Living with a Giant- 1- First Impressions

Story by Xiclear on SoFurry

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#2 of Macro/Micro

Hello, well, I made a story... are you going to read it? Are ya? Go ahead, I dare ya. I triple dog dare ya, I...'m just going to shut up and let you read the story already.


First of all, let's talk about me for a second. My Name is Isaac, and I am a russet furred medium height anthro wolf, with sort of auburn-ish hair that only partially goes down in my eyes (which are an abnormal turquoise color) and is a little long at the back, so I usually just put it up in a short pony-tail. Very short, stylish manly pony tails mind you... don't be making fun of my hair! Anywho I'm about twenty-three years old, and am actually working towards the top of some inventing company that I work with. Well, inventing company is the most basic way to put it, but I'm not going to bore you with details.

Anyway, now let me tell you how I met Jakil'n, and also how I made it to a different dimension, accidentally using what was suppose to be a crop-inducing device- thingy. But I'm not going to go about the machine though; I'm just going to get to the point. So I guess I won't be telling you how I got their, but more, the stuff that happened to me when I got their. So, let me just tell you what happened and not go into what I'm actually saying why don't we? Or I, I guess, I don't know.


It really didn't make any sense at all. One minute I'm tinkering with some new lab experiment then bam! I'm somewhere else entirely. And not just any somewhere else either. Nope, this somewhere was really- well let's just get to the matter and hand.

I found myself lying on my back, on some really- weird texture of ground. It was soft, and kind of spongy, and I really wanted to know what it and the rest of the area looked like, but at the moment I'm bushed and just stayed where I was, lying down, looking up at the odd sky. The travel to here from where I was must have taken the energy right out of me, which was even stranger, because the machine I was working on wasn't some travel device or anything weird like that.

But back to the weird sky, it didn't look like a sky at all. No sun, no moon or clouds; all it had was a bunch of weird grates in it, actually, if I really tried to focus on it, It looked just a ceiling to an ordinary room, but that couldn't be right. The room had to be colossal for it to be high enough for me to consider it the sky. So I lie their, determined not to move or look around until I had figured out what was with this freaky sky/ceiling.

And then the most random thing ever happened, a gigantic dragon-thing walked over and planted his giant scaley ass down on my small (for him) body pinning me down to the soft ground (which, by the largeness of the room, was probably a couch or chair)

But don't worry too much about me. It didn't crush me under its weight or suffocate me or nothing, which was defiantly a good thing. This was the weirdest thing of all due to the sheer size of this creature. Compared to him, I was about six inches tall, eight at the most, and the force of his butt crushing me to the couch(?) should have squished me to death.

Fortunately, he sat on me in a way that my neck and head was sticking out from the side one of his butt-cheeks, but the rest of my body was thoroughly trapped under him. But to add one more con to add to the pros he didn't look like he was getting up too soon seeing as he didn't notice me at all. Which I wasn't sure was a good thing or a bad thing, so I'll just even it out and say that his ass kind of stunk from where I was; which made another good thing about my predicament in the fact that I wasn't trapped in his butt crack or nothing, which would have been even worse if he farted while I was in their. Actually It would be bad if he farted where I was now, but I'm getting way off track so I'll just shut up about the fortunate and unfortunate qualities of having been sat on by a giant guy.

At first I had decided not to call out his attention, and just wait it out, for all I know he might see me as a bug and squash me or something. But, after only a minute or so, being stuck under this thing's huge rump changed my mind. I really didn't want to spend any more time under here; he probably couldn't squash me anyway, since his ass definitely wasn't doing the job right.

"HEY!!!" I shouted up at him, obviously trying to get his attention, "HELLO??!!!" He looked around stupidly, probably able to hear me, but not bright enough to realize where the sound was coming from; this was definitely getting on my nerves. "Hey you over siz-" I stopped just short of insulting the dude when I remembered how small I was compared to him. But luckily, he found me that time, but instead of doing anything about it, such as getting the fuck off of me, he decided to talk to me instead, which backed up my first impression of him being really dull.

"Oh hay, what are you doing down their," he asks me, smiling broadly, "wait, how did you get down their?"

"I don't know, why are you sitting on me?" I ask exasperated.

"Well why are you under me?" he asks dumbly, and shifts his weight a little on top of me. Which was a small movement for him, but a very big and unpleasant one for me. It was really gross feeling the soft scales on his underside shift over me, kind of molding against my body like some kind of solid-beanie bag; wait, why isn't he wearing any clothes!?! The realization made my predicament worse, I groaned and pushed up at the mass on top of me, but whoever this guy was didn't seem to notice.

"Dude, why the hell are you naked?" I asked getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"This is my house. I'm aloud to be naked all I want; you're the one who decided to come in here and lie under my butt," he says childishly, wiggling his rump over me, "it's not my fault."

"Well it's not like I decided to get sat on," I said, glaring up at him, or tried to glare up at him, his butt was blocking up most of my view.

I sighed, and decided to stop arguing with him about this. I mean, it's useless since he would win anyway, even if he lost, due to my position. So I went with a different approach. I needed to know exactly where I was since I obviously wasn't back at my house where I was. So I had to just swallow my pride and ask him.

"Hey, could you tell me where we are?" I asked.

"At... my house?" He asks, confused.

"I mean, where exactly are we?" I ask again, growing even more agitated.

"Ummm, on a couch I guess?" he says, still oblivious. I groan at his lack of intelligence, but cover it up by clearing my throat. He doesn't seem spiteful or easily annoyed, and all in all, he seems kind of like a nice guy, if not really stupid; so it's not like I'm afraid he'll do anything if I upset him. But I'll get no where if I insult him too much.

"What I am asking is, what like, country are we in or street or whatever?" I ask, trying to go slow, "where exactly do you live? Are we anywhere near Ferina?"

"I've never heard of Ferina," he replies.

"It's a major country, practically a continent, how could you not know?" I ask not able to keep the annoyance from creeping in my voice. And to make things even worse, he was still sitting on me! Why doesn't he get off, is he that dull?

"Well, Mr. grumpy, It's because it doesn't exist," he says, as if talking to a child," But I'm sure what country we are in, we are in Paronia."

"You mean city? Because there isn't a country called Paronia, or I would have heard of it. You might be talking about one of the old countries before we formed most of them together after the Great War," I say, my academic side coming out, "Anyway, those countries haven't existed for ninety years or so."

"Great war?" he asks, "never heard of it, I just know that this country is called Paronia."

Then something struck me, what if this guy isn't just merely stupid and we really where in a country called Paronia? What if I somehow got sent into the past, or a different world, (I heard that they found a few that could sustain life) or even a different dimension? The last two seemed more likely due to the size difference between us. If the planet's gravity where really weak compared to the planet's mass, that may cause life-forms to grow abnormally. Or the transition from one dimension to another could cause my form or appearance to warp or change a bit, or this could simply be a dimension of giants. (The dimension theory was based on the new studies that where being conducted and scientists think that it may be possible to have different dimensions layered on top of each other. For all they knew, the layered dimensions could be affecting each other, which would be a really dangerous situation for our smaller one if this one had a great war of some kind) I decided to keep my musings hidden from whoever this was, since he probably wouldn't understand anyway.

"Hey, do you want to stay with me?" he asks suddenly, "You know, at my house? Your so small that you might get crushed or squashed, even though you aren't now, but I'm sure you could... somehow."

"I don't know," I say, not wanting to have to endure him any longer. He really seemed like a nice guy, being trapped under someone's ass for as long as I had with him kind of ruins your perspective of the person in general.

"Ahh come on," he whines like a little kid trying to get his parent to buy him a toy.

"Could you get off of me?" I ask, avoiding the question.

"Only if you stay with me," he says after a while, sounding satisfied as if he had tricked me or something.

"You can't do that," I say, not believing that I was being held hostage by a giant dragon guy.

"Yes I can," I can hear the smile in his voice as he playfully rubs his butt over my small form, "and I'd accept quickly if I where you, I'm starting to feel a fart coming on."

I groaned, because I could tell he wasn't bluffing, the ominous rumbling coming from his gut told me that.

"Okay, okay fine, I'll stay with you," I say, full well knowing that I didn't have much time.

"Hey," he says sounding rejected, "you sound like I'm forcing you to do something you don't want to do or something."

"Well duh," I say, not able to believe this, "you kind of just threatened to fart on me if I didn't."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me," he says mischievously.

He shifts to the side so that he rump is only covering my legs (unfortunately this means I still can't escape) and blasts a large amount of gas right then and their. As you could probably guess it had to be the worst experience in my life. Their I was, pinned to a couch with a giant sitting on me as he unleashes a torrent of nasty air out of his ass on top of me. I felt a burst of warm air hit me and he sits all the way back down, pinning my body back down so I had no defenses against the smell that quickly followed. All I could do is lie their and endure it, since breathing through my mouth would have left the taste of crap in their, which would have been worse because that would have lingered. (Trust me, being the youngest of three siblings, I would know, but please, don't ask, I'd rather not remember it. Uhg.)

"Dude are you fucking serious?!?" I shout up at him, even though he probably couldn't hear me since he was laughing like a maniac after his immature and childish joke, and since when he had put his weight back down it shifted his butt-cheek so that it covered part of my mouth, which muffled my voice quit a bit.

"What was that," he asks between fits of laughter, and accidentally covers my mouth up more.

"Mpph mff Mpfhh mmm!" (good thing no one could understand what I said. I don't want to hurt your innocent ears, or eyes. Lets just say it wasn't very polite)

He laughs a bit more after realizing my situation and shifts around a bit so my head is uncovered then says, "so are you sure you want to stay here? I won't make you, but I might just stay here longer."

"Yes," I say, making sure to sound earnest this time.

"Really, I think you should ask this time, because you kind of hurt my feelings," he says in a playful mock pouting voice, "oh, and you should hurry, I can feel another one coming up."

This sure got me motivated, and got my politeness on also, "Okay, may I please stay at your house?"

"Awesome!" he says as he shifts his weight again, but this time so he could pick me up so he could see me completely.

I have to say, it was pretty awkward and unsettling being grasped in his giant, scaly, clawed hands, but it was defiantly worth it to be able to get out from under his rank ass. As he brought me to eye level, I got a better view of what he looked like. He was red and gold; with his tougher red scales on his back, arms and almost everywhere else, and his smoother gold scales starting at his neck and working down his chest and belly all the way down to his inner thigh, and(if my initial view of him was anything to go by) spread in his cheeks and trailed down his tail. His ass may have been mushy, but he was actually pretty well built, well, a tiny bit chubby but that's it. And his face mirrored his personality, friendly, childish, and really goofy. I couldn't quite get his age though, he looked somewhere between twenty-five and thirty-one perhaps.

He scrutinizes my body with those big, golden eyes of his, to tell the truth it was a it unsettling. I fidgeted a little in his grasp, but didn't do much else; I didn't want him to think I was trying to escape or anything or else I might end up back under his bum.

"Well aren't you a handsome devil?" he asks, finally breaking into a wide grin.

"Well, thanks," I say shyly, I didn't feel as brave now that I had a full view of him. He was friendly, and friendly looking, but also looked powerful, and a little intimidating from my view from behind is claws. "So what's your name anyway?" he asks, all friendly childishness.

"Err, Isaac," I say, avoiding his inquisitive eyes, I really wished he would stop looking at me like that.

"Cool name, mine's Jakil'n by the way," he says boisterously.

"Nice, but, do you mind putting me down, I have a thing with heights," I lie.

"Of course, don't want to make you uncomfortable. But don't try to run, I've got a colon full of gas and I'm not afraid to use it," he says, and then does the dumbest thing he could do at the time. He puts me down all right, on his fully un-clothed lap as if it where nothing. I yelp and jump away, as soon as he lets me down, avoiding contact with the much bigger males-erm ahem. Anyway, of course he saw this as an escape attempt and quickly snatches me up, looking at me disapprovingly, as if I where some naughty child who snuck out of the house or something.

"I told you not to try to leave," he says seeming hurt a little, "but if your going to be like that I guess I could always just-"

"Wait! I wasn't trying to escape!" I say, panicking as he starts lowering me down again.

"Looked a lot like it to me," he says, pausing.

"I just didn't want to land on you dick that's all," I say, not wanting to go anywhere near Jaclyn's ass ever again.

"Oh yeah," he says, face palming with his free hand, "sorry I didn't think about that." I guess I was completely right about him after all, he was an idiot. But at least a kind one, even though he is making me stay at his house and all.

I sigh again, and then ask, "Hey, where do you want me to sleep anyway? I'm kind of tired. I don't need much, maybe a shoe box or something I don't now," at the moment, I didn't really care where he left me to sleep; I was tired, and really needed some rest.

"Hey, forget the shoe box, you're a guest," he says, smiling again, "you'll be sleeping in the bed with me." (Man this guy really didn't know the concept of personal space)

"Fine," I say, but personally I would rather have the shoe box.

"Great! Then lets head to bed," he says, standing up and stretching, "Oh yeah and Isaac?"


"Get a whiff of this," and with that he brings me up to his nude backside, giving me a full view of his puckering tail-hole before it flexes and blasts a smelly fart worse than the last one. This was probably going to be a very long night.


Told you guys I was weird, anyway, hope you enjoyed the story. Positive and negetive feedback are welcomed (since I like to know how many people out their hate me)

If you liked some parts of this story, but not the macro part, do not worry. See I will probaly have a lot of ongoing stories but I won't just keep writing on one, unless people ask me to, which brings me to my next thing.

What would you guys wan't me to write next? (If you did want me to write something)

-A farmyard story where the animals take over the farmer and own him (literally and figurativly possibly)- probably lots of waterspoarts and scat and stuff in that one. (F/M and M/M in this one maybe)

-A (gay)romantic-like story thats about some dude and a kind of gang boss (not really a gang boss) but really like a leader of a group of kind of nasty furs who are against a gang wanna be which really thinks it is a gang.

-A story where a hunter gets captured by a sentient bear. (Male)

-Or just another chapter of this