Drunk like a skunk

Story by geneseepaws on SoFurry

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#8 of WritingGroupChallenge

Matthew has never met an alien.

He says doesn't like aliens, but then he meets one.

This Week's Writing Challenge:

"An interesting proposition, but I'll have to decline."

Tag all prompts with: WritingGroupChallenge.

Due date is 05/05/2020.

It was late evening and a furr, drunk as a skunk, was wending his way home, by a very indirect route. This was chiefly because of his going to the pub, and venting his opinions of the aliens that 'weren't invading, just visiting' (according to the government). This common and popular idea got several types of drinks brought to him.

In a show of appreciation - he drank them all, and this was how he became as drunk as he might be. The method of his walking home, in nautical terms, was 'tacking' as he stumbled and staggered from the curb edge of the sidewalk, diagonally, to stumble into a building on the other. It would have inconvenienced several citizens had anyone also been using the sidewalks, but the neighborhood was devoid of life. There were no pets about, no one strolling the parks, no vehicles cruising the avenues, a seemingly derelict part of the city.

Though this barely registered on the handsome skunk, it had on some level, made itself known that he was completely alone, and questions had started to arise in his mind which way would bring him closer to home. He wouldn't say that he was lost, just that he had no idea where he was and how that might be remedied.

He was, in his sodden state, becoming aware that he needed information, and to that end he began to search for signs of more intelligent life. As he stumbled along - still there was no one there.

Searching more earnestly, he began looking into and and out of alleys, and around behind obstructions, peering up and down staircases, surely there must be someone of whom he might ask directions.

Turning the corner and swaying down a half block he came to an alley, that had a bright light showing about half way down the block. "Ahhh," Matthew said aloud, "Here's sommththiiiiinnnn,... Hallo? Anybody"

To his great astonishment, the silhouette of a tall -- being? Showed itself, slowly peering out from behind a door. First the head slowly poked out, then the shoulders, then the shadow stepped free of the doorway, into the middle of the alley. Clearly something was wrong; first it was too tall, and combined with the very narrow hips and very narrow shoulders, Matt became more and more convinced that this was not any being of any species he could identify. It must therefore be an alien! He was about to turn away, when he heard a curious breathy piping whistle. He turned back toward the being, and saw that it was gesturing, beckoning him to come closer.

Matt was not a fool, normally in no way stupid, and at the moment he had very few brain cells and most of his prefrontal cortex was pickled half to death, so he did what he wouldn't do.

He walked, ah, no -- rather he staggered toward it.

It was taller than he had pictured. It towered over him, clearly about by half a meter, and probably weighed less that he did, he sort of estimated. Wow, tall and skinny, not very threatening really.

It was vaguely Simian, sort of, rather than wearing clothes it was wearing its fur on. So sort of naked, and not at the same time. It seemed sort of male-ish, sort of, Matt couldn't make much sense of its physiognomy nor physiology.

"Wha.?" Inquired Matt.

It pointed to itself, then to Matt.

"What..? Insisted Matt.

It pointed to Matt then to itself, spreading its finger-like digits wide.

Matt looked behind it, into the empty alley. And then over his shoulder back down the alley he had just stumbled up, almost falling. He caught himself, and straightened.

"What d'yah want? Do you speak anything?"

The creature whistled, and piped some sounds, but they didn't mean anything to Matt. Again it gestured, to Matt, this time placing a digit on Matt's chest, and then touched itself on it's chest area.

"Waat D'you wann?" Matt tried again. "Don't you speak any Common?"

This time the creature shook it's head clearly indicating, "No."

Matt closed his eyes in an effort to make a coherent sentence.

"Then you can't tell me anything," Started Matt. But when he opened his eyes the creature had closed the distance between them standing only about a meter away. Matt was started, but more intrigued than alarmed. Matt shook his head.

"So, did you want something, then?"

The creature nodded.

The effort to make sentences was burning off some of Matt's alcohol, and Matt was curious what was going on. "So, you want something from me, then?"

The creature whistled something, and gestured first at its middle then at Matt's head. And it piped its breathy whistles some more.

Now it was time for Matt to shake his head, not understanding.

The creature pointed at its middle again, then reaching its long arms past Matt, pointed at something. Matt turning to follow the action saw that it was pointing at his butt.

Still Matt didn't understand, but may have had a small clue.

It tapped Matt's chest and then turning around itself pointed at it's hip joints on its backside.

Like the rising sun, or a wave breaking on the shore, understanding started to crest on upon Matt's conscious mind, small as it was.

"Are you propositioning me?" Matt stumbled back two steps trying to look up into its eyes. "Zatt wha' thisis 'bout?" You wanna have sex with me?" Matt started to breathe harder and shook his head with the effort to understand what was happening.

The creature was nodding vigorously. Matt drew his carriage erect and standing as tall as he couldn't without loosing his balance, shook his head and said, "No. An interesting proposition, but I'll have to decline. I cannot do random sex with anything what cannot say, "Red Light, Green Light." And stepping around the creature, he staggered down the alley. The tall being whistled and piped up a storm of epithets and libelous invectives and hurled them at the retreating skunk.

All to no effect.

When Matt reached the other end of the alley the city skyline showed the head and horns of the statue of Pan, in the distance. His lodgings were less than two blocks from the park the statue sat in, if he kept heading towards it, he would be home in short order.