Dining Out, Thinking In (Premium)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is the premium version of Dining Out, Thinking In. In this version, I spent additional hours going back, tightening up the dialogue, fixing the various plot points so they were more cohesive, got the details about powers and such in earlier, and made the characters a little more focused and understandable. Basically, a lot of finessing work that (in my opinion) is much better in quality. I hope that you guys feel the same.

A former villain is serving his last night of parole with a hero family, and...it's not going well for him.

Commissioned by Taiko

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Dining Out, Thinking In

For Taiko

By Draconicon

Ford. Wheeler. Keeper Creep. He was all three, but he tried to keep it to 'Wheeler' these days. 'Ford' was his birth name, 'Keeper Creep' his villain name, and Wheeler? Well, it carried the least baggage, both for him and his 'handlers,' even though the hero in charge still called him -

"Creep. Not hiding anything now, are we?"

He tried very hard not to flinch as he felt his scales prickle, a few half-faded bruises still lingering on his striped tail. Looking up at the stallion in the driver's seat, he slowly shook his head. Not hiding anything, no sir.

"Good. We're here. We're not going to cause any trouble, are we?" the black-furred, long-maned stallion asked.


"Best not. After all, it's your last day on probation. Wouldn't want to give me a reason to recommend against your parole, right?"

Not that the stallion needed one. Stable Master had had it in for him since day one, with any hint of him using his powers - something he could no longer do - being met with overwhelming force. Wheeler's tail still stung from the hoof-pounding it had undergone for the last 'disciplinary' session last month. After that, he had done everything he could to avoid anything that would piss him off.

"He's been good, dad. A night out shouldn't be too bad, right? Besides, what could he be hiding?"

Stable Master turned his glowing gaze to the rhino in the passenger seat. Rugby shrugged, adjusting the various armored pads that constituted his costume. The other super eventually looked down, and Stable Master sighed.

"Probably nothing, but you can't trust mentalists." The glow faded from the horse's eyes. "Alright, everyone. Out."

Wheeler scurried from the car with practiced speed, distancing himself from it and making sure that his extra-long tail was well away from the doors. Too many times he'd been accused of waiting for them to get out to hotwire the car, and with freedom on the horizon, a last-minute black mark could extend his sentence.

One more night. Just one more night.

The family of supers took their time. The two in front got out first, while the third, who'd shared the back-seat with him, spent more time fiddling with his seatbelt.

Nobody vetted this bunch, he thought, shaking his head as they approached.

The stallion and father came first. Stable Master to the city, Mr. Chandler in business, Jim to his friends, but for Wheeler, it was always Stable Master or Master. The tall, broad-shouldered equine demanded respect while flaunting how little he had for the new 'regulations' with his traditional costume. The long cape had become a safety issue almost fifteen years ago, and the black and white spandex, patterned like a Shire horse, was obviously more show-y than functional. Anyone else would have been called 'gaudy' in that, or 'out of touch', but he always called himself 'traditional.'

The rhino and eldest son followed. One of two adopted sons, Beauregard was just as thick-built as Stable Master was, perhaps slightly more so. However, his slightly shorter stature made him look chubbier rather than muscular. Of course, Wheeler knew that Beau had those muscles in spades. All it took was a stiff-armed shove and the average criminal was flying down the street. A mis-timed push during an argument between Wheeler and Stable Master had sent the snake flying out the back door, over the garden, and into the back fence. The rhino had apologized, only for Stable Master to make him take it back.

He shook his head. Beau, or 'Rugby' as he went among the super community, was a pain, but not quite agony. If he was just a little less clueless, he might end up a good person, but that was if he stopped idolizing his father. He even wore the same kind of cape and spandex combination, despite it going out of style nearly ten years ago.

As the two supers walked to the restaurant, a glass and wood thing sitting at the end of a pier and boasting lovely views of the Novus Ager waterfront, the last member of the family emerged. Ferris Chandler, no super-name, and possibly no super powers for all Wheeler knew. Like him, the chubby orca was dressed in civilian clothes: nice jeans, a t-shirt, a pair of formal shoes almost too small for him.

Of all the family members, Ferris was the only one that got some positive feelings from him. With his adoptive father and brother both in the hero trade, Ferris was obviously left out of everything. If he had any powers, his family never talked about it.


Ferris's quiet voice was easy to miss, even in the quiet parking lot. He was such a contrast to Stable Master and Rugby, and the quiet was almost soothing. The youngest member of the Chandler family was the shortest and most visibly harmless of the bunch. As if being the only powerless member of the family wasn't bad enough, he was also chubby, and unfortunately, his build favored something more slender. Every step was accompanied by a slight bounce and sway to make up for it.

"Hey," Ferris said again, giving him a nudge. "Don't want to keep dad waiting."


They hurried to catch up to the heroes. With this hopefully being his last night in Stable Master's charge, he hoped this would be a simple dinner. Even if it was accompanied by a lecture, he could take that if it meant something quiet.

Such high hopes were dashed as soon as they entered the restaurant. An argument was already brewing between the proud stallion and the host at the front, and as soon as the coral snake stepped in view, Stable Master turned on him.

"That is why I need the corner booth. I'm playing babysitter to a villain, and I need a clear space. So, if you don't mind, give us the corner booth."

And just like that, all eyes were on him. The coral snake ran through his normal tricks to keep calm: reminding himself that he had fucked up in the past, that he was deserving of punishment, that he no longer had a secret identity and thus had no reason to be afraid of being busted. It helped, but not much.

I'm better than that. I'm not like that anymore.

The wait staff were already nodding in understanding and clearing the table. Wheeler knew that Stable Master didn't need that space; it was just fear-mongering for what he was, using his 'villain' status to scare them into giving him what he wanted. Never mind that the 'villain' had done months of community service, made reparations, or that he was one day away from being a free man again. No, none of that mattered. He was a villain, Stable Master was a hero, and nothing outside those labels counted for them. Too much detail to be considered.

They were taken to a table at the glass corner of the restaurant. The window walls overlooked the water outside and showed off the setting sun in beautiful fashion. They sat down, only for Stable Master to fix him with a stare. Wheeler paused, bit off a sigh, then reached into his pockets. He pulled out a pair of modified handcuffs and attached one end to a brace at the end of his tail, then locked the other half to the back legs of his chair.

"What's that for?" their seal waiter asked.

"His tail's the key to his power. If he can't coil, he can't make any problems for anybody," the Stable Master said. "Now, may I see the menu?"

Just like that, the waiter refused to walk behind him. Everything that Stable Master said was calculated to make someone afraid of him, and thus, bump himself up in their eyes. Wheeler forced his face to stay still, preventing it from showing how much that treatment hurt, or how annoyed he was. The stallion would take that as resentment, which might lead to another 'correction.'

Just make it through tonight, and you're free. No more of this. You can keep it together for one more night.

"Dad. He's staring," Beau said.

"Creep. Did you sneak something?" Stable Master asked.


"You're not lying to us, are you?"

"If I'd done anything, I wouldn't be here."

"Hmmph...I suppose not. Mentalists can't help but show off, can they?"

His jaws hurt from clenching them so tight, but he managed to keep from saying something stupid. The waiter looked downright terrified in addition to confused now. Non-supers usually had no idea what mentalists actually were, but it sounded scary, and that was enough. He clamped down on all the anger, pushing it deeper down and feeling almost sick as he did.

He's baiting you. Just let it pass. One more night.

The waiter extended the menu with a shaking hand only for Rugby to stop him. The rhino shook his head.

"Dad says that he's not allowed anything sharp," the rhino said. "Nothing that he can use against other people."

"But it's...paper, sir."

"Papercuts hurt, and he's a mentalist. You don't know what they can do."

Even the seal looked genuinely confused at that stupid statement. Stable Master shook his head.

"Ferris can hold it for him," the horse said.

I can't even USE my powers anymore, you - calm down. Calm down. Calm down.

The Stable Master ordered some seaweed salad and some brined vegetables, while Rugby ordered several seafood salads. Ferris requested several sushi rolls, and Wheeler -

"Creep will have soup," the Stable Master said.

He gritted his teeth, knowing it was more bait. The old bruises on his tail were the least of what would happen if he rose to it. One more night. One. More. Night.

As the waiter left, Stable Master fixed him with a stare. The coral snake often felt a measure of weakness around the stallion, but this was the first time he felt so completely helpless. Not for the first time, he wished he still had his powers. The stallion leaned back in his chair across the table.

"So, Creep. How do you feel? You look angry. Do you feel angry?"

"Yes. I do."

"Then it's a good thing I'm here, isn't it? Keeping you from taking everything around you to get stronger. Keeping you from giving in to those...instincts."

His tail twitched against his restraint. He was helpless, but only because he chose to be. That could change, if he let himself go down that road again. Stable Master shook his head.

"See? He's just like all the others. As soon as you realize you can just make something happen by wishing for it, you can't stop. If we didn't have him tied up, he'd be a menace to everyone here."

"Yeah...I mean, it's not like everyone goes bad, dad," Beau said. "I mean, we both -"

"There are powers that corrupt absolutely, Beau. Any powers involving the mind - telepathy, mind control - is a one-way path to being a villain. You can't come back from that. Nobody can."

All it would take is one waiter in my coils and this would be over.

He flinched back from that thought. Three months without his powers, three months since losing them in a fight, and he still found himself going back to that. He still held back, still kept from temptation, but Stable Master was right on one point: once you controlled someone the first time, you never forgot how it felt, or how easy it was.

Their food arrived and he ate his soup in silence. Hot fish and broth passed his lips, warmed his body, but it did nothing to calm him down. Stable Master tapped his fork against his plate, staring him down.

"You're rattling your chair. Are you stupid enough to try something, Creep? You know what will happen if you do."

"I'm just trying to eat," he muttered into his bowl.

"Is it good?" Beau asked.

Wheeler nodded.

"Hey. Did you taste your victims when you ate them with your tail?" Beau asked.

"Doubtlessly," Stable Master muttered.

Stupidity and antagonism, and one was far easier to handle than the other. He shook his head as he remembered how it felt, coiling around people with that long tail, pulling them to where he stood and making them disappear. When he managed to align his coils properly around someone, he could send them into a pocket dimension, somewhere impossible to escape from without outside help. As long as they were in that dimension, they fed the mentalist abilities Stable Master hated so much. The more he stored in there, the more power he gained.

That was why they tied his tail up. They were afraid of him feeding again.

"I didn't taste anything," he muttered. "I made mistakes, and now I'm better."

"Even if you're not lying, you're still an addict," Stable Master said, dabbing his lips. "Every mentalist is. You can't help it."

You're wrong, and I can. If I couldn't, you'd be mine already.

"So, why pretend that you're anything but what you are?" Stable Master asked, whispering. "Just give in, and get it over with so I can throw you in prison properly this time."

If I could just...just make you...shut up...

If he tried something physical, Beau would stop him. If he tried to get his powers back, even if the restraint broke, he'd out himself. Anything he did to fight back would be used against him and, at best, keep him under the horse's thumb.

Why do you hate me so much? I didn't even do anything to you? he wondered, his hand shaking and almost spilling his soup. What's wrong with you?

I'm sorry, Wheeler. He's...he's like this because of me.

All the lessons he had in hiding what he felt to avoid abuse proved their worth at that moment. While he almost dropped his spoon in shock, he hid it with a cough and gasp, pretending something had gone down the wrong tube. He looked down at his bowl, hiding that he was actually peering out of the corner of his eye at the chubby orca sitting on his right.

_Was that...you?

Yes. I'm sorry about...him.

Forget that. How long?

How long?

How long have you been able to do this?

...A while. And he knows. And he hates it._

That explained so much. Almost like a homophobe finding out his son was gay, Stable Master had a kid with powers he believed inevitably led to villainy. That must have been hell. No wonder they never talked about super-business with the orca around.

Grateful as he was for the distraction, Wheeler was all too aware of the touch of another mind. Even though it was the opposite of what he was used to, he still felt another mind for the first time in months. He felt like how he imagined an alcoholic would feel seeing someone with a beer. All those times he'd been deep in someone else's mind, all the times he'd been in control, free to touch and take as he liked: he remembered it, and he craved it again, particularly to make the Stable Master shut up about the evils of mentalists.

_I can't believe it. He has you, and he's still like...like this?

He's...trying. He's trying to be -_

No, he's not. I've been his target this whole time because he wants to hurt you and he can't.

Can't he?

Under the words, he felt pain. Wheeler's eyes widened, shutting out Stable Master as a premonition seized him. He barely knew Ferris, but he was a fellow telepath and - more importantly - had never hurt him. Out of habit, he reached out, and to his surprise, he managed to reach the orca's mind. More specifically, his memories.

He became Ferris. Ferris, shrinking in on himself as his father berated him for using his powers to look through someone else's eyes and see his family. Ferris, getting the sad announcement from Beau that they'd probably end up fighting one day since he was doomed to be a villain. Ferris, undergoing 'therapy' from his father to never use his powers again. Ferris, being told that he was destined to be evil.

The orca tried to stop him, but the difference in experience between them was too vast. He swatted Ferris's resistance aside and went deeper.

Every memory had a feeling attached like a label. Guilt. Fear. Joy, in the rare case that Ferris pleased his father by hiding his powers. They were all there to bury the feeling at the bottom of it all: rage. Wheeler found it, understood it, and resonated with it, falling even further into Ferris's mind.

Whether openly acknowledged or deeply hidden, they shared anger for their mistreatment and for the unfairness of everything that they were both being forced to go through. Wheeler grabbed at that feeling, pulling it into himself, matching it, and for the first time in months, something slid into the pocket dimension. Not much, true, but enough to activate his powers.

He took control of the weaker telepath, pulling the orca's thoughts from his head to the snake's. Inside, he seized Ferris's power and -

He had been quiet for too long. Stable Master leaned across the table, grabbing him by the collar. It almost slapped him out of Ferris's head, and would have if their shared anger had been any weaker.

"What are you doing to my son?" Stable Master whispered.


"What are you doing to him?"

"Teaching him."


The command was guided by his experience, but it was delivered with Ferris's power. The orca had considerable mental might, and the stallion froze, slowly leaning back. Stable Master pulled the key to the cuffs from his pocket, holding it up, and a passing dolphin obeyed the 'suggestion' to undo the coral snake's tail. He was free.

He acted with the speed of thought. He was in his own head and in Ferris's, directing both their power. As Beau opened his mouth, Ferris's power froze him; as Stable Master tried to wake, Wheeler stilled him. The heroes were subdued.

In the back of his mind, Ferris was rooting around. The snake felt the other telepath's curiosity, knew he was snooping around, but he didn't care. He was done. It was time to put things right.

You don't get to treat someone like they can't change. Even with everything I did, even with everyone I fucked over as a villain, I didn't deserve what you did to me. And your son? Your own fucking son?

Ferris's anger had been buried under abuse and loyalty, but Wheeler had no such obstacles. His power had serenaded him like a siren for months, but he stayed strong. He did better. He was better. Despite that, Stable Master still considered him evil, a ticking bomb.

Well, if they wanted a villain, fine. This bomb had just about reached the end of its fuse.

You're so close, Ferris muttered, but was he? How many 'one more nights' had he gone through? Too many.

He slithered his tail under the table and around the chairs of the two heroes. He found their legs and pulled tight, dragging them towards each other. To anyone else, they were just turning to talk to each other. To him, he saw them slowly fading, drifting into his pocket dimension as he lined up the stripes and shapes on his tail. Even with just that first bit of entering the pocket dimension, his powers swelled.

Another squeeze around the chairs, and they were brought closer together. Stable Master stumbled forward slightly, his hands falling on Beau's legs, nearly on his crotch. Their knees touched, and as he pulled them deeper, their minds began to merge.

Wheeler felt their affection turning to something else. Faded as they were, their care for each other rebounded, grew, and mutated. The more his tail squeezed, the higher it burned, until they went from looking at each other to touching each other, running their hands along each other's groins. Spandex stretched as cocks hardened, and the adoptive family moaned for one another.

You care for each other that much? Stay together, then. Stay away from me, and stay away from Ferris.

Another squeeze, another shift. He could have controlled their affections, but why? Let them humiliate themselves. It might not be real incest, but they came out in their costumes, and now, they could deal with it. Their cocks throbbed upwards, slowly getting bigger, stiffer as the two heroes were pulled together. The chairs were on the verge of cracking, but since they were on the far side of the table, near the wall, no-one could see his tail.

It was easy. Too easy, in some ways. The addiction of control, the desire for power was as familiar now as it was then. Another squeeze, his tail sliding up their legs and the chair. Hoof touched boot, knee to knee, and they spread their legs. They were almost like ghosts of their former selves, and if anyone stared for too long, they might see how much the heroes had changed.

Wheeler just focused on the feeling of them disappearing. They would be gone, soon enough. His power would return, and things would be -

You don't have to.

Wheeler paused. That was Ferris, and he spoke from far deeper in his head than he expected.

He must have followed the memory link, Wheeler realized. While he'd been using the orca's powers to control the heroes, Ferris had kept digging, going through his memories and elsewhere in his mind. The snake stared, feeling what Ferris felt as he watched the supers grope, tease, and yes, even push closer to each other, their bulges grinding on one another.

Beau just wants to be good, and my dad just wants him to be as good as possible.

They're horrible for each other.

They're bad...but they can be better. You already are. You changed, so can they.

That was different. They were horrible people - no, Stable Master was horrible, and Beau was stupid - and so was he. He could have been better, but they refused to let him.

You're better.

I'm not. I went right back to this.

But not for you. For me. You're better, and still growing. Don't stop here. Don't give up.

I just...look at what I did. Just because -

It's not your fault. They hurt you. They hurt you more...more than I understood. And they hurt me. But we can do better. Please. Don't.

His tenuous grip on both their power shook, and he almost lost control. He clenched his jaw, his fangs almost piercing the lower half of his mouth as he struggled to maintain his grip.

He needs to learn...he needs to learn a lesson.

Yes, but not like this. You don't have to learn from pain.

A little nudge pushed the memory of his fall forward. Three months back, maybe a bit more, a carefully planned heist had gone all wrong. The other guy managed to smash him through a field-gate meant for experimenting on other dimensions. That one blow had freed everyone and everything from his pocket dimension and left him helpless. The police had found him the next day, still in shock from the total loss of his mental powers.

Ferris made him remember the pain, desperation, and emptiness all over again. More than that, the orca made him remember how close he came to a permanent mental breakdown. The pain had been a wake-up call, but it had almost driven him completely insane.

Another nudge, another memory, this time of being in community service before being handed over to Stable Master. Under the system, his addiction was manageable. As soon as Stable Master came into the picture, everything got harder. His progress slowed, and then started backtracking until tonight.

Even now, he wanted to take them, to hide them. He wanted to believe that it was to make them safe, but no. The addiction to that power was right there, begging him to give in, to take it and enjoy himself again. He slumped towards the table, his concentration slipping, the power fading even as he strained to keep it.

I can't stop. I've gone too far.

Not yet. Just stop now.

You're in here. You can see it. If not now, then when? What happens when I break?

They're trying to make you. If you can't do it for you, do it for them. Do it for -

The orca's thought cut out, but not before he read it in their connection. Wheeler stared straight ahead, the echo of that last, cut-off phrase lingering in his mind, fighting against his own urges.

With his experience and power, Ferris had no way to stop him. It would be simplicity itself to take the rhino and stallion and just leave. His returned powers would secure his departure and his freedom at the parole board tomorrow. All his problems would disappear overnight, and he could...he could...

Power. He would have power again, but would he be better off? The answer was no.

His connection with Ferris shattered, and with it went the power he had over the two heroes. He gasped for breath as he pulled his tail back, sucking air as they still fondled each other. Stable Master's cock had ripped through the spandex, embarrassing him further in the fancy restaurant, but he was starting to wake up.

How do I fix this?! How do I fix this?!

Ferris's mind-voice was as panicked as could be, and despite his own painful headspace, Wheeler smiled. For once, he had a question he could answer.

Touch here, and here, he thought, holding the image of the heroes' minds in his head. It'll start a temporary loop, keep them repeating the same action until you can figure out what else you want to do.

Okay...okay, it's working. Oh, that was close...oh, that was too close...

He shook his head, his smile lingering. Ferris might have had a great deal of emotional wisdom - even if it was buried under just as much emotional masochism - but when it came to actual manipulation and embarrassment, he was a total innocent. It was refreshing, and he wondered if his past self had been like that.

That would be a very different me...

Still, there was no denying that the two heroes were causing a hell of a scene. Everyone in their section of the restaurant had turned to watch, and many were complaining to the waiters. If one of them didn't do something soon -

Well, he needed the distraction, and after so much time as a villain, he knew how to deal with this. A little bit of scapegoating, a quick exit, and just like that, the parties responsible were out of the area and the ones causing the scene were left to account for themselves. Fairly easily done, too.

As the seal from earlier walked over, he stood up. The waiter stepped back, suddenly on his guard, and Wheeler held up his hands in apology.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Uh..." He looked at the kissing, frotting, grinding pair. "They got a little bit drunk, I think. They've always been affectionate, but you know how it goes."

"Affectionate's one word for it. That's...that's very inappropriate."

His villain status seemed to be forgotten in comparison to the half-naked supers. The 'rip' and the gasp that followed told him that Beau's cheap spandex had just given up the ghost, as well. No need to look back, either, with the blush on the seal's face.

"V-very...inappropriate. They're...they're family..."

"Adopted," he said. "But yes, very inappropriate. I mean, I wouldn't even do this."

"I...I'm sure you wouldn't sir. I...goodness."

"Yeah. We'd like to, uh, leave them do this," he said, putting on an embarrassment that he didn't entirely feel. "Ferris can keep an eye on me. As long as I have this restraint on, I'm basically helpless."

"I...yes, you go ahead to the front desk. I...I think I need to call...someone..."

The seal left as Ferris joined him. Curious, he turned around and was immediately rewarded with the sight of the rhino and stallion helplessly going at it, humping their cocks against one another. They had their hands all over each other, gripping, pinching, squeezing, groping, and yes, even hugging. The orca's cheeks were about as red as they could get, and Wheeler recognized the issue. If one applied too much power to making sure that the 'victim' ignored other people, then there was no reason to stop for an audience. At this rate, Stable Master and Beau would be going at it until the police forced them apart.

I didn't mean to do that! Ferris thought at him, the orca's face burning hotter still, and he smiled.

Come on. We should go.

They cheated a little; he had Ferris make the employee at the register think they'd paid so they could just walk out. Not entirely ethical, but the alternative was finding Stable Master's credit card, and he wasn't reaching into that mess. Besides, the restaurant could swallow the loss easily enough. Orca and coral snake left the restaurant together as Ferris called a taxi. They stood there, right at the edge of the lit parking lot and the dark streets, and the symbolism was painfully obvious to both of them.

"So...how do you feel?"

"...I just made my dad and brother...do each other."

"Well...that's what therapy's for, huh?"

"I'm going to need so much..."

"...You okay?"

"I...I think so. You?"

"Heh. Couldn't you check?"

Ferris shook his head, crossing his arms. Wheeler sighed.

"Right. You hide it."

"I talked to you because...well, because my dad was wrong about you. I don't like doing it, most of the time."

"Hate to break it to you, but you're going to have to learn."

"Not if I keep it to myself."

"Heh, do you really think I wanted to spread it out?" Wheeler shook his head, wrapping his tail around his torso to keep from freezing. "Your dad was right about one thing. Once you start, it's almost impossible to stop. And if you're any kind of powerful? Well..."

"...Am I?"

"Very. Very."

"...My dad's not going to be happy."

"Yeah, well, he can get over that. It's not like either of us are going to be bad."

"Oh? You believe me now?" Ferris asked.

"...Kinda." He sighed. "Look. You're going to need to learn how this works. I need to do, I don't know, something to keep me from being tempted. Because I'm going to be very tempted. I already am." His tail twitched. "If I'm teaching you, at least I can distract myself, and you can learn how this works."

"...Dad won't like that."

"Don't think it's his choice, when it comes down to it." He shrugged. "I'll be a free man tomorrow. Your dad has my number. Give me a call when you make up your mind."


"By the way, you sound different in my head than you do out loud."

"...I, um...I can think better than I can talk."

"Heh, join the club."

To his surprise, the orca reached out and took his hand. The squeeze that followed had so much desperation and fear in it that he squeezed back without thinking. Ferris had a hard life ahead of him, but if he chose right, maybe he'd have a better, easier one than Wheeler'd had.

The End

Summary: A former villain is serving his last night of parole with a hero family, and...it's not going well for him.

Tags: M/M, incest, semi-incest, rhino, stallion, orca, snake, supers, mind control, grinding, frotting, masturbation, public, clothes ripping, father/son, exhibitionism, erection, coiling, super powers,