she and Mariko had sent between each other over the years and it was obvious that they were good friends." "What did you mean by putting a 'real' Winterfang on the throne?" Kasey asked. "Damion isn't of the Winterfang bloodline. He married my mother, took on the Winterfang name and tried to convince everyone that he's always been one." Eventually the group put the conversation behind them and focused instead on getting some food to eat and eventually everyone parted to go do their own thing for the rest of the day.

Dusk ended up heading up to his room and settled down to relax and set about to read a book from his bag. After about seven minutes there was a knock on the door. "Dusk? It's Gen, can I come in for a minute?" "Sure." The door opened as the female raptor stepped inside and shut the door behind her. "You alright? That conversation earlier seemed like it was taking quite a bit out of you." After a few silent moments, Dusk replied to her while keeping his gaze in his book. "I'm managing. I still remember how I felt when I first learned of her death." "When did her attempted coup happen?" "About five years after I ended up in Coastal City. I sometimes wonder if she ever knew what became of me and Lyra." "Do you sometimes wonder if Lyra survived the attack like you did?" "Sometimes, but if she did then who knows where she could be. Sometimes I don't want to stop hoping that she's out there but..." "At the same time you don't want to keep blind hope." "Yeah..." Genesis sat down on the bed next to Dusk, noticing the raw emotion reflected in them. "I wonder if she ever wondered the same about me or if she's tried to search for me." "I don't know Dusk. The only one who could tell us is either Lyra herself or someone who knew her in the years since." "Yeah. Just wish that I could find out what happened to her." "Maybe one day we will." "One can hope Gen."