We Are All Fertile Fields

Story by Tagenar on SoFurry

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An idea I had a while ago. Can't think of anything else to do with it. Some ideas just stand on their own, but maybe someday I can sit down and give serious thought to how life would be different dealing with something like this. That would be a fascinating place to explore.

We Are All Fertile Fields

by Tagenar


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By now, all of you are old enough to understand what's happening to your bodies. Previous generations called this class sex-ed, short for sexual education, but about fifty years ago, something changed.

I'm sure most of you have heard pieces of this. You are now ready for a timeline and graphics.

That little stirring in your bodies? Those are eggs forming. Your grandparents remembered this as a time of "puberty," when the testes dropped or the menstrual cycle begins. Most men no longer produce sperm, and most women no longer produce eggs. Our bodies have changed for them. Perhaps because of them.

They haven't been seen in fifty years. You've seen the videos and the pictures and heard their speeches. They were only around for a few years. They told us about life on other planets. Entire civilizations. Other people who left their solar systems and traveled far and wide. Alien life with societies we only barely comprehend. And then they flew away. The space-dragons. The Elds, as they called themselves. They don't need air to breathe. Somehow they fly through space as easily as we swim in water. There's still a great deal of speculation on whether or not they knew what they would leave behind when they visited.

Eggs begin forming right around puberty, and they will continue to form all of your adult life. You will lay eggs once every three months or so. The hatchlings will not be viable offspring, just random bits of DNA forming inside of you and then coming out. It's believed this is how the Eld reproduce. They have no gender. Their sperm contains all the necessary ingredients for life. It just needs a field to grow in. That field is all of us.

In time you will be tested to find out if your reproductive systems are still viable. Only about three percent of the population is. And by that, I include the animals. They're laying Eld eggs as well. We don't know if it's in the air or the water, but it's a very good case to believe Eld-sperm are present in both, so small only electron microscopes can see them impregnating every cell in every animal on the planet, so to speak, changing them to suit its needs.

It's believed eventually one of these combinations will produce viable offspring. Regardless, each of you will be dealing with this for the rest of your lives. The course is designed to help you cope, as well as to inform you of possible complications that may arise.

Welcome to Eld-ed 1. Next year, Eld-ed 2 goes more into the biology of what's happening to the animals on the planet. Even marine life can be seen laying Eld eggs. Coral reefs and the deepest parts of the ocean floor are littered with them. Eld-ed 3 will go into the political history of the planet, how first contact with alien life and the aftermath affected society. Eld-ed 4, in your senior year, will go deeper into the topics introduced over the previous three years. All of you will hopefully be ready to hear the adult details by then.

This year is about you, your body, and how Eld-sperm is changing you.