WtV: Asgard Habitats: Population stats

Story by Aries_Hausdorff on SoFurry

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#26 of Asgard United Habitats

List and explanation of the main species available for SciFi stories in the WtV setting, or rather the "Asgard Habitats".

Background informations for a Sci Fi story in the Welcome to Valhalla setting, which would be located in the Asgard Habitats - both the habitats on the moon Asgard as well as al lthe other space stations spread throughout the Tau Ceti / Valhalla star system.

Species available in the settings of WtV - Asgard Habitats

Canine uplifts

Based off 4 species: German Sheperd; Dalmatian; Husky/Malamute; Golden Retriever

The canines were initially working and guard dogs the humans brought along. Only after the humans on Asgard accepted that there was no peaceful solution as long as the fascistic nature of the human settlements on the planet below remained, did they decide to go about uplifting the canines. Which had, by then formed already a large population with many mixed breeds alongside the pure breeds the humans had nurtured.

1st gen uplifts:

Bodily feral canines, but with human-like intelligence. They have to learn talking using ventroliquism, and they are just as able with their paws as a dog is.Accordingly, they have to rely robotic arms worn on backpacks, which they control using a joystick they can grab with their jaws.

They slowly, within about 10 to 50 generations, turn into "1st gen Anthros", that is they develop fingers and upright walk, but their skeletal structure remains close to a canine. Females have no long hair, just the same fur as the males, and no breasts just the canine rows of nipples. Genitalia are canine. Their digestive system remains completely canine, i.e. chocolate can kill them.

However, the virus used to do the uplift is an ancient multi purpose tool. It creates compatibility for interbreeding with humans.

Offspring of a 1st gen and a human is of the species of the "gender parent" => i.e. a boy is the fathers species, a girl comes after her mothers species.

Human offspring gains additional hair and eye colors, and tend to have chance of slightly better sense of smell at the expense of a higher tendency for color blindness, and similar "chance" level differences, such as pronounced canines.

2nd gen uplifts:

Canine offspring tend to have human like hairgrowth, that is, head and especially crotch area hair is longer. Similarly, female offspring has a pair of primary breasts, and a row of secondary teats. Repeated interbreeding with humans makes the primary breasts more pronounced and the secondary teats become more and more vestigial.

The latter are called 2nd generation uplifts, or short "2nd gen".

They resemble the most common "female canine furries".The canines LOVE imitating human cultures, though they usually see them through a canine filter from a 1930s european worldview.

By 1980 there are a few dozen habitats settled by mostly canine uplift populations, often with only a few "pet humans" or the casual human traveller passing along to visit both the human offspring in that habitat or to provide insights and advice on both raising human offspring or on general terms.

By 1980 there is about half a million uplifted canines. As the feral canines breed about 4 puppies every other year, there is a perpetual influx of new 1st gen uplifts.

About 20% of the canines are female 2nd gen uplifts, that is 100000 of a population of about 500000.After uplifting the maturation cycle lengthens considerably from 2 to 4 years to a bare minimum of about 14 to 16 years.


Initially just a small group of 5, 2 males and 3 females, they came packed with a sperm&ova bank. After 20 years there were over 60 of them, roughly 40 females, and another 20 years down the line ( ~1980 ) there were about 200 of them, a number they consider a stable minimal population. They still add to their genepool from the sperm & ova bank, and polygamy once or twice is a social requirement. They settled in two habitats, one a Taiga climate with short summers, the other a high mountain climate with cool but long summers.

There is only seldomly a romance between a canine and a snowleopard, if, usually, it's mroe a dabbling out of shared interests or maybe a co-students curiosity.

There are even fewer snowleopard-human romances, though, few as they are, there is offspring of those.

The snowleopards obseved that there were different "tribes" on their hmeworld, some of which had more pronounced aspects such as primary breasts and long hair, others however had two rows of teats.

As they observe the development of the canines, and find that offspring with a human male and a snowleopardess shows the same marks as with a canine, they have their own opinions regarding their species history, though they lack more factual evidence, as none of them is a geneticist and they don't want to ask the canines for help.

So, at 1980 there are about 200 snowleopards in the Asgard habitats, living in two settlements of about 50, and the remaining 20 being out in other habitats as students, teachers or in other roles.


Note: Males only.

Initially it were ten human soldiers that used a human-built shuttle to investigate a lightsource on the moon Asgard. But the snowleopard captain of the ship ( the Long Jump ) that brought them to the Tau Ceti solar system sent two parder technicians along as well as ordering three more pards to stow away with one of their seedbanks.

Whilst they almost crashed - not due to the stowaways, but because somebody had intentionally sabotaged their fueltanks - their landing took place on the landingfield of Central Command, the oldest habitat on the moon, designed to be the hub from where all the others were built.

when they wanted to report what they saw - they realized that the Long Jump had exploded. But before they could have much other ideas, Central Command hauled them in.

Thus it came that it were just ten humans males.

But thanks to the canines taking good care of their humans once they are able to, by 1980 there is, on average, a 10 2nd gen canine girls per 1 human male ratio; and thus there are about 10000 human males in the Asgard habitats.


There are no other biological species in the Asgard habitats until around 2010 to 2015. By that time, the stranded colonist snowleopards are retrieved from the surface, together with their human "cattle" and the fenwa V'ki.

It is another decade or two until any noticeable number of fennekim and zebras as well as any of the great felines arrive from Midgard.

The machine creatures of the habitats were always there, but their interaction is sparse. They all avoid interaction with sapient lifeforms, but easily befriend nonsapients, thoughthere, too, they avoid affecting their daily life.

The synthetic / biological creatures that the cranky habitat Cloudhome creates, the MIYAs, appears from about 2010-2015, initially just inside Cloudhome, and then, later one, they become part of Cloudhomes idea of "trade".