Beauty On The Outside...

Story by Rurikredwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Beauty On The Inside...

I made a derp on this somewhere.... anyway, rated adult due to themes. Don't worry about the title. You'll get it eventually. I also put in less detail than smacking you in the face with character descriptions. More is revealed about them as the story goes along.


"I don't get it, why did you bring me out here?"

This was asked by a leaf green dragon with plants running down his spine. His eyes were also a vibrant green color, black where the pupils were. The horns were of the same color as the pupil,

curling at the back and looking like carved wood.

Where he was standing inside a small yet creepy looking lab. The dragon never really came out here, leaving everything here to his employees. He was young, around 21, so he still needed a life instead of pushing papers or whatnot. Passing a door, he caught a hint of rusted and stained metal poking out from a door. His eyes, already trained to be able to work with machinery, identified it to be some sort of surgical equipment.

This lab was actually a place where experiments were conducted. What he was now seeing was likely where they had the experiments before getting rid of them just in case they showed signs of improvement. The experiments would sometimes be conducted on living creatures in hopes to improve the life of others. Cruel, yet it had its advantages.

Plus, they had volunteered.

So why was he now down here? That same question raced through his head as he looked at his shoulder to see a small Venus growing. The dragon had grown fond of the little plant, having grown there about ten years ago. Some would call it a symbiotic bond, but to him, it was nothing less than cool.

The best part about this little plant was that it served as a warning system. When it was growing, he had injected it with a prototype sensory device that would read air currents and see if anything moved around him. It worked up until fifteen yards away, but hey, it was better than nothing. Especially if he was working.

"Well, Mr. Vineheart," The dragon's mouth twitched at his name. He HATED his name and much rather he be called by his first name: Illthian, "We were looking through the cells, as apparently, one was broken into, and we discovered something. Something wasn't stolen...something was put IN."

Now that intrigued Illthian. He had to deal with stolen material often, but this...this was a rare case. Ever since he was founded this industry approximately three years ago, he had a large success. Naturally, others wanted his things. But putting something into the trash of the area? Someone wanted to get rid of something without detection....a miscalculation on their part.

"Do you know what it is?" Illthian pressed the scientist, a raccoon.

"I have no idea, sir," The raccoon responded. Well, it was better than his last name.

"Can I see it?" Illthian asked as they stopped before a large iron door. Pressing his claw to it, he could feel that the metal was indeed tampered with. Also, there was a small scratch near the handle. The cold feeling that it gave off was like the warmth of fire. He was a freak, as nature dragons usually don't go into the things he did.

Watching as a rusted key was plucked out of the white coat, Illthian took note to that. It seemed everything was rusty around the dangerous areas. Nope, he had never seen that before. Not ever. When the key was inserted and the door swung open, it was all he could do to prevent from bursting out. Dear Creator, this was quite hideous. Yet fascinating. But also disgusting. Though the curiosity rose once more...

It was a dragon. At least, it looked like it. It had dull, molted, grey scales and awkward wings, also lacking horns. Almost skeletal, it opened milky white eyes as if it knew where he was standing. The breathing was very shallow and there was a large gash on the chest area. Part of the wing was torn. The front right claw was all but gone, only hanging on by a thin strand of flesh.

"What is this?" Illthian asked, repulsed.

"I was hoping you could tell me that, considering you are of the same species," The raccoon responded, mimicking his boss's expression.

"I have never seen anything like that," The sensory plant opened its mouth a few times to imitate gagging, "But...obviously, she is injured. Has he or she spoken?"

"Not a word. Kept his mouth shut."


Illthian walked over and kneeled down before the horrific dragon. His tail, resembling a leaf, gingerly went over the top of the scales. It moved away. However, it moved in an angle in attempts to get away that Illthian got a clear view of the gender. Still horrifying. Definitely a turnoff.

This dragon was female.

"Do you have a name?" he inquired, keeping his distance. For all he knew, this one could have been raped. Didn't show signs of it, but he didn't know how to properly investigate. Yet.

"..." was all she responded.

"Hey, I am trying to help you..." Illthian muttered loud enough for her to hear, "Do I look like...oh wait," he looked at her blinded eyes, "Forgot about that."

"Typical..." she responded, her voice sounding like some sort of slow moving gravel. Very odd; especially when one compared to his voice.

"Well, do you want to expose what happened?" Illthian asked, taking a seat on the bloodied ground. The stains indicated it wasn't hers.

"What does it look like?" Her voice was very short. Almost accusing.

"It looks like something did. Do you know who I am or where you are?"

"Somewhere cold. And no; should I?"

The look she gave him (well, as best as she could), proved her to be telling the truth. He was about to berate her, but then remembered again that she was blind. For all she knew, she could be stuck on another planet. For him? She may not be able to recognize voice. Maybe she would recognize his name.

"My name is Illthian Vineheart," Illthian almost choked upon saying his last name, "And you are in the disposal area of one of my many labs. You were placed here and ready to be thrown out. Had it not been that we check on things, you would have been tossed out."

"I wish I was thrown out," She looked away, baring her disfigured fangs, "I was a failure anyway. I couldn't accomplish what I was made to do."

"Made to do?" Now Illthian was curious. Whatever did she mean by this?

"Use your elemental on me," Was all she responded with.

Illthian took a glance back at the scientist and sighed, "I technically don't have a breath. All it does is make plants grow or something. Defect," he explained swiftly.

"Well now, the two of us have something in common..." she once again flashed the horrible fangs and Illthian cringed. It was so good she was blind...

"Well, my boy, why don't you ask someone else?" A voice that sounded very close to his own said from the door.

Standing at the door was a dragon who looked almost exactly like Illthian, but much older. Also, contrary to Illthian being on four limbs, he was on two legs. Anthro, biped, something called a humanoid (made Illthian wonder what a human was), the title meant the same. A difference was that instead of a Venus, he had a large plant with a gaping maw. The name eluded him.

"..Dad, what are you doing here?" Illthian asked. The horrifying dragon turned her attention to where his dad was and started growling.

"Is there something wrong with checking up on my only son?" The senior Vineheart responded.

Like Illthian, his father, Leafblade, was a business owner. He sold things similar to Illthian, who got the inspiration to start his own after watching his father work. Leafblade was a type of name that was used generations ago. They are still around today, but not as common. By taking the name of something in the wild and applying it to a part of the body, the name was formed. (Vineheart, their last name, was an example.)

At age seventeen, Illthian has almost surprassed his father by building mechanical wings, allowing anyone to fly. The best thing is, they don't use any form of polluting chemicals. It was a major hit and he made millions within a week. They were still in high demand. Now, they had all shapes and sizes, as well as different materials to make it.

"I thought you were out of the country," Illthian asked, watching his father walk over and kneel down in front of the damaged dragon.

"Oh, I was. I just got back about an hour ago," Leafblade responded, "Now, are you sure that you want me to use my element on you?"

She shrugged and laughed bitterly, "I got nothing left to live for. I'm already dying. Blood loss and all."

Leafblade raised his claw and unleashed a weak blast of nature at her. The blast shouldn't have done much, but in her state, who knows? Illthian even felt a bit of pity for her. When the green energy connected with her, something odd happened. It seemed to be absorbed into her.

Then, Illthian was at a loss for words.

Her scales started to turn a light green color. Brown horns made of tree roots sprouted, vines twirling around them. Her wings expanded, the membrane turning into green leaves. Illthian's were similar, but they were black. The claws were of the same make. A leaf covered her left eye, giving her a shy yet surprisingly cute look. No longer ugly or misshapen, she had transformed into a slender and appealing dragoness.

Then it dawned on Illthian as to what she was. It made sense! Now he understood why she said 'made', not born. This type of dragon wasn't natural...and yet, he thought they had all died out. This was amazing and he was instantly intrigued.

"You're an elemental dragoness, aren't you?" Illthian asked with wonder.

"Took you long enough..." She responded sourly.

"Why do you say that you were defective? You absorbed that blast with ease, and now you look like one of us!" Illthian exclaimed, signaling for the scientist to get a cloth. He would need it.

"But, I am not supposed to stay in this form...." She looked confused at his enthusiasm.

"Don't care. I'm interested in this. You are coming with me," Illthian waved her off, snapping his claws as a large grey-blue cloth came in.

Grabbing it, Illthian gently wrapped it around the newly formed nature dragoness, tight enough to keep her warm and loose enough not to cause discomfort. Tied next to her neck, only her head and lower part of her tail stuck out. The end was actually a rose with thorns growing through it. Beautiful.

"Illthian..." His father started to say.

"Dad, I'm a drake now. I can take care of myself. I'm an equal to you now. Don't treat me like a hatchling anymore."

Paying no attention to the looks that others gave him, Illthian stood on his hind legs picked her up in his foreclaws, walking out the door. He had to crouch more than his father or the raccoon ever did. Blood started to form a stain against the cloth. However, he would make sure that she would live.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, likely trying to identify where she was.

"Medical wing. You aren't dying on me. I'm interested in you," When she gave him a puzzled look, he reacted instantly, "Not that way. Ok, fine, in this form, you are attractive. But no romance. Not there."


"So what about your name? Do you actually have one?" Illthian rapidly changed the subject. On his right wrist, a band made of lightore nested against his flesh. By nestled, it meant seared into his flesh. It was glowing, meaning that the something was trying to take him over. He could feel it.

"...No.27," was all said responded with, turning away. A passerby thought she was looking at him and he waved enthusiastically. Then he realized she was blind. He likely was sad.

"Oh, that won't do at all. I mean, if you are going to be my assistant, it would be weird," Illthian rambled absently. She started to sputter something, but he silenced her, "I'm going to call you Jincea. Yes, I just made that up on the spot. We can say you are from an outer clan."

"I...just.....thank you...." she, Jincea, smiled as she was carried into the medical wing.

What confused the both of them was that she was referred to as an assistant. Illthian had no idea what he was talking about. Oh well, he did need one. Last one quit when he hit on her. Maybe this one won't quit on him. After all, he just saved her from death...