An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 2.

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Assassin's Tale

Lud recollects more on his history to when he first heard of the Assassins, and his search to find this shadowy organisation.

In a previous entry I had noted my love of knowledge, and the hours I had spent sneaking into the library to read. My name of 'Little Mouse' held me in good stead as I could easily escape and avoid the other students and teachers who went there.

I did not need much sleep so with a small candle I sat next to a window - tome in hand, idly noting the call of the hours until daybreak as page after page filled my enquiring mind.

Then at first light I would attend to my duties - being organizing a hearty breakfast for growing Lupions, and then collecting used linen, washing facilities, and tallying meals and supplies. My accounts were well kept (If coin was supplied for food - then it was food that that coin brought) and none went hungry - even the helps and other workers who dined with us. Plus any young student who had a whelping day found a little extra on their plate. I knew - even if they had forgotten. If a student had missed a meal due to a task or assignment - they were guaranteed a hot meal and a warm smile. And more than once I lent an ear to the troubles of another. I looked on these first year and later year students as akin to my own cubs - knowing them by name and deed. I loved them all.

Having the respect of the second and third year students was likewise a great help - and in return I ensured that indiscretions like the scent of a female and male on a set of sheets.. or even a male and male!! - were quickly cleaned with strong soap. If questioned I would always claim that the accuser was 'mistaken' and that I would never allow such activities on my watch.

But - I was bored. My mind churned with idea's and my loins with wants I could not fulfil. The two I trusted had graduated and so that avenue was closed. It was just too dangerous to involve a student at the start of their career, knowing all too well that it could be a ruination of a life.. or more.

In my fifth year I became aware of another presence watching me. Usually it was in the library but in other times it was in the very corridors that I walked. Sometimes a scent of someone who should not be there. A shadow that moved before I could act. Or a cupboard opened when it should not be

It culminated one night when I was reading a tome and walked to get another one. Upon my return there was a parchment with a strange almost runic symbol on it, a name - Armund Luik , and book reference.

My immediate difficulty was that the reference was in a locked part of the library - only opened for scholars or students with specialized studies, usually under the gaze of said scholar. I needed a key - but had no-one to bribe, not the skills to lift it from a belt. Several times each night I passed the door and the heavy grid separating that library section. I could almost see the book. It became my quarry and I devised different schemes to try and capture it - some most improbable like starving myself to a waif and drifting through the bars in spirit.

The only way I could see - if I had the courage - was to venture outside of the windows to the walls beyond - many feet above the courtyard , make my way around the tower, and then in through the other window. I had to guess there was another window due to the breeze that sometimes came from the other side of the bars. With no way to the top of the tower nor rope to lower myself down - my only option was myself - and what nature had given, or neglected to give me.

I started to train myself. From the tomes I read of ways to strengthen one's grip, to build strength in my long muscles that I had not really used before. For several weeks I kept up my cheery smile whilst secretly gritting my teeth as my unaccustomed muscles complained and spasmed. Solutions that promoted claw growth made my claws tougher and more able to gain purchase on stone. In my quarters I practiced find small claw holds and climbing the walls (both literally and figuratively) until I could do that in darkness and by touch alone.

As I planned a date was chosen. Moonless, closer to Winter so that there would be more cloud but not so late as to bring heavy rain or ice. An end of week day so that the guard would be less alert - looking forward to times with family and kin. Several other factors added plusses and minuses to my scheme until the sun set on my chosen day.

The night was cold.. There was an approaching storm so the wind was starting to gust - an advantage since the wind would blow me against the wall - not away or across it. The guard had just changed - new ones warm and happy - well fed and filled with ale, the old ones now hurrying out to the pubs and family.

I had mentally prepared well - even to the point to leaving a parchment on my bed explaining my actions and asking that my parents not be dishonoured by my death should I fail.

So - I stood - watching the distant lightening and counting to the thunder - 20, 21, 22, Rumble. Still plenty of time till the rain arrives. I stripped to my loin cloth so that my robe would not flap in the wind and ventured out.

The first step was the most difficult. I had found a stone outcropping above the window that I could use as a handhold to lift myself out and up - then swing left to what felt to be a tentative foot hold. A push, slight drop, and I was now committed, no way back as the outcropping was too high for me to reach again. After moving about 3 feet from the window I was surprised when I found a foot hold just where I needed it, then a hand hold. It was as if somebody had wanted this path to be followed however the path was for somebody taller - not somebody topping a mere 7 feet. After 30 feet I was beginning to tire, my muscles screamed for rest but I had to keep going. Cold wind helped push me against the wall but now a chill rain started to spatter. The thunder was closer, the lightening suddenly illuminating the wall and yes - there - a window opening only 15 feet away. My world was reduced to a foothold, then a handhold.. claw by tattered claw I inched forward until I was able to curl a hand around the edge of the window, then a foot on a sill. I was blessed when the glass swung inward to reveal - A Shadow - hunched and dripping, but it was only my silhouette backlit by the now raging storm. Dropping on to the floor I moaned in my pain and hugged my hands to my sides - but I had done it. I Had Done It!!!!

I searched around - hoping to find another exit but I was trapped - the lock not having an internal release. Maybe I could argue with the guards, show the parchment that had so ignited my curiosity. Plead with an understanding scholar that I was more than a simple Help. But that was to happen later - for now I had a prize to claim.

I used a flint to light a candle and pulled the heavy tome from the shelf. Settling myself at a desk began to read.

The Assassin's Creed. By Aramund Luik.

In the forward there was the phrase "Abandon all hope of Honour beyond this page.". Closing my eyes I breathed deeply - and turned it.

Aramund was an assassin. Not just an assassin he was a master one, and his argument for the existence of one such as he were.. strangely just. Where a hundred warriors would battle, he could end the skirmish, or even the need of the skirmish with a careful dagger thrust. He also detailed the need of information so that others could plan. And much much more.

It was starting to get light when I stood and returned the tome to its shelf - ready to confess my transgressions when a dull thud was felt at my feet. Lying there was a key - obviously trapped in the spine of the tome.. With hope I pushed the key in to the lock and turned - feeling the prongs catch and grip - and the door unlocked. Now I had a way to leave unnoticed, but also a way to return without another dangerous journey. I gathered my robes and ran....

Night after night I read - gaining a better appreciation of this shadowy guild. Yes I had heard of them by rumor and by curse - generally denoting an action without a shred of honour. There were references to other tomes that I likewise read on potions, anatomy, workings of government.

This was a new world to me - understandably locked away from more.. rigid minds that might find such concepts troubling.

After much troubling reflection I came to the realization that I could do this - even if I were never acknowledged for preventing a war or saving a battle. If I were to die in an unmarked grave where my name unknown - this is something I could do for my King, my country, and.. all the students who passed through the academy who I cared about. If I could give my life to prevent theirs being lost - so be it.

Aramund had been descriptive about certain buildings too. I had seen and passed these buildings - old stables that were in ruins with twisted passageways running next to them. Aramund had written his words over 200 years prior so why - in our busy capital - were these ruins left to stand. Another mystery to solve.

After 5 months I felt that I had enough knowledge to put the pieces together. If I was right then a new life awaited me, if I was wrong then I would return to my day-to-day existence of drudge. If I was very wrong then my lifeless corpse would be found drifting in the river - a victim of a mugging.

That night I watched as my charges ate and laughed - silently wishing them all well. I did a final walk of the dormitories watching them sleep - a kind word or a smile to any who needed it. Then instead of turning left to my warm bed and quarters. I turned right and exited the halls.

My actions were in itself not alarming - many Helps and workers would go to the bars or brothels to find some companionship, but my route took me past that, and to that set of ruins.

The roof had caved in showing beams, and rafters jutting into the night sky. A fire at one time had damaged it further, and age had caused vines to clutter and clog the passageways.

As quietly as I could I moved down to a spot where a lantern in a nearby tower dimly lit the cobbled floor, also just illuminating the barest shape of a door.

Taking a deep breath, I raised a fist to knock on the door when I was grabbed from behind by someone. An arm squeezed around my throat and a dagger pressing against my ribs..

"Who are you and What do you Want" the voice whispered.

I swallowed and replied "My name is unimportant, however if you wish - you can call me Aramund Luik"..

I had cast my gambit and now awaited my fate.