The Devil May Care 35

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#40 of The Devil May Care

Dusk reaches the last of the lust demons that needs breaking, and ruts him good. Elsewhere, parts of Hell aren't doing so well.

Commissioned by DuskCypher

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The Devil May Care

Part 35

For DuskCypher

By Draconicon

The days passed in a blur of assholes, cock, mouths - so many hungry mouths - and worshiping faces as the demons of House Onsen found their new master to be more than to their liking. The fact that they were allowed through the Hellspire afterward, given the right to feed on mortals had been their main reason to come and be satisfied by him, but he would have wagered that none of them would have expected the pure pleasure that came from his touch. He ensured that they would all remember the night that they spent under him, being taken and filled and used by a black cat with the devil's soul.

To his slight shame, he didn't remember most of them by the time that four nights had passed. There were too many incubi for him to recall them all, but he knew the feelings of pleasure that they took from him, and he knew what they wanted. He would know them again if they touched his cock or the rest of his body, for all that they were indistinguishable by sight at this point. Their bodies would be remembered, and their eagerness more so.

Dusk stretched his arms over his head as the latest of the incubi was let loose, a rat that had been all too hungry for his cock and had been so possessive of it in front of the other demons that they had been all but required to go to a private room to make sure that it didn't turn into a bad scene. The rodent had gotten fucked silly, those large, brown-furred balls drained down to the size of marbles, and it had gone far enough that Dusk had laid a branding on the rat's hips to show that there was a claim there. Something that he didn't know if he would ever take up, but something that he had little doubt that the rat would show off for the rest of his days.

He smiled slightly, despite himself, as the rat got up and walked off. The cat-paw print on the rat's hip was impossible to miss, and he shook his head as the door closed behind the rodent. He needed to make sure that he didn't rise to bait like that again in the future. Too easy for someone else to get something that they didn't deserve.

Groaning, the black cat sat up, rubbing the back of his head as he imagined what the rest of his day was going to be like. He doubted that he would be able to stop before the sun set, before the world was asleep once more, but he had to be getting close to the end of House Onsen's inhabitants by now.

Glad I didn't make the offer to fuck all the demons of Lust to a good, satisfied state, now...

If he had made that offer, he would have been doing nothing but fucking for months. Perhaps years, considering how there were differences in what each demon needed to be fully satisfied. The idea of doing nothing but fucking would have been appealing a few weeks back, but now that he had done four days of nothing but rutting other people, he was starting to feel a little bored with it. Not disappointed - the demons were too good at their job for that - but not that interested, either. Variety in bodies could only go so far, and he wanted to try something else.

He reached over to the wall, finding a phone. He tapped a few buttons, holding it to his head. It was picked up quickly.

"Yes, my Lord?" Lord Ornar Onsen said.

"How many more are there?"

"I do believe that we're down to one."

"One. Finally."

"I would say that you're in for a treat, but this one is a little..."

"A little what?"

"Hmm, I think I'll let you find out."

"I didn't say that I wanted a surprise, Ornar."

"No, my Lord, you didn't, but this isn't a surprise."

"...Fine. Send him in."

He grumbled under his breath, rubbing his forehead as the call clicked up. He stretched his legs out, pulling the sheets of the bed over to rub his cock clean. The fact that the rat had been surprisingly clean during their rut meant nothing, and while some of the demons were fine with going to any and all lengths for pleasure, he wasn't.

The door opened, and his newest partner stepped in. The black-furred feline looked up, and then chuckled.

"Well...that explains a lot."

The demon that had just stepped into his room was a pit bull, big and broad across the shoulders, but not that tall for someone that had that much muscle to their credit. He looked like a punk, with short fur and some that had been gathered together into a mohawk on the top of his head. Hell, he looked like someone that was looking to recruit for a gang, and might have been intimidating with all the chains that he wore around his arms and neck if he didn't have that idiotic dullness behind his eyes.

He's going to be a pissed-off demon, isn't he? he thought.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than the pit bull spat on the floor. The saliva glob hissed as it soaked into the carpet, and he crossed his arms with a snort.

"So, you're the fucking Second Satan, huh? Nobody told me that you were a pussy."

"I believe the term you're looking for is 'cat'."

"Whatever. Not gonna get that dick of yours in my ass, so how are you going to satisfy me?"

"You think that I'm not going to fuck you, is that it?"

"I think that pussies stay on their knees, and top dogs fuck them."

"...Is that a fact?"

Dusk would have expected to be angry at this display, but when he heard all that the other male had to say, all he could feel was amused. There was something so rebellious teenager to the way that the pit bull displayed himself, the way that he talked, the way that he carried himself. It was like staring at someone that thought they were all grown up and could do what they wanted, when they were really barely more than of-age. That meant that this boy had a great deal to learn, and he had always liked the idea of putting a rough and ready dog in their place.

He stood up from the foot of the bed, showing off his cock as it swayed back and forth. The pit bull looked down, his eyes going wide for a moment, then he tried to school himself back to a sneering smirk.

It didn't really work. Then again, it hadn't worked the first time, either.

"So, what the hell do you want, huh? You're not fucking me."

"I am, actually."

"Yeah? Says who?"

Dusk smiled. Oh, this was going to be fun. He reached for the Devil's Aura, and he let it loose.

The room turned dark as sin, the walls splattered with the darkness of the soul and the blackness of the magic that he had mastered. The demon stumbled backwards, almost falling against the door, and Dusk could feel everything in him. The power of the devil was with him, and he smiled as he leaned forward, Lust, Envy, and a little bit of Sloth working to twist the young male before him.

In short order, the pit bull fell to his knees, gasping for breath, his eyes wide as his cock started to rise up from between his legs. Dusk smiled, watching as the dog's eyes widened further and further, glowing with the sheen of someone that was high on something, something good. He reached out, stroking the dog's face with his fingers, petting him lightly.

"I'm going to train you to heel, boy...and I'm going to have you call me master before long."

"No dog...calls a cat...master..."

"We'll see."

The seven sins were his to command, and he used them well. He clenched his fist, and the bindings of Sloth lifted the canine into the air, holding him on his back, chained with black and silver. He was suspended with his legs spread, his ankles bound, his arms pulled up and over his head so that he couldn't move. There was nothing that he could do to fight back, nothing that he could do to hide himself.

He smiled as the dog's cock continued to rise, the tapered tip of that shaft throbbing with eager need, showing off everything that it had for him to see. Not enough to compare with his cock, but more than enough to break the average mortal.

He teased the hound, reaching down and taking the cock in hand, rubbing it from base to tip a few times. The pit bull groaned, arching his back and growling weakly. Dusk smiled.

"And that is all that you have? A pity..."

Stepping forward, he flopped his cock over the pit bull's, showing the extra inches that he had, the girth that he had gained from taking the soul of Lucifer, the power that he had drained from all the different books and demons and spirits that he had summoned over his life. His cock, his powerful shaft, was as good a tool for breaking others as any other that he had, and far more pleasurable in many ways. He smiled to himself, sliding forward, back, forward, back, ensuring that his pre-cum marked the pit bull's shaft.

And then, he allowed his shaft to fall, drifting down from the balls to the taint to the pucker well beneath. There was no use there, that hole feeling as virgin as they came. The pit bull started to lift himself, fighting against the spells of Sloth -


It was a very light smack, something that would have been negligible anywhere else, but he had managed to land it right on the pit bull's balls. The incubus gasped, arching his back, hissing and whimpering softly.

"Ah ah."


"You're my bitch now."

"I'm nobody's...nobody's bitch..."

"Well, I'll have to buy you from nobody then. Good thing they sell cheap."

"You fucking - Nnngh!"

Another light slap, just enough to bounce them, enough to show that he wasn't fucking around. He would make sure that the pit bull stayed intact, but he would punish disobedience with the sort of pain that the pit bull wasn't entirely ready for. He wouldn't have this little slut thinking that he could just fight his way through this.

Shaking his head, he slapped his cock against that pucker. He knew that this was going to be a longer session, but that didn't bother him. The idea of taking his time to really get into this, to break the pit bull down and declare felines his master, appealed to him. It was something a little darker, a little more intense, and after all the rutting that he'd been doing, the variation appealed to him.

Dusk stroked his cock between the cheeks, watching as that shaft throbbed eagerly. There was definitely enough lust in this little demon to make it clear that he wanted something, even if it wasn't this. The cat smiled, stroking a finger from pucker to taint to sac, taking his time to direct the lust in the room. It flowed like ink, staining the gray fur of the canine in the process, running all the way to his sac and -

Yes, there it was. A slow swell, nothing huge, but enough to make the dog look like he had been holding back for weeks. A good, hefty pair of balls, something desperate to blow, something that would make the hound that much more willing to listen if it meant the chance to empty them.

Indeed, the pit bull started gritting his teeth and huffing the minute that they started growing, humping the air despite the chains of Sloth. Dusk smirked, and he knew that on him, it looked good.

"Feeling needy, pup?" he asked.


"Feeling like you need someone to help you with these?" he asked, hefting the new, more sizable sac. "I doubt you'll get them off on your own."

"Nnngh...not...going to..."



"Well, we'll see about that."

Dusk was honestly rather glad that the hound wasn't giving in immediately. It made the whole thing that much more interesting, and that much more fun. He smiled as he dragged his cock back down, rubbing it against that pucker. A little magic, a little Lust right at the tip of his cock, and he pushed against it. Not to slide in, but to slide along.

The pit bull gasped, curling his toes in shock. The spell turned the flesh from pink to black for a moment, filling it with the curse of need, a spell that would slowly warp the hound from wanting his cock to be his main way of cumming to needing it up the ass. The little slut would soon find that the rear end was so much more pleasurable than the front, and that he would crave it, particularly from cats.

He smiled as he tapped his cock against the clenching, twitching hole, smearing more of his pre-cum along it. The way that it clenched, the way that it almost kissed at his cock like an eager lover, was just what he liked to feel, and the sight of the pit bull trying to resist the pleasures running through his body spoke to a dark part of him. It made him remember how much he had enjoyed breaking Seraph, how much he liked seeing others fall before him and swear to him.

It made him feel powerful, and that was an aphrodisiac that no man could deny.

He moaned as he pushed forward, claiming that hole for himself in one smooth thrust. He felt it part before his cock, sliding open and clenching around the head. The incubus hissed, growling deep in his throat, his eyes rolling back. He tried to strain himself away, to squirm and pull around, but the chains held him fast. Dusk had the pleasure of seeing that eager little shaft throbbing harder the deeper he went, almost like it was a glove that inflated and took form based on how big a cock was shoved in just a little further down.

By the time that he was fully sheathed in the pit bull's asshole, that shaft looked like it was about to blow. He smiled, stroking his fingers down the head towards the base, squeezing his fingers around the bottom of the shaft like a ring of flesh.

"Nnngh...what...what the fuck..."

"I didn't say that you could cum."

" bast...nnnngh!"

The spell left his fingers, a sinful spell that called on the power of Pride. Pride in himself, pride in what he could do, pride in his ownership of the hound. It would keep the little dog from cumming too soon, and would give him the chance to take control of it. He slowly pulled back, the feeling of friction around the head of his cock just delicious, even as he dragged towards the rim and -


He slipped out and the pit bull gasped. The two sounds filled his ears at the same time, and he chuckled.

"Sounds like you are a bitch, deep down."

"Fuck...fuck off..."

"Not bloody likely..."

He slowly dragged his cock back again, sliding it between the cheeks, and then against that pucker. It clenched against him, and then a split second later, opened up. The instincts that were growing back there were slowly corrupting the incubus to allow him in. The humiliation, the red-faced embarrassment that was obvious on the demon's face, made it clear that he didn't want to like this, but the rest of his body didn't lie. His cock throbbed, his eyes clenched tightly, and his balls rose and fell with the desperate need to cum that was perpetually denied by the spell of Pride along his cock.

It was perfect for Dusk. Utterly perfect.

They changed positions several times over the next few hours, but the pit bull was never allowed to touch the ground. He was kept chained, shifted to his side, and then onto his back again, before finally hanging down facing towards the door. He had been used a half-dozen times, filled to the brim with cock, but never with cum.

Dusk's handprints dotted the hound's ass cheeks, and every time that the cat pulled out, that hole was puffier and wetter, more and more eye-catching, calling attention to the hound and showing what a bitch he really was. Dusk smiled as he dragged his cock all the way out again, observing the slime trail of his pre-cum running loose and free, staining that taint and running down to the hound's balls to mark them as cat toys.

Through the fucking and training, the pit bull's resistance had been gradually fading, slowly shifting away. Every thrust, every little grind along that pucker and into the depths, had marked him with more of the submission that he needed to learn towards the cat. He hadn't complained for the last half hour, and had been begging, instead.

"Fuck...fuck, please, let me cum..."

Dusk smiled to himself, shaking his head as he leaned forward, humping, rutting that hole. He slapped the pit bull's muscular ass, making it tighten up for a moment.

"You know what you have to say."


"You have to say it, or you stay right here."

The pit bull whimpered, but he could see that the resistance was on the verge of breaking. There was little left there, little more than the slightest hints of anger that the hound had started with. Just a little more.

He pulled out again, flicking those heavy balls. The demon moaned instead of screaming this time, thrusting his hips up.

"Say it," Dusk whispered.





"Dogs...serve...cats...Cats rule...Cats are superior...all dogs...must cats..."

"That's it..."

He chuckled. That was all that he had wanted, just an admission of where cats belonged. He reached down, pressing his finger to the base of the pit bull's shaft. All it took was a thought to release the spell, and then one thrust.

Honestly, he wasn't sure that the thrust was entirely required. The build-up had done most of the work for him.


Just like that, the pit bull went over the edge, screaming and howling all at once as his cock nearly exploded with pleasure and fluids. The white goo shot over the floor, almost hitting the base of the door. The pit bull's cock thrust up, bouncing and pulsing, and Dusk could feel it hitting the hound right across the chest. He smiled to himself, knowing that the incubus was going to carry that mark just as much as the rat had carried his.

He finished shortly after, a release that was more of a mental one than a proper physical one. There was no less satisfaction, but after four days of constant rutting, the actual physical pleasure was so different, so much more common, that he didn't notice it so much. He slowly pulled out, dragging his slimy cock free of that ruined hole, and he snapped his fingers to release the chains of Sloth. The pit bull hit the ground, panting, gasping, shaking.

"And who do you serve?" he asked.



"Thank you, Master..."

Dusk nodded, patting the dog on the head. A little collar had appeared, something that seemed as unconscious as it was real, and it formed a black band around the hound's neck. The incubus had a little tag there, one that read 'Bitch', and the black cat smiled. That was going to be a fun one later.

As the slut walked off, he flopped back on the bed, shaking his head as he stared at the ceiling. Four straight days of fucking, and he had finally fulfilled his obligation to Ornar. The whole of House Onsen had been satisfied, and now, they were safe. Safe to be allowed around mortals, safe to be allowed in the rest of Hell, and safe to grow.

He remembered what Ornar had said after the fight in Gluttony. The orc no longer had to fight his hunger while he was there, no longer felt the starvation that had kept him down, and had become stronger as a result. Was that what was going to happen to the entire House? In that case, he had just empowered quite a few demons to work for him, and he imagined that they were going to be very useful.

They were already useful; now, they're an army...

What else could he do in Hell? What else might he do to stabilize things without -

Knock, knock, knock.

Dusk blinked, sitting up from the bed. None of the demons of lust would have bothered knocking, he knew that much. Ornar would have called down first. Seraph might have knocked, but that was a lighter one than the fallen angel ever would have used.

"...Come in," he said, keeping the question out of his voice.

The door opened, and there she was. Selene, demon of pride, the lioness as austere and proper as ever. She looked down on him slightly, but not judgingly, as she stepped through the door.

"I didn't expect you to come here," he said.

That was an understatement. He hadn't expected to see her again until he came to visit Pride, something that he had been putting off for a time. He had thought that it would be better for him to leave that alone, particularly with the way that she was running things just fine. Or was that just him trying to find a reason to not go to Hell?

She stopped at the foot of the bed, shaking her head slowly. He sighed.


"We need to talk. And you need to come with me."

"Is this about Hell? Again?"

"It's always about Hell, Dusk. Actions have consequences. You have broken many things, and if you don't want them to blow up in your face, you need to at least look like you're handling them."

"Right. And that means going back, doesn't it?"

"You have fulfilled one obligation. It is time to fulfill another."

In Hell, in the realm of Greed, things were not going well. The individual smithies and foundries were dark, and the deep pockets of the demons in charge were slowly draining, becoming more like vast chasms of darkness rather than vaults of souls and gold.

Hellsmith was no different to the rest, though he had a little bit more reserves to work with than the others. Being the preeminent smith of the realm meant a great deal, particularly when he had other favors to call upon and other clients than the Wrath demons that the other smiths tended to sell to. However, even he was feeling the bite of a shrinking economy, and if he was starting to feel it, then the rest of the realm was all but dying from it.

The badger sat with his arms crossed in the Vault of the Oligarchs, where the demons of Greed ruled their realm. He had come in his second-richest clothes, making sure that he showed off what he had from head to toe, his black and white fur covered in purple silks and golden bands. Hellsmith fondled a dagger that was half-hidden in his sleeve, knowing that there were some in the crowd that would happily cut his throat for what he had. They were all among demons, after all, and while he would come back, he would be slightly poorer with the lack of his rich clothes.

He shook his head, focusing on what the Master of Accounts was telling the crowd. It wasn't good.

"Guild Masters. I cannot say this in any other way but this: we face a crisis of the greatest proportions since the Resurrection," the mole demon at the center of the Vault said. "Our greatest clients have all but committed to a diplomatic approach to their new lives rather than war; our weapon sales are down by nearly 80%, and the various minor demons that have served as unpaid interns in our forges have gone on to greener and better pastures. More than half of our industries have closed down, realm-wide, and others are on the brink of failure. The average income rate for every guild is down between 60-75%, and among independents, it is even worse.

"In addition, with the closing of the Hellgates supplied by Lucifer, we are currently facing a shortage of soul-materials. While we still have a wealth of different minerals and ores, we are lacking in the souls to bind them together and create the proper sort of quality that we are known for.

"In short, we are facing a financial crisis the likes of which we have never seen, and we have no clear way forward."

The Master of Accounts bowed his head, stepping back from the center of the floor. The Vault erupted in mutters, most of them wondering how they were going to handle this, some involving different guild masters turning to each other and offering short-term alliances for different supplies.

Hellsmith doubted that any of it would matter in the long run. They were facing something that the realm of Greed had never had to deal with in the past: a lack of greed elsewhere. Pride had gone quiet, as had Sloth. Gluttony, their other major customer besides Wrath, had no clear leader, and the recent attack on the realm had left them poor, unable to pull together much pooled resources for the goods of Greed. Envy had the urge to be like them, the spite to want what they had, but they didn't have the drive to get further than that. Wrath had refused to go back to war after the curse Lucifer had laid on them had been removed, and Lust had never been that good a customer, anyway.

Nobody had that greed for power and prestige anymore, and that meant that their power was reduced in turn. They'd been hoarding money for so long that they hadn't invested in any way forward.

Not that I'm any less fucking guilty about that, he thought, feeling the lightness in the pouches at his sides. Didn't exactly put out any money in finding ways to the mortal realm, did I?

"Where is the Second Satan?" one of the guild leaders shouted. "I thought that he would be sorting this."

"Delayed visit," another said.

"He said that last time," a third said.

"We need someone to sort this out."

"The realms are in disarray, no trade, no money, no souls -"

"Would it matter if he came?"

"Course it would, he has the devil's power."

"Yeah, and look what happened to Gluttony with that."

The room went quiet, and he knew that everyone was thinking the same thing. What if, they thought. What if Dusk wasn't going to be a good ruler? What if he came to Greed with the same destruction that he brought to Gluttony?

What if a mortal was just no good as a ruler of Hell?

It was the question that had been bandied back and forth a number of times in the bowels of the lower plane, something that had been whispered, then - when no punishment followed - talked about, bandied around with everyone that would listen. What if a mortal just wasn't the right fit for Hell? What did they do until the mortal finally got bored and left them alone?

What if they had to take matters into their own hands?

For his part, Hellsmith had shut down those whispers every time that he heard them, trying to keep that from spreading. The power of Satan, whether Lucifer or whoever succeeded him, was a power that one did not trifle with. He had already gifted several creations of his to the cat, and he had put his bet down on the black-furred feline to do what was needed. For all that the attack on Gluttony had been forceful and perhaps more than was required, he had been happy enough to see Brutus fall. The House of Diel had been a competitor to the powers of Greed, and seeing him go was a net benefit to all of them.

Or at least, it would have been if anyone was buying.

Damn cat better show up soon, or we're going to be dealing with more shit than we can afford, he thought, shuffling in his seat. If we don't get customers, we're going to lose everything we have.

Even he had limits on what he could get. Supply problems aside, his main customers had been in the upper echelons of Hell, mostly because he could supply the absolute best to them in terms of custom orders. The orders that had been coming in lately, however, hadn't been for weapons or for the different tools that he had made in the past. Instead, they were things like chains, and weights, and more delicate things that had no place in the battlefield, but rather in the torture chamber.

Or, he supposed, sex dungeons. He'd had a surprising amount of orders for that sort of equipment since Lust had started changing its focus. It wasn't much, not nearly enough to replace his other orders, but the fact that they were able to afford his prices at all was a real change.

It was the former that worried him, however, Something was moving in the darkness of Hell, and he didn't like it...but what was a demon of Greed to do? He needed his customers, and much as Hell needed a ruler, they needed stability just as much.

And he hasn't shown up to provide that...

The silence in the Vault of the Oligarchs held for longer than any called-for silence in the history of the realm. Greed had never been so quiet before, and it disturbed him. The very nature of their realm was to be active, to be moving, buying, selling, hoarding, getting what they wanted. This stillness was anathema to their very nature.

Finally, Hellsmith broke it. The badger stood up, crossing his arms.

"I say we wait. Ain't got much longer before that whole deal is done; we got the resources to wait a month, if we fucking have to."

"We'll be destitute by then!" one of the guild leaders shouted.

"Then fucking do something about it," he shouted back. "We're the power of Greed. Didn't think we were all so fucking stupid as to do nothing but count. We climbed the ladders of Hell to get here; did we do that by being fucking stupid?"

There was a general murmur of 'no' all around him, but nothing loud, nothing that really stood out. Everyone felt defeated. Hellsmith slammed his fist down on one of the railings - fool's gold rather than the real thing - in front of him, the clang echoing through the Vault chamber.

"We aren't stupid. We weren't before, and we aren't now. We're Greed. If anything can outlast the rest, we can. So tighten your fucking belts, find something useful, and keep looking for customers. All we gotta do is last for a little while longer, and then..."

"And then, what?" one of the guild leaders asked. "What do we do when our money runs out, Hellsmith?"

"We do what we gotta do."

And if that meant doing a hostile takeover of some of their neighboring realms, pulling the hunger of Gluttony into their bosom, or dragging Wrath in when they found out that pacifism didn't fucking work, then they'd do it. They had collateral, and nobody else had to know that the realm of Greed was running on fumes.

Either fix this fucking thing, cat, or we'll fix it for you...and kick you out in the process, Hellsmith thought. I'm giving you a chance here; don't you making me look like a fucking idiot.

The End

Summary: Dusk reaches the last of the lust demons that needs breaking, and ruts him good. Elsewhere, parts of Hell aren't doing so well.

Tags: M/M, pit bull, canine, cat, bondage, magic, series, modern fantasy, demon, incubus, anal, teasing, mild cbt, spanking, gaping, creampie, orgasm, edging, cum, pre-cum, various species, politics,