Faith Containment Log: Diamond

Story by CryptidCreative on SoFurry

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Another commission type I've opened up is entry logs for an establishment known as FAITH. They aren't far off from what the SCP does though they are set in a furry-dominated world. This is just another entry log type commission where I take someone's character and write up some information about them, try to include all their powers and/or abilities, and put in a witness or incident interview. I've had a lot of fun doing it.

FAITH is part of the world that FA: LapinousMalice has created and has graciously allowed me to use for these types of commissions.

Name on file: Diamond

Reason for file creation: Diamond is a shadow amalgamation that has shown a few abilities that could potentially be a problem. The most notable of which a passive build-up of paranoia in those around her. She is also capable of rapid regeneration and is difficult to keep an eye on. Her form seems to affect the minds of those viewing her, causing them discomfort, followed by hallucinations of monstrous forms at the edge of their vision.

Threat level: Despite all of the above, she is a small and fragile amalgamation. She does not currently wish us any harm and if we treat her the same she will not attack us. That being said because of her ability to create paranoia it is important we catch her on sight even though her threat level is Safe.

Containment: If caught it is suggested that Diamond be kept in a well-lit room as it seems to make her a bit weaker. Shadows in a room may give her a chance to slip away as well. Though there is no reason to be cruel, the room can be of decent size, as long as there is enough light to keep it well lit at all times it should be fine.

Comments or Notes: Diamond communicated through some sort of mind link. It's important to keep this in mind while approaching her as having another voice in your head can be disorienting and can cause confusion. Rest assured it does not mean you are in danger, she is just making contact with you. It should also be noted that Diamond can sometimes be seen carrying knives with her, but doesn't seem to use them unless she believes her life is in danger. Therefore it's best to approach her without weapons trained on her, try to make your intentions clear. She will most likely make a run for it but it's best we approach this way, for now, to keep personnel safe.

Witness Statement

The following is a log of an interview between [REDACTED], henceforth known as citizen, and Agent [REDACTED], henceforth known as Agent.

Agent: Thank you for agreeing to this interview. Please start by stating your name for our records and then going on to describe exactly what you experienced.

Citizen: Uh, alright, yeah, sure. My name is [REDACTED] and I was witness to mass paranoia inside the [REDACTED] facility a couple of nights ago.

Agent: I understand that you saw this person there.

[The Agent produces a photo of Diamond and slides it across for Citizen to look over.]

Citizen: Yeah, uh...yeah, that's right. She was there.

Agent: Right. Tell me exactly what happened.

Citizen: Well, you see I had been there for a few hours. At night it's often turned into a bar of sorts and I was getting drinks. You should know I'm not the kind of guy to just start thinking I'm being watched or people are listening in on me, I don't usually get paranoid. That night though, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me, no matter how many times I looked back I couldn't stop feeling like something was off. And then...

Agent: Go on, what happened next?

Citizen: I guess other people were feeling the same way? I started to notice that a lot of others in the facility were looking around the same as me, watching their backs like they were expecting something to happen. It got to the point that people started arguing with each other about talking behind each other's backs or "Are you staring at me?!" "What'd you say about me?!" "Did you hear that whisper? The fuck was that?" All those things, I heard them all. I even felt like I was about to get involved when I noticed his monster in the corner of my eyes so I turned to look.

Agent: And that's when you saw her?

Citizen: That's right, it wasn't a monster it was this little creature. She was just standing there for a while but as things started to get worse and too heated she started to head out. I thought she was trying to get away from the violence but she didn't look worried, at least for as long as I could look at her. It was...odd? No. Hard. Yeah, it was hard to keep my eyes on her for some reason.

Agent: Did anything else happen?

Citizen: Well a couple of guys almost broke out into a pretty serious fight over this creeping paranoia but I guess everyone started to feel the same calm I did.

Agent: And this calm you felt, it started to wash over you as she left?

Citizen: Yeah. Yeah, I suppose it did. Didn't really think about it that way at the time but that lines up, yeah.

Agent: Alright. Well, that's all we needed to hear. Thank you for your time, [REDACTED]. Please head out the door behind you and one of my colleges will see you get home safe.

Citizen: Oh? That's it?

Agent: Yup, that's it.

Citizen: Alright then, uh, see ya later.

[Citizen then left the room where a 1st level amnesia injection was administered and he was then escorted home.]