The Fast and the Furious (A Spellsinger Story)

Story by The Wizened Raconteur on SoFurry

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#40 of Robbin Red

Word Count is aprox. 12600. Dasher Cheetah, I hope you're around to read this.

Add tags as you wish.

"What was the name of that fella again, sugah?" came an idle question.

I was reclining against a tree, feeling quite pleased with myself. No one in this time or any other would have known me for who I was. I was comfortably undressed, with my clothing and accoutrements laid out under the shade of the tree I was leaning against. I was watching my partner move through the water with the grace few her size could do.

"His name was Robin Hood."

She didn't even look up, so focused was she on what she was doing.

"Robbing Hood? I ain't so sure I wanna be acting along the lines of no common thief Jon-Tom."

"No, no, no! Robin. His name was Robin. The hood part was not based upon hoodlum, I think, but because he wore one. In my time most of the tales were far removed from the originals."

"If you say so sugah. And this here human fella stole from the rich and gave to the poor?"

"So say the legends."

"My kingdom was never so badly managed that we had poor creatures of any style."

"I know my svelte and lithe mistress of the swords, but there are plenty of inconsiderate rich people out in the world. Sometimes a liberal application of righteousness evens out the playing field."

Her pupils dilated at my calling her svelte. I still remember the first time I used that description. I think it was what had cemented her attraction to me in a place that was, realistically, a long way off and hundreds of years in the future. I didn't dwell much on that, for all that had happened in between tended to overwhelm me, which was why I had decided to be a deserter and take back up with Roseroar.

She was going just by Rose now, and I readopted my persona of Dasher. No one knew about that except her, so I figured that was all the disguise I needed. And no one would expect a person of royal descent to turn out to be a highway robber, so I figured we had the incongruities covered.

Eve had messed things up already.

I was just taking it one step further.

"You and your compliments! Are you trying to get into my pants again?"

I looked her up and down. Since she had just vacated the river after fishing with her claws, you can believe that she was wearing nothing but her fur.

And it was a sight to see.

Trust me when I say that having the affection of a powerhouse like Roseroar was a rare treat, and one I had missed from the time I had attended her funeral; and hell, I was married to Talea back then. I mean, I suppose I technically still was. Sort of. Rose and I had been mostly apart once I had escorted her home after our misadventures with Mudge. Like I said, that was a long time the future. Don't ask. Please don't ask. It makes my head ache just trying to sort it all out.

I still recall that trip back to her kingdom with unnatural clarity. It had been perhaps the best weeks of my life. There were plenty that were momentous, but not as fondly remembered as those. I just smiled as I looked her from the end of her lashing tail to the tips of her delicate nipples.

If you couldn't appreciate the fierce huntress appeal she had, then you were blind. She wasn't dainty and she wasn't petite. She was taller than I was, and she outweighed me two to one. But damn; that was fine with me. That girl was nothing like I had ever imagined and conjuring her up in a moment of need had been a miracle unto itself. She had proven a wonderful traveling companion, a hardy fighter, and after all was said and done, a remarkable lover.

I had really earned my stripes on that trip.

I smiled seductively, as much as I could in this body. Being a cheetah was pretty interesting after having a human body most of my life, but there were aspects that took getting used to. Like being able to run two to three times faster than before.

"You, my sexy striped feline, are always on my mind. Getting into your pants is only part of it."

"Is that so, you naughty man? What else is there I can offer you?"

As she was speaking, she was flexing her muscles (indiscreetly of course) and lashing her tail back and forth.

"There is your fine company, your exquisite personality, and your divine form."

"Me? Divine?"

"More so than she who arranged for us to be together again."

Her ears twitched.

"Do I sense some regrets?"

"No. Regrets are of no use. They anchor you to a past you lament. I prefer looking back on the parts that I relish."

She held up the fish, still impaled on her talons.

"You wanna eat first, Mr. Flattery, or do you want to wait while you put your words to practice?"

I grinned.

"Food _should_be first, but who knows what the fates have planned for us? This body takes a lot of energy compared to my old one."

She snorted and twitched her whiskers.

"No one says you have to race around at top speed just to prove you can. Not everyone is impressed by how fast you can go."

I stretched my legs and yawned, showing teeth smaller than, but just as formidable as her own.

"You are. Did I have the juncture of your lascivious thighs smoking the last time we made love?"

She snarled, but then stuck out her tongue.

"Fast is good as long as you can kept it going long enough for a girl to enjoy it."

"Touché my femme fatale!"

"Are you speaking in your funny language again?"

"Funny? But mademoiselle; it is only the French!"

"Funny, like I said."

"But it is the language of love!"

That bought her up short.

"And do you love me?"

"Only always and forever!"

She stared me down, which is daunting coming from the likes of her. She knew I had power to spare but the deal had been that I would forgo using it. That meant that in this relationship, she was technically the strong one, not I. We both knew this was untrue, but it was good enough for our present purpose.

"Jon-Tom, you've been through a lot more than I have. I died. Damn sugah, I should still be floating around the universe as a gneechee. All of those years I had only you on my mind. And you're saying the same?"

I sighed.

"Look Roseroar. I lament a lot of things, not because what I did was bad, but because I did them without you. You have no idea how many times I longed to be in your arms again."

She purred a bit and leaned in to ruffle my hair. Thankfully she had dropped the piscian morsels next to the fire pit before she did. Still, I could smell the wetness and the fishiness on her claws.

And yes, it was from the fish...

"You are an odd one. And then there's me. I fell for a human from another world. That has got to be one for the history books."

"But no one ever knew."

"True, except that freakish goddess of yours. Do ya think she'll ever find you again?"

"Probably. She has a knack for it. But maybe, this time, she'll leave me alone for a while. It isn't like I can't head back and not be there precisely when I need to be."

"What makes you say that?"

"I'm in my own history. I mean, this world's history. I highly doubt that anything I do...that is...we do, will have any effect on it. It'll just be like it was supposed to happen."

Roseroar scratched her head.

"That don't make no sense to me, sweetie."

"I try not to think too hard on it. The technicalities alone make my head spin."

"But what you're saying, in your needlessly complex way is that we were meant to be here?"

I shrugged.

"Could be. The hell if I know. I told you it isn't worth dwelling on."

"Right you are spellsinger! So, what will it be? Fish or...?"

I smiled broadly, showing my teeth.

"Still trying to make a fashion statement out of mixing stripes and spots?" I said with a laugh.

"Pink goes with pink, doesn't it?"

I hadn't been expecting that. She used to be more coy, a bit more prim. Having been freed from both the responsibility of her station, as well as having been released from the bonds of life, I had found her too be more relaxed now, and much more willing to be open to new things.

"In this case, you better believe it."

She lay back on the ground and awaited my next move. While she enjoyed being on top, she generally deferred to using the good old missionary position due to her size and weight. As she made an exquisite rug upon which to unleash my loins, I never once complained. If I wanted her to mix things up, all I had to do was to suggest it.

In this form, my body was covered with short hairs, soft, but not so luxurious as her coat. It was a pleasure simply snuggling in next to her, but getting right down to business against such opulent fur was an enticement any sane man would fall for.

I had. More than once.

I gave her a kiss, lowering myself into a position between her sinewy thighs. There wasn't an inch of her that was out of shape, and what fat she had was all where it needed to be. Even her breasts, sizable though they were, were still a perfect fit for her frame.

She was a lover extraordinaire and I was still working on getting her to understand that. There were only so many ways I could tell her how much I wish I had stayed with her back the future. Our past, but this world's future.

Oh well. Life went on even through such outré conditions as that.

I wiggled into position and ran my cock up and down her slit. We were well past the need to hurry through this. We were alone, and we were on our own schedule, and we did what we wanted and we did it in our own time. A little foreplay could be as much fun as the final event, if you knew what you were doing. As it was, I had decided to retain my normal sized genitalia, and the normal human configuration, just because it was going to be what she was used to.

Honestly, feline anatomy could be pretty cool and mentally invigorating when you were in that form, but that single aspect was one I just couldn't foist upon her.

A human cock was far superior to what many animals had, even if ole Mudge; were he to be here to disagree; would have taken exception with my pronouncement. I had sported a variety over my time here in this world, and I found that what I had naturally was very well received by the ladies. As I could make suitable adjustments to it, size had never been a problem.

After a few moments of sensitizing her exterior, I moved to engage the nerves on her interior. Despite her size, let me tell you she had always been a prime lady to fuck, if that isn't being too crass about it. I had a lot of experience under my belt (and believe me it was, assuming I was wearing one at the time) and of all of my lovers, none had ever been so special to me as she was. I loved her in any form she took, but this one would always be my favorite.

I drove the head of my cock inside, pausing an inch or two on the way in to rub back and forth across the ridge created by her pelvic bone. I slipped back out a couple of times, only to force myself back in again. I did this long enough she grew a little irritated at the activity.

She let out a growl that said enough was enough.

I said nothing, but I did push in all the way with a single forceful thrust that elicited a grunt from her, and then a solid pseudo-cat purr of magnanimous proportions.

"Now that's what I'm talking about sugah..."

I gave her another kiss as she wrapped arms around me that could crush a boulder. The rumble from her chest vibrated through my entire body. I mean, how could you not just adore someone who reacted so marvelously at being connected with you in such an intimate way?

I nuzzled her neck until I felt a different sort of vibration run through her. For all the toughness she acted like she had, she was really a pussy cat at heart. And speaking of pussies...

I drove into hers with a vengeance, knowing that no matter how much effort I put into it, she could take it. I didn't always go over the top however, for that put the standard a little too high for everyday lovemaking. And to be honest, going faster was not overly conducive to having a great time. Slow and steady I could do for hours...not to say I had...

Well, yes, I had. Magic used judiciously was a marvel when used properly.

I worked on reaching as deep inside her as I could, prodding ever so gently to those regions that had the most sensitivity. I believe I had mentioned before how her kind, tigers that is, had rather uncomfortable penises meant only for promoting reproduction. Mine was just like it has always been...if a tad bit longer. Like is said, magic used judiciously was a marvel, though way back in the past (which was the future of course) I had carried something quite a bit more considerable than this.

Roseroar liked a snug fit but a horse cock was pushing matters a little too far. Needless to say, that matter had already been settled after I jokingly produced one. She had not been all that amused.

Oh well. I at least had thought it funny.

As it was, we were engaged for quite a while this morning, seeing as we were waiting to hear some news. The messenger would arrive whenever they arrived, but that hardly put us off. We didn't care a bit if we were discovered.

I think ole Mudge would have been so proud of me for such a lack of prudery.

Rose was into her second orgasm and me into my third when our noses caught the scent of an intruder. We smiled at each other and I leisurely finished up what we had been doing and I fell in a heap on top of her. I lay there getting my wind, and in a moment or two, Rose called out to the bushes.

"You might as well come into the clearing Coleot!"

There was a quiet rustling and a face appeared above the foliage. It was quite similar to our own in looks, if lower to the ground than that. Well, lower to the ground if we were standing, which we were not.

"Oi! Thought you two would never finish!"

The voice was high pitched and feminine, and for good reason. Coleot was a girl, and if Mudge had been around, those two would have been inseparable. She was as incorrigible in her lifestyle as he had been. She was cute, as was the nature of her kind (ocelot) and if she were to stand still and just smile, you'd be taken in with her as being a adorable, innocent cat-girl.

But as I said, she was a lot like my old otter friend. She looked us over as she walked around where we lay.

"You know, oh great mistress of the stripes, I'm going to be in your position one of these days. I'd love to have ole Racer here bore me out until me legs were permanently wobbled."

"Dasher," I corrected her.

"Whatever. Now, if you twos are done finished fucking each other, I'd like some breakfast."

I got up, my cock still a little turgid from our recent activity. She smiled and sprinted over to give it a lick before I jerked back out of her reach.

"There is fish," I told her severely.

"Sausage is fine wif me, me tall friend!"

Rose reached over and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck.

"Listen here you little bitch! Don't go messing with my man!"

The ocelot hardly looked worried.

"Oi! Don't ruffle the fur you big, overgrown house cat. It ain't like the spotted one over there can't service me and you and still get on with life, now ain't that so?"

"Listen here you little cunt, he's mine and that's that!"

"Is that so? Pussy-whipped is he?"

I snorted with sudden amusement.

Rose gave me a dirty look.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Cat fight." I said, deciding not to elaborate further.

"This here isn't no cat fight! If this little slut doesn't mind her manners it will be a slaughter!"

Despite the tigress's words, I knew she was mostly bluffing. The ocelot had intimated that in addition to getting paid in coin, she was going to want something else. Rose had been a little pissed about it, especially when I wasn't. As I explained it to her, sometimes you went above and beyond to reach your goal.

And our present goal was a doozy.

The ocelot was our informant. There was a fortified carriage coming through the area soon, carrying coinage taken in as taxes.

Just like in the old stories I had regaled Roseroar with about jolly old England.

And while there was no King John, and no Nottingham, there was a little lord, and with him a horde of henchmen. I never did see why a person would want to own all the money, for then, what good does it do even them? It was a sickness, at least it was in my mind, and while one could not really fix the problem, they could tackle the symptoms.

The ocelot just hung limply in her grasp, and I eyed both of them with mild disdain. She, like me, knew she was relatively safe at the moment. I gave a little tsk-tsk and sighed.

"Rose darling, you know that it's not good manners to lower yourself to her level. We did hire her, after all, and we did rather agree to terms. You cannot go back on them now."

The tigress carried her antagonist over to the fire and held her above it.

"What do you say Jo...Dasher? You think she might look just as cute with all of her fur roasted off?"

The ocelot's tail whipped up away from the heat and she began to writhe, trying to escape Rose's grasp. I watched for a second before putting my foot down.

"Enough! When this is over and done, I would say that you both can part ways and never see each other again. In the meantime, I would suggest that if you can't play nice together, then you just shut up and don't say a word."

Rose tossed the unhappy feline a few feet away from the fire.

"You know I don't like shifty types. She reminds me of someone else I didn't take a shine to."

"I know, I know. But that is your problem, not Coleot's. She is what she is and we aren't here to change that."

"Hmmph!" came the disgruntled reply. "Whatever!"

I smiled at my love's present mood. She did not like sharing, and I hardly blamed her. To be honest, I could just as easily have forgone anything more than a monetary reward for our visitor, but as the price of her help was a little steeper than that, I had agreed.

Rose had not.

It was a bit of a sticking point right now.

But the payoff would be enormous, in that it would cement our new reputation, and allow us to redistribute the wealth back to the people from whom it was taken.

Even with the likes of us however, that was a big but.

"Doing good is what we're about Rose. There will always be things that we don't want to do, to achieve that end."

The ocelot was stirring up the embers and throwing on more wood. Rose was putting on her armor, a little something I had discretely magicked up just to suit her frame. All I had to put on was a leather suit and a snakeskin cape. Just like old times. Well, I did carry a quiver of arrows and a bow, just like Robin supposedly did. And I was pretty good with them too.

Like Robin purportedly had been.

"I'm not too keen on this idea as it is...Dasher. Who is to say that money isn't legitimate taxation?"

"Look at how poor the folks are in these parts and ask that again."

She sighed.

"Fine. And this is supposed to be an adventure, so I might as well act like it's one."

The ocelot had impaled the fish and placed them over the fire. She turned to stare at us.

"You two idiots are a fine mess, ain't ya? Most thieves take what they want and have no remorse, but not you two. Yer arguin about moral issues. I say that if you wants to toss your earnings out the window, that's yer choice, but it's a dumb one."

"We really don't need money, you little cretin. We're doing this for all of the poor people who have had everything taken from them."

"So you say," she said, watching the fish char over the flames.

"So we do," growled Rose.

"Everybody knows you take what you can, when you can, and you holds onto it with all yer might."

"Like this?" the tigress asked, reaching for her much smaller cousin.

Coleot jumped straight up and into the branches of a tree.

"Oh no, miss bitchy-pants! We ain't playin that game agin."

Rose smiled wickedly. I let the two carry on with their show of determination, knowing that when it came down to it, the tigress wouldn't really hurt the ocelot, and that for her part, the little feline was too smart to get caught up in anything too dangerous.

"It ain't a game, little girl. Once we've eaten, you better spill what you know or else there will be a different dish roasting over that fire."

The ocelot moved across the branch she was on until she was definitely out of Rose's reach. Then she dropped down and sauntered over to me,

"You need yerself a better bedmate, honey-bunny. This big bag of bones doesn't seem to be fitting to someone like you."

I sighed.

"If you two could quit harping on each other, life would be a little more serene around here."

"Serene?" she replied mockingly. "Thieves don't live no serene lives. Where did the likes of you two come from anyways?"

"Farther away than you can imagine," I replied honestly.

"Is that so? I doubt it, but at least you know enough to keep yer mouths shut about where you come from.

She turned the spits to cook the fish evenly before continuing.

"I have no doubts in me mind that you can take care of yerselves, but as far as pulling off the heist yer considerin, I don't think you can do it."

"Why not?"

She looked up at me.

"Two of you? You must be jokin."

"Not at all."

She made a face at me.

"That there chest alone weighs a lot. The wagon haulin it is all oak, and the horses draggin it are drafties. Then, guardin it is a whole troop of nasties, complete with steel armor and a lot of blades. You might take out a few of them, but they'll get you in the end. Forget the whole thing."

I smiled, knowing that if worse came to worse, I could exercise a little magic to help us if it were needed.

"It'll be our lives on the line, so what do you care?"

She smiled back, with a touch of irony behind it.

"If you're dead, I don't get paid."

"Good point, if not good enough. I want to hear more details, including the route they plan on taking."

She poked at the fish, finding them to be nearly done.

"After we eat. I ain't havin conversations on an empty belly."

We ate, though the ocelot sat on the other side of me from where Rose was sitting. I felt like a babysitter at moments like this, but it was for the best. We dined in relative silence, broken only when Coleot got up to wash her face in the stream.

"Looks you two. Iffin you plan on doing this, so be it. I'll be watchin from the sides I will. Curious to see what two can do against a horde."

Rose washed up and stood, finding a place in the sun to dry out. Wet fur and armor didn't really go well together, and she normally wouldn't have dressed before drying. I think in part she really didn't trust out accomplice and I didn't fault her there. The ocelot was a shifty as Mudge had been.

It was one of the things I found endearing about her.

"Don't you worry about us. I think we can handle this."

She sat back down, sighed and stretched herself out.

"Maybe. Be nice actually. I'd love to get me hands on ole Rangel's balls and give'm a squeeze."

She was referring to the little lord whose tax money we were planning on stealing.

"Hit him where it hurts," I said. "And in this case, money is likely the softest spot he has to offer."

"Right you are, my spotted friend. Just wait though. Painful it may be to his pockets, but he has that chest surrounded like a king's daughter in a crowd of drunks."

Rose gave a snort of disgust.

"And what would you be doing in that room full of sots?"

The little feline grinned like; well, a Cheshire Cat.

"If you have to ask, oh grand mistress, then I ain't one for tellin."

Rose looked at me.

"And you're fine with putting your organ in the hole of this here...lady?"

"Yes. The cost of doing business, as I said before."

Rose snarled a bit.

"And what if I don't want it inside me after it's been inside of that?"

I held up a paw.

"Enough with the insults. I get that you're not happy with the arrangement, and I respect that. Once this is over, we'll go our merry ways and life will go back to normal."

She sputtered a bit.

"Normal? If this is normal..." she laughed, a little on the maniacal side. Now that; that was scary.

I laughed with her, mostly to settle her down. Despite having brave words, I think the tearing of her soul from the ether realm might have had a bit of lasting effect on her. She was still getting used to being alive again.

"Look Rose, we agreed we'd doing something different. This is it. It may take some getting used to, so you're just going to have deal with the nuances."

She settled down and mused over my words for a bit.

"Sugah you're probably right, but don't expect me to change anytime soon. I still like doing the right and proper thing."

"Which we are, Rose."

"Maybe. We'll see."

I turned to our informant.

"Good. Now Coleot; which road are they taking?"

The look she gave me was a perfect otter impression. Well. One particular otter.

"Which one do ya think? The stone-paved main road from Critonsburg to the capital."

I turned to Rose.

"It's a good thing we've traveled that one a few times. Not a lot of places to catch them unawares however."

"No there isn't, which is why they're using it. It's foolish trying to attack them out in the open."

"I agree. Which is why we won't be."

The tigress looked in my direction.

"You resorting to using your...particular talents?"

I chuckled.

"No. Not like that. If I was going to do that, then I could do it from here."

The ocelot gave me a look.

"Talents? Oi, what are you two going on about?"

I sobered up a little. My magic was not something I made known to just anyone.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve, even if I don't make such knowledge commonplace."

"Listen Racer dear; I'm only interested in turning one trick and it ain't up your sleeve."


"Whatever. It's the main reason I'm here. That, and the money."

I nodded.

"But of course."

"Don't sass me! There ain't no woods along the main road cuz they felled the trees to make robbery tougher on people like you and me. It's all clear for the entire length of it."

"Right. The only odd features are?"

"Odd?" she echoed, looking confused.

"Odd..." I echoed back.

"Ain't no oddities. Just stretches of road."

"And on the way are bridges..."

"Who cares? What are you going"

Her smiled turned crafty as her voice trailed off.

"Tulimeer River is fast and deep this time of year. You wily bastard you."

"You catch on quickly."

"It's not going to be easy."

"What do you care?"

She sighed and groaned and looked a bit uncomfortable.

"If you die, I don't get me reward."

"You're very self-serving, aren't you?"

She got a look of determination on her face.

"You bet I am! No one does a damn thing for you. You take what you can get, when you can get it!"

"So you implied."

Rose rumbled out a few words.

"You chickening out little kitty?"

The ocelot stood to her full height. She still looked woefully small compared to Rose.

"I have a good sense of self preservation you big lout."

"You're not part of this caper missy. You have nothing to concern yourself with."

Coleot picked at her lower lip.

"I'm an idiot I am, so what can I say. I'm going to help."


"Yes me!"

I smiled.

"Protecting your investment?"

She whirled and glared at me.

"A dead dick is a limp dick and a limp dick don't do me any good. So yes, I'm in."

I laughed out loud.

"You really have a hardon for my hardon, don't you?"

She grumped a little.

"I like you. Don't ask me why, but I does. It ain't no fawning love feeling, you big idiot. Just sort of a kinship, if ya don't mind the term."

I tried to look surprised.

"For once some truth from that mouth of yours."

Rose snorted, halting a reply, before filling in the silence with her own thought.

"I can only think of one thing that mouth might be good for..."

I hushed her. To Coleot I said,

"I do appreciate the candor. I have nothing against you whatsoever, but you are a bit of a liar. Why should I believe you?"

She kicked at the ground for a moment.

"I am a liar. It's what saves yer skin around here."

I patted her on the head.

"I get it. And that's alright. I kind of like you too."

She had started to sniffle but snapped right out of it.

"You do?!"

"Yes. But like you, that doesn't make me a love-sick fool. We have a job to do, and after that, assuming all goes well, you get what you earned. After that? Who can say?"

I heard a low growl come from Rose, but she held her tongue.

"Yer a special one Rac...Dasher. Kind wish you wouldn't be so nice and all. Ain't used to it."

"We do this job, you get your reward, and then life goes on. Don't forget that the heist is the most important part of that."

"Yeah, yeah. I got an idea if you wants to hears it."

Rose snorted again.

We both ignored her.

"Go for it," I told her.

She reached for the front of my pants.

I put a paw on her head and corrected myself.

"With your plan..."

She grinned like a fool.

"Yer cock is me plan. But if you what to hear the other, so be it."

Some time later, at the far end of the bridge over the Tulimeer River, and heading towards the capitol, there was a little ocelot sitting on top of a large pile of boulders that had been dragged out of the waters below and hoisted in place on the roadway. And I do mean large.

They had been a struggle even for Rose to move.

Coleot was simply waiting for the caravan to arrive.

Felines can do boredom very well, and she was quite bored right now. Ennui had taken her once, and she was too wise to allow it to happen again. As it was her ears picked up a sound from way off. But not too far off.

Footsteps and wheels grinding against pavers.

And grunts mixed with gruff voices.

Their quarry was arriving.

She stirred herself and sat upright, stretching and yawning. It was about time this motley group of misfits made it. Every drawn-out minute was a minute she wasn't getting fucked, not to mentioned not getting paid. Her coin purse was as empty as her nether regions, and both had been sparsely filled for a long time. It was a dangerous proposal this, but sometimes a thief had to think outside of the box. These two fools were audacious, she felt, but having a third party to serve as a distraction made the plan even better.

She found a position on the tallest boulder and waited.

It was an unhappy gathering there on the bridge, when they saw the blockade, and of all things, the little feline sitting atop it, there was much consternation.

"Ahoy!" she called out.

"Ahoy yourself you little whore! Where did these rocks come from?"

She patted the one she was sitting on.

"What? These? Found'em in the river and thought they'd look good up here."

"Liar!" hollered one of the guards, a big bear covered in armor.

"What? Me? You think I didn't do this?"

"You're damn right you didn't!"

She smiled.

"Well, you're right. I was traveling to Crotonsburg and saw this pile of gravel and thought to myself; self, I said, you should wait and see if anyone can move this pile back into the river."

There was a muffled voice coming from within the carriage. Her sharp ears could just detect what it was saying.

"Get that debris out of the road immediately!"

She just knew who the voice belonged to.

Two of the guards set down their weapons and moved to the pile, causing the ocelot to vacate post haste. She ran a little farther up the road and sat down, totally interested in what was about to happen.

The two brutes picked up the first of the boulders, struggling under its weight. They moved it towards the edge of the bridge, and just as they were ready to toss it over, a form appeared behind them. The cheetah seemed to come from nowhere, and with a terrific cry in their ears, grabbed each by the belt and overbalanced them across the edge, where they fell with equal speed with the boulder they were carrying. The three loud splashes were nearly one as they hit the raging water below.

Jon-Tom, aka Dasher, turned to the rest and made a bow.

"You boys could all really use a bath. Don't you believe in washing now and again?"

There was a brief pause as the other guards took an assessment of what just happened. The cheetah was much lighter than the two he just summarily disposed of, but he had taken their distraction and their occupation with removing the boulder tohis advantage, Still, that being said, it was obvious that he hadn't put the rocks on the road, so there had to be someone else involved. And just as they were getting prepared to engage him in battle, the spotted feline tipped his hat towards them and sped away, back down the way they had come.

The coinage was safe, but two of their own had been lost in the brief foray. All eyes turned to the ocelot, who was still lounging on the other side of the pile.

"I say gents, you seem to have lost a couple of lads. I'd really watch out for that speedy fella. I'd say he's nothing but trouble."

One of the sentinels notched an arrow and let it fly in her direction. It stopped a mere hand's breadth from her face. She blinked, her eyes wide, only to find it being held in place by my hand.

"Don't get cocky girl. I'm not here to save your sorry ass."

She sucked in a breath and let it out again.

"I guess I owe you one."

"Never mind. Gotta go!"

Gone in a literal cloud of dust, I took off again, leaping atop the carriage even as the remaining guards tried to loose their weapons. I circled around a few times, then sped off again down the road. Coleot was wise to take the opportunity to put a little more distance between herself and them. While she carried a dagger, it alone would be ineffective against the ones guarding the coinbox. Her presence had been mostly to provide a distraction, which had cost them two members of their party. The remaining six were now angry, wary, and decidedly unamused.

I didn't give them much time to ponder their situation however, for I came back at breakneck speed and knocked the swords out of two of their paws before zooming off again. They watched me as I ran off towards the horizon before coming to the conclusion that they were never going to catch me. Since the way forward was blocked, and the bridge was just too narrow to along the team to pull it about to head back, they were essentially stuck.

Two set up looking back the way they had come, and coincidentally the direction I had run off in. The other four decided to tackle moving the boulders, considering themselves presently safe from molestation. Coleot however, was within calling distance and proceeded to holler names at them, just to get their ire up. Two of the brutes got one of the massive rocks hoisted up and worked it over the the edge of the bridge. With a heave-ho they forced it over the wall and shoved. A split second later, and before it had a chance to hit the water below, a voice cried out loudy;

"Hey! Watch it!"

They looked at each other and them over the side.

They were greeted by the savagely grinning face of Roseroar. She reached out and snagged the one fellow, another tiger, by the edge of his breastplate, yanked him down further and licked his face.

"You're kind of cute, darling."

In the next instant he was in an arm-flailing freefall towards the water below.

The other fellow, a tough looking wolverine, was so taken aback that he froze, not sure what to make of what had happened to his mate. Rose clambered over the side and brushed herself off for a second.

"You're kind of cute too," she said, working her fingers in preparation for tossing him overboard. He was staring at her, not out of fear precisely, but out of wonderment. Rose had opted to do this sans clothing, assuming that those who saw her would be struck both by her lack of weaponry, as much as her open nudity. She lashed her tail a little, and just to further his befuddlement, she ran her hands over her breasts.

The wolverine tried to say something, perhaps a warning to his remaining guardsmen, but his voice gurgled. Rose purred for just a second more, then lunged for him and gave him a kiss. He was so stunned, he didn't even put up a struggle, as he too soon found himself floundering in the waters below.

By this time the other two, who were carrying another boulder, witnessed the loss of their compatriot, but were in no position to assist. As Rose leaped for them, one panicked and let go, allowing the rock to come down on his partner's foot. That one screamed in pain, even as the other reached for his sword.

The other two, slow to realize there was a problem and not merely one just waiting to happen, turned and surveyed the melee in progress. They both trained their arrows on Rose, but she wisely kept herself on the other side of the remaining guard. The big lion was spewing vulgarities as he hopped around on one foot, while the other, an oversized gorilla, grabbed up a smaller rock in favor of trying to get his spiked maul into his hand.

Rose eyed him warily, but there was little to fear. Her eyes lit up even as I came back around again, snatching the bows from the hindermost pair and tossed them over the side. In the next instant I was tapping the gorilla on the arm.

Startled, he looked down at me. I looked up and smiled back.

"Hiya big boy! Wanna dance?"

"Huh?" he answered back, as stupidly as you might think.

I slipped behind him, which set off a merry chase as he turned to follow me. After about ten circles, he was getting dizzy, at which point Rose hollered at him.


He stopped and blurted out,


At that point I kicked him squarely in the nuts from behind.

He went down and kissed the ground.

Rose bent down and grabbed him by the arms and lifted him up. With a finally executed spin she sent him off the side to join his brethren.

That left three, which, it turns out, were nothing to worry about. As the duo passed the team of draft horses who had been pulling the wagon, two of the stallions let out simultaneous kicks they sent them sprawling. They each skidded to a stop back where they had started. Rose raced over and grabbed one of them, hauling him up and dragging him over the edge. The other seemed to be out cold, so she concentrated on the one who was still hobbling about.

She grabbed him by his cuirass and shouted in his face.

"Sugah? Are you going to give us any trouble?"

He paused in his discomfort to reply meekly.

"No sir ma'am!"

"Good boy. Go sit down and tend to your foot."

The last one she secured with his belt tied around his wrists. That left the wagon as ours.

Only it turns out it wasn't going to be that easy.

As we approached the wagon, the horses turned to face us. I had not considered them a threat, especially not after they had just helped us. Their look was menacing though, and I was unsure what they were up to. For all I knew, they might run off with the wagon and lay claim to the tax money themselves.

"Why hello there!" I called with as much joviality as I could. "Might you be willing to part with yon chest of coins?"

"No," came the petulant reply.

"I see. You must understand that we have arranged all of this just for that purpose."

"I know a thief when I see one. You'll not have the toil of our labors."

"I see. So then, do you intend to take it for yourselves?"

There was a derisive snort.

"I was none too happy being conscripted into pulling this wagon to begin with, but now that we have the chance, this is all going back to the village."

There was a muffled yell from inside the wagon.

The horse frowned.

"But there is still that little cretin to deal with."

There was silence for a moment.

I walked up and sat down in front of the one speaking.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was my intention to return this money, just as you intend?"

He looked down at me. I think he was puzzling out my position for I was leaving myself vulnerable to attack.

"No thief steals to help anyone but themselves."

Coleot's voice piped in.

"Aye Craggy, but these here folk ain't right in the head."

The stallion snorted once or twice before replying.

"I thought I recognized that little pussy on the rocks. Thieves keep company with thieves, and you are well known for being a disreputable bandit."

"I ain't disreputable! I'm just lookin out for meself is all."

The stallion turned his attention back to me.

"You don't get a bronze penny from the chest unless you promise to me that you mean what you say."

"Oh, I think we deserve a little compensation for the work we put into planning this little disruption, but outside of that, I feel the bulk of it should go back to the people."

"And if you're lying?"

"Then I'm lying. We'll go back together and let the people decide."

There was a pause.

"There is still another detail to deal with."

I stood and knocked on the door to the wagon.

"I say! Anyone home?"

The previous voice, formerly muffled, was now dead silent.

"I think we can handle him. Shall we assist you in turning about and heading back whence you came?"

As hardly needs to be mentioned, Rose got dressed again, and the three of us rode atop the wagon as the team made a jostling ride home. Coleot was sitting as proudly as if she had done the whole deed by her lonesome, and I for one didn't say a thing. Rose ignored her completely, still feeling a lot of resentment towards the little feline. Normally I would have cared more, but I found that in this instance, having a little competition between the ladies was flattering. Rose knew I was in love with her, and to be honest, I was a little curious what screwing the ocelot was going to be like. Size wise, she was pretty petite, so there might have been a bit of a subconscious Lolita complex driving me. Coleot was an adult, but compared to Rose, she had the body of a child, and the difference between their respective anatomies was considerable.

The ocelot had seen what I was gifted with, and if she thought she could handle, who was I to dissuade her? I had had sex with plenty of ladies before reaching this point, and despite Rose's objections, one more wasn't going to hurt. It sure as hell wasn't going to change my feelings towards her.

Love was love after all.

And well...

Sex was sex. I was always onboard with having a willing partner, even one who might have had as many miles on her as did Coleot. At least, by the end of it all, if she did have any complaints, she was an adult and she made her choice with full knowledge of the consequences. Leastwise, that was what I found myself thinking on the return trip.

The ride was, as you might expect, unremarkable. Our return however was noted immediately, and the general populace was soon peaking out through half-opened doors and windows. Seeing us on top of the carriage did nothing to allay their fears, but the stallion spoke loudly and confidently.

"People! Your money returns!"

There was sudden cheering from all quarters of the village square, as the locals came out to wonder, and to celebrate such a momentous event. There was a pall of fear that hung over the raucous celebration, for they were left wondering who we were, and how in the name of all that was good they were going to be able to keep all of that money for themselves. It had just recently been collected, and they knew what kind of trouble keeping it was going to cause.

I dropped down to the ground, only to find Coleot had beaten me. Rose was still sitting atop the carriage, staring down at the roof with a studious look on her face.

All of the sudden she stood and, dug her toes into the wood, and began rocking back and forth. In no time the carriage was sway to and fro, at times, even having two of its wheel rising slightly off the ground.

Screams emanated from within.

She stopped and allowed the vehicle to subside in its movements.

She saw me staring and looked a bit sheepish.

"Just checking on the fella. Thought maybe he had died or sumthing."

"I think he's fine for now. But we will need to get that door open eventually? Did anyone think to ask for a key?"

One of the draft horses snorted out a laugh.

"Back in the river, if you care to look. One of the guards was carrying it."

I sighed.


Then I had an idea. True, I could just magic it open, but what would be the point in showing my full hand? I had a better plan.

I walked over to the carriage and leaned against it. Speaking in a loud voice I said

"You know, without the key, we'll never get this thing open. I guess we'll either have to smash it open, or better yet, burn it open."

There was a muffled yell from inside.

"Don't you dare!"

"No? Then you have a choice. You can come out now, or you can come out later. But you see, if we get tired of waiting, we'll flush you out."

I gave him time to think it over, all the while the locals slowly gathered around, one or two with burning tapers.

Another brought some kindling.

Whomever this little lord was, he was not well liked.

I was being facetious about setting the carriage on fire, but a few people did seem to think it was a good idea.

I knocked on the door and called to the occupant once more.

"I can offer you this. The longer you stay locked up inside, the longer will be your death. If you come out now, I may make your death as painless as possible."

I heard a screech of indignation come from the ocelot.

"The hell you are! That bastard..."

I cut her off.

"No one will be dying today," I said softly, so that my voice couldn't be heard from within. "I'm simply trying to get him out the easy way."

"Screw that!" she spit out.

Grabbing one of the tapers, she lit a few twigs and began blowing the smoke into the vent hole at the top of the door. She was nearly winded from her efforts before coughing could be heard from inside. In a moment, the door sprung open and a possum, dressed in foppish finery, fell out onto the ground.

In the next instant, the ocelot was on top of him, glaring down at his wheezing form.

She never drew out her dagger, but she did deliver a severe kick in between his legs that made me wince. It did worse to him, how went from coughing due to the smoke, the writhing and coughing due to the pain.

From there she popped her head into the interior of the carriage and called back out.

"Chest is here. Search the little bastard for the key."

Rose was growing impatient with her sudden dominance over the scene, but she let it pass. These people knew who she was, and had no inkling whom we were. While they didn't trust Coleot any more than we did, they were at least familiar with her.

I stood back as they grabbed the little lord and literally stripped him down, taking not only his clothing, but his rings, his personal money bag, and whatever other effects he had.

From there they dragged him to the stocks and locked him in it.

It was an undignified position for him to be in, but I let it go. At this stage, I was going to let fate that its course. He would either live or die at the hands of his mistreated subjects, as they saw fit. I wasn't personally into killing anyone, but this wasn't my world, and my morality did not reign over the landscape.

Rose moved to the carriage, and leaning in, wrestled the thing out into the open. She dropped it to the ground where it hit with a resounding clank. The key was produced and the lid lifted, showing hundreds upon hundreds of coins.

Coleot moved in swiftly, but a huge paw nabbed her and lifted her up.

"Not yet little pussy! These good people will decide what OUR share of THEIR money is going to be."

The ocelot flailed around angrily.

"I could have died helping save this!"

"But you didn't, so calm the hell down!"

Rose dropped her, where she landed lithely on her feet.

The small cat smoothed out the wrinkles in her clothes.

"I had better be paid well, you big striped twat!"

Rose balled up her fist, and then reconsidered, extending her fingers and showing her claws.

"If that's what you want, I'll give you my share, but you have to release your rights to my man."

That brought the ocelot up short.

"Listen here you big brute, his services are part of the agreement."

"True, but he saved your life, and that wasn't in the deal, so if he hadn't, you wouldn't be here talking like a fool right now, now would ya honey?"

"But I offered to help!"

"That was your choice."

The argument was going to go on for hours at this rate, so I held up my paw.

"I say we allow the mayor to figure out what belongs to whom, and then allow the people to pay use as they see fit."

I looked up at the crowd, knowing most of them wouldn't want to part with their money, even if they only now had the chance of having it again.

"This is their money after all, and thus their choice. However, they would do well to consider that down the line, someone else is going to come along and take it from them, so they might want to be nice to the ones who saved it this time, in case there is another hooligan down the road who comes along with the same nefarious purpose. A few coins versus lost against the bulk of them being saved seems an easy choice."

I received a few dark looks from members of the throng, but I think they knew I was right. And my intention was for them to assume there was a vague offer of protection in my words.

I walked away and Rose followed after me.

"Well sugah, we did it."

"Yep. We sure did Rose. Now I suppose it's moving on to the next adventure. That one was a little too easy."

"Easy? Simple perhaps, but hefting those big fellows after hauling up them rocks wasn't all that easy."

I put my paw on her sinewy arms.

"Come on now, admit it; I know you had fun."

Her eyes sparkled.

"Didn't say I didn't Jo...Dasher. I think though, that before you go thinking about being some sort of protector of these people, you might want to find out more about this little lord. Something doesn't smell right about him."

I sniffed the air.

"No, he's definitely a possum."

She put a big paw on my head.

"That's not what I mean, funny man."

I chuckled.

"I know. But I'll let the villagers handle that as they want to."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"If we interfere only a little here and there, I don't think we'll get noticed too much. I figure that letting things happen once we've done our part is largely in the natural order of things."

She shrugged.

"As you see fit sweetie. What are we going to do while we wait?"

The ocelot sashayed up to us.

"There is the matter of my other payment..."

Rose glared at her for a moment, before smiling ingratiatingly.

"Sure. You want a little action, and so do I? Would it bother you if all three of us were engaged?"

The little spotted feline looked the tigress up one side and down the other.

"I think I had better say yes. Not sure it's the best idea, but I think it's the only way I get what I want."

"There," Rose purred out, "you can be reasonable. All of that fighting has made me a bit horny, and I think that a little... a little..."

She looked at me,

"What's that weird word you have in that funny language you know?"

"Menage de trois," I replied.

"Yeah! That's it. A menajatwa!"

"Ahhhh, Ok. Where?" asked the ocelot, looking around the village. It didn't seem to be accommodating to that kind of activity. No inns seemed to exist here.

Rose walked over the one of the equines, who was having his harness removed. They chatted for a long while, and eventually the horse snickered and looked my way, but then he nodded his head as if saying yes to her question. She came back all smiles.

"Old horseface there said we could use the stables, so long as we didn't make a mess of things. I told him we'd probably use the loft, and to ignore any sounds that came from there until we came back out again."

I raised my eyebrows.

"And he knows what is going to go on?"

"He knows. Turns out he happens to be gay, and I mentioned to him that you have a certain ability that he may have a hankering for."

Coleot looked at me in horror.

"You're gay?"

I laughed.

"No. But I'm not against using the back door. Since everyone has a back door, that leaves open a lot of possibilities, don't you know."

She eyed me for a moment.

"I've seen your cock. If you could pleasure horses with that, they would have to be Shetlands."

"Maybe. But as you've seen it, you know that's what you're getting. And whatever else Rose has thought up to complete the affair."

The little feline pondered a moment.

"What th' hell! Ya only live once!"

We made our way to the stables, entered through the main door, and looked around. Sure enough, there was an upper section where hay, straw, and something resembling alfalfa was stored. I doubted the horses would approve of any sexual activity occurring on their foodstuffs, so I looked around, and found a small room tucked into the corner up there.

I pointed.

"Suppose it's occupied?"

"One way to find out."

We climbed the ladder and found the room vacant, but apparently used by a groom or some other stable hand.

"I hope he doesn't get mad..." Rose said, trailing off at the end of her words.

"Oh well, I suppose he can join in if he comes back," I said in all seriousness.

Even Coleot made a sound of indignation, echoing Rose's.

"I'm a thief, you asshole, not a whore."

"Was I implying anything in my words? The horse said we could use the place, but if this rightly belongs to someone else, then I suppose we would need to pay rent..."

Rose snickered as she gathered her wits.

"Oh, I suppose I might go for it. Not too many around here likely have ever bedded a tigress. I bet it would make the talk of the taverns for years."

Coleot started at Rose and then at me.

"You two are sumthing, you know it? I say we get it on while we can, and hope no one interrupts."

Rose nodded in agreement, and stepped through the doorway into the interior. There was a bed, and it seemed sturdy enough for our purposes. Just to make sure, I silently enhanced its strength, for it would be both uncomfortable and embarrassing to have it collapse under our combined weight. I found it was rather nice to do magic without using the duar.

Even as we followed, the tigress was already ditching her armor, and soon had it piled up in the corner. I removed my clothing as well, leaving the ocelot to be the last to undress. We didn't say anything, but we did give her the "what are you waiting for" look. She looked us up and down one at a time before stripping down herself. I think now that it came time for the deed, she was feeling like she may have bitten off more than she could chew.

Rose smiled at me, and gave me a wink. I wasn't certain what she had in mind, for I was the male, and that kind of implied I would be prone on the bed, but their respective size difference made them doing anything amorous on top of me unlikely.

I mean, it was unlikely even without taking that into consideration. They really didn't like each other.

Rose motioned for Coleot to get on the bed, and when she lay down on her back, gave her a little frown.

"Seems kind of a boring position to me honey. Can't you think of somethin' more exciting?"

The ocelot gave her a stare and rolled over on her stomach. Rose snorted and reaching down, hauled her ass in the air via her tail. There was a yelp of indignation, but she maintained her new pose stoically.

"What do you think of that Dasher?"

I took and ran a paw over her ass, stopping to rub my fingers over her butthole and then a bit further down.

"I think I'll enjoy it, if that's your question."

Rose smiled again, and I was unsure of why. In this position, only the little cat and I were going to be getting anything on.

"Good. Good. Me too, sugah, me too."

I gave up trying to guess what was going on in her head and focused my attention on the diminutive body of my next bedmate. If you have an idea of how statuesque Rose was, then downsize Coleot to about a tenth of that. That put her at around a third of my own weight.

So kind of small, but not impossibly small.

I climbed up behind her and pulled her back towards my body. I was ready to go, and I would have engaged in a little foreplay, but she was already pretty wet. I took ahold of my cock and ran the head of it up and down her slit for a few strokes, just to get it nice and slick.

I was really wondering if I was going to fit inside her, despite the contention from Rose that an elephant could slip inside her with ease. Thankfully, she had made that comment out of earshot of the ocelot. Once the tip of my cock was slippery, I grabbed ahold of her hips and lined up for impaling her. The head pressed against her hole, and I could hear her suck in a breath in anticipation for the coming event.

Her furry lips went taut as I pushed forward, and I really did have to wonder if she was as experienced as she claimed. If so, none of her previous partners were as endowed as I was, which maybe was part of the mystique she had about me. Well, that and I wasn't sporting the usual feline organ.

But we discussed that already.

I felt the rigidness of the entrance to her cunt, as the head of my cock was balked by the narrowness of her opening. The ridge of bone running across there was pronounced, and the way in was constricted and slim. I grabbed ahold of her a little more firmly before putting more effort into it. She let of a hiss as I forced myself inwards, millimeter by millimeter. At one point she let out a bit of a howl, followed by a few choice cuss words, upon which Rose vaulted onto the bed in front of her. In the next moment, Rose had the ocelot's face jammed between her own legs. The little cat struggled, but the tigress had an iron grip on her.

"Go ahead Dasher. I figure if she's going to have that mouth of her's going, I might was well dampen the sound...and myself as well."

I didn't say a thing, but I found her malicious use of the little feline to be something akin to revenge. As I pushed in harder, the little cat struggled, trying to howl, only to find her face literally stuffed into Rose's pussy. Rose was grinning evilly, but not maliciously. No, I think the word might be lasciviously. Coleot was probably rethinking her request, but at this late stage, it was not going to do her any good.

I pulled back on her body, driving myself forward with as much force as I thought was acceptable. I slid in further, pulled back a little, and thrust again. After about ten repeated blows I had my belly up flat against her backside.

This was one tight little pussy indeed!

All of her potential cries were being drowned out by having her head shoved so far into Rose's crotch that I did take a second to remind her that the ocelot still had to be able to breath. She let the little feline up for air for a second, time enough for her to let out a keening cry and suck in a breath, when her head was jammed back between those sinewy thighs.

I gave her a few experimental gyrations of my hips before settling into nice long, deep thrusts. Things were quiet from then off, except for an admonishment from rose for the ocelot to mind her teeth.

"Listen little kitty; I've got teeth too. Don't make me use them."

I was plowing her out with abandon, not out of any real malice, but because it was damn fun. I had had a lot of lovers on this word, and I think she was the smallest. I had nearly gotten involved with otters once, and now I was thinking that my previous prudery had done me a disservice. A tight hole was great, and I had no complaints about Rose's, but this one was wrapped in a tiny enough package to nearly make be reconsider what I was doing.


She wanted it, she was getting it!

As it was, I was reaching as far inside her as was possible. Her hole was stretched to its limits, and I pushed just enough magic in her to keep her from harm. Pain might be an option, but physical damage did no one any good.

I was soon fucking away on her like a madman, having lifted her rear legs completely off the bed. Rose had leaned back against the pillows and the headboard, still maintaining a death-grip on her upper body. Thankfully, she did allow Coleot up for air at intervals, and she did so without further prompting from me. At such times there could be heard a gasp of air, and a muted curse, before her face was shoved back into the depth of Rose's interior.

I had never seen the tigress so ecstatically gleeful before. It dawned on me that this was what she had meant about the ocelot's mouth being put to use.

Or however she had couched the term.

I doubt Rose had ever had girl on girl action before.

Life was definitely going to be interesting.

As for me, I was having the time of my life. The ocelot had, if seemed to me, truly taken on more than she was prepared for, and in light of that, I should have taken it easy on her, but she was in no such luck today. I ground away on her cunt for a solid fifteen minutes, before sliding out, and aiming a little higher.

Rose saw what I was doing and even her eyes widened a little.

"You sure sugah?"

"One way to find out," I said as I jammed my cock into that little button of a butthole.

The little feline hissed and struggled, but between the two of us, she had nowhere to go. I, on the other paw, had the entire depths of her ass to go. And boy did I go. I had her sphincter stretched to its utmost capacity before I even got all of me inside of her. I was going to compensate, but then figure why bother? This is what she had wanted.

Well, it's what she had thought she wanted.

Just to be nice, I worked on sending through some pleasurable sensations to counter anything that wasn't enjoyable. I felt her settle a bit, so I gifted her with a touch more and went back to plowing her out. She stiffened again, so, being the generally nice guy that I was, I made what I was doing as pleasurable for me as it was for her.

Suddenly Rose lit up as the little cat took to giving her a good eating out as if the whole thing had been her idea. All the while I rode her ass like there was no tomorrow, fucking her hole until she came like a torrent, her cunt letting loose like a biblical flood. I pulled out of her ass and rammed back not the front, in part to stop it up, and in part to work it over while it was constricting so nicely. That set her off even more vigorously, as her orgasm went into cock-crushing spasms.

Rose let out a snarl and suddenly she was writhing on the bed, and to be honest, with everyone getting off so nicely I decided I would add myself to the list.

Pulling out, I pushed back into her ass and after a few long deep thrusts, blew a wad that would make a horse jealous (ok, maybe not so large as that...). I let go of her and she collapsed on the bed, her lungs heaving and her body shaking. Much the same could be said for Rose, who was shaking in the throes of her own orgasm.

I was feeling pretty good, but I had more left in me. Taking out my own kinky pleasures on the ocelot a second time seemed cruel, so I lifted her over and moved her to the side of the bed. I climbed up between Rose's legs and went to work. She grunted softly, jerked a little, and then let out moan. She wasn't nearly as tight as the ocelot but she was plenty fine for me. Just to be a little perverse, I enlarged myself until the fit was comparable to what I had experienced before.

Rose opened one eye and showed teeth.

"Careful there lover."

"The little kitty liked it."

"Then make sure the big kitty does too."

I pushed a little pleasure into her, and she fell back against the mattress with a purr. She was always iffy about me playing with my size, but right now, I seemed to have achieved a sexual equilibrium. My size, mixed with the dose of pleasure, was a perfect combo. In no time I was ramping things up, until like in times past, I was going as fast as my body would allow.

"Ohhhhhhhh.... Myyyyyyyy... Goodnessssss...."

I fucked her to the nth degree, giving her a dose of loving that was to tell her that she was the only one I loved. True, I had done something of the same for Coleot, but then, I did have a heart and she was going to otherwise fully regret her decision. I was a little large for her, and only by applying my magic judiciously had she not come to harm. Rose was built tough.

Coleot, not as much.

I came a second time, after allowing Rose three or four, all the while having a third bed partner who was out cold. I didn't care either way. I had fulfilled my obligation and then some, and Rose had stepped out of her shell to find a new experience that she could savor for months to come.

After I finished, I leaned in and kissed the tigress before getting up and stretching. I stepped out just in time to see a young mongoose heading towards the ladder. He looked up and stopped, noting my lack of clothing.

"I heard there might be guests."

"You heard correctly."

"You finished sir?"

"I am. And so is my friend. Give us a few moments and we'll be out of your fur."

"No rush sir. I wanted to thank ya for saving our money."

"No problem sonny."

Rose had slipped on her armor with undue speed and was now standing behind me. He mongoose's eyes went wide.

"That is your friend?"

"Certainly, and the very best friend she is."

He marveled at her for a moment, before complaining a little too loudly;

"I wish I had that kind of friend..."

"Well, come on up sugah," she called to him gaily. "There's a miniature version of me on your bed, and I'm just sure she would be willing to go a few rounds with you, if you're interested."

"Are you kidding?" he called up.

"Why, no! She's a bit tuckered out for now, so even if she isn't interested, she'll not put up a fight. Have at her, my little friend, for we are finished with her!"

I gave Rose a jab in the ribs.

"That's not very nice."

She sported her claws.

"Better than what I'd like to do Jon-Tom."

I leaned in and kissed her.

"Oh, admit it. You had fun."

She frowned for a moment before letting go of it.

"It _was_fun. But I think the next time I want to try it with another lady tiger, like me. You can even join in if you like."

"Count me in," I said as I made my way down the ladder. She followed, and we both move so that the young man could shimmy up. The sounds of clothing coming off came faintly to our ears.

Rose stared up towards the loft and grinned. She then turned and ruffled my hair.

"You're too easy, spellsinger."

"So maybe I did pick up some bad habits along the way? Does it matter?"

She purred a little.

"Yes it does. I think I like it."

"Is that a bad thing?"

She sighed.

"Sugah, we've got a lifetime to figure that question out."

"Time to go then?"

"Not yet. There is the matter of our money."

"True," she said. "And also the matter of Hemifer."

"What the hell is a hemifer?"

There was a snort from the doorway. It was the stallion she had been talking to before.

"I answer to that name, sir. Is it time for my turn now?"

I gave Rose the dirtiest look possible.