More Than Enough [Commission]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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troubledwolf's pal Eclipse, as a rather large taur, sometimes needs a bit of a helping hand taking care of business - but luckily Tumbra is always willing to provide! They talk things out and decide to cover it by going on a walk at a local park this time, where they can be nice and alone among the trees and birds. Tumbra can't stop thinking about what's to come - who -could-, seeing the kind of hefty package that Eclipse has got bouncing between his hind legs - and once they get there he dives eagerly into his "assistance"... but, as it turns out, there's a bit more there than he expected, and soon he - she - has more than just that "helping hand" to offer. Whoops!Patrons got to read this story a week in advance! If you're interested, you can do the same for as low as $2 a month

"Is this spot good?"

Tumbra had to pick up his pace to catch up with the much larger wolf ahead of him, Eclipse's four-legged stature allowing him quite a bit more purchase and mastery over the terrain back here. This was an outing the two had been planning for quite a while, though differing schedules meant that it had taken until now to get things into place. The small wolf, black and white, two-legged, clambering up and down the little slopes of the nature trail with the aid of a rather smooth stick he had picked up near the entrance of the park, and then the larger red-striped grey one, four-legged taur, leading him around the curves and through the groves.

Lucky him, Tumbra thought, pulling himself up the next ridge. Eclipse waited at the bottom, hind legs settled against the ground and arms crossed over his chest as he looked around the clearing. Only clothing he's gotta worry about is a shirt. Meanwhile, I think I'll have to buy a new pair of socks... Tumbra tugged at his leg against a reaching branch. ...and find someone to fix my shorts once we get back...

_ _

Hearing the anthro's approach, Eclipse's ears flicked back, and he glanced to look at him. A smile spread across his face, and his blue eyes glimmered like the clear sky overhead. "Well?" he repeated, his voice carrying well throughout the clearing. "What do you think?"

What do I think? It had been hard to think about anything else, even while trudging up and down muddy slopes in the shadows where last week's rain hadn't yet dried, while pulling himself free from one patch of clinging vines and briars only to get caught in another, while constantly ducking and blocking his face so as to not receive another branch lashing across his snout. The implication had been there from the start, since the taur had first tromped up to where Tumbra had gotten out of his car in the parking lot and bent over to double-check his shoelaces. He had heard the larger wolf's familiar voice, grinned, looked up to greet him, and instead came face to face with quite a clear view of the taur's hefty undercarriage.

Smooth stone-grey with clean stripes of crimson flower red across his arms, his back, and his four strong legs, but underneath those colors melded to a clean cream-white, soft and pristine through careful maintenance from who knows how many helping hands. A soft chest-ruff of fur poking down between his front legs, and then further back, behind the curve of the chest and belly, pouching down between the stronger hind legs... perhaps it was the somewhat compromising position between the two, Eclipse standing there upright and Tumbra kneeling down at his shoes, along with the expectation of what their walk today would bring - but there was that plump sheath, also white-furred, with a thick, glistening red tip of flesh poking through the end, a little rope of stickiness hanging down from the end towards the dusty asphalt of the parking lot. Past that hung Eclipse's sack as well, just as hot and heavy. Tumbra knew from experience that each one of his balls filled one of his palms.

That had been all he could think about on the walk so far. After another moment he slid down the slope and rested an arm around the taur's body for balance so he could catch his breath. When Tumbra leaned forward he did so just enough that he could catch a whiff of his sharp musk, magnified and brought out by the exertion of the walk, even if his arousal had gone down. A quick peek down, a slight adjustment in his posture, a shift from the taur beside him... and, partially hidden among thick fur, the supple skin of that sheath tugged smoothly back to show that tapered tip again, jiggling heavily with the movement.

"Yeah," Tumbra finally answered. He looked about the clearing around them though still could only see that hanging weight beneath Eclipse's body in his mind. "Hey, let's cash in on that walk we've been planning," the taur had offered; "there's something I'll need your help with along the way." "Yeah, this is fine."

"Great. Here, let me..."

Eclipse moved to stand up, brushing the other wolf's arm off of his back as he did so. Tumbra kept his eyes averted in not quite genuine curiosity regarding the surroundings while his ears flicked over beside him, following the sound of Eclipse's huge footsteps further into the clearing. He pretended to look over the different types of trees where they stood; the fallen trunk bordering one side of the clearing; the thick pillows of moss and shelves of crusty lichen across rocks half in shadow, blue-grey and pale orange and soft green; he looked up to the way the sun and clouds gave no hint at the rain that was forecasted to come later in the week.

The loud flump and rustle of stirred leaves and cracked twigs off to his side very nearly drew his faked attention, and the wolf had to turn a little bit further away to hide his smirk from the taur - as well as his growing eagerness. They were close enough to the trail that someone paying attention to their surroundings might be able to see them, especially with Eclipse's stark red stripes and Tumbra's own sharp black and white. Those colors would really stand out against the sky, and - the wolf glanced back over to where he knew the trail to be - coming from that angle, looking across the clearing through the trees along this line, if his body were positioned... like that, then...

"Okay." Eclipse's voice caught his ears again, stirring him out of his thoughts. If someone were specifically looking, then they would definitely_be able to see the two wolves where they "caught their breath" here in the clearing. If not, then - maybe? "Ready when you are. Sorry, I had to find a... comfortable spot; there's some nice grass here, if - though I guess you won't be sitting on _that, huh?"

Finally Tumbra turned to look at his friend, still making a show of appraising the clearing around them. He drew his eyes over the treetops as he turned, the other wolf's grey and red form poking into his peripheral. A fair amount of white intruded into his view as well, and sure enough, when Tumbra finally swung his gaze downward that was most of what he saw from the taur: the clean, smooth field of his snow-white underbelly, from his neck and top half down along the broad curve of his lower chest, then belly beneath. Where he lay along his back, four feral legs waited curved in over his chest, his tail stirring the dust and refuse underneath him while he waited. When he lay down he had positioned himself at a bit of an angle towards the other wolf, so that Tumbra could see buried beneath the base of that soft tail not only the warm pink pucker of his tailhole, about the size of the side of his own clenched fist, but also each of those heavy balls and the plump sheath above, resting half-limp along Eclipse's lower belly.

Tumbra couldn't resist licking his lips. He looked up to Eclipse's smirk, though just as quickly felt his gaze pulled back down at a twitch, a jiggle, and a pulse of fresh red flesh, bright and glistening against the soft white fur. Seeing the anthro watching him, Eclipse grinned, drew his tongue over his chops, and pushed his forepaws down his lower body, pressing his pads in along the base of his sheath to tug it smoothly back. His body responded in turn, red flesh of his shaft growing and angling up, throbbing with a pulse of arousal and eagerness, and emptying a little jet of liquid pre across his white fur.

"C'mon, man," he said, and gave another squeeze. "I've been needing this for, like, two weeks now. Y'know how hard it is to effectively reach myself with a body like this?"

"Yeah, yeah," Tumbra replied. Already he was pulling his shirt up over his head on his way over. "I know. You need a helping hand."

"I need a little more than that today, I think..."

The two-legged wolf dropped his paws down to begin at his pants fly. A brief flash of embarrassment and reluctance echoed through him - maybe he shouldn't have put so much thought into the view from the park's trail - but of course his arousal won out, and a few seconds later his pants and underwear soon slid down his thighs to his ankles, and then ended up in a heap along the grass with his shirt. Eclipse's blue eyes trailed over his bare body, following the lines and patterns of black and white, centering in along one part of him in particular... and then returning to his muzzle as Tumbra moved to straddle the much larger wolf's lower body.

"Well, you're in luck," he said, and settled into place. Eclipse's underbelly was warm, and surprisingly soft considering the time and effort it took to groom. That was another thing that Tumbra helped out with, often reserving a full day from a weekend with a set of brushes and shampoo, a few towels, and more often than not, a bottle of lube as well to take care of his other needs. "Looks like I've got a little more than that, here for you."

Eclipse grinned, then shuddered once he felt Tumbra's paw trailing back along his underside. "Thanks for - ooh... for doing this. Oh - be careful, I'm..."

"I know, I know." Tumbra made sure he was in a comfortable spot, one of Eclipse's hindlegs clutched over his shoulder, before he fully settled down. That done, he brought his other paw to his maw, spat into his palm, did so again, and reached back to first rub that underneath his tail and then again along the revealed half of the taur's length. "I'll go slow. Not like last time."

"No, that's not it. I mean, when I get really pent up, it's..."

"I know." Tumbra ensured that Eclipse's tip settled into place beneath the base of his tail, the warm wetness teasing at his desire. It was so hard not to push back and start sinking down right then and there. "Don't worry about it. As long as you don't snarl like last time..."

The bigger wolf covered his muzzle with his paws. "Look. It just felt really good, okay? And I'm trying to warn you a- about... oh..."

Immediately that familiar shiver bounced up through Tumbra's body, beginning in his loins as a warm pulsing pleasure mixed with a touch of discomfort. The practice here helped; slowly, carefully, he worked himself forward and back, keeping Eclipse's length angled in place with one paw near the lip of his sheath so that he could coax his tailhole back and forth against and over it. The smaller wolf kept himself relaxed each time he pushed further, that wet warmth pushing into him and spreading him further. Before long he found he could let go of Eclipse and instead lean forward, bracing his paws on his chest for balance while he continued with his hips instead.

It was hard to hear the taur's little pants and moans underneath the sounds of the forest around them. For once Tumbra was kept acutely aware of where they were, between the birdsong overhead and the whispering of wind in the trees. Each movement of his hips cause his footpaws to drag along the ground on either side of Eclipse's body, rustling the leaves and grass there.

"There's something I'll need your help with along the way," he had said. "Give me a hand. You know how it is for me. You know I'll give you a good time, too. Maybe something more, if it's been long enough. We'll see."

Not even halfway down along his length, each lurch from his rump squeezing the taur's thick sheath a little bit further back, Tumbra could already feel the expected effects and results: that warm electricity vibrating between his legs, his own arousal twitching and dripping into creamy white fur, his gradual separation from the world around them to focus on what was happening here and now in the clearing, Eclipse's length sinking deeper inside of him, the taur's forepaws on his thighs while his arms rested behind him so that he could still watch. The smaller wolf soon leaned back, swinging his legs forward to squeeze along Eclipse's body while he rode, the taur's girth making a faintly visible bulge in his lower belly each time he pushed back down.

There was something else there too, something past the expected growing pleasure and filling pressure. Tumbra tried to focus on that new feeling while riding, paws resting along Eclipse's larger body and working himself in rhythm, the taur's thick hindpaws now squeezing the sides of his thighs instead of pushing him down; his own hard cock bounced and throbbed, alternately against his own belly and against Eclipse's lower chest once he started to angle his hips forward and back in his motion. The smaller wolf closed his eyes, swallowed, and brought a paw in to stroke and rub at himself, briefly slowing his pace so that he could more easily do so.

"Aah..." breathed Eclipse underneath him. It was amazing how much control such a big beast could have in a compromising position like this: even on his back with his hindlegs up in the air and his forepaws around his friend, Tumbra could still feel his hips angling and thrusting and bouncing him up and forward. "God, I've needed this... hey, you're not about - to-?"

Again Tumbra gritted his teeth. That feeling inside of him, gurgling and buzzing between the sensation of the taur's cock pressing and pushing on him from inside, made him want to push further down along his length. It made him want to feel his fat sheath pressed against his tailhole, to reach back and heft those massive balls up under his tail, to wiggle his hips and squeeze and clench, all the while stroking himself faster and harder. His peak was indeed fast approaching, so he straightened up, swallowed again, let his jaw fall open, felt the warmth of the sun on his face and a gentle breeze through his fur... and then, at the last moment, dropped both paws to grab onto Eclipse's hindlegs for support.

"S-sorry," Tumbra panted through gritted teeth. When he opened his eyes a bit, though, he realized that Eclipse was smirking up at him through his own expression of pleasure. "I'm just - gonna... I need to..."

He couldn't stop it, though. He had taken his paws away at the very last instant, right as he had felt the pressure and pleasure building towards their peak; now each and every moment poked him a little bit closer, a little further, until the irresistible shudder racked his body and he found himself throwing his head back in a sharp, sudden snarl. That burgeoning pleasure filled his entire body and shot through him, and then the next thing he knew he was bucking his hips along Eclipse's lower body, the force of his orgasm emptying out across already-white fur. The taur chuckled underneath him and rubbed at his thighs, tense and shaking with the bright pleasure still shooting through him and out over the wolf.

Tumbra shook and shivered, almost unable to open his eyes against the feeling. Even as he started coming down from his peak he still worked his hips, loving the slower, deeper sensation of the taur's formidable length lodged underneath his tail, still pressing on him from inside. That other feeling remained as well, to his surprise now growing in the wake of his fading ecstasy. Slowly he worked his hips forward and back, feeling his cock twitch and dribble with each clench as it softened. The sensation inside of him continued to grow, quickly overtaking the remnant pleasure and exhaustion and filling him with a wholly different kind of enjoyment, one that shuddered and pulsed each time he worked his hips, every time he squeezed his muscles.

Before long, the feeling of that squeezing started to change, too. His eyes still shut and head tilted back, Tumbra didn't really notice at first other than how it seemed his shaft was retreating into his sheath a bit quickly. Eclipse's forepaws tightened on his legs, holding him down and in place; not quite fully hilted he worked his hips forward and back again, wanting to see if he could squeeze out a second peak from riding against him, and leaned forward to get into a more comfortable position - and saw, to his surprise, shock, and a little bit of panic, that his sheath and cock had started to fully retreat.

The smaller wolf stopped where he was, pleasure remaining high in his body despite himself. He spread his legs further, glanced up to meet Eclipse's eyes, looked down again... and, somehow, felt another shiver of excitement pulse through his body. The skin and fur of his sheath stretched and flattened back against his lower body, spreading and pulling and settling into place, while the red-fleshed, still-pulsing flesh of his cock pulled back as well. It didn't feel like it drew all the way into his body, bones and flesh and skin rearranging, simply as it seemed to form entirely anew: Tumbra spread his legs further and settled back, Eclipse's still-hard shaft buried in place inside of him.

Admittedly there was indeed a pleasurable sensation to the changes while the nerves fired and adjusted and shifted. Tumbra twitched and bucked atop Eclipse again and again, each time feeling his girth press and squeeze on him all over again: his balls began to pull up and back as well, softer skin and flesh pulling, shifting, settling, retreating to form the soft, supple lips of a fully feminine sex, the little point of flesh of what used to be the tip of his cock settled into place right at the top there, the shaft split and freely spread beneath for the opening, soft, warm pink, already slick with arousal.

The nerves twitched and zapped and fired throughout the change, making the wolf jerk and tighten around the cock still buried underneath his tail. Had he not just finished he certainly would have again, judging by the hot pleasure arcing through the spot where his own shaft used to hang: as he squirmed and shivered in place he could feel the slickness of feminine arousal start to drip and seep down, soaking into the fur of Eclipse's lower body. The pleasure here felt quite similar to what he had known with male equipment, yet still distinctly different now that he was - altered.

Again the two wolves met eyes. Tumbra swallowed, straightened up, ran a paw up the front of his - her - body... and felt the originally flat chest as it just began to stir and grow, nipples coming in further, pecs softening and ballooning out into sizeable, heavy breasts, the entire change sending a never-ending shiver of sweet pleasure through her. Again her hips bucked, this time without her intent; one paw remained between her hips, a bit wider, while the other continued up to cup and squeeze one of her new breasts, the nerves firing off all at once and forcing her to gasp and shudder again. The feeling of running a pair of fingers between her lips down there, of spreading her sex around her pads, of teasing and rubbing at her clit; the sensation of spreading her fingers around one of her nipples, of lightly tugging it, of squeezing the heavy breast in against her chest...

"O-oh," she managed. Her ears perked at her altered voice, mostly the same pitch, slightly different tone, shifted timbre. "That's... new..."

Her eyes met Eclipse's once more. The larger wolf, just as surprised as her, remained still for a moment - but then resumed his slow, steady thrusts, as he had not yet reached his own peak. "You alright?"

"Yeah," Tumbra purred after a moment. Each push from the taur's hips lifted her up off of the ground and sent another wave of pleasure through her. Before long she had dropped both paws down between her legs, one spreading her lips, the other running soft, supple fingerpads up and down along revealed slick flesh and her sensitive clit, seeking and exploring. Two fingers together, running down, poking, pressing in. "Y-yeah, I... oh - oh..."

Eclipse slowed to a stop again. "Oh?"

In another moment Tumbra returned her paws to the taur's belly, streaked and sticky with her load from just earlier, and then slowly, carefully, began to pull herself up. The sensation of Eclipse's length slipping out of her left an odd emptiness inside of her, as she had grown so used to the filling, consuming pleasure and pressure, and now her belly both looked and felt as though it were missing something - and Eclipse wasn't exactly small: the wolfess had to straighten her legs nearly all the way out to stand up all the way now that he was fully hard, and once she did pull free with a slight pop, her tailhole remaining gaped open for a second, she stood up on her tiptoes, and then shifted so that the other wolf's shaft rested against the front of her body between her legs. It twitched and throbbed in her paws, dumping a few pulses of thick, clear pre down over her fingers.

"Yeah." Tumbra pushed her fingers down along Eclipse's length, teasing at the edge of his sheath, and then drew them back up again. They came back slick and sticky. "Part of me thinks you had something to do with this - not that I'm complaining..." She just loved the sound of her new voice, similar to her original yet not quite there. " you're gonna help me take care of it."

Eclipse grinned again and folded his arms up behind his head. He intentionally gave his shaft a throb. "Oh, yeah? How'm I gonna do that?"

Tumbra returned his grin, lifted herself up again, and then positioned his tip right there along herself, giving a few grinds of her hips to begin getting him nice and slick with the juice of her arousal. "You gave me these new parts. You're gonna help me take 'em for a spin."

"Ah." Those heavy forepaws rested on her legs again. "Sounds like a good deal to me. Let me... just..."

"No," breathed the wolfess. Her heart pounded in her chest and her legs shook with anticipation and desire both. A certain kind of need_burned inside of her, one that hadn't been there a few moments before: every time she looked at Eclipse here underneath her, her need to have him inside of her strengthened and pulsed throughout her, and she felt her mouth watering and body tingling at the scent of his musk on the air around her. "Let me handle that. I said you're gonna _help."

It tingled and vibrated through her lower body as she started to grind, push, sink down, one paw on the other wolf's waist and the other keeping herself spread. Every touch sent another shock of needy pleasure up through her, with all her willpower falling into place to keep her from letting go and just slamming all the way down on the taur's already formidable length. Tumbra's own scent came up and mixed around her nose as well, familiar and comfortable yet at the same time bright and new and strange, undeniably feminine. It was...

Her nose twitched. She shivered, swallowed, bit her lower lip... began to feel the other wolf's tapered tip slide easily up into her, lips and flesh well-slickened from natural arousal, this entrance far more yielding than what she had grown used to as a male before. She was in heat, right at the start. That explained it. It explained the feeling in her body, the slightly sharper scent wafting around and captivating both her and the other wolf's attention, and then the hungry need in her loins only accentuated by her slow movement down along Eclipse's shaft.

Beneath her the male twitched and stiffened, his eyes fluttering shut with the sensation. Tumbra smiled, sliding her paw down to keep him angled up into her. She worked her hips as she pushed down, swinging them gently forward and back, forward and back along his thick length, working the already-slick shaft deeper, further inside of herself, pushing and pressing on all of this inexperienced flesh and new nerves, all of these strange and wonderful feelings constantly vibrating, burning, sizzling.

Whatever had caused this rather odd change, she no longer cared. Each twitch of her body reminded her where she had come from, her tailhole trying to part open when she relaxed, the phantom sensation of that heat and pressure inside of her reminding her of how it had felt to sit back on Eclipse and stroke her length to orgasm, emptying out across the taur's chest. The streaks still remained in his fur there, little matted spots, slightly crusted as the forest air came in and dried them. Tumbra let a shuddering sigh out, her own voice sending another buzz of enjoyment down along her back. Where had once been a hard cock now was a little pinpoint of flesh, firm yet soft clit warmly nestled between lips spread around Eclipse's length, still digging and sinking and thrusting at her for a second go. While riding, while pushing steadily further down, faster, harder, she reached back with her other paw, slid one, two, three fingers inside of her tailhole, dug and pressed and wiggled - and knew that that would not have been enough to satisfy her heat. It was nice, but not enough.

"God..." the taur moaned again, his forelegs drawn up close to his chest. Tumbra had completely forgotten they were out in the woods here, with the park's pathway not fifty paces behind her. Positioned like this, propped up on Eclipse's hindlegs with one paw keeping her tail hiked and tailhole partially open... if anyone passed by who could see, at least they'd get a good show. "Tumb, you feel... so..."

"Good?" She leaned forward a bit, willing herself to grind down further and faster. It was such a feeling unlike anything she had experienced before. "Yeah. I know. I really... really do..."

Maybe it was the heat, maybe the new body, maybe the new energy pouring and thrumming through her, maybe all of these together, but Tumbra couldn't resist the urge and need to push herself ever further. Soon she slid her fingers back out of her rump and brought that paw forward again, pushing back against Eclipse's lower belly for support and leverage to squeeze herself back and down. Where as a male she wouldn't have been able to go much further past here, where the bulge of Eclipse's huge cock showed itself in her lower belly, as a female there was no such impediment - and if anything, the need at that point just grew further.

Soon all the noises of the woods fell away too, from the birds singing to the wind whispering in the trees, from the crunching and cracking and branches and leaves past their little clearing to the murmuring of what might either be a river further into the wilderness or a conversation passing along the pathway, all falling beneath Tumbra's own gasping and panting, her needy moans, her intentionally-voiced sighs and breaths, just so she could hear her own voice again and again.

Beneath her Eclipse squirmed as well, the muscles of the taur's lower body rhythmically tightening and relaxing as he lifted up into her. Tumbra reached down, one paw still between his hind legs, and squeezed and massaged at the thick skin of his sheath, slick and matted with the dripping juice of her heat and arousal. The slightest touch to that spot made the huge wolf buck and wriggle and sigh, so Tumbra continued on, wrapping her fingers as far as she could around the base of his cock, pushing that sheath back so that it retracted along the bulge of his knot, still unswollen even as she could tell he approached his peak.

There was a little bit of discomfort there, as the other wolf pushed up into her insides and squeezed and pressed, throbbing and leaking and trying to... what? Between her pleasure and her need, Tumbra smiled, breasts bouncing against her chest with her rhythm, rump slapping down against Eclipse's hips, belly bulging with his presence inside of her. She panted, shivered, squeezed her paw along the base of his length, felt the supple folds of his sheath roll up over her fingers... and then, with a rather forceful buck from both of them, finally felt him slip all the way up inside of her, the slight bulge of that knot slipping in and sealing in place, not quite there but certainly close.

Panting and unsteady, Tumbra pulled her arousal-slickened paw out from between them and leaned forward, using her weight and angle to ensure the taur remained hilted inside of her. Each and every pulse of his heartbeat and throb of his thick cock bounced up through her, each one making her legs tighten and her chest heave in a hungry breath.

"Come on..." Eclipse rumbled beneath her. Tumbra came forward and draped herself over her chest, her much smaller body barely coming past his forelegs. His hips pushed and grinded against her body. "Tumbra, let me..."

"I need it, too..." she murmured, letting her eyes close. It was nice to lie down here with him, wrapped in both of their natural scents and heavy musks mixed together, with the warmth of the forest around them. Just as Eclipse worked his hips against her, Tumbra pushed and squeezed back on him, her muscles pushed past their limit, her body in a constant state of need and desire so, so close to satisfaction. "But I'm - I'm..."

An extension of that earlier feeling, that odd warmth, pulsed through her, seeming to fill her insides with more than just the heavy, oozing pre constantly dripping out of Eclipse's length. She squeezed and clenched around him, running her paws in through the thick fur of his sides, feeling the ribs and heartbeat underneath; she folded her legs back, careful not to squeeze at his huge, heavy balls, and enjoyed the warmth and pressure of him buried deep, deep inside of her. Panting, head tossed back, tongue hanging out of his mouth, Eclipse let out another rumbling sigh.

Tumbra felt that rumble vibrate through her chest and body. She ran her fingers through his fur, eventually finding the streaks of dried stickiness that had at one time been her own load. That already felt so long ago; she shifted again, clenched around the taur's cock, shivered with the sensation. It felt like... like...

"Mm," she murmured, unable to stop the sudden dribble of sticky drool from the corner of her mouth. When she reached up to wipe at it, a thick strand of it clung to the back of her paw and drew out, hanging in a heavy, glistening rope for a second before snapping free. "Come on. Don't stop. I'm just..."

There was no need to tell him twice. As soon as the words left her mouth, dribbling out with more sticky, salty saliva, Eclipse got back to thrusting and grinding his hips. This time, though, it more felt like he just pulsed and slid around inside of the wolfess rather than pulled out and sank back in, almost as though she had sealed herself fully around him. Her entire body followed his movements, dragging her back and forth along his belly, grinding her heavy chest against his cum-matted fur.

Heavy taur forepaws suddenly clamped on her shoulders, holding her down between his hind legs. She tried to squirm and adjust but found she couldn't, between the pressure of that grip and the force of his thrusts lifting up into her; Tumbra attempted to widen her legs, to unwrap them from around and underneath his heavy sack, but soon found she couldn't do that, either. The intense heat and weight of those huge balls pushing down on her legs, bumping and shifting against her thighs, so that the lurching, moving heft caused her to bounce back and forth as well.

The heat of his body passed and melded into hers; she felt her insides squish and work along his length as it pushed and pulsed, back and forth, back and forth. Each thrust in pushed another glob out between her lips into the pool that steadily grew along Eclipse's belly, now definitely too thick to be saliva, too rich, too musk. Tumbra tried to say something more but found that her mouth couldn't form the words, her lips constantly held open.

That wasn't to say that the pleasure had stopped, now that she was somehow frozen in place between the taur's hind legs. Quite the opposite: each thrust and pulse sent his pleasure through her all over again, so that every noise dripping out of the taur's lips reverberated in her own body, each throb and squeeze vibrating up through her so that his heartbeat seemed to come perfectly in time with her own.

Soon she lost feeling in her arms as well, or at least where they met her own body. No longer could Tumbra move her legs or her arms, her body and head serving as nothing more than something for the taur to thrust into and enjoy; his heavy forepaws slid down from her shoulders, fur receding into her skin and leaving it taut and smooth and soft, as he started to stroke her back and body as though she were an extension of his own length. The intense heat, the awareness of where she was and what she was doing, the pulses of arousal throughout all of her muscles, squeezing and wrapping in on that length until, until...

Eclipse bucked and jerked, his forepaws pushing down towards the base of his length while he reached down with his arms to rub and squeeze at his tip. His fingers rolled back over what used to be lupine ears, the skin and flesh easily molding back to form little embellishments, soft barbs along the underside of his head; he sighed, twitched, thrust forward again, squeezed at his growing knot - and then jerked once, twice, again, again, yet again, his load finally dumping out from what had originally been Tumbra's parted lips, thick strands of the stuff hanging down and slopping into the puddle of mixed pre and drool at his belly. He thought he heard the last flicker of a moan coming from there, his cock suddenly much thicker, much bigger than it already was, all of the flesh and muscles twitching and tightening in turn as he continued to empty his balls out across himself, but then it was gone beneath his own grunting and panting.

Suddenly it was a lot easier to reach himself with his arms and paws. Hypersensitive from his intense peak, the wolf leaned back, swallowed, and ran his fingers over his new cock, fresh with new contours and ridges, tinted with slight color differences along the flesh emulating what had originally been Tumbra's markings. She really had been needy; the taur could still feel the remnant echoes of that heat pulsing through him, little unconscious spasms and twitches deep in his flesh and muscles, forcing him to continue to buck upwards into that body that was no longer hilted around him. Or, it was still there, but just... in a different way.

He rolled his head back and closed his eyes against the warm sun coming down through the space in the trees overhead. As a regular male wolf Tumbra had always enjoyed getting into Eclipse's sheath, though usually he stopped at about the elbows; in a few minutes once his knot at gone down, now the other wolf would be able to go all the way in, and always would.

Contentment and satisfaction vibrated through the wolf's lower body, not all of it his own. He gave a few more thrusts, each one accompanied with another little spurt of his load coughing out from the end of his shaft, and then relaxed again. He could lie here for a bit and just... enjoy the closeness and the new changes for a while, and then get back on his way home. There was nothing wrong with that.

Tumbra had enjoyed it, and Eclipse knew that she still would, even in her new form. She wanted her new parts put to use - and he planned to do that, again and again and again, as soon as he'd find the energy to get back up.