Fire Night

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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Fire Night Alright! A good friend of mine known as Moon Light Dragon told me that out of all the Flamedramon and Guilmon pictures on this site...mostly all of them are gay! Now don't get my wrong, I don't care if you're gay or not, but really...we need some females' right?! So...when I was a kid and Digimon was still on, I use to imaging my self as a Tamer. And this is where this came in. what if the D-3 (D-Power, you know the one with the card slashing) could hold two Digimon? This D-3 mark 3 as I call it, (seeing how in the show they changed when the human fused with the Digimon) could hold two Digimon to train with. The D-3 mark 3 is my own; Brandon Casey is my own so if you wish to use him please ask. I do not own Digimon or any of their monsters. This story has Brandon having sex with two female Digimon, if you don't like it then get going to the kiddy land. If you do; then keeps your pants off the floor please! On second thought...well you know what I mean *chuckles* have "fun" with my story of Fire Night!

The year is 2010; school was now done for me and the rest of the city of Dartmouth Nova Scotia. It seemed like a normal day, sun shining, bird singing; oh and did I mention the Digimon? Yeah it happen when I was about seven, so ten years ago. A blue data like rip flowed though the sky, and soon afterwards; I'm guessing you know what came next. Everywhere I went I could see Digimons, I mean right ahead of me stood a Renamon giving her Tamer a small maybe six year old kid a piggy-back ride. I had to smile, I remember when the Digimons first came everyone was scared of them; even me. And it took just one kid, a little girl to walk up to them and say hi to know that they weren't monsters. Around that time, the Digimons started giving weird devices known as Digivice to few children. I don't think they ever gave one to a adult, I heard one say that the Tamer needed to be pure of heart; so I guess kids were the best bet. But not all Digimon were all nice, many were evil and tried to destroy our home, kill our friends and families. This is when the Tamers and their Digimons would come and stop them! I myself seen a few of these battles, heck I even helped by fighting. Sure humans could never defeat I Digimon, but I didn't care; I wanted to help so I did.

I knew mom wouldn't be home, trip around the world for some weird clothes she made, but I didn't care; home alone for six mouths! I did stop off at my place for a quick second, finding some mail, a letter from my mom saying that she's having fun and the mouthy rent was made and to wish me luck with school; she even gave me a few hundred bucks! Now I knew I had to go to the mall for a few reason, one I was hungry, two I was bored, and three; games. Grabbing the money I went up stairs to check if I was good enough to leave yet. My tan skin, looking a little darker because of the sun caught my eyes first. And my green eyes shone though the mirror as I darted to the rest of my body. I wore my black top with light blue pants again today, a little big but I liked it; made me feel loose if you know what I mean. My black hair pulled upward almost like lighten shot at it, yellow frosty tips stood out the most though. Giving a smile I shoved the money in my pocket and made my way out to another sunny day. The mall was coward again, but who could you blame when mostly half of the mall had Tamers? I sat at the food court eating a few slices of pizza. That's when I saw it. Sitting on a garbage can stood a D-Power or D-3 as some would call it, but this one seemed different in a way. I've seen the D-3 before; they would be sliver with a red, blue, red. What ever lining; kind of like their Digimon. But this one was blue, not sliver, with a red lining. I picked it up and twisted it and flipped it, seeing if it belong to anyone; nothing. That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around I stepped back when I saw two Digimon standing before me, a Guilmon, and a Flamedramon. The Flamedramon must have been the same height as me, six foot, whiles the Guilmon around five feet, only because it was standing like a T-Rex would. Flamedramon wore the same armor like any other would, red chest plate with red claws and so on. While the Guilmon wore nothing, but the red and white scales with black markings stood out more. "So you found our Digivice!" the Flamedramon sounded female, her voice sounded so sweet.

"Yeah," the Guilmon also sounded female, "And it's about time huh sister?" I just watched as they talked back and forth as I stood there confused.

"Wait a second!" they both turned to me, "What's going on?!" the two looked to each other and seemed to smile as they looked back at me, the Flamedramon moving closer to me.

"We are here," she told me as she smiled, "Because we are your Digimons, and you; our Tamer. I blinked a few times, a few things ran though my mind which I was going to ask them; but I needed to stop my eyes from blinking like a bug was stuck in it.

"I'm," I asked after a few minuets of acting like an idiot, "You're Tamers?" they both nodded their heads, Guilmon seemed to giggle at my confusion as I sat down.

"Hold on!" I cried bringing my hands up, causing everyone to look at me for a second before going back to their work. "Let me see if I get this straight so far," I took a breath. "Your both are claiming to be my Digimons?" they nodded, "And you're sisters?" they nodded.

"Half sisters," Guilmon answered, "She's is a pure Flamedramon, while I'm only half. Our father is a Flamedramon, while my mother and her step mom; a Growlmon." I nodded, I thought when she said sister I thought she meant like the "Sister Hood" or some shit like that.

"Okay," I said, "And why are you both my Digimons?" I crossed my arms as I sat down; they sat down also, but on the other side of the table. "I mean, aren't Tamers supposed to have only one partner?" Flamedramon shook her head.

"The Tamers with only one partner are not strong enough in heart to handle the power the D-3 mark three holds. As you know there are two different kinds of D-3, but now three. The first one are like the one you've seen, the second, would have a gold lining; allowing the Digimon to fuse with the humans. And this one," she tapped the Digivice in front of me, "Is a powerful version of the D-3, able to hold two Digimon under the order of their human!" she tapped it again; "See how the device is mostly blue?" I nodded, "This means that I am your primary Digimon, your; Alpha if you will. And since the lining is red, Guilmon here is your Bata."

"But," I answered her with my new question, "I thought only children could be with a Digimon partner." Flamedramon nodded her head.

"Yes that's true, but the reason why Digimon pick younger Tamers so that they can be link to said human longer."

"What do you mean?" this time it was Guilmon who answered.

"Digimon after being with the humans long enough start to feel; a link if you will. Like a piece of your body but not at the same time. Digimon are code, when we "die" we revert to our DigiEggs, and start all over again. So in a way; we live forever." She sighed, "But humans aren't like this, they die; they die. And the only way they would somewhat live on, is if they had a child." She smiled, "We Digimon also found a new roles for ourselves; finding our Tamers soul mate." I choked when she said that, "As long as the Tamer had a child, said Digimon will never leave the family; ever." Talk about a full time job. I rubbed the back of my head as I thought.

"If I refused," I asked, "You're still gonna follow me around; aren't you?"

"Like the lost puppies we are!" answered Guilmon with a smile. I had to chuckle at that as I nodded.

"Alright, I'll be your Tamer; but!" I raised a finger before they could move. "I don't want help with this "soul mate" stuff that's my department got it?" they both nodded as I brought my hand out to shake.

"Welcome to the Casey family then." But they didn't shake; both of them pulled my body toward them as they hugged me; causing me to go bright red with embarrassment.

"I don't get this cartoon." Guilmon told him as she pointed to my computer, "Who the heck is Shiron and why is a little kid calling him bald?" it was later that night, mom called a few hours ago and I told her about Flamedramon and Guilmon, she told me that she didn't mind me being a Tamer; seeing how I kind of already one with me fighting some of the evil Digimons. Flamedramon found both her and Guilmon a room to use to sleep in, so she was gone fixing it up, leaving me and Guilmon alone watching Legendz: Tale of the Dragon Kings on my computer.

"The kid name is Shu," I answered, "And it's not a cartoon, but an amine. He's the Kaza no Saga, the summoner of the Wind. Kinda like a Tamer. Shiron is a Legendz, like a Digimon who battle the Dark Wizard Company because their trying to get Shu Tailpod; a Digivice, to bring about the next Legendz War that could destroy all of humanity." I took a breath to keep going. "Shiron is also a Wind Dragon, when he is called back he transforms into his Hamster like form without his hair; that's why Shu calling him bald." Guilmon just titled her head as I laughed. "Yeah it's confusion at first, but if you watch it from start to finish you'll get it." She just nodded as I chuckled. Just then she yawned and brought her head on my shoulder; closing her eyes. I turned over to see her as she opened her eyes to look at me.

"I'm sorry," she said standing up, "I...didn't mean to do that." I shrugged as I went over to the coach and sat down.

"I don't mind here." I patted my lap as she came over, lying down; her head on my lap as she yawned. She soon fell asleep on me as I soon followed. I had awoken later to the feeling of being lifted. I opened my eyes a bit to see Flamedramon holding me bridle-style, my arms around her neck as she carried me to my room. I saw her look down at me as she smiled; brushing the hair away from my eyes as she opened the door with her tail. She placed me down on the bed as brought the covers up to my chin, rubbing my head like a mother would her child.

"Sleep well Brandon." She told me softly before leaving my room; and closing the door.

I woke up late that night, turning over to my left, causing my bed to groan as I did. My clock read three in the morning, scratching my head I sat up on my bed; seeing that I was still fully dressed. Slipping off my pants and putting my bed pants on, I tore my socks off. Standing up I gentle took my shirt off, showing my four packs I held. I remembered back before I fought the Digimons that I hated fighting. That I would do just about anything to stay away from one. But after a Dark-Anglemon went after my mom; I snapped. I went back in my bed, and as soon as brought my head to my pillow; the door opened. "Brandon?" I brought my head up to see Guilmon standing in the door way, half in; half out. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't' mean to wake you." I chuckled in the night as I shook my head.

"No, I was up." I told her. "What brings you here?" she moved more in as she closed the door behind her, moving closer to my bed as I sat up; crossed legs.

"I tell you something...." She looked away as I titled my head.

"What is it?" I asked patting the bed; she sat down as she began to play with her claws.

"Brandon..." she trailed off. "If I told you something close to me? Would you keep it to yourself if I asked you to?" I was surprised she trusted me that much already to ask me that. I slowly nodded my head as she turned to me. "Brandon...I...I..." she didn't finish what she was saying as she brought her claws to the side of my face and pulled me to her lips. Her lips moved as she kissed me, my eyes wide with shock until I pushed her away, causing her to fall on her back with her own shock look. "I'm...I'm sorry!" she bowed her head at me, "Please, don't tell anyone!" she was crying now, I could see the tears flowing down. "Digimon shouldn't love a human like I do for you. But I had to tell you!" she looked back up at me, her eyes deep with tears. "I love you Brandon, with all my heart; I love you!" She looked back down as she cried softy. I didn't know what to do, here was a Digimon, saying she loved her Tamer; yet, she didn't think it was right. I didn't want to see her suffer so I did the first thing in mind. I brought her chin up as I kissed her. I felt her tense but soon relax as our lips moved as one, gasping and moaning in each others mouths.

Our tongues wrapping around each others as her claws went to my bare chest, rubbing down. She broke the kiss as she sucked on my lower lip as I kissed her still, rubbing her sides getting a nice gasp from her. Already, I think I was falling for her. She broke the kiss this time, her eyes slowly opening as she stared at me with those loving eyes. I smiled down at her as I held my arms out; her rushing in as I hugged her close. "I don't care what the others think Brandon." I heard her say over my shoulder, "I want to be with you, I want to love you with my heart, my mind, my soul; and my body." She pulled away from me as she gave me a sweet smile. "I want you to mate with me Brandon!" she almost screamed, "I want to be your partner in more then one way!" I was shock at what she was telling me, but I nodded, holding her tightly again.

"I love to have you Guilmon." I whispered in her ears. "But I have to ask," I pulled away from her, "Why do you love me, when we just met each other today?" I saw her face blush a deeper red as she smiled.

"Well...the truth is, the day we Digimon came over to your side; was the day I first saw you." She looked up at me, "Flamedramon doesn't know that I love you, and I didn't want to tell her because I feared she would hate me and call me a traitor for bedding a human and not our own."

"So in a way," I asked, "You've been following me around?" she nodded again,

"And I was also taking care of you." I titled my head the same way she did as she giggled. "Remember that time you thought you lost your school paper; the one that gave you just enough points to get you to the next grade?" I had to remember pretty far, I think that was in the seventh grade. "I'll take that as I yes; anyway. I followed you like I always did; I could see how worried you were trying to find those papers, so I helped. I found them in the hands of some humans, what was his name...?" she tapped her temple as she tried to think back, "John! That's who it was!" I rolled my eyes; I knew that John my old junior high school bully had something to do with it. "Yeah so he had the papers, so I jumped in front of him and his friends and scared him good. They ran screaming 'Red demon!' which kinda hurt my feelings." That would explain why he transfers out of the city. "So I brought the papers to your house and left them in the mail box, hoping you would found them; which you did."

She gave a smile as I smiled back. "Well," I told her kisses her snout, "Since I now know it was you who found them, I thank you." I hugged her again as she sighed. "But Guilmon," I brought her out of the hug so I could see her; "Do you really want a human? I mean when I die, as you and your sister said; I'm gone." I saw her look down, "And humans grow old, Digimon to my understanding don't; sure you digivolve to match your power level. But you'll never age like I will soon." She looked up at me as she nodded,

"I understand but," she kissed me again, this time like a lover would everyday, "I don't care, I want to be with you as long as I can. I've seen how you care for humans and Digimon, how you fought even though you could die fighting for them. You never back down in a fight, you always push forward to keep the one you care and love out of harms way. That's why I love you Brandon." I smiled; I still couldn't believe this was happening. "So," She asked as she crawled up to me until she was sitting on my lap, "Brandon?" she gave a sly smile; no doubt feeling the lump in my pants. "Will you mate with me now? Claim me as yours in the way of love?" I had to smile as I nodded, her head coming closer to mine until our lips touched again.

She brought her claws to both sides of my head as she deepened our kiss. My hands trailed down her sides, getting that same gasp from the last time. "Brandon?" she pulled her head back to look at me, "Will you go easy? It's my first time, and; many male Digimon tend to be...rough." I was shocked that this was going to be her first mating, and how she chose it to be with me. I nodded to her as I pushed her gentle on her back, her legs spread to their side and her tail base already wet. That was the first time I saw her Digi-hood. Already her slit was red and a little open, her juices flowing down her tail on to the bed. Tomorrow I would have to wash my sheets, but I didn't care. "I thought you were going to mate with me?" I brought my eyes up to her to see that she seemed confused.

"I am." I told her.

"But why am I on my back?" she asked titling her head, "We Digimon mate with the male on our backs as you human call 'Doggy style'." She really was submitting to me, I still couldn't believe this.

"I'll mate with you like your kind does Guil," she seemed to smile at the nickname I gave her, "But first, I want to loosen you up, and I know this will be the easies way to do it." She slowly nodded as I started to pull my pants down, when she stopped me.

"Let me." Moving my hands, her claws went where my hands were, hooking under the waist. Slowly she dragged them down until they were at my ankles; this is where I took over to kick them off, her already pulling my boxers down. I heard her chuckle when she saw my member. It was already hard and at full, I never did see how large it was, I was thinking maybe seven to eight inches to my guess. She slowly lowered her self again as I clawed between her legs. "Before we start Brandon," she told me after I took my eye away from my soon to be prize. "I want you to know, I never mated with a male..." she looked away as I gave a puzzle look as I realized.

" mated with a female before?" she nodded,

But it was only licking and fingering as you would call it, not with our tails." I slowly nodded.

"It's alright." I told her kissing her forehead as she sighed. She must have been thinking that I was going to hate her for loving someone before me. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she licked my ears.

"Take me now Brandon." She whispered, "Take me."

Moving back a bit I grasped my member in my hand while using my other to hold onto her claw, her grip was tight; she must have known this would hurt. I brushed the tip across her as she gasped; finally slipping the head in. she moaned loudly, I didn't think she would already feel this great. I pushed more in, more and more as she moaned and sigh louder; I sure hope her sister didn't hear us. I let my hand go as I slipped it into her other claw, I gasped myself along with her until I felt something hit my tip. This must have been her cherry, staying still I let her groan and moan as I just stayed as still as I could; just loving the feeling. I started to pull out, feeling her pussy tighten as I pushed out until the tip was still in; as I pushed back to the same spot a little faster. Her head landed on the pillow as she bit her bottom lip as I kept hitting that same cherry over and over again, until she opened her eyes to look at me. "Break it." She told me in a small voice, "I know it will hurt, but please; I need you." I nodded as I brought my lips to hers for two reasons; to keep her from screaming making Flamedramon run in and see what was going on, and to help her relax. I started to push against it as she moaned heavily in my mouth, but it wouldn't break. I pushed out a bit, and then tried again; nothing. I knew I was going to hate doing this, but it was the only way, I pushed half way out, kissing her deeply; as I trusted right into her. I felt it break as she screamed against me, but it was muffled by our lips. I felt something dripping out of her, knowing it was blood. I was going to pull out to wait for her to be ready later. But her arms tighten around my neck and pushed me down, her legs round my waist as they too pushed; sending my human dick all the way in.

My eyes shot open when I felt my hip hit hers as she broke the kiss and hissed loudly to the ceiling. I too moan as I felt it twitch and pulse a bit, looking down I saw her smiling as she pushed me off of her. I landed on my back as she rolled onto her feet, leaning down until her chin hit the pillow, her tail raised high in the air. I was almost drooling as her neck craned around to look at me. "Come on, time to fuck me now; and don't hold back!" I saw the need in her eyes as I nodded, moving over to her on my knees; I slowly licked her tail from the base as I lied my dick again, slamming back into her. "Oh my god Brandon," I pushed out then thrust back in, her body pushing forward from the power behind my thrust. I licked her tail again as I pulled back and slammed back home; the bed frame tapping on the wall as we mated, soon she was rocking back to me as I brought my arms around her waist, fucking her faster. "Harder!" she begged as I only grunted as I gave into her. I was now moaning loudly as she slammed her body back to me as I pushed up to her. Sweat pouring down my face as I started to go faster, and she didn't care. "Brandon!" she was now screaming and if her sister came in, I didn't care; I didn't care if she would yell at me to stop I would only fuck her sister faster.

"Guilmon..." I moaned her name as I slapped her rump as I pushed faster, she yelped but moaned.

"Again..." her face was now in the pillow as I slapped her again, leaving her scales a little redder. "Yes..." she moaned I slapped her one last time until I kissed her neck; she gave a sigh as I started to move even faster, until I saw her shake. "Oh....oh I...I'm gonna cum!" I smiled as I slammed even harder into her until she brought her head up and called my name loudly as she came. Her juices hitting my thighs as I still went on, in fact I could move even faster now as she screamed in bliss. Until I too; came. When I brought my hips to hers, she brought her hips back as I brought my head up and moaned loudly. I just came and came, I didn't stop for who knew how long; but after a while, and I did stop. I slumped onto her back, her rump still in the air as she sighed, I rolled to my side; her back to my chest as I kissed her neck. Her tail wrapped around my legs as her claws found my hands and brought them over her chest so I could hug her.

"I love you Guilmon," I told her as I kissed her neck.

"I love you too Brandon," she answered back, until we both heard a chuckle.

"And I love how well you both came!"

I shot away from Guilmon as she did to me as we shot our heads to the door, seeing Flamedramon her back to the doorframe; smiling. "I don't think I ever seen a male fuck a Digimon so gentle at first, then full on mate like you did Brandon." Guilmon looked like she committed a crime as she took the blanket and covered both of us, moving closer to me; she was shaking, badly.

"Flamedramon," Guilmon cried as she looked to me then her, "This...isn't what you think!" Flamedramon smiled as she moved closer.

"So you didn't tell a human you loved him? You didn't tell him that you wanted to mate with him? And you didn't offer yourself the way you should if you wanted eggs?" by this time I was slipping on my pants as Guilmon looked down. I jumped out of the bed as I moved toward Flamedramon.

"Listen, Flamedramon." I told her with my arms crossed. "I know she told me that this was...not to be, but I have to ask you not to breath a word of this to anyone!" she raised a brow to what I could see from her helmet as she giggled. "I'm not joking around!" she smiled as she moved closer.

"And you know what?" she asked leaning closer, "Nether am I." she pushed her lips to mine as my eyes widen with shock, I heard Guilmon gasp as Flamedramon pulled away. Dont you just hate cliff hangers like that? lol more to come! just didnt get a chance to get this done.