Xavier's new hope part 7

Story by Kaze on SoFurry

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#7 of Xavier's new hope

Chapter 7: Blood rain

XAvier stood on the roof, looking over the forest. He felt something was up, the night creeping up on the house. Xavier stood tall as he took a breath in and exhaled slowly. Slowly two wings open from his back, feathered white wings with tribale markings alonge them. He opens his eyes and they glow their red color, he bares his teeth and takes flight in a blurr.

In the air he had a clear view of the forest beneath him, his eyes help him look for any body heat. His sight was enhanced in a way, everything was black but body heat glowed a tint of orange. He saw everything from birds to any other animals. He flew for some time as he did atleast a two mile circle around his home, he came back to his home and landed just a few yards from his door.

Bianca smiled abit as she watched her mate land, she walked to him and hugged him tightly. She felt his wings wrap around her and she murred gently. Xavier kissed her forehead and hugged back just as tight, He looked up to see his daughter standing by the window watching them both. Johana waved and walked to her bed and layed down and murrs under her covers with her girlfriend.

Back at the motel Siera and Zak washed up and got dressed from the two they had fed on. A young couple a poor vixen and husky, laid with their mouths open and their throats ripped open. Zak and Siera walked out of the motel as the police showed up and they went inside to see the two. Zak and Siera had dissappeared.

"We need to find out where he is livving." Zak said as they walked down the street.

"I know, last I heard from father. was in the woods." Siera said as she held onto her brother.

They walked alonge the side walk, once and a while bumping into other snad taking their wallets and money. They made sure to dissappear in the crowd before the others spotted them. They came down to a subway statian and went into the train.

"Lets just supply up and make our move alright?" Zak said to Siera.

Siera nodded as she held onto him she nuzzled his neck and gave it a lick.

"Sir, what can you mka eof this?" The german sheapard asked as he held a note pad and pen.

"all I can say is, they were murdered. Their throats were bitten out and they were left to die." The old Raccon said.

The motel room was filled with forensic officers and police alike. They searched the room for evidence and other things. They took notes, picutes and put the bodies in the body bags. The old raccon stood out side puffing on a cigerette as he watched the sun slowly dissappear into the night. A new dawn awaits the city, and it will be hell.

"Sir!" A young dragon yelled out.

The raccon jumped and looked abck as he looks to the young cop.

"What is it, deputy niles?" He asked.

"I found this, in the bathroom." Niles said holding out a picture of the two wolves with blood on thier muzzle's and the dead couple on the floor.

"My god.." The raccon said.

"What ?" niles asked.

"I can;t believe this is happening agian....." He said as he walke dout not even leaving any answers with the others all with a look of confusion on their faces.

Xavier took a drink of the blood from the cup as he sighs abit. He taps his claws on the counter and sheathed them as he heard his daughter walk over. His daughter now thirteen, he sighed and smiled abit.

"hey hun, whats up?" Xavier asked calmly.

"Nothing dad, just can;t sleep." Johana said as she sat down with her father.

Xavier took another drink and stared at the tv wathcing the news seeing the Raccon explain the situation. HIs eyes tinted of red as he watched, his daughter blinked watching the news.

" How can these furs call them selves Furasions?" She said looking to her father, she tilted her head.

Xavier snapped out of it and shurged abit, he finished the thick drink as he walked to the kitchen and rinsed his cup out as he grabed himself some thing to eat. When he turned aorund he was infront of his daughter and she smiled.

"you know daddy, you should stop worring, It will amke your fur go white." Johana said as she ran a paw alonge his arm, then over his scalie chest.

Xavier blinked and walked aorund his daughter, she sighed and walked back over to the table as her father never slept. He always stayed up and watched the news. She sat there and grabbed her self a apple and took a bite, she gave up and walked back to her room and layed down beside her vixen. The vixen stirred and cuddled up agianst Johana.

Xavier sighed abit and ate quietly as he heard another get up and he looked over to see his mate and he smiled.

"hey love." He said quietly.

Bianca smiled and walke dover and sat in his lap and wraped his arms around her waist as she murred and nuzzled his cheek.

"you should really come to bed babe." Bianca said to her mate.

Xavier smiled and nuzzled back as he nodded, he got up with his mate and walked to the room. He layed her down and laid beside her, he wraped his arms aorund her and cuddled with her, sleep already creeping up on him. His eyes closed and he fell asleep with his mate in his arms.

Xavier opened his eyes to wake in a dark place, he got up off the ground and looked around as he tried his best to look around. He jumped as he heard a step behind him. Slowly the familiar twevle hooded figures came into view, they stood quietly for a few moments and then took their hoods off.

"Xavier, you have become the one we have been waiting for, a hybrid of both wolf and dragon. You are the one to bring on peace for the tribes of two. Both wolf and dragon have been in war for many a year, today you will bring them back to harmony." The female said as she held her arms up

Xavier arched a brow as he stood there and looked to all of them and sighed abit.

"What exactly are you going on about? What war?" He asked.

"You! Are not to question the elders!' A male had shouted, which Xavier didn;t even flinch to.

Xavier smirked abit as he stood there and turned his back to the male elder and looked to the female. She looked ot him and walked forwards and held out a blade. Xavier took a step back as she was too fast and appeared behind him, she plunged the blade into his chest and he gasps as he felt it pierce his heart, he growled and pushed the femlae off him.

He fell to his knees as he felt the pain build and he looked to the blade as it seemed to fold over the wound and then spread across his body like armour. His scales and fur casted in a body armour that stretched over his arms and torso.

He blinked as he watched the metal seem to have a life of its own and cover his body, he looked to his arms as they turned metalic and he watched in horror as the elders watched under their hoods.

Siera gaspoed as she walked off the bus and held her chest as she fell to ehr knees, Zak blinked as he went down and held his sisters shoudler.

"Hey whats going on?" Zak asked concerned.

"He's.......he's at full strength now..." Siera said holding her chest as she looked up wioth worry.

Zak pins his ears back as he sighed abit and helped her up to her feet as they walked into a old motel and payed for a room so they could rest, they went to their room and slept that night, Siear having troubles sleeping.

Xavier awoke and gasped as he sat up and looked aorund as he looked to his paws and saw now metal, he looked to his mate and got up as he walked to the livving room and he held his chest as he looke dot the time. It had only been an hour since he fell asleep and he sighed abit.

Johana had been awake and looked ot her father from the kitchen and she peaked around the corner.

"Daddy? You okay?" She asked as she walke dout in just her bra and panties.

Xavier looked over and blinked seeing his daughter half naked he sighed abit.

"yeah, now go get some clothes on Johana." he said sternly.

Johana looked down and smiled abit as he walke dover to her father and leaned upon him, her small perky breasts press to his chest as she giggled. She gave her father a slow lick across his lips and winked.

"why do I look like mommy? Or is it just a tease?" Johana asked as she was flirting with her own father.

Xavier growled and looked ot his daughter as he grabed her shoiudlers and pined her to the floor, she gasped and moaned abit from the dominace from her father. She spread her legs and wraped them around his waist and she smiled abit.

"Don't do this Johana! I am not gunna matye with you." he said with a growl.

Johana lowered her ears as she laid there and lert her father up, she sighed and sat up, she was in heat and surprised her father was able to ignore it so well. She got up and went to her room as her father went out side and cooled off in the night air.

The raccon sighed abit a she fille dout the papers, the other police officers sat out side his office and talked amongest each toehr as romures spread about the fight that nearly destoryed the city so many years ago. Sheriff Dalton was the last remaining survivour of that time when he was just a kid.

dalton sighed as he fixed his glasses on his snout, the old raccon filed the papers and wlake dout side the office and went to fax the papers off to an old friend.

Three thousand miles away from the city of vancouver, an old dragon got the message and he read it over, his eyes went wide as he slung the papers away and he got up and grabed an old coat. He hailed a taxi and got in.

"Get my to the airport as fast as you can." The odldragon said as he looked out side the window."Your not gunna deal with this today Xavier. your not ready." He said as his eye was covered ina tirbal marking, his chest had a scar over his heart.

(That concludes this chapter)