Fox Hunt Part 2

Story by tyson_fox2931 on SoFurry

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#1 of Fox Hunt

"That team building game was almost too pointless" Tyson Saunders the 16 year old fox pondered as he entered the quaint two-person cabin. Tyson, wearing only a towel wrapped around the lower half of his frame, was wet from the shower he had just finished. He sighed as he walked towards the bottom bunk and sat down. Zander, the muscly, black wolf, Tyson's crush and, by some ironic twist of fate, bunk-mate, was out somewhere around the large campsite. He had been very distant towards everyone the past two week and it made Tyson very worried. The Biology: Get Into It camp had been two weeks of remedial task after remedial task, followed swiftly by Dinner, sleep and a repeat of the whole circle. And the small fox was over it! Tyson began to hum as he looked around the mess of clothes and bags on the floor of the cabin for his pants. Bending over to retrieve his jeans from under a pile of Zander's shirts he burst into song "I'm all outta love, I'm so lost without you, I know you were right in leaving for so long..." Unbeknownst to Tyson, Zander the beefy black wolf had finished his walk and had been standing in the doorway. The wolf piped up.

"You have an amazing voice" he beamed

Tyson yelped and jumped 3 feet in the air. In doing so, he dropped his towel and began to slip on it. Zander jumped into action, sprinting forward to catch the falling vulpine. Tyson, bewildered was suddenly in the warm embrace of the big jock.

"Good catch" he said, looking into those green eyes.

"Could say your falling for me" Zander chuckled as he moved his muzzle closer to Tyson's.

Chapter 8


"Ouch!" Tyson yelled as he woke from his dream, "What the mother..." he looked over to find the heavy, wooden dream catcher that his friend Holly had made him at camp, dismantled from the ceiling above his bed and laying just on the tip of his muzzle.

"Dam stupid things supposed to promote happy dreams not interrupt them" He muttered as he swivelled reluctantly out of his bed. It had been 2 weeks since Tyson had attended the "Biology; Get into it!" camp and, to be perfectly honest, his life hadn't changed one bit. Throughout his time at camp, Holly's prediction rang in Tyson's mind.

"The cards are telling you to take the opportunity you have now."

What opportunity? There was no opportunity. Zander was totally distant and unresponsive to anything and everything over the whole week. He hardly even spoke! This did make Tyson worried. Was it something he had done?

'Well' he thought, scratching absently at his butt 'better get ready for school'

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Tyson's family had settled into their new life in South-Port very well, Tyson's mother, Heather, had received a promotion in her job at the Real Estate Agency. Tyson's older brother, Terry, had already won the state wrestling championships, and was now working toward the rugby championship, and Tyson had decided to start walking to school more and he had also found two of the most valued friends he would ever find. Tyson fiddled with his red shirt and turned out of the front gate of his house. He placed both of the headphones to his iPod in his ears, and began his walk to school.

"Hey Tyse!" a huge, crashing hug and familiar voice came from Tyson's blind side.

"Ace!" Tyson jumped, pulling his headphones out of his ears and pivoting to his left "Must you do that?"

Ace was a racoon the same age as Tyson, slightly shorter in hight and with the probably the most unique personality of anyone on earth, he was wearing a "Screw Pedro, Vote For Me!" shirt and long black jeans, his scruffy dark brown hair looking as though it hadn't been brushed in weeks. The raccoon's big brown eyes glistened as he grinned his maniacal grin.

"Yeah, I must, coz I know how much it scares the shit outta you"

Tyson jokingly punched him in the arm, causing him to double over in a fit of very fake pain. They both laughed and continued on their route to school.

"So how was your weekend?" Ace asked kicking a coke can out of his way.

"It was alright I guess, not much to do here though" Tyson replied, wrapping the cord of his iPod headphones around the small yellow device and placing it in his bag.

"They're almost finished building that new Theme Park" Ace said with growing excitement "Just three more weeks to go"

Tyson smiled, Ace was probably one of Tyson's best friends now. During camp along with Holly Lorn the mink, the three were always together, always in the same groups, always sitting next to each other at meals. Tyson felt very close to both of them, but more so with Ace. After a while, he piped up;

"You know Luca..." Ace began looking at his foot paws, "What do you think of him?"

Luca Harlow was one of Zanders Jones' friends, a very good looking Canadian white tiger who had more muscle than brains. He was probably one of the tallest furs Tyson had ever seen, standing at 6'10" he was a real force to be reckoned with.

"In what way do you mean?" Tyson asked, not really sure about the question.

"What do you think of him?" Ace replied, beginning to blush, "You know I was in the same cabin as him at camp."

Tyson gave a nod in acknowledgement.

"Well...I...kinda..." Ace mumbled, "Never mind, and just forget I said anything" he said shaking his head.

"Consider it gone" Tyson said, miming throwing something out.

"Thanks Tyse" Ace sighed and the two continued on their way to South-Port High.

Chapter 9

Tyson's day started as usual, with English. South-Port High had recently undergone some renovations and was now much cleaner than it used to be; the only building that wasn't revamped was the administration block, which is where Tyson's English class was held. He waved goodbye to Ace and began to move down the massive courtyard towards Admin. 3. All of a sudden he swore he could smell smoking wood and turned to see a thin black and purple cat appearing from a cloud of purple smoke.

"Good morning Tyson." he said, eloquently flexing his claws and smiling.

"Morning Phos" Tyson said joining the cat and continuing on his walk.

Phosphorous Leer, a black and purple striped cat, was one of those furs that always seemed to be there when they were needed. His deep purple eyes accentuated a very kind face that would sometimes house a Cheshire Cats smile, his long black hair was draped generously across his small shoulders. The bell tied around his neck jingled sweetly as he walked.

"How was your weekend?" Tyson asked, beginning to ascend the large staircase that lead to the top of the admin block.

"Boring as always" Phosphorous replied gracefully adjusting his shoulder bag, "I bought some new candles and some more wormwood on Saturday." He added pulling out a small black journal and a quill, quickly jotting something down and in an instant the journal was back in the bag.

Everyone at South-Port knew that Phosphorous dabbled with the occult and was always writing things in his journal, but no one ever knew what he wrote. Some said he had made a pact with devil, some called him crazy, Tyson called him sweet.

"That's nice" Tyson said turning entering the large class room. Admin 3 was the smallest room at South-Port High, with its old eggshell wallpaper and brown carpet, it was also the oldest. Housing about four rows of four individual desks and facing out across the courtyard, there was barely enough room to turn around, let alone be taught in comfort. Tyson and Phosphorous made their way to their normal seats, second row from the front and last set of two, against the window. Tyson and Phosphorous always sat together for English that was mostly because there was no other choice. The only other furs to choose from were either totally repulsive, or literally dangerous to sit next to. Just as the two sat a third form materialized in the doorway. A tall grey hyena with blue curved shapes all over his body and face his black eyes scanned the room and he let out a loud sigh, blue smoke evacuating his lungs. The hyena made his way slowly toward Phosphorous and Tyson.

"Good morning Gentlemen." He greeted with a smooth, slightly raspy voice, his breath reeking of rotting flesh as always.

"Good morning Epidemic" Phosphorous replied tipping his head slightly, "how was your weekend?"

"Joyous as always" the hyena answered turning and moving toward the last row of desks, making a great show of breathing on a desk and watching it slowly liquefy.

"A very charming fellow" Phosphorous added placing his bag underneath his chair.

"A'ight class" a sweet, lyrical Scottish accent danced from the doorway "Take your seats, today we'll be starting our work on the novel The Great Gatsby"

The petite lioness that now occupied the doorway moved swiftly towards the front desk and dumped her pile of paper and folders on it. Mrs McConnell was one of Tysons favourite teachers. Here short, bright red hair was pinned in a bun; her small dark eyes glistened as she sat down on the teacher's chair, adjusting her green scarf as she sat.

"Okay" she looked disappointedly out at the three faces that looked up at hers, "Is this all we have today?"

"I think so Miss, there's been a nasty bout of salmonella lately" Epidemic added, looking rather pleased with himself.

"Okay, I'll take roll anyway" Mrs McConnell said after a slight awkward pause.

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Tyson spent most of the lesson aimlessly looking out the window at the sprawling courtyard. The tall gum trees littering the concrete paths with crunchy brown leaves, the small gardens of yellow and white flowers adding extra colours on the palette that is South-Port High, however, the silence was short lived as a sudden loud voice bellowed:


Tyson bolted his head up and looked in the direction of the sound. Focusing on a point in the distance, standing on a seat was Matt Quinn, the dreadlocked lion standing and pointing at a tall, muscular black wolf.

"WHY THE FUCK NOT ZANDER, THAT LITTLE SHIT HAS IT COMING!" Matt said, jumping down off the seat.

The wolf said something that Tyson couldn't hear, causing the lion to ball his left paw into a fist and threaten to punch the much larger wolf. Just as he was about to connect, a tall otter walked behind him. The lion stopped dead in his tracks. Ms Kutter, the schools dean, was someone who wouldn't stand for anything that would disturb the peace of her quiet school. She held the lion by the ear and dragged him off down the path toward the administration block.

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The rest of the day continued as normal, no different from any other. At lunch Tyson sat with Ace and Holly, then they all had Biology, all that Tyson could do was look at Zander Jones, The tall, black wolf that Matt was fighting with earlier. Zander seemed very upset about something, even more so since coming back from the weekend. His hulking frame slouched sullenly in his desk, looking out the window at the gum trees surrounding the building. Although Matt wasn't in biology, the class would soon learn that he had been suspended for "numerous anti-social, violent habits". After biology was cooking with Miss Aki, a tall, kind white tabby cat with black tips on her ears and tail, and a small heart shaped blotch on her left cheek. She wore a short shirt showing her belly button, low rider jeans and a very long feminine trench coat that trailed after her. After cooking there was another break, then Maths, then home. Ace didn't walk home with Tyson on Mondays because he had band practice.

"See ya tomorrow bro" he said giving Tyson a big hug and lugging his Clarinet case off to the music block.

Tyson made his way to the front gate and put his headphones in his ears. Walking out the main drive onto the streets of South-Port, Tyson decided to take the scenic route home. Turning into a side street he made his way down the narrow, mostly unused ally towards the water front. Just as he was about to turn out of the ally, a large shadow loomed in his way.

Chapter 10

"Hello there" a deep, raspy voice escaped from the looming figure. It stood forward in to the small films of light penetrating from in between the tall buildings. It was Harrison Webb, one of the largest St. Bernards in existence, and at 6'09 he was at tough competition with Luca, his droopy face shadowed by large tired, black circles. Shaggy brown fur and rolls of fat squeezed into a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt.

"How are ya doin' fag?" a different voice, much more familiar, came from behind Tyson. The familiar smell of rum and cigarettes assailed Tysons nose as Matt Quinn pushed him violently against the building. "How's your day been? Good?"

Tyson made no move to defend himself, he just stood there. Matt angrily shoved his paw against the wall beside Tyson head, making him jump.

"I asked you a question. How was your day?" he said motioning for Harrison to come over.

Tysons bottom lip quivered "F-F-F-Fine, and yours?" he stammered

"Oh mine was alright, just got ratted out by my mate, got suspended, you know...THE USUAL!" Matt replied, his voice full of spite. A small sloth made himself visible, his three long thin fingers twisting, and fiddling together nervously. Tyson knew him instantly; he was Kyle Palfoman, a very shy, slow moving type of guy.

"Ah!" Matt cried moving toward Kyle, Harrison took a strong hold of Tysons left shoulder, ensuring that he didn't move. "The newbie"

"Matt" Kyle nodded, his long brown hair moving in front of his crimson eyes, he slowly pushed the hair out of his vision.

"Ready for your initiation?" Matt said pointing to Tyson.

Kyle looked really nervous, moving from one foot to the other.

"" he stuttered

"Don't tell me you're gonna pussy out on us!" Harrison said with a snarl.

"All ya gotta do is beat this no good..." Matt said moving slowly towards the captive Tyson "Lousy, worthless faggot!" while Matt was moving towards him, Tyson had managed to free his left paw "It's that simple, leave him so beaten that even his shitty faggot friends wont recognise him!"

Tyson lashed out with his free paw and struck Matt a left paw across his face, causing Matt's head to jolt sharply to the left. The lion let out a soft growl. Tyson couldn't feel the first blow, Matt's right paw connected sharply with his lower jaw, dislocating it. Harrison let Tyson fall to ground and proceeded to kick him in the chest.

"Leave him!" Matt yelled, "This faggots mine!"

Matt picked the small fox up by his shirt, pushed him harshly against the brick building. Blow after blow connected with various parts of Tyson's anatomy, his face, his gut, his chest, his leg, his crotch. After what seemed hours, Tyson was dropped in a bleeding heap at Matt's feet. Matt released an evil grin across his acne dotted face. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a hand gun.

Kyle and Harrison each let out a loud "HOLY FUCK!"

Matt cocked the gun, pointed it toward what was left of Tyson Saunders.

The small fox came to face his fate, just when he thought it was all lost, a tall, hulking form cast a shadow across Matt. Matt let out a scream and Tyson blacked out.

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Tyson came back to what could loosely be called consciousness. All he could feel was a big, warm embrace, and the smell of aftershave.

Chapter 11

Tyson shuttered in and out of consciousness, it was a strange feeling, almost like a dream, but he sensed what was happening all around him, in flashes, but he couldn't move. First was a sense of moving on what appeared to be wheels, the lights over head streaking past, pushing through doors, and the smell of ammonia. Second was the familiar sound of his mother's voice and a second woman's voice that he didn't know.

His mother's voice warped out a "How is he?"

"He's suffered a lot, facial injuries, a broken leg, a fractured jaw, those will all heal, but he's suffered massive head trauma." Came the smooth voice of the unknown woman

He could then hear his mother sobbing loudly.

Next was his brother, he could feel warmth around his left paw.

"I'm sorry for everything I've put you through bro, I don't care about anything else at the moment, just wake up, please, please wake up..." he began to sob uncontrollably.

Next came two very familiar voices;

"I told myself I wouldn't cry..." Holly's voice sobbed "But seeing you here now...I just..." she cried out loudly.

"I should have been there!" Ace screamed "WHY! DIDN'T I WALK HOME WITH YOU?!" he began to cry loudly, Tyson could feel weight on his lower half, as, what he could gather, was Ace falling on him.

Next was the voice of his mother.

"Thank you! Thank you for taking him away from that place..." Tyson could faintly smell aftershave again.

Then Kyle's voice rang in Tyson's ears;

"I'm sorry; I'm so fucking sorry, I shouldn't have just stood there. I could have called for help. I didn't even want to be part of Matt's stupid gang anyway... it just all happened so fast..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tyson woke from a cloud and into a dark hospital room. The crisp sheets scratched against Tyson's fur, he turned his head slightly to see a large dark form hunched over the foot of the bed. Zander Jones was asleep snoring quietly, his eyes moist from crying, his big, broad chest rising and falling.

"Good Morning" a smooth, woman's voice called.

Chapter 12

Tyson looked over to where the voice came from. Standing at his bedside adjusting his drip was a tall grey fox; her short brown hair was fashioned in a bob. She put her clipboard down and adjusted her scrubs so she could sit down in the chair beside his bed.

"Can you tell me who you are?" She said, picking up her clipboard again.

"Tyson Gareth Saunders" Tyson replied without missing a beat

"Good" The fox said, "What's your birthday?"

"Sixteenth of July" Tyson replied scratching his head

"Very good, Can you remember what happened?" The fox asked putting her clipboard down.

"Yes" Tyson said slouching slightly

"Well Tyson, I'm Dr. Amy Slocum. I've been looking after you. You suffered severe head trauma after the incident, you've been in a coma for 12 days."

Tyson's mouth dropped open in shock

"Lots of people have visited you," Dr Slocum added "but that young wolf there" She pointed to Zander who was now drooling onto Tyson's bed sheets. "Has never left your bedside, he found you and brought you in, and didn't leave."

Tyson looked down at the wolf that had saved his life, the one that he had longed for since he first met him, the one he loved.

"Dr Slocum to ER, Dr Slocum!" a urgent voice called from the ceiling.

Dr Slocum sat up and shook her head, "Well, I'm needed else where." She said, getting up from her seat and moving towards the door.

Tyson's head was a blast with a thousand thoughts at once. 'Why? Why did he do it?' was the main thought.

Zander stirred from his sleep and clenched his paw at the sheets he was lying on; he sighed and turned his head to see Tyson sitting up in the bed.

"TYSON!" he bellowed as he jumped up and embraced the fox in a crushing hug "I thought you'd gone!"

Tyson was shocked; he accepted the hug and his world stood still. Zander Jones, the biggest tough guy at South-Port High was now crying,

"I thought I'd never see you again." Zander said. The big wolf left the hug and sat down at the foot of Tyson's bed, he dabbed at his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Why are you here?" Tyson asked looking not sure what was happening

"I wanted to be here." Zander replied, "I had to tell you something"

The wolf reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, he handed it to Tyson and motioned for him to open it. Inside was a small silver lock on a chain.

"It was my mother's" Zander said, "She had ovarian cancer. She went into remission a few years ago and we thought she was alright. But, a few months ago she was re-diagnosed; we couldn't afford the radiation treatment again. The day before camp, I went to visit her she gave me this and said 'Zander, this lock, is your heart. Give this to the person you wish to spend your whole life with' she kissed me and a few hours later, she was gone"

By now Zander was convulsing in weak sobs, tears streaming down from his bright green eyes. His strong, determined personality now shattered as a dam of pent up emotion burst. Tyson moved closer to Zander and held his large body against his own as his sobs subsided, the fox took the wolfs large paw, Tyson felt bolder, almost as if someone else was speaking.

"Zander Jones" he began "I would be more than happy to accept your heart, cherish it, and you for the rest of my life"

Zander's tears ceased as he shuffled on the bed. Zanders face lit up as a large smile appeared on his once more strong face. Tyson had done it; he had the man of his dreams! Tyson placed his head against Zanders massive chest and sighed. The last dregs of Zander's tears left his eyes; he wiped his face on his sleeve again, placed his paw against his new boyfriends face, and moved slowly in. Zander and Tysons muzzles met in their first kiss, both of their worlds disappeared. There was no hospital bed with scratchy sheets, there was no trouble in the ER, and there was no time. Just them, and that kiss.