A legendary deal

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#3 of Born Anew

Ch.3 A LEGENDARY DEAL How could I refuse. Years upon years of therapy had just been rendered useless and the memories of my parents death had resurfaced. It would probably take even more/deeper therapy to help me get through it this time and here was a...wait a minute, what was it that just probed my mind? I slowly looked up from cuddling with Latias to see one of the most legendary sea type Pokemon out there. There stood the majestic Lugia, god of the seas, and master of all things water. It was just as I imagined it to be and pictures did it hardly any justice to seeing it in real life. Looking down at it's feet I could see it had three toes on it's digitigrade feet, a large and soft looking light sky blue belly, large hand like wings that seemed way to big to really be hands in the first place, a long tail that had two deep blue fins on either side of it's tail, a mask over each of it's eyes that matched the same color as it's tail fins that looked like tears that had been stretched out, and the majority of it's body looked like a soft kind of whitish rubber that looked very smooth to the touch. "A Lu...Lugi..." I stuttered with my words as I looked up at the second god of the seas. 'I believe that the word you are searching for is Lugia and yes that is my species.' The voice in my head said in a regal tone but at the same time it sounded as if it really didn't care for the name. 'Though that really isn't my true name. Just like your species, I too have a name to separate me from those like me. My name is Lorelei or Lori for short.' It said as I slowly untangled myself from Latias and slowly sat upright. "That's a girls name. Are you saying that you're a..." 'Female, yes. I am indeed a female Lugia.' It/she said in a mater of fact tone. "But that's not...all this time we thought that the legendary gods were sexless." I dropped my head and rubbed at my chin for a bit. "Then that must mean that everything that what we thought we knew about the other Legendaries is wrong." I looked up at the now sexed legendary Pokemon and she seemed kind of pleased with the stunned realization that the secret had been kept up until now. "Wait until I tell..." 'ABSOLUTELY NOT!' She screamed in my head as I quickly clasped my hands to the sides of my head in an attempt to stop the sudden burst of her psychic/telepathic, migraine inducing voice. 'Under no such circumstance shall you reveal what you've just learned to anyone.' "Man my head. Could you please stop screaming in my head. It feels like my heads about to explode." I said as I rubbed at my temples to try and relieve some of the pain therein. 'Under no circumstance are you to reveal that knowledge to anyone. We've kept that part of our existence a secret for the better part of your recorded history and we intend to keep it that way.' She stated as if proud of the fact. 'Though, in order for you to help us with our little problem you must know that much about us.' I was a little taken aback by this and didn't understand what she was talking about. "Are you saying that in order to help me with my memory problem that I had to know that you gods have different genders?" I really couldn't understand how this would help her out. 'Allow me to stipulate the arrangements of our deal.' She slowly walked about the room for a bit until she came to a stop and lay herself down on her chest, folded her wings to her sides, and turned to face us. 'As you already know, I'm a female Lugia and there are other legendaries out there that have kept the secret of their sexes secret as well, though there is a problem with it all,' I waited for her to continue. 'I am not sure how to describe this, but...we legendaries are nearly incapable of having offspring.' "You can't have kids?" I asked in general confusion. "Does it have something to do with being a legendary?" 'Both questions are not quite...how you humans say, 'Hit the nail on top of the head.' I saw her shiver a bit then settle again. 'Being as powerful as we are, there is a higher force out there that decreed that we cannot have children unless it/she deems it. The reason that this higher power has decreed this is to prevent a power struggle between all of us legendaries. If we were all to come into a confrontation with each other as our numbers are so few right now, it would not be a problem to settle with it's higher power. Though if their were many of us...' Another shiver. I was generally confused at this point as I tried to wrap my head around what she'd just said. 'Could it actually be possible? Was there such a powerful Pokemon out there that was above the other known legendaries?' I guessed that it could be possible. We were still learning new things about Pokemon each and every day, plus some kinds of Pokemon that were still hidden around the world. Who wasn't to say that one of those was a GOD of the legenaries. "I guess that seems possible. We're still learning new things about Pokemon all the time. Does this God of Gods have a name? I think it would be more appropriate if we were to call it by it's true name rather than just, 'IT'." She nodded and looked about the room. 'That is true and even truer. Though I must have you swear that everything that you hear beyond here must be kept an absolute secret. This secret is even more secretive than our sexes.' I could see that this was a very touchy subject so only nodded. 'Her name is...Arceus.' She then began to frantically look about the room as if checking to make sure that we were truly alone. I followed her gaze, looking about the room, but didn't see anything that would cause her to worry. "Is there something wrong Lorelei? I don't see anybody else here." I said as I looked around the room some more as if my eyes could see something that she could not or something she missed. 'It would seem that her attention is elsewhere at the moment or she is in a deep sleep.' I could see her visible relax a little and take a deep sigh at that realization. 'Even her name must be spoken in secret. As if she were to have ears everywhere and to say her name would draw her here and interfere with what I hope to speak with you about.' So sitting up and crossing my legs which Latias took full advantage over as she lay her head down over one of my legs and into my lap which got me to inadvertently start scratching her behind her head fins which got her to softly coo and trill as I started to scratch her favorite itchy spot. 'There are ways that we legendaries are able to be bred, but they are very uncomfortable and very hard to...do.' I thought for a while, trying to digest what she'd just told me and thought long and hard over the subject. There are different types of Pokemon out there that needed a special type of Pokemon to be able to bred and my mind instantly snapped onto the Pokemon. "Ditto." Which I said aloud and Lorelei nodded. 'That's correct. There is a special kind of Ditto out there that is needed to be used in order for us to have offspring.' She took a long slow breath and nodded as if content that the information could be shared with me. 'Though, like I've just said earlier, we are not able to be bred without her consent with the use of the Ditto.' I saw her visibly shudder. 'Plus, the process that we use the Ditto is very...disturbing, and one that I personally am not very fond of.' By the way that she was constantly shuddering I knew that the process was a very...unpleasant one. 'And I so much would prefer not to have to resort to that method, though many of the legendaries know of it, as I know that you humans have a much more...pleasing and pleasant kind of way.' I couldn't help but blush at that as memories of late nights on a computer which would bring me to some more...interesting sites, to help me release some built up tension over a hard days training or a failed battle or two. 'I can see that you know what I'm referring too. That is one thing that makes us legendaries very jealous of you humans.' She lowered her head and gave me a good long hard look which turned in to a smirk as my blush deepened. 'Throughout our seemingly immortal lives, we are only able to give birth to one child and one child only.' She paused there for a long while as something deemed to be deeply troubling her, then she snapped her head up and looked at me with tears in her eyes. 'Andmydaughterwastakenfromme!' She said in a rush. 'And turned into tha...that...heartless abomination!' I would have jumped to my feet right then and there if it hadn't been for Latias laying in my lap. Latias looked up at me from my lap and saw that I was dismayed and gave a confused trill up to me, as if to ask what was wrong. I looked down at Latias for a moment then back up to Lorelei. She seemed to get the message and levitated up so that I was able to get up off my feet. I looked at her and she gave me a smile with a quick nod as if to say that she knew what I wanted and was okay with it. I slowly walked over to Lorelei and cradled her head against my chest, to where she began to cry out her anguish. 'Those horrible humans took my baby away from me and turned her into that horrible, heartless, dark, Lugia. Never again can she be the once happy little playful Silver that she used to be.' She vented her anger at me and all I could do was hold onto her head and allow her rage to pass, as if the two of us were close friends. Eventually her rage finally ebbed and she gave me a soft nuzzle. 'I'm sorry for that. To see one such as myself...' She sniffled a few times as if to pull back some tears and tried to pull out of my embrace but I didn't let her go. "Don't belittle yourself. Even the gods and legendaries need a shoulder to cry on every once in a while, and you've probably been carrying around that scar for quite some time." I gently caressed her under her massive head and allowed her to pull away from me so that we could see eye to eye. "I don't know how much help I can be in order for me to help you with either of these two things, but if their's a chance...I promise that I'll help any way I can." * * *

(Present Situation)

  • * * Famous last words, those. If you ever learn anything about very powerful beings then remember two things. One, Don't ever run from them as it draws their attention. Two, watch what you promise to them as it can be taken very literally. Flashes of previous events in my life flashed before my eyes. It was almost like someone had taken a movie reel of my life, cut out the most important parts, and slapped them all together in a few seconds of film, and played them in my minds eye. Was I truly going to die in here? Die within this prison that was slowly filling to capacity of this strange fluid? I could feel the fluid of my prison slowly start to fill my lungs as I coughed, trying to expel the fluid and get any more air out of this place. My punches/kicks/scratching at the spongy walls grew weaker and weaker as my lungs begin to fill and I could feel my body begin to loose it's will to fight as I remembered the last part of my life before being put into here. * * *


  • * * After Lorelei had told me a few more things about the situation with Silver and her capture, she told me that she'd seen her daughter a few years back. She'd been traveling some distant underwater current when she'd felt a malevolent force fly overhead and began to investigate, though she was deeply shocked at what awaited her eyes when she surfaced and looked up to see what the malevolent force was. Flying overhead and flanked by several machines that seemed to float alongside the evil forces body was another Lugia and she got the distinct impression that in a very small way, that that was her Silver, but something was very wrong. This Lugia was not her daughter, her daughter was almost a mirror image of her, but this one was...dark, a dark purple where she was white and a grayish purple where she was blue. 'Everything about what she'd become seemed...evil. I could hardly even look at her as just the mere sight of her sickened me.' She paused for awhile until she'd regained her nerves. 'To look upon something like that, even to know that she was once my own daughter,...I felt so ashamed of not being able to look at her and the disgust that I felt of what she'd become that I fled the area as quickly as I could.' Something in the back of my mind sparked at that moment, as I remember my next door neighbor who'd gone through something similar. They had a son by the name of Josh who always was a bit off in his personality and was constantly ridiculed because of it. Whereas other boys would be off playing ball, he'd be inside rehearsing for some kind of upcoming play or stitching something together. Though he was a bit of an odd duck, the two of us were good friends. Though all that came to an end when he'd come home one day with his fingers interlaced with another boy from the other side of town, claiming that he was in love with this other boy and he him. His parents flew into a rage and told him to leave as their love was an abomination in their faiths eyes. After that day, I never say him again. I pulled Lorelei into another hug and allowed her to vent her emotions into me once again and once again she came out of it all the better. 'Again...I apologize. I'm not making a very good impression of us legendaries now am I. Though I do thank you again for allowing me to vent some of my emotions like this.' I couldn't help but smile and scratch her again under her chin. "And again. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on." I said with a happy grin as Latias came over and hugged me from behind while laying her head on my shoulder and giving us a happy trill then a coo as she nuzzled me. After our little group hug, which ended with us all feeling a bit better, I sat back down on the floor and looked up at her as Latias took up her usual spot on my lap. "So...what's the ultimate goal of your plan?" I asked in a slightly interested mood. 'In simplified terms, I hope to bare a male offspring, a little boy Lugia. One that can help us female legendaries to bare offspring without the consent of our God. So that we can forgo the unpleasant process that we need to bare a child that she decreed was the only way.' She said as she looked around the room again, probably for any sign that someone or something was listening in. I stayed silent for a while as I thought of this and started to weigh the benefits and consequences of doing such an thing. 'Was it true that Legendaries only bared female offspring? It was like one of those fantasy stories where there was a whole world filled with only females and no males.' A mans greatest and horrible wish (Author: Think about it. Not all the girls in that world that are chasing you are young and beautiful. Some of which would also be old and decrepit). "I guess I can understand that, though there's a slight problem with that idea." Lorelei nodded for me to continue. "The biggest problem with this idea is, 'What if Ar..." I was instantly silenced by her wing quickly shooting out and covering my mouth. 'Would you keep it down. Remember what I said about speaking her name.' She cautioned me again. 'It is a slip of the tongue like that that can ruin the whole plan.' She eventually removed her massive hand/wing from around my head as I nodded. 'That wing feels so...nice.' I thought as her massive wing covered my entire head. 'I wonder what it would feel like to sleep with that as my blanket.' She eventually tucked her wing back against her side and nodded for me to continue. "Sorry about that. I'll be more careful," She nodded as I took a long and slow breath. "The biggest problem with this plan is..." I paused for a moment as she was about to bring out her wing again and stop me from saying the Gods name. "What if she finds out that you bore a male offspring, and what would she do to you and it?" I could see her smirk at that and give me a bit of a chuckle. 'That is the beauty of this place. This place is a sacred place to me and isn't so lightly looked in on from her high and mighty thrown up in...' She lifted her head and jerked it towards the walls. 'It's all thanks to these crystals. They act as a bit of a buffer from her prying eyes. My own personal bedroom as it were.' My face slightly scrunched up in confusion as I looked at the crystals then back to her. "Then why are you so afraid of saying her name then, if this place is so protected?" Lorelei stopped looking around and drooped her head down a bit. 'That is the one thing that will draw her attention no matter how many layers of protection you put up. She is a God after all.' To which I nodded. Latias let out a small croon as I looked down at her and noticed that I'd stopped petting her. I gave her a smirk and started again which got her to trill happily again. "I think I understand now. You plan on having your, 'Male Lugia' be born here where her eyes can't technically reach, until the time when it can move safely throughout the world on it's own and not be afraid of what would happen to it by her." The smirk that she'd just been sporting turned into a full blown smile as she nodded to me. 'I knew that you'd eventually get it. I would raise the child here where it would be safe from every and any harm that might befall it, then one day be able to help all the other legendaries to bare offspring that they could love and cherish.' She slowly raised her head and began to slowly look about the room, but wasn't doing so in a way that said that she was afraid of someone overhearing but of general curiosity. 'It has grown late and I'm sure that you would like to rest.' I looked about the room and noticed that many of the crystals that were about the room were indeed growing dark as the lack of light from different cracks in the walls behind the crystals were no longer getting the light from the sun. "Is it that late already?" I looked down at my Poketch and noticed that the time was indeed fairly late and the cooing from Latias said that she was fast asleep and had probably been asleep for quite some time. So pulling off her ball from my belt I recalled her to it and looked up at Lorelei. 'It is to late for you to return to the island proper to set up your sleeping area, so you may sleep beside me tonight.' She said as she turned to her side, raised up a wing slightly and motioned for me to lay against her side. I didn't see the harm in it as I got up and slowly walked over to her. "Are you sure that you don't mind? I can pull out my own sleeping bag and..." I was silenced when she reached on over and placed a single finger/feather against my lips, silencing me yet again. 'Please. It would mean a great deal to me if you were to sleep here. It will feel like I have a hatchling again to snuggle up to.' She said with pleading eyes. 'And I promise you that you have the most fitful nights sleep that you've ever had.' Who was I to turn down an offer as tempting as that. So giving her a nod I placed my things down and curled up next to her but looked up at her when she hadn't placed her wing down. "Something wrong?" I asked as I looked up at her and saw a slightly mischievous twinkle in her eyes. 'I do not wish to sound needy, but would you grant me one small request?' She asked still with that little twinkle in her eye. 'I would greatly appreciate it if you were to remove those offending cloths and sleep next to me like that of a newborn.' This caused me to stiffen up a bit as I looked down at my body as thoughts of sleeping in the nude next to her began to run through my mind and made my whole face flush a deep red and heat up. 'If you wish to remove your clothing in private, I can drape my wing over you to give you some privacy, but I would very much appreciate it if you'd do this small thing for me. It will help me to feel what it was like so long ago to be a mother again.' I thought of it for a while longer until she looked down at me with the most pleading eyes I'd ever seen and the look just bored right into my chest. "Alright already. Just stop looking at me with those puppy dog eyes." I said with a sigh as I began to reach for my belt to my pants, but was stopped when she reared around and nuzzled me in the head to show how much she appreciated it. "Alright already. Can you give a guy a bit of privacy. After all, it's considered very inappropriate to disrobe in front of a women." She chuckled a bit at this and covered me completely with her wing and allowed me to strip in privacy. Once I was done and I'd used my cloths as a makeshift pillow I rubbed a hand against her wing and she slightly pulled it down to look at me. Once she'd seen that I was finally ready to sleep, she shifted around a bit and ended up with me laying on her other wing while the other was used as a blanket. To say the least, I was a bit startled when she'd done this, but quickly grew to like the feeling of sleeping in her wings. 'There you go. This way you don't have to sleep on the cold/hard ground.' She said as a caring mother would tuck her child into bed, then brought her massive head around to give me a final nuzzle to my cheek then a very contented smile. I was about to say something when I caught a slight glow from her eyes and saw them glow a deep red color. A deep need for sleep quickly swept over me as I was instantly put to sleep by Hypnosis and fell into the deepest sleep that I could ever recall. 'Sleep well my little one. For when you awaken upon this earth again, you shall be born anew as a gift to all female legendaries.'