The Corrupted Savior

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When Bheni finds himself on the wrong end of a bad situation he is saved by an unlikely source, one that mystifies him enough that he tells his co-worker Wiki what's going on. Will he met his rubbery angel once more?

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The atmosphere in the office was buzzing as usual as people attempted to get all the work done in the day that had been given to them. It was like a hive of bees, even though for the most part people stuck to their desks in order to put in the data or design whatever it was that was needed there was always someone running from them to go to the printer, get coffee, or meet up with others to talk about something. It didn't help that everyone was in their own separate cubicle and in order to ask someone anything they either had to get up and physically walk over or shout at them since their phone system was not to be used for inter-departmental floor conversation. It created a lot of traffic, especially in the morning, and about a year ago the company brought in an organizer to try and make the space more efficient.

That was when Bheni and Wiki met for the first time. Originally the two dragons were nearly on the other side of the building despite being in the same department, and when the organizer came in he saw that and began to move everyone together into work clusters. They also got rid of individual cubicles, which meant that all eight people worked at desks that were only divided by walls from other departments. While the open-air office idea made it a bit noisier and distracting one good thing Bheni found from this was at least they were near the window, which being on the twenty-fifth floor of a skyscraper in the middle of the downtown area meant they got quite the view. While he was also a bit apprehensive of the orange-scaled dragon, the desks being deliberately large so that two people could use them, he found Wiki to be quite congenial and ended up getting along well together.

In fact, the only strange thing that he could say about his new desk partner was that while he was a very social sort he seemed to disappear as soon as the work was over for the day. While Bheni himself wasn't one to really stick around and talk after his time in the office was over he was surprised how quickly Wiki would excuse himself as soon as the clock struck five. Even when they had started to become friendly with one another the blue-scaled dragon would never see him outside of work. It almost made it feel like he was avoiding him, though from what he gathered when he talked to other co-workers they stated that was the way he had always been. That became even more apparent when the group would go out for drinks or dinner in order to relax after a tough day or celebrate a milestone only to have him immediately decline as soon as he was asked.

After a year of this Bheni still found himself too shy to pry in and see why Wiki was so phobic of gatherings outside of work, not to mention their department got a drop deadline that was forced on them that made them all even more ornery than usual. For the next month they all had their snouts and muzzles buried in the work, until finally by the end of it everyone was too exhausted to speak, much less go out. "I feel like I could sleep for a week," one of Bheni's co-workers said, a rather thin zebra man that worked opposite of him and Wiki. "I don't know how Wiki manages to it."

"Yeah," the blue-scaled dragon replied, about to say more before he realized what the zebra had said and turned to him in curiosity. "Wait, what do you mean about Wiki?"

"Guy comes in at the crack of dawn so he doesn't have to work late," the co-worker replied as he packed everything. "Despite that he still pulls like twelve hours and has enough energy to go out and party. That dragon is living the dream I guess."

The statement once more lent itself to the mysterious aura that surrounded Wiki on his late-night activities, though once again Bheni reminded himself that it was really none of his business on what his business friend did. Even so as he looked over to the other side of the desk and saw that the dragon had already left for the day himself he still wanted to know what was so important that he would completely rearrange his life around it. But that was a tale for another time, Bheni thought to himself as he yawned loudly, he was just as tired as the others and wanted nothing more then to go home and pass out. Just as he was passing by the office though he heard someone call out his name and looked over to see a frantic eagle woman run up to him.

"Thank goodness I caught you!" she said, her feathers fluttering slightly. "We were checking on the finished product for your department and we saw that some of the pathways have been misfiled. Your team is the only ones who can change it without approval and if we don't get these done tonight then the whole thing is going to be late!"

"You want me to do that?" Bheni asked. "That's really not my thing, perhaps-" when the dragon looked around he saw that not only had the zebra he was talking to disappeared but the rest of the team had already walked out for the day, which left him the only one that was there as he sighed loudly. "I... suppose I could get that done for you guys, how many files need to be pathed?"

"Oh, just a few," the avian said cheerfully. "I'm sure you'll be back out of here in no time!"

Several hours later Bheni awoke with a snort, the dragon nearly falling out of his chair as he tried to quickly steady himself. When he looked around he panicked briefly before he remembered that he was still in the office, the glow of the computer monitors and lights overhead seemingly brighter as the light of day had disappeared. The pathing had taken far longer than expected and then he had to wait for confirmation they could use it before he could leave to go home. When he looked down at his computer he found that it was almost ten at night and that he had gotten the confirmation e-mail half an hour ago along with a thanks from the other department.

Bheni rubbed his face and turned off his computer before grabbing his bag, looking out at the street lights of the city while he got on his coat. It was just starting to get into the heart of winter and though it hadn't snowed yet the cold had started to set in. He could even see a few flakes falling as he watched the cars still on the streets driving by. Even though it was late there was still a bit of activity going on and he was just thankful that the elevated train system ran all night long. With one last look outside he went to the elevator and vacated the building, walking in the brisk air towards his stop.

By the time the dragon had gotten to his stop though the cool night air and fact it was a weekday had thinned out the crowd until he was the only one around. Bheni never liked being on the train station platform after it had gotten really late; not only were their drunks and others to contend with but the poor lighting and lack of security it was also a prime area for crime to happen. The dragon felt himself clutching his bag tighter and looking at his phone as he waited, hoping the ten or so minutes until the train got there would go by quickly. Once he was in his own neighborhood he would feel safer, but as he glanced from side to side he could tell that there was something going on.

"What do we got here?" a low voice came from the constrictor snake man that had been eyeing him up the last few minutes, Bheni trying not to make eye contact with him as he continued to approach. "Don't you know that it's not safe to be hanging around this place so late at night all alone? Something could happen to you, lots of unsavory folk that roam around here."

As Bheni started to try and move away he saw another man, this on an alligator, coming up from the other side along with a rhino right next to him. "Please..." the dragon said as he looked for some way where he could ensure his safety. "I'm just trying to get home, I don't want any trouble."

"Not looking to cause any," the snake hissed, the other two chuckling in response. "I just wanted to offer my services of protection to keep said thugs away from you. Of course such a service isn't free... and if you don't happen to have the funds I'm sure a cutie like you could find some other way to make it up to us for helping you."

Bheni found himself swallowing hard as he realized what sort of predicament he was in; the two that had come up from behind him had blocked the main exit off the platform and unless he wanted to jump the two stories to the concrete below there was no other way to go. The snake continued to look at him insistently, his hand against the growing bulge in his pants as he sneered and said that he'd probably had done this to others dozens of times. As the three closed in Bheni suddenly found himself falling to the ground, the phone he had been holding onto clattering to the ground as he realized in his panic that he should have attempted to use it. When he tried to crawl over towards it the alligator beat him to the punch and put the device in his pocket before leering over him with an evil smile on his face.

But before the three thugs could do anything they all heard a loud roar that caused them to look up, the three looking around frantically as they pulled out knives while the snake also brandished a firearm. "It can't be..." he said as they scanned the area. "It's just a myth!"

"Sounds pretty real to me boss!" the rhino said before making a run for the exit. "I'm out of here!"

The snake man shouted at the other criminal for his cowardice, the rhino just sticking up his middle finger as he reached the stairs. Just as he was about to head down them though he was suddenly blown off his feet, the male being catapulted in the air before landing and rolling to a stop. The remaining three looked at the stairwell in a stunned silence as something glowing and blue came up from the gate and wrapped around one of the poorly painted bars. Though it was hard to see in the poor lighting Bheni could tell what it was as more of it appeared... was a large, shiny tentacle.

More soon joined it as the thrown rhino attempted to get to his feet, stumbling as more of them joined the first until it pulled up the source of them. The creature was as shiny and black as the tentacles it had used to hoist himself to the platform, its glowing blue eyes staring directly at the creature while saliva of a similar hue dripped down his lips. Though the head was vaguely canine in nature it sported a pair of horns as its tongue, also an almost neon blue, stretched out like one of the tentacles that retracted back into his body. Without the extra appendages it almost looked humanoid in nature as it quickly closed the distance to the rhino that had just gotten on its feet and properly recovered.

"Oh no!" the thug shouted, brandishing his blade at it as the creature looked at the action in mild amusement. "You're not going to get me that way!"

The rhino waved the knife around for a few more second before the creature crouched and pounced on him, knocking him over and sending the knife to the ground. Everything happened so fast it was hard for Bheni to process it, and though at first he thought the rubbery creature was going to kill the rhino it actually looked like he was... melting on him? The latex skin seemed to quickly ooze over the skin of the other male until it he was completely lost underneath the thick substance. In a matter of seconds the rubber canine once more stood up and walked towards the other three, leaving the rhino completely encased in a type of rubber cocoon where they could still see his hands, head, and other features stretching out the sides of it while it remained completely adhered to the concrete beneath him.

With the creature between the remaining two thugs and the exit they attempted to stand their ground, the snake man remembering that he was holding a gun and aimed it at the creature. Before he could fire it though one of the tentacles of the creature emerged from him once more and struck the hand like a snake, completely coating it neon-blue goo gun and all. As the alligator attempted to rush the distracted creature he suddenly found a large hand stretching around his head, stopping him in his tracks as the tentacle wrapped around the snake's arm. The creature brought the two of them together hard, smashing them together before he wrapped his arms around the both of them and encased their midsections in the same rubbery substance as the rhino.

As the two creature fumbled around trying to get unstuck from one another its head suddenly turned to him and for the first time it had appeared Bheni realized he was still on the ground. Behind him the rubber that was on the bodies of the other two continued to spread, especially what had been on the head of the alligator as it transferred over to the snake. While the dragon had both enjoyed and was relieved watching his potential assaulters get completely encased he realized that he was once more alone and with this creature. When it got close to him it suddenly went down on his hands and knees, the bright blue claws on his fingers clicking against the concrete as it quickly moved on him until they were only a few inches apart.

"I... thank you," was all Bheni could think of as he stared into those glowing blue eyes, watching it tilt its head as it slowed its approach but continued to draw near to him. "You saved me from a bad situation..."

The dragon was at a loss for what else to say and he could feel his heart beating hard in his chest as its muzzle was now mere inches from his own. Was it going to do to him what it had done to the rhino, some sort of predatory creature that had stumbled upon the crime in progress and used it to his advantage? It definitely didn't have the same aggressive nature that it displayed to the thugs, in fact it almost seemed like it had a small grin on his face as its muzzle seemed to drip a bit of the rubber that it had used to ensnare the others. As he began to look over his potential savior he also noted that the creature was very much male, feeling himself blushing slightly when he noticed that the tongue and eyes weren't the only thing that glowed bright blue.

Just then there was a noise that rang through the air, which Bheni knew was the sound of the train approaching. This seemed to startle the creature, but before it darted back off into the darkness it finally closed the distance between the two and kissed him right on the lips. Though it was only for a brief moment an electric tingle between the two of them. The dragon felt his eyes close and found himself actually leaning into it, but in the next second he found himself almost falling forward as he opened them again and found that it was gone.

Bheni found himself looking around after the rather jarring transition, almost believing he was having some sort of stress-induced hallucination until he saw the three thugs on the platform. The rubber around the rhino had seemed to suction itself around him, though the dragon could still see him wiggling it was much more restrained, and the two others were practically bouncing against one another as their rubber bodies had fallen to the platform. Beyond that Bheni could see the lights of the train as it came hurtling towards him, passing by and kicking up his clothes as it came by before screeching to a stop. Though the criminals were very much real, as well as their bindings, it was still hard to believe that the creature that was still present at the forefront of his mind had caused it. Stranger still was as the doors opened and the train operator came out asking what happened all the dragon could think of was the kiss he shared with the one that had saved him as he put his fingers to his lips.

When the operator came out of the train to look at those that were currently restrained he surprised Bheni by saying this wasn't the first time he had come across a scene and to call the authorities. That was when the dragon realized that the rhino had taken his phone and put it in his pocket, but when he stepped forward to tell the operator that he felt something bump up against his foot. He looked down to see his phone screen looking up at him, set there as though deliberately as he knelt down and picked it up. Had the rubbery creature gotten this away from the rhino, and if so how long had it been watching before it decided to intervene?

It was just one of the many questions that were swirling around his brain as he used the phone to call the police as per instructed, the operating calling in his own dispatch to inform them of the situation. Within minutes the sound of police sirens could be heard and soon the entire area was buzzing with officers all making sense of the situation. While one took Bheni's statement others were cutting away the latex and getting both the rhino and the two that were stuck together on their feet, the rubber still completely covering them as they were carefully walked back down the stairs to the cars waiting to take them to prison. As for the dragon he was told that they would drive him home, which after the day he had was an offer he didn't refuse.

Once he had gotten back home the dragon immediately went to his bedroom and flopped down on the bed, his fingers still rubbing against his own lips as he remembered the one that had given it to him. His other hand was rubbing against his groin, and when he realized it he found himself blushing. His thankfulness at being saved by this mysterious creature was being overshadowed by the increasing desire that he was having. Even though it had been an ordeal all he could think about was what might have happened if that train hadn't come and his savior had done what it looked like he was about to do to him...

His feelings continued into the next day at work, the dragon staring at his screen as he heard the commotion of the office around him. Bheni tried to play it off as exhaustion since he was back in the office that he had left several hours before and that wasn't even counting the encounter at the train station. "Heard that you got to play the hero," a voice said behind him, causing him to jump and turn to see Wiki grinning at him. "When I came in I saw the e-mail where you stayed behind in order to make sure that our module was able to work, if you hadn't we would have come back to a mess."

"Oh yeah... a hero," Bheni replied sheepishly. "Don't know if I would call myself that."

"Don't sell yourself short," Wiki stated, his smile fading slightly when he could see the other dragon slouching forward slightly. "Hey, you alright? After staying so late you should have just stayed at home."

"It's not that..." Bheni sighed, looking around before bringing Wiki in close. "Last night when I was coming home I was jumped at the rail station."

"Oh no," Wiki said in shock. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Bheni said with a nod, still unsure if he should go on with what he was about to say. But he had come to trust Wiki and he didn't have to get into everything, finally opening himself up. "Someone had saved me, swooped in and took care of the bad guys in a very... unusual fashion."

"That's great to hear," Wiki stated. "Sounds like you crossed paths with a real life superhero... I think I've heard about some sort of vigilante that was out and about, did he happen to wear some sort of rubber suit or something?" Bheni was surprised that the dragon was so knowledgeable on the creature he had encountered as he nodded. "I've heard that people have seen him haven't really gotten a good luck, did you happen to see what he looked like?"

Bheni found himself swallowing hard as the question brought back the mental recollection of the creature that he had seen. Though he had remained vague in the description of the creature he couldn't help but mention how handsome he was and talk about the shiny black rubber skin and sculpted muscles, though what he found himself really accentuating the glowing eyes and other aspects of the creature. To his surprise he found that the other dragon was listening intently to his story with a smug grin on his face. When he asked what the look was about Wiki just gave him a wink and told Bheni not to get himself in any more trouble just to try and meet up with them before he went back towards his desk.

While Bheni wanted to ask Wiki just what he meant by that in the back of his mind he had picked up what was being insinuated by that. He couldn't think of anything to reply to that and even if he did the orange dragon had already moved on with his work. That just left the blue dragon sitting in slight frustration as he looked at his screen, trying to remember what he was even doing before they had that conversation. Since all his extra time during the night had also caught him up with his current workload he found himself looking at articles instead on the hero that Wiki talked about.

There didn't seem to a whole lot of news on this creature, and just like Wiki had said there was no actual pictures of him. Most of the time the ones that were on the receiving end of this creature's justice were found encased in rubber, and even those that had been saved by him usually didn't see him at all. Did that make his case a rare one? Did this creature choose him for some reason that he didn't know about?

The question continued to plague Bheni throughout the rest of the work day, only focusing on his tasks when it was absolutely required. As time went on and he thought more of the creature he began to feel more than just curiosity, the more he thought back to the moment where they kissed the more he found himself enjoying the idea. It was like what Wiki had talked before, he found himself almost romanticizing the encounter in his mind as time went on. He could start to feel himself blushing as he began to fill in a few more of the blanks of what might have happened had the train not ended their encounter. By the time they had reached the end of the work day he had to take a few minutes to calm himself down before he could get up from his desk along with Wiki.

"Hey guys," a badger on their team said as they were packing up their things. "Would you mind staying an hour or so in order to integrate this order into the rest of the database? I know that you already had a long night yesterday Bheni and if I could I would ask anyone else, but you guys-"

"It's fine," Bheni replied quickly, fast enough that it interrupted the badger and startled both of them a little bit. "I don't mind getting a little bit more overtime, should be a great check."

The badger just gave him a nod and turned over to the other dragon. "I know that you usually prefer coming in early," he said. "But would you mind sticking around also? Help get it done earlier so you two can get out before the sun goes down."

Much to Bheni's surprise Wiki agreed with a shrug, the two of them going back to their desks in order to work on the new project that they were given. The badger's extra work turned out to be as easy as it was described to them, and it wasn't long before they were done with the extra work. Wiki quickly got up as usual and said goodbye before rushing out, likely late for whatever he usually did during that time. Bheni continued to fiddle about his desk as he wondered if he should attempt to try to go to the station again or if he should just go home. There wasn't any way save for getting in trouble again, and putting himself in a dangerous situation just because it may bring this creature to find them.

After a few minutes the dragon decided that it would be best just to go home and leave things as they were, letting out a sigh. He knew he would have to wait around for a few more hours for the sun to completely set anyway and he didn't feel like walking around at night either. Instead he left the building and walked out towards the train station, not realizing as he the shadows of the buildings began to lengthen that a pair of glowing blue eyes was watching him from the darkness as he left...

Bheni got to the rail station as the lights had begun to flicker to life, illuminating those that were also heading home after a long day of work. Though there was still the last vestiges of the sun streaming in the stars had already started to appear in the sky as the dragon went towards the stairwell that headed up to the platform. Even though he knew that there were more people now and that gang that had attempted to assault him was in custody he still felt a bit nervous. He reassured himself there was nothing to worry about and was about to follow a small group up the stairs, but just before he did so he caught movement out of the corner of his eye that caused him to pause.

It was a flash of neon blue and something that shook the bushes that lined the platform support, causing the dragon to abort his journey up the stairs and head towards them. Next to the train line there was a small forest that used to be the old station before the city renovated everything, and though there had been plans to turn the area into some sort of small mall or arcade they hadn't gotten around to it yet. As Bheni went towards the park area he once more saw the creature shifting about and it only caused him to go deeper into the abandoned park. Before he realized it he was surrounded by darkness and guided only by the ambient light of the city and the path beneath his feet as it slowly came to him what he had just done.

It was definitely a more dangerous place then the platform, Bheni thought to himself as he turned around, and it was in his best interest to get back to it. Before he took a step however he was suddenly stumbling back in shock when something suddenly fell in front of him. Just as he was about to fall completely backwards something reached out and grabbed him, a hand holding onto his shirt as he found himself looking into the neon blue eyes of the creature that had rescued him the night before. As his eyes adjusted to the soft glow this creature radiated he saw that the muscular male was hanging upside down from the scaffolding of a nearby structure.

"Whoa..." Bheni managed to say as he found himself staring at the creature in front of him, who just seemed to smirk as he slowly drew him closer. "What... what are you?"

There was a moment where the creature just paused, and Bheni wondered if he was even capable of speaking. "Fuckbeast..." the other creature said in a low tone as the smirk continued to grow on his face. "You may call me that if you wish Bheni, as that is what I am."

Bheni found himself staring into those glowing orbs as they continued to grow closer, the dragon feeling the hand of the creature that had gripped his shirt to prevent him from falling was now slipping underneath it. "Wait, h-how..." the dragon had to stop as he felt the claws of the creature press against his stomach, causing as tremble of pleasure to go through his body as he stood there. "How did you know my name?"

"I've been watching you for a while now Bheni," Fuckbeast replied, his mouth opening slightly to expose the glowing rubbery flesh within. "I didn't know how to approach you before, but those thugs game me the chance to introduce myself more properly. Now I'm going to do something I've been waiting to do for a while now..."

Before Bheni could respond he was pulled in close and their muzzles met in a deep embrace, the dragon fully feeling the slick texture of the other creature as their lips pressed against one another. It wasn't long until the neon tongue of the creature was exploring his maw, causing the dragon to moan while his body shivered in the grips of the fuckbeast. As he felt his cheeks getting stretched the hand that had been roaming his body had slipped down beneath his pants, the rubbery palm stroking against the throbbing flesh contained within while a second one stroked up and down his back to keep their kiss going. There was something... primal about the way that this creature kissed, feeling the intensity from it as this muscular male had practically started to slide down into his throat...

A loud noise caused them to stop and when Fuckbeast and Bheni broke the kiss to look they saw the beam of a flashlight heading their direction. It appeared the glowing creature hanging there had attracted the attention of a passing security guard and they were coming towards them at a healthy clip. "Interrupted once more," the creature growled deeply before turning back to Bheni. "We will continue this at another time."

"Wait!" Bheni practically shouted as the creature pulled himself up and climbed up the building. There was another shout from the security guard that had him look over, and when he turned back his mysterious paramour had disappeared completely. He decided to do the same before he got in trouble, quickly using the shadows to his advantage in order to outrun the guard and head back to the train station...

Two days later the blue dragon found himself tapping on his desk with his hand against his head as he looked at his computer while it updated. Every night in that time Bheni had attempted to try and find some means to contact the creature that he had encountered twice now, but whether it was ignoring him or didn't want to be found he had yet to find the means to do so again. It was starting to get frustrating, especially with the growing feelings that he was having for the strange being. During his breaks at work he had even looked up what the creature had called himself, the search too sensitive for him to use his work computer for, and didn't find much about these creatures and a whole lot of porn instead.

As their Friday workday was about to come to a close and give them time off for the weekend Bheni decided to go for broke and got the attention of the dragon that sat next to him. "Hey Wiki, we're friends, right?" he asked, the orange-scaled male nodding in reply. "So if I asked you something you wouldn't spread it around the office or anything like that, would you?"

"Of course not," Wiki replied in a serious tone. "What's wrong? I've noticed you've been a bit distracted as of late."

"Yeah, it's about something that I've been... looking into," Bheni said as he tried not to blush. "Have you... ever heard of a creature called..." he looked around before drawing the other dragon in closer in order to whisper the last two words. "a Fuckbeast?"

"A... oh my," Wiki replied with a sheepish grin as they straightened back up. "I've heard of people that have given themselves that title before, but never heard of a species or anything associated with a name like that. Sounds like something I wouldn't mind having a chat with, why?"

There was a moment of pause as Bheni thought about just how much information he should give the dragon before taking a deep breath. "I... met the creature again," he admitted, causing the dragon's eyes to widen slightly. "When I talked to him that's what he said he was, or at least that was what his name was. It definitely wasn't someone wearing a rubber suit though, the way this creature felt was like he was actually made of latex or something."

"The way he... felt?" Wiki stated, causing Bheni to look down as he felt his cheeks begin to burn while a wide smile formed on Wiki's face. "Are you saying that you two... had some fun together?"

"No... though I think that was his intention," Bheni replied. "We were interrupted before it could go too far."

Wiki looked like he had more to say, but then looked around the office before glancing back at the other dragon. "Perhaps this is not the best place to talk about such things," Wiki assessed, Bheni just nodding in response. "Why don't you go ahead and come with me back to my place after work? I would like to keep the conversation going as soon as possible if you don't mind."

Bheni was almost too stunned to respond, eventually nodding his head again before finding him self again and saying that would be great. This creature must have been of great interest to the normally enigmatic creature, knowing that he would have a chance to see something that rare few in the office got to experience. Even though it was likely just a mundane thing he couldn't help but feel excited as the end of the day drew near, watching the sun slowly set as he continued to do work in order to try and pass the time. Finally the last few minutes drained away from the clock and as Bheni got up and started to get his coat on he saw that Wiki had in fact not done his usual quick walk out of the building.

"Hey Bheni," a voice said behind the dragon, looking to see the same badger from a few days ago. "Great work you and Wiki did on that extra project, a few of the other departments are going out for drinks and was wondering if you wanted to join in?"

"Oh, uh..." Bheni said as he looked over at Wiki before glancing back at him. "I actually have plans tonight."

"Aw, come on man!" the badger replied with a smirk. "Don't start being like Wiki and ducking out of everything, live a little! It's only going to be for a few hours."

Bheni found himself stumbling slightly on how to get out of this situation without revealing his plans or seeming impolite, only to feel an arm wrap around his shoulder as Wiki passed by. "He's coming with me tonight," the orange-scaled dragon said, giving the badger a wink. "I'm sure he'll catch you on the next outing."

The look on the badger's face was that of pure shock as the two dragons walked towards the elevator, Bheni still grinning sheepishly from the entire encounter. His was not the only head that he turned as well as several others were taken aback by the sudden candor of the reclusive dragon and his new companion. Eventually however the two made their way out of the building and into the busy streets of the city. It was strange for Bheni taking a something other than his usual route towards the rail station, especially when it was leading him further into the heart of the downtown area. Still... at last he was in the company of a friend as they went down the bustling sidewalk.

Eventually Wiki led Bheni into one of the apartment buildings nestled in one of the smaller skyscrapers, the orange dragon taking him up the elevator and to one of the nearly identical doors before unlocking it with a keycard. The place looked more like a hotel than an apartment, and when he brought up the observation he said that this place was one at some point but had been renovated for people who enjoyed living in the city. While it wasn't exactly a penthouse Bheni was definitely impressed with the view as he looked out the window down into the city while Wiki made them a drink. Once they had each gotten a glass Wiki led Bheni out to a small balcony that had a small planter shelf on it that they could sit down on.

By this point the sun had completely lowered beneath the horizon and the moon had started to rise, Bheni looking over the side of the balcony to see the lights turning on below them and the darkness of the alley that was directly beneath him. "You really do have a beautiful view," the blue dragon commented. "You can see nearly half of downtown from here, I can only imagine you sitting with a drink after work every day watching the sunset and the moon rise. Is that why you rush home all the time?"

When Wiki didn't respond to him Bheni asked if everything was alright, still looking over the railing until he heard a low growl behind him. The blue-scaled dragon felt his body shiver as he slowly turned around, swallowing hard as he saw Wiki hunched over slightly. Before he could even ask his friend if he was alright he could see strands of something shiny and black appearing over his body, causing him to drop his glass to the ground. The fake plastic bounced on the tile floor as he began to see the splotched of rubber spreading over his orange scales.

Bheni couldn't believe his eyes, which had widened as more of the black rubber spread over the other male. He would have never guessed that Wki was the one that he had met the last few times, but as his muscles began to expand and the shiny substance covered his scales it was clear that he was the one known as Fuckbeast. The dragon found himself frozen in place as the grunts and growls of the creature grew more punctuated as his eyes started to glow with the familiar blue light. As Wiki's body grew with muscle he seemed to flex it in order to seemingly show off to the one who's eyes were transfixed on him.

It certainly shined a light on why Wiki would dash away from work, Bheni thought as the changes seemed to slow as his horns curved and the last of his orange body was covered by the rubber oozing from his body. It the span of a minute the one he knew as his co-worker had become the dark and mysterious creature that had been on his mind ever since they first met. "Cat got your tongue?" the rubber creature said as he slowly got up from his seat, Bheni's eyes going down from the visage of Wiki to the sheath that contained his glowing member. "Or perhaps something a little more dark?"

"I... I'm just surprised..." Bheni said as he felt his backside press up against the railing as the very naked rubber male that had come up towards him. "Do you usually change out here? What about your neighbors?"

"No one can see us from this angle," Wiki said with a growl, closing the distance between the two of them until Bheni could feel the latex skin of the male pressing against his chest. "The blind alley also allows me to sneak down so that I can engage in my... extra-curricular activities."

"You mean being a vigilante," Bheni stated as he swallowed hard from their muzzles being mere centimeters away from one another.

"More like being a corrupter," Wiki countered as his smirk widened. "I just happened to channel all of that into something that benefits the community as well. Right now though Wiki the crime-fighting fuckbeast is taking a day off, today I am all yours... and you are all mine."

Those last words had caused a shiver to come down the spine of the blue dragon as he watched the rubber creature start to pull away, only to feel his arms being raised up. Wiki had grabbed his hands and began to pull him inside while continuing to give him a hungry look. The second that the two had gotten back inside the apartment the fuckbeast took Bheni by the arm and spun him around so that he was up against the wall. There was a thud as the blue dragon was quickly pinned, feeling one of those rubber hands slide down his inner thigh as Wiki gave him a smirk and said that Bheni was free to make himself more comfortable.

Even though the statement was directed towards him it was clear the fuckbeast was keen on doing it for him, and Bheni found himself allowing those latex hands to slide up and down his newly-bared body. The fingers danced and caressed along the turgid flesh dangling between his thighs and the blue dragon found himself huffing loudly as the pleasure grew inside of him. The feel of the rubber against his member was exquisite and with no trains or security guards to disrupt them he realized at this point that he had just willingly put himself in the den of the beast. Somehow that made this even more exciting as the feel of latex continued to press against his groin... even when he saw both hands of the beast had moved up to his chest and started to massage his bare scales there.

Bheni's gaze went down from the shiny body of the bigger male to his own crotch, his eyes widening as he saw that some of the black material had transferred onto his groin. His cock had already started to steadily rise ever since the two males had started to grope and fondle one another. When the dragon looked back at the fuckbeast he could see a devilish grin on his muzzle, as though he knew this would happen as the latex began to spread over him. Though a multitude of questions began to race through his mind the only thing that he could find himself focusing on was the pleasure that was radiating from his groin.

"I hope you didn't have anything planned for this weekend," Wiki whispered into Bheni's ear as the surprised blue-scaled dragon continued to watch the rubber crawl between his legs. "You're the first that I've shown this form too in this manner, and ever since we truly met on that train platform I've wanted to do this with you."

When Bheni opened his mouth to speak he once more found the lips of the other creature pressed against his own, the pleasure of it partially distracting from the rubber that was spreading along his inner thighs. While it shared the same intensity as what he experienced during their second encounter it was slower, more dilebrate then before. There was no reason to hurry as he once more found that slick tongue inside his maw, feeling the latex beast pressing hungrily against him the longer that they made out. Bheni could feel his eyelids flutter from the pleasure coursing through his body, looking down to see that the blue neon cock of the creature was being joined by a second one that was coming from his own groin.

Seeing his own member completely covered in glowing blue rubber caused him to gasp, Wiki pulling away as he did so. When the fuckbeast was no longer smothering his face he could see that there was several strands of saliva connecting their maws, though given the bioluminescent nature of it he gathered this wasn't ordinary spit. He could feel the rubber that had been slathered inside of his mouth and tongue spreading over the insides of his flesh, and when he stuck out his tongue the fuckbeast just laughed as it hung out past his lips like a snake. This wasn't just getting covered in rubber like he had seen Wiki do to those criminals at the train station, he could feel the transformation going deeper then that as he was turned around so that his chest was pressed against the wall.

Bheni could feel his own member still growing as the fuckbeast pressed up against him, the tip of his cock pressing against the dragon's tailhole as his own was resting against the wall. "Is this... going to hurt?" the transforming creature asked, his body shivering more in pleasure then anxiety as a strange sense of lust built up inside of him. "I feel... so strange..."

"It's the instinct of the fuckbeast welling up inside of you," Wiki growled as he continued to press against him, Bheni feeling the other male's rubber shaft throbbing against his latex-covered cheeks. "The need to rut, to breed... all of that rising up inside of you as you transform. Just lean into it and enjoy yourself, you're in for quite the ride."

Bheni panted and found himself grunting as he felt his body shifting, not just the rubber covering his scales but also his muscles growing bigger. The sensations of his body stretching were second only to another set of muscles stretching, the transforming dragon grunting as he felt the cock of the other male slip inside of him. Just like his mouth the latex had not remained on the outside of his body as he felt himself easily accommodate the other male as a feeling of blissful fullness could be felt inside of him. Though the fuckbeast behind him was rather insistent in sinking the entirety of his glowing length inside of him he continued to show restraint so that the other male could still get used to his girth.

As Wiki sank another few inches inside of him he once more Bheni was slid up a little further against the wall, and as he did the texture felt different then before. When he looked down at his naked body he could see why, his body was almost completely coated in shiny black latex similar to the one behind him as his physique continued to grow bulkier. Despite trying not to he felt his new blue claws sink into the wall as his arms thickened, though they were nowhere near what suddenly wrapped around his waist. Bheni let out a small yelp as he was pulled backwards, gravity sinking him further down on the shaft that was deep inside his body as the bigger fuckbeast moved the two of them towards another room.

Once they were inside what appeared to be the bedroom Wiki paused for a moment before turning the two of them around, facing them in front of a mirror door to the closet. Bheni found himself letting out a growl as he saw himself being held there, his black rubber body completely covering his otherwise draconic form as his glowing blue member jutted out from the sheath it had been contained in. Below that was what remained of the shaft of the other fuckbeast that wasn't buried deep inside of him, their shiny forms pressed against one another as Bheni could still see his feet twisting and changing from the rubber that had assimilated them. His horns had also been warped to a form similar to the male behind him and when Wiki thrusted upwards he opened his mouth in shock and revealed his long, glowing latex tongue.

"Such a beautiful fuckbeast," Wiki purred as he stroked the neck of the similar creature he was holding, feeling Bheni wiggle and shudder from the pleasure of his ministrations. "Not quite there yet though, still need to show my new omega who his alpha is..."

It took a second for Bheni to realize what he was talking about, still seeing his very draconic eyes looking from his otherwise rubbery head. It was the only part of him that still hadn't been changed, but as he felt the growing lust from their bodies rubbing together he found himself slipping mentally. He found himself wanting this creature to take him, just like he wanted it the last time that he met, and as Wiki turned them around again and they both flopped on the bed he realized that was exactly what he was going to get. The dominant male was more then willing to grind his body against his, their rubber muscles pressing and sliding against one another as the alpha fuckbeast began to thrust in and out of his hole.

It had all started with a kiss, Bheni thought as his new form was being pushed down into the bed with each slap of the creature against his cheeks, feeling those hands roaming possessively over his body. Even though he couldn't see it the more his body was ravished by the fuckbeast on top of him the more he could feel his eyes starting to glow, the whites disappearing as a new creature was created there on the bed. Bheni was completely lost in the orgasmic high that came with getting rutted, his own cock pressed against his latex abs while his new alpha rode him deep and steady. As the lust and pleasure threatened to overwhelm him Bheni couldn't help but wonder if they were really going to be doing this all weekend...

When Bheni awoke he found himself in the bed laying next to Wiki, their naked bodies cuddled together before he squirmed away. When he looked around it took him a second to remember where he was, though the sight of the orange-scaled dragon next to him quickly reminded him of where he was as he slowly got up. After a few minutes of searching he finally found his phone and was shocked to see that it was already Sunday afternoon... had he really spent the entire weekend as a sex-crazed rubber creature with his co-worker? As he thought back the images of their time together were crystal clear and it caused his body to shiver as he got dressed in his clothes, remembering how even as the sun came up the two were still going at it until it had gotten dark once again.

"I hope you weren't thinking of skipping out of me," Wiki said as he suddenly appeared in the hallway, giving Bheni a smirk when he turned to face him while blushing. "If you did that I would have to hunt you down tonight, which you know that I'm good at."

"Oh no, just getting dressed..." Bheni replied. "It was just a bit strange being naked in your apartment like that."

"Ah, too used to having a nice rubber suit on," Wiki stated with a wink before going over to the refrigerator and pulling out a bunch of food. "I remember after my first time I was particularly ravenous, so why don't you go ahead and have a seat while I cook us up something nice?"

Bheni found himself nodding and sat down as Wiki started to make things around the kitchen, still feeling strange even with his clothes on. After spending such an intense time as a fuckbeast it almost felt weird to be back in his own body, which when he brought it up to the other dragon was told that it can be a bit disorienting going from a muscular rubber beast back to flesh and blood. "So am I one of you now?" he asked as the plate of food was set down before him. "A rubber fuckbeast?"

"Not quite," Wiki replied with a chuckle. "As much fun as it would be to create another like me I made sure that your transition was only temporary, so you don't have to worry about rushing home every night so you don't transform in public. Plus who would take all the extra work at night if we're both coming in early, not to mention people would probably talk."

"But what if I wanted to be like you?" Bheni asked, surprising Wiki enough that he paused before filling his maw with a mouthful of his own breakfast. "I mean, not to press or anything, but I can't say that I didn't enjoy myself this weekend."

"I'd be disappointed if you could," Wiki stated, his look of shock turning into a smirk as he set down his fork and looked straight at Bheni. "Considering that you're the only one that I've shared my secret with I think perhaps we could reach some sort of arrangement where you can come over and become my little fuckbeast omega whenever you'd like, and perhaps you could even go out with me. Of course if you do that then during that time you're going to belong to me just like you were this weekend, and the longer you go with this arrangement the harder you're going to find it to walk away. So what do you say Bheni, you want to be a rubber creature of the night with me, or is our little encounter here the last time that you see your corrupted savior?"


A few weeks later a rhino and an alligator sat on the elevated rail station, the two sitting under the light as the dead of night and a light rain surrounded them. "You sure we should be back here doing this?" the rhino asked as the alligator gang member lit a cigarette, looking around nervously. "We just got done with our last trial date."

"Relax," the alligator replied as he took a puff. "From what I've been hearing that thing that's been making our lives miserable hasn't been seen the last few weekends, or at least nothing that's made the papers. Plus I need to start getting some funds going so I can hunt that freak down and make him pay for the humiliation he caused me here. Speaking of such... I do believe that we have our first customer coming up now."

From the darkness of the street the two of them saw someone walking up the stairs towards the rail station, the alligator giving the rhino a wink before the two of them moved into position. With his blade ready in the pocket of his leather jacket he slowly moved forward to the individual once they had gotten close to the tracks, trying to see if he could see anything about them before he made his approach. With it being a cooler night his prey was bundled up, though he did see a rather large purse that was filled with potential goodies for him. Once he was sure that he could see his partner in crime on the other side, giving him the signal that he was ready to go.

"Well hello there," the alligator said as he went over and stood next to the one waiting for the train, licking his lips as he finished off his cigarette and tossed it to the side. "You know these platforms can be rather dangerous to those who are traveling alone. Now I can make sure nothing happens to you while you're here... for a small fee."

"No thanks," the voice replied simply with a tone that caused the gang member to be shocked at. "I'm not traveling alone."

The alligator found himself going from surprised to angry at the flippant tone that this person seemed to have with him, gripping the knife in his pocket before pulling it out. "Look, it seems like we're going to have to do this the hard way," the criminal said as he brandished the knife. "Give me your purse and all your belongings and we won't have to make the news, you got it?"

"You really are thick..." the other male said, slowly turning his head so that the alligator could see his rubber face glinting in the light. "You didn't even ask me what I meant when I said I wasn't traveling alone."

The alligator stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the familiar visage of the one that had gotten him locked up in the first place, swallowing hard as he found himself backing away from the creature that had turned towards him. When he shouted for his friend to help him he looked past the rubbery individual to see that instead of his fellow criminal there was a rhino-shaped rubber lump on the platform that was wiggling slightly. "It can't be..." the alligator said as he stumbled back and dropped his knife onto the platform. "No way, not again!"

The alligator turned to run, but he only got a few feet before he ran into something that caused him to fall over. "What do we have here," Wiki said with a hiss, grinning evilly at the stunned alligator as he looked back and forth between the two while Bheni took off the trench coat he was using to disguise himself. "Someone who hasn't learned his lesson. I do want to thank you though, without your intervention I might not have met my own partner here."

"You can't be serious..." the alligator said as he tried to crawl away from the two of them. "There's two of them?!"

"There is now," Wiki replied before turning to Bheni as the mugger found himself backed up against the fence of the rail platform in fear. "Would you care to do the honors?"

"With pleasure..." Bheni replied, summoning forth the rubber tentacles of his body before slowly approaching the alligator...