"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-5

Story by AncientWolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Daggers of Darkness #4: An Unexpected Discovery

Here's chapter 5 for the fourth book of my sci-fi adventure series, "Daggers of Darkness, Book 4, An Unexpected Discovery". This story is set 500 years into the future with some of the descendants of the characters in my novel, "Family Tails". This book continues the physical journey that will ultimately tie together the story lines of "The Sacrifice for Peace", "Family Tails", "Daggers of Darkness", and "Tangled Vines".

The posting of this story on here may not be a fully polished product -- that will come later when I have the story fully edited and published. However, I will try to keep the typos, etc., to a minimum. The main things I would like from those reading this are comments, questions, and suggestions. I only ask that you please keep criticisms constructive and polite.

Story, characters, and related art © 2013-2021 Ronald J. Lebeck (that's me).


Cameron sat with Hauvri'ahn and Arlan in a quiet corner of one of the many food courts on the huge Esba'in Station, contemplating the course of events that had led them to where they were.

Since leaving Mars, Arlan had the same dream that his two companions had a couple years prior, and it was something he continued to wrestle with. The powerful and all too real images--and particularly that Voice--could not be shaken. Hauvri'ahn told him after he had had "The Dream" that, like they, The Heart had called him. Nial-sa'fel had explained to the three that they were now on "the journey of the heart to The Heart", and that they must follow it to the end. When Hauvri'ahn asked him how he knew that, Nial-sa'fel would only say that he knew a lot more about The Heart and what it truly was than most and that they should simply trust him on that.

Cameron's mind was often on his sister and how she was faring. He never imagined that, by stepping foot onboard Nial-sa'fel's ship that fateful day on Mars, he would miss a sure opportunity to get custody of her and be made to wonder if he would ever see her again. He hoped that she would at least be put into the strictly regulated and highly monitored foster care system where she would at least have a stable life.

Hauvri'ahn felt sorry for her husband and knew that he really wanted to have had the opportunity to raise his sister properly. She missed little Shauna and felt sorry for her, too, having experienced for herself the dysfunctional family Cameron's little sister had been brought into. She would have helped raised Shauna as if she were her own child--Élendorians, and their cousins the Keori, were often regarded as being among the best caregivers, largely due to their strong empathic abilities. Hauvri'ahn continued to hold her husband's hope of returning to Terra and give his sister a good and loving home.

Their pilot had kept his word and had taken them to places where old civilizations had once existed, where they found many things that had excited them. Their travels had taken them further and further away from Sol Federation space, eventually taking them to a place called Juyami-III where they met a lively young female Vey'ani pilot by the name of Rissanivi Salnuano.

Upon seeing Cameron, Hauvri'ahn, and Arlan, in the trading shop near the main starport, Rissanivi was immediately intrigued for she had never seen their kind before in her part of the galaxy, so she had to introduce herself to them. They quickly became friends and it didn't take long for Rissanivi to learn enough Terran Standard English from Cameron and Arlan to be able effectively communicate with her new friends without a translator device. In exchange for a cut of whatever they found during their explorations, Rissanivi led the group to various locations she had learned of that were well outside the usual areas frequented by travelers.

For a reptilian, Rissanivi was rather outgoing, friendly, and curious, besides having a good business sense. Although still rather young by Vey'ani standards, Rissanivi had already been to several less frequented areas of space just to see what was there and to get a feel for potential opportunities. She was quite savvy when it came to dealing with people of all types, quickly learning who was approachable and who to stay away from, where it was reasonably safe and where it definitely wasn't.

Early on in her life, Rissanivi had made friends with a large Mawynian male by the name of Casvan, who became a mentor and a part-time business partner. Casvan had considerable knowledge of what was happening in and around the area of Esba'in by listening to the pilots and crews of the small ships his business serviced, and he shared that knowledge with Rissanivi. He had been on the huge station which completely encircled the planet for over a hundred local years, though just how old Casvan truly was, nobody knew. He had helped Rissanivi make the arrangements for the purchase of the used long-range courier ship she found at a dealer he had recommended, and had also helped by sending legitimate work in her direction to pay for it. Casvan had a strong reputation of doing honest quality work for a fair price, and he protected that reputation. Those of the local criminal element quickly--and soundly--learned to not mess with Casvan, his business, his employees, his customers, or his friends. At least not more than once.

Cameron and the others had been provided with translator devices by Nial-sa'fel so that they could conduct whatever business they needed. The one drawback of the translators was that they only worked while on Esba'in Station.

Rissanivi returned to the table with four steaming mugs and with as much of a smile as her scaly face would allow.

"Um, got closest could get to, um, tea...that it? Yeah, tea...think you like. Taste good," Rissanivi said cheerfully as she set the mugs down.

"Thanks, Rissa," Arlan said, smiling as he took one of the mugs. After taking a sniff of the mug's contents, he cautiously tasted it. "Mmm, not bad. What's this called?"

"It, um, called h'risja. Got fla...no, flo...flo...?"

"Flowers?" Arlan suggested.

"Um...yeah, that it. Flowers. Smell nice pretty plant things. Oh, um, got leaves, too. Different plants, yeah," Rissanivi said.

She sipped hers through an attachment on her mug that reminded Arlan of the cup small children on Terra and the colonies use when they were too old for a baby bottle. He smiled slightly at the thought, though he understood why the Vey'ani needed the item--she didn't have soft lips like mammalian lifeforms.

"Gotta admit, she is kinda cute for a reptile. Nice body, too. That was an interesting time when we were digging in those ice caves in the N'man system. I can understand why Rissa doesn't like cold, and I didn't mind letting her crawl into my sleeping bag with me to keep warm. Good thing it was large enough for both of us. She's got an interesting slight musky scent. Oh, but watching her walk...almost like watching a snake slithering along, the way her tail moves with the rest of her," Arlan thought to himself. He glanced at Rissanivi who was sitting to his left at the table as he took another sip of h'risja. "I've seen some interesting looking gals out here, though Rissa is kinda growing on me--maybe it's just because we've been working together and I've gotten to know her. Cam kinda likes her, too, and Hauvri'ahn seems to get along with Rissa just fine. Speaking of, I can see why Cam fell in love with Hauvri'ahn--aside from the fact that it's hard not_to notice her, she's sweet, smart, and good looking. Well, she_ is an Élendorian...I haven't seen one yet who isn't good looking. I wonder what her family thought when she brought Cam home with her the first time...hopefully better than when he took her back to meet his family. He's never said much about it, though I take it that it didn't go over so well."


"Huh? What?"

"C'mon, dude, hurry up and finish your drink. Nial called and said he's on his way back to pick us up. He's heard of a planet called, Fren'a, that we might want to take a quick look at," Cameron said, interrupting Arlan's train of thought.

"Oh, okay, gimmie a min..."

"Um, Big C, you say place called Fren'a?" Rissanivi asked, cocking her head to one side and flicking her tongue out.

"Yeah, have you heard of it?" Cameron asked.

"Um, yeah. Sad story, tell on way," Rissanivi said.

* * * * *

Their trip to Fren'a was nearly disastrous, having turned out to be the most dangerous world they had explored. Rissanivi had stayed off-world, checking out some other planets in the system for possible locations to search while Cameron, Hauvri'ahn, Arlan, and Nial-sa'fel were exploring the ruins of a city on Fren'a. Checking out what Nial-sa'fel said used to be a library, they took pictures in the upper part, documenting what they saw. Given the age and other factors, the above ground part held little that was of interest. They decided to take a stairway next to some lift shafts down to the first sublevel. The door had to be forced open due to settling and corrosion from humidity, making a noise that was loud enough to have been heard by other things.

While searching through the remains of the lower level, Nial-sa'fel discovered a room that held the ancient library's main computers and made a note for them to be retrieved another time. After they had completed searching the first sublevel, they went to the door leading down to another.

"Hey, do you guys hear anything?" Cameron asked quietly.

"Yes, sounds like...water dripping," Nial-sa'fel acknowledged. "And...that smell...ugh!"

"Yeah, you're right, it's...*gag*...nasty!" Cameron agreed.

"Go there, perhaps we should not," Hauvri'ahn suggested, grimacing at the putrid stench when they had opened the door a little.

"Ew, that's worse than skunk spray!" Arlan said, putting a hand over his nose.

"Whatever it is, I don't think I want to..." Cameron started to say, but just then something large and wet sounded like it was slogging its way closer--and the stench was getting unbearably stronger.

"We should leave--now," Nial-sa'fel said with low growl, his hackles raising.

"No shit," Cameron agreed. "Hauvri, Arlan...let's move!"

The four quickly moved away from the door and headed back towards the stairwell heading up to the main floor. While they were picking their way through the debris between the old book racks, they heard the door to the stairwell going down to the next level bang open and something come through. Hauvri'ahn made a short series of low coughs about the same time that Nial-sa'fel gave a warning growl. Whatever had come up from below was moving noisily towards them, like something wet slapping across the floor. Hauvri'ahn briefly turned to look back--the creature's appearance was so startling that she tripped and fell over the debris strewn about. Before she could call out to Cameron, the creature's flagellating seaweed-like tentacles had grabbed hold of the edge of the book shelves and it pulled itself forward. When she saw the eye disks staring unblinkingly at her, she screamed for her husband.

"Aaaii!!! Cameron!!!"

The Clydesdale G.E.L.F. immediately ran back to help his wife, drawing his large combat knife from its sheath and holding it at the ready. Nial-sa'fel, who had almost reached the stairwell going up, turned and ran back to help, drawing his own weapon. The creature was almost upon Hauvri'ahn by the time Cameron reached her. Despite the nauseating stench it gave off, Cameron bellowed and began slicing at the tentacles reaching for her.


Just as she was picking herself up, one of the creature's tentacles lashed out and caught her right wrist, yanking her arm towards it and throwing her off balance. She cried out in pain from its touch. Cameron quickly glanced over to see what had happened and he tried to hack the tentacle with his knife, but several more whipped between them, blocking his attempt. Nial-sa'fel came around the end of the shelving, and quickly sizing up the situation, took aim and fired into the creature's mass. The direct hit from the blast of energy caused the creature to thrash wildly and make a hideous sound. It reared up, pulling Hauvri'ahn closer, though in doing so, it provided Cameron with the opportunity to slice off the end of the tentacle that had a hold of Hauvri'ahn's wrist. Cameron dived for his wife, grabbed her and rolled away from the creature. Nial-sa'fel fired over them and hit the creature again with another shot, causing a flurry of arcs to race across the creature's body and flinging it backward. Arlan dashed in and helped Cameron and Hauvri'ahn to get up on their feet.

"Get to the stairs!" Nial-sa'fel ordered.

Hauvri'ahn needed help walking, having twisted her ankle when she fell, so Cameron and Arlan supported her while they made their way to the stairwell. Nial-sa'fel held back long enough to remove something from his shoulder pack, fiddle with it, and then set it on the floor before going through the door and shutting it. Once they were all in the stairwell, Nial-sa'fel spoke into his black wristband. A few moments later, the four of them were back on his ship.

"How bad is it?" Cameron asked quietly as Nial-sa'fel looked at Hauvri'ahn's wrist.

"Looks like a chemical burn--I'll know what kind in a moment," Nial-sa'fel said, reaching for a small scanning device. A few seconds later, he said, "Nothing exotic, just a simple acid with some enzymes tossed in. I've got something that will neutralize that easily enough." He got up and reached into a storage cabinet, pulling out a small spray bottle. "This won't hurt a bit..."

Hauvri'ahn watched as the bottle's contents foamed on the wound, numbing it in the process. When the foam subsided, Nial-sa'fel gently washed it off and then healed the damaged skin.

"How is it now?" he asked.

"Better it is, thank you," Hauvri'ahn replied, smiling slightly.

"Good, now let's take a look at that ankle..." Nial-sa'fel said. Lifting her leg and resting the lower part on his knee, he carefully felt the injured ankle. "Nothing's broken...you just twisted it. Easy fix." After healing it, he said with a smile, "There, good as new, hopefully. I'm not much of a healer, though I can take care of simple things like this."

"Appreciate it, I do," Hauvri'ahn said with a smile.

"Yeah, me, too. Thanks," Cameron added.

"It's a good thing it didn't get any more of a hold on you, otherwise..."

"Yeah..." Cameron agreed, knowing what Nial-sa'fel was getting at.

After a few moments of silence between them, Nial-sa'fel said, "Well, I think we've had enough for one day. I'm getting us out of here."

After their pilot headed off, Hauvri'ahn said sadly, "My bracelet..."

"That can be replaced, baby--you can't," Cameron said softly, pulling her towards him. "I was not going to let that thing take you from me..."

Hauvri'ahn put her arms around her husband's neck and pressed her face against his.

"My Cam...my warrior..."

* * * * *

"Um, not much out here. Next star close has planet that had people long, long ago. Might, um, be worth look," Rissanivi suggested.

"Do you know anything about them?" Cameron asked.

Rissanivi took a few moments to recall what she knew of the civilization.

"Um...people called Palinons. Lived by strict rules, helped others, fought bad people. Had starflight, but known for art stuff--pretty things. Other people said place have, um...don't know what you say. Things not seen but do things, people long gone but something stays..."

"You mean it's haunted by ghosts?" Arlan asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing at Cameron.

"Um, ghosts...what that?" Rissanivi asked.

"Ghosts are supposed to be the spirits of living things that stick around for some reason after they have died," Arlan explained.

"Oh. Um, like that, maybe," Rissanivi said.

"A planet populated by ghosts...I can just see somebody making a movie about it," Cameron quipped.

"Or turning it into a tourist attraction," Arlan said with a chuckle.

"Um, why anyone do that?" Rissanivi asked, looking confused.

"For some strange reason or another, humans on Terra have a thing about ghost stories, haunted houses, and such--don't ask me why, they just do," Cameron replied with a dismissive gesture.

"I don't think there is as much interest in supernatural stuff like there was, say, five hundred years ago and farther back in our history. But then again, now that we're becoming more knowledgeable about psi events and such, there may be a better explanation to some of those old stories than just hysterics or wishful thinking or wild imaginations," Arlan explained.

Nial-sa'fel, who had so far been quiet, piped up and said, "I've seen spirits--talked with them, too."

Arlan, Cameron, and Rissanivi, all said, "Huh?"

Seeing the looks on their faces, he said, "On my homeworld, in The Great Forest, there are some who make an appearance from time to time. They're nice people, really--they have their own reasons for not continuing on, usually because they feel a need to be helpful in whatever way they can."

"A 'Great Forest', eh? That sounds like something out of a fairytale," Cameron said with a bit of sarcasm, folding his arms across his chest.

"It's quite real and it covers half a continent, hence its name. I was born there--it's where my home is," Nial-sa'fel said matter-of-factly.

"So, you're saying this forest of yours is haunted or something?" Arlan asked.

"The Great Forest is an extension of sorts of the realm known as Ayoo-t'ahna nal-Zhidôr--the place where the First Ones come from--and it exists simultaneously in both the spirit realm and our own, as well as in others. Our Forest also has a manifestation of The Heart--Élendor Prime is not the only place where it extends itself to. The Heart is actually located in Ayoo-t'ahna nal-Zhidôr, though it can reach into other places and times, as it has on Élendor and other worlds," Nial-sa'fel explained.

Hauvri'ahn had entered the small ships' galley just when Nial-sa'fel began speaking about The Great Forest on his world, and took particular interest when he brought up The Heart.

"Exists, The Heart does, in other places and times, how?" Hauvri'ahn asked, coming to stand behind Cameron and putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Well, that you might have to ask the First Ones who were involved in its creation. I'm not exactly sure how, I just know that it can," Nial-sa'fel replied.

"As long as we're on the subject, how much longer are we going to be on this 'journey' thing?" Cameron asked.

Nial-sa'fel leaned back and thought a moment.

"It depends on what each of you need to learn and when. It could be a matter of days, or...much longer."

"How long might 'much longer' be?" Cameron pressed.

"As long as it takes," Nial-sa'fel replied with a little shrug.

"So, what...months, years...a lifetime...?" Cameron asked.

"Yes," Nial-sa'fel replied. Seeing the exasperated look on Cameron's face, he smiled slightly and added, "Technically, I suppose, you've been on it since before you were born into this life, only you didn't find out about it until The Heart spoke to you. It has its reasons for determining who it calls to itself and why, though it set into motion the chain of events that will ultimately bring you to it long ago. How long it will take is up to you three, and that will depend on how well you learn whatever it is that you need to learn about yourselves. I have no idea what that might be, so don't bother asking--only your own heart of being knows."

"Um...I maybe have dream-thing like friends, too?" Rissanivi asked hopefully, not wanting to miss out on anything interesting.

Rissanivi never had a dream that she could remember for more than a few minutes after waking up, and the thought of having one such as Cameron, Hauvri'ahn, and Arlan had, intrigued her.

Nial-sa'fel gave Rissanivi a penetrating stare that made her feel nervous.

"Hard to say," he replied.

"Oh. Um...I...maybe, um, I put things on ship..." Rissanivi said, feeling like she should be elsewhere at the moment.

Recognizing "the look" as it was known by those who had spent enough time around wolf G.E.L.F.s, Arlan quickly piped up and offered, "Let me give ya a hand with that. I'll be back in a few, guys."

"Um, thanks, Arlan," Rissanivi said, thanking him for the help--she didn't really need it, but since he was near enough to her size and age, she felt more comfortable with his presence.

Once inside her ship, Rissanivi gave a quiet sigh of relief, pausing a bit to close her eyes and lean against a bulkhead.

"Are you okay, Rissa?" Arlan asked quietly, gently placing a hand on her shoulder out of concern.

"Um...yeah, maybe."

Arlan leaned against the bulkhead next to Rissanivi and put his arm around her shoulders.

"You're still kinda leery of Nial, aren't ya?" Arlan asked softly. Rissanivi gave a couple slow nods of her head. "Yeah, it's the eyes--they've got that intense primal look to them, especially when he stares."

Rissanivi sighed quietly again and said, "Um, he seem nice, but...um, can be scary. Like, um, time at Kheraht when Fahrami fight-for-pay guys came."

"Yeah, I remember...that was pretty weird. Scared the crap outta those guys," Arlan agreed, remembering the incident.

"Um, scared me, too."


"Um, Arlan?"


"Um, you nice guy, good friend, too," Rissanivi said to him, turning and putting her hands on his chest.

Arlan pulled Rissanivi towards him and hugged her.

"You're pretty nice yourself, Rissa, and you're a good friend, too. Any time you need a warm body to snuggle with again, let me know," Arlan said with a gentle smile, referring to the time in the ice caves. "I wish you could come back to Terra with me--I'd take you to a nice hot spring I know for a swim. I think you'd like it."

Rissanivi pulled her head back enough to look Arlan in the eyes a moment, then she nuzzled him.

"Mmm...nice. Maybe, um...maybe let you, um, rub oil stuff on scales...after..."

"Sounds like fun..."

When Arlan returned a short while later, the conversation picked back up where they had left off at.

"A while ago, you said us three--is Rissa not on this 'journey' thing with us?" Arlan asked with concern.

Nial-sa'fel thought on that a few moments before replying, "If she has not been called as you have, then...no."

"With us, she comes, yes?" Hauvri'ahn asked, hoping their friend would be able to continue traveling with them.

Nial-sa'fel slowly shook his head.

"Only so far." Seeing the expressions on their faces, he added, "I'm sorry, but this is not her Journey. You will see her again, though, that much I can tell you. Understand, you are not to say a word about this to her."

"Why not?" Arlan asked quietly.

"Yeah, why not?" Cameron demanded. "Rissa is our friend--we can't just up and leave on her without at least saying goodbye!"

Nial-sa'fel's expression made him appear as if he was looking off into the distance for several moments.

"There is a reason why it has to be this way, though...all I can tell you is that she has more to do here, and you will see her again."

* * * * *

A once beautiful world, Palinonia[[1]](#_ftn1)was now desolate, its surface scarred with craters from orbital bombardment. Its former inhabitants were a proud, and deeply spiritual, race with a warrior aristocracy that followed a strict code of conduct. The battles they fought against the minions of the Dark Bloods were the stuff of legends. Often outnumbered, the Palinons fought with skill, daring, courage, and bravery, which the minions quickly learned to respect and fear. When not engaged in warfare, the Palinons were also renowned for their artistry and intricate craftsmanship. The main enemy of the Palinons were those who called themselves the Nekharn.

* * * * *

It was the reign of Nekhamun-Srat, the Priest-King of the Nekharn during the Age of Nimur-Zham, which was between 230 million and 194 million Terran Standard Years in the past[[2]](#ftn2). When Srat was a young adult, he took his_prajetat, or pilgrimage, into the harsh lands known as the N'Jeek-Hakamrun--The Flayer of Flesh. It was the caldera of an ancient super volcano, with areas of boiling mud pits, hot springs, geysers, sharp rocks, sparse vegetation, and a dangerous predator known as the Eokja. Srat's destination was a particular cave whose opening was among the rocks along the far wall of the N'Jeek-Hakamrun, which Srat would have to cross in order to reach. Finding potable water would be difficult, though there were fresh water streams that flowed down from the surrounding mountains--the trick was surviving long enough to get to them.

Nearly exhausted and suffering from the heat, lack of nourishment, and water, Srat completed his trek across the N'Jeek-Hakamrun_and found the cave he was to enter. Unfortunately, the entrance was guarded by a large and deadly _Eokja[[3]](#ftn3)--and it was a female, who had likely taken up using the cave as a den for her young. Srat nearly despaired when he saw the predator lying in the shaded opening of the cave. With only his walking staff and a simple knife, he had no chance of defeating the _Eokja if she were to notice him, for she would surely attack immediately upon sensing a puny intruder. Recalling what he knew about the Eokja, Srat chose to hide among the rocks and wait until sundown when the predator would leave for her evening hunt.

When it was very late in the afternoon, Srat watched as the _Eokja_got up, stretched, looked around sniffing the air, then disappeared into the cave for a short while. When it came back out, it looked about again, and apparently satisfied nothing seemed nearby, it left--Srat was thankful it did not come near his hiding place. After giving the predator enough time to move sufficiently away, he warily slipped out from among the rocks and made his way to the cave's entrance. Once inside, he removed the hand-light he had brought along from his bag, slipped his fingers through the handle, activated it, and snapped open its light shield. Srat cautiously looked about, hoping the _Eokja_did not have any young that were large enough to be dangerous. Seeing none, he moved deeper into the cave. Srat was startled for a moment when he saw the remains of the predator's last catch, which she had brought back to the cave to eat at her leisure. Continuing on, the coolness of the cave was a welcome relief and there was a sweet water spring that allowed him to refill his drinking container.

Some while later, Srat was deep enough into the cave system that he felt he could stop to rest in safety. After eating a little of his dried rations, Srat spread his cloak on a rock ledge, and using his bag as a pillow, he drifted off to sleep. While he slept, a dream came to him. At least, he thought it was just a dream. He heard a voice--it was little more than a whisper, though it was compelling. In his dream, he walked towards the voice until he saw an unusual being sitting on a rock near an odd-shaped structure--a small house, perhaps--within a large room of the cave system. The individual was unlike any he had seen before, with stone gray hairless skin, fiery red hair on the head, red eyes, and unusual curves. When the individual spoke to him, the voice was seductive.

"I have been waiting for you, Srat of Banku'amra. Come, sit with me..."

"How...how do you know my name?" Srat asked cautiously.

"The one whose place you will take told me about you. We were destined to meet, and...here we are, all alone, just the two of us. We have much to discuss, you and I. Come, sit with me...I have something for you..."

Srat was unsure of how long he was down in the cave for his memory was a blur, except...he could not forget the strange person he had met in its depths. N'mal-Shiun, was her name--a female unlike any he had ever met before, and definitely not one of his people. She was at once pleasurable and frightful, and powerful. Srat looked at the wristband N'mal-Shiun had given him--the odd crystals set into it glowed faintly with what could best be described as a dark inner light. He was told that it would give him abilities no other of his people had. Through it, they would always be together. Srat did not understand how a mere decorative band could do such things, though he had his first demonstration of its power when he reached the cave's entrance.

No sooner than he stepped out into the open, the _Eokja_came around a boulder, dragging a prey animal she had caught. The moment of initial surprise was fleeting--although tired from the hunt, the _Eokja_was not about to suffer an intruder to the den she had claimed, or her meal. Quickly dropping her catch and taking up an aggressive posture, the _Eokja_voiced her anger and readied herself to pounce on Srat.

"What do I do?!" he thought, knowing that he would not be able to defend himself against the predator.

"Kill it...or ensnare it to your will, if you wish," N'mal-Shiun's voice replied in his head.

"But...how?!" he cried.

"Remember the words..."

Just as the Eokja leapt at him, Srat shouted the strange words N'mal-Shiun had taught him. Tendrils of dark purplish light shot forth from his outstretched hand and struck the Eokja in mid-air. His first thought was based in fear, to hurt before being hurt, but then he quickly remembered that he had always admired the qualities of an Eokja--they were strong, fast, cunning, fearless, and moved with a certain grace for their size. Focusing on his second thought, what happened next astonished Srat. The expression on the face of the Eokja was one of anger when it pounced on him, quickly turning to one of confusion, and then to one of care.

"Now, make her yours, just as you are mine," N'mal-Shiun's seductive voice spoke in his mind.

What happened next Srat was unsure how much of it was real, dream, fantasy, or disturbing thoughts. The Eokja had seemed to transform into N'mal-Shiun and the experience of being with her down in the depths of the cave filled his mind. When his senses returned, Srat was both shocked and thrilled. Pulling himself away from the Eokja, he staggered weakly to the spring inside the cave and cleansed himself. From that point on, the large dangerous predator would always be found by his side, and would become incorporated into his personal symbol. Srat himself seemed to take on some of the personality traits of the Eokja over time, as he rose to power.

* * * * *

Berheni Ansraad[[4]](#_ftn4) listened to his advisors as they told him of the latest intelligence reports concerning the Nekharns. Since taking on the mantle of responsibility for leading his people, he had proven himself time and again as being fair and merciful whenever possible, and strong, quick, and decisive, when needed. Berheni ruled his people well and had earned their admiration and respect. His policies were well thought out, he never wavered in battle against The Enemy, and his people prospered. The latest news concerning the Nekharns troubled him, however. They had assembled a huge fleet of ships and were heading towards Palinonia.

"We must defend our homeworld," Berheni said, leaning back after hearing the last report.

"What do you wish us to do?" asked his second-in-command, Antril Crehanan.

"Call all ships, have them return to our space immediately, ready all system and planetary defenses, and...I will need to speak to the people. They must know what is coming," Berheni replied.

"Should we also call our allies as well?" Antril asked.

Berheni thought for a moment and then slowly nodded his head.

"Although this will likely be our greatest test of courage, this Enemy does not simply wish to conquer, they instead seek to destroy all in their path. It would be an honor if those who wish to stand in the Light would join with us in our fight. We have long been both Shield and Sword against the growing Darkness, though..." he paused a moment to gently lay a hand on the stack of reports before him, "...we held our own against them in times past, but this Nekhamun-Srat, he is unlike any of their previous priest-kings. The things he is said to be able to do...and that beast which is ever by his side..."

"I have heard what is said of him. There is evil, and then there is Evil--Nekhamun-Srat seems to be an embodiment of the later. You know the people will fight to the last..." Berheni's second-in-command said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Berheni smiled sadly and said, "This may be our last, my friend. If we fall, who else will take our place in the Great Fight? Who else will stand against the Darkness? The Dra'kans? The Harfarans? The Theronesians? The Dra'kans have not involved themselves in the affairs of others for a very long time; the Harfarans are scholars, not warriors; and the Theronesians have their own problems. The other races are not yet capable of fighting this threat. I...do not wish to see our people and all that we have accomplished be senselessly destroyed. We should have those who can find places of refuge--should it come to it they will be charged with rebuilding our civilization. I know our people are not accustomed to running from a fight, but...if we are to survive, we must act accordingly."

"Then, you mean for some to make a strategic withdraw and hold themselves in reserve so that the Great Fight may continue, correct?" one of his advisors asked.

"That is as good a way to put it as any," Berheni replied with a wry smile.

"I will personally see to the arrangements," his second-in-command said quietly.

Berheni nodded his head solemnly and said, "Thank you, Antril."

A few days later, Berheni Ansraad, the Prime Champion and Leader of all Palinonia, stood before his people on the Assembly Field. It was standing room only and those who could not be there in person saw and heard through public displays in every city, town, and village.

"My people, hear me. Our Enemy, the Nekharns, have assembled their largest fleet of warships ever--by latest estimates, over a thousand strong--and they are coming for us. It is believed that they intend to destroy Palinonia itself.

"I have ordered the return of all ships and our defenses stand at the ready. The call has gone out to our allies and to others in hopes they will stand with us. Some have already answered the call and are coming; as for others...we shall hope, though we will stand firm with or without.

"It is out of respect to you, The People, and all that you and those before you have accomplished, that I must speak plainly of this. Before us is perhaps our greatest battle, the time when we will be tested the most, when our courage must not fail, and our people must survive to carry on The Great Fight. Some are being asked to find safe havens against the coming storm--these will be our Reserve, who will rebuild and carry on The Fight. Our people, our civilization, our way of life, must continue to be The Sword and Shield against The Darkness, for if not us, who then will stand in our place? The Younger Races amongst the stars are still few and not yet strong enough to fight this Enemy. We Palinons must be the example, the Shining Light against the Dark by which they must learn from our deeds how to fight The Great Fight.

"I call upon those who will remain to hold our world, to give our Reserve the time they need to withdraw so that they can ensure the continuation of our people. I call upon those who make up our Reserve to remain steady, wait until the time is right to act, and when it is, return if possible, to rebuild and restore; if not, then seek a quiet place to begin again.

"We will endure, my people--whether it be through continuing or through our words and deeds for those who will follow and take our place against the Darkness. We who stay, stand ready for battle--those who are our Reserve, make ready to move out. From the great fortresses here to the safe havens among the stars, never forget who we are and what we fight for!

"For Light! For Honor! For Glory! _We_are The Sword and the Shield against The Darkness! WE ARE PALINONIA!!!"

From the throats of every man, woman, and child, young and old alike, from every corner of the world, a great shout shook the air in answer to Berheni Ansraad's call to action. As everyone took to their assigned task, their voices raised up in song, stirring the heart.

With his mate beside him, Berheni watched with a tear in his eye as the Reserve--and what escort ships could be spared--lifted in every available craft that could carry them, for he knew they would be the Hope of Palinonia. When the remaining Fighters[[5]](#_ftn5) lifted in their turn, heading skyward to join with the others already in orbit, he knew that for some this would be their first and final fight. It was both a proud and sad moment for the leader--proud that they answered The Call without hesitation to do what was necessary to defend their homeworld and their way of life against overwhelming odds; sad because all knew none of those who remained behind to fight expected to survive the assault. But fight they would, to the very last.

The system defense stations and patrol craft took out as many as the approaching Nekharn forces as they could, though the sheer size of the advancing enemy fleet quickly overran their positions and headed straight towards the fair world of Palinonia.

The battle was fierce[[6]](#_ftn6).

Outnumbered nearly a hundred to one, the Fighters and their allies fought courageously with skill and daring, concentrating on trying to stop the largest enemy ships for they would begin the devastating bombardment as soon as they were within range.

Berheni efficiently directed his forces from the command center up until the first wave of enemy forces entered the atmosphere and began attacking the surface batteries in preparation for the orbital bombardment with mass drivers. The Prime Champion issued his last order before joining the fight himself--fire at will as long as possible, fight with any means available.

Taking up positions on the main weapon level of the command fortress, Berheni with his mate, Ailenna, by his side, and his second in command, Antril Crehanan, they helped the gun crews in any way they could. Between attack waves, they brought water, supplies, tended to the wounded, helped clear debris, and gave encouragement to the younger, less experienced fighters. This went on for some time, until the attacking craft suddenly withdrew and headed back towards space. The eerie calm would not last long for all knew what was next--orbital bombardment.

Antril grimly handed Berheni a portable display showing the latest figures. Although nearly half of the enemy forces had either been outright destroyed or forced to withdraw, all of the system defense forces and all but a small number of Palinonian ships had been destroyed. Their allies fared no better. Of the planetary defenses, several smaller installations had fallen.

"Any word on the Reserves?" Berheni asked. "Did they get away?"

Antril paused a moment before replying.

"As far as known, I believe so. All ships were instructed to maintain communication silence, with the exception of brief coded, low-power instructions from the lead ships, and only as absolutely necessary. They were tracked visually as far as it was possible under strict orders to make no records of their passage."

Berheni quietly sighed and said, "At least that is some comfort, my friend."

Antril put a hand on Berheni's shoulder.

"We will continue The Fight to the end."

Berheni placed his hand on his friend's and with a small nod of his head, said, "Stand in The Light, my friend."

"And you."

Ailenna stood next to her mate, putting her arm around his waist as they surveyed the plain below the mountain fortress. She looked up after several moments and met his eyes.

"I have ever been your Shield, my love, and will be until we join The Light."

Berheni smiled warmly.

"There have been times--particularly in the early days--that, if not for your steadfast support, I might have doubted..."

Ailenna placed a finger on his lips, shushing him.

"Speak not of it, my love. We have followed The Path before us with honor and dignity--there is nothing to be shameful of. We have been Measured and we have done what we were to do, to give our people a chance to continue; if not here, then on a new home among the stars. They will take up the Great Fight after ours has ended and they will sing not only of our deeds on this day but also of this..."

Ailenna put his hand over her hearts and hers over his. It was an expression of unconditional love and devotion that was witnessed by those around them. Antril thought of his own mate who had died with honor in an earlier battle.

"I miss your touch and warmth, my dear Lemahi. Wait for me just a little longer--soon we will be together in The Light."

He closed his eyes and recalled her image, remembering the warmth of her touch and her favorite scent. A tear leaked out and rolled down his face.

"Soon, my love...soon."

A fireball streaked down across the sky and slammed into the mountain range on the far side of the wide plain. Where there was once a thriving city nestled within a valley, there was now only a huge crater. The valley and the nearby mountains vanished in a flash of light and heat, and the ground rocked from the blast. The bombardment had begun.

City after major city disappeared one after another in a tremendous blast of light and heat. The remaining batteries of the planet's defense system targeted the incoming kinetic weapons--some they were able to stop, many they were not. In the time it took the enemy ships to recharge and reload, the batteries targeted the orbital bombers in hopes of at least preventing them from launching another devastating round from their mass drivers. The large battle cruisers of the Nekharn fleet pummeled the planetary defenses mercilessly between mass launches. On the second day of bombardment, everything stopped suddenly, and new type of "ship"--if it could be called that--appeared. They were unlike anything the Palinons had ever seen before and they were terrifying.

Looking like multi-legged creatures of immense size, they were the stuff of nightmares. What looked like a jointed tail would curl up and over the body of a creature-ship and fire a dark purplish beam of anti-energy. Anything living it touched withered as its life force was negated. Each of the creature-ships decimated fields and forests, lakes and streams, destroying all life in their paths. Wherever the dark beams touched, nothing would ever live again.

"What new horror is this?!" Berheni exclaimed in shock when he saw what they were doing.

No one had an answer.

After the passing of the creature-ships, swarms of smaller craft came, hunting for any pockets of resistance. The remaining batteries--their numbers dwindling rapidly--opened fire on the smaller craft. Berheni and his mate were helping supply a gun mount when an enemy craft turned and targeted their position. Missiles streaked towards the fortress and exploded on impact. Several gun mounts were destroyed. Another missile struck the wall near the position Berheni, Ailenna, and Antril had taken--shrapnel from the impact killed the gunner and several of its supporting crew. Ailenna helped to remove the body of the warrior who served as gunner and laid him to rest a short distance away.

Looking down at his face and gently wiping away the dirt and blood, she remarked, "So young...I remember him from a few days ago. He had not quite finished his training before..." She looked up with a tear in her eye. "...he wanted to be a musician." Ailenna returned her sad gaze back at the youth and closed his now sightless eyes. "Sleep sweet child, you've done your duty in this life, now take your rest in The Light." She got up after a moment of respect and joined her mate at the controls of the gun.

Another enemy craft attacked shortly after the one before it, firing missiles and pulsed energy weapons. Berheni fired the big gun at the latest attacker and scored a direct hit, but not before it had launched two more missiles. The deafening twin explosions threw all within its reach to the ground. When Berheni came to his senses he knew he was injured. Looking around he first saw the other gun battery--it was a mangled, sparking, smoking ruin. Antril's body lay among the debris. "My friend..." he thought sadly. With determination, Berheni forced himself up and then he looked around for his mate. When he found Ailenna, he hobbled over and slowly knelt down beside her.

When Berheni took her hand into his, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled weakly. The missile had hit on her side of the gun mount--her body had protected him from the worst of the blast.

"I...am your...shield, my...love. Always. *cough* I...I will...*cough*...wait for...you..."

Ailenna's body trembled and then went still.

He held her face to his and quietly whispered, "It will not be long, my dear love."

Berheni quickly got the big gun back in operation, though only partially--it would fire, but the targeting system was destroyed. How long it might work, he did not know. The enemy craft came back around again for another run. Berheni fired the weapon manually as best as he could until it had no more to give. When its voice went silent, he jumped off and stood near the body of Ailenna, firing his own weapon at the enemy as it approached again. When he saw the smoke trail of another missile heading towards his position, Berheni knelt down and cradled his mate's body in his arms.

"We stand together in The Light, my dear Ailenna..."

* * * * *

Late local afternoon: Palinonia, Terran Standard Date 2494-07-29.

After setting down on a hilltop near some ruins, Nial-sa'fel and the others suited up and proceeded down to the remains of the ancient stone structure. Standing on the windswept ruins, they looked out over the vista before them. Blast craters dotted the landscape, mountains to the far side of the plains were blasted and crumbled--some were missing altogether. There were still some signs of plant life that had somehow survived the long winter after the destruction, though there were large swaths where it appeared nothing grew. Dust devils kicked up by the winds scurried across the barren patches of desolation. Rissanivi turned the heat up another notch on her warming suit against the chill in the air.

"They took one helluva beating," Cameron quietly observed, methodically scanning the area.

"Um...yeah. Old, old stories say enemies of Palinons, um, pounded with metal rock-things. Old, old stories, um, also say some scary ship-things did bad things, too," Rissanivi commented.

"They used mass drivers," Nial-sa'fel stated casually, looking towards a crater in the distance.

"Um...maybe, yeah," Rissanivi agreed.

"Hey, Arlan, you're a techie-type, what do you make of this...?" Cameron asked, handing the scanner to him.

Arlan studied the readings for a few minutes, making some adjustments to the instrument's settings; then he got a confused look on his face.

"Masking out our own bio-signatures, I'm detecting the basic life-signs of the vegetation...until this is pointing at those bare areas out there. It's like it all turns inside-out. There's definitely something _funky_going on," Arlan replied.

"Radiation, some kind it is?" Hauvri'ahn asked.

"Nope, not that. If they had been using rocks from an asteroid belt or a Kuiper belt, there would still be some isotopes registering that one would expect, even after all this time. Uh, this ain't anything even remotely like that. What do you think, Nial?" Arlan inquired.

Glancing at the scanner's data and then turning his own senses towards the barren areas, Nial-sa'fel's hackles raised as he spoke ominously, "Dark Bloods. They were here."

"Uh...who?" Arlan asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer after seeing Nial-sa'fel's reaction.

Rissanivi nervously muttered something in her own language and stood closer to Arlan, raising the hard spearhead-like tip of her tail in a defensive posture.

"D-Dark Ones...oyba-len!"

"Uh...what are they?" Arlan asked hesitantly.

"You would be unable to pronounce the name they call themselves--most simply refer to them as Dark Bloods. Whatever passes as blood in their body is a black fluid, hence the name. They arose on their own in the early days of this galaxy, on a planet known as Mâr An'sanim. They are a blight that should have been annihilated when they were discovered." Nial-sa'fel replied, with a bit of a growl in his throat at the last. "They lust for power above all else, regardless of the cost, twisting or destroying all that they touch. The have learned how to tap into what some call darkspace, and wield its energies. The Nekharn are among those counted as their minions--the battles between them and the Palinons are legendary. But that..." Nial-sa'fel pointed out at the plains, indicating the barren areas, "...was the handiwork of the Dark Bloods."

"How can you tell?" Cameron asked.

When Nial-sa'fel looked towards the plains, his eyes glowed with an inner light, just as they had back at Kheraht.

"The living essence of whatever grew there--a forest, perhaps, or crops--was negated by the energies of darkspace. Nothing will ever live again in those areas." Nial-sa'fel turned his head to look at each of his companions and, as the glow faded from his eyes, he added, "Do not go there."

They spent the rest of the daylight hours examining the outside of the structure they had landed near. Detailed scans revealed that it must have been a fortification of some sort, though at first look it was difficult to tell due to extreme weathering over millions of years.

After dinner, Cameron, Hauvri'ahn, and Arlan discussed the sensor data and thought out what they wanted to do the next morning.

"What about this spot? Looks like it might be a large enough hole that we can get in through," Arlan suggested.

"I don't want to have another run-in with sewer monsters," Cameron grumbled, casting a glance at his wife.

"Agree I do, my Cam--enough the last one was," Hauvri'ahn said.

"We haven't detected any animal life..." Arlan pointed out.

"It's evolved plant life, I'm worried about--we don't need to be attacked by plants that bite back," Cameron added sarcastically.

"On Hanos-Four, predatory fungi--underground they lived, remember? Pleasant, they were not at all," Hauvri'ahn recalled, ruffling the feather-like appendages at the end of her tail.

"Yeah, we don't need to meet any giant, semi-intelligent, spore-spewing, ambulatory fungi that like fresh meat again," Cameron agreed.

"Ew, those sound nasty!" Arlan exclaimed.

"They were," Cameron said with a grimace.

"Fire at least, like they did not," Hauvri'ahn added.

"Yeah, that was about the only thing they hated, other than the UV lights in our bug zappers," Cameron recalled. "Too bad we don't have a recon bot to send in ahead of us and scope things out."

"That would be nice," Arlan agreed. "Anyway, how about I go in first since I'm the shortest, and take a quick look--if I see anything resembling tracks or recent cave-in, I'll get my tail back out. Maybe we could ask Nial if he'd keep a transport lock on me and pull me out if there might be any trouble," Arlan suggested.

"Idea that is, good I think," Hauvri'ahn said, agreeing with Arlan. "Ask him, shall I?"

"If you want to, babe. Uh, anybody know where he went to?" Cameron asked.

"I think he went outside for a bit after we cleaned up from eating," Arlan suggested.

"It's going to be cold out there now that it's dark. Maybe you oughta wait until he comes back in," Cameron suggested.

"Fine I will be, my Cam. Warm, my coat is, though warm as you it is not," Hauvri'ahn said with a sly grin.

"Speaking of warm, I'm gonna check on Rissa and see how she's doing. I'll be back in a while," Arlan said.

"Uh, huh, and what's on your mind? Wanna go oil some scales or something?" Cameron asked with a smirk.

"Well, er, if she asks, I wouldn't mind rubbing some on her back..." Arlan replied, trying to keep a straight face about it.

"Yeah, sure, but if we hear any giggling coming from over there, like that one night in the ice caves..." Cameron quipped, which _did_cause Arlan to blush a little.

"Hey, just because I accidentally found a ticklish spot..." Arlan started to say.

"Dude, she's covered with scales, how the hell did you accidentally find a ticklish spot? I didn't think reptiles _had_a ticklish spot!" Cameron said, giving Arlan a shrewd look.

Although Hauvri'ahn easily felt her friend's embarrassment (not to mention his other feelings), she looked from Arlan to her husband and back with a bemused expression.

"Uh...*ahem*...you'll have to ask her. Okay, I'm outta here, you know where I'll be," Arlan said, getting up and quickly heading out of the small dining area adjacent to the galley on Nial-sa'fel's ship.

Cameron called after him, "Scented or Unscented oil?"

"Don't know--find out when I get there!" came back the reply from the passageway, causing Cameron to chuckle. He felt his wife's tail whack his leg under the table.

"Bad, you are," Hauvri'ahn said, smiling as she chided her husband.

"Yeah, well...hey, I could think of worse ladies he could get frisky with," Cameron said with a grin.

"Hear it, I do not want to," Hauvri'ahn said, rolling her eyes and giving Cameron's leg another whack with her tail. "Feelings they have, each other they do. Explore those, we should let them. Nice they both are."

"Yeah, I know, babe. Rissa is a pretty nice lil' gal and she and Arlan seem to get along okay. I just had to razz him a little--it's a guy thing."

"Terrans...understand them, fully I still do not," Hauvri'ahn muttered to herself, giving her head a little shake.

A short while later, Hauvri'ahn stepped out into the cold night air. Sensing where Nial-sa'fel was, she made her way over to him.

"Beautiful, the stars are," she said quietly, looking up into the night sky.

Nial-sa'fel glanced up at the stars shining among the gas clouds of the nebula they would be entering soon.

"Yes, they are," he said softly.

After a few moments, Hauvri'ahn asked, "The people...survived this, some did?"

Nial-sa'fel thought a bit, recalling what he had learned of the planet's history from Sa'leh Daan-tui'ena.

"Some of the population escaped before the Nekharn fleet arrived. They hid where they could to wait out the battle that would take place here. A scouting party returned to survey the damage, but...of those who stayed to defend the star system and this world, giving the others the chance to leave, none survived. Where the cities once were, there are now only craters. The planet was inhospitable for several hundred turns of the seasons--'years', as you say. A few hardy plants eventually grew back once the sky cleared and the sun warmed the surface again, but the animal life was extinct by that time. It's possible that some creatures in the depths of the oceans may have survived, though I'm not sure. For the people who had called this home, there was nothing to come back to. The Palinons eventually found new homes for themselves and they managed to salvage what they could their culture, but they were never again as they once were. The Nekharns looked for the surviving Palinons once they learned some got away, but they never found them."

Hauvri'ahn thought on that a bit and asked, "Exist still do they?"

"Sadly, no. After the Light of Palinonia was extinguished, the Palinons faded into history over two hundred million of your 'years' ago. If the Nekharns and their Dark Blood masters had never done this..." Nial-sa'fel said, gesturing towards the landscape, "...and if the people had kept developing, they would be about on the same level as the Drianedans or even the Theronesians by now." Nial-sa'fel lowered his head a bit and added softly, "Many have come and gone since the days of my youth--I can't imagine how many my parents have seen come and go in the long span of their existence."

"Ask, if I may, old how you are?"

Nial-sa'fel looked sideways at Hauvri'ahn and smiled a little.

"Older than this world."

Hauvri'ahn, sensing the truth of his words, was so shocked that words failed her.

After a few moments, Nial-sa'fel gave a quick glance towards Hauvri'ahn and said, "Tomorrow, let me know when you are ready to explore the inside of this old fortress," and then turned his attention to something far away, signaling that he was finished with questions for the time and wished to be alone with his thoughts.

Some while after Hauvri'ahn went back into the ship, Nial-sa'fel stood and stretched a little and then walked slowly along, keeping a couple good paces between him and the crumbling edge. Letting his intuition guide him, he came to a particular spot, stopped, and opened his senses. His wait was not long before a shimmer appeared followed by another.

"Ah, I was told you two might still be here, or at least a part of you. I understand, but you do need to let go the rest of the way. No, Nekhamun-Srat is long gone--he was assassinated by his own kin. Yes, the Younger Races will soon be ready and they will not be alone. Your legacy will be remembered--we will see that it is, you have our word."

Nial-sa'fel smiled warmly at the two shimmers and held out his arms. His body began to glow, brighter and brighter it became, until it dissolved into light and transformed into a swirling sphere of energy with a pair of blazing lupine eyes.

"You have done your duty with honor and courage. Your Fight is done--go in peace, friends, and join your people. They are waiting for you..."

The power of Nial-sa'fel's words touched the remaining essence of those Palinons who had had no one to issue The Last Order of a Warrior.

Now released from their Duty, which was born of the love for their homeworld, the spirits of Berheni and Ailenna were free to continue their path around The Great Circle and join their people.

* * * * *

Arlan was in the cargo hold with Cameron and Hauvri'ahn, who were examining some of the artifacts they found deep within the ancient command fortress on Palinonia. Among the items they recovered was what appeared to be a portable data device. After they meticulously cleaned the outside, Arlan worked on opening the case to get a view of the circuitry inside.

"Think you might be able to power it up?" Cameron asked, after it had been opened.

"Um, maybe...I don't see any corrosion or water damage," Arlan replied, peering through a strong magnifier. "The trick will be figuring out the power requirements--I don't want to fry the thing with an incompatible power supply. First, though, I want to do a detailed scan of these components so I can see what they're made out of and hopefully figure out how they work. From there, I can make a schematic and run simulations on a virtual circuit board based on their chemical and physical makeup, and then I can create a power supply to run this thing."

"Long, this might take?" Hauvri'ahn asked.

"A couple days, maybe...?" Arlan guessed.

"If you can somehow get it fired up, and _if_there's any data on it, maybe we might get some images at least," Cameron hoped.

"What they looked like, interesting to see it would be," Hauvri'ahn added.

"I'll get on it and let you know what I find," Arlan said.

About a day and a half later, Arlan and Nial-sa'fel came into the cargo hold with good news.

"We got it working!" Arlan announced. "Check it out!"

Cameron, Hauvri'ahn, and Rissanivi, immediately stopped what they were doing and came over to a small work table where Arlan set up the device and a power supply. Turning on the data device they had found, Arlan--with Nial's help--navigated through the menu system. There were several files that were promising, though one in particular was when they hit the proverbial jackpot.

Someone had recorded the last speech given by Berheni Ansraad, the Prime Champion and Leader of all Palinonia, as he stood before his people on the Assembly Field. The computer system on Nial-sa'fel's ship, using its communication link to the huge data archives maintained by his people, was able to provide a translation. This was the first time any non-Palinon had witnessed the moving event as it had happened, so long ago. Years later, this recording, translated into other languages, would be seen by and inspire many among the Younger Races prior to the Great Battle of Light and Dark.

* * * * *

Mid local morning: Chenau-Ri, Terran Standard Date 2494-07-31.

Looking out across the barren landscape, one would be hard pressed to imagine the once flourishing civilization that had inhabited the world so long ago in the past, or the lush vegetation and variety of life that once lived. The place where Nial-sa'fel and Rissanivi set their ships down had once been a busy starport. The ancient runways and landing pads were still partially visible, though dunes now rippled across the flat rocky terrain. The remains of once glorious towering skyscrapers still thrust up through debris and dune. Arlan and Rissanivi set their imaging devices on a rock and took group photos with the city in the background.

Nial-sa'fel lead the group through the valleys between buildings--with Arlan and Rissanivi taking photos along the way, documenting their current adventure--until they arrived at one in particular. They made their way inside and descended into its lower levels where they found what used to be a transport tunnel. Given the group's nervousness with previous encounters, Nial-sa'fel assured them that there were no other living things on this world and also no seismic activity. They followed the tunnel for some distance before coming to a nondescript access door. After gaining entry, they went further down until they came to what appeared to be a security door.

"Um, guys...I'm picking up an energy source..." Arlan said warily, peering intently at his scanner.

"I thought you said this world has been dead a long time..." Cameron said to Nial.

"It has," Nial-sa'fel replied as he examined the locking mechanism.

"Then why..."

"You wanted to see 'old, old things'..." Nial said quietly, casting a quick glance to Hauvri'ahn, "...as soon as I get this door open, you'll see."

Holding a hand over the ancient lock, a faint scintillating glow emanated from his palm until there was a slight click. With a small grin of satisfaction, Nial-sa'fel opened the door.

"How did you...?" Cameron started to say, but Nial-sa'fel cut him off when he gave his fingers a wiggle with little motes of energy dancing between them.

With a sly grin, he replied quietly, "Magic."

Cameron frowned and said, "Yeah, right...," not believing the explanation.

Upon entering the large space deep underground, Cameron, Hauvri'ahn, Arlan, and Rissanivi came to a halt and stared in awe at the technological wonders they beheld.

"What...is it...?" Cameron managed to say after a few moments.

At the sound of his voice, lights in the floor came on, forming a square boundary around the four and an instrument panel came to life. Wide-angle scanning beams swept across the area they were standing, then narrowed down to scanning each individually--lingering a bit longer on Nial-sa'fel. When the beams stopped, a voice spoke; although it had a beautiful, nearly musical quality to it, it was incomprehensible. The voice spoke again, repeating in different languages until...

/* "Identify--name, species, homeworld." */

Cameron spoke first, "Cameron Eriksson, Clydesdale G.E.L.F., Terra," which was then acknowledged by a musical tone.

"Sy'k'rell Hauvri'ahn, Élendorian, Élendor Prime."

"Arlan Schneider, near-human of skunk G.E.L.F. ancestry, Terra."

"Rissanivi Salnuano, Vey'ani, Vey'a Two."

And lastly it was Nial's turn, who howled his reply in his native language.

"I am Nial-sa'fel, First Born of the First Ones, my home is the ancient world of Y'Nahra. I stand before you as Guide for these people who are on their Journey of the heart to The Heart--they are destined to take their place among the Guardians. I vouch for their worthiness for they are good people."

Cameron and the others stared at their pilot--not because they understood his words, which they didn't, but because it was the first time they heard him say anything in other than Terran Standard English. Cameron was about to say something to Nial when whatever had spoken to them responded differently after Nial had howled. The lights in the floor that had surrounded them switched off and then...power systems came online, instrument panels and indicator lights in a kaleidoscope of colors came to life, crystalline objects glowed, and an aesthetically pleasing hum permeated the space.

"Wow..." Arlan said in quiet awe.

Wide-eyed in wonder at what she saw, Rissanivi clung to Arlan's arm, making a soft hissing sound as she drew in a breath.


"Yeah, what you said," Cameron quietly agreed.

A holographic projection appeared of a small group of beings the likes of which the four had never seen before and one spoke with the voice that had asked for their identities.

/* "We are the Kær'aûla. We have left this in hopes that those of the Younger Races who are worthy of the knowledge it contains will use it wisely. You who now stand before us are the first to be allowed access. As you learn and grow, more will be revealed. When you are ready, call out to us and we will return to teach what we have discovered." */

When the image faded, Nial-sa'fel cautioned, "Look around, but take care of what you touch."

"Yeah, no problem there, dude. Let's get some images and take some notes first," Cameron instructed his team.

"I'll start on this side," Arlan said, heading towards the right side of the huge chamber.

Rissanivi followed along with him, taking photos of her own as they went down the rows of devices and artifacts displayed. Going around a corner by one large item, Arlan saw something that caught his fascination--a football-sized ovoid object with flattened ends and delicate glyphs etched into its surface. Feeling drawn to it, Arlan set his camera down and picked up the object.

"Um, what that?" Rissanivi asked.

"Don't know...neat looking, though. Man, I bet Dr. Grant back on Mars would love to see this little beauty..."

When Arlan traced one of the glyphs with a fingertip as he spoke, it began to glow.

"Um, maybe not do that..." Rissanivi cautioned.

The curiosity of his skunk ancestry getting the better of him, Arlan traced a second glyph with his fingertip, causing it to glow as well.

"Um, Arlan...oyba-len! Arlan!" Rissanivi exclaimed as the object flashed brightly and disappeared, taking Arlan with it.

"Rissa! What happened?!" Cameron demanded, running over to where she was standing, with Hauvri'ahn and Nial-sa'fel following.

"Um...Arlan, he...gone!"

"What do you mean, 'gone'? What happened, where is he?" Cameron demanded.

"Um, he...he found thing, was looking at it, and, um, glowed, yeah, glowed when he touched parts, like, um, writing things. Then whole thing lit up and both gone!"

Rissanivi held her hands to her face and turned to Hauvri'ahn, who held her close. A shudder ran through Rissanivi's body.


Hauvri'ahn felt the strong emotions in her reptilian friend, and tried to comfort her while they sorted out what happened.

Cameron scanned the location where Arlan had been standing.

"What the frak...?" he muttered, looking at the strange readings.

Nial-sa'fel looked at the readout and raised an eyebrow. Having an idea as to what may have happened, he adjusted the setting of his own scanner and checked out the area.

"Whatcha got, Nial?" Cameron asked, seeing the concerned look on his face.

"It appears our friend has been...displaced."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The effect is not unlike that of a gateway, only... this appears to have a temporal component," Nial-sa'fel replied.

"You mean, Arlan might have gotten transported somewhere, maybe even to a different time?" Cameron asked in shock.

"It's a possibility," Nial-sa'fel replied, putting his scanner away. "All we can do is hope he survives long enough wherever he ended up at to figure out how to get back."

"A-Arlan, um, l-lost?" Rissanivi asked Nial-sa'fel.

"It appears so," he replied gently.

"B-Big C...?" Rissanivi pleaded.

Cameron pulled her into a hug and she held him tightly.

"We gotta hope, Rissa, we gotta hope."

Nial-sa'fel contemplated this latest surprise.

"The Heart wouldn't have allowed this to happen if there wasn't a reason for it. Now I know why Naoia gets frustrated with the fool thing because it is annoying! I don't want to have to call her to find where or when Arlan disappeared to--she could find him alright, I'm sure of it, but...it wouldn't exactly look good for me, even though they know I'm not a tracker like she is. Besides, I probably wouldn't hear the end of it if I lose track of one of my charges. If he doesn't return soon, I'm going to have to find a way to look for him. What to do...let's see, who was that one...I wish I had Mist Runner's memory, it's been so long! Wait...there was a female friend of his, Hope's Spring Pack, Brown something...Brown Leaf, was it? Maybe. If I have to, I'll see if she would be willing to help find Arlan. Well, in the meantime, I suppose we continue looking around a bit longer. I told them to be careful about touching things. Grr, I just had to have one with some Skunatii in him..."

"So, what do we do now?" Cameron asked Nial-sa'fel.

"We wait and see. You might want to continue looking around for the time being, but...don't touch things unless you absolutely know for certain what they do. I'm going to go back to my ship for a bit to check on something. I will return shortly." Raising his wrist near his face, Nial-sa'fel spoke into the plain black band, "Ship, transport me back," and disappeared in a swirl of light.

"Arlan, um, you come back? Please? Lil ol' me not want you be lost!" Rissanivi said quietly, though with strong feeling, standing near where he disappeared.

After a few minutes of standing, Rissanivi leaned against a nearby display case and put her hands to her face. "Please, don't be lost...come back!" she pleaded silently.

A bright flash of light shone through between her fingers and she tasted a familiar scent in the air. Pulling her hands away from her face, Rissanivi saw the source of the bright light.


[[1]](#ftnref1) Palinonia - _pronounced pal-i-NON-ee-ah

[[2]](#_ftnref2) When Cameron, Hauvri'ahn, and Arlan arrived, it was TSY 2494.

[[3]](#ftnref3) Eokja (_pronounced: ee-OAK-y?)

[[4]](#ftnref4) Berheni Ansraad (_pronounced: be-RHEN-? AHns-raad)

[[5]](#_ftnref5) "Fighters" refers to the warriors who would engage the enemy forces.

[[6]](#ftnref6) The author recommends listening to "Wolf King (Extended)_" by Two Steps From Hell

On to chapter 6...