Beloved (Your Lancer Part 3)

Story by Cardigan on SoFurry

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#6 of Your Lancer

Part 3/4 of the "Your Lancer" series

After a confrontation, the Lancer and Ward find themselves surrounded and filled by adversity. They must raise their resolve to break through lies and bad decisions.

Cover art by Nanoff (@nanoff94), with edits by me.

Word Count: 7606

"I've been a fool, Alexis! A damned fool!"

The wolf spouted and snarled many other obscenities while traversing the streets of Aolia.

"Pyrrhos, wait! Let us think about this!"

The jackal struggled to follow the seething wolf. Had he known the effect his words would have on the older canine, he might have phrased them better.

Less than an hour earlier, Alexis relayed what the kid had told him the night before.

His wife had been the one behind Chalkinos' actions. She bore personal scorn towards the young man since the red wolf chose him to be his companion. Her words drove her son into thinking the Lancer would invade their lives and take Pyrrhos away from them. The wolfess painted the jackal as a wicked seducer in the child's eyes.

And he fell for her lies, but was not blinded by them. Once he learned the truth from the jackal's own actions, he chose to free his father from ignorance; accepting any retribution that could come out of it.

To Chalkinos, his dad would assess the situation with poise and seriousness; but tranquil did not describe the man lumbering through the polis.

"Pyrrhos," said the jackal. "Calm down! We should wait!"

"No! I've delayed it too far! This ends now."

The surrounding stores became houses of lower nobles as the duo walked up the stairs of the marble-white city. Then, at their pace, the mansions in the second to the highest district in no time.

The wolf did little to conceal his anger on the way there; his fat, powerful body trudged with a single aim: Ianthe.

He forced the front gates open, then issued a command to a slave: that the wolfess would meet the men in the office, and no one would interfere. Alexis did nothing but gawk at the brute his partner had become.

He paced around the area, murmuring to himself. The storm Pyrrhos caused snuffed any other attempts of pacifying him. The sudden opening and closing of the only door broke his disquiet. Ianthe had entered the room.

Rough and discontent, the wolf all but ordered his wife to take a seat; then motioned the jackal to do the same beside himself. Alexis peered into the red canine's eyes and found determination and ire; the former would be necessary for the confrontation, the latter ensured its failure.

The she-wolf bore a scowl. Visibly obstinate, the youth could see tinges of fear and anger behind her facade. Still, she spoke in a cool, neutral tone.

"Is there something you need, my beloved?"

"I know the truth, Ianthe," said the wolf. "I pray you have the words to explain yourself."

"Explain?" Her voice and face shifted into rage. "I do not need to explain myself. All I did was for the sake of this household and family! Goddess alone may judge me."

"How dare!" The wolf's fist hit the table before him. "Involving our son in this! Making a murderer out of him? Is that the sort of thing you believe She would allow?"

"Would She allow an adulterer, then? Would She tell me to let my union be broken apart by a juvenile harlot!"

"You will not speak of Alexis that way!" The wolf raised his body, holding onto the table. "A wolfess of many tricks, imparting such judgement on a man you scarcely know!"

"It's because of my 'cunning' I can see you are misguided!" Ianthe rose with a cadence the man lacked, meeting the canine on his eye level. "Listen to me, Pyrrhos. You know me; the real me. Am I not to be trusted? All those days we spent together... Surely, you can tell I want what is best for you."

The wolf's rage was on the verge of subsiding, but Alexis wanted to make sure his companion would return to composure. On his feet, the jackal's hands seized his partner's muscular arm; almost like an embrace.

"Pyrrhos... Let's calm down."

When the man's words reached the red wolf, a searing gaze set upon the golden canine. Pride. Envy. Wrath. Powerful claws struck the unprotected forearm of the young man, leaving behind shallow but noticeable gashes on his body.

"Hands off him, lech!"

Her cries shook the room and sent the jackal to the ground in surprise. Before the youth even met the floor, brawny limbs caught him in a desperate hug. It was not long before the red wolf released a piercing howl.


His voice rocked the entire house. No chance of a level minded discussion could ever happen again.

The wolves growled and concentrated on each other. A wrong move and a genuine brawl would start. From within the fearful cradle, Alexis still begged for the man to compose himself. Alas, rage made both deaf to any sensibility.

Suddenly, the door flung open and, held by servants, a child stumbled in.

"Stop!" said Chalkinos as he fought the grasp of many slaves.

Both parents deflated at the sight. Then Ianthe ordered for her son to be let go. After the boy was free, he ran towards his mother, who welcomed him into a hug.

"Oh, my sweet child." The wolfess was quick to prop him to face Pyrrhos and the jackal. "Tell your father how you feel about Alexis."

The men, back to a somewhat neutral behavior, stared at the kid in worried anticipation. Chalkinos scanned them in return, surprised at the obvious wound on the jackal. A gulp and he forced his mother's arms off his shoulders and turned to face her with an anxious look.

"Mother, you were wrong about him. He's a good guy! And he makes father happy too! Please, give him a chance."

Pyrrhos released a sigh in relief, but the jackal was more cautious, paying attention to Ianthe instead. The she-wolf shook her head and stumbled backwards. Her expression of shock, open mouth and unfocused vision. She babbled in horror before speaking properly.

"How absurd..." Her tremulous gaze faced Alexis, pointing at him. "You did this, did you not? Invaded and corrupted all of my family. Did you violate my child as well, harlot!"

The insanity of the accusation stunned the jackal. Confusion, and a tinge of indignation, presented on his face. But, someone misunderstood his quietness.

Claws flew at him once again. That time, the goal was not to scratch, but to grasp. Still in shock, he did not answer the growls that held his tunic by the neck or the vermilion glare that pierced his brown eyes.

Suddenly, a red-furred hand landed gently on one of her arms. She turned to Pyrrhos with rage, but met a stern gaze. Burning green marbles full of determination, but not free of anger, set squarely on her.

"Cease this, Ianthe."

The judgement from those marbles burned through the wolfess. She could fend off her husband's fury, but she failed in the face of sheer resolve.

Before things could escalate any further, the door opened a last time. No family member that time, but a scrawny soldier, gasping through his words, drew all the room's attention.

"Excuse me, Captain Pyrrhos Adamos! Emergency message from the General, sir!"

Aolian soldiers were once again called to fight. Unlike the small skirmish Alexis had seen, it would be a war on a distant shore to the east. Pyrrhos and other Wards had known the possibility of that conflict for a while, so they were partially prepared.

The Band's deployment proved the severity of the combat. In the years the jackal had lived, the prestigious army had only been called twice before. All members trained to the peak of their skills. Their resolve steeled their minds and bodies; then, all was set.

Though ready for war, a pair found themselves still burdened by emotions. Through the preparations to leave the polis and the way to the battlefield, Alexis and Pyrrhos acted bluntly towards each other. Pragmatically, but not devoid of affection.

They arrived at the foreign shore at the end of the afternoon; afterwards built the camp before sundown. The Band of Sacred Beads had, of course, private tents for each Lancer and Ward.

As the jackal doused the lights of their temporary abode, the wolf, already in bed, followed him in apprehension. A weary sigh escaped his lips when the young man joined him in the makeshift bedding.

"There's something we have to talk about, Alexis."

"Oh, should we go over the strategies again?"

"No, that's fine... It's... something else."

"I see... You can trust me with anything."

"I know..." The wolf's gaze fled from the young canine for a moment. "There's something I'm yet to tell you, or anyone. The real reason I joined the Band of the Sacred Beads."

Truly, the question never crossed the jackal's mind. A man like Pyrrhos joining the esteemed company sounded natural. Once the issue was posed, he realised "how" was also a matter he never thought of.

"I've never been in a relationship such as the one we share, Alexis. But I still had ways to... quench my desires. I used to visit a secret brothel in lower Aolia. Until the day I wasn't welcome anymore."

The information came as no shock at all to the jackal. He had not heard of such establishments, but had considered their existence. The wolf's tone exuded shame, Alexis would refute those feelings. He steadied his face into an understanding look. A tired snort, and the wolf proceeded.

"Ianthe, of course, knew my... preferences, and didn't take lightly to my night outings. I once called her 'full of tricks,' yes? She has many connections; everywhere. I cannot prove it, but I'm sure she's behind it."

Pyrrhos had once told how the wolfess deceived people, even in their childhood. The jackal considered a rich woman having a network, as well. At that point, only how all that connected to him joining the Band eluded him.

"And so, stripped of a way to satiate my needs... I figured out how to indulge myself whenever I wanted; somewhere Ianthe couldn't stop me."

"Your Lancer..."

"Yes," the older man spoke again in embarrassment. "When he was the General, father gave me the choice to join the Band. At the time I refused, but when that idea came to me, I approached the current general if the offer stood still. He agreed." He clicked his tongue, then shook his head. "Selfishness and lechery, Alexis. Those were the reasons I joined the Band of the Sacred Beads."

To Alexis it made sense, but also did not. Those actions betrayed not the image he had built of Pyrrhos, but denied the wolf his qualities. Yet, the youth could not help but connect those words to their first interaction.

"So, that day at the arena... "

"Indeed," the man cowered further into himself, almost shivering, "that was a depraved move on my part."

"Oh, Pyrrhos..."

"But..." His face lit up to determination, as his eyes finally returned to the jackal beside him. "It was also that time when I realised my mistake! I was enthralled by your body, yes, but I saw so much behind that! You were not an object for my pleasure, you were a real, beautiful man!" Quickly, his smile turned to a frown. "Despite that, and how I feel now, I still used you; for my lustful amusement... And I have no excuse for that. Will you ever forgive me, Alexis?"

The wolf was distraught, shameful, begging; close to pitiful. It stung to hear the truth from that muzzle; yet, Alexis did not feel betrayed. So much had happened since that day. The fragile man before him was not the same he had met then; not the flawless Aolian warrior the jackal once saw from afar, but just Pyrrhos with all his qualities and imperfections.

"I won't lie to you. I'm a bit hurt for what you did."

The wolf's expression grew more pitiable with those words. Alexis continued, putting his hands on the older man's mouth.

"But, you learned your lesson; and before we did something we would regret. Besides, you are so much more than those actions; more than those feelings. "

A modest smile formed on the wolf's face, before faintly melting into a worried expression.

"So... you forgive me?"

"What?" The jackal delivered a chuckle. "Of course, Pyrrhos. I love you."

Right after the man uttered those words, he found his body embraced by muscular limbs, and his mouth penetrated by an eager tongue. He hugged back, arms and muzzle. In the arms of his wolf, the war the following day seemed eons away.

The taste of war had once only singed the jackal's tongue, but at that moment his entire throat burned with each weary gasp.

Unlike the stimulating, mild climate of Aolia or the breeze-filled valley of Argyros, that land was a desert with scattered trees. Soldiers marched over sand and dead grass; the enemy formed and vanished with the harsh winds. No villages either, only mercenaries and warriors, army men and the prestigious fighters.

The members of the Band did not fight in a specific formation, instead Wards led, Lancers followed. Under Pyrrhos' command and training, Alexis' weapons danced around the wolf and pierced the foreign foes. Even experienced combatants paled compared to the lovers' skill and might.

The Lancer had by then learned to not let his turmoils meddle with his performance in battle. Alas, an emotion was stronger than his ability to contain it. He was not fighting for his polis anymore, nor himself. The red wolf Pyrrhos, his beloved, gave him all the strength to break through fatigue and pain.

He did not need to be told the wolf felt the same.

Love, however, is a double-edged sword. It gives one great courage, but also curbs their decision making. Leads one to forsake their well-being. One could say that to fight bearing love is far more dangerous than bearing no experience.

A jab from Alexis followed each strike upon Pyrrhos' shield. The enemy tried their best to break Ward from Lancer, but never overwhelmed or circled them. More than following the wolf's lead, the jackal's weapon moved on its own to the rhythm of the battle.

The red canine was skilled, but not all-seeing. The Lancer's long ears picked up an arrow, the Ward's did not. Protocol was to leave it to the older man's shield to block the arrow. However, there were no set of rules that could stop Alexis' body.

Against his better judgement, the jackal broke formation, launching his lightly armored body in the way of the projectile. The sting of pain, sprouting from the side of his torso, and growing into him like roots. He released a sharp cry, but did not fall or drop his weapon. Even in anguish, he raised his head, watching for enemies.

No foes close by, but an agonizingly troubled wolf. Through his wound, Alexis could barely hear or respond to the shout of his name. Suddenly fear on the older warrior's face grew into unbound rage.

A red blur. The canine dashed towards the enemy. The assault was conscious and careless; planned and brutal. Each strike a fallen soldier; the amok warrior turned his shield into a second weapon. Soon, his armor became as crimson as his fur.

Alexis, quicker to rebound, was astounded to see the monster awaken again before him. He struggled, but shortly followed behind the berserk Ward. Their combat dance degraded into a bloody brawl.

Both men were messes by the end. Soaked in foreign blood and their own; arms and apparel. The youth barely had the strength to limp Pyrrhos and a set of emergency provisions away from the battlefield.

In their rage they had gone to where the landscape shifted; the harsh sands replaced by mushy soil. They found refuge in a forest, its trees would offer cover from the enemy forces.

The Lancer was alone in setting up camp in a small clearing. Within the tent, he treated his injuries, and the unconscious Pyrrhos. Barely anything major. The emergency medicine was enough to deal with the worst of the wounds.

During the entire process, the scarlet scent and sight of war lingered in the air. The jackal winced in disgust and regret every time his mind strayed into the memory of the battle. He needed a break from the repugnant feelings and to clean his body and tunic.

He scouted the surrounding area, then quickly found a watery hollow, which he was quick to stain with the lives he had taken. Through it all, the silence crawled on his skin. He desperately wanted to cry; to talk to his wolf; to yell at himself; alas, with a sigh, he kept it all inside.

The jackal pierced through the leathery flaps of the tent. Within, the wolf, breathing heavily, awaited him.

"Pyrrhos?" Alexis' voice meekly entered the camp with him. "Are you awake?"

"I am."

His aloof tone hid the pain; and the jackal knew. To be responsible would be to give the red canine space, but the alternative, the quietness, the man dreaded more than anything.

"How are you feeling?"

His question lingered unanswered in the cool air of that cloudy late afternoon. The younger man gulped and sweated through the awkwardness.

"Cursed idiot I am." His deep voice broke the silence. "Putting you and myself in danger so easily."

"Pyrrhos, it's alright."

"It's not alright!" His tone grew in anger, his pain became obvious. "Tell me then, if you had gotten hurt, or worse, what would I do!"

Those raging screams could reveal their location; but neither cared. Though the yells were aimed at him, the ire was not; and that troubled him even more.

Alexis did not respond to the self penance the wolf had spouted. Instead, watched the bandaged man inhale and exhale, then calm down.

"Forgive me. I have never seen someone I love endangered... The thought scares me, makes me weak. But..." A pause and a weary sigh before he continued. "I've been thinking, Alexis. It doesn't have to be like this."

"What do you mean?"

"We could... run away, Alexis. Together."

Those words created storms within the younger man. He wished he had misunderstood or misheard them, that perhaps it was a bad jest from the wolf. The jackal frowned before replying.


"I know it sounds ridiculous, but... I've planned. No one here knows us without our armor, I'll teach you their language. You... We won't be in danger ever again. And... we can be together. Forever."

"Preposterous! What about Aolia? Chalkinos? Ianthe?"

"If we don't return, the army will declare us dead. My family will receive support from the Council. Chalkinos is intelligent, he'll grow into a decent man; I trust him. And Ianthe..."

When the older canine spared no words about his spouse, it became clear to Alexis what his proposition was really about. The golden jackal would immediately reject the idea, but gave it a second thought instead.

How tempting. Leave them all behind, pretend nothing happened. There was no anchor keeping him in his home city. Pyrrhos was his ship and harbor. In case he regretted such a decision, he only had to look at his man to reassure himself. Him and his beloved. Forever.

He jostled his bracelet.

It was not fair. No one would truly benefit from leaving the situation uncompleted. That perfect life with his wolf would be based on lies and lament. Even if it hurt, if it was scary or imperfect, they would be together.

"Pyrrhos," the jackal shook his head, "we can't do that. We must return to Aolia and face her."

"We... don't have to! I told you, they will be fine without us! We can be happy!"

"You don't mean that."

Still bearing a sad visage, Alexis rose and took the wolf's armor and tunic, so he could wash them. Through painful grunts, the older canine hoisted only his upper body. His deep, weak voice called his jackal before he left the tent. The young man's first response was to stop before the wilderness outside.

"You shouldn't move. It'll take us another two days to recover. You'll have time to think about what you said. Clear your head, change your mind."

"And... if I don't?"

Alexis paused with a thousand-yard stare at the surrounding trees. After a deep breath, he knew his response.

"Because I trust you... Because I love you, I know you will."

They did not share more words that evening. Though Alexis was back in the agonizing silence, he was resilient that the wolf needed time.

The following day went unchanged. Pyrrhos was still in no condition to move about, so Alexis did most of the work. Hunting, scouting, picking herbs and fetching water, all could fill his mind. But a phrase echoed inside him, instead.

What would he do if the older man did not change? To forsake him or to leave with him. Either idea was the darkest. He tried to convince himself over and over that Pyrrhos would come around, but doubt never truly left his heart.

Such feelings led to tepid interactions between the two. Whenever he was in the tent, the jackal kept a close watch on the recovering wolf. And yet, they only spoke in that aloof manner, and only the necessary. By the end of the second day in that forest, their bodies were plenty healed, but their spirits still faced turmoil.

Third day, and both traded frowns all the time. The lovers wanted nothing more than for that distance to cease; to embrace one another and trade warmths. Their resolution kept them apart; but not for long.

On that last night, both shared the only bedding. The following morning the men would march to the rendezvous point of Aolian soldiers or...

A storm in his mind, a knot in his throat. Alexis thought a thousand times over how to approach the situation. Every try, every answer sent him to the gloomiest places of his mind.

The tempest that raged inside the jackal came to an abrupt end when a trembling hand reached for his shoulder.

"Alexis," whispered a faulty voice.

The man turned to see the red canine, then the sight shocked him. Pyrrhos, the older warrior, pride of Aolia, son of the great General Adam, teary-eyed.

"Please... Hold me, Alexis. Don't let me go."

There was no second between the end of that sentence and the jackal's movement. His arms wrapped around his wolf, a desperate feeling to snuff that sorry face. Weepy himself, he spoke into the red fur.

"I won't! I promise!"

That hug, that touch, that trade of pleas. The men cried and sobbed with regret and relief. Despite how hurt they still felt, they lit in the other an undying hearth.

After they settled down into silence, both cuddled for a while; they peered in the other's eyes, petted and combed their hair. Although comfortable, the stillness had to end; and Alexis was the one to bring it.

"Pyrrhos, we have to go back. To our lives, to Aolia, to Chalkinos... to Ianthe."

"I know... I'll do it. For you."

"No, dear!" The jackal's soft movements stopped, the wolf's followed. "Do this for your sake! Please, tell me you understand that."

"I'm..." His sight fled to the ceiling. "I'm afraid, Alexis. I'm so scared of facing her."

"Why? Because of her connections?"

"No, it's more than that. I love her." He corrected himself with an interjection and a snort. "Not the way I love you, of course. She's my best friend... She's family. The thought of pushing her away; that, I'm afraid of."

"You don't have to be." His hands forced the wolf's muzzle to face him. "You're stronger than that! If you love her, you fight for her... Just like you do for me."

A smile; at last. Pyrrhos was radiant again, but not blinding. Smiling, Alexis was soon on the verge of tears again. Before he could break into crying, a pair of muscular limbs caught him, forcing his body to lie on top of the wolf.

Fluffy, warm fur replaced the uncomfortable straws of the bedding. His nose no longer hung in the cold air of night, landing on top of his wolf's instead.

"Whenever I lack strength, I can look to you. I'm sorry I forgot that."

"You're forgiven."

For the first time in days, they shared a kiss. The tongues finally perfected their dance of emotion. Lips smacked, tongues traded dominance over the mouths. Below the neck, hands caressed fur, golden and red. A full-body experience of each other.

"Oh?" The wolf stopped the kissing. "Looks like we got excited here."

A full-body experience indeed. The sudden shift of no touching to such a warm embrace made their manhoods stiff amidst the hug. As many times before, the mere mention had the jackal flushed, but that time, his new confidence barred shame or restraint.

Behind a perverted grin, the wolf spoke.

"How about you bring the little guy here, and I'll deal with him?"

The younger canine did not need to be told twice. In a single movement, he straddled the red companion and removed his undergarments. His balls flopped onto the wolf's belly, his hard member rose into the air.

Pyrrhos hummed in satisfaction, but also pride. The jackal had finally grown into his own man, someone equal to himself. Of course, the wolf was still elated to please that cock, even watering at the sight of such virility.

He took no more seconds to grab Alexis by the cheeks and bring that crotch to his muzzle. The jackal gasped in surprise at the sudden shift, and when the wet nose of the red wolf touched the head of his penis.

"Aren't we eager?" Said the youth in a naughty tone.

Save for his gasps and moans of pleasure, Alexis was mostly silent during intercourse. When the red canine was surprised by his partner talking back, a desire sprung from his insides, flowing to his own dick.

"Oh, dear, talk more, please."

"You like that?" Alexis' hand moved to his partner's hair. "Would you like if I said... suck me, wolf?"

"Yes," the wolf released a lustful growl. "Yes, I would."

"Then, do it. Suck me off, put that mouth to good use."

Pyrrhos was used to pleasing the aroused jackal with his muzzle, but not to being commanded. He did not know how much he had craved that until then.

A good soldier is always quick to answer orders, the red canine was no different. He did not even bother with the usual kiss or lick, instead going straight into sucking.

It quite surprised Alexis himself. His actions and his companion's.

As that muzzle went up and down his partner's cock, the wolf engulfed it with his saliva. Slurping and licking the jackal relentlessly. He moaned, gasped and eventually led Pyrrhos' head up and down his shaft, occasionally whispering an encouraging or approving comment.

But, that was not enough. Alexis had a free hand, and his lover a needy member. Need was met when a palm dove inside Pyrrhos' perizoma and brought forth his manhood. Surprised, the wolf tried to gasp, but Alexis did not let him out of his dick.

The red canine's mouth worked hard, and so did the jackal's digits. Took no time for both men to be stimulated to the edge.

"Can I," The youth stopped himself. "I'm gonna cum inside you."

The older man grunted in confirmation. He kept that penis completely in his still muzzle then licked and sucked like never. The jackal stroked his lover's cock vigorously in return.

A blissful shout and it happened; they came together. Pyrrhos' maw flooded but was not overwhelmed. Despite his own release taking most of his mind, he had the discipline to consume all the jackal's seed; not a drop wasted.

The wet hand retracted from that satisfied penis. The mouth moved away from the other, leaving a string of a mix of drool and cum in its wake.

Canines traded smiles and stares. Soon, the jackal collapsed into the wolf, working the movement into a messy kiss. Their tongues played in mild slobber and salty seed.

Their embrace slowly turned to cuddling, and excitement died down into sleep.

Both rose with the light of the following day. Armored, together, ready, the men proceeded to where they would find the other soldiers.

As they met the camp, soldiers of all ranks were elated, if surprised, to find the missing Ward and Lancer. The members of the Band quickly updated them on the status of the conflict.

They suffered losses before arriving at their current position, fortunately, the worst of the battle was behind them. After many clashes and skirmishes, leaders of both sides of the war negotiated an armistice, while messengers traded conditions of peace.

A standstill that lasted for over a month. During that time, jackal and wolf had little to do but guard, scout and hunt for their fellow army men. The Lancer, in particular, gained notoriety among the youngest warriors. The youth became known as the Golden Returner.

The stalemate ended with good news; an agreement to resolve all conflict. Soldiers rejoiced the whole night before their return. Away from the festivities, Alexis and Pyrrhos readied themselves to face the wolfess back in Aolia.

Though nervous, the jackal barely processed the trip from the port to his hometown. Before noon of that day, his eyes met the marble white city. In another flash, they were in the foyer of their home.

Servants took the few items the couple carried still. As they became unburdened, the view of the central garden turned clear. The wolf was quick to call his son in a yell. No rushed steps in response. Both canines scanned expectantly the corridors, finding no child or wife.

Then the eastern door opened; and out came a slender weasel. Alexis had seen that person around the house before, Chalkinos' teacher. Finally, the tutor beckoned both to enter the room.

The conversation was brief and soon wolf and jackal rushed through the streets of higher Aolia. As they did, what the mustelid had told them bellowed within the young man.

A month before their arrival, Ianthe, the cunning wolfess and matron of her home, made an attempt on her own life. On a metallic goblet, she had poured poison leaves and wine, and was on the verge of drinking it in the moonlight. She would have been successful if her son had not interrupted.

After receiving that information, the men immediately questioned Chalkinos' whereabouts. But the professor proceeded with the explanation.

Linus, Ianthe's brother, and his wife took her in as soon as they got the news. The child, house and servants were left to the teacher's watch. However, the young canine had inherited his mother's cunning; a handful of days earlier, he fled to see his mother. Though initially worried, once the weasel heard his student's location, they delegated him to keep watch over the mansion until the soldiers returned.

And he would have to take care of it for a while longer, as the said army men darted to Linus' estate. The sky of that afternoon still shone above them when they reached the gates.

Alexis had met Linus before, but never seen his abode. Though busy, as a council member should be, the wolf visited Pyrrhos' home innumerable times over the course of the jackal's stay. He was distant in manner to him as Ianthe was; so the youth knew little of his personality.

The mansion was like the red wolf's, all revolving around a peristyle. Bigger, a handful more rooms and a third floor displayed the difference in status even among higher nobility.

The father took no minute to call Chalkinos. Like Alexis had grown accustomed to see, the bronze boy jumped into his dad, but that time did the same to the jackal, albeit in a milder way.

As the kid let go, he showed a nervous frown, face switching between both men.

"Father! Alexis! Mother is..."

"We know," the wolf spoke over his child. "We will handle it, son. Promise."

The wolf's hand ruffled the boy's hair as the father passed by him. The young man would follow, but smaller fingers tugged at his tunic and then beckoned him closer. In response, the jackal squatted so he could look Chalkinos in the eye.

"What's the matter?"

"Alexis... you'll help dad out, won't you?"

"Of course!" The youth put on a determined smile and an energetic nod.

For the first time in a while, he saw the boy beam at him, as he mimicked the young man's earlier movement.

Alexis then rose with a heavy sigh. At last, ready.

The jackal set himself beside his wolf in a long seating full of decorated cushions. Linus' wife had led them to an open room. From the back, behind intricate columns, one could admire the ocean of hills that surrounded Aolia.

The man disregarded the beautiful sight, his thoughts lied instead in waiting for the wolfess to join them. A younger Alexis would have planned ludicrous manners of approaching her; the one that waited for the she-wolf, needed only courage and Pyrrhos.

Soon she entered the room, drawing all the attention. She sat on another couch, separated from the couple by a golden carpet.

The air was still even after she took her seat. No party knew quite how to start a conversation like that. Ianthe shot at the jackal many looks of disgust and suspicion. With a click of her tongue, the matron broke the silence.

"So, surely you have something to say for yourselves."

The wolf huffed, then shook his head with closed eyes. After that, spoke as his sight returned to the wolfess.

"Why did you do it, Ianthe? You understand how bad that was? How worried I got?"

"You are right," she scoffed. "How idiotic of me. I should have reported that little harlot to Linus! He's the root of the problem!"

"Don't speak of Alexis that way... Please, Ianthe, talk to me. With sincerity, like you used to."

Her grouch faded into a sigh, followed by a headshake of her own. Then she flung a sneer at the jackal.

"Does he have to be here?"

"He does." Pyrrhos' hand moved to one of the young man's shoulders. "Clearly, this concerns him too."

"It's always like that." She looked away from the men with an empty stare. "You never choose me."

"What does that mean?" Words tumbled out of Alexis' mouth.

"It means!" She cut herself off lest she leapt into anger. "It means it is always some man, never me." Her eyes, slightly wet, returned to her husband. "You would rather frivol with whores than your wife!"

"So that's what this is about..."

"Indeed; always has been. No matter what I do, you are always at arm's length. We wedded, you wouldn't consummate our marriage. I offered myself to you, you fled into the night. I cut your 'fun' off and you escape to where I can't reach you."


"Won't you just love me!" Tears slid down her cheeks, real ones. "Have I done you so wrong, that I'm undeserving in your eyes! What am I supposed to do, Pyrrhos?"

While she sobbed in her palms, her husband cried in silence. The wolf was still as stone, paralyzed by all kinds of emotions.

Golden hand softly landed on that red shoulder. Caressing, rousing him. With a quick shift, the canines' gazes met. Green. Brown. They saw each other in their reflection. Alexis was there, Pyrrhos was there; they needed nothing else.

Determined, but understanding the wolf called his wife again; she replied by raising to face him.

"There's something you must forgive me for," said the wolf. "You were right, I fled, escaped, avoided the issue. This wolf was so terrified of approaching it like an adult; to push you away forever... I am sorry, Ianthe. But..." His hand reached for his partner's, caressing back. "I don't regret loving Alexis."

The way he said those words. They had traded love confessions already, but that was in private. To hear him say that, in front of someone else, so naturally, made it feel so much more real.

Alexis held Pyrrhos and tenderly their fingers interlocked.

"So," said the she-wolf in a defeated tone, "you still won't choose me..."

"You were wrong about one thing. I do love you, Ianthe. You know me better than anyone else, you're my best friend. You sacrificed yourself for my sake, even! But, I can't love you the way you want me to... It's just not me."

Quietness took the room again; all three canines only traded glances. The silence grew unbearable to Alexis, so he spoke directly to Ianthe.

"Despite everything you've done, I have no ill will towards you. Pyrrhos loves you, and I love him. I can accept you the way you are." He gazed at his lover with a smile. "For him... Can't you do the same?"

She glanced at nothing before returning to the couple with a scoff.

"This is not a war I can win..."

"It is no war," interjected the jackal.

"Why does my heart ache in defeat then?" one last time, the room turned soundless, but she was quick to take it over. "Let me taste victory, just once. And I'll leave you be."

"You mean..." Pyrrhos answered, ears drooped.

"Yes. Make me your wife, and I won't interfere with whomever you wish to love. Ever again."

The man searched for solace in his jackal's face, whom softly returned a smile and a nod. The wolf brought his lover's hand to his muzzle and placed a gentle smooch on it. They let go, and Pyrrhos shifted to the wolfess.

"Very well."

As afternoon skies turned orange, the jackal retired to his home. Linus had offered a room for him to spend the night in, but either his feelings or simply the wish to relieve that weasel of his duties, prevented his stay.

Before he knew it, he was the only master remaining in his house. After treating himself to a well-deserved bath, he was cowering in his sheets.

Tiredness claimed his body and mind, but sleep never came. The thought of Pyrrhos eloping with another before meeting him bothered him none, but the fact it was Ianthe stung deeply.

He begged himself to find comfort in the situation. That was an exception. After that, the wolf was his and only his. Alas, he relegated to suffer in silence that night; for the sake of all other nights to come.

Before he finally drifted to sleep, the door opened. His warrior reflexes were enough for him to see a massive body blocking the light from outside. Though about to ready himself for combat, a familiar voice reached out.

"Good evening, dear Alexis."

"Pyrrhos? What are you..."

The wolf hushed his partner before walking to him with cadence. Once he towered over the jackal, he brought the golden muzzle to his. Even if dazed, the man welcomed the tongue inside his mouth.

Once they parted, confusion took the youth's mind.

"Pyrrhos, what happened? Did you..."

"Run away?" He chuckled. "No, I promise. But I'll have to explain to you later." The wolf undid the leather strap keeping his tunic on, and the fabric fell to the ground with ease. "Right now, I just want to love you, my dear."

The red canine climbed onto the bed with another kiss, and the golden jackal had no will or wish to stop him. They were then in a half naked embrace, petting the other's torso, legs, hair, everything. The movements ended with the men trading loving looks and smiles.

Pyrrhos took a hearty snuffle around his partner's neck; in surprise, the youth replied with a sharp moan. After releasing a seductive growl, the wolf addressed his lover.

"You smell wonderful. Took a good bath, didn't you?"

"Yeah..." He spoke in a faulty voice. "I sorely missed it too."

"I see... You don't know this, but the bathroom in Linus' home is far more advanced."

"Is it really?"

The wolf hummed a confirmation before moving his muzzle to the jackal's long ears.

"What if I told you, I did some 'special cleaning' while I was there?"

The young man's eyes shot awake. In any other context, such words would have confused Alexis, but right in the heat of the moment, he needed no explanation.

The jackal had once mentioned a lecherous wish of his. The wolf was not against it in principle, but in fear of making the youth sick. They promised, if they found methods to prevent the situation, Pyrrhos would indulge his man.

The young canine did not notice when the muscular hands undid their perizoma and when their hard penises started touching. Both could feel the other's heartbeat of excitement as the wolf whispered into his lover's ear.

"Why don't you get in position, so we can start."

The older man squealed as eager digits grabbed his cheeks.

"With pleasure," uttered the jackal behind a perverted smile.

As much as Pyrrhos had grown to respect and see his partner as his own man, there was one thing he had yet to do: let the other man lead during lovemaking. It was long overdue by then. He forsook any control of the situation, entrusting his body entirely to his lover.

On the edge of the bed, Alexis admired what his most lustful dreams mustered. Pyrrhos' ass hoisted, offered to him. He took no other second imagining how to approach it; his muzzle landed between the wolf's cheeks, just over his hole. The older man's words built a foul picture of being so close to his behind; but truth was far more pleasant.

First to hit him was the scent. Not miasma, but a pungent musk, no different from his front, only somehow stronger and more intoxicating. As he sniffed around, his wolf hummed in pleasure.

Soon, sniffs became kisses and licks. The puckered hole mimicked lips, like the jackal imagined. That time, the wolf reacted with more lust, grunts of bliss snuffed by the pillows beneath.

Alexis separated from the crack, about to ask how his lover felt. But, drunk on libido and with his partner's total trust, he just grasped hard at those asscheeks and ate up the decadent meal before him.

Both displays of force caused the wolf to moan loudly, then quietly as a curious tongue worked on his asshole. On Alexis' end, his mind could only focus on savoring what lied before him. The rich scent became flavor. No foulness, either; he really made sure he cleansed well.

Once the jackal was satisfied, he left behind a string of drool and a wet, needy ass.

"You liked that?" Said Alexis, with the taste of his partner lingering in his muzzle.

"Oh, yes," the wolf responded between huffs. "I might need a little more than that."

"Oh? You 'need' it, do you?"

"Yes," Pyrrhos turned flushed. "Will you give it to me?"

"Of course!" The jackal replied after a chuckle. "I'll go get the oil."

"Actually... I think I can take it as I am now. It has been a while since I last did this so... Just... be gentle, please."

The persona of dominance the jackal had maintained shattered with his wolf's request. He suddenly turned happy; to the point of tears. Alexis put a soft smooch on that hole and muttered.

"I will, my beloved Pyrrhos."

He was in position. The wolf cowered a bit when that manhood plopped between his cheeks. He held ground though, in uncontainable expectation.

"Are you ready?" Said the young man, rubbing his cock over the asshole.

"Yes. Make me yours, Alexis."

The jackal positioned himself and thrusted into the damp crack. Inexperienced, only his head made it in at first, but was enough to have the wolf squirm and moan. Another pelvic movement and he was all in. A completely distinct feeling than the wolf's mouth, tighter, more intense.

Like his partner had once done, he gave the older man a moment of reprieve. He felt the man's insides adjust to its new guest. Not long after, the jackal started pounding his wolf.

Slow and gentle, but powerful and manly. Being penetrated after such a long time caused the wolf's dick to leak wildly; Alexis did the same, inside the wolf.

The pace increased steadily. With each increment they traded grunts, moans and cries of the other's name. Once the rhythm reached its peak, Alexis' desire turned bestial; he grabbed Pyrrhos by the torso and mounted him. His body still, his crotch slammed over and over against the manly ass.



A screech of raw pleasure and they reached their shared orgasm. Pyrrhos decorated the bed beneath him with his semen, while Alexis' filled the tight hole; were the jackal a beast, he would have successfully mated his wolf.

Huffing, the older canine fell on the bedding, the younger followed, in the same fashion. Exhausted and overflowing with love, they had no strength or want to undo their position.

Their last act that night was interlocking each other's fingers.

"I love you, Pyrrhos. I love you so much."

"I love you too, my Alexis."

To think the jackal had trouble sleeping earlier that evening. In the embrace of his beloved companion, rest came easily; and would again, for many nights to come.