Star Fox: d.volution

Story by DemonWerewolf001 on SoFurry

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Commission done by Jagaz

A chance discovery at the edge of known space sees two old rivals meet once more. Fate however decrees it that they will have to overcome great adversity together.

Little do they know what this world has in store for them. Even if they are successful, who knows if they can escape anyway?

The planet didn't have a name yet, other than whatever asinine combination of letters and numbers the initial exploration sweep had given it, and it wouldn't get a name either until someone inevitably attempted to settle on it, at which point they'd probably give it a really smart name like Dirt, even though more than two thirds of its surface was water and the rest covered in so much greenery it made Wolf O'Donnell sick just looking at it.

But musing about colonization and naming wasn't why he was here. The sweep had revealed an anomaly on this planet. A power source which stood out because of its singular and unknown nature. It was practically a bonfire. Anyone with a halfway decent scanner could pick it out. There were lots of speculations in the scientific community about it too. Which ran the entire breadth of opinions, from being as mundane as being a powerful albeit it primitive distress signal, to the more esoteric, like a singularity generator or a wormhole engine.

Whatever it was, Wolf was here to steal it and sell it to the highest bidder. He knew at least ten collectors, and two research institutes which didn't care if their material was procured by clandestine means, who would pay top money for this thing, whatever it turned out to be.

Needless to say, he wasn't exactly surprised when his Wolfen picked up the energy emissions of another spacecraft in the vicinity of the planet. He wasn't the only pirate after all, though he was certainly the best of them.

What did surprise him however was the identification the ship returned to him. His eyes went wide as his hand clutched the flight stick harder and his other hand immediately flew over the controls to engage combat mode.

It was Star Fox. But not just any of them. It was Fox McCloud himself.

Was he also here for the power source? Had he finally turned to piracy as well? Or had that annoying General friend of his requested him to protect it? No, for something so mundane they would have sent a cruiser instead of the great McCloud himself. He was here for the artifact himself.

Wolf diverted all energy to the engines and slammed the acceleration to the maximum. He could feel the G-forces press him into his gel-chair. Goodness he loved this fucking feeling. The way it pressed down on him, pressed down on his crotch. He was fucking rock hard. His pants were already getting soaked with his excitement at the idea of the coming dog fight. He gritted his teeth as he let out a strained growl. He wanted to lick his lips but with the forces at play, he could have easily bitten off his tongue.

Of course it wasn't like that though. O'Donnell just really, really enjoyed battle. The excitement it brought, the adrenaline, the forces at play, the split-second life-and-death decisions one had to make. It was surprisingly meditative experience for him. He entered an almost zen-like state of trance during it. He wasn't interested in actually fucking Fox, he didn't swing like that. Now that blue vixen of his tho. Krystal... that was a different thing. He would love to put some puppies into her. He would love it especially if Fox gets to watch while being tied to a chair, or otherwise unable to stop the canine from ravishing his vulpine.

Now while a maneuver like that allowed him to quickly close the distance, it also made him light up like a christmas tree and even the dumbest of scanners would be able to pick up the gigantic emissions of his engine in the cold vacuum of space. The Wolfen alarmed him that the enemy ship had altered its course and had turned to engage. The white of his knuckles was visible even through his fur from how hard he clenched the controls. His finger just barely made it to the comms system.

"Can't let you do that, Star Fox!", He exclaimed, howled almost, in defiance of the G-forces on him.

"Gee, you don't need to scream like that. What are you doing out here, Wolf? This ain't Lylat.", Fox responded mere seconds later. A holographic display showing that awfully smug mug of his. Wolf hit the breaks. The reverse acceleration threw him forward, but the straps held him tight still.

"Same thing you are here for, Fox. But I can't let you have it.", Wolf snarled as his fingers dashed over the control pad in fluid motions. He didn't even need to think about it really as energy levels evened out between weapons, deflectors and engines. And he would adjust them as needed just as easily. It came as natural as breathing at this point.

"Piracy doesn't pay enough, does it? Ever considered getting a normal employment?", Fox jabbed and then they were off into their usual dance.

Wolfen and Arwing passed and strafed each other with blaster bolts. Wolf muted the alarm noises that told him his deflectors were hit, but they held steady.

It was a dance of death, a ballet of violence and energy. Spirals and rolls executed at break neck speeds, all in an effort to get a good shot in on the opponent. But it was just as much a battle of endurance and attrition. Who of them would pass out first from the rapidly changing G-forces that pressed onto them from just about every direction whenever they did a high-energy turn?

They both did some of their best flying here. It was a shame that nobody was around to see it. Though it was exactly this kind of lonesomeness that allowed it in the first place. There were no other distractions. No one who could interfere, though that also meant that there was no rescue. The loser would be at the utter mercy of the winner. There was no last second safe. Both pilots were in the zone and utterly focused upon each other as they slowly but steadily spiraled ever closer towards the planet.

Wolf had muted just about every alarm his ship tried to throw at him. They didn't tell him anything new anyway. He knew that his ship was slowly coming apart, but so was Fox's. The next minute would decide their fate, one way or another.

Fox probably had not done the same, given that he rather suddenly and unexpectedly broke out of his evasive maneuver and passed right through Wolf's cross-hairs. He unleashed a barrage and let out a victorious howl as he saw the Arwing's deflector fail and tear into the hull. The right engine exploded and the fuselage tore off.

His victory was short lived however as he saw just what Fox had tried to evade instead of him. The planet was right ahead, filling out his view. He could see the flash of light upon its surface.

"Fuck!", He exclaimed as he pulled his control stick to the side as hard as he could, but it was too late.

He was blinded by the gigantic beam of energy which ushered forth from the surface of the planet. From what little he had managed to see, this thing could have obliterated the Great Fox on a direct hit. Given that he was still alive, he must have managed to avoid it, but the violent shakes of his craft pretty much told him that he had not done so undamaged.

In a fit of irony, the beam of energy had sheared off almost the entire left side of his craft. He was rapidly losing engine power and stability. Which would not have been that terrible if they had still been in space proper. He could have limped his way back home in admittedly awkward fashion. But as the computer had tried to warn him before he silenced it, they had now entered the planet's gravity well and his vessel's diminished performance would not allow it to escape anymore.

Once he managed to regain some vision and assessed his situation, he opened a comm channel to Fox, who rather readily accepted the call.

"This ain't over yet, Fox!", Wolf declared with a snarl, though his ship was very keen on displaying the opposite. Just like from what he could see on Fox's end. Both their vessels had sparks flying from damaged circuits. He could smell burning rubber somewhere. It was probably better to get out of this thing as fast as possible.

"It sure fucking is, you idiot! The only thing you're gonna hit like that is the broad side of a mountain. Speaking of which, time for me to try avoiding that.", Fox sneered back and killed the connection again.

He made a very good point though, as Wolf realized rather quickly while watching the planet's surface come closer at uncomfortable speeds. All that fucking greenery...

Wolf gritted his teeth as he clutched his flight stick with both hands. It rattled violently against his grip as the friction of orbital entry tried to make his craft spin. And if that happened he'd come flying apart and he'd burn to a crisp, if even that much remained in the first place. But even in these circumstances, he refused to let Fox escape and so he followed the trail of smoke his Arwing left behind. Of course that was still far from an accurate way to do it... but he didn't have much choice in the matter.

For what it was worth though, all these trees - gosh was that an awful lot, was there no end to this jungle? - provided a pretty good surface to land on... or in rather. The wood was definitely less solid than granite or any other kind of rock. Branches and even trunks broke and shattered as the Wolfen sheared through them, losing speed with each collision, but also violently shaking the craft.

It was almost inevitable that Wolf ended up hitting his head on something with such force that he blacked out.

It was as if someone had flipped a light switch. From one second to the next there was darkness. When O'Donnell came to again, his mouth felt dry and his head throbbed. He found himself hanging upside down, but still strapped into his chair. He blinked and looked around to get an idea of things, then went wide eyed when he saw that a splintered tree branch had pierced the canopy of his ship and had missed his head by less than hand's breadth.

His fighter hung half impaled on a tree, half roped up in vines and was more than ten meters above ground. It was also on fire, as he very quickly realized, though he wasn'tsure where. Either way, he very much couldn't stay in it. He grabbed his survival kit, consisting of a handheld scanner, his blaster pistol, a combat knife, his reflector and a small backpack of prepackaged rations and filtered water. Enough to last him a week or so, before he'd have to start foraging.

Unlike many other spacers, Wolf - just like Fox - had made a habit of keeping his body in peak physical condition. The greatest challenge in escaping his space craft was getting past the destroyed canopy as the branch meant that it couldn't open by itself, but that was nothing that a few hearty kicks were unable to fix. After all it was already damaged.

The branch was more than strong enough to support his weight too and so he climbed it before he used the scanner to check himself for injuries. He had a bit of a broken nose and some bruises here and there, but it was nothing serious.

At least not serious enough to not have him try and catch up with Fox.

That very selfsame scanner also allowed him to find Fox's Arwing. Sure it was the best money could buy, but it was still a handheld model which meant its capabilities were limited. Though there weren't exactly many sources of interference.

Getting to the Arwing was another question however.

Fox's craft meanwhile had dug itself into the ground after having left a trail of destruction in its wake. Trees had fallen and allowed the light to fall upon it unperturbed. The vulpine let out a growl as he rubbed his head and grunted. The canopy of the Arwing launched itself off and away the moment he pressed the open button. He had a brief look around. But other than the distant sounds of birds, or something that could be birds, there was but the rustling of upset vegetation, which was hardly surprising right now. He fell back into his seat and took stock of the situation. He activated his distress signal andopened up his survival package, which in all accounts looked near identical to what Wolf had in his own, except that it had supplies for two weeks.

He heard a crack that made his ears twitch. A twig had snapped under the weight of something. He rose out of the cockpit with his blaster in hand and his eyes scanned for the source of the noise. A blaster shot came out of the underbrush, but the alert vulpine brought up his reflector with blinding speed, deflecting the shot back to its source before he leaped out of the cockpit. The shot meanwhile set the bush on fire mere heartbeats after Wolf rolled out of it and into the makeshift clearing.

"Really!?", Fox exclaimed, but their battle was on already. Shots were exchanged, evaded and deflected. The clearing turned into a veritable warzone of stray fire and hellish noise as the two rivals somersaulted, dashed and ducked behind whatever cover was available. Slowly circling each other with the Arwing between them.

"What do you think you'll accomplish here!?", Fox asked exasperated as he jumped out of the clearing and into the cover of a massive tree. Blaster shots followed him.

"Why, to me it looks like I'm finally getting rid of you!", Wolf laughed as he slowly circled around the tree, an eye out for his opponent.

"And then what? You'll be alone on a foreign uncharted planet. Do you have any idea how to leave?", Fox asked as he rotated himself in the opposite direction, keeping the massive wood between them.

He could hear Wolf hesitate. "I'll hitch a ride with whoever comes to answer your distress signal.", He answered after a moment of silence, though his attempt at bravado fell flat.

"Oh yeah, sure. Whoever answers it. You know exactly who will answer it. They'll be more than happy to leave you here to rot if you kill me.", Fox stated as plainly as possible, but he could hear the growl from Wolf already.

"Ah what a choice. Rotting here on this planet, or rotting in a cell on Corneria. I think I'm gonna take my chance. At least I'll know that you'll be dead then!", He snarled in return.

Fox paused however. The growl he heard had continued even as Wolf spoke. His ears twitched as he heard the soft steps of a third party.

"Wolf, look out!", He called out mere seconds before a loud roaring snarl followed. The vulpine rounded the tree just in time to see a horrible creature lunge out of the underbrush before him and slam into the bark where he had stood just a few heartbeats ago.

Surprisingly enough, he was not immediately shot by Wolf as he came out of cover. He too had heard the beast, which now gave chase to the fox.

Wolf hesitated for a moment, his eyes were wide. He had never seen a creature like this before. It was a monster, plain and simple. And it was huge. Even on all fours, its back reached taller than Wolf still, who with 1.83m was already a head taller when compared to Fox's 1,73m. It was also incredibly wide and sported huge sinewy muscles in its limbs and chest. The beast was easily as big as the Wolfen he had arrived here with, and it was clad in thick and jet-black armor plates like you'd find on a bug, yet its face was clearly that of a predatory lizard. Its yellow eyes glowed with a malicious intelligence.

Even though its ambush had failed, it apparently still considered itself to be in the superior position, given how it decided to give chase rather than retreat. Given that it was build like a fucking tank, Wolf could very much understand why. Neither of them would survive if that thing got its claws on them.

He aimed and shot it right in the face. Armored plating exploded off and it screeched in pain and rage, but that only seemed to incise it further as it switched targets to Wolf now, which gave Fox an opening to shoot it too.

A harrowing battle ensued that saw the increasingly enraged creature hunt the duo of rivals. It had a frightening amount of speed on top of its obvious physical power and atoughness that was simply outlandish. The only advantages the two had were their guns and the agility that their comparatively small frames afforded them. And yet, the battle was still won on the literal knife's edge as Fox found himself cornered after a bush had hidden an unexpected drop. Wolf had followed and landed on the monster's back, before he drove the blade of his combat knife into its skull. The death throes of the beast nearly killed him as it threw itself around and rolled about with last loud protesting screeches.

The two were left panting as they looked upon the dead monster.

"So what do you say... shall we work together?", Fox asked between heavy breaths and offered his hand to Wolf, who first squinted at it, before he looked back to the vanquished foe. He huffed and nodded, before he took the hand Fox offered.

"But once we're off this damn planet, you'll drop me off at the closest space station.", He demanded, which got him a nod from Fox.

During the last wild struggle, Wolf had lost his backpack which got subsequently trampled by the monster. Sharing Fox's rations between the two of them, gave them about a week's worth each, perhaps one and a half if they applied some good old iron rationing. But then they'd be out of water. Meanwhile even in the best estimate, it would take two weeks before rescue arrived. The signal would need to reach the Great Fox first and then they'd have to travel. At least they knew where he was supposed to be, which would cut down the search somewhat.

"There's still the issue of that cannon.", Wolf raised then. "If we don't disable that, it will just shoot down your ship and we won't be any better off either."

"We have at least a week to worry about that, let us find shelter first.", Fox suggested then.

Needless to say that even being stuck in an alien environment brimming with potentially hostile wildlife didn't get them to agree on what would pass as acceptable shelter. They were bickering until they heard the footfalls of something else approach. Something big. A brief glance was exchanged and the two decided that the best available cover was the nearby tree. The bark provided more than ample opportunity to climb and whatever was coming didn't sound like it would be able to climb trees. They were sitting on one of the large branches as they watched another creature appear. It looked eerily similar to the one they had beaten not so long ago and yet had some glaring differences. Its carapace was covered in spikes and its knuckles grew out into a set of punch claws. Ontop of that, the edges of its plating glowed in yellow bio-luminescence and it was huge. Bigger than their previous foe.

"Fuck, is that that thing's mom?", Wolf muttered quietly, but both were frozen in quiet and morbid curiosity as the huge creature sniffed out the carcass and, within seconds of finding it, unceremoniously devoured it whole. Its jaws stretched obscenely as it swallowed the smaller beast whole and tilted its head back to let gravity aid in the endeavor.

It looked directly at them. It saw them. There was no doubt about it. Its eyes squinted as the two recoiled in shock. It however finished its meal unperturbed by their presence. It swallowed and gulped, sucked the long tail up like a noodle and then rolled his wide open jaw, letting the duo see down into its black abyss. Its maw was more like a beak really, entirely free of teeth. Apparently swallowing whole was its way to go. It continued to stare at them still for a solid minute as it just stood there. Its distended belly, which had showed the outline of its prey, grew smooth and began to shrink. Only then did it finally break eye contact as its body began to tremble and flex. And grow. Before their eyes, and with loud tearing and breaking noises, its body expanded in length, gaining almost an entire foot extra, and several inches in width. Its muscles swelled beneath its thick hide and a surprisingly horny sounding growl escaped its massive chest. The entire process took less than half a minute.

It almost seemed to grin as it looked back up at them. A second pair of amber eyes opened behind the first pair, and its maw was now very much filled with razor sharp teeth. It looked along the branch they sat on and then to the tree. It seemed to consider its chances... But then a roar in the distance drew its attention. It answered in kind, andanother roar followed it. This time it rushed into its direction, probably to answer it in person.

The two looked at each other in a moment of baffled silence.

"We need to get the fuck out of here.", Fox stated plainly and Wolf fervently nodded in agreement.

Fox clicked his tongue as his brows furrowed and he looked at Wolf. Whatever he wanted to say got lost however. "What the hell!?", The vulpine uttered in complete bewilderment as he stared at the canine's crotch and saw the monstrous tent his rival was sporting there. The fabric was absolutely soaked. "How in... how are...", He stammered and blushed furiously. For a moment Wolf wasn't sure what he referred to, until he looked down himself.

"Oh... yeah. That happens. I'm sure a grown man like you had an erection before, right?", Wolf laughed dryly. "It just... I get really excited during fights, okay? Thrill of the kill and all that." He dismissively tried to wave it off, but that remark had Fox recoil so hard that he nearly fell off the branch.

"What!? Does that mean that you had... were you hard while we were fighting earlier?", Fox asked perplexed.

Wolf certainly wouldn't have enjoyed being exposed like this by anyone else, but seeing Fox squirm like this now... Oh that felt good. That felt really good. Knowing that there was absolutely no one else around gave him a courage he probably wouldn't have had otherwise, and so he grabbed his dick through his pants and squeezed his hand around it, really showing off his length and girth in the process, while he leaned in towards the shirking vulpine.

"Like you wouldn't believe, Foxy. I haven't been soft since I saw you on my ship's scanner.", He put on the raunchiest voice he could manage, before he leaned back with a dirty laugh.

It wasn't exactly true. He had been pretty soft when he woke up after the crash, but he was probably still at a 90% uptime alright.

"Come on, shorty. Lets go find some shelter. Its starting to chafe. And who knows what would happen if we get into another life-and-death situation before then!", Wolf gloated.

Luckily for Fox, that was not the case, as they made their way through the jungle and towards the tremendous energy source. The noise of their crash had apparently only given a temporary break to what appeared to be the usual cacophony of the jungle. They were moving at a snails pace as activity was picking up all around them again. There was a roar or howl ever few minutes and the noise of a fight was all too common as well. At least once did they hear something that sounded like the discharge of a heavy energy weapon. They had tried to use their scanners to keep track of large nearby bioforms, but something about this area produced an ungodly amount of signal noise, which rendered the scanner practically useless in that regard. All they were useful for was to serve as compass, as a limited mapping tool, a guide to their destination... and a flashlight. The latter function was very useful when they found a small cave, as it was just deep enough to become utterly pitch black towards the back of it. It was rought and damp, but at least there were no nasty surprises within it. It was just big enough to park a folded Arwing in. Or that first beast which they only barely laid low. Neither of them wasted a thought to worry about that.

"This will do for now, I'd say.", Wolf spoke and nodded after he had given it a cursory look. Fox crossed his arms and let out a little sigh. "Now we just need to find something to obscure the entrance with and use as some kinda bedding. Lets have a look around at what we can find.", Fox suggested and rolled his shoulders.

Finding something in a jungle wasn't particularly difficult. Finding something useful however was. Besides after the ordeal they had been through already, it was unsurprisingthat fatigue caught up with them. Both bodily and emotional. Hunger and thirst were also starting to set in.

The thoughts of food crept into Wolf's mind and he cursed himself for losing his rations. He stared at Fox's backpack with hunger in his eyes, but he tore himself away with a deep breath. A breath which left his nose twitching. There was something on the wind that smelled absolutely excellent.

Before he knew it, he found himself following this scent and within short order, just behind a few trees, he came across a large bush with the most delectable looking fruit he had seen in... quite a while. Admittedly, Wolf is a carnivore, but he was hungry and more than willing to overlook it as he approached the bush with its massive fruits. It was like a really fat pear, or a butternut squash, and it seemed to glow even.

"Wolf? Wolf where did you go?", Fox called from far far away.

Wolf barely registered it. He just had to try this fruit. A quick bite would do. His arms reached up for it.

"Wolf! Are you crazy just walkin- fuck, look out!", Fox shouted and with an incredibly fast and fluid move had not only pulled out his gun, but brought it up and fired already. The loud snap of the blaster broke whatever spell had befallen the canine. A loud howling screech followed as the energy bolt seared through the vine holding the fruit, which split open as it fell and revealed that it was actually some kind of horrible mouth thing. Foul reeking blood sprayed all over Wolf, and adrenaline shot through his limbs as he felt the cold shiver of mortal danger run up his spine. Instinctively he dive rolled away from the villainous shrubbery and in a similarly fluid motion to Fox came back up with gun in hand.

He was left wide eyed for a second, before he opened fire.

The tree was not in fact a tree at all. It was some kind of burrowing creature, which now launched itself out of its hiding hole. It was like a hairy version of these monsters they had already encountered. The vines with the fruits were in fact some kind of tentacles. No doubt it worked like angler-fish deep in the sea. Wolf realized that much ofwhat he had been smelling was in fact carrion. Though at least rather than fight them, it turned tail and ran for it. It swiftly disappeared between the trees and the underbrush with a stunning agility for a beast this big.

A few seconds later, wolf also realized that he had that thing's blood all over him, including his mouth. He retched and coughed, spat out again and again and tried to wipe it off his muzzle only for him to rub dirt all over his face.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck! Disgusting!", He snarled in-between the spitting.

"Yeah, you're welcome.", Fox snickered as he did a quick spin to survey the surroundings to make sure the thing wouldn't come at them from behind again. "That's two now."

"Sure, I'll get you an award if we survive. Don't expect me to keep score.", Wolf snarled, but he would absolutely keep tabs, despite what he said.

"I guess we should find some sort of flowing water so you can wash yourself at least.", Fox remarked after a brief moment of smug grinning.

They found what seemed to be a small river and spent almost half an hour making sure that the water hid no unwelcome surprises, from the seemingly ever present predators to the more inconspicuous stuff like the reveal that this was not in fact water. After briefly analyzing the water however, it was most definitely just that. There were a few unknown contaminants, but nothing that should be a problem. They got immunoboosters for a reason after all, as living in space had a way to let it go slack otherwise.

"Do you mind?", Wolf asked as he looked to Fox. The vulpine looked back with a raised brow.

"Oh? You never struck me as the shy kind... especially after what you did there earlier on the tree.", Fox smirked as he looked up at the canine, who glowered back at him."No. I just want to save you the inferiority complex.", Wolf snarled back and unzipped his leather jacket, quickly followed by his shirt.

Fox was left a speechless. He knew that Wolf was a pretty strong. Stronger than him for sure. But he had never actually seen Wolf without a shirt. The first thing that jumped to attention were all the scars. His chest and shoulders were covered in them. Some seemed to come from burns, others from cuts. Fox knew that modern medicine could have easily done away with these. Wolf had chosen to keep them. The next noteworthy thing was of course his musculature. His rival had a hard cut eight pack, firmly pronounced pectorals and thick, well developed biceps. He had a body that was just shy of going into proper bodybuilder territory. Fox had to clench his eyes shut for a second to tear his gaze away from those chest muscles. He had felt an incredible desire to grope them. He quickly thought back to Crystal and her supple curves, but instead the naked body of Falco pushed itself into his mind. He had seen the bird naked at least once. It was during a mission away from the Great Fox, in a community shower. A shudder ran through Fox as he opened his eyes again to banish those thoughts. He saw Wolf give him a dirty grin.

"Told ya, twerp. You can't handle how a real man looks.", Wolf chuckled as he turned away to kneel down next to the river and scrubbed the blood off his leather jacket.

"You wish. You're just afraid I'll make it a hat trick, before you get the chance.", Fox uttered, but there was too much time, too little conviction behind it as for Wolf to grace it with more than a scoffing snort.

Little more of note happened that day, other than Wolf spending a significant amount of time smelling of wet dog.

"I swear if I find out that you did something with my jacket...", Wolf did complain as he tugged on his jacket and growled.

"For the tenth time. I did nothing. Maybe it shrunk because it got wet? Did you ever wash that thing before?", Fox shot back.

"Shaddap.", Wolf snorted, but try as he might, he couldn't stop it from pinching into his armpits.

Things got a little dicier once night fell. The two had eaten their dinner, little more than a nutritional bar and drank some water, as they then sat in the cave and tried to get some shut eye as they sat across from each other. Except that they were wide awake and eyeing each other. Both of them practically had their pistols and knifes in their laps, if obscured by various means. Like Wolf using his jacket as a blanket, or Fox using his backpack in the same fashion.

"You know, you should get some sleep. I'm gonna take first watch.", Wolf offered with a toothy smirk.

"Oh no, you go ahead and sleep. Foxes see better during twilight. I know you wolves are more nocturnal.", Fox retorted instead.

They kept sitting like that for a while, but eventually sleep did catch up on both of them. The fatigue would not be denied, no matter how much they wanted otherwise. Even the horrible noises that continued unabated outside the cave didn't hold it off for long.

They awoke groaning and grunting. Bodies stiff and muscles sore, pretty much like you'd expect form sleeping propped up against a rough and cold cave wall. But they woke up at all, which was a massive plus already. "What the hell.", Wolf uttered in confusion as he tried to fit his jacket back on but failed. His arms already barely fit into the sleeves, but he absolutely couldn't get it closed over his chest. "Did it really shrink?"

"I-I think you're getting bigger...", Fox muttered instead as he looked at Wolf. His shirt had grown tight. His pectorals were well visible through the fabric, as were his abs, whereas before it had a bit of slack still. Same with his pants, which had been ratherformfitting already but now they seemed to bulge with what they tried to contain. Wolf gave him a blank stare at first, before he started to grin wide.

"Yeah, I've been working out, thanks for noticing!", He chortled a little, raised his arm and gave it a flex. He went wide eyed himself when he watched how his rising biceps caused the short sleeve of his shirt to start ripping audibly as the seams came apart.

"Oh... Oh wow. Yeah.", He muttered then, before he grinned wide again. "Explains why everything is feeling so tight."

"Y-yeah, I can see it too.", Fox stammered a little as he looked down at Wolf's crotch.

His thighs weren't the only thing stretching them out. The sheer size of what it tried to hold in was nothing short of obscene really and it had seemingly come out of nowhere to boot. Yesterday it took the canine's full mast boner for Fox to notice his endowments, and now he was pretty sure that Wolf was as flaccid as it got, and yet he could still see the outlines of his balls and sheath pressing out against the fabric.

"Do you like it?", Wolf asked with a soft growl as he put his hands on his hips and pushed his groin forward. The button which kept his pants closed looked about ready to explode off and Fox flinched back in reflex.

"W-what? What do you mean?", Fox asked with a furious blush as he tore his eyes from Wolf's crotch and looked up to his face.

He saw him give a wide toothy grin. A shudder ran through him as a sudden question surged through his mind. Were Wolf's fangs bigger? The changes seemed subtle and yet he couldn't shake the impression that the canine looked more... rugged.

"This.", Wolf spoke as he reached down with one hand grabbed his huge bulge. "Do you like it?"

"N-no! I hate it. I fucking hate you. Just because I made the offer first, and we're in this together doesn't mean I have forgiven you for anything.", Fox snapped a little too fast, a little too defensively.

"Sure.", Wolf drew it out long as he took a step closer towards Fox, his chest puffed out, his shirt, his pants, everything was straining to contain him. "The look you just gave me... you're not even looking at your Krystal like that. I didn't know you swing that way." He teased but then his eyes suddenly went wide as if struck by a sudden realization which actually made him flinch away.

"Shit, is that why you let me get away all the time? Are you into me? Like, do you hope that I'd one day mend my ways and join up with you and we'd become a thing?", Wolf asked with a remarkable honesty in his tone. Fox was squirming and stammered something along the lines of "Noo, its not like that. I just refuse to kill people." but Wolf wasn't hearing it as he gave a dirty chortle.

"Hey, man. I'm like really appreciative that this surprise field trip of ours managed to put our relationship into a new context, but I'm not into guys. However, if you want... I'd fuck your girlfriend in front of you if you like. You can beat one out to seeing my huge meat plow into her.", Wolf sneered with a horny growl.

He quickly realized that he had pushed it a little far though as Fox's face contorted in rage. What followed was almost too fast for the eye to follow as Fox grabbed his blaster and tried to point it at Wolf, but the larger canine already collided with him. Energy discharged, a cry of pain followed, then the broken blaster slipped from Fox's scorched hand and clattered to the ground. Wolf had pinned Fox's arms to the cave wall, but not without the vulpine loosing a shot. With the blaster pressed against the stone however, the energy had nowhere to go but back into the emitter, which saw the weapon's barrel explode.

"You better not want to try that again.", Wolf snarled at Fox as he tossed him to the ground. "I owe you for saving me twice, yes. But I will kill you if you turn on me".

Luckily they had those first aid kits to take care of the burns on Fox's hand, but the atmosphere remained tense. That they were down one gun didn't help their situation either.

"Give me yours.", Fox had demanded after they had finished their devastatingly bland breakfast.

"Keep dreaming, McCloud. You ain't getting my gun. It's your fault you lost yours.", Wolf stated matter of factly as he checked the fit of his belt. He had to slide back on the nooks. His waist had gotten a good bit thicker with muscle.

"What am I supposed to do if we get attacked by another monster? Go at it with a knife? I'm not a beefcake like you.", Fox shot back with a glare that could freeze water.

"Then just use those eyes of yours to keep spotting those beasts, and let the beefcake take care of them.", Wolf snickered.

They were back on their track towards the power source before long. Wolf let Fox take point, in no short part because he didn't trust the vulpine enough to have him in his back. Not while he still had a knife. He knew that Fox's morals normally were a little too high and haughty for him to be someone who'd shank someone, but these circumstances were far from normal.

Either way, it was evident that their comparatively diminutive size, given how huge all the animals they had seen here were so far, afforded them certain benefits in regards to staying under the radar. They made good headway and managed to march on several hours, which was only marred by small incidents here and there, before something major happened. One after another though.

It rapidly became evident that Wolf was still growing. Whatever had happened over night had not decided to spontaneously stop, but continued to progress slowly. It wasn't long before the wolf complained about his pants and started to undo them.

"W-wait what are you doing.", Fox muttered as he watched Wolf open the belt. The button and zipper of his pants strained incredibly under the pressure his bulge was putting on them.

"What does it look like? This is driving me crazy. Do you know how tight this is? Its pinching me everywhere, and if we get attacked, I don't wanna die because I ended up twisting my balls in this fucker.", He snarled at Fox, who recoiled again. He was sure of it now. Wolf's teeth were larger, more pronounced. His facial fur was longer as well. He looked shaggier, more beastly.

The vulpine didn't get the chance to object again before button and zipper came undone, and while the wolf did have underwear... it did absolutely nothing to obscure anything. In fact, it completely failed to contain his balls. His briefs were about as useful as a tanga, and only split his ballsack down the middle so one nut hung down the left leg, while the other went down the right. It did cover his sheath at least, but even so, Fox could see that Wolf's tip had left the sheath. Permanently apparently. Still it boggled his mind that his rival could be this hung. Those nuts were bigger than oranges already. Fox blushed furiously and said nothing, as he instead walked on.

During their march, Wolf kept losing more and more of his clothing. It wasn't long until the canine was practically naked. His boots were gone, so was his shirt, jacket and pants. He had only kept his belt which he had now slung around his leg for utility. His thighs were already thicker than his waist had been originally. Fox tried desperately not to look too much at Wolf, but even so, he could smell the other male. It was hard not to. Wolf's balls had only been growing bigger and bigger, just like the rest of him. He had been gaining height, muscle, everything. His fur was growing longer too, especially on his chest and shoulders, as well as his crotch. He was getting beastlier by the hour it seemed. His breathing also grew louder.

They were making good headway though. They were getting close enough that their scanners could actually tell them how much further it was. A mere thirty kilometers to go. They could have done that within a day if they actually had a proper path or even road tofollow, but given how many obstacles there were in the way, it was more likely that it would take another two or three days.

Days that were fraught with danger, just like this one.

"Something is following us.", Wolf rather suddenly declared with a snort.

Fuck, even his voice was getting deeper, Fox thought to himself and realized that those were the first words he had said in several hours to boot.

"How can you tell?", Fox asked as he slowed down to look behind him, but Wolf put a large hand onto his shoulder to stop him from that. Fox couldn't help but notice that his fingers had become... quite thick. And the claws that topped them off.

Can he even hold a blaster with those anymore, Fox mused quietly.

"Don't stop, or it will know. I can feel it. The hair on my neck is standing up. It has been watching us for the last... minutes.", Wolf explained with a growl in his voice and a bit of shuffling happened before Fox was suddenly presented with a blaster over his shoulder.

"Take it, shrimp. I'll split off. You're the smaller of us, which will make you the bait.", Wolf continued, and there was something in his voice that made it impossible to protest. Something incredibly dangerous. Not to mention that there was no time to argue anyway.

Fox took the blaster and Wolf broke off to the side. The vulpine glanced to the side and saw the canine in the corner of his eye. A little gasp left him. He turned his head more to look properly, but at that point Wolf had already vanished behind one of the massive trees.

Ambush the ambush. It was an ancient, but solid tactic. Which is why it is ancient in the first place, as it worked since time immemorial.

Except when it didn't.

Wolf had clearly misjudged their stalker. Either it considered him the better prey, or the greater danger to get rid off first. Fox could hear the breaking of branches, the violent rustling of shrubbery along with a roar and a howl of a far too familiar voice. He sprinted as fast as his legs could take him.

Mere seconds is all it took him and it was still almost too late. He opened fire before he even really saw what was happening and his shots impacted right into the flanks of the beast. It was about the size of a draft horse, except again an evident predator. A beast with wide shoulders and huge, large clawed front paws. Though it wasn't one of those black lizard-bugs. This one was some kinda dinosaur-wolf. Thick scaled covered arms and legs and much of the belly, while the back was graced with a gigantic mane which bristled at the shots. It turned its monstrous head towards Fox to roar at him for this rude interruption. The fox could already see Wolf's combat knife buried in its shoulder. The beast had the canine buried beneath him, pinned to the ground and had been mere heartbeats away from delivering the killing blow.

But this distraction was all it took for Wolf to free himself in the most vicious way possible, as he pulled himself up by the knife and used all the strength and momentum he could muster to bite right into the monster's exposed throat. His jaws opened frightfully wide and his enlarged teeth proudly demonstrated that they were not just for show. The beast howled out in pain as Wolf tore out a gigantic chunk of meat. Bright arterial blood sprayed forth as the creature pushed itself off the ground and made a pitiful attempt to stagger away and escape. Strength was rapidly leaving it however and it collapsed within seconds. Its eyes closed as it breathed its last.

"Hah! And there's the hat trick. Told ya I'd get- what the fuck man!?", Fox had gloated at first before he recoiled in horror and disgust. Wolf had not only swallowed the chunk of meat he had torn free but had lunged for the dead beast to devour yet more of it. Fox had to turn away from the sight and yet the sounds still saw him retching.

It took almost two solid minutes of tearing and messy gulping before Wolf decided he had enough. Fox had crawled his way around the tree and sat against it, his hands covering his ears. He flinched when the shadow of Wolf fell onto him. He looked up the canine, whose entire chest was covered in blood and fresh gashes. As was his face. Itdripped with glistening blood. Fox fell onto his side as he realized that Wolf presented him with a fist full of dripping meat.

"Want some too?", He asked with a casualness that left Fox almost breathless.

"The fuck is wrong with you!?", Fox exclaimed as he waved the offer of the wolf away.

"That thing would have eaten us if it won, but since we won, it felt only right that we'd eat it instead.", Wolf spoke with a jarring innocence, as if that was actually an okay thing to do. "Besides I was mighty hungry. You were actually starting to look pretty tasty too, but I would never eat you."

Fox was stunned. He was utterly lacking for words. He felt himself shiver as his eyes tried to find something else to look at, and yet he couldn't stare at anything but the drenched wolf before him. His eyes ended up glued to his chest. It was so large. His pectorals actually jutted forward now, and with each breath the canine took, it seemed like they grew a little larger. In fact, the more he paid attention to it, the more he noticed it. Wolf was actually visibly growing before his eyes. The muscles became even more pronounced and even larger. He already had been a bodybuilder this morning but now he was... Fox wasn't sure if muscles like this could be gained in a natural way anymore. His biceps was already almost as big as Fox's head. He had also grown from his original 1,82 to a solid 2 meters, more than that in fact, considering that he was growing right now. What was definitely bigger than Fox's head were Wolf's balls. And somehow, only now, did Fox notice Wolf's boner. His sheath had come free, his underwear unable to contain him at all anymore, and his massive red rocket throbbed before Fox's eyes. Wolf's fuck-rod was as wide as Fox's waist, and that didn't even count the knot at the base! It was long enough to cover his torso too.

"What the hell.", Fox uttered exasperated, before he shouted. "Get the fuck away from me, you monster!"

That actually seemed to leave Wolf a little hurt as he took a step back.

"What? Leave you? But we're a pack, aren't we? You and I, together? Wasn't that we agreed on?", He asked with a brutally deep voice that could only belong to a bruiser, and yet... his tone had something to it that gave Fox pause. He could hear the sorrow and longing in it.

"I... I...", Fox stammered and shook his head. "This is fucked up..." He slowly clambered to his feet. Even standing up straight saw him at about level with the wolf's navel. More than eye level with the pre-oozing dick.

"L-lets find a river and get you cleaned up, I guess.", He muttered and turned away from Wolf to focus on his scanner and get some kind of map read-out.

"So you don't want this?", Wolf asked and shook the meat at Fox again.

"No, I definitely don't want it. Thank you."

"Okay.", Wolf answered.

There was definitely something going on with his - former? - rival's mental faculties. Wolf had no idea anymore how to operate a scanner 'efficiently'. He also seemed to become increasingly carefree, though he wasn't sure if that was because of a growing stupidity, or a growing confidence in his own ability. He was certainly starting to look very powerful.

It was quite difficult for Fox to actually keep watch as Wolf washed himself. He found his gaze drifting back to the canine again and again. Even though his pelt was growing denser, it still failed to hide his incredible definition. He could watch muscles dance beneath Wolf's skin which he was pretty sure had no right to exist. His companion was still visibly growing, though it had slowed down now. Still, he now stood at two and a half meters tall, which meant that Fox was at best eye level with the massive sheath that Wolf was sporting now. He felt something weird in his gut looking at the huge male. It wasn't just because his obvious maleness was intimidating. Something about those muscles was just... It made his heart beat faster. His nipples had grown bigger and fattertoo and topped his gigantic pectorals which were arching noticeably forward to the point that his nips pointed down to the ground.

Wolf's forearms already were as thick as Fox's shoulders were wide. He could crush the vulpine's head in his elbow crease against that gigantic biceps of his. Fox could sit astride of Wolf's thighs and ride them like a horse. The same could be said for his dick. He could ride that thing like a bucking bronco.

"Why is he so fucking big.", Fox muttered through clenched teeth as he crossed his legs.

Why am I getting hard?! His mental voice yelled at him meanwhile.

Was it the smell? Now that he was wet, Wolf's reek was extreme. Fox honestly doubted that there was any kind of shampoo, any kind of scenting, that could overshadow this monstrous masculinity for longer than but a few minutes. The canine's ears twitched for a moment.

"Did you say something, Fox?", He asked as he looked up and turned to Fox, who inhaled sharply. Wolf's neck was so fat with muscle, he could barely turn his head properly, while the size of his back muscles made his traps press into the back of his head as he leaned forward. Though given how big his deltoids were, he could barely look over them. Wolf had to turn his entire torso just to look at Fox, who in turn got to see just how thick that chest really was. The pectorals alone were already so deep that Fox could have easily sat upon them. Hell, his shoulders were more than wide enough for Fox to comfortable sit on just one side of his head. He wondered if Wolf would continue to grow and become big enough for him to use those traps like a backrest.

"N-no. All good.", Fox nodded a little too fervently then.

"Ah, alright. Well, let me know if you need anything.", Wolf smirked and, either on purpose or out of some kind of reflex, flexed his muscles in an incredible display that pushed itself even through his fur.

The way he had those words had Fox squirm and seconds later not only made him realize that he was hard as rock, but also oozing like a leaking tap. He had to close and rub his eyes to make the images of Wolf's muzzle around his cock go away... or the ones where his muzzle was on Wolf's cock.

"Fuck.", Fox gasped.

Things got worse from there. Much worse. It was an almost supernatural timing that the moment they decided to rest for the day and find a shelter, a downright torrential downpour began. The sunlight that already barely made it to the ground through the canopy suddenly vanished altogether as dark clouds blackened the sky. It was as if a light switch had been flipped. With the rain came the cold. It was a change just as jarring as the lighting. It turned from pleasantly summerly to frigid winter-like within less than five seconds.

They found another cave rather swiftly at least, but unlike the previous one, this one was not vacant. It was home to several bat-like monstrosities. Each much much larger than their contemporary equivalents on Coneria. They were - rather rightfully - pretty upset over the sudden home invasion by the dynamic duo. The flashlight and low frequency pings of Fox's scanner however irritated and confused them enough for them to be easily dispatched by his canine companion, which luckily did solve another problem they were about to have.

Wolf's appetite had grown with his size, not to mention that he had become outright revolted by the smell, taste and texture of the nutri-bars.

Fox meanwhile could say the same about Wolf's chosen meal. At least the canine did agree to have it outside. The cave was already reeking enough of wild animal as it did. It baffled Fox that Wolf preferred to have it raw too, rather than have it cooked over a fire first. One which they made anyway to warm up as the vulpine had been drenched down to his underwear, and since his fur was much shorter, he was significantly more susceptible to cold and wetness than Wolf was now. He shook himself dry like the wild animal he seemed to slowly become.

Fox was pretty worried, but at the same time he already had so many worries on his mind that this one hardly managed to stand out.

"You're still shivering.", Wolf stated the obvious. Fox had huddled so close to the small fire they made that he was almost sitting in it. They hadn't exactly found much useable firewood, other than what little the animals had dragged in here to use for their own bedding.

"Well yeah, it is fucking cold.", Fox spoke, before he was suddenly grabbed by the massive canine and pulled into his lap.

Fox's heart stopped and he went so rigid as if rigor mortis had instantly set in. Then the moment passed and he blushed furiously as Wolf casually wrapped his arms around him. The vulpine was left wide eyed. Here he was, stranded on a hostile planet, huddled into a cave. In the lap of his sworn enemy who now practically cradled him as if he was a little child. With their size difference, that may as well have been true.

He couldn't deny that the warmth was really nice. Sure, Wolf was still wet, but so was he. At least he was incredibly warm. Especially down there. Between his legs. Fox sat right atop of Wolf's sheath. That damn thing had become so massive that he could actually sit on it. He could have done with a saddle maybe. He could feel it pulse softly against his ass, his taint. He felt his own balls rub over Wolf's crotch fur. His own sheath tingled with excitement. He bit his lower lip and turned his head away, only to bury his muzzle right against Wolf's huge biceps. His nose dug deep into the wet fur and he stiffened again as the smell jolted down his spine and made his sheath stir. Its opening slowly parted as his vulpine rod started to push out.

He mouthed a breathless "Noooo", as his body betrayed him. His hand reached down to grab his crotch, to try and push his shaft back into his sheath. In the motion however, two of his fingers got caught on the ring of Wolf's sheath and he tugged it open. A sudden twitch ran through the canine, a hiss escaped his chest, before he chuckled softly.

"Oh~", He muttered and his huge hand came down. It engulfed Fox's own. Engulfed his crotch, and part of his own sheath.

Fox tried to flinch back but only succeeded in burying the back of his head in the gigantic pectoral cleft the gray furred canine sported. He could hear, no, he could feel the huge male's heartbeat slowly quicken.

"Please do.", Wolf spoke as he grasped hold of Fox's hand and guided it down to his sheath. "You want to. I can smell it on you, Foxy. You want my smell to overpower yours. You want to be mine, don't you? All these years, no matter what I did. You just wanted me, us, together. Now we are.", His voice was so deep, so rumbly, it made Fox shudder with a delight he hadn't known before. Yes, deep down he craved this. This maleness. This power. He wanted this in his life. The irony didn't entirely escape him.

"N-no. I-I don't do this... Krystal wouldn't...", he stammered but Wolf's other paw came up and closed itself around Fox's mouth. He didn't trap him so much as that he just kept him from opening his maw proper. It was very gentle, all things considered.

His other hand meanwhile had brought Fox's hand down to his sheath and guided his fingers under the ring of his entrance. He could feel the hot slickness engulf his fingertips. The massive rod beneath was throbbing, slowly but surely sliding out of its confines, just like Fox's was. His boxers couldn't hold his growing erection.

"Krystal doesn't matter. She isn't here. It's just us two, pup. Nobody else. Just you, me and our desire. And neither I nor it will judge.", Wolf spoke, but Fox's mind had gotten hung up on 'pup'.

His cock couldn't get any harder. His pre spurted forward, landed on Wolf's cock as it grew and grew and grew out of his sheath. His fucking monster was as long and thick as his legs. Fitting, considering that his balls were becoming big enough that Fox could use them as beanbags. His sheath was getting pulled increasingly tight around the monster dick, to the point that it felt like it surrendered to being little more than all-natural cockring. He tugged on it with two fingers while his other digits ran along the girth of that monstrous red rocket.

"That's it, pup. Just enjoy.", Wolf churred and gave a little nibble to Fox's ear.

His resistance pretty much melted away to nothing. He enjoyed it. In fact, he really got into it. It wasn't long before he was full on stroking Wolf's mega cock. First with both hands, while he ground his dick over its top. Even a single vein on that monster was already as big, if not bigger, than Fox's own rod. Wolf's hands meanwhile were nothing but supportive, helping Fox into whatever position he wanted. It wasn't long before Fox was properly humping Wolf's cock with his entire body. He rubbed himself against the huge length, pressed its slimy body into his chest and all over him really. He fucked its hot surface with his own dick, before he eventually turned around to give attention to Wolf's sheath as well. The huge male had leaned back, his arms raised over his head, his gigantic chest pushed out. He was growing, of course, his body thickened with even more muscle, but there were also... other changes. More subtle ones. Wolf's gigantic lats were already looking like wings with how much they spread outwards, which made the fact that he was actually growing some kind of webbing that reached from his elbows and upper arms, all the way down his side and along most of his thigh. He was growing what was basically a wing-suit. His tail also grew and thickened, became less bushy and more reptilian, probably to help with navigation and stability. Though those changes were too subtle for Fox's laser guided focus to realize. He was staring at that monster of a sheath. His hands ran over the huge, bloated knot and slipped into the ring of flesh. He soon followed with his muzzle and licked the musky crotch sweat out from under there.

The taste sparked on his tongue and jolted all the way down his spine. His ass cramped and his back arched. His tail shot up, his anus bared with need. A low growl escaped Wolf and with a flex of his groin, his cock shot upwards to almost slap into his chest. His hands had lowered already to grab Fox's ass.

"Don't worry pup, daddy got ya.", He murmured with his deep, gravely voice.

Fox's eyes went wide when Wolf's maw engulfed his ass. He had heard of 'eating ass', but with their size difference, it allowed the huge male to take that very literally. It did not compare however to the stretch he received when Wolf forced his tongue into his tight ass. It was practically virgin, beyond that one time... the two times... okay, beyond those couple of times he let Krystal use a strap-on on him. None of it compared to this experience now however. Wolf's tongue lashed through his insides in ways that a rubberdick simply couldn't. Within but a few seconds, Fox tensed up and went cross eyed. A breathless squeak escaped him and his ass tried to clench. His dick bounced up and his balls drew tight. He gushed a load the likes of which he had never produced before. What he ended up gushing all over his chest and Wolf's dick could easily fill a big coffee mug, and yet it paled in comparison with that the wolf produced from sheer arousal alone. His pre was already so murky it could pass for cum and it just dripped dripped dripped nonstop. But Wolf wasn't done yet. He kept going, violating Fox further as he had a taste of 'his pup'. A low growl rolled through his chest, one of immense satisfaction.

He only realized several minutes later, by the time he was done, that Fox had fallen unconscious, which left him in a rather unfortunate blue-balled state. Though that was nothing he couldn't take care of by himself, he was a big boy after all. And so he carefully put Fox down to tend to it.

Fox awoke positively parched and a little overheated. He wondered who had turned on the heater, or if he had slept in a sauna. It took his brain a few moments to run warm, but once it did, he very quickly remembered the night before. How could he not? His ass was absolutely sore. It took him a little longer to realize where he was. Unexpected, but comfortable, weight rested on him, but the slow rising and lowering of what he laid on, alongside a deep rattling breathing gave it rather swiftly away.

He laid on Wolf's belly and one arm had covered him with... a wing? Fox was rather confused to find that membrane covering him. He was even more confused by how huge it was. Things became incredibly clear however once he had wiggled his way out of the embrace with the desperate desire to drink something.

Wolf had - unsurprisingly - grown over night, but Fox had not been ready for just how much he did. Or how much he would change. Weren't it for the smell, or the familiar gray fur, or the fact that he woke up in his embrace, he would have struggled to guess that this was Wolf.

First of, he was gigantic. He easily was the size of that first monster that had attacked them here first. Luckily this shelter was bigger than their previous one, otherwise he'd have trouble getting out of it. He had to be 5 meters tall! In fact, curiosity got thebetter of him and he went to grab his scanner, only to find that most of his stuff had disappeared beneath strong reeking white gunk. He had already pulled his backpack from it with a muffled "Ergh!" before his mind correlated the evidence and his eyes went wide as he looked around.

"You gotta be kidding.", Fox uttered and blinked repeatedly. That stuff was everywhere. Even on the ceiling! If it was all scraped together, it could have easily filled several bathtubs, and it was so thick and dense! And he had it on his hand now! He tried to fling it off, but found it to be as sticky as glue.

"I hope my gear is still fine...", He mused out loud as he inspected the contents of his backpack, which seemed largely fine. He grabbed a bottle of water and the scanner, and turned is attention to the still sleeping Wolf.

Even though that name hardly seemed appropriate anymore.

The scanner only reported an 'unidentified lifeform', even after Fox fed it some of Wolf's cum for analysis. Whatever happened to him had scrambled his DNA so hard that the machine couldn't recognize him as Wolf O'Donnell anymore. It also showed his size to be 5 meters, 86 centimeters and 5 millimeter, which flickered between 5 and 6 for a few seconds, before it remained at 6. Wolf was more than three times as tall as Fox was. The vulpine might be eye level with Wolf's knees if he was standing.

"And still growing, eh?", Fox sighed as he stared at the canine's weight, blinked a few times, shook the scanner and proceeded to scan some random rock, before he pointed it back at Wolf.

"That can't be right.", He uttered in disbelief as he looked at the weight of 31 metric tons. 31,455 kilograms to be more precise. That put him well into the weight category of an armored vehicle. Even the Arwing was lighter than that. The wildest part was what happened behind the decimal points. His weight was slowly climbing.

Was he somehow conjuring mass out of nowhere? Slippy might have had an answer for Fox, but he wasn't here. But then again, nothing of the rest here made sense either.

Wolf had clearly developed reptilian traits. His tail was huge and covered in light blue scales, and ended in somewhat rudder like fins. He had grown these strange wings between his arms and legs, which had also grown scaled towards forearms and calves. Upon closer examination, Fox realized Wolf's hands had actually become more like paws proper, with thick, short digits, tipped with vicious claws.

His chest was massive. Even lying on his back it was as deep as Fox was tall and then some, and it was positively overflowing with muscle. The size of his abs made him look fat, even though there barely seemed to be a shred of it on his body. His limbs were packed with muscle that drew his skin so tight that his every movement made his hide creak. His hair had grown out of control, to the point that he was sporting an actual shaggy mane that covered his head and neck and ran down his spine. It was eerily similar to that ambush predator really. And then it occurred to Fox that these wings were pretty much the same as those bat monsters had possessed. Was Wolf somehow absorbing their traits?

A bellowing snort escaped Wolf and life came into his body proper. His limbs began to move about as his eyes opened with a "Huah!?" on his lips. He rolled onto his side, towards Fox, and a loud, meaty smack drew attention to the thing Fox had so far desperately tried to look away from.

Wolf's genitals were stupendously huge. Unnecessarily big and utterly massive. Even one of his testicles, smooshed to the ground by his groin, was big enough that Fox could have stood inside of it. The sheath meanwhile was very much of similar proportion. The barrel of it already reached Wolf's navel, halfway across his ten pack of hard abdominals, while it was stretched open by the monstrous cock it tried to hide within. Even if he stretched his arms as far as he could, he would not be able to reach even the median of its circumference hugging it.

Fox could feel Wolf's gaze rest on him and without even uttering a word, his leg raised expectantly. His huge - it really was goddamn huge, but so was everything else about Wolf - paw smacked into the roof of the cave as he braced himself.

"Hrrruuufff.", escaped Wolf's maw with a needy whine, which left Fox a little perplexed. His body twitched with an instinctual desire to touch the sheath, to rub it, tostroke and worship it. He felt his loins stir with rekindled morning arousal, but his mind wasn't quite as easily swayed, though it was damn close.

"Morning Wolf, slept well?", He asked instead, trying to take the conversation elsewhere, his gaze went to the side and saw all the canine cum that had coated half of the cave.

"I see you took good care of yourself already."

"Hrrfff yarp.", Wolf answered with a nod. His voice was hoarse, guttural and incredibly strained sounding. "Was... goooood. Lasted... loooong." A sage nod followed from his large shaggy maned head.

The corner of Fox's mouth twitched a little as he stared at the canine. Then he clicked his tongue and licked his lips. "Good! Glad to hear that... You are having trouble talking, don't you?", He asked but dreaded the possible answer. Rival or not, he didn't exactly enjoy the idea of seeing Wolf turn into little more than a feral beast.

Especially if there was the chance that this beast would end up turning on him at the worst possible moment. Wolf rolled his jaw for a moment, which made Fox realize that even his cheeks were visibly muscular now. "Yeeh, harrrd to... taaaalk.", The massive monster canine answered. "Buut feeeelss goooood. Reaaalll good. Puup liikes how daad looks, yess?" He asked in turn and gave a toothy grin at Fox. His fangs had grown so huge they poked out between his lips even when he closed his mouth. In fact, Fox struggled to imagine that Wolf could even close his mouth properly at this point.

"Y-yeah. I-I do. You really look... Great. Powerful. Intimidating.", Fox nodded and squirmed a little.

He was still naked and his erection was blatantly visible. There was no hiding it. Not to mention that Wolf could probably smell it even if he tried to. He really meant what he said. Strange as he might look, the power he exuded from every pore was very real. He doubted that there was anything build by mortal hands that could pose an obstacle tohim for long. Those claws Wolf sported could probably peel open a tank in rather short order.

"Gooood. Dad wants puup to be powerrrfull too. Big paack, strrrrrong pack.", The canine growled lustfully and stretched his neck. Fox could hear the creaking of his hide and musculature.

"W-wait, you want me to...?", Fox shook his head in disbelief. His mind immediately rushed back to the Great Fox and everyone on there. He couldn't reconcile that life with... looking like this. And yet... And yet he could feel that yearning in his gut. He didn't know what it was or where it even came from.

Wolf however saw the hesitation and slowly bared his teeth. His leg came down again with such momentum that he used it to get up. The entire cave shook a little as he rose onto his four massive paws. He arched his back a little to make himself appear even larger, or because the sheer size of his sheath demanded that much space, either way his back scraped over the ceiling of their shelter. Wolf loomed over Fox, even standing on all fours.

"Yesss, grrrroow. Chaaange. Pack must be strrrrooong. Must be in charrrrge. Must be at the top. Biggest, most strrrrongest predatorrrrs.", Wolf growled, though it was hard to tell if that was in anger or if that was just how his voice was now. A paw reached for Fox with a speed and dexterity startling for such a stupendous juggernaut. He looked like he should barely be able to move his arms in the first place.

The thought of trying to run only came to mind when it was already too late. Besides, where was he supposed to go anyway? Out there into the jungle? Naked and alone? With no real direction to go other than 'away'? He might as well get eaten by Wolf right now then.

However that was not the megabeast's intention. Fox found himself cradled to the gigantic chest of the mutant. He could practically vanish into the pectoral cleft. How Wolf even managed to bend his arm enough to put him there was a mystery, but the sheer overpowering masculine stench that filled his nostrils wiped away almost all logical thinking as rabid lust muscled its way into his mind.

"Daddy and pup. Alpha and Omega. Top of the food chain.", Wolf snarled with a surprising clarity now as he rubbed Fox against his front. The vulpine was slowly losing himself. The heat, the smell, the sound of Wolf's words. Fox didn't care for power. He didn't want to be huge. He had been the hero for so many and for so long. It was exhausting. For once in his life, he wanted to have a hero. He wanted someone to protect and take care of him. Again, the irony was not entirely lost on Fox, that the one who took his father from him was now about to replace that very figure in his life.

Fox licked over Wolf's chest and suckled on his fur. The salty taste of his sweat burned on his tongue and a sort of madness overcame him.

Their was no guidance, no direction. Only incredible lust now. Fox rubbed himself against Wolf, pressed himself into his muscles, explored his vast body with his hands, felt every crevice and nook he could.

He had no idea how it happened, or how long it took, but at some point during his lust-addled exploration, he found himself on Wolf's sheath. The gigantic, massive barrel beckoned to him. His arms slid in past the hot, heavy flesh and over the cock within. It had slowly been growing, freeing itself with the wolf-monster's growing arousal, but most of it still was in there. Fox decided to join it. Their size difference allowed it. Wolf was already more than three times Fox's size after all, and on top of that he sported genitals that would have been more fitting for a beast three times his own size again. Fox's feet pushed their way in past the opening. The warmth was incredible. The noises Wolf made in response only spurred Fox on even further. Low growls of pleasure, twitches of gigantic musculature, and the heavy throbbing of that massive prick. Within a minute, Fox had wiggled himself into Wolf's sheath and pressed against the gigantic dick. He was soaking wet with a mix of the canine's pre and sweat. He could feel it tingle against his skin as he licked and worshipped Wolf's enormous cock. The taste invading his taste buds was nothing short of divine perfection.

His daddy's member swelled with rapidly mounting arousal, grew and expanded out of his sheath, slid his way past Fox, who soon found himself sealed within the rapidly tightening sheath as Wolf's knot pressed down on him and smothered him into the canine's groin. He could barely breath with that weight upon him, and what he could drawin was so chokeful of the canine's powerful musk that it made Fox drunk with lust. He humped and ground himself light headed as Wolf masturbated and - from the sounds of it - sucked himself off with a voracious gusto.

Fox splattered his seed all over the canine's massive knot, as his consciousness slowly faded again. Just in time for him to experience his daddy's tension and rippling musculature as his groin flexed in orgasm. His howl muted from the dick stuffed so deep into his maw. Fox felt a wet warmth engulf him before he drifted off into another dreamless sleep.

A loud wet smack awoke him, and he did so feeling battered in a way he hadn't felt in quite a long while. Not since the events on Sauria anyway. He blinked the stickiness from his eyes and smacked his lips. His head slowly rose as he tried to gain an idea of his surroundings. He felt oddly heavy and sticky, and a look down made him rather quickly realize that he was covered head to toe in white gunk. A second later his brain had built enough steam to actually associate what he saw with things. He was covered in Wolf's cum like it was a blanket. It wasn't just a little to coat his fur, oh no. It was a veritable mound heaped upon him. Almost like a cocoon of cum. It was heavy enough that he actually had to work for it to raise his arms out of it.

He also quickly found the source of the wet smack, which had continued with terrible tearing and chewing sounds. He could see Wolf outside the cave's entrance, digging into some beast he must have bested and brought here while Fox was out of it. He was tearing huge chunks of meat with ferocious hunger, which only made Fox himself feel all the hungrier for it too.

It took him a few minutes to free himself of the cum layer, but even so it remained so thick in his fur that he was practically white now. He staggered his way out into the relatively bright outside and was promptly greeted by Wolf who pushed the carcass into his direction. The monster he had bagged was eerily similar to the first monster they had encountered, save for some subtle differences here and there.

But more important were the continued changes to Wolf. His belly was huge and swollen, smothering his raging erection into the dirt below. It wasn't fat, far from it. His stomach was bloated with what appeared to be life prey as some monster tried to escapein futility, and yet Fox hardly believed that this was the only monster he had consumed so far. Just how long had he been out?

Long enough for Wolf to grow even more gigantic. He was so huge now that he couldn't possibly fit into the cave anymore. Even on all fours, he was more than twice as tall as Fox was. The scales had grown up to his shoulders and haunches, where they had become large armored plates, and Wolf's face had changed too. His lower jaw had grown to be almost shovel like in size. The lower fangs had become large tusks, each of which was easily half the size of Fox. The stink that was rolling off of him kept Fox's mind strangely subdued.

"Eeeaaaaattttt.", His dad growled, though it wasn't even really a word anymore, other than a guttural exhalation of air. Some civilized, but by now rather muted, part of his mind was utterly revolted to find that Fox actually obeyed. He ate. He ate his fill, ate till he wasn't hungry anymore and then some more. Once he was done, he staggered back and fell onto his rear. Wolf had been watching intently. His belly had fallen still in the meantime and with almost perfect timing - now that Fox's attention wasn't occupied anymore - his gut shrank with thunderous gurgling.

He arched his back as if in pain as tremors ran through his body. His front paws dug into the ground, his claws had grown into veritable rending blades. Loud crunching of bone followed as his body rapidly elongated and large spines with glowing tips erupted from his back. His torso in particular lengthened as muscles beneath his skin twisted and contorted, in order to rapidly reshape itself for what was to come. It was a worrying sight and noise, but before Fox really could process it fully, a second pair of fore limbs erupted out of Wolf's side, just barely far enough from the first pair to allow it the range of motion it needed. The giant beast's back arched the other way as he raised his chest and thrust his hips forward, while his head raised in a loud echoing howl.

Fox's eyes went wide when he saw his daddy's dick in full. It too had changed, as its tip now sported barbs and thick ridges ran along its burgeoning length. The cock started to tremble and bounce violently, before it split into two, giving the gigantic canine twice the equipment. Both in his sheath and in his sack, as it filled with a second pair of nuts to supply the batter for his cannons, which promptly unloaded with such tremendous force as to allow the two beams of cum to shear the bark off of one of the massive trees.

The howl barely still echoed and neither had his climax finished when Wolf's jaws already opened monstrously wide in freakish display, and his head came down to start and swallow the carcass of the defeated monster in fashion all too similar what the other spined beast had done back when they arrived here. Loud scarfing and gulping, wet swallowing and snorting filled the air, and yet it was over within the minute. The monster had vanished into the canine mutant's belly, to stew away and add even more to Wolf.

Indeed, he looked expectantly at Fox, just in time for a pair of bull-like forward facing horns to grow from behind his ears, and for a second pair of eyes to open right behind the first. There was still a frightful amount of intelligence in these eyes, even if it was entirely bestial in nature.

Fox rather quickly learned that just how bestial it really was, as Wolf was all but incapable of speech now, though at least he still understood what Fox said. Perhaps there was even a recollection of what their original plan had been. The vulpine knew that he was on borrowed time now. He had eaten so much, he would become a glorious monster like his dad soon as well. But before that happened, he wanted to take care of whatever it was that had shot them down in the first place. He owed that much to his friends.

He grabbed what gear was still usable, including the scanner, and climbed on Wolf's back. For someone of his diminutive size, between the long fur and the spines, there was plenty for him to hold on to. And with Wolf's gigantic size and monstrous power, the distance to their goal melted away. What would have been a journey of two more days on foot took them a little more than an hour at best. Obstacles that would have been insurmountable before fell before Wolf's immense might, or simply were no obstacles in the first place. Even a seemingly sheer cliff provided no challenge to the mutant as his claws and strength saw him practically dig his own climbing holds.

When they happened upon it, it came as a surprise. From one moment to the next, the jungle just ended. There was a hard cut, where the vegetation, in its totality, simply ceased. There were no trees, no underbrush, not even grass of any kind. A one kilometer long stretch of no-mans-land laid before them.

At the end of which laid their destination. It was in the center of a seemingly perfect ring of this perfectly open land.

There was not a single doubt in Fox's mind that this thing was what shot them down. It was an absolutely gigantic laser-cannon for crying out loud. He knew surface-to-orbit weaponry when he saw it, though he rarely saw them this big. The thing was practically a skyscraper in size, and he had already seen what it could do. There was no doubt that this thing would shoot down the Great Fox without any issue. A nimble arwing would be able to evade the beam with relative ease, but his homebase was far from that maneuverable. It could take a beating, sure, but not of this magnitude.

"We have to destroy it somehow... or deactivate it at least.", Fox stated and patted Wolf's massive neck. He could feel his Alpha grow and growl beneath him. He agreed.

"Lets go.", He spoke and Wolf rushed forward.

Rarely had he felt this exposed. All the hairs on his neck stood up. He could feel the tension in the giant as well. There was a countless number of eyes on them right now, judging if they were worth the trouble of not. Not to mention that a battle out here would no doubt attract even more would-be scavengers hoping to score easy meals and further their own mutations. They were in a veritable mine-field. Luckily it didn't turn out to be a literal one.

They reached the cannon without incident, but there was no obvious way in. On one side, large letters were embossed into the otherwise perfectly timeless material. It had been untouched by time or the elements. One was a half moon, which opened towards what looked like a pillar. As they lingered, a horrible droning noise erupted from the machine, followed by bellowed utterances that could have passed for a language of some kind. And it was. Fox didn't know how, but the words suddenly made sense, if with an irritating amount of delay between when they were spoken and when their meaning became clear.

"Infection detected. Quarantine protocols remain in effect. Have a pleasant and productive day.", The machine blurted in its weird garbled language.

"Quarantine? I... I guess that makes sense? Fuck. I need some time to think.", Fox muttered and shook his head, but right now he came up blank. Save for those ... letters? There was nothing on this thing that could be used as a point of attack. It was perfectly smooth. He had no explosives to damage it with. He had nothing other than the raw power of his Alpha. A grin spread across his muzzle.

"Come on, daddy. Show me how strong you are and break it.", He teased the canine beneath him, who let out a growl and grinned across his monstrous muzzle. He lunged at the tower. His paws slammed into the smooth metal which screeched in protest as it bent beneath his power. Within seconds, Wolf found enough purchase to begin an ascent upwards, to get to the actually delicate parts of the cannon that should be easily destroyed.

"Damage detected. Engaging proximity defense system.", The machine droned and even while it still said that, both Wolf and Fox roared and screamed out as unspeakable pain surged through their bodies. Muscles spasmed, grips released, both of them fell.

For the third time in what was probably less than a full day, Fox lost consciousness.

He regained it but changed irrevocably. His head shot up. He was in a shelter. Good. He didn't hurt. Also good. He smelled his Alpha. That was very good. In fact his Alpha was close by. That wasn't close enough however. He rose to all fours, which already felt a little odd. Has it always been like this? He faintly remembered that the answer should be no. He looked along his strong paws and over his muscular limbs. Down his thick chest. His muzzle got caught between his own pectorals as he tried to look down his front. But even with his huge slabs of meat in the way, he could still see his burgeoning sheath. That was good. He was a good male. Not as good as his Alpha, but that was fine. He was his Omega after all. Part of his pack.

The Alpha had dug a cave in the vicinity of the big metal thing. The... ka-non? He knew it was dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. But everything else knew that as well.

Making lair here was a display of utter dominance. His Alpha showed everyone else that he was not afraid of anything. That he was the biggest, baddest thing around. And he was right.

The two would, just like his Alpha had promised, dominate the food chain. They preyed upon everything and everyone. There was no beast that they could not overcome together, for they had an uncanny teamwork on their side. The Alpha's raw power, paired with the Omega's agility and cunning. The Alpha of course had first pickings, but more often than not, he gave that honor to his Omega. Still, the Alpha ate so much more than the Omega ever could. He grew with leaps and bounds, and while his Omega did his best to keep up, the reality was that the gap in size between the two grew by the day. The Omega liked this. It gave him more Alpha after all, and he loved his Alpha, just like how his Alpha loved him. The vulpine loved to groom his Alpha. Especially his genitals. Just like the Alpha had an ever expanding cave besides the shining thing, the Omega had an ever growing cave within his partner's sheath.

By the time two weeks had passed, neither of them were at all recognizable anymore as what they had been originally. In his constant, ongoing evolution, Wolf had absorbed and discarded so many traits that he could only be considered a horrifying chimera. A genetic abomination, which yet overflowed with purpose and power. His many limbs were brimming with strength. Massive, muscular tentacles ending in voracious maws helped him eat even the smaller prey. His body glowed with energy as he had developed an all natural bio-plasma reactor within himself which was necessary for him to even remotely fill the energy requirements that his more than a hundred meter - at the shoulder - tall body demanded. He was a walking terraformer. The land was reshaped in his wake, as he easily uprooted the gigantic trees by just bumping into them, while his immense genitals dug deep trenches and his seed created new lakes.

Fox by comparison was but a little more than a tenth of Wolf's size with fifteen meters, but he too was rich in traits that ensured his survival. His fur had gained a reflexive coating that bend the light around his body, allowing him to practically turn invisible. Even though the fact remained that he was a three story house in size. He too had tentacles, though they functioned more like grappling hook, as they aided him in climbing and stimulating his glorious Alpha.

They had one of their resting phases in their lair when a horrible noise disturbed them. On investigation they found it to be the shiny thing. Its top had begun to spin with terrible grating and creaking as it pointed to a new part of the sky.

"Unknown vessel approaching. Calculating vector.", It blurted with its horrible non-language that resonated through their minds even when any concept of spoken language had long left their minds.

"Landing vector confirmed. Engaging Quarantine enforcement protocol.", It seemed to scream, but the noise actually came from the tube at the very top, which had started to spin and glow with energy. The Omega's many eyes went wide as memories of a previous life suddenly flooded back into his mind. Plans and promises made which he would never be able to live up to now. A sudden deep sorrow filled him. Followed by determination.

He urged his Alpha to destroy the horrible thing. To finally establish his dominance for all to see. To proof that he was the absolute Apex. The king of this world.

It was pretty easy really. After all, the glowing thing was challenging the Alpha on his most prized ability it seemed.

The Alpha rose to his rear legs, his gigantic tail bracing against the ground to stabilize him as he reared up to his three hundred meters of height. The bio-luminescence along his limbs and spines started to glow more intensely as he gathered the power of his bio-plasma. His throat glowed with an eerie green light and the stench of ozone wafted from his throat, alongside the horrible screech of rapidly incinerating air.

Wolf's chest had practically doubled in girth following this inhale, and when he exhaled, a beam of blinding green energy burst forth from his throat and impacted the spinning tube with terrible force.

"Damage detected. Engaging proximity defense-", The machine screamed through the noise of melting metal and discharging energy. The tube spun out of control and fell away, justas it discharged its own beam of crackling power. But rather than going skyward, it seared a swath of destruction through the forest and all the way to the horizon. The beam it fired could not even remotely live up to what Wolf produced in exchange as his own plasma just kept going and he used it to slowly melt down the entire thing until it was little more than a pool of shining metal.

The Omega wasn't entirely sure what they had just done, but he knew that it was important. He knew that it had been the right thing. He had saved someone. Someone who was almost as important to him as his Alpha.

And while he had saved team Star Fox from the orbital defense system, who could tell if they would be able to save him and his partner. Or if Star Fox would need saving from them.