
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A pokemon trainer nearly tele-frags a wild Goodra by accident and ends up merged with it! His first plan to cure himself seems to make the situation increasingly dire as they grow to epic proportions and the poor city has to pay for it. Can he divide with the Goodra before they level the city? Or worse- hit critical mass.

(M tf Goodra, Inflation, Kaiju)

Grey is a pokemon trainer in the Unova region. He was quite skilled at battle and got along well with his pokemon so they synergised with each other. Unova had recently opened trade routes across the pond to Galar however, which brought a lot of new trainers, and with them- losses for Grey. After losing the last nine battles in a row within a couple of turns, Grey was a little bit fed up.

He spoke to his pokemon through their balls as he walked carefully around the wet forest floor. "Ok, so apparently all it takes to wipe out an all-psychic pokemon team is a single Dark type." He released an Abra, who drifted in the air. "Ok Abe- use your psychic powers to scan for brain waves. Those Galar trainers have been scooping up Unova's unique pokemon and releasing some of their own old pokemon in the process. There is supposedly a Goodra in these woods we can round out our team a bit better with. My friend got his ass kicked by it though so we have to be careful."

Grey waited till it was raining to come looking for the Goodra, knowing it only really came out in the rain. Goodra were slug dragons, so they require damp environments to survive. Their bodies were also extremely soft and bouncy, which allowed them to suck up most impacts as if it were nothing. It was raining very heavily today- the force of the drops dampened only by the leaves overhead. Grey would have proffered waiting for the weather to be a better compromise, but waiting too long would mean the pokemon would likely get caught by someone else. Goodra are not native to Unova- so this was the only one here. Abra silently drifted through the air, unbothered by the rain. Grey followed close behind, but it was good Abra was floating slowly- Grey's feet kept sticking to the ground, getting sucked into the soft muddy forest floor. Abra finally stopped and pointed to the Goodra, having tracked it by its brain waves. Grey grinned and told Abra to teleport him right beside the Goodra. If he surprised it, they had a much better chance of winning! If he was really lucky, he might be able to just smack it with a Quick Ball and catch it without even fighting in the first place. Abra teleported him over to the Goodra, but at the same time the Goodra stepped forward and was caught in the flesh of psychic power!

Grey appeared and looked around trying to find the pokemon but it was no where to be seen. He glanced at Abra who for once in its life actually opened its eyes slightly in surprise. Grey immediately felt weird, then his body started to look puffy like he was allergic to something. He looked at his hands as they started to puff up and the skin was pulled taught. When his skin started to look slightly off color he realized the mistake. Abra accidentally teleported him to the exact same place Goodra was already standing. They fused together!! He could feel the muscles and skin pooling into his tail bone and then extending out off it. His arms and legs got more and more swollen looking. Even his fingers became pudgy, then round. His digits became to bloated his toe and finger nails popped completely off! He was about to ask Abra to teleport him again but that wouldn't do anything- it would teleport Goodra with him, they were now one body. Grey sighed, at least he found another human to be with. He then furrowed his brows as he knew now that the Goodra's thoughts had melted into his own mind as well. The up side is that pokemon are meant to be with humans and play off on another, so when a bond is formed the pokemon will for the most part share a will with its trainer- so Goodra's thoughts will likely never be in direct competition with his own at least.

Grey's ankles started to bloat up, rubbing against his shoes harder, causing him to waddle his way out of the marshy bottom of the forest and make his way to the base of a larger tree where the ground was most dry. He was already turning into a pokemon, he did not need to go bare foot in marsh water and end up with a Tynamo or something sucking the blood out of his bare feet. He had not even noticed how his body itself was bloating till he bent over to take his shoes off- bending his torso over caused his gut to protrude quite a ways, popping out from between his pants and shirt unable to contain it already. It was perfectly round rather than flabby so it almost looked like he was pregnant. It also made it harder to actually reach his feet though, so he had to squat as well to be able to reach. Once he undid the laces, Abe helped by grabbing onto the bottom for him. His feet had swelled so large already that it took some pulling to finally pop off- but the bloated skin was sort of rubbery so it wasn't as though his feet were locked in place. Grey groaned when he looked at his bare feet past the curve of his gut. It looked like someone was blowing him up like a human balloon! He went to stand back upright but the muscles in his leg felt like they squished out sideways rather than pull straight! His thighs swelled up massively! His pants got yanked down from lack of room, catching on the increasing curve of the thighs and exposing now his growing tail- which was not very long at all yet but very wide. His spine did not extend at all into it, only flesh and muscle so it was somewhat amorphous. His growing thighs also caused his butt to grow massively- only half covered by his pants.

The growth and shifting in his legs made it impossible for him to stand for the moment, so his effort to do so just caused him to wobble in place and then fall onto all fours. When he straightened his arms to catch himself, the growth seemed to take the opportunity to surge down, filling his arms like a long narrow balloon. You could no longer see any of the limbs features outwardly. If he held his arm completely straight you could not see where his elbow was, or his wrists. His fingers were so plump and squishy that when he relaxed them all lined up they all smushed against one another and looked like a single mass- it looked like his arm just had a tapered end to it. An actual Goodra has two fingers and a thumb, but he retained all four of his fingers and a thumb, so while Grey's limb looked identical to a Goodra at first, there was a little human still in there. He gasped and his entire body tingled as his nervous system was yanked tight a moment in sudden change when a loud hollow pop was heard from his back. Again and again, with only a few seconds delay between his back popped as vertebrae were pulled too tight with growth and popped apart! Goodra is a type of gastropod- it doesn't have bones! That was why as his tail continued to grow still larger and longer, his tail bone did not grow at all. His pants were cutting into his thighs pretty badly- but the flesh was so plush and indented from pressure that he could not wedge his fingers between in order to pull them off! Instead Grey bent his body and then scooted his limbs closer together- this flexed his thighs and ass muscles and forced a large rip in the back of his pants. This allowed him enough room temporarily to stand up again and yank the pants down as he straightened his legs. Abe again had to help him pull them the rest of the way off, since his body was not flexible enough at the moment to do it himself.

His body got longer and his hips finally popped apart, which for a second caused his entire body to jostle abruptly as his lower body squished down and outward before wobbling back into shape. The strangest of changes was his neck now growing. His body feeling increasingly less solid as each additional vertebrae from his neck now popped off and dissolved into the changing mass. He watched not only the ground below him get further away but also his own swelling body. His now huge tail wrapped itself around the trunk of the tree beside him for stability- a reaction from Goodra's mind, not his own. He felt awfully congested, then he had to switch to breathing through his mouth. Grey's face started to bloat outward and lose shape. His hair rapidly fell from around his head and four nubs grew in its place, quickly fattening up and then growing outward. His face grew out into a short muzzle, but this also caused his nostrils to close up entirely- Goodra do not have noses. He felt more and more relief from his lungs though, and after a few more moments Grey breathing from his mouth slowed and stopped. Like many species of amphibian- he can now breath through his skin. His thighs, hips and ass were so gigantic now that his lower legs almost looked comically small in comparison since his feet had not altered size at all. Goodra only have two toes that- like its fingers- are almost indistinguishable from one another when relaxed; so Grey ended up losing a toe and instead had four equally sized toes. Two toes were further forward than the other two, so his feet still had a rounded point shape to them. His shins were the same length as always but looked extremely short just because the thigh was so gigantically round that the shin was sort of lost in the front curve of the thigh. It also caused his entire body to have a tear-drop shape to it, with long narrow neck, conical shaped body which got thicker as it went down and then very round hips. His gut was no longer very noticeable- though just as large if not even bigger now, the expansion of his entire body sort of equalized it so it had no definition against the rest of Grey.

His iris turned amethyst-purple but only grew slightly, making them much smaller than a Goodra's eyes. The nubs on his head finished growing into two gigantic tentacles and two small ones. The small ones now picked up scent- like a slug, this was his nose now. But unlike a slug, Goodra already has eyes, so the larger tentacles were instead used to perceive moisture from a long distance away. Goodra only live in moist environments and generally only come out when its raining- their larger tentacles allow them to detect incoming rain from miles away. At the base, Grey's tail was now as thick as his body, making it extremely girthy even though it was also a good length. The final changes to finish was the distortion of his skin color. Grey was expecting to turn purple, but it seems one of the interference from his human genes on the pokemon were to cause it to become Shiny after merging with him! Most of his skin turned so a soft banana-yellow. Instead of three circles of green flesh on his tail, they were amethyst-purple like his eyes, and then two more circles on his his head just behind his eyes. These patches of skin had more give to them than the rest- these were where its slime was emitted from. There was also a non visible place in the palm of its hand that could also release goo. His entire underside though, from muzzle to the tip of his tail was peach colored. So he was banana and peach colored, and shaped like a pear.

"Couuuhn I suu ulk? ...Mo." Translation; 'can I still talk?' His vocal chords and mouth shape were both very different and Grey did not even have teeth anymore, so forming human words was not going to work. Which unfortunately prevented him from asking for help.

Grey's human traits were so few that someone could be looking right at him and not know he wasn't just a regular Goodra. Goodra are both a bit larger and a LOT heftier than the average human so the Goodra sort of just buried his humanity entirely. Grey was still wearing his shirt, though it was stretched quite tight. He figured he would just leave it on, even though it was uncomfortable to move his arms around in the tight sleeves. Anything that would make him stand out and potentially get help is good. Grey started to walk toward the city awkwardly. He kept over-adjusting for his body wobbling- without any bones he stood and walked with liquid pressure within his body. When he stepped down it felt to him like he was going to fall over entirely because his leg wasn't solid enough, though the Goodra in him was perfectly calm- completely used to having this body. Grey was now a bit larger than any normal Goodra though- the bio mass of his human body having been added onto it. Grey looked so balloon like when examining himself, since even his skin had no pours on it, making it look super smooth and since it was raining- shiny and smooth.

Grey perked up as he suddenly got an idea! The rain! He took out two other pokeballs and released their contents- his original pokemon a Gardevoir and a new addition he traded someone from Galar for- a Arctovish. Arctovish's ability was Water Absorb, which caused any water type attacks against it to heal it instead of dealing damage. An entire human isn't part of a Goodra's natural biology- so its immune system may regard his cells as a threat. Grey told his Gardevoir to use Skill Swap, switching her ability to Arctovish, and then used Skill Swap again on Grey to swap Sap Sipper to her and Water Absorb to him! With Water Absorb, the rain should help heal Goodra, which according to his theory should heal it- repulsing his human form from the body!

With over half his team now following him Grey lumbered his way out of the forest and into the grass fields between it and the city so he could expose himself more directly to the rain. He directed Abe to teleport Gardevoir and himself to his house to grab an outfit to wear for when he returns to normal. He opened his arms wide and put his face to the sky waiting for the healing effect to kick in. He felt the liquid slowly seep into his smooth bouncy skin. Instead of the rain water running down his body it hit and then the droplets collected but shrank as they traveled down- very little actually making it all the way to the ground under him before vanishing into his body. He felt oddly good and refreshed, so he assumed it was working. After a minute he furrowed his brow at how it seemed to be harder to hold his girthy tail up, and his shirt really seemed to be strangling him. He was actually starting to have problems breathing because it was so tight! He finally opened his eyes to look down, and he gasped in shock- which expanded his chest and caused his shirt to suddenly explode open down the front! He reflexively went to grab the fabric to hold it to himself but the moment he tried to bend his arms the sleeves shredded and the garment slumped off completely- oddly dry. His body had even absorbed the liquid that his shirt had previously absorbed itself! Grey could barely hold his tail up because it was twice the girth yet again! His gut and thighs were even more gigantic, making the pear-shape of his body still more extreme! Water Absorb is an ability, so its just on automatically and cannot be turned off! He was endlessly absorbing all the rain water which was swelling up its body! And Gardevoir was not there to Skill Swap again!

At first it seemed to pool in his lower body, making it still harder to walk, but then his entire body started to grow and swell up with the cool rain! He quickly tried to get to the city hoping maybe someone who can fix this will notice the very huge Goodra. He moved incredibly slow though, not only was his body weight increasing but he wobbled even more when he moved now! Grey could not make even the slightest movement without making his entire body wobble like a delicious flan. Grey's body seemed to swell and then grow in pulsing turns. First it swelled out making him look like a Goodra parade balloon, but then once he started to feel too tight like he was getting ready to pop, his body would grow in size overall and his proportions returned to normal, then started to swell again. When he became the most bloated- just before a growth surge- he would fall forward and barely be able to crawl on all fours till he grew, because his limbs were so bloated he could barely bend them! The tall grass started to look like regular grass. Boulders looked like pebbles. By the time he finally reached the outermost street of the city, the street lights were only half as tall as Grey is! He was too big to take shelter under anything from the rain.

Grey could no longer stop jiggling at all. He did not want to stop moving, hoping he could reach his apartment and find Gardevoir if nothing else. Even if he stopped moving for a minute there would still be tiny tremors rippling somewhere in his body. Ripples in his soft, bouncy mass collided with one another creating new ones. His tail was so enormously girthy since it was the first part to bloat in his swelling cycle that he could not completely lift it off the ground. The circles of purple skin on his head and tail were leaking goo, causing him to leave a trail. At least that got rid of some of his body's liquid, since he cannot re-absorb his own slime. It made back tracking impossible though- the slime was extremely sticky like powerful glue against a surface that is dry, but almost zero friction against a surface that is wet- even if the wetness is more slime. So if he attempted to turn around and go the other way he would immediately slip and fall on his face. Bigger and bigger he grew, slowly raising up past the second floor windows on the buildings, then the third, then the fourth. Now the two parts of his growth cycle were becoming uneven. When he grew his proportions did not return completely to normal- he was still swollen looking. Every time he grew again, he remained looking a bit more swollen still than the last. His gut trailed to his tail between his legs, and became so soft and fat that it dragged on the ground between his legs! He could no longer walk properly, he was basically dragging himself, using his arms to brace himself on the buildings on either side- taking up the entire two lane road in between! He could hear people panicking down on the streets and tried to wave them down and say something, but could not communicate in this form. The police and fire fighters arrived, trying to attack him to subdue and capture him and minimize damages but he was so gigantic and soft all their attacks bounced off, doing nothing. Well, almost all of their attacks. Unfortunately the fire fighter's pokemon's water attacks didn't do NOTHING, they just didn't hurt. They made him still bigger.

He was so heavy and large it was hard to not break windows on the buildings, even trying to be careful as he used them to stabilize himself and very soon after, he felt his massive wobbling thighs brushing the buildings on either side! He was getting so giant that he could not fit down the street! Grey reached his apartment though with a sigh of relief and tried to bend down and peek in the window to find Gardevoir but found his body too bloated to bend! He had to actually back up some ways to lay himself flat to be able to look in the window, and the first step he took he slipped on his own slime trail and slammed down onto the road! Grey is so enormously heavy that when his gigantic body hit the street he collapsed it! The pavement caved into the sewer below, completely annihilating the entire block! The ripple of momentum in his soft body then caused it to squish out sideways, slamming into the buildings on either side, demolishing windows and some of the outer facing walls that were not supported by any adjacent walls. His soft flesh squished into the newly made holes, so when he wobbled back into proper proportions, it raised and tore the holes even wider before his skin bounced back out of the buildings entirely. He blushed as he felt a stirring in his groin. All the movement was destructive for all the tiny structures and people, but to him it felt good if anything, and dragging his gut on the ground had also helped an unwanted erection to start. He glanced in his window since his head was now laying on the ground at least, and seen his apartment was empty!

Gardevoir would have already gotten the clothes by now and returned to him... except he moved. They had missed each other- Gardevoir and Abe were now back in the forest, wondering where their master wandered off to. He cannot go back the way he came following the same path, because it was now slick as ice thanks to his own goo! Even his tongue was feeling bloated in his mouth as he groaned loudly in frustration. Something small but hard was jamming into his leg and hurting him so he moved his leg first, trying to get away from it. There was no room for something as big as he was though- so not only did his thigh damage the building more beside it, he snapped the object completely out of the street, and then felt the cold blast against him! He snapped a fire hydrant out of the ground! It was now blasting high pressure water straight into him!! He then tried to shove himself back up so he could shuffle away from it and felt the cold flow on his arms! The water pipes leading into people's homes were all smashed open below the street! He was getting blasted with gallons of water every second from below, and still getting rained on from above! As he finally got into a standing position again, his gut and the base of his tail was sat so heavily on the ground in spite of his completely straightened legs that he could not really move at all! His body wobbled so violently that Grey felt he barely had any control of his movements at all- forced to just get yanked around in whatever direction his wobbling form decided to ripple. The purple circles of flesh on him were more flexible than the rest, so now they stood as perfect half-spheres out off his side, leaking goo perpetually. Even the Goodra part of his mind could not stop them from leaking because the pressure was too much.

The Goodra part of his mind was oddly amused- it did not understand the scope of the damages and the danger of the situation. It got a bit of a power high. Grey on the other hand was terrified for the increasing value of damages he was causing to the city and just praying people got away from him in time so he did not step on and kill anyone by accident. He was also mortifyingly embarrassed when he looked down and seen his penis at full mast! He was not aroused at all! Like the purple flesh, the penis was skin that was built to be expanded already! Because his body was over-pressured, the liquid pressure forced a permanent erection into his dick! Goodra penis is normally internal as is its balls. Once it slides out the penis is a tapered neon pink pillar, but naturally fairly large compared to the creature- the length of its entire arm. Which made it especially big now- since his arm was large enough to crush a medium sized building. He could feel the ripples and jiggling of his body extending into the phallus as well, causing it to tighten and squirt out some pre from the unintentional pleasure. But that gave Grey another last second plan! He could ejaculate fluids!

Grey tried to bend himself over enough to grab his penis but the pressure in the shaft caused it to jut straight out rather than up, making it harder to reach because of how bloated his body was. His skin color seemed to be getting more pale as well, like the surface of a balloon that was reaching capacity. Another police squad appeared, attempting to attack him but Grey just ignored them for now- they couldn't actually do any harm anyway. He lost his balance trying to bend over and accidentally smashed his head into a nearby building, leaving a huge crater in the side of it, then barely being able to catch himself before flopping back completely over, but his heart jumped when his gigantic dick slapped the ground! It landed on top of the police squad! His penis was more than heavy enough to smash their bones into paste! He felt minuscule hands shoving against him though, and felt them squirming their way out from under it on either side of the shaft. It was so massively bloated and squishy soft that the hot meat hit them but was bent inward by them- so its weight slammed onto the ground around them rather than directly onto them. It was soft enough and they took up such a tiny percentage of its surface area that they were completely unharmed by it.

Grey wanted so much to just give up and remain half-laying there. The rain was constantly refreshing feeling, and every little movement he made, made his entire body jiggle around and feel good. The Goodra half of his brain was giddy on its power high and enjoying everything- unintentionally starting to convince Grey to do the same. Even his penis was starting to balloon out to proportions it was not meant to have, becoming cone shaped from getting so extremely girthy. It was starting to mirror his tail on the other side, since its flesh was already meant to stretch much further than any of the rest. He was shocked back into his efforts to save himself quickly enough though when Grey too a closer look at his arm and seen how dire the situation was. The swelling was getting worse, and the growing less. He could see the people on the street fleeing from him- THROUGH his arm! His body's liquid mass was so giant compared to its solid mass that he was actually transparent! His skin didn't just get more pale colored, you can actually see through it. And because his organs were being saturated at the same rate you could not see them through the skin- because their transparency was a bit more than the surface skin due to their naturally higher liquid mass. And Goodra had no bones, so there was a completely unobstructed view straight through him! The pre now almost continuously spurting out of his dick no longer had the consistency of precum... he was pumping almost pure water back out of him. It was basically just warmed up by being absorbed through him and then ejected back out.

Grey struggled to get back onto his feet but his body was less solid than ever. Imagine trying to balance yourself on a water balloon- not easy, eh? Well at this point- that was his entire body. He almost stood up but then wobbled forward and fell onto all fours- smashing his upper torso through a nearby high-rise and then his neck swung across the street on the opposite side, and his head smashed through the side of a building on the other side of the other street! Grey's eyes were wide as he seen the people only inches in front of him inside of the building scream and scramble to get away from his gigantic face. Oh no! The people INSIDE of buildings did not evacuate- they were probably told to stay indoors at risk of being stepped on. Fearing he had just crushed dozens of people to death in the building remnants under his chest and gut he looked back and seen something that was equal parts relieving and disturbing at the same time. He seen around thirty people swimming INSIDE of him! He was becoming so much liquid mass that it was almost like his entire body was made of jello. You can push your hand through jello. If he stepped on anything solid, it would just pop through his skin and float around inside of him!

His giant dick was squirting water out like a hose at this point, feeling like a mild, constant orgasm to Grey. His tail was being forced to curl backwards from pressure as he stood back up onto his feet, but unable to walk because his bloated gut filled the space between his legs and rest fully on the ground. Then it stretched even further out. His neck was forcefully straightened and arched back slightly as its underside bloated out- giving his entire body the shape of a croissant. Streams of thick goo trailed constantly from the bloating domes of the purple spots on him, and his penis started to blast water out at a pressure strong enough to strip paint off a car. His arms look like stumpy cones on the side of his torso! Grey could not move at all anymore. Any attempts to move any part of his body just caused him to wobble a bit. His skin color continued to look more and more pale as his body became increasingly transparent and rounder, and rounder. He started to drool water uncontrollably, then started to spit up and then practically vomiting a stream of continuous water. Grey's body became so monstrously bloated that it became shaped like a lemon! What used to be his tail and long neck were the tapered points on either end- the tentacles on his head nothing more than four round bumps. His arms were nothing but bumps as well, and his legs and feet were a bump on the end of a large sphere on either side that was his thighs. His penis was like a pink spike- almost as wide as it is long. Most of the people trapped inside of him swam into the base of his penis- so they get pulled out through the unending stream of water it was ejaculating.

Finally Goozilla ruptured with a loud *kabooosh* and his body converted basically to nothing but water, and thus lacked enough solidity to hold together. The force of the tidal wave smashed several buildings completely down and slammed vehicles to the sides of the roads for several blocks before settling down. Pokemon can only be feinted however- not killed. A KO'ed Goodra reconstituted in the road a short while later. Luckily by then the rain had stopped and a pokemon professor was quick to scoop the pokemon up and place it in containment so it could not continue to destroy. Goodra would have a rather pampered life from that point on, and got plenty of attention from the professor who was eager to research the strange specimen. They never did figure out any of what had actually happened that day. Grey was so much like a normal Goodra that no one ever caught on that it was a human in there, they just thought it was a rampaging Goozilla. Even the professor was unable to put together what happened, because the Goodra had its ability switched by Gardevoir's Skill Swap- which is reverted as soon as the pokemon is switched out of the battle. The Goodra feinted- so its ability reverted to Sap Sipper by the time he was captured for research. Its skin also reverted to non-shiny since it was Grey's genes that made it shiny in the first place. And Grey? Woke up perfectly normal... although completely naked in a pokemon center. He blacked out- which caused him to wake up in the last pokemon center he had used- but that only applies to the trainer, not wild pokemon- which caused the two to become divided again. He had to deal with an angry nurse and indecent exposure charges, but Grey was fine with that. Because they never found out he caused several billions of dollars worth of damages to the city.