Maid to Order: Accidental Lycanthropy

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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A woman stuck at her boyfriend's apartment tries on an overlarge maid outfit with . . . unique side effects.

DISCLAIMER - We've all been there: buying something from the bargain rack that ends up being cursed and turning you into a horny beast of some sort. It's just such a common experience these days, what with magic being unregulated and all. This is a warning for all of the weirdos who have never had such an experience though. If you're not looking to find out what happens when clothes just so happen to turn someone into a horny beast, this is most definitely not the story for you. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so.)

Maid to Order: Accidental Lycanthropy

It's not that Alex's apartment was dirty or anything. Mary was actually rather proud of him. Though his place was small, just a kitchen/dining room and his bedroom, he kept it clean and decently organized. Most of the walls were lined with shelves that held labeled boxes for all of his things, and he had some nice geometric tapestries draped up to cover the few blank spots on the off white walls.

Normally, Mary liked coming here, but normally she was here to be with Alex. This was supposed to be their weekend together. However, she couldn't really blame him after his boss demanded he come back in. Apparently the servers had all crashed at the same time . . . and possibly caught fire by the sound of it.

Mary sighed, putting her feet up on the edge of the next rolly chair by his dining table. She wiggled her toes under the fabric of her light blue socks and scratched her neck through her wide knit sweater. She'd already watched two episodes of her favorite cooking show, but it didn't feel quite right.

Alex had told her to make herself at home, but this wasn't really her home. But, she didn't want to make the long drive back to her place when Alex could theoretically be done in a few hours. And so, she waited.

They'd had some fun nights in this apartment. Alex was a pretty shy guy, but he was also more honest than anyone else she'd dated. The third night they had gone back to his place he had shown her the contents of the mysterious black box in the bottom left of his closet that bore no label. Inside there was all kinds of weird and wobbly things.

It was quite a night, with him putting on some yellow and black striped thigh-highs and a tight black crop top. She had to admit, he looked good in both of them. Then they just spent the night experimenting. They took turns cuffing each other to the bed, trying on his collection of racy clothes, and generally teasing each other. He'd finished the evening by spending 15 minutes grinding a vibrator that looked like some kind of non-lethal sci-fi weaponry between her legs, sliding it up and down against her vulva before buzzing against her clit.

She'd never really had an orgasm nearly that forceful before.

It had been delightful.

There were other things as well. She enjoyed working a hefty plug into his ass, and she had to admit, it was more fun watching him writhe and moan than she had thought it would have been.

But now she was here all alone, and it wasn't quite the same.

She walked into his room and fell back against the soft tan comforter draped over his bed, shoulder length black hair fanning out. He never really folded his sheets nicely, but he always arranged the comforter so it looked straight enough.

God. She was surprised how much she missed him. Being on the bed wasn't quite the same when she wasn't cuffed to it, with him caressing her and whispering naughty things into her ear.

Mary checked her phone. He still hadn't gotten the last message she'd sent.

"Miss you"

She scrolled up.

"Hey, sorry, babe. This is going to take at least a few hours. I'm the only one that came in -_- . Feel free to make yourself at home! There's some frozen burritos in the top of the freezer and a bottle of wine in the fridge."

And then the last text he'd sent

"But yeah, feel free to explore! You've already seen my deepest, darkest secrets (and lingerie.) Again, super sorry. Just keep yourself entertained for a few hours and then I promise we'll make tonight worth it 0_< "

Mary sighed.

He was just too cute.

She spent a few minutes surfing Reddit, but nothing had really changed since she'd last idly scrolled through the front page.

After a stretch and a loud yawn, she rolled out of his bed and walked over to his closet, opening up the folding doors. All of his business clothes were hung up on the right side. He had some pretty loud button up shirts, but most of them were earth tones. She pulled out an orange and blue checkered shirt and held it up to her chest. She actually liked the colors. Alex had good taste when he wasn't cosplaying as a businessman from the 1940s.

Continuing on to the left side of the closet was much more interesting though. He had quite a few interesting costumes: plush robes, a corset, arm warmers, some fuzzy wrist and ankle bands.

She felt guilty as the hangers clacked together. He had said that she could explore though. A lot of it was pretty nice stuff. Checking the tags, she saw that a healthy number of things were from Hex Mart.

He'd mentioned that he had a membership. It was like seventy dollars a year or so. She'd never really had one, but her family was very anti-magic. It had been legal now for years though, so she didn't really see why anyone shouldn't support arcane wholesalers. They definitely had a name for making things for people that . . . didn't necessarily fit in with more mainstream outlets.

The magic community was sex positive in a way that her parents had never approved of.

"Deviants," her mother had called them.

She continued rifling through into the dark corner of his closet, in the shadow behind the folded open door where he hung his heavy coats.

A small giggle escaped her lips as she reached the last garment, wedged against the wall behind an ornate Chinese-looking shawl. There was a white, frilly, short-sleeved dress with a black apron and lacy ribbons tied all over it. It wasn't just a dress, but one of those exaggerated, poofy maid outfits.

How had she missed this one?

Mary considered. Alex would undoubtedly look good in it. She pulled it off the rack and peered at the tag on the inside of the collar. There was the same symbol she'd seen so many times before, a stylized pentagram with an embroidered HxMt on it, and then below in elaborately stitched cursive, "Lupus Cupidi."

How delightfully kitschy.

She rubbed the fabric of the white dress and black frilly apron between her fingers. It was surprisingly soft and had a nice, freshly pressed look to it. She smiled to herself. Alex really did have good taste.

She was about to put it back before she idly checked her phone again.

No new messages.

She stared at the last two she'd received from Alex, and then at the dress.

He had told her to make herself at home . . .

And it's not like there was anything better to do.

She held the maid outfit up against her front. It was huge: like a draped lacy tent with a crisp bow on the front. Alex was taller than she was, but she didn't think he was quite this massive.

Maybe he'd gotten the wrong size. She was always amazed that men never quite knew their measurements other than their waist sizes.

There was also a strange opening just above the waist in the back, hidden under another bow. An odd place to show skin, but maybe it would be cute?

Mary scoffed to herself. She was going to look absolutely ridiculous if she put it on. But . . . she could send a picture to Alex for a laugh . . . Maybe to entice him to come home earlier so she could see him in it.

She draped the outfit over the side of Alex's bed and sat next to it, wriggling out of her shirt, peeling off her socks, and tugging off her pants, leaving only her simple black underwear and bra.

She pulled the dress onto her lap, like a draped, frilly parachute. Turning it over, she saw the small zipper in the back and tugged it slowly down, dividing the smooth, snow-white fabric until it stopped at the waist.

She looked at the tag again.

"Lupus Cupidi, huh?" she laughed, tracing around the tag with her fingernail. It felt strangely warm, an electric tingle of excitement running up her finger.

She wondered if they named all of their stuff in Latin. Heck, maybe magic folks still spoke Latin? She wasn't really sure. They certainly did make cute dresses though, even if they were for giants.

Maybe she was just a bit pent up. This was supposed to be a special night after all. She shifted her weight, making the springs of the bed creak, her sexual frustration gradually overtaking her boredom.

She thought about opening up Alex's forbidden black box, but thought better of it. She wanted to wait for him to get home. They definitely needed to catch up on together time. She idly rubbed two fingers against her crotch as she mused for a moment before pulling herself back to the present.

Mary stood up like a gymnast ready to take the floor, cracking her shoulders as she stretched. She picked up the maid outfit in her hands, the fabric feeling warm to the touch as she let the hem drape onto the beige carpet, the unzipped hole looking like some kind of exquisite embroidered maw.

Stepping in and pulling the dress up around herself felt like she was wearing the frilliest cloak in the world, like some kind of domestic rogue. She giggled, slipping her arms into the massive puffed sleeves that came all the way to her elbows.

It was like cosplaying as a Rococo circus tent.

She wriggled her shoulders, but realized that it was never going to sit quite right. The hem of the skirt spread out in all directions on the floor as she awkwardly reached around behind herself and fished for the zipper.

"Lupus Cupidi," she grumbled. "More like Lupus Stupidi." But even as she derided the dress, a thrill of mischievous exploration ran through her.

For some reason the dress was suddenly almost uncomfortably warm, the fabric making her hair prickle up under it as she shivered.

Maybe she needed to wear a dress more often?

She really looked better in capris though . . .

She arched her back, fingers brushing past the petit metal zipper, managing to snag it after a few tries. She pulled it gently upwards, needing to switch hands before it clicked into place at the top with another weird flush of tingling heat rushing through her.

God, her parents would flip if they ever saw her trying on sexy "pagan" fashion.

Mary laughed as she looked down at the dress pooling out around her. She looked like the Wicked Witch after she was splashed and melting into the floor. There was no way Alex would fit in this by himself. Heck, they could probably both fit in it together. There was room to have a whole party in there.

She tugged a finger around the loose collar experimentally and then stopped. It was way softer than she expected, silky prickling caressing her skin.

Was the collar fur-lined?

She didn't remember seeing any . . .

It was nice though. She shivered as her nails rubbed against her skin. Her other hand reached down the ruffled apron on her front. Another surge of heat pulsed through her body as she ground in against herself through the dress and her occluded underwear.

It was surprising, despite the baggy disaster, she did feel kind of sexy. Maybe there was just something about the whole French maid thing. French people must have just been horny 24/7 back in the day.

She absolutely had to see herself in the mirror.

The dress apparently had other plans though, because as soon as she went to move, her foot got tangled up in the fabric and then yanked her down as she tumbled onto the floor.

"Shiiiiit!" she cursed as she crashed down in a billowing mass of black and white.

Mary shook her head, blowing her black hair out of her eyes as she sat up. There was definitely a reason that she didn't like wearing dresses: certainly not dresses that fit like wearing an entire ribbony tapestry.

She paused though. Something was off.

Hopefully she didn't sprain anything. She moved her foot experimentally, the corresponding lump under the ruffled white dress moving, but not quite the way she expected it to. Her feet felt warm, like she was dipping them into wax or something.

She picked the hem of the dress up in her hands and then leaned in to take off her socks.

Except she already took off her socks, and ended up yowling as she tugged at the thick grey fur growing in above her ankles.

" . . . The fuck!?"

She leaned in closer, back creaking as her eyes widened. Her toes felt funny, clenching together as they swelled out with thick, leathery pads, grey fur bristling in between them. She reached out and grabbed her left foot, shouting in surprise as it creaked in her grip, feeling a strange pressure as her bones shifted under her skin.

She shuddered as her heels clicked, thinning down while her feet stretched forward, padded toes bulging as her nails thickened and pushed out into curved black claws. She grimaced, watching her new paws curl, feeling her muscles tightening, a pulsing heat beginning to build inside of her chest behind the large bow on the front of the dress.

Maybe this was why her parents had warned her not to fuck around with magic.

She'd always just assumed it was bigotry.

Mary's lips pulled back as she tried to get up, but her body didn't balance right, and she ended up falling on her hands and knees. Her frustration came out as a growl that deepened into a snarl, her lips darkening and teeth sharpening as she could hear her pulse quicken in her ears.

She tried to gather her thoughts. Something was wrong with the outfit. She needed to take it off.

She pushed herself up and scrabbled around with both hands behind her back. The silken fabric felt different against her fingertips, her nails feeling more pronounced against her skin through the fine white fabric. She wriggled her shoulders, but she couldn't seem to bend the right way to reach the back of the dress' collar anymore. Every time she moved her arms, her muscles bulged, short, sleeves of the dress growing tighter around her biceps, draped ribbons tickling her skin. The once loose fabric pushed away from her arms as sensitive fur prickled in along them.

"Goddamnit," she growled, and then stopped, tilting her head to the side. Her voice was low and gravelly, alien in her ears even as they tugged out into fuzzy grey and white points that poked through her black hair.

What was she going to tell Alex? That she was trying on his clothes and suddenly turned into some kind of wolf monster? A slavering werebeast, ready to serve his every need?

She flushed, heat welling up inside of her at the thought.

She shook her head again, face creaking out. It was getting hard to think straight. Her entire body was tense, heat coursing through her. She just wanted Alex to get home so she could . . . do something?


She reached around fruitlessly behind herself one last time, making even less progress. She could feel her fur and bulging muscles pressed together at the crease of her elbows. She gave up with a sigh, hands falling into her lap with a thud.

A bigger thud than she was expecting.

She held her huge hand-paws up in front of her face, amazed that her blunt, padded fingers moved as she willed them. She could feel her curled claws press into her leathery palms as she clenched them.

She was getting huge. She could probably pick up Alex at this point. The thought was strangely appealing, warmth flushing between her legs. Though she wouldn't mind him picking her up either, even if at this point it might be impossible.

She pondered, mind wandering.

She could also clean up around his apartment. Maybe do some dusting . . .

A strange creaking sensation pulled her from her muddled thoughts both feral and domestic

Her back arched, spine popping as she shifted her hips. She turned her head, now fuzzy chin brushing against the ruffled shoulder of the dress. Something was pressing out at the back of the outfit, discomfort making her squirm as something wriggled around inside of the fabric. A low growl escaped from her lips, her face scrunching up until a sudden crack relieved the pressure and something grey, white and fluffy poked through that odd hole in the back of the dress.

Okay. That made sense.

Well, no it didn't. But still, if you were making a dress for a wolf, you'd need a hold for a tail.

Her tongue lolled out as she began to pant. She could kind of control it, new muscles tensing every time the growing fluffy appendage creaked out longer. But every time it did, her ass clenched, causing a surge of need to lance through her.

It was making her horny in the strangest way . . .

She surprised herself as her tongue licked up over her nose, tasting cool saltiness as her eyes crossed and she stared down her growing muzzle, a whine creeping up in her throat. She held a paw up in front of her face, flexing her broad fingers before stroking up the side of her forming snout.

Mary shivered as she passed her new whiskers, fur fluffing up. It was strange, it was like touching her body without touching it, like she felt where her hand was even if she wasn't in contact with it. It was too vivid to be fake. To precise. To bizarre.


Mary hoped that Alex wasn't going to be angry with her. She didn't want that. She wanted him to be happy with her, and call her a good boy, and stoke her fur and . . .

She blinked, mind swimming in hazy pleasure just thinking about him. One of her hands was idly stroking her chest as she thought. It was uncomfortably tight before something snapped under the dress and the pressure was relieved. She felt the remnants of her bra slide away down under the outfit.

The front of the dress was now taut against her fur, but something was off. It did feel nice . . . but not like her breasts had. It was broad and fluffy, and her nipples were almost completely lost in the occluded fur. But even through the fur and fabric, the fleshy nubs were impossibly sensitive, making her tail stand up as she rubbed them, her ears folding back as she closed her eyes.

She could imagine it was Alex. His hands rubbing slow circles against her broad chest. He was so happy with how clean the apartment was, giving her pats and tussling her ears.

That didn't sound exactly like Alex, but still, it made her feel good.

He'd tell her how good a job she'd done and then push her down onto the bed, yank up her tail, and shove himself into her . . . wolfy . . . ass?

Something was distracting her from her miniature fantasy. It made her writhe as she opened her eyes. Heat radiated out from between her legs. Looking down, the dress' apron was sitting funny. She tried to adjust it and suddenly sparks flickered in her vision.

Something was tight and sensitive between her legs, and the smallest disturbance of the silky cloth was setting her nerves ablaze with a wash of bizarre alien pleasure. She lifted up the hem of the white dress, claws trembling as she revealed the light grey plushness of her thighs.

Her underwear was wrong though, stretched taut around her widening hips, fabric bulging like something was pressing up from underneath it.

She cocked her head to the side, ears folding back as she reached down with a gulp. She prodded the bulge with a padded finger, whining and pulling back like she had touched a hot stove. Electric need surged through her muscular body, centered on her crotch, the bulge tightening, a wet spot developing at the peak, seeping through the thin black fabric of her underwear.

Mary carefully worked a broad finger under the waist of her straining panties, pulling them back and revealing what was causing the bulge: a pink tip nestled in a sea of ashen fluff like a strawberry sitting on a dollop whipped cream.

She swallowed heavily.

Her swelling maleness wasn't even human: a chiseled, fleshy tip pulsing out from her loose animalistic sheath. She brushed the edge of a finger past the head of her developing organ and whined out, her hips bucking forwards, tail wagging as she coated the fluff on her finger with a clear streak of pre, canine cock thrumming out longer and thicker.

She could smell it, black leathery nostrils huffing in. She smelt like leather, oak bark, and distilled need. She smelled like a man, or rather a wolf. A male wolf. A desperately needy male wolf who just needed someone to help her with her problem . . .

She shook her head again, tongue flickering up against her nose.

What was she supposed to do with . . . this?

Trepidatiously reaching down, Mary tried pulling the front of the straining fabric to the side, but it slipped off of her clumsy paws and snapped back below her sheath.

Her eyes flew wide open as she yelped, a wave of nausea bubbling up in her belly, discomfort making her squirm.

Were all guys this fragile?

She'd always got a kick out of teasing Alex's balls, but she never realized just how threatening she must have been.

She tried to tug down the uncomfortably tight panties, but her hips were too wide, and her new parts too sensitive. She managed to hook her fingers under the black fabric, but as she tried to peel it back, her dark claws tore through the material, her new maleness bursting through the rents in the fabric like some kind of uniquely needy alien.

Tearing off the remains of her underwear and fishing out the remnants of her bra, she readjusted the maid outfit, folding it up around her waist to give her a better view of her new lupine package. She reached in and stroked a finger down her fuzzy sheath, shivering as she brushed past one of her balls with the same care one might take handling a live grenade. They were plump and heavy as she gently cradled their weight in her padded palm. It felt surprisingly nice, earlier pain nearly forgotten as she jostled them together experimentally.

She couldn't help herself, body creaking out larger, filling in the maid outfit until the chest was stretched tight, perfectly fitting over her massive frame, while the dress and poofy shoulders stood out in ruffled elegance. She barely noticed the improved fit as her paws crept lower, her pointed prick puling out longer, clear slickness welling from the pointed tip and slowly dripping down the side, cool against her pulsing heat.

She traced two fingers down under her balls, feeling the fuzzy skin of her taint contract under them, her whole body heaving as her tail continued to beat against the carpet. Her brassy yellow eyes opened wider as her padded fingers slipped down lower, brushing against the occluded ring of her anus which tensed in against them, her whole body stiffening. It was so sensitive, still polished clean from her preparations for the evening, but wider, more pronounced, dark skin quivering as she prodded in again.

Her tongue lolled out.

She could imagine it was Alex, teasing her, fingers dancing under her tail. He'd in lean against her powerful body and whisper sweet nothings into her flickering ears. In her mind, she could hear the compliments, pride and pleasure welling up inside of her. She was a good boy, and useful: ready to serve. She just needed him.

He'd slowly caress her cock, running a finger town from the quivering tip as it pressed out in his palm, squeezing her sheath, making her yowl out as something bulged under the pliant fuzzy flesh.

She snarled as one of her claws poked against her rump, discomfort pulling her back from her fantasy.

Her body was just too hot, chest heaving as she took ragged breaths.

Why couldn't Alex come home so she could . . . so he could . . .

She leaned back onto her elbows with a growl that turned into a whine as the dress brushed over the massive canine spike jutting from her crotch.

She was impossibly horny, but her fingers just weren't enough. If only he were there.

Or . . .

She looked over towards the closet, ears perking up, tongue licking out over her lips as she remembered that specific black box he kept in there.

She scrabbled to her feet, hem of the dress not even coming below her raised animal ankles anymore. She whined with every step, tented fabric of the maid outfit grinding against her impossibly sensitive cock. She fell to her knees with a thud and flung back Alex's coats, hangers snapping together along the top bar as she yanked out the black plastic tub that held the treasure she sought.

Her heavy claws scrabbled against the latches on the sides, unable to fit in the notches defined for human fingers. A growl built up in her chest, lips peeling back from her massive fangs as she hooked her claws under the lid and yanked, plastic straining a second before snapping. The lid flew off and clattered against the closet door as the box tumbled to the side, spilling out a collection of depravity onto the carpet.

It was a cavalcade of cloth bags, plastic bottles, oddities things wrapped in dishtowels and technological marvels. Her cock ached as she reached into the contents of the box, finding the exact red and black checkered bag that she was looking for, heavy fingers scrabbling to pull the silicone length out of it.

The antiseptically clean scent of the toys brought memories bubbling into her mind of Alex showing her his collection for the first time, cheeks beet red. She'd shown him her own menagerie the week previous. He was an adorable combination of kinky and reserved and the mere thought of him made her tail wag. But as she whumped against the carpet, her ass clenched again and she whined out, thoughts dragged back to her insistent need.

She peeled the black wobbling length from it's bag: a tapering length leading to a daunting bulge and a large flared base. It wasn't entirely dissimilar to her own obscured erection, which jerked under her dress as she squeezed the rubbery toy in her paw. She held it up to her muzzle tongue flickering out over the yielding, flavorless surface. Her other paw wandered automatically between her legs, worming under the white dress, leathery pads brushing up the side of her shaft, as it jerked back against her fuzzy belly. Her sheath bulged, pliant skin stretched as something swelled from within it.

Her breaths came out in ragged heaves as she let the tapered, synthetic shaft slide between her fangs, imagining Alex, dressed in his nice work clothes, scratching between her ears. She slid down deeper, her dark nose bumping against the knot as he encouraged her, his fluffy wolf maid, to go deeper.

Her other hand grabbed her cock and squeezed, making her moan and whine.

She was almost too sensitive. She traced her fingers down the taut rod of flesh, breath hissing out as she reached her stretched velveteen sheath. Moving down, she cradled her balls, feeling them tense as she lapped around the increasingly warm toy in her muzzle, being as gentle as possible with her deadly maw.

Her fingertips walked down her fuzzy taint, pressing in on either side of her anus as she groaned, feeling her muscles strain as her tail flicked around randomly behind her. Even just lightly brushing against the taut ring of muscle made her drool around the rubbery lupine shaft in her maw.

She couldn't wait any longer.

Ripping a green tea towel off of one of Alex's vibrators, she set it on the ground. Letting the toy slide from her thin dark lips, she set it in the center of the green cloth like some kind of wobbling alien sundial. Her predatory eyes searched through the clutter, locking onto a clear plastic bottle that she swiped up with ease. Fumbling, she flicked open the cap and upended the bottle over the black rubbery shaft. Instead of the thin rivulet she was expecting, a jet of lube shot out as she squeezed, dripping down the sides of the shaft like syrup in a particularly lewd pancake commercial.

She tossed the nearly empty bottle, huffing lupine panting increasing in speed. In her mind's eye, Alex was there, sitting on the corner of the bed, offering words of encouragement, watching her every movement as she stepped over the dildo, holding up the hem of her dress in what could be interpreted as a crude, but practical curtsy.

The claws on her padded feet dug into the carpet as she spread her legs, staring down past her throbbing pink cock. Lowering herself was easy, her corded muscles bulging under her plush fur as she panted, breaths loud in her ears, tail wagging back and forth like a metronome. She squatted lower, ears perking up as she felt the cool lubed tip of the shaft make contact with the back of her balls. Wriggling her hips, the wobbling point painted up her taint, making a shiver fluff up the fur along her spine under the dress, cock jostling as it pulsed and leaked.

She braced an arm beside herself, short fingers spread out against the floor. She ground her hips lower, but the tip of the dildo slipped up, brushing past her ass, making her heart hammer as the dildo tipped slightly to the side. She raised herself and tried again, whining as it once again slid up, brushing over her tender hole, teasing her. Just like Alex wanted her to, to really want it, to need more, before he'd finally reward her . . .

She did need it though, lust fizzing through her thoughts. She wanted it more than anything in the world. And every attempt only solidified the feeling. She reached down to try and move her heavy balls so she could see better, but she couldn't help but cup them and then stroke up her shaft. It was addictive. She could feel her heartbeat throbbing in her length and couldn't help but pumping up and down, wrapping her padded fingers around herself as she lowered her heavy animal frame over an over again.

She closed her eyes and imagined Alex, his eyes gleaming as he gave her the smallest nod: permission.

She pried her hand off of her shaft, whining at the sudden lack of contact as she instead reached down and wrapped her fingers around the slick cooling mass of the dildo's rubbery knot. Her lips peeled back, baring her fangs as she lowered herself, guiding the tip in against her body, contact firm and slick as it ground up and pressed directly against the clenched ring of her ass. Her tail flagged upwards, ears folding back as she lowered herself just an inch, pressure building up before the tapered length slid inside of her with a cool surge into her torrid insides.

Her growl turned to a gasp, her passage clenching around the rubbery intruder in halting tugs, cock bobbing with every one, pink sliding out from her bulging sheath. Her claws curled against the carpet as she raised herself up slightly and then let herself sink down just a bit further, the cool, pliant intruder feeling warmer and warmer.

Almost automatically, she brought her slick, dripping paw up, tongue licking around her lips as she grabbed onto her pulsing lupine member. Her ears perked up, the slick sensation sending tremors through her, her cock jerking at the slick contact of her leathery fingers and palms squeezing around it. Every time her ass clenched, her shaft pulsed in her grip, the base feeling tighter and tighter before a sudden pop of relief followed by blinding pleasure that made gold sparks dance in the corners of her vision.

The base of her cock filled her palm. She looked down, tilting her head to the side, seeing the glistening pink flesh of her knot pulsing in her paw. Mary could feel her heartbeat in her grasp, pleasure blazing out, making her fur stand on end. She was getting close, but she needed so much more.

Clenching her thighs, she lowered herself, ass blazing with heat before she felt the solid, rubbery bulb grind against the edges of her taut, quivering ring. Her tail shuddered as she sat back against it, heat just barely growing into discomfort before she raised herself back up and pressed down again. Each time, it felt better and better, the rubbery knot spreading her wider every time, her ass wrenching in against it, blooming with sensation.

She ran her slickened hand down, grabbing at her heavy balls, feeling them tense as she strained. Her cock bobbing back against the fabric of the white dress made her cringe, every brush of sensation lighting up her maleness. She couldn't help but return to it: stroking up the length, grinding the pad of her thumb against the chiseled tip.

When she closed her eyes, she could imagine Alex watching her, swirling a glass of red wine in his hand, telling her what a good wolf she was being. The fictional praise sank into her mind like butter into freshly baked bread. He wanted her to go just a little further. He knew she could do it.

The rocking of her hips picked up pace, motions becoming smaller, but more forceful. The hot, slick silicone knot ground against her with pneumatic insistence. Her lips drew back, tongue lolling out, a string of slaver dripping from the tip. Her ass clenched and relaxed in an increasingly pressing rhythm. The black ribbons of the dress fluttered as she picked up the pace.

She just couldn't take it anymore. Taking a deep breath, Mary let herself fall back, wriggling lump stretching her wider and wider, making her ass bloom with straining heat. Then, there was a brief moment of weightlessness, her expression shifting to wide eyed wonder as the knot slammed inside of her, locked inside as her asshole squeezed around it in spasmodic tugs. It was pressing against something inside of her that she'd never imagined possible, making a bizarre molten pleasure bubble up every time she squeezed, tail gyrating.

In her mind's eye, it sounded like a key unlocking a door, grinding against her nerves.

Her cock shook and leaked in her paw as she slid down and squeezed at her knot. The pulsing length jerked and throbbed in her grip before her entire body went stiff.

Her tail stopped wagging, flagging upwards.

Her jaws hung open as pleasure spidered up through her nerves.

Her massive thighs clenched, toes curled against the carpet, fingers of her one braced hand spreading wider.

Her balls clenched tight.

And then, before she even knew what was happening, her cock was spattering out sticky strings of lupine seed into the air before they rained down on her dress and the carpet around her with the same sound as keys jangling against the kitchen counter.

She was lost in pleasure, golden eyes open, staring at the ceiling but seeing nothing. Her jaws spread wide as a howl escaped her, starting low and raising to a keening wail. Every time her cock jerked out hot waves, her ass clenched in tighter, squeezing the rubbery knot inside of her against her prostate, the cycle of pleasure stuck on repeat, filling her entire body with endless crashing waves of ecstasy.

She could hear Alex praising her in her mind, calling out her name.


Her body quaked as she let herself fall back against the small towel under her, pressing the toy up deeper, making her whine out as she came again and again, her heavy paw clamped around her knot, jerking insistently as she felt one of the hot dollops spatter against her fur. She could smell the virile reek of her maleness in the air as she took a deep breath and continued her howl.

Her name rang out again.


Yes. She was his. She wanted him to see her. To praise her. To let her serve him as his fluffy wolf maid. Her tail thumped against the floor, making her ass quiver with every motion, squeezing around the toy in longer, wrenching surges. The pressured spurts turned to white hot seed dribbling down over her fingers, sinking into her fur. The bolts of pleasure grew further and further apart.

"Mary . . .!?"

She came down from the high of her orgasm just enough to see Alex in the doorway, wearing his black button up shirt and the slacks that she had watched him hastily pull on before he had dashed out hours earlier. He looked down at her hunched seven-foot-tall form, throbbing cock oozing as she stared up at him, ears sticking up, golden eyes wide in shock.

Her ears folded back as she pulled the white dress over her throbbing erection, poorly hiding the evidence of her crime, wiching at the strange sensation as a dark spot appeared in the fabric almost instantly. She looked down and saw the spider web patterns of her seed sinking into the carpet before her.

"Oh, god, Alex. I'm so sorry." Her deeper voice sounded strange in her ears.

"Mary, it's okay, I . . ."

"I don't know what happened I just got kind of bored so I decided to put on your maid dress but I turned into a wolf and got really horny and I'm so sorry and . . ."

"Oh, lord. Mary, I'm not angry. This is all my fault. Are you okay?" He immediately moved in and knelt next to her, having to lean up to wrap his arm around her massive shoulder.

Her tail wrapped against her thigh as she stared at the ground. "Yes. I didn't mean to. I didn't know what I was doing . . ."

"It's okay, sweetie." He leaned in.

Mary tried to look away, shame making hot tears well up in the corners of her eyes.

"Mary, seriously. I bought the whole maid wolf outfit to have fun with, and . . ." he nodded his head as he looked at the sex toys spilled out over the carpet and her impressive Jackson Pollock impression on his carpet. "It looks like you really did!" Alex chuckled.

"I mean, I was going to wear it, but I've got to admit, this is a hot look for you." He reached up and grabbed her chin in his hand pulling her muzzle towards him. "You make a pretty good sexy werewolf maid." He pressed his lips in against hers and her ears perked up as they kissed.

She lapped forwards experimentally, his mouth feeling tiny against her slippery flat tongue. She melted into the kiss all the same, her massive form comforted as he ran his finger experimentally through her silky fur, dark brown skin contrasting with her fluffy arms.

"You're not mad?" She asked as they pulled back, trying unsuccessfully to move her erection to a more comfortable angle.

"Mad?" he asked. "Mary, I'm impressed! Seriously, I had no idea you knew how to use a catalyst. I would have warned you about the dress otherwise." He reached up and wiped an errant bead of seed from her whiskers. "I thought you said your family hated magic?"

"They do . . ." She turned her head to the side in confusion, consternated expression dissolving into canine contentment as he scratched between her ears. She licked her tongue over her imposing fangs, thinking a moment before asking "what's a catalyst?"

Alex stopped scratching and looked up at her. "You know, like a magic battery? That's why I keep all that mistletoe around."

"Oh . . ." Mary paused. "I thought you just did that so you could kiss me more."

Alex laughed and leaned in for another quick kiss, pulling back and smacking his tingling lips. Kissing a werewolf was weird.

"So . . . how'd you get it to work then? Did you even read the activation phrase?" He asked.

"Activation phrase?"

"You know, on the tag?"

"Oh, I thought that was just like the name of the dress, lol. 'Lupus Cupidi'," she said in her best sexy werewolf voice.

"God," he wrapped his arms around her powerful chest, not minding that he was getting his work clothes all messy. "That shouldn't be how it works. You need to be a medium from the catalyst to the enchantment. Hmmmm," he drank in her masculine wolfish scent.

"I do not know what those words mean," Mary laughed, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him close. It was so comforting to know that he loved her . . . even if she was a burly werewolf maid at the moment.

"Well . . . I mean." Alex panted. "The only other explanation would be if you were like . . . you know . . ."

Mary turned her head to the side as she watched him lick his tongue up over the tip of his nose: his increasingly leathery black nose . . .

"You could be, like bookoo magical, but you'd have to be, I dunno, some kind of secret prodigy." He pulled at his collar and loosened his blue tie. "God it's hot in here. I mean, you're hot . . . Hmmmm," He leaned in and sniffed at her again, drinking in her virile scent.

"No way. You know my family." She giggled as he nuzzled against her. "They are very proud of our . . . anti-witch ancestry."

"Well . . . I eeeerf." Alex was interrupted as his body creaked underneath his shirt.

Mary pulled him up and held him at arm's length, lupine jaw dropping as she saw grey fur growing out from under his collar.

"Alex . . . are you supposed to be changing too?"

Alex laughed. "No. You'd have to be like, a walking ley line to get an enchantment to overflow like that. Although I guess you said the activation phrase again . . ." He looked down at his hands ponderously as his nails curled into dark claws. " . . . So you must be magic as fuck."

"Uhh . . . Alex, how do I stop it?"

"Do you really have to?" He grinned up at her, teeth sharpening into fangs.

"I guess not," she acquiesced as he pulled himself against her, his clothes creaking as his muscles swelled. "But, one thing . . ."

"Anything," he beamed up at her, drunk off of love and the enchantment pouring through him.

"Can you . . . call me a good boy?" She asked with no small amount of embarrassment.

"Oh . . . I can do that," Alex grinned mischievously.

And he did, over and over again all throughout the night as they made good use of the rest of the black box's contents that were strewn all over the floor.