Epilogue to Humanity: Prologue

Story by Stu on SoFurry

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#1 of Epilogue to humanity

OK, i'll admit that this isn't the story that i had put part of up as a journal but currently i have run dry on ideas and i am unsure how to execute it properly.

but here we have a new story the basis of which has been building strength within my mind over the past couple of weeks.

don't expect this prologue to explain allot about the main story.

anyway, All characters are mine unless mentioned, the current intent is to keep this clean though there is a possibility of more adult themes if i think it will aid the narative, in future i may ask if people wish to donate characters to the story.

anyway enough rambling, we shall begin.

An epilogue to humanity: Prologue

Gazing out through the windows a lone figure stands, observing the dim flashes which illuminate the brown smog rolling through the precipice between the towering obelisks of glass and steel, the now constant wind howling and rattling the panes in their frail and aged housings

Turning his back to the oncoming storm outside the window he leans over placing the palms of his hands on the desk in front of him, various papers and design schematics are strewn across the top of the top of the desk, the most prominent items being a blueprint for a towering monolithic structure in similar but much larger and grander in both appearance and design to Mont-Saint-Michel in the once country of 'France' now just another plot of irradiated land after the seemingly inevitable advent of the 'nuclear holocaust'. Sat off to one side was the faded cover of a well thumbed piece of literature, the authors name and title faded from the cover with only the dim vestiges of the author, a bearded old man, adorning the back cover

The office door opens and a young man wearing a tattered suit rushes in.

"It's time?" asks the older man, still looking down upon the mass of papers adorning the desktop.

"It's time." Stated the younger man "we need to go"

"Go where?" Asked the elder "for where should we go, even the politicians with their bunkers have given up hope. No our time has come, at least I got the chance to see that some of our legacy will live on, abet without us, maybe a fresh start and a clean slate is all that is needed. I shall remain here and stare death in the face, you may join me if you wish, all I ask is that you accept what has been and what is to come."

"I do sir; just surely there must be some way?"

"There is not. Nothing can, judgement has come and upon this hour the four horsemen approach."

The elder collected a wooden walking stick from where it lay propped against the edge of the desk and shuffled toward the corner where a pair of well worn but still comfortable wing backed chairs stood facing towards the window with a low table between them, gesturing to the younger man he directed him to take a seat, upon the table were two glass tumblers and a decanter of aged scotch.

"Drink?" asked the elder of the pair.

"Please" responded the younger.

"It would be a crime to let such a good scotch go to waste, do you not agree?"

"Certainly, though I still feel this is hardly the time to be indulging, what with the end of the world and all"

"ahh but it's 'the end of the world as we know it'" the elder retorted "god I hate that song, I could never get into this modern 'music' you listen to"

"You're forgetting, that's even before my time."

"True, true. Drink up!"

They both downed the remainder of their drink its passage warming their throats nicely and turned to the window in time to see a much closer and brighter flash, they were instantly blinded but as their skin began to burn the glass rattled and bowed for a fraction of a second before violently bursting in a shower of fragments which traversed the room shredding anything they came in contact with before they too melted. Somehow the papers on the desk were able to remain in place before they too began to combust and briefly one word from the book cover is revealed 'Origin'.

All across the globe, similar flashes occur as the as the legacy of MAD is carried out and yet in a dark and foreboding place, at the top of sprawling and huge towers, counters light up and begin counting down, under a heading of 'years' a 30 is glowing whilst at the other end seconds tick away.