So it is Rewritten Episode 11

Story by MasterYubelMarik on SoFurry

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How can Pinkie Pie have a picnic outside if it keeps raining?

Out in the Elements

*Outside the Cotton Candy Café...*

"It's raining, again. We can't have a picnic outside. What're we gonna do?" complained Minty.

"We can have it indoors but that's no fun," noted Sweetberry.

"Plus if we have it out here anyway, everything will be wet. We need to make something to put over our heads," agreed Pinkie Pie.

"Like what?" asked Skywishes.

"Like a tent or something," finished Pinkie Pie.

"It's gotta be pretty big," realized Minty.

"We can get Sew-and-So to make it for us and then we'll all set it up," suggested Twinkle Twirl.

"The only problem is, she's generally busy with her own projects," protested Pinkie Pie.

"We'll have to try and see," said Cotton Candy before she and the others race to Sew-and-So's house. *At Sew-and-So's house...*

"A giant tent? Sure. I'll see what I have and then you all can pick out the colors you want and how you want them arranged," replied Sew-and-So.

"We'd like something large and colorful. Maybe with a giant rainbow on both sides," explained Pinkie Pie.

"Let's make it pink with a rainbow on each side," stated Twinkle Twirl.

"I like that, dahling," said Rainbow Dash.

"Any objections to that?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Not me," said Skywishes.

"We should have glitter too," suggested Sparkleworks.

"Is that all?" asked Sew-and-So.

"Anyone else?" questioned Pinkie Pie. *Everyone shook their heads*

"Alright, I'll get to work on it. May not be ready for your picnic though. I'll drop it off at your place when I'm done, Pinkie," replied Sew-and-So.

"Thanks so much, Sew-and-So. See ya then," said Pinkie Pie before she and the others leave. *Later that day...*

"Wow! It looks beautiful, dahling," remarked Rainbow Dash.

"It's big enough for lots of ponies and should keep us dry when it rains," added Minty.

"It took several hours to do but I'm glad you like it. May I come to your next picnic?" said Sew-and-So.

"Of course. It's the least we could do after what you did for us. We'll have it tomorrow," answered Pinkie Pie.

"This'll be so exciting," said Sparkleworks. *The next day...*

"More rain but we're ready this time," said Minty.

"Let's get to work getting it ready," suggested Pinkie Pie. *The ponies set up the tent and anchor it down.*

"There we go. Now we can finally have our picnic," said Skywishes. *Everyone puts out the food.*

"The food looks so good. I don't know which to eat first," remarked Sweetberry.

"Well there's no stopping any of us. Let's just serve ourselves and dig in," suggested Twinkle Twirl.