The Frozen Apple (2/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In the middle of a cold snap that has gripped the city two unlikely friends find refuge in a basement of an old building that has a hidden heat source, though what they don't realize is that there is fare more buried in the old electronics store than meets the eye.

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Ari only blinked for a few seconds before he realized that falling asleep while naked in the bean bag chair of someone he had only started hanging around with yesterday was not a great idea, rousing himself to a more awakened state by attempting to sit up. It was harder than he had first imagined however and as he tried to move the stuffing inside to support a position he only found himself falling back until he was almost completely lying down. He flailed about for a few more seconds before finally giving up the ghost and laying there, sighing loudly as he did. As he let the bean bag take him he heard a chuckle from next to him and managed to lift himself up enough to see the head of Hampton poking up from his own bean bag chair and looking at him.

"Looks like you're finally stopping the fight against the relaxation," Hampton stated.

"Not like it's giving me much of a damn choice," Ari said back as he continued to shift in it.

"It's just trying to tell you to give in to your needs," Hampton said. "Right now you just need some time to sit and think about things, and given that there's really not much else that one can do in the current situation there's no better time than the present."

Ari scoffed at that and just shook his head, though he did end up just laying back. "Speaking of doing things, is there something else that you brought down besides this television that we can do?" Ari asked. "Not that I mind the current movie selection but I'm kind of hoping you have a console or something we can play something on, at least something that won't explode when we plug it in."

"You want to do a little co-op?" Hampton asked, Ari hearing the smirk on his face. "Well I can think of a few things that we can do in real life together."

Even though Ari heard the words and the context they were spoken in he found himself second-guessing what he had just heard. Did Hampton really proposition him just like that? If that was the case then perhaps he was wrong about him, his assumption was just based on the magazines that he had found. Those could have been there before, or he could play for both teams, and as he thought back to it perhaps he had fully intended to show off during his shower so that he could see if he looked. If that was the case... Ari could feel the lust inside of him stir once more despite having taken care of it only a few minutes ago.

But as he tried to get up and ask Hampton if he was serious he continued to find himself unable to get out of the bean bag chair, and it seemed to have gotten even bigger while he sat in it. "What is going on with this fucking thing?" Ari said as he tried to roll off of it, only to have himself slide back to the middle. "You filling it with air or something?"

"Hmmm, you must just not want it bad enough," Hampton's voice said in an almost mocking tone. "If you were really interested in finding out what you wanted then you would get out of that bean bag chair. If it's not though you can just stay there and we can chill..."

That was not an answer that Ari wanted to hear as he found himself turning around several times in the bean bag, and by this point his naked body rolling around against the smooth leather with the potential possibility of sex had made him rock hard once more. He needed to get out of this bag, he thought as he looked up at the edge of it, and he was willing to do whatever it took to do so. As his mind raced to think of how to do it he wished that he had some sort of knife or something to just stab this thing and deflate it, but even if he had his clothes on he wouldn't have anything like that. But just as he tried to climb up the sides again he felt his toes sink into the leather and felt the gooey insides of the bean bag chair leak out.

Claws... that's what he saw when he looked back to see what had just happened. As he laid there on his stomach he could feel the chair finally starting to deflate and he willed more to expidite the process. He let out a grunt as he felt the nails on his fingers lengthen, forming into black claws that shredded through the material and caused him to finally escape. By this point he was panting and growling as the goo on his skin caused it to tingle and saw that the areas where it was on him had started to grow patches of fur. None of that mattered to him at the moment though, the only thing Ari could do was go over to the other bean bag chair where Hampton was also sitting there naked.

"Looks like you finally got the will," Hampton said as he turned over, exposing his bare butt in the air. "Time to get the reward."

In the back of Ari's mind he couldn't believe what was happening, and with his focus on the male enticing him forward he found himself licking his lips as he practically fell into the bean bag on top of him. The feeling of the human's soft flesh against his skin felt divine and his already fully erect cock seemed to grow longer as deep black fur spread over his body. With the goo already covering his crotch he found it easier to slide the head of his cock inside, feeling the male underneath him squirm slightly from the insertion as he let out a gasp. As Ari wrapped an arm around his chest and pressed a clawed hand against the thigh of Hampton he let out a groan himself, not only because he was sinking the sensitive shaft of his cock into the tight hole beneath him but also because he felt his arms start to thicken.

As the fur spread down Ari's arm, gaining white stripes as it did, the rational part of his mind kicked in. Even with his hips sinking down lower and feeling the tight walls clamp around it he suddenly became aware that his body was growing, his bones popping and muscles lengthening as he started growing larger. There was no pain, in fact if anything it only caused more surges of the euphoric high he was riding as his biceps bulged and his forearms swelled with new growth. He could also start to feel his spine stretching and as it began to push beyond his tailbone he let out a groan that got lower with each second.

"Ngghh, fuck!" Ari said as his back muscles twitched with growth, making it hard for him to not just drop completely down and impale the guy groaning beneath him. "Something's... happening... torrghhhrrrr..."

His last words became garbled as his teeth began to push out, his entire face following suit as his body began to quiver. He could feel his new toes flexing as they became large paws that were twice as big as his own feet, each furry toe tipped with a claw as his cock continued to mutate while still sliding inside of Hampton's butt. Even though his body was changing and his muscles were growing Ari couldn't stop thrusting, the bean bag chair ripping beneath them as he began to feel his hair lengthen and fall down over his eyes as he thrusted deep into the male below. Even when he found he could talk again the only thing that came out of his mouth were growls and snarling as something pushed its way out of his backside.

As Ari was about to cum he suddenly began to feel something pushing out of his body, mainly his forehead though there were other places on his body that had a similar pressure. He let out a loud roar despite himself as a horn pushed its way out of his head and more spikes pushed out of him, accentuating his heavily muscled frame as he orgasmed deep inside Hampton. His cock felt like it was nearly a foot long at this point and when he had to shut his eyes to prevent from blacking out as the waves of pleasure washed heavily over him. His entire body felt like it had an electric current running through it and he could feel the other man shifting underneath him as he recovered, though it was a loud growl that wasn't his own which caused him to open his eyes once more.

"Now that you've had your fun," A deep voice said as he looked down and was shocked to see the head of a dinosaur staring up at him with a lustful grin. "Perhaps it's my turn?"

The image carried over with Ari as he suddenly opened his eyes once more and found himself staring up at the ceiling and panting heavily, looking down at himself to find his body was still human and he was covered in a sheen of sweat. When he saw he was naked and alone and not whatever tiger-creature he had become he realized it had all been a dream and that the heat combined with the relaxing shower had lulled him to sleep. As he remembered how lewd it had been he glanced down at his groin and saw that his cock was thankfully still soft, which explaining away to Hampton would have been interesting to say the last. As he slowly got into a sitting position in the bean bag chair he realized that the other guy wasn't even there and he scratched his head in confusion on where he could have went.

Since he hadn't been roused from his slumber Ari decided that it would be a good time to get dressed and to grab some of the food he had packed. As he ate he wondered what would have triggered such an intense dream and the bizarre thing he had turned into when it happened. Where had such a template come from that his subconscious would have him turn into it during the dream, and why was he so fixated on this one guy? The latter part was likely because given the nature of the weather outside he was the only one that he could hang out with and they were similar ages, but as he thought about the former part he slowly looked around the store while putting on his clothes to see if there were answers there.

While he didn't see anything on the walls there were a few video game posters that were up there that showed strange and unusual creatures, and as he thought back to the previous day he realized the game that had exploded in the game console he attempted to resuscitate had some sort of blue tiger creature on it. That must have been where he got it from, he thought to himself as he did remember thinking that the muscular, mostly naked cat guy was pretty hot, but the fact it left enough of an impression on him that he would become it in his dreams was a bit strange. Then there was the part at the end with Hampton being some sort of reptile creature that really confused him, but with it being just a dream he didn't put too much stock into it as he ate.

Just as he was about to finish his meal he saw something move near the vent and looked over in time to see Hampton emerge from it, a slight look of surprise on his face at seeing Ari sitting there eating. "Ah, brought your own food down here, very smart," Hampton said as he made his way back to their lounging area. "I should have done the same while I was up at my place."

"Ah, that's where you were," Ari replied. "I woke up and didn't see you there. Speaking of which just how long was I asleep anyway?"

"Ah... about four hours I think?" Hampton stated as he looked at his phone. "Time seems to move a bit funky down here so it's hard to keep track, that's why I put an alarm on my phone to make sure I don't miss when we have to go. You must have really needed the sleep, the second you hit the chair you were out like a light."

Ari found himself nodding as he realized the toll of freezing while sleeping had taken more out of him than he had thought. "I guess that's just more than one reason for me to thank you for letting me stay down here," Ari finally said. "It probably wasn't fun sitting here trying to watch something while hearing me snore this entire time."

"Well to be honest I actually dozed off myself," Hampton replied with a chuckle. "Probably only woke up about twenty minutes before you and that was because I had to use the bathroom and there isn't a working one down here. Had the strangest dream though, can't remember a lot of the details but I think I turned into some sort of dinosaur, which is crazy because I haven't had anything to make me think that in ages."

As the other man chuckled Ari tried to do the same but found himself too surprised to react. Hampton had fallen asleep too, and they both had a dream where they turned into something. "I don't suppose you remember if I was there," Ari asked, trying not to sound too interested. "Or if we were doing anything together?"

"Doing anything together?" Hampton repeated, Ari swallowing hard when he realized he may have overplayed his hand as he watched the other guy think. "I... don't remember honestly, there was someone there but I don't think it was you." Ari internally breathed a sigh of relief that despite the similar circumstances it appeared to be some sort of coincidence as Hampton continued to scratch his head. "There was someone there though, but they weren't human either, looked like some sort of horned tiger or something."

Even though it was still warm in the room the declaration caused Ari to feel a chill go through his entire body. It appeared that they had the same dream, or at least the same characters appeared in it if he was the tiger that he was talking about. The only thing that seemed different was what happened in it... or was it? Either Hampton truly didn't know what was going on in his dream or he did know and just wasn't going to reveal it to him. There was no easy way to figure out which was which though and if he flat out asked and was wrong he wasn't quite sure how the other man would react and the last thing he wanted to do was be pushed out an into the frozen realm that was the rest of Brooklyn.

For the moment though Ari decided to let it go and merely asked how much time they had left to hang around, which Hampton assured was quite a bit due to the weather getting even colder. He also told him that when he had gone up to use the bathroom that the power definitely still wasn't on yet, though he could see trucks working outside in what was likely an effort to restore it. The idea of going back to an ice-cold apartment for any reason was not something he was hoping for, but as he and Hampton finished off the drinks he had brought down for them to share he realized he was going up sooner than he had realized as he felt nature calling himself. As he already knew there was nothing down here for him to use he stood up from the bean bag chair and looked over at his winter clothing, which continued to lay there in a heap near the shower.

"Just run up there," Hampton said as he noticed Ari eyeing up the cold weather gear. "It's like getting out of a hot tub, you're fine for the first few minutes and that's all it takes to get where you need to go. Trust me, you've seen me do it already and it's not so bad if it's quick."

Despite the apprehension for freezing weather the idea of having to take twenty minutes just to put his gear back on for a trip several floors up wasn't appealing either, and eventually laziness won out and he decided to go up without it. It also gave Ari a chance to cool down since the idle time between watching television and eating had caused the thoughts of the dream to start to slither its way back into his head. After telling Hampton he would be right back he went to the vent and slid through it to the other building, making sure no one was outside before popping it out and heading into basement hallway. Almost immediately the chill of the ambient air clung to him and he began to regret going out as he did, but he was already out and didn't want to go back as he went up the stairs and through the lobby to his apartment.

A few minutes later Ari walked out feeling much more relieved, and as Hampton had said he wasn't feeling the cold nearly as badly as he thought he would. Though he did shiver a bit it was nothing to what he used to as he looked at the bundle of covers that sat on the couch. Part of him thought that he should maybe bring some down and try to see if they could spend the night, especially with how good he felt after getting a few hours of rest down there. One thing he definitely wanted to get though was more drinks as he went to his fridge, but as he walked onto the kitchen floor he suddenly felt his foot cramp up and nearly caused him to topple down before he caught himself on the counter.

When he looked back to see what could have caused it to happen his eyes widened as he noticed that not only had he not noticed he wasn't wearing shoes but the reason he didn't feel the cold on the bottoms of his feet was that they had thickened and turned a leathery black. Ari let out a gasp as noticing the mutation had seemed to cause it to progress at a more rapid rate as he felt his toes lengthen and his toenails darken. As black fur began to sprout on the tops of them and he felt the muscles and tendons start to shift he knew what it looked like, though his mind couldn't believe it as he sat down on the floor. It was just like his dream, even to the point where his shifting flesh actually felt good as more fur spread out between the thick paw pads that were growing on his expanding feet.

"This... this isn't fucking real..." Ari said, groaning again as his entire body shivered from the powerful sensation of feeling talons growing from his new thicker digits. "It's just another dream... it has to be..." Even though Ari tried to will himself to wake up the only thing he could do was feel the fur spreading up his swollen ankle as his feet continued to reform into something completely inhuman. Eventually the changes slowed to a stop and when Ari looked at his feet again he saw that they had become huge tiger paws that looked like he was wearing slippers over his feet.

When he leaned down to touch them though they definitely felt real, and he could still feel the fur growing up slowly over his calves as he examined them. As he reached down to grab them and get them closer to his face he stopped when he saw something similar happening to his hands, though they remained much more humanoid in nature even with the fur that covered them and claws that grew out from his fingernails. Something was definitely going on and it all had something to do with that basement as he pulled himself back onto his new feet. Once he was balanced again he looked down at himself and gave a cursory examination of the rest of his body, and though he had patches of fur elsewhere and his clothes were small on him to the point that he could see his midriff there he wasn't growing a muzzle or tail and there wasn't a horn in the middle of his forehead.

With nothing else that he could think of to do Ari left the apartment after making sure no one else was in the hall and made his way down the stairs to the lobby. Now that he was aware of the fact that he was essentially barefoot the feeling of the carpet and tile against his foot pads was a surreal sensation as he felt more from the cold surface than he could have even if he was barefoot as a human, and he also seemed to have more control over how he moved as he hurried down the stairwell. If it wasn't for the fact that he had grown them right before his eyes with no real reason he might have considered them cool as he hopped all the way down to the lobby and once again scanned for anyone that might be there. When the coast was clear he continued to the basement and to the vent as he carefully scratched his forearms were more of the thick fur was already starting to spread while he felt his arm muscles starting to twitch.

The second he got through the vent to the other side he saw Hampton still sitting there on the bean bag chair. "Hampton, we got to have a fucking talk about that dream of yours," Ari said as he moved over towards him, not seeing any response from the other guy. "Something is happening to me and if it's somehow connected to you... I... want to know..."

As Ari got around to where he could see Hampton fully he was shocked to find the shirtless male had a set of brown-scaled hands of his own with black claws along with his reptilian feet that were even bigger than his own. "Oh, thank god," Hampton said when he saw Ari standing there with fur sprouting over the exposed areas of his skin still. "It isn't just me."