Subject 190

Story by CryptidCreative on SoFurry

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I've started accepting commissions where I take people's characters and create an entry log of my character Cahleb torturing and experimenting on them. The commissioner of this one decided they wished to become a minion at the end instead of being killed off so I had to come up with how to do that, I had a lot of fun with it.

Subject's Name: Moxie Nova, though these days she calls herself 190

Current Status: Living, functional and useful

Subject 190, aka The Big One, is quite different than any other creature I've experimented on up to this point. First of all, they are much larger in height and weight than any previous subject and secondly, perhaps more important, they exhibit a strong resilience to most forms of harm. Getting her here was quite the difficult task, though my preferred method of apprehension still worked, it took a much larger dose of anesthesia than normal. Of course, that's to be expected on a 7 foot 6 dragon hybrid who must weigh a good portion over 500 pounds. As such containment during the experimental phase has been difficult. Usually I keep my subjects tied down to some sort of table, but as subject 190 was too large to be supported by any such object I had to leave her on the ground. Furthermore, she was far too strong to be restrained by any normal means and I had to get a bit more creative, more will be explained further below.

Note to self before I begin: You've run out of anesthesia after this one, it's time to pay "the doctor" another visit.

Day 1, figuring things out: Usually I am able to get to work right away on the cutting and testing, but with subject 190 I had to first figure out the best way to restrain her. I could tell just by looking over her that any normal ropes or straps weren't going to cut it, her form seems to support a fair amount of muscle as well so I ruled out chains as well as metal clasps. I had to think more outside the normal means and turn to subject 56, aka Mors, for assistance in this matter. It took me a bit to find a spot to collect some blood. Much of the subjects body was protected by hard scales but between the scales I was able to slice through the skin and produce enough blood from a cut to activate subject 56. With the living voodoo doll activated I then set about severing his arms and limbs to effectively remove all use from subject 190 without causing any actual harm to them. It's a shame in a way as I often enjoy experimenting on limbs, but 190 is big enough that I'll still have plenty to work with when they come to. For now though I've given them another large dose to keep them under for the rest of the day.

Day 2, the fun begins: Things went a lot smoother than I was expecting on day 2 and I was happy to finally get to the more common "work" that I so enjoy. The day started with the subject coming out of their drugged sleep, at first they were too groggy to do much but as they woke they began to struggle. For a moment I was a bit on edge that Mors wasn't having much effect on the 190 but as time passed it became clear that their limbs were moving more by the strength of the body flailing than by any purposeful movement. I then learned of 190's ability to breathe flame as they doused me in it, burnt off some of my favorite clothing and charred my bones a good bit too, but fire isn't really something that affects me much so it wasn't a huge inconvenience. I did however notice that the flames hitting the house around me didn't seem to do near as much damage as they ought to, as if subject 190 was controlling the head and concentrating the hottest part of the flame towards me. I believe in their flailing they realized the house we were in belonged to some innocents and as such did not wish to burn it down, which is too bad as it may have been a good way to escape. To keep said incident from happening again I muzzled Mors, if he can't open his mouth then 190 should be unable to as well and for now that's a fine temporary solution.

From then on I was able to proceed with my experimenting and it brought some interesting things to light, mainly just how tough those dragon scales are. I took many blunt objects to them, with very little to no effect, in fact subject 190 seemed pleased with itself as I tried to harm her without much success. She can hold onto her little victories for now, eventually I will find ways to hurt this one. Already ideas of her usefulness are beginning to form in my head.

Day 3, the day of pain: It has been a little over 48 hours since I brought subject 190 here and i've exhausted every blunt force trauma I can think of to absolutely no effect, but this is fine. With blunt force out of the way I have decided to try a little of the ol' fighting fire with fire and happened to pull out my old blow torch. This however was almost ineffective as even on the highest setting it did little to the scales, however. I did find that the more fur covered bits of her body were a little more susceptible to flame as the flame caused a small squirm and hiss, but seemed to be little more than mild discomfort. Still, it was an interesting find and a long shot anyway, it's fine. It was finally time to move onto my favorite form of pain, finally I could get my hands dirty.

Success! At first it seemed even my talons were enough to get through these damned scales, but as it turned out they didn't need to. As I was raking over her scales I noticed a small bit of red, upon closer inspection it turns out there are gaps between the scales I did not notice before. It's going to be a long night for 190 now. Will recap at the beginning of day 4.

Day 4, this will do nicely: A quick recap of the events of last night before I add in what I have discovered today. I got very much into the sounds of her muffled screams and painful shifting as I was able to slice her open all over her body. I didn't forget myself completely however and went about the usual, shallower cuts towards the face with deeper cuts further down the body. From what I could feel inside her anatomy seems to be fairly normal for her species, bones all in place, organs were there, though I was careful not to pierce them just yet. I want her to suffer. But this leads me to my discovery.

As I was digging into her stomach I couldn't help but notice a lack of bleeding towards her face, so I took a closer look. It seems subject 190 has a form of accelerated healing. Not as quick as some of the others I've come upon as I found the further down I went the less healed the cuts were, but still faster than the average. On a bit of a fun side note, I managed to dig out one of the scales but slicing around it and digging in deep. It took a good amount of effort but I was able to completely pry it off her to the sounds of some delicious screams.

Day 6, lost track of time: It's funny how quick 24 hours can pass when you are busy sticking someone full of sharp and blunt objects alike. I wanted to experiment with 190's healing factor, as I often do so I've stuck a few objects into the deeper wounds, some knives and a pipe into the larger gash where the scale used to be. I'm not sure how long it will take these wounds to heal, but I'm looking for interaction with foriegn objects. I have yet to find a subject where the objects are pushed out during the healing process, but I am hopeful this might be the first. Only time will tell, until then I've been keeping myself busy with keeping her awake and screaming. I haven't let her have a real moments rest since I've started experimenting on her and being awake for 6 days is sure to take its toll on any living creature. Well, maybe not any, but most.

I have been considering just exactly how I want to go about killing this one when I'm done, but part of me thinks she may be useful as some sort of, for lack of a better word, tank of a minion. I am currently missing some real muscle in the group, could be nice to have something bigger to throw at FAITH the next time they get the balls to come after me. A 600 pound dragon just might do it.

Day 13, things are coming to an end: Subject 190 has officially become my longest living experiment as I waited for those deep cuts to heal. Unfortunately, they did not heal in the way I had wished for them to as this subject also has a regenerative ability that works around foriegn objects rather than pushing them out. All is not lost though as it's still a significantly powerful healing factor and I had fun cutting in and removing those objects. I will say, she has been one of the bravest I've had under my talons, in all this time she never really showed any sign of being afraid, stubborn and brave till the bitter end and that's what time it is.

After careful consideration I've decided I will experiment on her body further and try to push her into becoming another one of my minions, though I am unsure as to what method I will be using yet.

Day 18, a final surprise: Well, that was certainly unexpected. I had decided to go with manipulating and altering the brain to create a subservient creature but as I was in the middle of the process I noticed a return to form. Though subject 190 doesn't appear to remember much of what had been going on in the days before it seems that even the brain of the subject can reform. Because of this new found information I will be adjusting how I go about reforming 190, instead of inserting objects into the brain where they are needed I will be going down the corruption route.

Day 21, last entry: It took a couple days to get what I needed, and a few hours to properly reattach Mors' limbs and deactivate the voodoo curse so 190 could move again, but today I have finished and I am pleased to say the experiment was a success. I ended up going with a bit of a mix of the two ideas in the end. Using some slime I have corrupted with necromancy and some tubing I am able to force feed a regrowing brain to keep this large creature in a state where she is useful to me. As long as I continue to produce this slime and feed it into the tubes embedded into her head I can continue to have her see things the way I wish for her to see them. She won't see things exactly as I do, but my enemies have become hers and her view of the world as corrupt as the brain rotting in her skull. As extra precaution I have also embedded a small spike into the part of her brain that holds onto long term memories, in time she'll forget more and more of what has been done to her and eventually all she'll know is servitude and what I tell her to feel. She'll become a weapon for me, a nigh-unstoppable juggernaut of sorts, something useful to me, and in the end. That's all she cares about.