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Hunter groaned as he collapsed onto the couch. School was quite possibly one of the worst things the world had ever invented and high school was the absolute worst. He was certain that he would fail every class this quarter. He heard approaching paws and tried to perk up, knowing that that was his mom and little brother. Just as the thought crossed his mind, Dakoda burst into the room.

"Hunter!" He yelled, charging forward as fast as his three-year-old legs could carry him, the thick Pampers diaper giving him a distinct waddle.

"Hey, squirt." Hunter said, scooping the kitten up and bouncing him on his knee. The kitten giggled as he bounced up and down on the lion's knee. However, he turned sober as Hunter stopped.

"What's wrong?" He asked, as concerned as a three year old could be. Hunter sighed.

"Nothing. You just don't know how easy you've got it. You just have to worry about soggy Pampers." Hunter scoffed.

"Momma's gonna potty train me tomorrow!" He announced. "I'm a big boy and big boys don't wear diapers."

"Really?" Hunter said in mock surprise. "Are you a big boy?" Their mother walked in, a middle-aged lioness who had kept her youthful beauty.

"Yep. He's starting potty training tomorrow." Hunter whistled, his eyes wide with mock impression.

"Are you excited?" The cub nodded enthusiastically. Hunter smiled.

"I wish that was all I had to worry about." He muttered. "I've got a biology test tomorrow." He sighed dramatically. "I suppose I should be studying for that." His mother nodded.

"Yes, you should be. You don't want to be stuck in summer school again this year, do you?" Hunter shook his head and headed upstairs to his room to begin studying. School was just ridiculously difficult lately and Hunter secretly wished that he could somehow escape it all, but he knew that that would never happen. He scoffed at the thought and returned to focusing on his studies best he was able. His first interruption was for dinner and then a second interruption came about an hour later.

The knock on his door came from a tiny paw. He knew this as it was very low on the door and very quiet. He opened the door and there stood Dakoda, dressed in his pajamas for bed, a thick bulge evidence of his diapered state.

"Yes?" Dakoda grinned.

"Can I have a g'night hug, big brother?" Hunter sighed. He really should be studying, but a hug wouldn't take that long, right? He got down on his knees and let the kitten hug him. His tiny arms hardly wrapped around the lion, which he found immensely adorable. "Thanks!" The cub said, waddling down the hall. Hunter smiled for some unknown reason as he shut the door.

"I could get a few more hours of studying in, I would think." He muttered, returning to his desk. The next few hours flew by as the lion tried to absorb every bit of information that he could.

It was around eleven when he leaned back and yawned, running his paws through his mane. He glanced at the clock and groaned, standing up and walking over to his bed, stripping off his jeans and t-shirt along the way. He climbed under the covers and turned out the light. Within minutes, he was asleep.

Hunter was running down a long hallway, lit by bright florescent lights that hurt his eyes. He glanced back and forth, trying desperately to find a door, any door. He knew he was looking for something. Or maybe someone. He was shocked to realize that he was unable to even remember what he sought. He abruptly came to a plain black door with no label. He instinctively knew that behind this door was the target of his search. He reached down for the knob, but it melted into water in his paw.

"What?" He wondered aloud. This was the first thing that struck him as being out of the ordinary. He kicked the door in frustration. "I need to get through!" He yelled. The door smoothly swung open as if it had been waiting for his frustration. Shrugging, he stepped in and suddenly began to fall.

"Wake up, Dakoda! You're having a nightmare!" Hunter recognized his mother's voice, but felt disoriented. His arms and legs felt different from normal and there was a strange wetness localized around his crotch. He opened his eyes and saw his mother towering over him. This couldn't be right! He thought, yet a part of his mind told him that it was right. He looked back up at her. Yes, part of this felt right, as did the bars around his bed. His mother noticed his confusion. "I guess mommy's little kitten is having trouble waking up." She reached in and scooped Hunter up, cradling him in her arms, gently rocking him back and forth. "Momma's here." She crooned repeatedly. Hunter was too busy staring at the soggy Pampers taped around his waist. What was going on? If he didn't know any better, he would have sworn that he was-

"Hey mom, how's the little squirt?" Hunter nearly exploded when he saw himself walk in, fully clothed. The Hunter that wasn't Hunter reached out and tickled him under his chin.

"He had a bad dream." She said. "Since he's up, I'd better change him." The other Hunter shook his head, taking Hunter from his mother.

"I can do it, mom." He looked directly at Hunter with a look of cruel joy. "After all, what's a big brother for?" He turned and watched their mother leave before he returned his attention to Hunter. "So, what do you think of your new body?"

"Y-you did this?" Dakoda laughed.

"No, no little cub. I've been awake for nearly an hour now, so I've gotten used to all the things your body has." He smiled deviously as though he were recalling something. Hunter glared at him.

"What do you mean?" Dakoda shook his head.

"Some of them aren't for little cubs' ears." He said. "Your memories tell me that." He noticed Hunter's confusion. "Oh, you haven't noticed? Our bodies appear to have retained most of our memories. I know everything that you know and you know the little that I do." Hunter soon realized that Dakoda was telling the truth. He lay Hunter down on the changing table. "Time to change my baby brother's diapee." The sound of the diaper tapes echoed through the nursery as Dakoda stared down at the cub before him. "It feels so much better being on this side of the diaper change." Hunter growled, which was less than intimidating coming from his new tiny body.

"Don't get used to it." Dakoda laughed.

"Are you going to switch us back? How will you manage that?" He tickled Hunter's bare belly. "You're just a little cubby in diapers!" He peeled back the front of the diaper and chuckled. "Ah! What a cute little weewee!" He said scornfully. Hunter scowled.

"It's yours, you know." Dakoda shook his head, his mane flowing back and forth.

"Not anymore." He took a step back and unzipped his jeans. He pulled down his boxers, releasing a familiar sight to Hunter. "This is my cock now. Look how impressive it is compared to that little twig of yours!" Dakoda tucked his cock back into his boxers and set to cleaning Hunter up for a new diaper. "Don't worry. You'll have fun. I had it easy, remember? You get to have it easy now." He tossed the used diaper into the diaper pail and reached under the changing table. "I think it's a day for Luvs." He said, holding up the diaper. Hunter blushed. He wanted nothing less than to wear a diaper, but he knew that he couldn't avoid it. Dakoda lifted his legs up, slipping the crinkly diaper under Hunter's bottom. "Little cubby powder." He said, sprinkling it on Hunter's diaper area. "And now the moment of truth." He lifted the diaper front up, taping it snugly around Hunter's waist. He inspected around the leg holes and waistband of the diaper, making sure that Hunter's tail wasn't pinched by the diaper. "Guess you're all set for your big day!" Dakoda said, scooping Hunter up and patting his crinkly rump. "Let's go ask mommy to get you some breakfast, hmm?"

He carried Hunter downstairs while Hunter silently prayed to wake up from what was surely nothing more than a horrible nightmare.

"There's my kitten!" Hunter's mom exclaimed cheerfully, taking Hunter from his brother. "Are you ready for potty training?" Hunter realized that it wasn't all bad.

That's right! Dakoda is supposed to start potty training today! At least I won't have to use this diaper! How hard is it for a grown lion like me to hold off peeing for a few hours? He noticed that his mom was clearly awaiting an answer, so he quickly spoke. "Yes, mommy." He said, trying his best to sound as aloof as Dakoda usually sounded. The lioness smiled and carried Hunter over to the booster seat that he had seen Dakoda sit in countless times. Dakoda in his body is already sitting across the table from where their mom was placing Hunter.

"Mommy will be right back with breakfast." She said, kissing Hunter on his forehead and ruffling his headfur. She returns a moment later with pancakes cut up into small pieces. "Here you go, sweetie."She places a larger plate in front of Dakoda and he began to wolf it down. She sits down and watches her sons eat for a moment before she speaks. "Okay, Dakoda, here's how it's going to work." It took Hunter a moment to realize that she was talking to him.

"How what'll work?"

"Potty training of course!" His mom said with a laugh. He blushed. Of course, that's what she meant. He had to stay on the ball more.

"Okay." He said.

"Basically, you'll stay in diapers, but you should try really hard not to use them, okay?" He nodded, so she continued. "Every once in a while, mommy will take you into the bathroom for potty time on your new training potty. You'll have fifteen minutes to go and then it's back into diapers. Make it all day and you get a star on your potty training chart. Accidents get you a raindrop. Make it five stars and you'll get to wear big boy undies! Yay!" Hunter tried to be as excited as his mom was, but he was too busy thinking about how easy this would be. "In fact, once you're done eating, it'll be the first potty time. Okay?" Hunter nodded. It would be nice not to have to wait two hours to use the toilet.

"Okay, mommy." He said, trying to play up the little kitten act as much as possible. Dakoda smiled as he stood up, winking at Hunter.

"Well, I've got a big test today, so I better get going." He walked over and kissed his mom on the cheek. "Good luck with the potty training, squirt!" He said, winking at Hunter again.

"Have a good day!" His mom said as Dakoda left.

Come back with my body! Hunter thought grumpily, knowing that there was no point in thinking it.

"It's just you and me for the day!" His mom said, tousling his headfur. Hunter grinned in spite of himself. He was beginning to enjoy all of the attention that he was getting, even if he had to go to some unorthodox means to get it. "Let's go have potty time!" She picked him up and laid the cub against her shoulder, her paw supporting his diapered rump. She carried him into the bathroom, where Hunter noticed a blue plastic training potty set up next to the toilet. She set him down by the potty and pulled his diaper down. "Go ahead and sit, sweetie." She said. He did, marveling at how his paws barely touched the floor even as he sat on the low training potty.

I'm tiny! He thought. He puzzled over this for a few moments, realizing that he was still struggling to cope with his new body.

"You have fifteen minutes, kitten." His mom said, standing over him. He knew that he wanted to pee, but it was hard with his mom watching him so closely.

"Can you turn around, mommy?" He asked quietly. His mom smiled.

"Just relax and it'll come, sweetie." She said, gently touching his small shoulder. Hunter tried, but he had stage fright of all things. She expected him to perform but he just couldn't bring himself to do it while being watched! The fifteen minutes elapsed in a heartbeat and his mom kneeled down and pulled his diaper back up. "Don't worry, sweetie. We'll try again in a little bit." She took him by the paw and led him into the living room. "You can watch Barney while mommy gets a few things done, okay?" Hunter nodded, even though he wasn't too thrilled about the prospect. She set him down on the floor and went over to turn on the tv.

Lucky me. Hunter thought. It's just starting. The cheerful theme washed over him like a wave and, in spite of himself, he was quickly drawn in and singing along. His mom smiled and slipped out of the room unnoticed to do the dishes and clean up in a few other places. She had had some reservations about starting Dakoda on potty training, but she had talked herself through her hesitation into admitting that Hunter had started potty training at the same age. Dakoda was ready; it just always went a little roughly at the beginning. She sighed and focused on her daily tasks.

Hunter stared up at the screen, trying to peel himself away. His adolescent mind told him repeatedly that he shouldn't be so enthralled by the simplistic show, but he was hooked by it somehow. It was only when Barney ended that he was able to tear himself away. He looked around the room and had soon spied a large toy car next to a pile of blocks. He stood up and waddled over to the toys, his Luvs crinkling loudly with each toddling step.

"Even walking's more work." He muttered, plopping down by the toys. He marveled at how soft his landing had been, thanks to the padding on his bottom. He picked up the car and studied it before a devious idea came to mind. Smiling evilly, he began to build a precarious tower of blocks, standing up to build it as tall as he could. Once he was satisfied with its height, he took a few steps back and sat down with the car. "Three, two, one," he shoved the car forward with all his toddler might. "Boom!" He yelled as the car crashed magnificently into the tower of blocks, causing it to plummet to the floor in a magnificent cacophony of sound. His mother came dashing in.

"What on earth was that?" She asked.

"I made the tower of blocks fall." Hunter replied simply. She smiled.

"Of course. What a silly kitten I have!" She came over and hugged him tight.

"Mommy!" Hunter said with a giggle. "That's too tight!" Just as he said it, he felt a familiar pressure in his bladder. He could only gasp before his bladder released and his diaper grew warm. He felt tears fill his eyes. He had just wet himself like a little kitten! He was supposed to be able to hold it!

"It's okay, kitten. It's only the first day." She said, hugging him tightly. "So what if you get a raindrop? We'll try again tomorrow." Hunter nodded.

"Okay." He said, deeply disappointed in himself. "Can you change me?" His mom shook her head.

"You hardly wet. It'd be a waste to change you now." Hunter sighed as his mother left him to play some more. He decided to rebuild his tower, but this time, not to destroy it. He takes a bit more time, using as much reasoning as he can to make it as supported as possible. However, the three year old parts of his mind wanted nothing more than to knock it over again. He eventually came to a compromise, driving the car around the tower as though he were in a big city. This kept him entertained for a while before his mom came in to check up on him.

"How's my little guy?"

"Good." He replied, not really liking the interruption.

"Well, it's potty time, so let's go see if we can't conquer that potty, hmm?" He wiggled around as his mother picked him up and transported him to the bathroom where he soon found himself sitting on the plastic potty again. His mom stood over him, watching him closely. He stared up at her, uncomfortable with the whole situation. "Come on, Dakoda! Try really, really hard for mommy!" Hunter sighed inwardly and did exactly that, focusing every fiber of his being on peeing into the toilet.

It's like I've got reverse potty training! Hunter thought. I can wet my pants, but I can't pee in a toilet! Just when he thought the fifteen minutes had elapsed, he heard a tiny trickle hit the plastic bowl. His face lit up.

"I did it!" He exclaimed, genuinely surprised and excited by it.

"Good job, Dakoda!" His mom said, hugging him. She had him stand up and she resituated the diaper around his waist. He looked down at the plastic around his waist. He had done it, but nothing had changed. Barney smiled up at him from his diaper. He was just a little kitten.

Why did this happen? That's even more important than how right now. He thought glumly as his mother led him back to the living room.

"Mommy's going to go make some lunch for her big boy, okay?" Hunter nodded. He was still thrilled that he had managed to pee in the potty like a big boy, even though he knew that he, being seventeen, should not be thrilled by this. After all, he had peed in the potty every day for at least fourteen years! He shook his head. It was strange to have the thoughts of a three year old randomly insert themselves into his own thoughts. To his three year old mind, being proud of peeing in the potty was just as natural as wanting to crash toy cars into block towers.

He was just about to make some modifications to his block tower when his mother came in and picked him up, checking his diaper. "Mommy made your favorite, peanut butter and jelly!" She sat him down in front of the sandwich that was cut in four. Hunter despised grape jelly, but it was Dakoda's favorite, so he was at an impasse. His body told him he was hungry, but he hated even the texture of grape jelly in his mouth. His mother sat next to him, watching and probably wondering why he wasn't devouring the sandwich like a ravenous feral. He picked up one of the pieces and took a small bite, preparing himself for the worst.

He was surprised to discover that to his new body's taste buds, the sandwich was quite possibly the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. His pace quickly increasing dramatically and he had soon inhaled the entire sandwich, as well as downed the sippy cup of apple juice.

"What a big boy mommy has!" The lioness exclaimed cheerfully. "Now that you have a full tummy, it's time for a nap." She wiped Hunter's face off and then took him upstairs and into Dakoda's room.

This is where I woke up. Hunter realized. Maybe we'll switch back once I fall asleep! His mother lay him down in the crib, handing him Dakoda's favorite stuffed animal: a little stuffed fox Dakoda had named Kit. He hugged it to his chest, more for image than for actual necessity. His mother smiled and kissed him on the forehead before gently closing the door. Hunter closed his eyes, his thumb finding its way into his mouth. He soon fell asleep.

Did it work? Is everything back to normal? His eyes flew open. He was still in Dakoda's room. Guess not. He glanced down at the soggy Luvs between his legs. Definitely not. He sighed, upset that his idea had proven incorrect. His mother walked in.

"Oh, my kitten's already awake!" His mom said with a smile. Hunter nodded and reached out for his mom to pick him up. "Let's get you changed." She carried him over to the changing table. "How about a nice dry Huggies, hmm?" She removed his diaper, wiping him off. "At least you're not messy." She lifted his legs and slipped the new Huggies under his bottom, powdering him and taping it around his waist. "There we go! Try and hold it for about an hour when your next potty time will be, okay?" Hunter nodded, confident in his abilities to do just that.

His mother carried him downstairs, but hesitated outside the living room. She turned and headed toward the back door.

"Where are we going mommy?"

"Just out to the backyard. It's a beautiful day so I thought my kitten could play in the sandbox." She sat him down in the sandbox and tousled his headfur. "You play nice until mommy comes back, okay?" Hunter nodded, already shoveling sand into a castle tower mold. He began to build walls between the towers until he had a fairly decent sand castle. He moved around it, trying to see it from every angle. It looked perfect, but he felt as though there was something more to be done with the sculpture. He shrugged. It was probably just his imagination.

A few clouds were appearing in the sky and covering the sun. Hunter shivered as it cooled down considerably. His mom came out a moment later.

"Uh-oh! Looks like rain." She scooped Hunter up and took him inside, setting him down on the couch. "Dakoda should be home soon, so let's just wait for him." She held Hunter on her lap and watched out the window for her elder son to return from his day at high school as rain began to fall from the clouds. It was only a few minutes before they spy the teenage lion come dashing up the walk, trying desperately to avoid getting wet.

"Wow! It's raining a bit out there." Dakoda said cheerfully. His mom smiled.

"So we see." She looked down at Hunter. "I think it's potty time." Dakoda grinned.

"Are you going to use the potty?" He asked, patting Hunter on the head. Hunter nodded, but his mother had other ideas.

"Actually, Hunter." She said. "Dakoda's really been struggling with it today. Is there any way that you might help me with something?" Dakoda nodded immediately.

"Of course, mom. What is it?"

"I think your little brother would benefit from having an example. Would you mind sitting on the toilet while he sits on his training potty, as an example?" Dakoda nodded immediately.

"Sure." He took Hunter from his mom. "But, I'm not too keen on the idea of you watching me." His mom smiled.

"I understand." She said, watching as Dakoda carried Hunter into the bathroom.

"Let's see if you can't beat the potty, little brother." Hunter glared up at Dakoda, looking as intimidating as he could as a kitten.

"I did it once." He said. Dakoda laughed.

"What a great accomplishment! Acing that biology test pales in comparison to what you've done today!"

"You aced the test?" Dakoda nodded as he pulled down Hunter's diaper and sat him on the training potty. He then unzipped his jeans and dropped them to his ankles, followed by his boxers. Hunter stared at his own cock, which Dakoda waved up and down in front of his face.

"Proof that I'm the big boy and you're the kitten." He said, sitting down on the toilet. "And I'm going to prove it more." Hunter's ears soon picked up the sound of Dakoda pissing in the toilet. "See? It's just that easy for a big boy." Not wanting to be outdone, Hunter focused on peeing, or even pooping, but neither would come. It was near the end of the fifteen minutes that he finally managed to go poop.

"I did it." Hunter said. Dakoda patted him on the head as he pulled up his boxers and pants.

"Good job, little guy! You'll be a big boy like me in no time." He chuckled as he left the room, his mom standing outside.

"How did it go?"

"Little Dakoda made, and I quote, poopy in the potty." Dakoda said. Hunter glared up at him, annoyed that Dakoda had put the juvenile words in his mouth.

"That's great! If it weren't for that little accident earlier, this would definitely be a star day!" Dakoda nodded.

"I think he'll have it in no time!" Hunter was listening to the conversation and very annoyed that they were discussing him as though he wasn't even there. He began to reach for a piece of toilet paper when his mom suddenly came over and pushed his paw away.

"Momma will do it, kitten." Hunter whined as his mother began to tenderly clean his bottom with the cubby wipes. "You're getting to be such a big boy!" She said, smiling sweetly.

Big boys don't need their momma to wipe for them. Hunter thought, feeling rather degraded. His mom shortly finished and then pulled his diaper back up. She then led Hunter back out into the living room, where he returned to constructing his city of blocks.

Block after block of houses. He thought drily, vaguely amused by his pun.

"What are you doing?" Dakoda asked, sitting down on the couch so that his footpaws sat at the outskirts of Hunter's neighborhood.

"Playing with blocks." Hunter replied. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Is the little kitten grumpy?" Hunter sighed and rolled his eyes, resolving to ignore Dakoda's taunts. Dakoda, however, continued to sit there and watch Hunter's construction. Relief from Dakoda's observation only came when both he and Hunter heard a vibration in his pocket. "Oops! I gotta go!" Without warning, he disappeared out the door and into the rain.

"Where'd he go?" Hunter muttered, confused.

"Your big brother is hanging out with friends tonight, so it's just you and me again." His mom explained a moment later. Hunter groaned. It sucked to be stuck inside when he had once had a social life.

"When's dinner, mommy?"

"In a little bit, kitten." She replied, leaving him in the living room.

"After dinner, I think it'll be bedtime." Hunter frowned as his mom scooped him up. She lifted him to her shoulder and he traveled in that fashion to the dining room

"What's for dinner?" He asked.

"Fish sticks." She set him down at the table and went to the kitchen to get his dinner. Hunter watched as she returned a moment later with a small plate of fish sticks and a sippy cup of milk. "Here you go sweetie. Ketchup and everything." Hunter smiled and began to eat. He couldn't believe how hungry he was, but he was also surprised with how quickly the meal filled his tiny stomach up. He smiled as he put the second to last fish stick down only half eaten.

"All done?" His mom asked. He nodded.

"Yes, momma." He said. His mother nodded.

"Alright, let me just clear away your plate and then it'll be bedtime." Hunter's bottom lip began to quiver automatically.

"I don't want to!" He whined. His mother sighed.

"No, kittens need their rest."

"Momma!" She stood firm.

"No, Dakoda."

"Momma!" His voice grew even more high pitched. His mother just shook her head and turned back toward the kitchen, but Hunter wouldn't accept it. He waddled after her, tears welling up in his eyes. He was sick of not being able to control everything and was more than willing to throw a fit if he had to. After all, he was a toddler again, so why not take advantage of it? He stomped his tiny footpaws on the tile floor. "I don't wanna!" His mother placed the plate in the sink and spun around.

"Do you need a spanking, young cub?" Hunter's mind told him to abort the tantrum, but he wasn't afraid of a spanking! His adolescent mind could handle anything she dished out. He was certain of it!

"I wanna stay up!" His mother shook her head.

"It's bedtime." She replied, stepping toward him. He instinctively took a step back, realizing just how much bigger than him she was. "Now, are you going to go to bed like a good boy?" The toddler parts of his mind said yes, but his teenage defiance said no. Which side to listen to?

"I don't wanna." He said with as much strength as he could muster in his tiny form. His mother sighed and picked him up. He tried to break free, but the combination of his mother's strength and just the fact that he was pretty far from the ground prevented him from doing much.

His mother carried him into the living room and she sat down on the couch, placing him across her lap. He began to panic, knowing what was coming and not wanting to go through it.

"I didn't want to do this, but apparently I'm going to have to." She said, pulling down Hunter's diaper and revealing his tiny toddler bottom. "How many spankings should I give you?" She asked. Hunter didn't know if he was supposed to answer or not, so he remained silent. "No answer? Maybe we'll do ten to start." His eyes widened. Ten seemed so many to his toddler mind. Surely mom wouldn't be that mean? Her paw hovered over him and he knew in an instant that she was serious. He closed his eyes and braced himself.

Whap! The sound of her paw striking his bottom echoed through the living room, the only other sound the gently falling rain, a stark contrast to her paw spanking him a second time. The pain from each spanking was unbelievable to Hunter. Why did it hurt so much? He soon realized it was because he was a toddler physically, so his tolerance for pain was far lower.

By the fourth spank, he had tears in his eyes and after two more, he was bawling. His mom stayed firm and finished out his sentence before she began to comfort her crying kitten.

"Shh, kitten. Momma's sorry, but she had to do that. Will you be a good boy?" Hunter nods, rubbing his eyes with his wet paws.

"Yes, momma." He said.

"Will you go to bed?"

"Yes, momma." She smiled and lifted him up, returning his Pampers to around his waist.

"Alright. Let's get you upstairs!" She picked him up and carried him upstairs, placing him in his crib.

"Momma, do I have to sleep in a crib?"

"Well, once you're in big boy undies, we'll get you a new bed, okay?" He sighed. It was just more motivation to tame the potty, but he nodded all the same. "Good night, kitten."

"G'night, momma." He said. He lay in the crib, staring up at the ceiling, which was barely visible in the light of the nightlight.

"I don't think I can take much more of this." He muttered. "There has to be some way to switch back." He yawned loudly as his paw slipped into his diaper. He had masturbated every night for quite some time, so it was more a reflex than conscious thought. He gasped as he felt his cock and balls, unfamiliarly small even to his baby paw. He wrapped his paw around his cock and began to stroke its diminished length in the hopes that something would come from his efforts. He sighed as nothing happened, but tried repeatedly. At last, he pulled out his paw and rolled onto his side. He soon fell asleep.

He found himself in the same corridor that he had the night before.

"Could this be it?" He wondered aloud. "I just have to find the door!" He took a step and heard a loud crinkle. Looking down, he realized that he was Dakoda! "Shit! This is going to be harder than I thought." He lowered himself down to all fours and began to crawl, marveling at how much faster crawling was than walking in his toddler body.

He navigated the hallways, looking desperately for the door that had led to all this insanity. Yet, everywhere he looked, there wasn't a single door.

"Where is it?" he muttered, looking around for any sign that he was on the right track. He crawled one way then crawled in the other direction, hoping that the door would magically manifest itself. Just when all hope seemed lost, he saw it at the end of the hallway. "Thank the Gods!" He yelled, dizzy with excitement. The ordeal was at an end! Everything was going to return to normal at last! The Pampers taped around his waist crinkled loudly as he crawled at his very fastest, so eager to reach the doorway that would lead to his freedom.

"Time to wake up, little guy!" Dakoda said, lifting Hunter out of the crib. Hunter growled as his eyes opened. Dakoda had just prevented them from switching back! Dakoda held the kitten out in front of him, carrying him over to the changing table. "You're soaked!" Dakoda said with a grin. Hunter looked back at Dakoda.

"You're naked." He replied. Dakoda grinned.

"Since it's Saturday, it's just you and me for the morning, kitten." He said. "Mom had to run a few errands and she won't be back until after your nap, so I figured I could afford to enjoy my new body a bit." He snickered as he played with his massive cock a little bit. "After all, we don't all have tiny twigs like you."

"You're just talking about your own body." Hunter retorted.

"Not anymore. It's not like we're going to switch back any time soon."

I wish it would happen right now, just to make him eat his words. Hunter thought. No such luck. Dakoda set to untaping the Pampers around Hunter's waist.

"I mean, look at that twig. It's like you're a girl compared to me." He once again fondled his cock, just to make Hunter feel more inferior.

"I'm only three!"

"I know, but still. Are you sure you're not a girl?" Hunter whimpered.

"You're mean!" He yelled, a reply that sounded perfectly reasonable to his toddler mind. Dakoda laughed cruelly.

"Is the baby going to cry?" Hunter felt like he was about to, but stubbornly held back the tears.

I will switch back! I know it! Dakoda grew bored of teasing the kitten and quickly diapered him in Luvs.

"Let's go downstairs. I have a special surprise for you for breakfast." He placed Hunter on his hip and walked downstairs. In the dining room was a sight that Hunter hadn't seen for a while: Dakoda's highchair. "I thought I'd bring back your highchair for breakfast." Dakoda explained. "It'll help you feel more like the baby you are." He lowered Hunter in and locked the tray in place. Hunter struggled, but couldn't get free.

"I'm not a baby!" He whined, even as Dakoda tied a bib around his neck.

"Big brother will be right back with num nums!" The moment Dakoda had gone out of sight, Hunter reached behind his neck and tried to untie the bib, but his chubby paws lacked the dexterity to do so.

This is just getting worse and worse. He thought. It got still worse when Dakoda returned with a jar of cubby food and a large bottle.

"A baby breakfast for my baby brother!" He said with a grin.

"I'm not eating that."

"You'll sit there until you eat every last bit." Dakoda retorted. Hunter glared at him, but Dakoda ignored it, choosing instead to sit in front of Hunter and hold a spoon of the mashed peas in front of the kitten. "Eat up!" Hunter shook his head, keeping his mouth shut. If there was one thing a toddler-teen mix was good at, it was being stubborn. Dakoda, however, seemed the epitome of patience. "Come on, eat up kitten." Hunter shook his head.

Dakoda was persistent, trying again and again to get Hunter to open his mouth, but to no avail. At last, a light came on.

"I know how to get you to open up." He said slyly. He reached out with his other paw and began to tickle Hunter. Hunter tried to avoid laughing, but it was a pointless battle. The moment he began to laugh, Dakoda slipped the spoon into his mouth. Hunter grimaced as the disgusting mush brutally assaulted his taste buds. He cautiously swallowed it, hoping that it would get better over time. The second mouthful was just as bad, as was the third. Hunter grew sick of it and tried spitting it out. However, Dakoda just scraped it off his bib and returned it to his mouth.

On to plan B. He thought. He tried to eat as quickly as he could, trying to not even let the mush touch his tongue, in the hopes that he could make it through the ordeal.

"Little guy's hungry!" Dakoda said, shoveling still more into Hunter's mouth.

When will it end? He wondered. It's almost like the jar's endless. Despite that pessimistic thought, the jar did eventually grow empty and the nipple of a bottle replaced the spoon in Hunter's mouth. Hunter suckled, the end now in sight for him. Dakoda watched him as he held the bottle for the toddler, smiling.

"You're just an adorable little guy." Hunter ignored him, focusing only on draining the bottle as quickly as he could. At last, the bottle was empty and Hunter found himself lifted up onto Dakoda's shoulder and patted until a rather startling burp emanated from him. "Isn't that better?" Dakoda said. "Now, let's go into the living room."

Hunter sat on the living room floor, watching cartoons and playing for the rest of the morning. Dakoda disappeared upstairs at some point, but Hunter didn't really care until he reappeared fully clothed.

"I promised mom I would do potty time at least once with you, so let's go." He said, picking Hunter up not too gently. They entered the bathroom and Dakoda set the kitten on his training potty before sitting on the toilet himself.

"Did mommy ask you to do that too?" Dakoda shook his head.

"I just want to show you how much of a big boy I am."

"Isn't it kind of lame to be competing with a toddler at your age?" Dakoda blushed and shut his mouth, so Hunter decided to focus on trying to use the potty. After only a few minutes, he succeeded in peeing, but nothing more.

"At least you managed that much." Dakoda said, supportive for one of the first times. Hunter noted this, but didn't say anything. Dakoda pulled his diaper back up for him. "Are you hungry?" Right as he asked, Hunter's stomach rumbled and he nodded. Dakoda chuckled. "Let's go get you some num nums." He picked Hunter up and carried him into the dining room, returning him to the highchair.

"But I just went potty like a big boy!" Hunter whined. "Why do I have to sit in the highchair?"

"My rules." Dakoda replied, heading into the kitchen.

Is he going to feed me actual food? Hunter wondered, his hopes crushed a moment later by Dakoda coming out with another jar of mashed peas and a bottle of formula. "Not again!" Hunter whined.

"They'll grow on you."

"Because they're mold!" Hunter retorted, blowing a raspberry. Dakoda just shook his head and sat in front of the grumpy kitten.

"Someone obviously needs their nap after lunch." Hunter groaned and Dakoda took the opportunity to slip the spoon into his mouth. Blindsided, Hunter was forced to swallow the disgusting slop. Spoonful after spoonful the food came and Hunter could do little to stop it.

"I wish you had to eat this crap!" Hunter grumbled. Dakoda chuckled.

"I did for quite a while, so why can't you?" Dakoda continued to shovel the cubby food into Hunter's mouth and Hunter tried again to swallow without tasting. At last, it was time for the bottle, which at least washed away the foul taste of the peas. Hunter groaned as his stomach felt quite full and he wondered if he would make it through naptime without messing his diaper.

A teenager shouldn't have to worry about things like that. He thought glumly as Dakoda carried him up to the nursery. Dakoda gently lay him down in the crib and tousled his headfur.

"See you in a little bit, kitten." He says, sounding genuinely caring. Hunter sighed as he was left alone.

How much longer is this going to go on? He wondered, having no way to know the answer. He closed his eyes and slipped his thumb into his mouth, willing himself to fall asleep in the vague hope that he would wake up as himself again.

"Time to wake up, sweetie!" His mom's voice cut through his sleep, carrying him back to the land of the living. Hunter nodded and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Looks like you've got a wet diaper, hmm?" Hunter realized as she said it that it was true. He hardly even blinked as his mother quickly changed him into Pampers. His mom then picked him up and carried him downstairs. "Hunter! I'm going to the store! Dakoda's coming with me!" She yelled.

"Okay!" Dakoda yelled back.

"Do you wanna go to the store with momma?" Hunter's mom asked, holding him up in front of her. "We'll get you some more diapers and maybe some candy if you're a good kitten!" Hunter smiled. He loved candy, no matter what age he was. His mom picked him up and slipped shoes onto his feet before taking him out to the car. She placed him into his carseat and his mom fastened the belts, restraining him into the carseat. "Ready to go?" Hunter nodded and his mom pulled the car out of the driveway, heading toward the nearest grocery store.

It was only a matter of minutes before they reached the grocery store and Hunter's mom released him from the carseat. She carried the lion cub into the store, placing him in the appropriate place in the cart. She began to navigate along the aisles, putting things into the cart as she went. Hunter watched, but soon he felt an ominous grumble in his stomach.

Oh, no! Not here! He moaned loudly.

"Something wrong, kitten?"

"I have to go!" He whispered. His mom looked around.

"I don't think there's a bathroom here, Dakoda, so you'll just have to go in your Pampers." Dakoda frowned.

I can hold it. He thought confidently. A moment later, he realizes the truth as his stomach grumbles again and he has to clench his ass to prevent the mess from slipping out. It was all pointless as he soon felt his sphincter release and the mess slip unheeded into his diaper. He whined softly as he realized that his poop, now more liquid than solid, had flowed into every crevice of his diaper from back to front.

"Momma will change you right after she's done with shopping." She says, patting him on the head and continuing along the aisles. Hunter had no choice but to wait patiently as his mom finished the shopping. At last, she stood in the checkout line. "Excuse me?" She said to the skunk behind the cash register. "Do you have a bathroom? My kitten needs a change." The skunk shook her head.

"No bathroom. You can change him right over there if you want." She pointed to a corner.

"Thanks! I'll do that!" She paid for the groceries and then headed over to the corner.

"Mama, I don't wanna be changed here." Dakoda whined.

"Don't worry, shy kitten. No one'll mind. Momma doesn't want her baby boy to get diaper rash."

She makes a good point. Diaper rash has gotta suck! He blushed nonetheless as his mom peeled back his diaper, revealing his toddler parts. The smell of his mess wafted up to his nose and he wrinkled it in disgust. "Gross!" He whined. His mom laughed.

"That came out of you, silly!"

"Doesn't mean I have to like it." He retorted. His mom laughed again.

"Good point, stinky butt." She said, sticking her tongue out at him. She began to wipe him off, an arduous task due to just how wet his messing had been. "When you mess, you mess!" His mom exclaimed, continuing to wipe him.

Hunter watched as furs walked by, hardly giving his mother and him a second glance. He had half expected them to point and laugh, but that was only because he had difficulties seeing himself as the kitten he was. He panicked as a kind wolf suddenly stopped by.

"Isn't it annoying how they don't have changing facilities here?" She said by way of greeting. Hunter's mom looked up at her.

"Yeah. I've never had to change little Dakoda here before, so it was a bit of a surprise."

"I've made the mistake of bringing my boys here while they were in diapers." The wolf replied. "If they were still in diapers, I wouldn't shop here." She sniffed in annoyance. Hunter's mom just left him lying there, completely exposed as she talked with the wolf.

"How many cubs do you have?"

"Three. One girl and two boys. The boys are twins and they always used their diapers at the exact same time." She chuckled. "They were quite a pawful!" Hunter's mom laughed.

"Just this one little guy keeps me busy!" She said, gesturing down at Hunter. The wolf nodded.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't trade it for the world I'm sure."

"You've got that right." The wolf smiled and then headed on, waving goodbye. "Okay, let's get you diapered, hmm?" Hunter nodded. He was glad about his mom covering him up, even if it was by a diaper.

Once he was diapered, his mom scooped him up and returned him to the cart, pushing it out to the car. She left him in the cart as she moved all of the grocery bags into the trunk of the car. She came back to him and put him in his carseat.

"Hunter! Come take your brother while I put the groceries away!" The older lion came into the living room and took the kitten from his mom's arms.

"Did you have fun at the store?" Hunter nodded.

"He had an accident at the store. I'm starting to wonder if I might have rushed him into potty training too early." Dakoda smirked.

"I'm sure he'll get it soon." He poked Hunter's chubby belly. "Won't you, squirt?" Hunter nodded again, confident that he would be able to hold it next time. After all, despite outward appearances, he was a teenage lion who should be perfectly capable to hold his bathroom urges.

Dakoda carried him over to the couch and sat down, bouncing the cub on his knee. Hunter giggled. He hadn't realized just how much fun it was to be bounced on someone's knee. They continued like this for a few moments until their mom returned.

"Looks like you two are having fun." She sat down next to Dakoda with a content sigh. Dakoda nodded and handed Hunter to his mom. "You know," the lioness said as she nuzzled Hunter's nose. "It's a pretty nice day. Why don't we go swimming at the Rec Center?" Dakoda grinned from ear to ear.

"Sounds like fun!"

"Would you like that, kitten?" His mom bopped Hunter on the nose. Hunter nodded, so she stood up and carried him into the nursery. "Let's see, where did I leave your swim diapers?" She muttered, opening drawers and looking inside.

"Hey, mom! What're you looking for?" Dakoda asked, entering in his swim trunks. She handed Hunter off to him and sighed.

"I'm looking for Dakoda's swim diapers. I suppose you wouldn't happen to know where they are?"

"Last I saw them, I think they were in the closet." The lion opened the closet door and pulled out a package of swim diapers about a quarter full.

"Thanks!" She pulled one out and then took Hunter back into her arms. "We'll put you in this once we get there, kitten." She placed the swim diaper with a few other diapers into a satchel, which she placed on her shoulder before carrying the cub out of the room, Dakoda following behind.

Before Hunter knew it, they were off to the Rec Center. He stared out the window as they drove, wondering if he would ever return to his own body. His mom and brother were chatting, but Hunter didn't really listen to their conversation. He figured that it couldn't be anything that would help his situation.

The lioness effortlessly pulled the car into a parking spot and shut off the car.

"Here we are, boys!" She says, looking at Hunter through the rearview mirror. Hunter smiled. He really did enjoy swimming, even if he would only be able to go into the kiddy pool.

His mom came around and released him from the carseat, carrying him into the rec center.

"Here to swim?" The kind porcupine behind the counter asked. His mom nodded. "Right through the door." She returns to reading her gossip magazine, having done her duty. Hunter is carried through the door, watching his body follow close behind.

"Wave goodbye to your big brother Hunter, sweetie!" She said as Dakoda disappeared into the men's locker room.

"What about me?" Hunter asked.

"I'll get you into your swim diaper right here, baby." She replied, laying him down on the floor and untaping his diaper.

"Bu-but momma!" He whined.

"Shush, baby boy. No one'll mind." Hunter blushed as he felt the pool air hit his tiny crotch. How could this possibly get more humiliating? Just as he thought it, a little vixen appeared in his sight.

"Getting into your diapee?" She asked. She was wearing a pink swimsuit with a purple skirt around it that did nothing to hide her thick diaper. Hunter nodded, incredibly shy.

"Emma! Leave him alone!" A teenage fox in blue trunks came dashing over and pulled the curious vixen away. "Look! You've embarrassed him!"

"Hey Andlat!" Dakoda said, emerging from the locker room.

"Hunter! I didn't expect to see you here!"

"I sent you a text, dork!"

"Oh." He looks down at the little vixen nearby. "Oh! This is Emma, my little sister." Dakoda nodded.

"That's my little brother Dakoda." Andlat looked down at you.

"Hey there, little guy!" He said cheerfully. "Aren't you just the cutest little kitten?" Emma scoffs.

"He's not that cute!" Andlat chuckled.

"I bet you like him!" Emma blushed and hurried away, her face red.

"Why don't you go play with her?" Hunter's mom said, pulling a pair of swim trunks over his swim diaper. Hunter nodded and waddled off after the silly vixen.

As he stepped into the shallow pool, he discovered that it was hard to move his chubby toddler body through the water. But, he managed to catch the vixen, primarily because she had stopped running.

"You're slow!" She said by way of greeting. Hunter stuck his tongue out at her simply because it felt right. She giggled. "My brother says boys have cooties, but I'm not so sure." She moved closer to the lion. "Can I kiss you?" Hunter stared at her. The teenage parts of his mind were freaking out. It wasn't right for a teenager to kiss a girl who couldn't even be three yet! She came in and kissed him before he could protest. His mind went through a maelstrom. The toddler parts of his mind reviled, but the more mature parts seemed to find at least some enjoyment. He had kissed girls before, but not often enough to remove the novelty of it. He felt warmth spread through his body, but it changed as it neared his bowels. Before he could do anything, he felt a small bit of poop slip out of him and into his diaper.

Emma pulled away and ran off, giggling and blushing. Hunter wasn't sure why, but he was glad that she hadn't noticed that he had messed.

"So, got a little action, huh?" Andlat said, appearing out of nowhere. Hunter blushed, but nodded.

"Atta boy!" Dakoda said, standing next to Andlat. He scooped Hunter up and chuckled. "Oops! Guess you got a little excited, huh?" Hunter blushed. "Don't worry. Your big bro will change you right away!" He carried Hunter out of the pool, Andlat following close behind, his wet red fur glistening in the lights of the pool. "Hey, mom! Do you have an extra swim diaper for Dakoda?" The lioness looked up from her book.

"I don't think so. I guess he'll be done with swimming then." Dakoda nodded.

"Alright. Andlat and I were just finishing up too. By the way, do you think Andlat could come over? We've got a tough history test in a few days and he's like a whiz at it!" The lioness nods.

"Whatever it takes to get your grades up, sweetie." She said, returning to her book.

"I'll just go make sure Emma found my dad and then we can go get changed." Andlat said. Dakoda nodded, grabbing the diaper bag from beside his mother, who was already lost again in her book. Andlat returned a moment later and led the way into the locker room.

The familiar scent of male pheromones and sweat filled Hunter's nostrils. This felt familiar in a world of the unfamiliar and he couldn't help but smile slightly. Dakoda set him down on a plain wood bench. "I'll change you right after Andlat and I get out of our wet swimsuits, okay?" Dakoda began to pull down his trunks right next to Andlat, who was doing the same thing. Hunter couldn't help but notice Andlat's cock, although it was far smaller than the one on his former body.

"Are you a teensy bit curious?" Andlat came over, his cock swinging back and forth between his legs. He kneeled down and tickled the cub. "You are just adorable! Were you this cute when you were his age, Hunter?" Dakoda smiled.

"You'd be surprised how alike we looked." He said with a grin. Andlat stood back up and pulled his briefs out of the locker, stepping into them. "Batman?" Andlat blushed.

"I like cute undies." Dakoda chuckled.

"Nothing wrong with that." Andlat nodded as he pulled the briefs up around his waist, watching as Dakoda pulled up a blue pair of boxer briefs.

"They're a lot cuter than yours!" He said, playfully smacking Dakoda's rump. Hunter cringed as he watched the fox flirt with his body.

"My little brother's right there, man!" Dakoda said, turning toward Hunter. "How about I change your diaper now?" Hunter nodded, feeling very uncomfortable in his messy diaper. Dakoda pulled down the cub's swim trunks and removed his diaper while Andlat watched. Hunter wasn't sure, but it looked almost as though Andlat was wishing that he was the one being changed. Dakoda carefully wiped the cub off, making sure he got every bit of poop.

"You're so precise." Hunter looked up at the fox.

"He's my little brother. I bet you're the same way with Emma." Andlat nodded.

"I suppose you're right." Andlat stood back as the lion began to powder the cub, but Dakoda had other ideas. He reached out and grabbed the fox's wrist, pulling him toward him.

Dakoda slipped a finger into Andlat's waistband and pulled it out, sprinkling some powder down the front of his briefs. He patted Andlat's bulge to rub it in as the fox blushed crimson.

Hunter watched this in shock, wondering exactly what his brother and the fox were up to when he was not around. Dakoda quickly returned his attention to Hunter and taped the Huggies around his waist.

"There we go, chubby cubby!" Dakoda said, standing up. He finished getting dressed and then picked up the cub, placing him against his shoulder. "You coming, Andlat?" Andlat nodded, buttoning up his pants and following eagerly behind.

"I can't believe he had another accident."

"Yeah." Dakoda replied, sitting up front with his mom. In the back seat, Andlat was tickling Hunter, who was unable to escape, being strapped in his carseat.

"I guess he's just not ready to be potty trained. Maybe I'll wait another six months."

"Really?" Dakoda said. "Isn't that a bit much? I mean, he's starting to get the hang of it."

"He pooped in the pool, Hunter! I just don't think of that as getting the hang of it!"

"It just seems, I don't know, unfair." His mom looked at him.

"Why do you care so much? I never thought you really loved your brother like this." Dakoda shrugged, realizing that he wasn't really behaving the way Hunter should be.

"I don't know. I guess I just feel like the little guy's trying really hard." His mom sighed.

"I know, but I just don't know if he's ready yet." Dakoda nodded, staring out the window.

"Whatever. You're his mom, not me." The lioness looked at her teenage son. She had had no idea that he would react so passionately to this.

"I'll give it some thought." She said as she pulled into the driveway.

Andlat and Dakoda dashed upstairs, leaving Hunter alone with his mom. She placed him in the playpen and turned on the television, leaving him alone in the living room. Hunter reflected on everything that had happened in the car. Was his mom really considering dropping potty training for six months? He hoped that he wouldn't be trapped in Dakoda's body for that long, but at least being potty trained would have helped somewhat.

His diaper crinkled as he crawled around the playpen, searching for something to do. His eyes settled on a small pile of plushies and he crawled over to them and curled up on top of them, falling asleep within minutes.

Hunter wandered his dreamscape in Dakoda's body, hoping that he would find some way out of this predicament. The hallway that had led him into Dakoda's body was nowhere in sight, however.

Hunter wandered a desert, not positive where his final destination was. At last, he came across an old church, its white paint peeling in the sun. He stared at it, wondering if there is anyone inside. He walks up the four rickety steps that lead to its entrance; the doors that once guarded it now tossed aside, only a faint memory of their red paint remaining. He stepped inside, marveling at the start contrast between the desert outside and the cool shade inside. He looked around the building, pondering exactly why he had felt so compelled to come inside. He stepped up to the altar, rubbing its dusty surface with his fingers. He spun around as he heard a loud crash behind him. There, in the very back pew, was a hunched over figure. Hunter cautiously made his way toward it, wondering what it was, but just as he reached it...

Hunter wandered a desert, not positive where his final destination was. At last, he came across an old church, its white paint peeling in the sun. He stared at it, wondering if there is anyone inside. He walks up the four rickety steps that lead to its entrance; the doors that once guarded it now tossed aside, only a faint memory of their blue paint remaining. He stepped inside, marveling at the start contrast between the desert outside and the cool shade inside. He looked around the building, pondering exactly why he had felt so compelled to come inside. He stepped up to the altar, rubbing its dusty surface with his fingers. He spun around as he heard a loud crash behind him. There, in the very back pew, was a hunched over figure. Hunter cautiously made his way toward it, wondering what it was, but just as he reached it...

Hunter wandered a desert, not positive where his final destination was, a stale breeze burning his eyes. At last, he came across an old church, its white paint peeling in the sun. He stared at it, wondering if there is anyone inside. He walks up the four rickety steps that lead to its entrance; the doors that once guarded it now tossed aside, only a faint memory of their red paint remaining. He stepped inside, marveling at the start contrast between the desert outside and the cool shade inside. He looked around the building, pondering exactly why he had felt so compelled to come inside. He stepped up to the altar, rubbing its dusty surface with his fingers. He spun around as he heard a loud crash behind him. There, in the very back pew, was a hunched over figure. Hunter cautiously made his way toward it, wondering what it was, but just as he reached it...

"Time to wake up, sweetie!" His mom lifted him out of the playpen. "My, my! You're soaked, baby!" Hunter yawned as she carried him into the nursery and began to change his diaper. "If I'd known you were taking a nap, I would have put you to bed up here, cutie." She bopped his nose with her paw, kissing his forehead as she untapes his diaper.

"Momma. Am I not being potty trained anymore?"

"Well, after your little accident at the pool, momma decided it'd be better to hold off on potty training for a little bit."

"But momma!"

"No buts about it, except for your cute diapered one!" She said, tickling him. Hunter giggled, but he couldn't help but feel miserable. Trapped in diapers for who knows how long.

His mother cleaned him off with ease and then powdered him for a new diaper. Before she could do that, however, Dakoda stuck his head in.

"Hey, mom! Can Andlat stay for dinner?"

"I assumed he was." Dakoda grinned.

"Thanks, mom!" He disappeared again.

"Where was I?" She placed a new Huggies under the cub's bottom and folded it up and over his shrunken crotch. She smoothed the tapes out and then smiled at him. "All done!"

She picked the cub up and carried him back downstairs.

"Momma's going to go start dinner, so you play here and try not to fall back asleep, okay?" She winked at him and then left the room.

Hunter entertained himself with the plushies for a while, acting out all sorts of random things that came to mind. He eventually settled on playing a make-believe game of football, dividing the plushies into two equal teams and using a wooden block as the ball.

Dinner came and went without incident and Andlat left afterward. With their mom in the kitchen preoccupied by the dishes, Dakoda and Hunter were alone.

"Can we talk?" Hunter's voice was meek. Dakoda nodded.

"We'll go upstairs." He picked up the cub and headed upstairs into the teenage lion's bedroom. "What did you want to talk about?" Dakoda asked, sitting on the bed and setting Hunter next to him.

"Everything that's been going on. Do you think there's any way we can switch back?"

"I'm not sure. I've thought about it, but nothing's come to me. I didn't even know this was possible."

"Neither did I."

"So, enjoying my easier life?"


"You said that my life was so easy compared to yours." Dakoda said with a smirk. Hunter rolled his eyes.

"There's gotta be some way! Wetting myself is disgusting!" He made a face.

"Hey! You're getting some action from Andlat's little sister, you know!" Hunter blushed.

"It's just not right. I'm really a teenager and she's like three years old!" Dakoda smirked.

"You might as well get used to being a toddler. I don't think we're going to be switching back any time soon. Sorry, buddy." He tousled Hunter's headfur. Hunter grumbled, but he knew that Dakoda was probably right.

"What have you been doing with my body?" Dakoda chuckled.

"What do you mean your body? It's pretty much mine now."

"Then why are you so nervous about what happens to me? Like the fact that I'm not being potty trained for another six months or so." Dakoda's eyes widened for a second, before his face returned to a neutral smile.

"Must just be residual. I really don't mind if you're potty trained or not. It's your problem now." Hunter pouted.

"This isn't fair!" He punched the bed in frustration.

"Calm down, kitten!"

"No! Why should I be suffering like this? What did I do?"

"Is it really that bad? Besides, it's not you were personally singled out for this. It's just some sort of fluke." Hunter sighed. He was just feeling frustrated right now. "You're probably just tired. How about I get you into bed?" Hunter tried to say no, but he yawned loudly. Dakoda chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes."

It took only a minute to bring Hunter to the nursery and lay him down in his crib because he had yet to wet his diaper.

"Good night, little brother." Dakoda said, kissing the cub on the forehead and tousling his head.

"G'night." Hunter stifled a yawn as the teenage lion turned out the light and left. Hunter sighed, the room illuminated by both the night light plugged into the wall and the nearly full moon in the sky. He closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.

Hunter was only slightly surprised to find himself in the hallway again, and this time, he was determined to leave in his own body. He hurried down the hall as quickly as he could in a thick diaper, looking around for the way to his body and out of this nightmare. He heard the sound of paws coming near him, but he never managed to get a glimpse of whoever it was other than the very end of a dark cloak.

The next thing Hunter remembered was his mom changing his diaper that morning. He sighed as he realized that he had again wet and messed in his sleep. He realized then that he was beginning to get used to waking up in a messy diaper, which concerned him.

"Honey, momma has some errands to run today, okay?" Hunter nodded, not really caring. "So, she's going to drop you off at Ms. Grey's daycare, alright?"

"Bu-but!" Hunter knew that Dakoda hated nothing more than having to go to Ms. Grey's. Ms. Grey was an elderly wolf who hated loud cubs. "Can't Dak- my big brother watch me?"

"Sorry, sweetie. He's off with friends."

"Does Ms. Grey even have daycare on Sundays?"

"What a smart cub! You know the days of the week, don't you?" She tickled his belly lovingly as she finished changing him, putting him in a blue striped shirt and some blue shorts that only seemed to exaggerate his diaper. "Let's go get you some breakfast."

Throughout breakfast, Hunter tried to argue against going to daycare, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. His mother had made up her mind and that was final as far as she was concerned. Before Hunter knew it, she was carrying him out to the car, a bottle placed firmly in his muzzle.

"I bet your friend Emma will be there." His mom said as she sat behind the steering wheel.

"Joy." Hunter's voice dripped with sarcasm as the car lurched backward. It was a short drive to Ms. Grey's daycare, but Hunter wished that it would take a small eternity. The car soon pulled in front of the house. Hunter had never actually been inside. Every other time that he had been there, his mom had taken Dakoda in. This time, however, he would see the interior.

His mom carried him up the walk and rang the doorbell. It chimed melodiously, echoing through the house. The door opened and Ms. Grey stood there.

"Good morning, Eliza. I called ahead to let you know Dakoda was coming for a visit?" Her single nod was sharp.

"Yes." She said, reaching out for him. Hunter's mom gave him over and the wolf rubbed his rump idly. "When will you be by to pick him up?"

"Four or four thirty." The lioness replied, turning away. "Good bye, sweetie!" She turned back to kiss him on the forehead before leaving. The wolf waved goodbye as Hunter's mom pulled out onto the road and drove away.

"Let's get you inside so you can meet the other cubs." Ms. Grey said gently, turning and taking him inside.

"Hi, Dakoda!" He heard instantly. He looked down and saw Emma standing there, wearing a yellow sundress, waving energetically at him.

"Hi, Emma." He waved back with little enthusiasm. Ms. Grey put him down on the floor and Emma embraced him.

"I'm so glad you're here, Dakoda!" She said, licking his cheek.

"Ew." A few of the other cubs laughed at his comment. Hunter carefully made his way away from the clingy vixen and over to some of the boys.

"Hi!" He said, trying to sound sure of himself. He wondered why he should be feeling so nervous about meeting new toddlers.

"Hi." One of the boys smiled at him. "Wanna play with our cars?" Hunter nodded, figuring that it could actually be fun. He sat down and began to play with them.

For the next hour or so, Hunter joyfully played with the other boys, driving the cars all around in a variety of adventures and games. He noticed Emma staring at him every once in a while, but every time that he stared back, she blushed and looked away.

"I think she likes you." Jesse, a rabbit, said.


"Do you like her?" Hunter made a face.

"No." The boys all nodded.

"My big brother has a girlfriend. She's nice." Said Mason, who was a rather chubby skunk. The boys all chattered about girls for a while, but soon returned to driving around and crashing cars into each other.

Every once in a while, Ms. Grey made the rounds and checked diapers. Hunter was pleased that he passed inspection every time, even when some of the other boys had to disappear to get their diapers changed. Jesse was different from the other boys as he actually wore pull-ups with Ace Incredible on them. He left every once in a while to go use the potty, always returning with a smug grin on his face. Hunter noticed that all the boys looked up to Jesse and he couldn't help but idolize him slightly as well.

Lunch came eventually and all the cubs were crowded around a scrubbed wood table for macaroni. Everyone ate loudly and Hunter was among them, not caring about table manners at a table of toddlers. Ms. Grey stood over them all, watching.

"It'll be naptime after this." She announced. A chorus of groans answered, Hunter's moan not the loudest among them. She simply ignored them and made the rounds of wiping cubby faces. Hunter blushed when Ms. Grey visited him with her washcloth and cleaned his face. She then made a second round, checking diapers. Hunter looked down at his. He hadn't wet all morning, so he knew that it was only a matter of time.

"I hope I don't mess." He muttered, too softly for even Jesse or Mason, who were both next to him, to hear. Once Ms. Grey was satisfied, she led the small group of cubs into the living room and distributed sleeping mats.

"Good night, dears." She said softly, actually sounding somewhat caring, to Hunter's surprise. Hunter closed his eyes, Jesse to one side and Mason to the other. He didn't know where Emma was, but he hoped she was as far away as possible. He yawned and began to drift off to sleep.

He gasped as he felt something move near by.


"Shh. It's just me." Emma said, curling up next to him.

"What are you doing? We're supposed to be asleep."

"My brother Andlat sleeps with furs he likes, so I wanna do that too." She grinned and cuddled up next to him. She wrapped her arms around him and gently licked his cheek, sighing contently as she drifted off to sleep. Hunter groaned, but he had soon fallen asleep too.

Hunter's dreams were a twisting labyrinth of images, sights, and sounds. One moment he was in a grand ballroom, the next he was on a small ship in a storm-ripped sea. He soon notices one constant: a green lion wearing a strange cloak that makes him look lumpy, almost as though he is hiding something under there. Hunter tried to make his way toward the figure, but the dreamscape kept shifting, keeping them apart. Hunter grew more and more frustrated until he abruptly woke up.

All around him, other cubs were coming out of their slumber, but Emma was nowhere to be found. He sighed contently, but sitting up made him realize that he had messed and wet rather heavily. He stood up and waddled to the designated changing room. Every toddler he passed held their noses and giggled at him, making him quite red by the time he made it to the room. When he realized whom Ms. Grey was changing, however, he considered going back out and waiting.

"Dakoda!" Emma waved from atop the changing table. He waved back in embarrassment. Ms. Grey looked down at him.

"I'll be with you in a second, Dakoda." She scooped him up and placed him next to Emma on the changing table. Emma didn't hesitate to reach over and take a firm hold of his paw. Ms. Grey smiled as she taped a diaper around Emma's waist. "Now your turn, Dakoda."

"Make Emma look away!" Hunter says, blushing.

"Emma, please look away from Dakoda. I don't want to have to have a long talk with your parents." Emma figured that it just meant she'd get in trouble, but Hunter knew what she actually meant. He smiled as he stared at the back of Emma's head, whining softly as cool air hit his wet genitals. He turned back to Ms. Grey as she began to clean him. It was strange, having a complete stranger act so casual about his cock and balls, but here she was. He cringed as the cubby wipes touched him, and he was pretty sure he wouldn't ever get used to that particular sensation.

Once she had finished cleaning him, it was a simple matter of grabbing a new diaper and powdering him up. Hunter smiled to himself as the soft scent of the cubby powder found its way to his nose. The wolf was quite talented at diaper changes, Hunter admitted, as she gently rubbed the powder into his diaper area. He watched as her able paws pulled the diaper up between his legs and set it over his shrunken crotch, taping it around his waist. He wasn't sure, but he thought that she might be a tad bit better at diapering than his own mother. He looked over and saw Emma staring at him with a sly grin. Had she seen something? He panicked for a moment, but shrugged it off. Ms. Grey would have noticed if she had looked over prematurely. Ms. Grey picked him up and returned the toddler to the floor with Emma right behind him.

"Let's go play together!" Emma said, grabbing his paw and pulling him out of the room. Hunter tried to escape, but the young vixen had a grip like a vise, it seemed. She pulled him straight to a small group of girls, the group of boys that he had played with that morning staring at him as though he were a traitor. Hunter sat down next to Emma, scanning the circle of girls, none of whom looked particularly shocked by the new cub. "We're playing with dollies." Emma said, handing Hunter one.

"What do I do?" He looked down at the tiger in his paws. It was wearing a light blue dress and was diapered underneath. The girls in the circle giggled.

"You're such a boy!" Emma said with scorn. "You change her diaper and play games with her. She's like your own cub!"

"Ah." Hunter said, confused. He watched Emma and the other girls play and then halfheartedly started to mimic them. Most of the girls didn't care about his inferior attempts, but Emma was patient, helping him to play properly.

"Cradle her in your arms." Hunter did so, glancing over at boys, who seem to be ignoring him, although he does note Mason glancing over at him every now and again.

For the rest of the afternoon, Hunter plays with the girls and is surprised and somewhat embarrassed when his mom walks in.

"Is my son playing with a doll?" She asked with a smile. Ms. Grey chuckled.

"Emma can be persuasive." The lioness came over.

"Ready to go, Dakoda?" Hunter nodded.

"Yes, momma." She picked him up, patting his bottom.

"Wave goodbye to Emma!" Hunter did so before burying his face in his mother's shoulder.

"Bye-bye, Dakoda!" Emma says sadly, waving to him.

"Did you have fun today, sweetie?" His mom asked as she set him in his carseat.

"Yeah." Hunter replied, yawning softly. His mom chuckled.

"Bedtime's not that far off, so don't go falling asleep now, cubby." He nodded and tried his very hardest to keep his eyes open on the short journey home. He barely managed, nearly nodding off just before they pulled into the driveway. His mom came around and scooped him up.

"Someone looks sleepy." Dakoda observed as they walked in. His mom nodded.

"Yeah, but he's going to be a big cub and wait until bedtime before falling asleep. Here, you get him more lively." She handed the kitten to Dakoda, who began to bounce him, which pulled Hunter back to full consciousness.

"Stop!" He giggled as he flew up and down. Dakoda shook his head, bouncing the kitten up and down as he talked with his mom.

"Maybe you should breastfeed him tonight." He said. "You don't have to worry about potty training for a while yet, after all." Hunter stared at him suspiciously. What was Dakoda doing? His mom thought about it.

"I don't feel much like cooking tonight." She said. "You'd have to find your own dinner." Dakoda smiled.

"I just got back from dinner with Andlat, actually."

"Well, that solves that!" She said. "I'll feed Dakoda in a little bit." She left the room.

"What the hell?" Hunter asked, the question sounding ridiculous in his tiny cub voice.

"Just trust me, alright?" Hunter sighed.

"Okay. How much worse can this be, anyway?" He immediately regretted saying it, but nothing strangely awful happened then, so he hoped that he was safe.

Dakoda continued to bounce Hunter for a short while before their mom returned and took the chubby cub from the older lion. Rather than carrying him into the kitchen, she sat down on the couch and began to unbutton her blouse.

"Mom!" Dakoda protested. "Right here?"

"My house, young lion." She said with a smirk as she lifted Hunter up to her exposed nipple. Hunter stared at his mother's breast in a panic. Was he really supposed to put his mouth on that? It was his mom, in the names of the many Gods! "Don't be shy, kitten." She said. Dakoda stood up and left the room as Hunter's muzzle made contact with her. The moment his lips touched her breast, instinct took over and he began to nurse. He braced himself for the worse as the first bits of his mother's milk started to flow across his tongue, his entire body feeling warm from embarrassment.

He felt the milk flow against his tongue and in that instant, his mind was assaulted by a flurry of sensations. The milk tasted superb, but it was in that same moment that he realized that his body wasn't warm due to embarrassment, it was warm due to being this close to his mother. He continued to nurse, feeling enveloped by ecstasy as he did so. Dakoda had been right and he had to admit it. If this was being a kitten, life wouldn't be so bad from now on.

He nursed with all his might, his tiny belly growing swollen with his mother's sweet milk, but there always seemed to be more there. At last, he pulled away, having had his fill.

"All done, kitten?" He nodded. She wiped his muzzle with a milking towel and then buttoned herself up again. He felt her pull out the back of his diaper. "Your cute little butt's still dry." She said, patting his diapered rump as she stood up.

Dakoda was sitting in the dining room. He looked up as they entered, an expression of relief on his face.

"You done?" His mom nodded. "Are you full, little guy?" Hunter nodded.


"That's good." Dakoda stood up and took Hunter from his mom. "Let's go upstairs and play, okay?" His mom smiled and watched the two go upstairs. Somehow they had grown so much closer in the last few days, but she wasn't sure why.

"Perhaps by the grace of Michaelus." She muttered to herself.

"So, did you like it?" Dakoda asked with a grin. Hunter nodded.

"Yeah. There was something" he paused as he searched for the proper word. "Wonderful about it." Dakoda laughed.

"That's for sure. To tell you the truth, it's one of the things I miss about being a kitten."

"Well, if she keeps this up, I don't think being a kitten will be all that bad." Hunter said, blushing slightly. Dakoda grinned.

"I'm glad to hear that, little guy. You might as well, seeing as I don't think we're ever going to swap back."

"Don't be so sure." Both of them turned around, and saw a strange figure standing in the door. Hunter's ears perked up as he recognized him as the cloaked figure from his dreams.

"Who are you?" Dakoda asked. The figure removed his cloak and both lions gasped. He was a lion with vibrantly green fur, but that was nowhere near as odd as the horns that rose out of his mane nor the large pair of white wings that emerged from his back.

"I am Michaelus, guardian saint."

"Wait." Hunter said, beginning to catch on. "Are you the one who did this?" The newcomer nodded.

"Yes, I did. The mind is remarkably open during dreaming."

"Are we dreaming now?" Dakoda asked.

"Yes and no. You are more in a trance. It was the easiest way to gain access to you without waiting for you two to fall asleep." He stepped further into the room. "It is time for the negotiations."

"Negotiations?" Hunter repeated. "What do you mean?" He stared at the lion, feeling strangely comfortable around him.

"Well," Michaelus said as he looked from Dakoda to Hunter. "You both have discovered aspects of the other's life that delight you. So, even though I very much plan to return you two to your proper bodies, I thought I would give you the opportunity to set up a system that will allow you passage between each other's bodies when you both wish." Dakoda and Hunter stared at each other.

"You mean, we could switch back whenever we wanted to?" Michaelus nodded.

"Exactly. As long you both consent to it, it can happen, albeit only for short times. Remain too long and the path could very well grow too obscured to allow passage."

"So, let me get this straight. I will become a kitten again tonight, but I could be Hunter on Friday night when Andlat and I are going to see a movie?" Michaelus nodded.

"That is correct. However, that also raises an interesting point. You both must be careful about what you do in the other's body and tell the body's true owner everything. Otherwise, very bad things could happen." Dakoda nodded, knowing that he would be saying goodbye to the large mane that he had soon. "Now then. If there are no other questions, I believe that Hunter has a great deal of homework to get done before school tomorrow." Hunter looked over at Dakoda accusingly. The older lion blushed.

"I spent all weekend hanging out with Andlat." He said sheepishly. Hunter scoffed and the saint laughed.

"Well, all the more reason to switch you two back, especially since a certain fox is now walking from his house here." He placed a paw on Dakoda and Hunter's shoulders. "Close your eyes. It'll be over in an instant." It felt like Hunter blinked, but one second, he was sitting in Dakoda's lap, the next, Dakoda was sitting in his and the saint was gone. He sighed contently, but Dakoda was far more panicked.

"I'll get out of here before Andlat comes." He said. "Do yourself a favor and look at the folder marked Andlat before he gets up here." Hunter stared at the kitten as he toddled out of the room but walked over to his computer and clicked on the folder. He gasped as he was assaulted by a variety of images of Andlat in a variety of poses, wearing underroos, panties, and even diapers. Some of the pictures were even of Andlat and him, or rather his body, making out or doing all sorts of things. He stared at the cubby underwear that his body was wearing in every picture and felt a strange stirring in his pants. He unzipped his jeans and discovered Scooby-Doo smiling back at him from his briefs. He went over to his underwear drawer and pulled it open. All of his boxers were gone. All that remained were cubby underpants, but that seemed to suit him just fine as his cock grew thicker.

"Gods, I missed erections." He muttered as he gently rubbed himself. A knock at the door, however, caused him to pull up his pants in embarrassment.

"Don't even bother." Andlat said as he came in, "your jeans will just have to come off anyway." Hunter nodded dumbly and stepped out of his jeans.

"Yours will too." He said, coming over to Andlat and gently unbuttoning his pants.

"Don't laugh at my undies." He said shyly. "I thought they were appropriate." Hunter smiled as he saw the fox's Lion King panties.

"Cute." He said. "Perfect for a little girl like you." Andlat blushed.

"I'm not a little girl." He whispered. Hunter chuckled.

"It's okay, I love you anyway." He was basically just winging it, but it seemed like Andlat was eating it up eagerly. He took the fox by the paw and led him over to the bed, where they both lay down and began to kiss. Hunter felt strange at first, having just kissed Andlat's baby sister a few days ago. He soon just allowed his hormones to whisk him away, leaning in to kiss the fox deeper and deeper, rubbing his midriff with his paws. In many ways, Andlat was no different from the girls that Hunter had kissed, other than a growing bulge in his panties. Andlat's paw moved down and began to rub Hunter's crotch.

"I love my lion." Andlat whispered as he took a breath before returning to kissing Hunter. Andlat pulled away a moment later to pull off his shirt, nodding for Hunter to do the same.

"Can we do something a bit more risky tonight?" Andlat asked.

"Like what?"

"Can you take me up your ass?" Andlat rushed through the question, a sure sign of nervousness. Hunter paused. It was a big step. He had never had sex with anyone and he wasn't sure if he wanted his first time to be a fox's cock up his ass. "I've taken you, so I guess I just want to be on top for once." Andlat blushed. Hunter smiled.

"Sure. We can try it." Andlat kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you!"

"Do you want to right now?"

"No. Let's play a little more first." Andlat returned to kissing him and rubbing his cock. Hunter purred and responded in kind, marveling at just how soft the fox's panties were. He began to stroke the fox's cock inside his panties, licking the fox's cheek as he went. Andlat lay back and murred as Hunter's paw worked.

After a moment, Andlat slipped out from under Hunter's paw and made his way around to the back of the lion. He slipped his fingers into Hunter's waistband, whisking down his briefs and patting his butt gently.

"You have such a cute ass." Andlat whispered as he pulled down his panties and aligned his cock. "Ready for this?" Hunter nodded and braced himself, groaning softly as he felt the fox's length force its way in. Andlat began to move his hips back and forth, his precum acting as a lubricant in Hunter's tailhole as his cock moved in and out. Andlat moaned loudly, pulling on Hunter's fur to steady himself.

Hunter's own cock begin to drip as Andlat's length rammed his prostate again and again.

"Enjoying this?" Andlat asked between breaths.

"Yes." Hunter moaned, ready for more. Andlat continued to hump the lion's behind, grunting and moaning as he got closer and closer to climax. "Come on, come on!" Hunter said eagerly as he felt the fox's cock twitch deep inside him.

At last, Andlat exploded inside Hunter's tailhole, panting loudly as he did. He remained in Hunter's tailhole for a moment before popping it out.

"I love you." Andlat said, collapsing next to Hunter. Hunter smiled and hugged the fox.

"I love you too, foxy." He licked the fox's cheek. "But, I've got homework and you" he tapped the fox's snout. "Are a distraction." Andlat nodded as he stood and pulled his panties back up.

"Would you like me to get you diapered so that there aren't any distractions?" Hunter had just spent the last few days in diapers, so why was he nodding? Andlat smiled and walked to the closet in just his panties, pulling out a package of adult-sized Huggies. "Your diaper will match Dakoda's! Isn't that cute?" Hunter chuckled as he had a flashback to one of the pictures on his computer.

"Almost as cute as that tea party you had with Emma where you both were wearing matching dressies and diapees!" Andlat blushed.

"I forgot I sent you that one." He mumbled as he came over. "Let's just get you diapered." He lifted up the lion's legs, placing the crinkly Huggies under his rump. Hunter purred as the fox thoroughly powdered his cock and balls as well as rubbing lotion on his butt. "Who's going to be my cute little crinklebutt?" Andlat teased as he set Hunter's rump down on the diaper.

"Me, daddy." Hunter said, slipping his thumb into his mouth and fully enveloping himself in the cubby feelings that he had grown so used to over the last few days. The fox smiled as he folded the diaper over Hunter's cock and taped the crinkly diaper around his waist.

"One more thing before I leave you to your studies." Andlat said. He went over to his backpack and pulled out a large box. He handed it to Hunter, who immediately opened it.

"Whoa! Lion King pajamas?" Hunter exclaimed as he stared at them. They were footie pajamas, but in his size. Andlat nodded.

"Yep. Next time you come over to my house, you'll wear them over double diapers to bed like a good cubby." Hunter smiled and began to pull them on. He ran over and hugged Andlat, his diaper crinkling.

"I love you, sweetheart." He said, kissing the fox. Andlat grinned as he got dressed again and then left.

"Get your homework done, cubby." Hunter nodded and sat at his desk. He began to do the required work, but grew quite frustrated. Missing a few days of school hadn't helped him at all, putting him even further behind. He leaned back in his chair and groaned.

"This sucks." He moaned as he stood up, giggling as his diaper crinkled. He began to pace his room, wondering what he could do. He needed to get this work done, but how? He could ask his mom, but she'd wonder why he was dressed like he was and he was far too comfortable to change. "Dakoda!" He exclaimed, snapping his fingers. He hurried down the hall to the kitten's nursery. Dakoda was sitting on the floor in his pajamas, playing with plushies. He looked up.

"You look more like a cub than I do." He remarked matter-of-factly. Hunter nodded.

"Koda, would you... help me with my homework?" He asked nervously. Dakoda laughed.

"You need your little brother's help with homework?"

"You went to class the last few days, not me." Hunter retorted.

"I suppose you're right." The cub said. "Let's go then." The two lions walked back to Hunter's room, both of them crinkling softly. "What should we do first?" He asked. Hunter shrugged, so Dakoda took the lead in walking Hunter through everything.

It took over an hour, but Hunter was finally catching on at the end. He leaned back and yawned, as did his little brother.

"It's past your bedtime, isn't it?" Dakoda nodded, yawning again.

"Yeah." Hunter leaned over and pulled out the back of the cub's diaper.

"You're still dry."

"But you're not." Dakoda said, touching the older lion's sagging diaper. Hunter blushed as he realized that Dakoda was right.

"I was focusing too hard to even notice." Dakoda smiled as he waddled over to Hunter's closet.

"Don't worry. Your tutor doubles as a great diaper changer." He said with a wink. He pulled out a new diaper as Hunter removed his pajamas and lay down on the floor in just the wet diaper. Dakoda came over and kneeled by the lion, beginning to untape his diaper. "Oh! Smells like someone made a little messy too." Hunter looked down and saw that the back of his diaper was indeed brown. "Someone's a smelly cub, aren't they?" Hunter blushed as Dakoda began to wipe him off, his own diaper crinkling loudly as he did, his cheeks, chubby from his cubby fat, lifted in a caring smile. "What a filthy kitten, hmm?" He said as he wiped Hunter's bottom.

"Thank you for changing me, Koda." Hunter said with a giggle. Dakoda smiled.

"Have you used the potty at all since you got your body back?" Hunter thought about it then shook his head.

"No, I guess I've fallen into a habit." Dakoda grinned.

"I guess I'll have to put you into a new diaper then." He said with a grin as he unfolded the new diaper that he had grabbed from the closet. "Lift your legs." Dakoda instructed. "I'm not used to changing as big a kitten as you." Hunter nodded and obeyed, watching between his legs as the cub placed the diaper down before helping him to lower himself onto it. Dakoda's chubby paw then grabbed the cubby powder and began to sprinkle it onto the older lion's groin. Hunter slipped his thumb into his muzzle again as the kitten finished powdering him. It was the matter of a moment as Dakoda lifted the diaper up between his legs and taped it around the lion's waist. He patted Hunter's leg. "All set for beddy bye." He watched as Hunter got back into his sleeper.

"Thank you, Dakoda." Hunter said shyly. He got into bed and Dakoda came over and stood on his tiptoes to kiss Hunter on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Hunter." Dakoda said as he left the room. Hunter rolled onto his side, his thumb still in his mouth as he began to drift off to sleep. He sighed contently, glad to be back in his body, but in no hurry to reject all of the cubby things he had encountered in the last few days. He fell asleep and dreamed many wonderful cubby dreams.

The End