My Slave Family- Chapter 1

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#1 of My Slave Family (Completed)

When Humans become extinct because of their god beliefs, Animals rise and build a new society still hindered by slavery. Animals born with rare white fur are considered evil and bad luck. When a tigress gives birth to a white tiger their family sells him as a slave to get rid of him. This story follows the struggles and prejudice he has to face because of his fur color. Will he ever find a home or be a slave forever.......

Chapter One

"What You Must Know..."


Furry Sith Lord

If I want you to understand my story, I guess I should explain about my world. You may be reading this in the future and things could have changed dramatically. They say history is written by the victor but what history the next victor keeps may be different than what was. So before we discuss myself let's go back to what is most important. How the society I lived in was first established.

"We" live in a progressive society that one might think defies logic. Class roles separate us into predator and prey but yet we have found an easy way to coexist. Those that are prey live in their own special territories where they have been allowed to grow in numbers that outnumber us predators 2 to 1. Science and technology are studied, created and shared equally between all species. In a sense the goal is to better evolve ourselves beyond primitive anthropomorphic animal species.

We have evolved to the extent that many of us have become bipedal and while we can act on our natural instincts we can also suppress them in a more civilized manner. Language and communication were developed allowing us to better coexist. Species tend to live together with their own kind although that is not necessarily the rule. Such as you will find a large metropolis filled with deer but it is not out of place to find a few canines and felines walking about.

Nudity among us is not something we tend to be embarrassed about, but clothes and fashion were created and used as one's social status as well as protection. Let's say a male canine is walking down the street in only his fur, most would just disregard him as being insignificant having no real status or importance. Now if that male is wearing a tee shirt of his favorite sports team, jeans, and maybe sneakers although not too many wear foot covering since they hinder abilities somewhat. He would now be considered a regular fun loving guy that's into sports. I myself don't wear shoes because the claws on my feet help me climb.

Technology the prey have worked on bettering society and have given us cars, computers, and cell phones. We are not the simple minded animals that once ran around the forests trying to kill each other. living in caves and holes and forced to lick ourselves to stay clean. I mean you could lick yourself if you wanted to, but that's something the homeless do and besides nothing feels better than a shower or bath to clean the fur.

The only time I hated washing was when I was a cub but once my eyes opened and my mother taught me how to wash myself I found I enjoyed it. My litter mates and I soon challenged each other to see who could win our mother's approval the best. Being clean was one way! One of my siblings had a habit of pulling on his underwear and strutting around like he was the king of being clean. Sorry if I digress...

Those of us meat eaters, or predictors, usually live in smaller communities and are considered more violent and protectors. Most are not that interested in the whole science and knowledge thing the prey are into. Prey is probably not a fair word to call them but it seems better than brainiacs or not physically endowed. Besides everyone knows that predators make the best athletes!

Prey outnumber us predators for the simple fact that we cannot eat grass as they do. The trouble is that meat is sentient! By overpopulating the prey, when they die of natural causes their bodies are used to feed us predators. Great culinary experiences have been made to honor our fallen prey brothers, as their sacrifice helps feed us. By arranging such culinary masterpieces we both get fed delicious meals and honor them when they pass. This creates harmony between us and let's face it it's tastier than running around naked eating their raw dead bodies. When I think of such things the word, Yuck, comes to mind.

No society is perfect, or so they say, and we still have our dark side! Slavery is common no matter where you live and slaves are easily recognized by the manner of clothes they wear. Slaves have better standing than the homeless, which are nothing but filthy, begging, self lickers. Many people wonder why they don't sell themselves into slavery because being a slave is better than what they are. Of course since I've been a slave on a number of occasions, I can understand why one would not want to be one. We'll get to that later on, right now there are more important things you need to know.

The event that started our enlightenment was what we call "The Great Animal War." Up until that time animals were separated by species and they tended to only be among their own kind. My kind would run around naked and hunt prey then eat their disgusting raw flesh. The Alpha Males would lead and try and keep the groups together and organized. I should not shame them too much because we were not as smart as we are today.

The best science has come to understand is that there were around 130 different species but the Great Animal War reduced the number to around 108. There were others that became extinct in the long history before the war but it was the war that greatly limited the species into what we have today. Had the war not occurred there is no telling what might have happened or how our world might have changed.

The catalyst that started everything in motion was when the once hairless apes imagined their alpha male to be something extraordinary. Rumors spread that they were saying their alpha male was going to be the alpha male and pack leader of all species. This at first seemed nonsense because the hairless ones seemed destined to die because they lacked fur. Slow as time progressed and the rumors spread this caused panic to spread. They were not technologically advanced in any way but their alphas were stirring up their shrewdnesses and this caused the alphas and pack leaders to rise up.

One of the hairless alphas stole a kill from a predator and as he bragged that his alpha named "Gawd" gave him the power to do so a spark was ignited and soon the fighting that broke out spread. The saving grace or biggest flaw was that the hairless were not united and their separate shrewdnesses were easy pickings. The hairless were the first to become extinct as their all powerful alpha Gawd was nowhere to be found.

The battle left food to become a precious commodity and soon species fought for their survival. While the prey fought brilliantly the predators had the advantage of being able to eat the ones they killed but the grass and vegetation the prey needed were wiped out from the battles fought. The prey were the first to surrender and the ones who did were able to avoid extinction but the predators still fought for control to see who would be able to survive with the diminished prey that remained.

The greedy and the violent pushed themselves too hard and many were wiped out but those that stepped back from the fighting were better able to fortify themselves and they stood back as the 130 became the 108. The war left ripples across history that would have lasting effects and some are still experienced today.

The remaining predators, the ones willing to end the violence and restore harmony to the balance of nature, came together with their prey slaves. The alphas formed an animal council that contained a member from every remaining species. It was decided that the slaves would be freed in that they form their own cities and their dead would provide food for the predators. Any that opposed the council or threatened the balance would become slaves as a way to prevent the delicate peace that was achieved, from being shattered.

Time flows like a river and the dirt covering the stones gets washed away! It was difficult at first especially since the prey still felt as slaves as they worked and toiled only to wait until they passed and became food but when the newer generations were born they brought a new hope and understanding to the world. Without the need to hunt both predator and prey were able to come together in new ways. In time our society became what it is today.

The one thing we could never get rid of is slavery. It was once used to control the dangerous and keep the peace between species but it soon grew to the extent we have today. Special collars were created to make sure the slaves behaved themselves. Once there was honor between animals and if a slave gave their word they would keep it. The more enlightened we became the more sound found the system of honor to be antiquated.

The prey scientists developed obedience collars that forced whoever wore one to obey their masters. Certain colors meant that the slave was affected in certain ways. A red collar would force the slave to obey who ever placed the collar on them. A blue collar though not the same as a red collar was more to keep the animal in chastity. Certain animals would lash out and become sexual predators that needed to be kept in check to protect mostly the women and cubs from sex crazed lunatics. Even the prey had those that needed blue collars to keep them in line.

Next came purple collars which as you might have guessed was a combination of the red and blue. This came about from certain masters not wanting their slaves to enjoy mating for certain reasons. Unfortunately as I have learned the hard way there are really nice masters and really mean ones.

As I mentioned as newer generations were born the cubs that were growing found the idea of collars to be both interesting and fashionable. A young cub that was a virgin started to wear yellow collars and it signified they were, or would be, looking for a mate. With the growing need to repopulate after the war this was highly encouraged although today you never see anyone wearing yellow. Once a mate was chosen the couple would wear green collars which were the yellow and blue mixed in. This seemed ideal because once a couple had their wrists tied together the green collars prevented cheating. Once a couple decided to be bonded together in which they would become husband and wife or mom and dad, unless they were both male or female.

Once a couple decided to forsake all others and only be with each other then their alphas would have them join paws and tie them together as an act of love. They would be untied later but the ceremony was just to give a lasting effect on the couple. The very idea of having the cords cut divorcing the couple is almost unthinkable.

There are other colors for collars but most other than the red, blue, purple, and black are all that remain today. Black is used when an animal becomes rabid. It leaves the poor things in a trance-like state and they are taken to a special veterinary clinic where they are studied in hopes to one day find a cure.

The fashion of wearing collars made people more interested in ways to boost one's status. When young cubs were taught about the hairless ones and the Great Animal War what information we had about the hairless was taught as well. One thing the cubs learned was that they wore animal skins because they could not grow their own fur. The idea that some sort of covering could be used to indicate status sparked the beginning of fashion.

The prey soon found ways to make clothing from materials of plants and slowly as we became more enlightened, so did our clothing. Shirts, pants, hats, socks, underwear, and shoes were created. The only ones not allowed clothing were the slaves. It was decided that they not wear clothes because they might be confused as being a free animal and someone might help them escape. Simply because their clothes may cover their collar. This is the rule mostly for red and purple collars.

Male slaves wear only a loincloth with the name of their master imprinted on it. Maybe so they can be returned if they get lost or they can wear the name of their master with pride. Females just have a ragged one piece that covers their nips and bottom. The master's name is also imprinted on it. Like I said there are some masters that are really nice and they let their slaves wear regular clothes with their collars.

Other than slavery, life seems pretty good except for one last thing! There is a legend that has haunted me my whole life. I'm not sure how it got started, maybe a tale from the Great Animal War, but the story was turned into a book and for some reason people think that the story is true.

It happens rarely but certain animals are born a different color than the rest. Most commonly they have white fur where their fur should be orange or black or some other color. The legend tells that once the rare white animals were unbeatable during the Great Animal War. In the book the story predicts a time when a great evil will try and destroy everything. The rare white animals will join together and fight this evil to save the world. The battle is said to be savage and many innocent animals will lose their lives. It is even hinted that the 108 species will greatly go down in number.

This fear has made it that anyone born having the rare white fur becomes an outcast, if not killed, to prevent the prophecy from coming true. I was one of the unfortunate to be born with rare white fur. My fur color has taken everything from me and been my greatest blessing and my greatest curse!

I can only remember a few things from being a newborn cub. I am a white Bengal tiger and my black stripes are very pronounced. From the little I remember only my sister had stripes that looked slightly faded on her baby fur. I remember I had a mother and I maybe saw my father once or twice. I mostly remember my mother loved me and I had three brothers and a sister. I was the only one born with white fur and they used to look at me funny, they looked at me like I was deformed. I can't remember what they looked like and even if I met them on the street, I'd never recognize them. If I had to be honest they were never really my family. I've been unusual all my life so it should surprise no one that I have an unusual family.

I remember my older brother showing off his big boy underwear when we first learned to wash ourselves in the tub. But mostly I remember us roughhousing to prove to mom who was the best. My biological father was never around but the few times he did arrive we were all scared of him. I remember the others telling stories that they were not scared but they were not fooling me. I saw the way they tried to hide like I did.

The next time I saw him, my life changed forever! From that point on, I would learn what it was like to live in the real world...

"Tyger," My father said gruffly and I sat at attention afraid to even look at him. I heard jeering from the others but they spoke in hushed tones. My mother was gathering up the others and seemed to be avoiding me for some reason. I thought for sure he was going to punish me but I had no idea what I had done.

"Come." He said and I followed behind him cautiously not sure when he was going to spank me for being bad. I'm not sure how long it took for me to work up the courage to ask him what was going on. Seconds seemed to last for an eternity but eventually I decided to ask my question.

"Dad?... where are we going?" I heard my voice sound like a timid squeak but I was more afraid he was going to be mad at me.

"Hunting." He finally said after a long pause and at first I wondered if he had even heard me. We went the rest of the way in silence as I kept wondering what to say if anything. Even though I knew him as my biological father I really knew nothing about him. I lived only with my mother and siblings so he was almost a complete stranger that scared the stripes off us cubs.

After walking what seemed like forever we came upon a large silver pick up truck that had a row of a dozen cages hitched up to the rear of it. four of them were occupied with men that wore red collars and only a strip of cloth to cover their private bits. It made me think of underwear but I had never seen underwear like that before. The underwear I wear is white briefs that had an opening in the front and back of them. The front was so you could stick your private bit out and go to the bathroom, without taking them off, while the one in the back was so that your tail could stick out and not be squashed by your clothes. The slaves only wore their collars and loincloths, as I later learned they were called, as they sadly sat inside the cages.

A marble colored fox walked up to my father and he was twirling a red collar on the index finger of his right hand. I tried to hide behind my dad but he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pulled me to his side. I was absolutely helpless and could not resist because something about the gesture left me weak and helpless. I tried to look at him but he seemed to be focussed on the approaching fox.

"What have we here?" the fox replied then when he was close he looked down at me and his expression changed. At first he seemed curious but then he quickly squinted and his expression became that of disgust. I tried to mew but without looking at me my father gave me a violent shake and this quickly silenced me.

"A white tiger?! You can't be serious!" the fox sneered as his gaze returned to looking at my father. The whole time my father never once took his eyes off the fox. He watched as if he was suspecting a surprise attack or for the foix to do something sneaky.

"Do we have a deal?" my father asked sternly and I was surprised that the fox showed no sign of fear.

"Not at that price, I don't care how rare his fur is he'll never sell. No one wants a creature like that. I'm surprised he wasn't drowned at birth." the fox replied.

"I would have had his... mother," my father said with a look of disgust on his face as he said the word. "stopped me. She felt killing one like him would bring a curse on our family. I finally convinced her this was the best thing to do."

"So you stick him with me?! Like I said no one will buy him. I'm losing out here because I'll have him for the rest of his miserable life." the fox retorted.

"Don't give me that! I'm sure some strange collector will want him and if nothing else sell him as rabid. The vets would pay a pretty penny to buy a creature like him to experiment on." the one I once called father replied.

"I'll give you 75% of the original price we agreed on. Not a penny more! Be glad I'm still going through with this. Had I known it was a white one you were selling I would never have agreed to this." the fox said and though he showed his fangs he nodded in agreement and released the scruff of my neck. The fox quickly put the red collar around my neck and sealed it then withdrew his hand as if I were a snake about to bite him. He reached into his pocket and took out some money and gave it to the adult tiger.

The adult quickly turned and walked away without saying a single word to me or even looking at me. I wanted to turn and go after him but something was preventing me from moving. no matter what I tried I could not move as if I was still being scruffed. I could feel tears forming in my eyes but I could do nothing, not even attempt to wipe them away.

"Unpleasant creature that one. I can only hope something pleasant like... him falling off a cliff or something... is in his future." the fox remarked then he turned and looked at me as I stood there crying silently. He bent down and I could feel his hands roughly grip my shoulders.

"Now slave," he said to me and he pressed his thumb against the front buckle of the collar I now wore. "You will obey me, understand?" he asked and I felt a slight release and I just knew I could answer now.

"Understand!" he repeated and angrily raised his voice as I stood there scared of what was happening to me.

"...yes." I finally managed to say with my weak voice. I was trying to force the words out while not sobbing like a baby. I tried to look in the direction the adult tiger had gone but the tears made it hard to see. The only thing I knew for certain was that he was gone.

"Yes, what?" the fox said angrily and sighed as I looked at him in confusion. I knew he wanted me to say something but I had no idea what I was supposed to say.

"You say yes master! I am your master now." the fox said and I was hoping this was a nightmare and I'd wake up at any time to find myself surrounded by my litter mates again.

"Leave him alone! Can't you see he's just a cub? He's scared and crying and has no idea what's going on. He's never been a slave before and doesn't know how to behave." a slave from one of the cages yelled at the fox who turned and sneered at him. I was able to wipe my eyes and I saw that the one who spoke up for me was a grey wolf but he had one eye hollowed out and no eye patch to cover it.

"Mind your own business!" the fox shouted back at him and the wolf glared with his remaining eye. "Guess we gotta teach you the hard way." he turned and said to me and I felt his paw touch me under my chin and his claws softly scratched my fur.

"Now slave it's time you dress as a slave. Take off all your clothes." he said to me with an evil smile on his face. I looked at the wolf to see if he was going to say anything but he merely averted his gaze. I felt the fox tap my chin with his claw impatiently and I obeyed his command.

As I mentioned nudity is not a bad thing and normally if I stripped down to my fur it would be meaningless but when I felt the eyes of the fox watching me to see if I was going to be obedient I felt embarrassed. It was like he was mocking me silently and that I had no way to cover myself. I later learned that this is normally done to enforce that the slave has lost their freedom and status. Everything about my life up until now was being stripped away from me and as I stood there in only my fur, waiting for what was to be done to me next, tears began to fill my eyes again.

"Enough of that!" my master yelled and curled his paw into a fist and struck my face. I fell onto my back end and sat there stunned then something dripped out of my nose. I used my paw to wipe it then I noticed it was red colored. Blood from my nose now dirtied my paw. The wolf tried to stand though his cage made it difficult for him to be on two legs but he yelled at our master and although I heard it; it did not seem to register in my mind.

Master walked away and when he returned he tossed a cub size loincloth at me. I examined it but it was just a long strip of a dirty brown color. It also smelled like it hadn't been washed in a while. I looked at the wolf and he began to explain how to put it on and gestured while he kneeled down to help show me. He smiled nodding with his one eye beaming with pride.

Master had wandered off during this and he returned with a set of keys in his hand. I was led to the cage next to the wolf and locked inside it.

"You can train him on how to be a proper slave... unless you want me to do it." Master mocked and the wolf merely glared at him again. "One last thing doggie boy, you keep your paws off unless you want to be wearing a purple collar. Understand?!!" Master jeered at him and the wolf merely spat at the ground in front of the fox. Master howled in laughter as he walked away leaving the two of us alone in our cages.

"Don't worry kid, I won't let anything happen to you. Stick close and do what I do and you'll get through this." he said to me. I made a noise and collected the spit I could gather in my mouth and spat on the ground outside my cage. The wolf laughed and reached in to mess up the fur on my head...

To Be Continued...