Everyday Life - 2 - Scholarly Schooling

Story by Empath Naga on SoFurry

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  • - -Everyday Life- - -

Scholarly Schooling

Simon sat at the table, eating toaster strudel. He heard his sister come into the room and look through the refrigerator for milk. Most likely for the cardboard-like cereal she always ate to keep her weight down.

"Toaster strudel?" Brit asked in disgust. "Haven't you ever heard, 'You eat what you are?'"

"Haven't you ever heard, 'Mind your own damn business?'" Simon asked, not looking at her.

Teresa slinked in as he finished saying this. "Good morning." She said.

"If you keep eating like you do, you're just gonna end up fat, Simon!" Brit said.

"We have different metabolisms. I'm a snake. I'm designed to eat a lot at once. I can eat as much as I want and stay as thin as a rail." Simon said. "Too bad you got the shallow end of the gene pool."

"Ugh!" Brit scoffed and left the room with her bowl of cardboard flakes.

Teresa sat down at the table. "You know, Simon, I really wish you could try to be nicer to your sister."

"I tried that once. It was the most excruciating five minutes of my life. I vowed that day, 'Never again.'" Simon said.

"Simon - -" The house phone rang, and Teresa answered. "Hello, Teresa Jarvis. Oh, hi, Louis!" She said in a pleasant voice. Simon took this opportunity to leave the house for school. "Yes, I know I...What!? I'll be over as soon as I can!" She hung up. "Simon, I...! Simon?" She asked, looking around.

"Good morning, honey." Ron said, kissing her cheek.

"Morning." She said. "Simon and Brit just left for school. You know, I really wish they tried to be nicer to one another."

"They're teenagers and they're siblings." Ron pointed out. "Doesn't that automatically mean they hate each other?"

"Not really." Teresa said, getting her briefcase ready. "I was good friends with my brother, Kent. I always liked borrowing his clothes."

"You liked wearing boy's clothes growing up?" Ron asked.

"No, but fortunately for me, neither did Kent." Teresa said before leaving not only the house, but also a very stunned, open-mawed fox in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Brit and Simon were both walking down the street, Simon behind his sister. "Simon, stop following me!" She exclaimed, turning around and placing the backs of her hands on her hips. "You're following me." She said in a snotty voice.

"We're going to the same place." Simon said. "I just happen to be behind you."

"Hey, Brit!" said some male. He was a Bull Terrier named Pete. "Can I carry your books?"

"Hey, Brit!" another said, this one a Dalmatian named Patrick. "Can I carry your...pencil?" He asked after thinking a bit.

"Hey, Brit!" said the third of them all. He was a Labrador named Paul. "Can I carry your...um...you got anything else?" He asked.

Britt pulled out a hair scrunchie. "Just this."

"Okay!" The Lab said.

Simon watched in mild amusement as Brit had The Three 'P's wrapped around her finger. They were close to the school now, and he looked for the rabbit girl he'd met.

"Hey, Simon." Said a voice behind him.

"Hey, Rox." He said to the girl. They both walked to the school, walking by the group of four, and overhearing what they said.

"So what do you like to do after school, Britt?" said the Dalmatian. It was impossible to tell the three apart by their names, so everyone just referred to them by their species.

"Oh, you know...the usual..." She said while half-laughing. Simon had learned over the years that when she lied, she laughed as she spoke. The Lying Laugh, he'd called it. "Go to the movies, eat out at a nice restaurant, go to a theme park on occasion..."

"Poor guys." Rox snickered. "They haven't got a prayer."

"Tell me about it." Simon said. "That's my sister." He admitted.

"Ouch." Rox said. "I feel sorry for you."

"So, uh, Brit..." The Bull Terrier asked. "You got any brothers or sisters?"

"I'm an only child." Brit laughed.

Simon scowled.


"Alright, class." Mrs. Bea, a young mouse he had for his Algebra 2 class. "All of this is review, so I'll let you do this worksheet by yourselves. At the end of class, turn it in, and if you have any problems, come see me."

Simon started doing all of the problems, halfway done within a few minutes. He heard some sort of noise of distress, however, and saw Jack next to him, looking like he didn't get something. Damn his instinct to help others understand what he already knew...

"You alright, Jack?" Simon asked.

"I don't understand this algebra stuff." He said, his ears swiveling some.

"Okay. What's the problem?" He asked, looking at it.

"Here." Jack showed him the problem. 3X plus 3 equals 12.

"Okay." Simon said. "Pretty basic. See this X here? We have to figure out what you could substitute in and make it true. It's basically asking what number times three plus three equals twelve."

"I know." Jack said. "But I don't know how to get there." He whined.

"Well...since there's only one number attached to a vari..." He was about to say, 'Variable,' but realized Jack probably didn't know what that meant. "Letter." He amended. "We don't do anything with this 3 here now. Since we're adding 3, what would you do to get rid of it?"

"Um..." Jack thought... "Subtract?"

"That's right." Simon wrote the steps out. "So now we subtract three from here to get rid of it, and anything you do to one side, you have to do to the other. So now we're left with 3X equals 9. Since we're left with nothing but the...letter-number, and that is basically multiplying, what would we do now?"

"Um..." Jack didn't look like he knew.

"The opposite of multiplication." Simon said.

"Division!" Jack said, excited now.

"Right. We divide both sides by 3. And we get...?"

"Three." Jack said, all smiles now.

"There's your answer. X is equal to three." Simon said, circling the answer.

Jack shook his head. "You make it seem so easy." He said. "I wish you were teaching this. Hey! I got an idea!" He beamed, "What if you became my...what's it called when you teach but you're not a teacher?"

"Tutoring?" Simon guessed.

"Yeah! You could be my tutor!" Jack said.

"I don't think- -" Simon started to say.

"I'll pay you ten dollars an hour." Jack blurted.

Simon looked at him. Money in his pocket was always good, but a job...?

"I'll think about it." Simon said. He didn't see Mrs. Bea watching him out of the corner of her eye with an approving smirk on her face.

Algebra was Simon's last class for the day...or at least it should have been if he wasn't still stuck in that damnable self-esteem class.

"Now," Mr. O'Brian started. "When we talk about ourselves, what are we talking about?"

'A whole bunch of people with low prospects for the rest of humanity.' Simon thought.

"Um...us?" Some kid with really dark glasses and bad acne asked.

"Very good, Kevin! When we're talking about ourselves, we're talking about us." He said as if it were a great revelation. It took every ounce of self-control Simon had not to slam his head into his desk - mostly from the fear that his hard head would break school property he'd have to pay for. It had already happened once when he was thirteen.

Tyler took out a piece of paper and drew. Just drew. He ended up with a picture of Mr. O'Brian under a guillotine by the end of the 30-minute class.

"Now, I want you each to go home and think of ten ways that the world would be a sadder place if you weren't in it." O'Brian said, dismissing class.

Simon and Rox walked down the street to their houses. "Listen, I know where you live." Simon said. "Mind if I come over to your house?"

"No, come right on over." Rox said.

"I gotta tell my dad where I'm going, but other than that, I'll be over in a little while." Simon said, walking to his house. "See you later."

Rox nodded as she continued down the street. Simon walked into the house, and saw his dad with his fox nose buried in some book. "Uh, dad?" He asked.

"Hey, Simon!" He said. "I was going through some bookshelves and found this old Chinese cookbook! Whatcha think we break it in tonight?" He asked

"Uh..." Simon looked off to the side. He decided to rely on his father's short attention span and changed the subject. "I'm going out. You mind?"

"Just be back by five." He said.

Simon turned right around and walked away. He knew where Rox's house was, so he started walking. In fifteen minutes he was there. The red brick house had two stories and some abstract lawn ornaments that looked like they belonged in a modern museum. If you want a description of these ornaments, look up any piece of modern art that involves suspended wonky triangles.

"Modern House magazine should do a spread." Simon muttered.

He rang the doorbell, and waited until the door was opened by a huge rabbit that was a bit taller than he with huge muscles, long ears, white fur, and long, black head-hair pulled into a braid. They wore a sleeveless shirt and jeans

"Hey." They said in a deep voice. "You're Simon, I assume?"

"This is where Rox lives, right?" He asked. This rabbit was too young to be her dad. "I didn't know she had a brother..."

"What are you talking about?" The white rabbit asked. "I'm a girl."

Simon stared in obvious shock, doing all he could not to let his jaw fall. THIS was Gayla!? The woman looked like a bouncer!

"Come on in!" She said. "Just make yourself comfy." She stepped aside, and Simon stepped into the front room. It was mostly dark blue with a staircase that obviously lead upstairs. "My brother will be down in a sec. HEY, ROCCO! GET DOWN HERE!" She yelled up the stairs.

"Uh...obviously, I'm in the wrong house. My friend is Roxanne Harris."

"Roxanne?" Gayla asked. "Is that what he said his name was?"

Before Simon could answer the huge rabbit man/woman, Rox walked down the stairs. "Hey, Simon!"

"So this is your friend, Rocco?" Gayla asked the smaller rabbit.

"That's him. Come on up, Simon." Rox said, starting up the stairs, but Simon looked at them in mute horror.

"You're a GUY!?" He shouted, one of the rare times he allowed inflection or emotion into his voice.

"That's right." Rox said.

"Well...why did you let me think you were a girl!?"

"I just told you my nickname was Rox. You came up with the rest on your own." He said. "But yes, I'm a guy, and I like wearing girl's clothes."

"My brother has a tendency of playing mind games with others." Gayla admitted.

Simon glared at his friend.

"Forgive me?" Rox said.

Simon sighed. "You owe me pizza." He said. "And snakes can eat a lot pizza."

"Fair enough." Rox said. "Come on up. I have junk food and a television in my room." Simon walked up the stairs and saw several paintings all over the house that were a little dizzying to look at.

"What do your parents do?" Simon asked.

"They're photographers. They take pictures of landscapes all over the world and place them in art shows." Rox explained.

Simon realized that he hadn't heard any activity yet or seen anyone besides Gayla. "Where are they?"

"Africa. I think." Rox said. "Some photo safari or another."

Simon stopped walking. "How often are they here?" He asked, getting an idea of what kind of house this was.

"About a week out of every month." Rox said. "I've got Gayla, though, so I'm happy. Any of my three brothers, though, I don't think I could stand to be near."

Simon walked into a room with a large bed, a television, bowls of salty snacks, and a workbench with a sewing machine, squares of cloth, and a shelf above it with several different hand puppets with different looks ranging from a nun to a grim reaper.

"You make all of those yourself?" He had to ask.

"Yep! My collection." Rox smiled at the puppets. "I'm pretty proud of those in particular. I sell others. I haven't thought of anything for a new one yet." He sat down on the bed. "So. You wanted to come over. Whatcha wanna do?"

"Right now I want to ask you about this whole cross-dressing thing." Simon admitted.

Rox sighed and leaned back. "Okay. Go ahead and ask away."

Simon thought carefully. "Are you gay or straight?" He asked, knowing most transvestites, statistically, fancied girls.

"I'm straight. I like girls." Rox said. "I just happen to like wearing girls clothes. They feel better to me." He shrugged. "Girls wear what they like and so do I."

"Have you ever had any girlfriends?" Simon asked.

Rox sat up. "Well, that depends. What's your definition of a girlfriend?"

"Someone you like more than a friend and like spending a considerable amount of time with, mostly with the acknowledgement on both sides that you both like each other more than friends." Simon said.

Rox titled his head in thought. "Uh...8." He said.

Simon looked at him incredulously.

"I had about eight girlfriends since I started high school. Mostly we bonded over our fashion sense, but I always ended the relationship because I thought we were better off friends. Girls don't usually take that phrase too well. They usually ended up slapping me." He laughed.

"O-kaaay..." Simon said, looking off in another direction. "Well, where'd the nickname Rox come from?"

"I think R-O-X just sounds better than Rocco or some nickname like Rocky. People have just called me that for as long as I can remember." Rox shrugged.

Simon half-nodded in understanding, looking around the room and seeing some DVDs in a rack. "What's in there?"

"I got a bunch of stuff." Rox said, going through them. "You ever see Nunsense?"

"No." Simon answered.

"Well, sit back." Rox said, putting the DVD in the player.

The movie was a play recorded for DVD about five nuns, who weren't really nuns obviously, putting on a show for a fund raiser. It all took place on the set of Grease because the nuns' eighth graders were putting on the show and they promised they wouldn't interfere with their handiwork. Simon was laughing pretty soon, not only at the humor but also at the sheer ridiculousness of the play.

After the introductory number, Reverend Mother and Sister Hubert, Second in Command and Mistress of the Novices, explained to the audience that there was a small disaster at their convent; their cook made some sort of soup and 52 of their sisters died of botulism. They all began praying for guidance and Reverend Mother had a vision of either Saint Catherine of Sienna or Saint Thomas Aquinas in drag. She was told to start a greeting card company to raise funds, and took the money and buried 48 of the 52 dead sisters. Then she bought a VCR and camcorder for the convent, and they had to put the last 4 sisters in the freezer. So they put on the show to raise money to bury those last four sisters before the health inspector showed.

It was hilarious, but the funniest character was a nun puppet named Sister Mary Annette. She was the opposite of the character who used her; the idiot of the group was very innocent and childish whereas the puppet was loud and crass. Simon couldn't help but look at the nun puppet on Rox's shelf.

"Let me guess what the inspiration for the puppet was." Simon said.

"I started ventriloquism because of this movie." Rox said.

Simon looked over at his friend. "Did I tell you that that Jack guy asked me to be his tutor?"

"That panther? Jack Daniels?" Rox asked.

Simon gave him a look. "That's his name?"

Rox nodded. "I shudder to think what state his parents were in when he was born."

Simon let out an amused snort. "Well, I'm not sure if I should take him up on his offer...ten bucks an hour doesn't sound bad if I limit myself to an hour maximum. I mean, class is an hour and a half, so I don't think I should go any longer than that."

"Knowing him, it'll probably take him that long to understand everything." Rox said. "I'll admit, he isn't as dumb as the cougar, but he's still not the sharpest pin in the voodoo doll. I say go for it. A couple of nights a week of pointing out mistakes, making someone feel stupid, and then correcting it all, ultimately displaying your higher level of intelligence."

"Hmm. When you put it that way..." Simon said. "Listen, as long as we're talking about higher levels of intelligence, how about we take that stupid test in that dumb self-esteem class and get the hell out?"

"Hmm...what would I do with my afternoons...?" Rox asked.

"Nunsense and pizza." Simon answered.

"I like the way you think." Rox smiled.


Simon ran the idea by his parents who, of course, loved the idea of their son getting involved with something other than a book. They would provide car rides for the snake, and would be back in about an hour. Simon was up in his room, thinking about when they should do this. Tuesday and Thursday would probably be best. That way he could monitor how Jack was doing with the lesson through the week. Ten dollars an hour, an hour a day after school, meaning $20 a week. That was pretty good for someone who couldn't even drive yet.

Deciding that he should at least give it a trial period, Simon got out of his Algebra class and went to speak to Jack.

"Uh, Jack?" He said, uncomfortably.

"Yeah?" The panther answered quickly.

"I thought about being your tutor, and I figured, 'What the hell.' As long as we can keep it to an hour each day." Simon said.

"Really!?" Jack beamed. "Thank you so much for this! I can't understand a thing in that class!" All they were doing so far was reviewing things from Algebra I, so Simon had to wonder just how the panther had gotten into Algebra II in the first place. "So you'll come over after school?"

"I have an extra class I got roped into. But it's only 30 minutes. I'll be at your house after that one gets out. But I still don't know where you live." Simon said.

Jack grabbed a pen and paper - which had pink gel ink, by the way - and wrote down his home address. "There ya go."

Simon looked at the pink writing for a moment, and did his absolute best not to call Jack a queen. "I gotta get to class. I'll see you in a while." He said, stuffing the paper away.

"See ya."

Simon and Rox had to wait the entire thirty minutes before they could actually say something to the teacher, Mr. O'Brian.

" 'scuse us." Rox said.

"Yes, um..." He looked at his seating chart. "Rocco?" He asked, confused.

"I prefer 'Rox.' R-O-X." He said.

"Well, what can I do for you?" The whippet smiled.

"Well, we were wondering if we could take the test early?" Rox said.

"Well...it is unorthodox...but I don't see why not." O'Brian took some papers out of his desk and handed then to the boys. "Here. You can take as long as you need. It isn't very long."

It certainly wasn't. It was a total of ten open-ended questions like 'The next time I start to feel bad about myself,' and then leave it blank. 'Think of people in worse-off positions as myself and realize it could always be worse.' Simon thought, though that probably wasn't the answer O'Brian was looking for.

It took the two boys five minutes to finish. "Faster than I expected. I guess I could grade them here." O'Brian said. He sat down and quickly graded them as Simon and Rox exchanged smirks.

"Well!" O'Brian said after three minutes total. "Perfect scores! I don't believe it! My teaching methods really work!"

"Oh, yeah." Simon said flatly. "The best."

"Well, I guess you've gotten everything you can out of this class." O'Brian said. "I'll file to excuse you two from the class."

"Thanks." Rox smirked. "That means a lot to us." He said as the two walked out of the classroom.

"About time. I think about a fifth of my brain cells died in there." Simon said. "I just hope they can survive tutoring Jack this afternoon."

"I'll see you tomorrow, then." Rox said, walking off.

Simon sighed. He walked home, and saw his dad. "Hey, dad. I need a ride over to Jack's place. It's on the other side of town."

"Alright, kiddo." Ron said. "Hey! I finally got the ingredients for that Chinese recipe I wanted to try out!" He said, grabbing his keys and heading out the door. Simon's stomach made a noise of protest.

As Simon sat in the car, having given his dad the address, he listened to his dad go on and on about how he was going to cook this dish which sounded like some sort of boiled chicken and vegetable stew with a lot of ginger to it. The more he went on, the queasier Simon got.

"Oh, look. Here we are." Simon said as they drove in front of a large house. Jack lived in a high-income village called Golden Grove, just to go with the golden theme the city of Dorado seemed to have. The house was huge and surrounded by large, shady trees. But then again, given they were in North Carolina, there were trees everywhere.

"I'll be back in an hour to pick you up, Simon." Ron said as Simon climbed out.

"See ya, dad." Simon said flatly, closing the door. He walked up the driveway, admiring for a moment the very well-kept lawn, and rang a doorbell. The door was answered by a lithe panther that couldn't have been five years older than Jack. In fact, Simon almost thought it was Jack, except for a white scar across the right side of his muzzle. "Uh...I'm looking for Jack Daniels?"

"Oh, you must be Simon." He turned around. "JACKIE! SIMON'S HERE!" He shouted. "Come on in!" He said cheerfully.

Simon stepped in, taking in the surprisingly nice foyer. It was decorated with large plants and had a dark green motif about it. Very calming. And his green scales blended right in.

"Hiya, Simon!" Said a cheerful voice. Simon didn't have to look to know it was Jack. "I see you met my stepdad, Aaron."

"Stepdad...?" Simon echoed, looking between the two. They looked almost identical.

"Yeah. Come on, I'll introduce you to my dad!" Jack said, walking off.

'Didn't he just do that...?' Simon thought, following him. He looked at the way the house was made out. At some point they came to a wood-covered office with a large lion at the desk in a suit.

"Simon, this is my father, Harvey." Jack said.

Simon looked at all three males in the room, confused. "Uh...I know that I'm supposed to be the smart guy, but...I'm a little confused here."

"I'll explain in my room." Jack said.

"It's good to meet you." Harvey said, standing and shaking Simon's hand. The huge lion nearly dropped the snake with his handshake. Simon had long ago named this the Compensation/Small-Dick-I've-Got-A-Big-Handshake. It took every fiber of his being not to blurt out, 'How small is your dick!?'

"Nice to meet you as well." Simon gritted out.

"We've tried tutors before, but nobody ever seemed to get through to Jack." Harvey said. "But since you're his friend, maybe this will work out differently."

"Uh..." Simon wanted to point out that they weren't friends, just classmates, but Jack interrupted him.

"Well, we might as well get started. I can't figure this problem out. The numbers are too big." He said, taking Simon by the arm and guiding him to his bedroom.

"Seems nice." Aaron said, walking inside the room.

"I just hope he can help Jack out. Then maybe he and that Glen character will finally get somewhere." Harvey said. Aaron snickered and rolled his eyes. "I would help him, but I don't know algebra from Adam."

Meanwhile, Jack pulled Simon into his room which, despite having a dark blue color scheme, looked almost exactly like a stereotypical teenage girl's room with posters of half-nude males - and some in jockstraps - strewn about the walls and a large, full-body, three-way mirror in a corner.

"Can I get you anything while you're here?" Jack asked, trying his hardest to be hospitable.

"That's alright." Simon said. "Care to explain how you have two dads?"

Jack sat down on his bed. "Well, you see...my mother died after giving birth to me. Some sort of...amnio...something...allergy, I think."

Simon remembered hearing about a very rare disorder that occurred as the baby was born. Amniotic fluid infiltrated the blood, got into the heart, and caused severe anaphylactic shock. There was a sixty-percent mortality rate.

"After that, my dad, Harvey, met Aaron, and they got married when I was...seven, I think...? But Aaron's been there for us as long as I can remember." Jack explained.

Simon nodded, looking at the school supplies in the floor. "You said you were having trouble?" He asked, trying to get out of this subject.

"Yeah. These numbers are so huge I don't know what to do with them." Jack said, showing him some problems he'd done himself. The work was good, but then it got to having numbers in fractions that had at least five digits in them.

"Okay. Let me show you some shortcuts." Simon said. For the next hour, Simon would show Jack how to do harder problems, and let Jack figure out how to do them on his own. Jack would take on the problems himself after he was done. Simon also did his own homework as Jack did his, just to get it out of the way.

Simon, however, had an odd question nagging at his brain: why would Jack's dad marry someone who looked so much like his own son? Maybe it was because he looked like his late wife instead?

Jack and Simon did their homework, ultimately finishing roughly 59 minutes later. Jack closed his books, and let out a loud, "Whew! My head feels tight from all that thinking..."

"Thinking too much isn't good for you." Simon said, trying his hardest to be nice of the person who was giving him $10. "Sometimes you gotta step back for a minute."

"Thanks again for this tutoring." Jack said. He stood and walked over to his dresser, reaching through some things and pulling out a large wad of money. He picked out ten dollars, ignoring Simon's interested eyebrow-raise, and handed the snake a crisp $10 bill.

"Thanks." Simon said blandly. A door closed and both boys heard talking downstairs. "Sounds like my dad's here."

Both walked downstairs and saw Harvey and Ron talking, Harvey with a smug grin and Ron wide-eyed with amazement.

"Simon! Why didn't you tell me that this was the house of Harvey Daniels?" Ron asked his son.

"I didn't know. Or care. Can we leave now?" Simon asked.

Ron laughed. "That's my son. Well, it was great meeting you." They shook hands, and Simon noticed his father wincing. "Take care!" Ron said, walking out, following his son.

"So who is Jack's dad?" Simon asked, getting in the car.

"He's the head of Marketing and Human Resources at a construction company in town!" Ron exclaimed as they went down the road. "Who knows, maybe he could use another marketing consultant on his payroll!"

Simon rolled his eyes, looking out the window, watching the bright greens of foliage blend as they sped to their home.


Jack stood in front of his three mirrors, looking at his half-naked body. He liked his body, but he was always shy about one particular part. Undressing in front of other guys was especially difficult. Thank god that the showers at Dorado High were so old and over-crusted with some sort of mineral that they couldn't be used.

Jack took off his pants, and took off the underwear he bought, specifically too tight for him to get hard. One thing about anthropomorphic males was that sometimes their genitalia would be more feral with a sheath confining their cocks. Other times, they would be more like a human's, all out all the time despite being differently shaped. Jack was the latter, and had had a hard time with it for the longest time.

Jack inspected his long, still-soft cock, starting out the same color as his skin and fur, but slowly becoming a deep red with barbs flat against the head. He'd always been self-conscious because of its size - the last time he'd measured it with a tape measure, it was a total of 13 inches. He wasn't totally surprised; he could put both paws completely around it, and the tip would still escape.

Jack looked at his reflection, thinking in mild amusement, about the fact that he, Jack, had only ever jacked off to anything rather than being able to practice anything.

He ran his paws gently and absently over his cock, just getting it hard for some much-needed masturbation. He avoided touching his head because the barbs were so sensitive that they actually hurt a bit. And it wasn't a sharp pain; it was more the kind of dull ache that made you feel queasy.

Jack flopped onto his bed, and looked up at the cougar picture he'd posted above his bed. This was strictly so that he could fantasize about his boyfriend. The picture was of the cougar in a jockstrap, a teasing look on his muzzle, and lightly clawing at the edge of his strap, as if about to take it off.

Glen and Jack had been together since eighth grade, and had known each other since fifth. Jack knew everything there was to know about Glen's body and could picture him nude in his mind easily. So he had no trouble conjuring this picture, forcing his cock to become harder almost instantly.

Glen, with the huge muscles he'd had no trouble seeing. Glen had readily taken off his jersey to show him his body. He imagined Glen looking at him and muttering, "Wanna fuck?"

The best part of his imagination was that Jack had come up with Glen's cock in his mind. A large one, perfectly proportionate to his huge body. Not like his gigantic cock that would rip anyone in half.

Jack scrunched his eyes shut and was forced to use both hands as he slid them up and down his enormous shaft. His perfect dream Glen could easily deepthroat his cock, though he knew that it was impossible. The barbs on his head would make it impossible; they would probably scrape the throat and scar it, let alone the sheer size and thickness of it.

Just the thought of Glen's warm and soft throat wrapped around his length only hardened Jack's unusually long erection. He kept his eyes closed as he imagined the heated, tight, moist tunnel moving up and down his long, hard shaft, the barbs not even bothering him in the least.

"Glen, I..." Jack subconsciously rolled over and pressed his hand between the bed and the shaft of his cock. This had always felt better for him. Instead of just rubbing his paws against his cock, he used his hand to push his cock back and forth between his legs.

"Glen...Glen..." He repeated, not realizing he was saying it out loud.

His imaginary partner completely deepthroated all 13 inches of him, his esophagus inflating as he did so, and Jack's body spasmed as he clenched his thighs together and squeezed his shaft hard, putting as much all-round pressure on his enormous cock as he could.

"Glen - I - AURGH!!" He shouted as cum shot from his cock, covering his inner thighs, his paw, and his bedsheets.

Jack's mind fuzzed in and out of awareness before he finally succumbed to the warm darkness of slumber.


Aaron smiled as he glanced up at the basement ceiling. Jack's voice carried pretty far. "Sounds like he's enjoying a night by himself." he said as he caressed the bullwhip in his hand. His skin-tight leather chaps made light noises as the material rubbed against itself, and his boots clunked heavily as he looked at Harvey. He was gagged, in the center of four support beams, with his wrists above his head so high that just the very tiptoes of his footpaws touched the floor.

"Maybe with Simon helping him, Jack can finally get somewhere with Glen." Aaron mused, coming around to look his husband in the eyes. The lion looked at him pleadingly and submissively. He wanted Aaron to keep playing with him.

"You know what?" Aaron said. "To this day, I'm sorry you screwed that whore that tried to get between us, babe." He gently caressed Harvey's muzzle. "But I was so happy to find out she croaked." He smiled as he slapped the lion hard.

"MMN!" Harvey let out as the chains rattled and he tried to get what there was of his footing back.

"But you know what?" Aaron said. Harvey let out a questioning growl. "If Jack came out of it, I'm happy that it happened in the long run. That boy's the bitch the two of us never could have made."

Aaron's eyes fell to the chastity lock around Harvey's already 3-and-a-half inch penis as he stroked his own 10-inch maleness. "How long has it been since I put that thing on you last? When was the last time you got hard?" Aaron asked. "Well. As hard as someone with a dick like yours can get?" Harvey clenched his eyes in shame. "Five months? Five and a half?" Aaron smirked. "You want me to let you out?"

Harvey looked back up at Aaron. The last time he'd given the wrong answer, Aaron nearly electrocuted his nuts to the point of being neutered. He shook his head 'no.'

Aaron raised an eyebrow. "You don't, babe?"

Harvey clenched his eyes shut and shook his head 'No' more vigorously.

"Okay, then." Aaron grinned. "Whatever my bitch wants." He went behind Harvey and discarded the whip as he looked at the welts on his back, both old and fresh. Aaron's hardened dick was ready for action.

"I want to hear your pretty voice." Aaron said as he took out the gag. He gave his mate a bit to let his muzzle become accustomed to being able to close again. Then he grabbed his well-developed hips. "Hope your ready."

Aaron thrust in, to the hilt, with no lubricant or anything. Harvey's ass had been taken so many times that now he didn't need it. "AAARRGGHH!!!" They both let out, but for totally different reasons.

"MM! Fuck yeah!" Aaron shouted. "God DAMN I love your dry ass!!" He pistoned his cock in and out of the ass he'd had control of for over 17 years now. "So fucking tight! How the fuck are you suck a goddamn whore and manage to stay so tight, bitch!?" He yelled.

Harvey shouted as much as he could with each thrust, knowing how much Aaron liked to hear him scream. "AH! AAGH! AAGH! FUCK! ME! PLEASE!" He begged.

Aaron growled as he re-angled himself, and brought the lion's ass harder down on his cock. "FUCK YEAH!!" He shouted. He was getting pretty close. He grabbed Harvey's mane and pulled his face back to his. "What the fuck are you!?"

"I'm your bitch!" Harvey screamed.

"LOUDER!" Aaron screamed.

"I'M YOUR FUCKING BITCH, AARON!!" He yelled louder.

"GRAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Aaron screamed, letting his cock pour as much hot seed as he could possibly spill into the lion's guts. His thrusts finally stopped with one final buck. "Ah...." He moaned. "Damn, that was good." Aaron said. He kissed the lion's cheek. "I love you. You know that, right?"

Harvey let a euphoric smile come to his muzzle. "Uh-huh...I love you too..."

Aaron smiled. "Don't let that cum spill out of your tight pussy." He threatened as he slowly took his cock out of Harvey's asshole. Not a drop came out. Aaron knelt down and put his muzzle into his crack. "Alright. Let it out." He said, opening his mouth up.

Harvey felt what felt like gallons of cum gush out of him and into Aaron's waiting mouth. He let out a moan of relief. Aaron didn't let a drop out of his muzzle, although he swallowed a bit. He stood and locked muzzles with Harvey, forcing his cum into his mouth as they both made out, locking tongues.

Harvey reveled in the taste on his tongue. Somehow, Jack tasted better after his cum had marinated in his man-cunt. Jack pulled away and they both swallowed. Jack smiled "God, I love you so much."

Harvey purred as he felt Aaron scratch his ears like a kitten.

Aaron undid the shackles, and Harvey fell to the floor, bracing himself on his hands. Aaron looked at him: a bit of cum dribbling from his ass and mouth, the proof of their playtime all over his back, and a total look of euphoria in his eyes.

Harvey had been born to be a whore.

With that happy thought in both felines' minds, Aaron helped the limping lion into a robe, and took off his boots and chaps as they both went upstairs to bed.


Jack had woken slightly, but only a bit. His hazy mind faded in and out before finally settling on the decision sleep was better than being awake.

Maybe one day, he'd tell his Dad and Father that that 'soundproof' they'd gotten installed just didn't work.