The Dragon Kingdom - Chapter 7: The Queen

Story by DareWizord on SoFurry

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  • The Queen -

Ark would walk towards the palace but saint would stand there still looking at the palace. Ark would stop and look back at saint " Will you come on? " Saint would stand there and stare at the building. Ark would walk back and grab saint by the ear and pull him over. " Ow ow ow ow! Ok ok you win i'm coming " Saint would push ark off and follow him in side. They made there way to the throne room where the guards watch them closely. The dolphin people are anthros and they are tall, they have no hair, a fin on their back and two fins on the end of their tail. Their wemon were normally dolphins, and their men orcas or sharks. Then a guard steps in front of them, he was a shark, tall, has armor on, and he weilds a trident. He lookas at the two as Saint steps in front of ark " We are here to see the queen. " The guard would growl as he speeks " No one see her majesty! " Saint would then go to move towards the guard but hen ark stops him and steps out. " We come with a gift of peace from the Dragon Kingdom to the north. " The guard would growl at ark but then a vocie would speek up from behind the guard. " Stand down Valk. " The guard would stand aside and ark would see who spoken.

There stand a orca guard. He wears gold and silver armor, He would step foward and ark would bow, then saint would see ark and do the same. The man would stop right befor them and help ark up as saint stood. " Please forgive Valk. He cna be a bit defensive. At times." He would turn and head up the steps and stand next to the throne. " My name is Typhona. I am her majesty's personal guard. If you could wait here a second, i'll go get her. " Typhona would walk off, turning down a hall behind the throne. Then Saint looks up as Typhona walks back and speak " Presting her majesty. Queen Vesta. " He would step aside as a beautiful dolphin woman would step out, Her skin seems to glisten in the light, she wears a white dress and a crown. She would walk up to ark and saint and bow to them. Both ark and saint would bow as she did. Ark would then hold the box out. " Your majesty. A gift from the dragon king. " The queen would smile and take it and set it aside. " Thank you. Peace is still beween our two kingdoms. " She smiles and turns walking back to the throne. She would turn and smile as she sat down. " You came a long way. Did you come from the outer city of the dragon kingdom? " Ark would look up and shake his head " No your Highness. We come for the capital city. " She would gasp at this and then shake her head " You came all that way, you must stay and rest here till your ready to head out. " Ark would then look up at her " Oh no your majesty we couldn't be a burden. We have enough supplies to get back home. " She would shake her head " No I insist you stay here and rest, then you can leave tomorrow. " Ark would nod and look down " Yes your highness. " She would smile and then stand, turning and heading off down the hall. Then Typhona would then look at the two and smile slightly " I can show you to your rooms. Please follow me. " He would walk down the steps and turn in to a hall off to the righ of the room. Ark and Saint would follow him down the hall. Saint would look around the hall as they walked, he would stop and look out a window at the ocean beyond the castle wall. He would smile and then catch up with ark and typhona.

Typhona would stop at two doors and open them. " Here you are. " He would step aside so saint and ark could look in. Ark would walk in to his room and smile as he sat down on the ned and looked out the window. Saint would smile and set his bag down and turn to typhona. " So what kind of shops are in town? " Typhona would smile. " We have all kinds, clothing shops, food shops, jewelry stores, all kinds of shops. Want me to show you around? " Saint would nod and smile as he picked up his bag and shut the door. " Hey ark want to come with? " Ark would look up and shake his head " No, but thanks for offering. I'm going to lay here and rest. " Ark would shut his door and head to the bed as saint and typhona would head out. " So what are you doing with ark? " Typhona would ask. " I was assigned to protect him on his journey here. " Typhona would stop and look back at saint " Him? Ark is a girl. " Saint would look shocked behind his helmet. " A-a-a girl?! H-how do you k-know? " Typhona would luagh slightly " My people can tell things by the way people move and act. Even though ark was hidden under that cloak I could tell that she was a girl. Even her majesty could tell but said nothing. " Typhona would turn and keep walking. " So your people are good at telling things just by watching some one? " Typhona would nod. " We are masters of observation. We can tell a gender by watching the way they move or act. " Saint would follow after typhona " But his, I mean her voice. It sounds like a guy? How could she do that? " Typhona would look at saint " Simple magice spell can change your voice to sound like almost anyone or simply the other gender. " Saint would nod and the look out at the shops and smile. " Thank you. I think i can get it from here. " Saint would smile and rush off to the shops Typhona would smile and head back to the palace.