cynder x spyro lovnlies ch8

Story by foxvolt on SoFurry

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chapter 8: two-faced.

to all my viewers, i know you may be losing the plot, after some thought, ive decided to make a witty recovery and just wing the plot as i go along until i can form a more appropiate one^_^ for everyone who liked where this was going, too bad:p(SPOILER ALERT!#$@#$) im going to keep the siblings btw. if you are not a fan of jealosy, stealing, etc, leave^^ (or dating in family :p) coming next chapter or two...


(warning, writers block fail for the next 2 paragraphs... *facepalms self* ;p)

steam opened his eyes, and looked around. he looked at spyro, and stared. he looked sleepy. he also looked drugged. like he was seeing twenty of spyro but still didnt believe one of them was existant. then things got wierd. he started singing in the water.

what he heard: "weeeeeee are the championssssss, my friendsssss!!!!

and well keep on fightin, till da ennnddd!!!

wheeeeeee, hahaha.... purple look funny.....

what they heard: blarg. (along those lines use ur imiganation here)

spyro looked at the dragon, thinking of the many mental dragons hed seen in his travels. of them all, he made the top ten.

"lower the dose, will you? hes making a complete idiot of himself... not that he would nessicarly need medication for it, but still..." aurora shook her head fondly.

"happens every time."

spyro broke his trance. "what happens? and you never explained why im here. i want awnsers."

aurora laughed. "i dont have to explain why you're here. thats because you have never truly been here."

there was some form of a glint in her eye. spyro didn't like it. before another word could be said, he woke up.

(yes, this is my witty recovery, it was a dream^_^ teehee^_^''''')

he looked around the room. cynder lay next to him on the floor of her room, there was a blanket strewn over the two, compliments of volteer. it looked earlier than when he had gone to sleep.

he looked confused. "am i still dreaming?" he mumbled.

surely you cannot fall asleep at one time, and wake up before you fell asleep. even if that was possible, you were awake before you fell asleep. so wouldnt you have had to have been asleep then to wake up at that designated time?

spyro couldnt recall napping on that perticular day. and on top of confusion, his head now hurt with the science and math he had attempted to solve. he would be riddiculed by this question later.

in reality spyro had been asleep for the afternoon, and the night. he had slept till the next day. but he hadnt thought of that, seeing he was not as wise as say an elder, or a guardian.

he nudged his partner. "cyn. cyn, wake up."

she stirred slightly, but made no attempt to wake.

"cyn" he nudged her again.

"spyro?..." she mumbled, half asleep. she slumped around a second, then fell to the floor again, snoring.

'wow, shes worn out...' he thought.

just as he was about to nudge her again, he looked around.

cynders room.

what would you do? shes sleeping next to you, shes not going to wake up. this is probrobly the ONLY oppurtunity youre going to get to poke around for quite a while. and probrobly the only one with no, 'oh no, thats private.' or ' sorry, thats personal.'

'im her mate, i wouldnt mind if she sno-...looked through my room.' he decided against calling it snooping, seeing 'it was perfectly acceptable' because they were mates.

(everyone, this is how a mans logic works.)

he slipped away from cynder, her tail falling to the wooden floor with a faint 'thud'.

this was the first time he acknowledged the fact that everything was pink.

all the rooms came in the same old style wooden fashion. obvoiusly she painted it herself. the ancestors know how, seeing dragons dont exactly have qualification to hold anything anywhere but thier mouths.

he proceeded for a last time to check cynder was sleeping.

he looked through her dresser. the only things in there were things to clean, shine, and polish her scales and claws. she wanted to kill enemies with good nails, right?

she moved over to the desk. THIS was going to be the big thing. 7 drawers. 3 on each side, 1 in the middle. but there was a problem. there was a manual lock on some. he went to the top left. 5 letters.

he shrugged. S.P.Y.R.O. click! the lock opened, he removed it and looked through the drawer. it looked like he had an admirer from the get-go. there were sketches of him in heroic poses, paintings of small proportion, and little scribbles. there were a disturbing number of hearts on a lot of them.

he replaced the lock and went to the second drawer. 6 letters.

he found a small slip of paper attached to the locks back. it read, 'i am me'

C.Y.N.D.E.R. click!

the lock opened. he removed this one and yet again, plunged into the drawer. this one was all about her. there were some things in there that he liked. like... no, that was a bad thing.... well there were some disturbing things. twisted sketches, evil lymricks, and some other things hed rather not say.

next was unlocked. but it had been 5 letters. the lock read the letters E.M.B.E.R.

he curiously looked through this one. there were pictures, sheets of notes, tactical views on her daily life, and mostly, of her obsession with spyro.

he gave ember pity. she never even gave thought to flame. not once. she was so self centered and hardwired to date spyro.

with a last sigh of pity he closed the drawer. he went to the top right drawer. empty. though it did serve a cozy home for a spider.

the next one was the same as the last. empty.

the next one was numbers...


'shit!' spyro absently thought, and mentally kicked himself for the third time this week for it.

he knew her birthYEAR, they were both born then, but not the time! he should know these things!

he skipped it, hopeless, and abundant of anything from the right side.

the last drawer was the middle one.

two locks.

6 letters each.

one clue.

'no training on'

"monday and friday" he said abseltly, putting it in.

no clicks.

'hmm.....' he thought to himself.

"f.r.i.d.a.y. and m.o.n.d.a.y."!

this drawer made spyro aghast. he didnt know a cynder like this.

the contents of the drawer were as listed.

1: lipstick (on a dragon? yes. it is very possible.)

2: a book

  1. a pink clipboard (loaded with pictures of spyro.)

  2. a mirror hot-glued into the bottom of the drawer.

  3. an ALBUM of spyro pictures

  4. a pink version of her armor.

  5. a diary.

he flipped through the album. he was about to close the drawer when he saw the diary again.

'no. i cant. i wont...'

he closed the drawer..... he opened the drawer and took the diary out.

he flipped through to more recent pages..

questions? comments? concerns? ticked off at the clifhangers? tell me in comments!!! :D

(spoiler alert!!!!!!@$@#$%@#OMFG$%@) the next chapter is all about ember and flame, and it starts off with cynders point of view.

chapter 8, part two. fight to the finish.

--------------------------2 days ago-------------------------------

cynder walked down the corridors of the dragon temple. she was about to round a corner, and jumped back at the sound of embers voice.

she jumped behind the corner, and knew ember had saw her, as her voice abruptly ceased.

cynder nearly panicked, but of course, that wasnt her way of doing things.

activating her ability to merge with the shadows, she stepped into the adjacent corrador, nearly bumping muzzles with ember.

a muffled yelp was surpressed from cynder as she swiftly jumped back soundlessly.

ember looked around the corner... nothing...

then she turned back and said "sorry... thought someone was listening..."

"you and your imagination!"

cynder then realised flame, standing not too far away from her.

ember walked ahead and was trailed by flame.

"when are you going to stop stalking me flame? its really irritating..."

he laughed quietly. "its not stalking if you know im doing it, and once you accept that you love me." he laughed a little more audibly.

"i love you flame" ember said.

"really?" he asked.

"nope." she retaliated, with a quick flipping up of her tail tip, simulating sarcastic demeanor.

flames ears wings and tail drooped a bit. " well that was a little blunt..."

cynder kept trailing them until she felt her grip on the shadows weakening. she fell back quickly and just as she rounded a corner, cyril rammed straight into her.

"sorry! sorry!" she exclaimed, half visible.

cyril shook his head a bit. "...cynder? sweet ancesters you scared me!..... might i ask why it is you're using your shadow powers unpermitted?"

she looked at herself, or at least it looked like she did.... or did it? she was becoming more visible every second, and soon every part of her was visible.

cyril shook his head. "come with me cynder. after the last incident im afraid this must be punished."

cynder shook her head. "last incident?" she questioned.

cyril stopped cold... not too hard, as he was an ice dragon. "yes, well, you see... more and more dragons are starting to use thier elements and causing much mischief around here, so all of the guardians decided that a proper form of punishment must be devised.

cynder thought that this was too easy. she knew cyril... "so whats the punishment?"she inquired.

"that, child, you will discover tomorrow at dawn." he said with a childish grin

cynder felt something in her stomach drop and nuke. cyril NEVER grinned unless he was EXTREMELY pleased with something.... and if he was happy, somebody else was not too far from being very, very mad.

the nuke nuked again.

cyril led cynder to the room with the other gardians to talk about her history of rule breakings... cynders nuke went off yet again...


ember made her way to the training rooms, and walked into an empty and vacant room. it was padded floor to celing with fireproof padding, indicated by it all being a dark red with a bright red flame in the center of each one.

flame walked in too, and ember closed and locked the door behind them.

"hey... what are you doing..." he asked.

ember smirked slyly. "lets settle this now with a fight. you and me. heres how its gonna go."

"ember im not goi-"

"then leave me alone."


"alright then, i thought so." she sighed. "pin me down, do whatever you want to until i can get you off of me. get me to give up, unlikely by the way, and ill... go on a date with you..."

flame couldnt believe his ears. " well i guess that-"

"hold on! not through. i get you pinned, you go on a DATE with cynder." she grinned evilly.

flame stared at her. "you cant be serious... she and spyro are in l-"

"oh im serious, cynder owes me big time, and she knows it. this will be letting her off easy."

flame couldnt believe what he was hearing... "well, uhm, i guess if.... if spyros ok with it too... its fair."

"ok good, and if i can get you to give up, you leave me alone. no more following, stalking, showing off to me. got it?"

'im never going to give up...' "deal."

"three rounds, majority rules, nothings off limits." and with that the match started.

ember made no hesitation and ran at him in a charge.

he was going in and lowerrd himself to flip her against her momentem. but she did something unexpected.

she jumer into the air, twisted, and shot a fireball at his hindquaters. he yelped in pain, and spun around. just as she charged again, he leaped into the air, expecting another fake. this time she went under a surprised flame, and rammed her head into his stomach, nearly shattering his scales.

he lost all wind. and collapsed on top of ember.

he couldnt move, but neither could she.

"no! dang it flame.... you got this round..."

he let out a horase laugh, but ended up coughing vigirously.

he stood and allowed her to slip away.

'why didnt he try to do something to me...' ember thought silently.

once they were ready, they charged again, and ember dispatched several blows to nerve clusters in the mid and neck reagons. he droped in pain, but didnt give up. she got on top of him, and pinned his feet with her own, spreading both thier bodies in an I shape.

one pin each... this last round was it. ember had to make him give, not just pin him... or else he would never stop trailing her.

once they got prepared for the last round, ember sprang forward falsely, and jumed backward, letting loose a fury of flames toward flame, who took the bait and had rushed forward unprotected.

had he not whirled and put his wings up, he would have been in the infirmary. but his wings were badly singed, and he cried out in agony from the scorchings. but he didnt give.

ember dispatched more nerve blows, he didnt give up. he tried to fight back, but she hit every opening he made by trying to fight back.

he dropped to the floor, protecting himself with his wings, which were hurting more than ever with her hitting the scorched muscle and nerve tissue.

it was the worst pain he had ever felt, but through sheer willpower, he held on.

"just give up flame!!!" she yelled.

flame grunted. "no... ill NEVER give up!"

she just beat him harder. more brutally. soon she could do no more. she had tired herself out. she stood wobbling, her head spinning.

flame peeked out from his wings and saw the chance. despite every muscle and bone in his body crying in protest, he tackled her, and pinned her on her back.

"i.. *huff* i gotcha... * huff* this time...*huff*" he said, panting fast.

she struggled to get out from under the pin, but he held her down with all his weight behind him.

she had not enough air for words. she lifted her head and her eyes stared his down in a sneer, but she just let her head fall back and relaxed her body, trying to recover.

he was starting to wobble on top of her. JUST before he could get off of her, his legs gave out under him from the pain, and he collapsed on ember.

she lost her air from the impact, but regained it quickly and didnt complain. she had been beat, and she said he could do whatever he wanted... so he got to do whatever he wanted to with her, and on top of that she still owed him a DATE....

she expected a lot of things from flame, but nothing came. he just lay on her, keeping her down. from the fact he didnt want to get off or couldnt at the moment, she couldnt quite contemplate to herself.

with a burst of energy, after five long minutes of nothing, flame rolled off of ember on his side next to her, facing her. she managed to flip herself toward him.

he raised a paw in the air halfway between them. "good fight ember... *huff* if you dont want to... *huff* we dont have to do... * huff* that date......"

she looked at him curiously... he wanted NOTHING more than to have a date with her, except for her as his dragoness... why would he give her the option to pass on HIS dream just because SHE might not want to? something was up, or flame was really just being generous...

she looked at the paw, and at flame, and at the paw again.

she decided 'dear ancestors im going to regret this...' and grabbed the paw with her own. "you can sure... take a beating... huh flame...?" she said between shaky breaths.

he laughed and nodded, dropping his paw, along with hers. she didnt let go. he looked quizzacly at her.

she rolled over toward him so her back faced him, but her body was also resting against his, and only then did she let go of flames paw, draping it over her shoulders.

"!!ember...?" flame said, confused.

" ill take you up on that date.... but tomorrow...ok?" she said, nestling up to him.

he didnt respond, but nuzzled his head underneath hers smiling, and flicking the door lock open with his tail.

if you left them locked too long a red light flashed silently in the hall notifying that it has been a sufficent amount of time for someone to have been killed, or it was a really long match. usually it was the second, but there have been cases where things nearly got out of hand... those lights saved quite a few male dragons from angry and jealous ex girlfriends thier fair share amount of times in the past.....

the thought of ember furious and trying to kill him would have been funny before today. now he knew not to give her a reason to kill him.... because she probrobly could...

and with that, the two drifted to sleep on the, hard, recently warm, and uncomfortable mats.

after they had fallen asleep, cyril walked up to the door along with cynder.

"say it one more time." cyril told cynder.

cynder rolled her eyes mentally. " i swear on my ancestors not to use my shadow abilities for snooping without a good reason again..." she finished draggily.

"very good. no i want you to use that ability so i can see how-"

cyril stopped his sentence dead when he opened the door.

the nerve! in front of his eyes were two fire dragons huddled up, sleeping on the floor of one of the training rooms! 'up to things better left unmentioned, no doubt!' he decided mentally.

" EMBER! FLAME!!" he roared.

with a great commotion the two jumped up, and faced cyril. looking from him, to the other, back to him.

cyril said nothing, but tapped one of his claws on the floor, repetadly making a *click click click!* sound, the two understood this as a physical way of saying "give me one reason i shouldnt put both of you on cleanup duty for the next century."

"umm, this isnt what it looks like?..." flame said.

ember looked at him with the ' what are you an idiot?' look. "that makes it sound like it WAS what it looked like you thick dunce!!" she exclaimed.

cyril shook his head, satisfied enough.... for now...

" go on to your rooms you two. now." he told them. they looked at each other.

they both looked at each other sorrowfully that thier bond had to sever that way.

with that they left down thier own ways down the corridor.

cyril saw them both with drooping tails and ears. he looked clearly aggravated with himself for doing what he was about to do.

"flame... best be going... with ember..." he finished, like saying it was going to kill him.

flame was at a loss for words at that. "i- what?" he stuttered.

cyril didnt dare look at him, in hopes of keeping his mind set that these two were trustworthy. he just motioned toward ember with his tail...

"i... thank you cyril!" he exclaimed happily, and bounded toward ember. he nuzzled her slightly, and they rounded the corner smiling together.

cyril looked like he wanted to facepalm himself. "that was a bad idea, i shouldnt have said that. they might, i should stop them.. yes, i should..."

"cyril." cynder said.

he stopped, and looked down at her.

"let them live a little, they need to have some time... you just have to trust that they wont do anything stuid..."

he looked at her stubbornly.

she looked at him convincingly.

he sighed heavily. " i suppose you're right, they need to be trusted."

"without it people have no room to grow up, make mistakes." cynder agreed.

cyril nodded. then his face took on an odd exression. "cynder... did you by any chance... just give me a life lesson...?"

they looked at each other, and shivered with a false fright.

"well thats not going to happen again soon..." cynder said amusingly.

"youre still going to be punished."

"yeah i know..." she said with that look of, 'drats! foiled again!'

questions? comments? concerns? want to know why i have 3 storylines going on at once? so do i! :D im leaving aurora and them out for now. heres a SUPERHUGECOLOSSALGYNORMAS SPOILER!!!!!

for the third time im changing the theme. im going to keep malefor and evil and dark forces and enemies out of the story. this story is going to revolve around friendships, relationships, and day to day events for spyro and his friends. THIS IS THE FINAL CHANGE!!!

so yeah, im screwing malefor plotline, and the kingdom hearts one:p liked those? too bad soz for inconvience:p

ember: how the hell did the author get this in his report...? FLAME.......

spyro: run forrest run!

flame: 0-0'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''