Skaven Celebration

Story by Dr_Lazarus_Lamar on SoFurry

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So I posted this to my FA account a while back and it took me till now to realize that I hadn't posted it here... The place where I actually look for written smut... I feel stupid but better late than never. It's been a while, so I may have missed a tag here or there. Trying my best here.

Quick clarification

The non-consensual party in this is only non-consensual cause he thinks he might die at any point. Skaven are REALLY skittery and distrusting and for good reason. But it also might help to clarify that the non-consensual party is the top, not the bottom.


A short story I wrote while playing Total War: Warhammer II. Took me a while, because I basically wrote it on my iPad between loading screens.

I did it cause I couldn't find any Skaven Smut.

... but otherwise I don't know what I'm doing.

Here's hoping that between being distracted by the game, writing the story infrequently, not writing much at all and my head generally hurting like hell, I wrote something palatable.

Also of note:

The Skaven Characters came from my time on Mordheim (which I can't go back to after having to shut the game down part way through losing a mission... don't want to see my team dead.)

The wood elves in the story come from my time on the warhammer Mount and Blade Mod (cause fuck the wood elves. Damn hippies almost took over Skavenblight before I got involved)

As far as the Mordheim team goes; I even made up backstories for all the Skaven both shown here, and not shown here. Why did I do that? No clue.

Why did I make up a complicated head canon to justify a slutty and submissive leader who uses his crew as his personal harem? Still no clue.

Funny as hell, though.

Final Quick Note

Also, a quick explanation for why there's a Skaven named Sakari Under-rat;

My head canon is that Sakari Under-rat is a skaven with issues. One of those is that he doesn't like being told what he can and cannot do. For a laugh, one of the other skaven, who knew this, taunted him by telling him that he's a male rat and will never be a female rat. This pissed Sakari Under-rat off big time, but for a while he didn't know what to do about it.

Then he got an idea. An awful idea. He had a wonderful, awful idea.

He figured; if he consumed the essence of what makes a female, it would be part of him. So he'd be both male and female.

Not being stupid enough to try this with a skaven female (he'd suffer a fate worse than death if he even thought about doing anything to the clan's breeders), he decided to do the next best thing.

So he got a crew together and waylaid a Wood Elf group, found the nicest (for an elf-thing) female, and tore into her gut to eat her womb and ovaries. Then, before she died, he stole her name too, just to be sure. He then roared out "I am now-now Sakari! Both-both male and breeder! Fear-tremble at my power!"

... right before Wood Elf reinforcements arrived and he and his had to run.

This, of course, didn't go over well with the dead Wood Elf's lover, who has now sworn an oath to hunt down the rat that so brutally killed his beloved. Right in front of his eyes no less!

By the time the story starts, Sakari the skaven has now gained the title 'under-rat' for how much he submits to his own underlings. Who, by this point, are only not overthrowing him cause they're using Sakari as a free ride. He play's at 'owning' his lieutenants, while they get all the sex they could want and, if anything goes wrong, Sakari would take the fall instead of them.

Meanwhile, the Wood Elf lover has chased Sakari all the way to Mordheim, where Sakari thought he'd lay low (Never said he was the smartest Skaven). His fury and dedication far surpassing any danger or restrictions that might have stopped him.

Trispip, a new recruit to Sakari Under-Rat's crew, gets introduced to his new boss and finds out why his title is Under-rat.

For ball play, search "Sakari's paw finally reached one of Trispip's balls"

For oral sex, search "Somewhat satisfied, Sakari let his gaze falter"

For anal sex, Search "Skrit-Skrit gently pushed the now shaking"

  • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

The dilapidated carcass that was Mordheim lay sprawled across the ground, lit by the sickly glow of the moons above. Vultures, fat with Carrion, lazily flew over the ill maintained roof tops, interrupted infrequently by columns of smoke. Trispip's ears perked, his head jerking to and fro as he listened. Here and there, shouts and screams told the tales of hundreds struggling for the warpstone found in the city. His paws worked quick, marking various spots on a crudely drawn map. Foul smelling wind, carrying the scent of death, brushed over his dark brown fur from the gaping hole in the wall. The building had many like it and at four stories up, it offered him the view he needed.

Trispip was new to this, reconnaissance that is. In his old unit, he was a viscous warrior, stabbing out the eyes and other vital organs of elves, dwarves and man-things. His last battle cut that short, though. Elf-things rained hell and death on his unit, they were caught by surprise. His memory of the fight wasn't all that great, scurrying here and there in search of cover. It was almost like the elf-things weren't fighting for the warp stone in the area, but instead out for blood.

That was when Gunfire erupted from a building across the street. He had to be told later, but apparently Sakari Under-rat's skaven had been lying in wait. Trispip's group had been used as bait! Before it was over, Trispip had been wounded and was lying in a puddle of his own blood. For whatever reason though, Sakari's had his rats drag him back to their camp and patched up. The bandages around Trispip's waist and chest still hurt, but he was just glad he survived.

  • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Skrit-Skrit tossed a rattling out of his path as he entered the set of ruined buildings that made up Sakari Under-Rat's camp. The activity in the camp was absurd, rats clambering over each other, things carried here and there. He motioned for his storm Vermin to follow him as he made his way towards a dilapidated warehouse. A string green light pierced the windows every now and then, like the blinking eyes of a monster.

The door to Sakari's workshop flung open. The heavy stomps of Skrit-Skrit the Rat-Taker's guard rang out with the cacophony of noise that poured through the portal. Skrit-Skrit slid his hood off his head, shaking the grime from his eyes. Red fur bristled on the exposed scalp of the warlock engineer. Skrit-Skrit knew any intrusion, even one for good news, wasn't welcome when Sakari was at work.

"Yes-yes," spat the rat, not even giving Skrit-Skrit the dignity of turning from his desk, "Why-why does Skrit-Skrit return? Don't see-see dwarf-thing loot."

Skrit-Skrit bared his teeth in what must have been an eager grin and bowed to the red rat. It wasn't often he got to deliver good news. "Most smart-cleaver master. I've brought-brought the treasure-loot. It is already by-by the gate."

The words had barely left Skrit-Skrit's muzzle as Sakari scrambled for the doorway. He shoved his way past the stormvermin, pushed a rattling to the ground and then just stood there.

There it was.

At first, the red rat approached with caution, as if the thing would vanish at any moment. Soon he dropped that and rushed the metal device.

"It here! It's mine-mine" the rat crooned as he caresses the hard surface "not clan skryre, not Ikit Claw. MINE-MINE!"

They had found it naught but the other day.

A dwarf's engine.

He couldn't know that it was broken, that it didn't really work. Nor could he have known the series of events that brought it to Mordheim. Never the less, he didn't care. The only thing on his mind was the fact that he had a dwarf's engine. No one else, just him.

He slowly pulled himself from his euphoric high. "Quick-quick" he stammered, wiping saliva from his mouth, "bring-carry to workshop. Now-now!"

Skaven slaves scrambled to the device and lifted it up slowly, strain clearly visible on each of their faces. The engine wobbled back and forth, but started to make its way to the open doors of the warehouse.

Skrit-Skrit appeared behind the ecstatic red rat. "Master is pleased-pleased?"

Sakari turned to the assassin, manic in his eyes, "yes-yes-yes! Very pleased-pleased."

He started to partially dance in place, "Skrit-Skrit, celebration tonight! Bring-summon new big rat! Much-much breeding tonight!"

Skrit-Skrit's eyes lit up. He knew his master would be happy, but not this happy, "Yes-Yes, right away."

  • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Trispip opened the door to the balcony. It was cold up here, even under his fur, but it was the way he was told to enter the camp. A rattling was already waiting for him on the other side. It's eyes large and expectant. Trispip saw its little uniform, if you could call its rags that, and recognized him as one of the recon messenger rats. He dug in his pouch for a bit before pulling out the map he had worked on.

The little thing snatched the paper and scurried to the door at the back of the room. Trispip was tired, he had spent the entire day out and was looking forward to clawing the face off a smaller rat for his food. He'd even spotted a place where he could eat, away from the eyes of bigger rats.

A commotion outside the door drew his attention before he could move. The door swung open and a stormvermin stepped inside. It sniffed the air, "You new-new rat! Yes-yes?"

Trispip tensed himself, ready to leap out the balcony door if this was bad. "Yes-yes," he barely breathed.

Relief passed over the heavily armored rats face, "Good-good. Skrit-Skrit wants-demands you see him. Say-say 'if you run-scamper away, he will find you.'"

Trispip gulped, he could still get away if he tried... but no, he was still wounded. The assassin rat would definitely find him. He could possibly live to see the next day if he tried groveling enough.

  • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"What-what?! Like breed-rat?!" Trispip couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Exactly like-like breed-rat," Skrit-Skrit assured the shocked skaven.

Trispip knew about breed-rats, all the skaven did. You didn't live in a society of males, with all the females locked away for breeding in mass, without breed-rats. Access to the females was sometimes hard to get to, even when you were at Skavenblight, let alone when a rat was on the warpath. That would leave a skaven very sexually frustrated. That's why there were breed-rats. Most of the time, a breed-rat was an unwilling volunteer, a smaller rat to be bred by his betters. But while it was rare, there were some Skaven who willingly became breed-rats. Most of those skaven did it to gain status. Being a willing breed-rat could get you places if you slept with the right skaven.

Which is why it was so confusing that a skaven leader would be one.

Skrit-Skrit looked him in the eyes, commanding Trispip's attention, "Skrit-Skrit knows what Trispip is thinking. Sakari strange-weird. He not breed-rat for power. Like-likes to steal-take. Skaven tell-squeak Sakari that he can't be mother. Sakari now prove them wrong."

Trispip just stood there. He could barely register that kind of logic. "What," was all he could muster.

Skrit-Skrit sighed, "Why Sakari like-like being breed-rat not-not matter. Trispip be happy-grateful Trispip get breed-rat at all-all."

Trispip wasn't an especially strong skaven, despite his previous job. He wasn't weak enough to be a breed-rat, but he wasn't strong enough to take one either. He nodded his acceptance to the assassin.

Skrit-Skrit started to open the door to Sakari's nest before stopping, "Trispip make sure-sure to remember, Sakari is master."

  • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

The warlock engineer's personal chambers were a sight to behold. A large, plush bed dominated the center of the back wall. It had rips and tares all throughout the fabric, but haphazard stitching kept it in one piece. At almost random locations along the walls were desks covered in a variety of objects. Tools, bits of metal, boxes large and small, and half built devices. Various tapestries hung where there was wall left, patterned where dirt didn't cling. Above it all, a half broken chandelier lit the room in a brighter than natural glow. On the floor, various discarded bits and pieces littered the floor, discards from personal projects. The center of the room was barren, the work of slaves for the nights events.

In a corner of the room in a gaudy throne, snatched from a local manor, lounged Sakari Under-Rat. He drummed his claws on its arm rest, not out of frustration, but of impatience. Not even the bad kind either, he was excited. Everything had been going his way. First they find the dwarf engine, then they kill wood elf-things. Even after all that, they even found a skaven that looked like he had an absolutely massive set of balls and a sheath to match. Now that the engine was safe in his workshop, he was eager to finish the day with a good old fashioned breeding.

The door opened and Sakari's eyes shot to the entry. Skrit-Skrit was ushering a very unsure skaven into the room. The red rat hopped from his throne, "Skrit-Skrit, this new-new skaven to join?"

Skrit-Skrit nodded, while undoing the rope that held his pants up, "Skrit-Skrit bring-brought new slave for master."

The assassin pushed Trispip forward, stumbling as the new rat tried to steady himself. He was shaking. He'd nodded, but nothing about this made sense. He was waiting for this to be a trap.

The red rat stalked forward, inspecting the brown rodent. He paced a bit before coming to a stop in front of him. "Why is slave-thing still-still covered," he spat, "Sakari want-want to see-see! Want-want make sure slave-thing is what it looks-seems like!"

His hands trembling, Trispip started to undo the rope acting as his own belt. He was confused, exactly what was expected of him? If he wasn't what his master wanted, was he going to die? An impatient huff from his master told him to hurry up. Trispip's trousers were soon on the floor, the Skaven standing stock still at attention.

Leaning down, the red rat gave Trispip's genitals a closer look. He grinned, the new slave's balls alone were huge, almost the size of grape fruits. The shaft was still in its sheath, though, but Sakari expected that. He reached out to cup the furry orbs. Trispip flinched, but a snarl from Sakari stilled him.

Sakari's paw finally reached one of Trispip's balls. He ran his hand over it, feeling its firmness and letting the fur slip between his wiry digits. With a paw beneath the furred orb, Sakari attempted to weigh it. It was HEAVY. Sakari's mouth began to water at the prospect of how much seed had to be stored in there. A twitch from Trispip's sheath told Sakari that he was close to getting what he wanted.

Leaning further in and pressed his nose directly into the furry sack, Sakari breathed deeply. His eyes fluttered as the musk of the slave rodent overcame him. Slave he might be, but the rich, masculine scent was powerful and dominant. Sakari nestled himself into the furry haven, relishing its soft fur.

Trispip stood as still as he could, not wanting to invite wrath upon himself with so tender an area in biting range. He could feel his malehood itching to come out. In his fear, he was instinctively holding it back, but not by much. He felt a paw on his shoulder, making Trispip's eyes dart to his side.

Skrit-Skrit was there, naked as the day he was born. Already, his own shaft was poking its head out of its sheath. He nodded at the slave, squeezing and un-squeezing his paw. The assassin was giving Trispip a reassuring look he wasn't used to getting from his betters. Despite the confusion still welling up inside him, he tried to relax.

Back down below, the red rat pulled himself away. He had fully given into his own lust by now and began licking and suckling at the furred and firm sperm banks. They tasted of sweat, a strong, salty taste that washed over him in crashing waves. He couldn't get enough of it. The only thing that was able to break his attention was the feeling of something shifting when he laid his head on the sack one last time.

The red rat pulled his head away and watched as the slave's meat began to spill out.

It was thick. Really thick.

It was almost as thick as his own arm. And he hadn't even seen the base of it yet. The voice of reason inside his head told Sakari that he had bitten off more than he could chew. This only served to piss him off, no one tells Sakari under-rat what he can and can't do!

Already, seven inches had creeped out of the sheath. Skaven, in general, were no more than four feet high, so this dick was absolutely monstrous. Sakari's breath came ragged in his excitement. Being as close as he was, he could see every crease on its pale surface, every pulsing vain. He could even feel the intense heat radiating from it. How was this slave still standing?! This had to be some trickery with warp stone.

"Good-good," Sakari chittered anxiously, "Sakari is pleased with-with skavenslave."

Trispip let out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding. Whatever they were expecting of him, he managed to meet those expectations. He might just get out of this with both his balls intact. It was finally even starting to enter his mind that he was actually getting to mate with someone. This prospect started to excite him further.

"Now-now hold still-still, slave," Sakari commanded.

Trispip tensed again, back to expecting something awful, before Sakari began to rise slightly and grab hold of his cock. The wiry digits sank painfully into his flesh, but Trispip feared for his life too much to falter now. Sakari inched forward, hesitated, and then ran his tongue from sheath to tip. By the great horned rat, it even tasted divine! Lust took hold again, as he threw caution to the wind, and threw himself at devouring the mountain of meat before him.

Trispip almost doubled over as his master swallowed half his dick in one motion. He could feel his member bend slightly as it sank into Sakari's gullet, bulging it out. It didn't help that he felt his masters teeth scrap along his flesh. Without thinking, his hands shot down to push back on the rat head near his groin. The sudden interaction surprised the red rat, causing him to sputter around the cock lodged in his esophagus. He quickly pulled off the skavenslave's dick, coughing and cursing once free.

Red eyes full of fire and hatred shot daggers that could freeze the realms of chaos at Trispip. His heart leapt into his throat as a million apologies spilled forth. The paw on his shoulder, which he had forgotten, tightened painfully, silencing him. The rat on his knees continued to glare at Trispip, not even interrupted by the occasional cough, wheeze or hack.

"Does the stupid-worthless slave-thing wish to die-die," the red rat finally managed, his words dripping with venom, "slave-thing would do well-well to remember who-who his master is. I am great-powerful engineer. I can-will take your dick-dick and mount it to machine."

Trispip feared for more than his life. Words started to fumble their way out of his mouth as his entire body trembled. The paw on his shoulder squeezed harder, drawing blood. Trispip winced and stopped babbling.

"Choose-choose what you squeak-say, slave-thing," the assassin warned him, closer to his ear than Trispip would have EVER liked.

"Teeth," Trispip managed, "master's teeth. They hurt, my lord."

A look of realization passes over Sakari's face, then agitation. After a moments deliberation, he reaches up and plucked his two front false teeth from his maw, "Thqueek-thpeak thith to anyone and you will die-die a thouthand pain-death before you die-die."

The trembling in Trispip had stopped for shear shock at what he had seen. The promise took a second to sink through that, the sudden feeling of a knife near his tail hole helping. Sakari kept his deathly gaze locked on Trispip's eyes until it got through. Trispip nodded his head violently in confirmation.

Somewhat satisfied, Sakari let his gaze falter, then fall back on the somewhat shrunken thick shaft in front of him. Licking his chops like a dog, Sakari went back to tasting the skaven flesh with another lick from sack to tip. The pre that had started to drip out tasted sweet, but there wasn't enough to satisfy yet.

Skrit-Skrit, now painfully within Trispip's attention, was apparently casually masturbating beside him. He was eyeing the rat lapping as Trispip's lap hungrily. The skaven slave wondered how many of his master's subordinates were involved in this. Trispip braced himself as his master swallowed his dick again, suckling and tasting its underside with his tongue. The lack of teeth this time helped Trispip enjoy the treatment, his cock finally reaching full mast. A full ten inches of skaven meat was roughly pistoning through Sakari's esophagus, the greedy sounds of sucking and slurping filling the room.

Trispip could feel the head of his dick making its way into his master's stomach. His balls had become matted with the excess slobber, some even dripping to the floor. Trispip's eyes rolled back up into his head. The sensation proved too much, he mindlessly reached forward and laid his paws on the top of Sakari's head. If this displeased his master, he didn't show it.

Sakari payed no heed to the paws on his head, as long as they weren't stopping him he didn't care. By this point, he could feel the pre gushing out of the member in his mouth. It made him dwell near the tip, just so he could soak the sweet flavor in. This proved too much stimulant for Trispip, pushing him over the edge.

The skavenslave began to cry out and buck his hips. Cum started to gush from him, directly into his master's mouth. This took Sakari by surprise, tasting the salty mixture as it sprayed the back of his throat. Thinking quickly, he dove down on the length of meat, letting the cock head press into the top of his stomach. The bugle in his throat began to pulse as the voluminous seed made its way into the waiting rat. Outside of the initial blast leaving traces around his mouth, the rest of the load was directly deposited into the red rat's stomach.

The orgasm went on for some time, rounding out Sakari's abdomen. But it soon started to taper off. The last spurts of Trispip's orgasm fired off before the rat fell back into a waiting Skrit-Skrit. As he fell back, his cock slid its way out of Sakari's throat, something the red rat always loved to feel. Once the head had 'popped' free, the red rat began coughing and wheezing again. He wiped his maw as he gasped for breath. His raging boner was now on display, a puddle of pre on the ground below him.

But he hadn't cum.

"M-more-more," he stuttered, once he had his breath back, "Thlave, I wand-need more-more!"

Trispip sagged into Skrit-Skrit's arms, but traces of fear registered in his eyes. "Please-please, master," he sighed, "Have-have mercy-kindness! Trispip tired!"

Rage started to creep into his master's face, "Wha-wha?! Thlave-fing dare thpeak-thqueak back 'o his masfer?"

Trispip quickly fell to the floor, the support Skrit-Skrit had shown had disappeared in but a moment. The shock of the impact did little to mask the abject fear on his face. He started to scramble backwards, "No-no! Trispip w-would never-never!"

His back hit the wooden door, but when did it close? Trispip's mind raced as his master fumbled for his false teeth. Finding them, he shoves them back into place as he started to rise to his feet, the shear contempt he radiated clear as day. In spite of this, Trispip continued to try, "i-it was the task-master," his voice cracked, "Yes-yes! The task-master! He had-had Trispip out on watch-spy all day-day!"

Sakari spit a glob of phlegm and dirt from the tooth to the floor at his side, never taking his eyes off the skavenslave, "Is that so-so?"

The air in the room hung itself on the tension, rather to kill itself then witness any more. When the red rat finally spoke, it was in a level tone, "We-we will have to see-fix that, won't we?"

Trispip didn't want to know what his master meant by that. He sprang to his feet, twisting around to reach for the door handle. Almost as soon as his back was turned, violent paws grabbed Trispip by his wound and wrenched him away and to the floor. He screeched in pain, hands shooting to the freshly bloodied bandages, as he lay curled up on the floor in the center of the room.

"Make sure-sure he doesn't move-leave," Sakari tossed over his shoulder as he headed to a work desk.

Trispip forced open one of his eyes, the assassin was standing mere inches from him. A sneer was plastered over his face, "As his most smart-cleaver one commands."

The black furred rat stepped over and straddled the cowering rodent below him. Dropping to his knees, Skrit-Skrit grabbed the wounded Trispip's wrists and yanked them to either side of his head. Using his weight, the assassin held Trispip's hands to floor, bearing his teeth in a wicked grin.

Sakari rummaged through the various objects scattered about on his desk, muttering to himself. Pretty soon he found what he was looking for. A bottle full of a thick fluid and an ornate red wood box, which he set roughly onto one of the few clear spaces he could find. Undoing the latches on the box, it swung open and let out a sickly green glow. The red rat snatched up a crystal, tossed the bottle onto the bed, and turned back to the two other skaven.

Trispip struggled weakly; between exhaustion, his wound and the orgasm, it was all he could muster. Once he heard the lid swing open, he tried to crane his head to see. Claws dug into the flesh at his wrists, forcing another squeak of pain from his lips and his head back towards the assassin atop him. He could only hear the padding of feet as the red rat approached.

The sound of shattering glass tore into Trispip's ear. Sakari had thrown a shard of warpstone on the floor. He then stamped on it with a steel bottomed paw pad until it was nothing but dust. The makeshift boot was then tossed carelessly to the side as he spoke, "Skrit-Skrit, why don't you-you wake up-up the slave?"

Trispip felt a hand leave his wrist, but before he could act it was gripping the side of his head. Skrit-Skrit jerked Trispip's head to the side, twisting it so his snout hit the floor. He then dragged Trispip's face along the ground. Using his free thumb, he held the slave's mouth shut. With his other paw, he squeezed his claws into the slave's wrist, drawing blood. The effect worked, the slave taking in a sharp breath through the nose, vacuuming up the warpstone dust as his face slid along.

Bright flashes of color shot through Trispip's skull. He started to gag from the taste of Sakari's fading steps. His skin felt like tearing off as a weight was removed from his chest, then strapped bone-tight as he was roughly picked up from the ground and set on his feet. Paws gripped his shoulders like pin pricks and turned him abruptly.

  • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Sakari looked over his shoulder as sparks of warp danced out of the corners of the slave's eyes. From his position, hands and knees on his bed while idly fingering lube from the bottle into his backdoor, Sakari could see as his assassin directed the warp fueled rat. The red rat's eyes widened as he watched the slave's tool pulse and glow with that same green light.

When it was finished, the slave's rod must have grown to a full sixteen inches! It was even starting to look as thick as his own leg! That voice of reason came crashing back.

Only to be knocked to the ground and kicked relentlessly by his lust and ego.

Skrit-Skrit was still standing behind Trispip, paws on the slave's shoulders. He stared at hulking pillar of flesh barely fitting between the skaven's legs, his eyes looked to almost bug out his skull. His gaze went back to his master, unsure what to do now.

After some hesitation, Sakari snapped, "Well? What-what you wait-stall for?"

Skrit-Skrit gently pushed the now shaking, almost vibrating, slave towards his master. Energy coursed through every vein in Trispip's body, his thoughts raced as his vision swam. His eyes darted over the room until they landed on the body before him. In reality, Sakari had taken a submissive position on the bed, ass up and tail raised by it of the way. His pink, exposed star winking at the addled slave.

To Trispip's mind, however, what lay before him was an actual female skaven. Unusually small, but a rat-bitch through and through. Before he could think about it, or his victim could react, Trispip jumped on the red rat. Grasping the red rat around the waist, the slave roughly shoved his length into his master's eager pucker. Sakari let out a screech as six inches of thick rat meat violated his colon. Roughly shoved forward, the red rat's face was mashed into the bedding. Pushing himself back up onto his hands, he was not prepared for the viciousness his slave exhibited as it humped at his already sore tail hole.

"More-more lube! Now-now," he cried out.

Skrit-Skrit dashed to the side of the bed, snatching up the bottle as he made his way to the mated pair. By this point, the jack hammering vermin had already advanced to pumping eight inches into the red rat. The assassin quickly dumped a handful of the fluid into his paw and started to slather it onto what length of cock he could. Sakari's screeching died down as the lubricant made the cock lodged in him easier to take.

Specs of foam rained on Sakari's back, Trispip had gone into a full-on frenzy. The red rat braced himself as well he could as the assault on his asshole got worse. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, the feeling of the juicy member ram rodding through his bowels and pulverizing his prostate made the rat douse his bed sheets in pre. His tongue dangled out of his mouth as he was stretched ever further with each thrust.

His job done, Skrit-Skrit put the bottle in his paw down. With licking chops, the assassin made his way around the pair to stand at the ready by his master's head. Sure enough, once his genitals were in sight, the red rat was grasping and licking fruitlessly for it. A smile crept across the assassin's face. Obliging to his master's struggles, he inched forward.

While nowhere near as large as the coked up slave attending his master's ass, the assassin's dick was nothing to scoff at. Eight inches long and plenty thick, the black rat could still please his master on occasion. Before his master could reach him, Skrit-Skrit reached down and groped for Sakari's front teeth. Drooling, the red rat didn't show any anger at the bold move. Instead, he cocked his head upward and let his jaw hang loose. Pleading eyes stared at Skrit-Skrit's paw as he reached down and plucked the false teeth from their home.

Laying the teeth down elsewhere, the assassin finally shuffled forward. As soon as his tool was within reach, his master slathered it in warm and wet attention. Skrit-Skrit leaned his head back with a sigh as his cock was generously worked over by a dexterous tongue. It was moments like this that reminded him why he loved to work for Sakari Under-rat.

Sakari was in heaven, spit-roasted between a horse-hung slave and his pornstar sized lieutenant. He could feel his anal ring stretch sporadically as the veins on the slave's dick entered him over and over. The violent hammering at his backdoor would make sure he wouldn't sit for weeks, and that only excited him more. He affectionately lapped at the dick in front of him, as best he could given the sudden jerking motions of the slave's every thrust. Soon, he just gave up and hung his mouth slack-jawed on the meat, choosing to taste it what moments it was in him.

A feeling at Sakari's mid-section made him reach his free hand down to feel. While he was busy with Skrit-Skrit's succulent member, his slave had made progress. A definite bulge was starting to pulse from his abdomen. Sakari moaned around the cock in his mouth. He just felt so FULL.

A paw fell on his shoulder, gripping it tight enough to hurt, the slave had moved into a better position. This close, the slave must have buried at least 13 inches of his bitch-breaking cock into Sakari's bowels, which explained his abdomen. The warpdust must have done its job, because the slave wasn't slowing down. The slave was intent on sheathing himself fully in his master. Sakari soon learned to use the shock of his slave's thrusts to launch him onto Skrit-Skrit's dick. It was all he could do as his organs were rearranged around the slab of meat stretching him out.

Far sooner than expected, Sakari felt his dick twitch under him, spraying his cum on the sheets below. Behind him, the slave grunted as the hole he sunk his dick in contracted in an attempt to milk him. The slave snarled in defiance, he could still feel air on his length. He didn't plan on cumming until he was as deep as he could go.

It didn't take much longer to realize that. Sakari was having problems feeling his legs with that tree trunk of a bone in him. He could, however, feel the familiar texture of the slave's matted balls as they made contact with his own. His paw at his mid drift had been long batted away by the, now clearly defined, shape emerging from his gut. After that, he could finally feel base of the slave's cock ripple his own ass cheeks.

The slave huffed, finally having planted himself firmly in the bitch beneath him. He was taking longer plunges into the wet hole. Foam continued to fly as he ravaged the depths of his prey, spearing through his poor master's bowels. The anal ring around his cock had even stopped tugging at his dick, a part of him was disappointed at that. Something in him stirred because of this, it made him want to finish. Taking a hard grip on the red rat, he started to pull out 2/3's of his dick every thrust, only to slam it all back in.

The assassin growled. His master had stopped suckling at his length. He knew his master could survive the heavy drilling the slave was giving him, so Skrit-Skrit decided to focus his efforts on getting off himself. He was so close when his master had stopped. Skrit-Skrit planted his knees in front of his master's head, gripped the red rat on the sides of his head and went to town. He knew what his master liked, so he felt no need to hold back face fucking the poor rat. Gagging sounds started to erupt from below, his dick going deeper than before. The rippling flesh around his dick only made him go faster.

Tears flowed from Sakari's eyes, his gag reflex thoroughly trampled by the intruding length of dick. He was losing himself in the rough treatment being done to him. He felt his sack tighten up again as he came for the second time. His anal muscles had been ravaged far too much to respond to this, unable to close with the leg sized hunk of rat meat still thrusting in and out.

Claws gripped tighter around Sakari's head as his assassin mashed his groin to the red rat's snout. Skrit-Skrit let out a shrill squeak as he threw his head back. The assassin's dick bulged his master's throats as he pumped his seed down Sakari's gullet. Skrit-Skrit repeatedly mashed his groin into his master's face as he came, humping the rats mouth. Seed poured out from around his dick, between the spunk already filling his master's belly and the rough impalement the slave was giving his insides, there just must not have been the room.

As his orgasm wound down, Skrit-Skrit let out a sigh and sagged a little. Finally resting in his afterglow, listening to the slapping and gurgling emanating from his master. He slowly dragged his member out of the red rat's mouth, letting it dawdle here and there and just enjoying the feeling raw flesh against his prick. When it finally slipped free, a handful of thick and fragrant spunk followed it out, dripping from between the yellowed teeth of his master's maw.

Once his windpipe was cleared, Sakari gasped for air between the jackhammering thrusts to his rear. The gasping died down, replaced with gasps and moans as cum swung to the beat from his jaw.

Skrit-Skrit relaxed back onto his haunches as he lazily wiped some of his cum from his master's chin. He then offered his slimy digits to the red rat, who gladly began to suck them dry. The assassin chuckled at the thought of their predicament.

Seeing out of the corner of his eye the hyped up slave about to blow, he withdrew his fingers from his master's mouth. The spindly things escaped just in time, as the slave hilted his gargantuan cock, making Sakari's teeth clench shut.

Sakari's hole was pushed to its limits as gout after gout of cum made its way along his slave's length. He braced himself as best he could, but he couldn't have braced enough. It hosed out of the trunk of a dick, coating every inch of his intestine with thick, slimy jizz. Sakari let out a ragged squeak between his teeth as he came for the third time. His cum was lost in the waterfall of spunk flowing out from around the slave's rod.

Sakari's mid drift further expanded, making the rat look pregnant. Soon the cock shaped bulge ceased to be visible. Even after the slave had finished hosing down his master's insides, he continued to grind into the red rats ass, forcing more cum to leak out.

The sparks of warp coming from the slave's eyes started to die down. His body began to sag, feeling the weight of exhaustion overcoming him. Trispip fell forward, onto a warm body beneath him. The feeling of seed rushing out from around his dick startled him. With genuine effort, he tried to pick himself up. Shock lazily entered his brain at the sight of his master below him. A second further and it dawned on him that he still had his cock firmly planted in the red rat.

Uttering some automatic apologies, Trispip dragged himself from his master. The head of his softening rod left the rodent with a 'pop,' letting still more seed flow out. At this point, Trispip was just staring blankly at the sight before him. Sakari just lay there, his chest slowly rising and falling. His ass was completely wrecked; it gaped wide open, unable to close. He could even see a ways into the rat's colon, it was packed with seed that was drooling out into the vast pool the rat was laying in.

Trispip's head swam as he swirled it in the direction of the other rat. Skrit-Skrit was sitting near Sakari's head, he was gently running his paw over the red rats scalp. While he was doing this, Sakari just laid there, tongue sprawled out, as yet more cum seeped from his mouth.

"Is," the slave started weakly, "is Trispip still-still in trouble?"

The assassin let his gaze fall on Trispip. After a second of consideration, he looked to the red rat's gapping asshole, then back to Trispip. "I think-guess you work-work it off."

Trispip blinked, "oh... master is most kind-kind."

With that, the slave fell back into his puddle of spunk and passed out.

  • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Trispip woke slowly. His head hurt like hell, making it hard to think. The sound of movement near him made him stir. Cracking an eye open, Trispip tried to piece together what happened. Infirmary Scarkit was there, tending to wounded skaven. That meant he was in the butcher's tent.

Was Trispip wounded? He might have been, but why was he wounded? The pieces slowly fell into place. He'd been summoned to his new master's room. There, he found out that Sakari Under-rat was actually a breed-rat. Sakari sucked his dick... then...

His head still hurt, making him groan.

The bandage covered rat's ears perked. He turned towards Trispip and reached into his bag. The 'doctor' pulled some instrument out and waved it around Trispip's head, then his body. The rat let out a whistle, then looked back at Trispip.

"You-you really alive," Scarkit almost remarked.

Trispip could only moan, he couldn't think enough to speak.

A look of annoyance took Scarkit's face, "Scarkit needs questions answered, yes-yes."

He reached in his bag again and pulled out a dirty syringe. He drew some liquid from a vile at his hip and stuck it in Trispip's arm. It stung like hell and the fire only spread to his body. Trispip jumped up with a start, paw groping at his arm.

The 'doctor' quickly removed the needle and shoved it back in his bag. "Yes-yes, wake up, wake up."

While the pain in his body was still there, Trispip's head started to hurt less. His thoughts went back to arranging themselves, and his memory followed suit.

He'd fucked his master... Not just that, he fucked him raw.

Dread and fear started to creep in.

"Slave, what-what is your name," Scarkit interrupted.

Trispip looked at the greying rat, "Trispip is-is sorry! Tell-tell master Trispip not know what-what Trispip was doing!"

Scarkit furrowed his brow, "What-what you speak-squeak. Trispip in trouble? Then why did Skrit-Skrit bring you here? Skrit-Skrit want to torture later?"

"Trispip not in trouble-danger," came a familiar voice.

Trispip jumped at the sight of an approaching Skrit-Skrit, "not in trouble-danger yet-yet."

Scarkit let out a dejected sigh, "Was ready to fetch tools. Maybe next time."

The greying rat turned and left for the other wounded skaven. Skrit-Skrit stalked up to Trispip's bed side.

"Sakari Under-rat like-like Trispip. Keep Trispip as personal guard," the assassin explained.

Trispip could only let his jaw hang open.

Skrit-Skrit started to run a finger down the hilt of the sword on his belt, "Skrit-Skrit just want to say-say something to lucky Trispip."

He leaned in until he was inches from Trispip's snout, "Do not ruin-break this for me-me. Sakari make Trispip lieutenant because Trispip has big-big dick."

A blade appeared below Trispip's chin, "Trispip smell of betray or let Sakari die-die and Trispip won't run fast enough."

Trispip gulped, but nodded as best he could with the knife in the way.

"Good-good," Skrit-Skrit sheath his blade and started for the tent exit, "Trispip better get well soon-soon. Will need much-much training to be good Guard Skaven."

Trispip watched as the assassin left the tent, then fell back into the cot.

Well... he wasn't dead. nor was he going to die.

And he even got a position as the personal guard to a skaven leader.

Trispip wasn't sure what to do with himself.

He must be favored by the Horned Rat.